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Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City

EDUC R5: Educational Technology 2

Licuan, Clarissa S.
Fernandez, Aira F.


Features of the following :

1. Presentation Software
The old saying of 'a picture paints a thousand
presentation. Slide after slide of nothing but
become extremely dull for the audience,
them to lose focus and concentration.
use of images can help to maintain the
elaborate on a point made by the




There are a few things that should be considered when using images in
Do not use too many images on each slide. It is far better to use one
good quality, well sized image than 5 small, difficult to see images.
Do not overlay text on images - it is very hard to see either clearly.
Ensure that where images are used, that they are either copyright free
or they are licensed under Creative Commons.
If an image is copyrighted, then permission must be sought from the
copyright holder.


Sounds in a presentation can be used to:

make an impact

grab the audiences' attention

add more detail about a point being made
create the right ambience or atmosphere

The sound may be in the form of music or it may be 'action' sounds

such as a button press or slide transition noise.
Some common uses of sound within presentations are :

Playing the company theme tune to reflect corporate image

Playing a brief music clip to indicate the start and end of a
To emphasise a point
Special effects such as clapping to indicate an award being made
Presentation software usually has an in-built library of sounds which
can be used in the presentation. These include a variety of music
(usually classical) and a number of motion sounds such as clapping,
drum rolls, cheers, bells etc.
If you cannot find the exact sound that you need in the library, it is
easy to import your own sound clips. There are a large variety on the
internet or you could use sound editing software to create your own.
It is also possible to record directly using the presentation software.
This can enable a voice over to be added to the slides.
The key thing about using sounds is to use them sparingly and only to
make a specific point. Most of us have probably sat through
presentations where a different sound is used for every bullet point!

Slide transitions
Slide transitions are used to move from
one slide to the next slide. This can be
the default transition of pressing your
enter key and the current slide changing
to the next without any noticeable effect.
However, when you discuss slide
transitions, it usually refers to the
transition effects which come with the presentation software, for
example, 'blinds', 'checkerboard', 'wipe', 'dissolve' etc.
Although you can apply a different transition to every slide, and many
younger students often do this, the same rule as before applies - keep
transitions to a minimum and if used, stick with one type where
Slide transitions can also be used in conjunction with sound - but
again, avoid overusing such effects as they just cause unnecessary
distractions for the audience.
The speed of the slide transition can be set up within the presentation

Hyperlinks within a presentation are used in a
similar manner to those you find on any web

company intranet.

The hyperlinks can be in the form of

underlined text, an image, an object, chart
etc. When clicked on, they can take you to
another slide in the presentation, they can
open a document or file or they can direct
you to a web page on the internet or

Hyperlinks have a fairly limited use in 'standard' presentations where a

speaker projects their slides on a screen. However they can be used
effectively in stand-alone interactive presentations in an information
kiosk for example, where the reader is in control of navigation. They

may wish to click on a hyperlink to see additional information whilst

going through the presentation.
Once set up, the hyperlink can be edited within the presentation

This is the movement of objects or
text within the presentation. For
example, bullet points, images,
objects and charts can be set to
come in individually from the right,
drop down from above with a bouncy
effect, spin around a number of
times before setting on the page etc.
If used sparingly, animation can be
an effective tool to help make the presentation more interesting, But
you must be careful not to over-do animations as they can quickly
become more of a distraction than a help. Most of us remember the
frustration of watching a presentation where the letters drop down one
by one onto the slide, taking what seems like an age before you can
actually read the text.
Animations can be triggered manually by pressing the mouse button or
the enter key. Or they can be set up to happen automatically.
Animations can also be used in conjunction with sound, images or
Uses of animation:
Text may be animated to hold the attention of the audience.
Animation may also be used to control what is on the slide at any
given time, for instance a set of bullet points could be revealed
one at a time to make sure the audience concentrates only on the
most recent point being made.
fading objects in or out to provide emphasis when making a point
Other objects on the slide may be animated such as a spinning
logo and so on.

2. Computer Agent Instruction


Interaction among agents in a

MAS is mainly realized by means of
communication. Communication may
sophisticated ones, as the one based
on speech act theory. A simple form
of communication is that restricted to
interpretations. Such an approach
was used by Georgeff in multi-agent
planning to avoid conflicts when a
plan was synthesized by several agents. A more elaborate form of
communication is by means of a blackboard structure. A blackboard is
a shared resource, usually divided into several areas, according to
different types of knowledge or different levels of abstraction in
problem solving, in which agents may read or write the corresponding
relevant information for their actions. Another form of communication
is by message passing between agents.
In the MAS community, there is now a common agreement that
communication among agents means more than communication in
distributed systems and that is more appropriate to speak about
interaction instead of communication. When people communicate, they
perform more than just exchanging messages with a specified syntax
and a given protocol, as in distributed systems. Therefore, a more
elaborate type of communication that tends to be specific to cognitive
MAS is communication based on the speech act theory (Searle, 1969,
Vanderveken, 1994). In such an approach, interaction among agents
take place at least at two levels: one corresponding to the
informational content of the message and the other corresponding to
the intention of the communicated message. If interaction among
agents is performed by means of message passing, each agent must
be able to deduce the intention of the sender regarding the sent
message. In a speech act, there is a distinction between the
locutionary act (uttering of words and sentences with a meaning), the
illocutionary act (intent of utterance, e.g., request, inform, order, etc.),
and the prelocutionary act (the desired result of utterance, e.g.,
convince, insult, make do, etc.). One of the best known example of
interaction language based on speech act theory is the KQML
(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) language proposed by

ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort in 1992. KQML uses the KIF (Knowledge
Interchange Format) language to describe the content of a message.
KIF is an ASCII representation of first order predicate logic using a LISPlike syntax.

An agent exists and performs its
activity in a society in which other
agents exit. Therefore, coordination
achieving the goals and acting in a
coherent manner. Coordination implies
considering the actions of the other
agents in the system when planning
and executing one agents actions.
Coordination is also a means to
achieve the coherent behaviour of the
entire system. Coordination may imply cooperation and in this case the
agent society works towards common goals to be achieved, but may
also imply competition, with agents having divergent or even
antagonistic goals. In this later case, coordination is important because
the agent must take into account the actions of the others, for example
competing for a given resource or offering the same service.
Many coordination models were developed for modeling
cooperative distributed problem solving, in which agents interact and
cooperate to achieve their own goals and the common goals of the
community as a whole. In a cooperative community, agents have
usually individual capabilities which, combined, will lead to solving the
entire problem. Cooperation is necessary due to complementary
abilities, to the interdependency that exists among agent actions and
to the necessity to satisfy some global restrictions or criteria of
success. In a cooperative model of problem solving the agents are
collectively motivated or collectively interested, therefore they are
working to achieve a common goal. Such a model is fit for closed
systems in which the agent society is a priori known at design time and
in which the system designer imposes an interaction protocol and a
strategy for each agent.
Another possible model is that in which the agents are self
-motivated or self -interested agents because each agent has its own
goals and may enter in competition with the other agents in the
system to achieve these goals. Competition may refer to resource
allocation or realization/distribution of certain tasks. In such a model,

the agents need to coordinate their actions with other agents to ensure
their coherent behavior. Besides, even if the agents were able to act
and achieve their goals by themselves, it may be beneficial to partially
and temporarily cooperate for better performance, forming thus
coalitions. Such a model is best fit for open systems in which agents
are designed by different persons, at different times, so there are not
all known at design time.
When coordinating activities, either in a cooperative or a
competitive environment, conflicts may arise and one basic way to
solve these conflicts is by means of negotiation. Negotiation may be
seen as the process of identifying interactions based on
communication and reasoning regarding the state and intentions of
other agents. Several negotiation approaches have been proposed, the
first and best known one being the contract net protocol of Smith and
Davis. In such a model, a central agent decomposes the problem into
sub problems, announces the sub problems to the another agents in
the system and collects their propositions to solve the sub problems.
Oddly enough, although this negotiation approach is the best known
one in the MAS community, it involves in fact almost no negotiation,
because no further stages of bargain are performed.
In distributed problem solving based on collectively motivated
MAS, the contract net model was used, for example, to achieve
cooperation by eliminating inconsistencies and the exchange of
tentative results (Klein, 1991), multi-agent planning (Georgeff, 1984,
Pollack, 1992) in which agents share information to build a common
plan and distribute the plan among agents.
Negotiation is central in self-interested MAS. Zlotkin and
Rosenschein (1989) use a game theoretic approach to analyze
negotiation in multi-agent systems. In 1991, Sycara proposes a model
of negotiation in which agents make proposals and counter-proposals,
reason about the beliefs of other agents and modify their beliefs by
cooperation. Durfee and Montgomery develop a hierarchical
negotiation protocol which allows agents to flexibly discover and solve
possible conflicts. Kraus (Kraus, 1997, Kraus et. al., 1995) uses
negotiation strategies for resource allocation and task distribution.
Introduction of economic theory approaches in negotiation strategies
for MAS is a current direction of research and investigation (Kraus,
1997, Kraus, 1996, Brafmann, Tennenholtz, 1997).

During the last years, an important
direction of research that was identified
is the social theories of agent
knowledge being a key type of
knowledge in MAS. Malone defines
the organization as a coordination
communication among a set of
agents who perform tasks to achieve
goals in order to reach a global coherent state, while Ferber see an
organization as a pattern that describes how its members interact to
achieve a common goal. Such a pattern may be static, conceived a
priori by the system designer, but may be also achieved in a dynamic
way, especially in case of open systems.
Several models of organizations in MAS were developed, varying
from simple structures to more elaborate ones, and depending on the
centralized or decentralized characteristic of the organization. Among
the simple models we may cite the groups, the teams and the interest
groups. A group allows the cooperative coordination of its members to
achieve a common goal. The entire task is divided in a set of subtasks
that are allocated to the members of the group. The team structure
implies in most cases a set of agents acting in a common environment
and communication among agents in order to distribute subtasks and
resolve inconsistencies. The interest groups are organizations in which
the members share the same interests and may cooperate to achieve
their own goals.
A more elaborate model of organizations is the hierarchical one,
based on the traditional master/slave relation. In such a structure,
there is a manager that is responsible for the division of tasks,
assignment of subtasks to slaves, and the control of task completion.
The slaves have to share the necessary information to achieve tasks
and are supposed to be obedient. The structure is replicated at several
hierarchical levels. A refinement of a hierarchical organization is the
decentralized organization or multi-division hierarchy in which the
organization comprises several divisions and each division is a
hierarchical organization functioning in the way described above. Toplevel decision making is performed only for long-term strategic
planning. Hierarchical organizations are mainly fit for cooperative-like
systems and closed systems.
At a decentralized level, the predominant MAS structure is the
market. The simplest market organization implies the existence of
suppliers, able to perform tasks to produce goods or services, and of

buyers, namely agents that need the goods or services produced by

the suppliers. The basic model associated with such a structure is the
competitive MAS, with self-interested agents that are competing either
to supply or to buy goods or services. Such a model is well suited for
open systems. One of the main disadvantage of such an approach is
the heavy load induced by communication among the agents. In order
to decrease the amount of communication, a compromise can be
realized by constructing what is called a federation community. In such
an organizations, the agents in the system are dived into groups, each
group having associated a single facilitator to which the agents
surrender a degree of autonomy. A facilitator serves to identify the
agents that join or leave the system and enables the communication
with agents located in other groups.

2. Interactive Shows
Web documentary - is
a documentary production
that differs from the more
video,audio, photographic

of multimedia tools.
capability of the Internet
provides documentarians with a unique medium to create nonlinear productions that combine photography, text, audio, video,
animation and infographics.

Interactive cinema - tries to give the audience an active role

movie Kinoautomat by Czechoslovakian director Raduz
Cincerapresented in the Czech Pavilion in Expo '67 in Montreal is
considered to be the first cinema-like interactive movie. The
availability of computers for the display ofinteractive video has
made it easier to create interactive movies.
Another newer definition of interactive cinema is a video game which is
a hybrid between participation and viewing, giving the player - or
viewer, as it were - a strong amount of control in the characters'
decisions. A prominent pioneer of such a technique is the
successful Hideo Kojima, whose gameplay often takes a priority to the
storyline and long cutscenes. His game Policenauts, a point and click
adventure game which has shootout sequences (that make use of
the lightgun peripheral on the Sega Saturn version of the game), has a
subtitle which reads "Interactive cinema" on the cover art of all
versions of said game, which is an early example of a prominent game
developer labelling their game as such. A recent incarnation of an idea
similar to this one is Fahrenheit, (censored version released in US and
Canada as "Indigo Prophecy") a game dubbed as "interactive cinema"
by its France-based developer, Quantic Dream.
1992 saw the release of North America's first interactive motion
picture, I'm Your Man. Certain Loews Theatres locations were retrofitted
with controllers to allow audiences to vote on decisions made by the
main character. Although initially touted as the first step toward virtual
reality cinema, the experiment was a failure and the equipment was
removed from theaters by 1994.
The Canadian-produced Late Fragment premiered at the Toronto Film
Festival in 2007, and has been
screened numerous times at special
engagements, but was not released
in theaters.

an electronic
game that
involves human interaction
with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video

device. The word video in video

game traditionally referred to
a raster display device, but it
now implies any type of display
device that can produce two- or
three-dimensional images. The
electronic systems used to play
video games are known as
platforms; examples of these
are personal computers and video game consoles. These
large mainframe
computers to
small handheld devices. Specialized video games such as arcade
games, while previously common, have gradually declined in
use. Video games have gone on to become an art form and
The input device primarily used to manipulate video games is called
a game controller, and varies across platforms. For example, a
controller might consist of only a button and a joystick, while another
may feature a dozen buttons and one or more joysticks. Early personal
computer games often needed a keyboard forgameplay, or more
commonly, required the user to buy a separate joystick with at least
one button.[2] Many modern computer games allow or require the
player to use a keyboard and a mouse simultaneously. A few of the
most common game controllers are gamepads, mouses, keyboards,
and joysticks. In recent years, additional methods of input have
emerged such as camera-based player observation for video game
consoles and touch-sensitive screens on mobile devices.
Video games typically use additional means of providing interactivity
and information to the player. Audio is almost universal, using sound
reproduction devices,
as speakers and headphones.
feedback may come via haptic peripherals, such as vibration or force
feedback, with vibration sometimes used to simulate force feedback.

Interactive advertising - uses online or offline

interactive media to communicate with consumers and to
promote products, brands, services, and public service
announcements, corporate or political groups.

In the inaugural issue of the Journal of Interactive Advertising,[1] editors

Li and Leckenby (2000) defined interactive advertising as the "paid and
unpaid presentation and promotion of products, services and ideas by
an identified sponsor through mediated means involving mutual action
between consumers and producers." This is most commonly performed
through the internet; often through the use of an ad server that can
deliver a variety of interactive advertising units.
The goals of interactive advertising are usually akin to the traditional
objectives of advertising, i.e. to sell a product. This in turn means that
many of the traditional elements of advertising impact and
effectiveness remain relevant, even within the scope of interactive
the Journal
Advertising 2001, interactive advertising also has some properties that
expand the range of potential objectives and that improve advertising
effectiveness. Interactive advertising also has the potential to decrease
the losses associated with poorly coordinated advertising, to reduce
the difficulties commonly encountered in clearly communicating an
advertising message and to help overcome new product hurdle.

3. Creative medias
(or in an academic
context, film production) is the
process of making a film. Filmmaking
involves a number of discrete stages
including an initial story, idea, or
through scriptwriting, casting,
shooting, sound
reproduction, editing,
andscreening the
an audience that may result
a film
release and
exhibition. Filmmaking takes
place in many places around
the world in a range
of economic, social,
and political contexts,
using a variety of technologies and cinematic techniques.

Typically, it involves a large number of people, and can take

from a few months to several years to complete.

Sound design - is the process

manipulating or generating audio
elements. It is employed in a
including filmmaking, television
production, theatre, sound
recording and reproduction, live
performance, sound
art, postproduction,
and video
game software
Sound design most commonly
involves the manipulation of previously composed or recorded
audio, such as sound effects and dialogue. In some instances it
may also involve the composition or
manipulation of audio to create a desired effect or mood. A sound
designer is one who practices the art of sound design.

the science, art and
durable images by
recording light or other electromagnetic
radiation, either electronically by means
of an image sensor, or chemically by
means of a light-sensitive material such
as photographic film.[1]
Typically, a lens is used to focus the light
reflected or emitted from objects into
a real image on the light-sensitive surface inside a cameraduring a
timed exposure. With an electronic image sensor, this produces
an electrical charge at each pixel, which is electronically processed and
stored in a digital image file for subsequent display or processing. The
result with photographic emulsion is an invisiblelatent image, which is
chemically "developed" into
either negative or positive depending

photographic material and the method of processing. A negative image

on film is traditionally used to photographically create a positive image
on a paper base, known as a print, either by using an enlarger or
by contact printing.
Photography is employed in many fields of science, manufacturing
(e.g. photolithography) and business, as well as its more direct uses for
art, recreational purposes, and mass communication.

As Internet based technologies have
continued to improve and enhance our
ability to communicate with one another
globally, a transformation of the radio
show form of media was destined to
occur. The Internet world's form of
broadcasting, known as podcasting, is
the new face of radio journalism in a
podcasting's continued existence since 2004, many people are still
unaware of what podcasts are and how podcasts can be obtained and
listened to, a problem that can easily be addressed by following a few
quick steps.
A podcast, simply put, is no different than a webcast, a show that is
broadcast over the web and is broken up into parts or episodes. Most
podcasts are similar to news radio programs and deliver information on
a regular basis, while some podcasts are comedy shows, special music
broadcasts or even gospel. Podcasts are most popular on Apple's iPod
and iPhone devices, hence the name podcast, but a podcast can be
enjoyed from a number of different sources and can even be listened
to directly on a computer.


System software classification

em Software for software which is primarily used to operate the

Operating Systems
The operating system is the software
that allows you to operate the
hardware. The programs that we want
to execute, the applications that we
want to use all require a platform on
which to execute. That platform is
provided by the operating system.
One role of the operating system is
to provide a virtual machine. This
refers to the way that, by clicking on icons and menus, or by typing in
commands at a prompt, we get to interact with the computer hardware
without having to understand its complexity. By hiding the true
complexity of the system from the user, the operating system makes it
easier for ordinary people to make computers perform useful

Utility Programs

Some utility programs are bundled in

with operating system software these
days. Others you buy or source in
some other way.

management tools.

Utility programs tend to perform

management of hardware. Examples
compression programs, formatters,

Library Programs
libraries of commonly-used routines.
On a Windows system they usually
carry the file extension dll and are
as run-time
libraries. The libraries are run-time
because they are called upon by
running programs when they are
needed. When you program using a
run-time library, you typically add a
reference to it either in your code or through the IDE in which you are
Some library programs are provided within operating systems like
Windows or along with development tools like Visual Studio. For
example, it is possible to download and use a library of routines that
can be used with Windows Media Player. This includes things like
making playlists, functions and procedures for accessing and
manipulating the music library (which is a binary file) and playback
Using library programs saves time when programming. It also allows
the programmer to interact with proprietary software without having
access to its source code.

Language Translators
Whatever language or type of language
we use to write our programs, they need
to be in machine code in order to be
executed by the computer. There are 3
main categories of translator used,


An assembler is a program that translates the

mnemonic codes used in assembly language into
the bit patterns that represent machine operations.
Assembly language has a one-to-one equivalence
with machine code, each assembly statement can be
converted into a single machine operation.

compiler turns the source code that you write
in a high-level language into object code
(machine code) that can be executed by the

The compiler is
a more complex beast than the assembler. It
may require several machine operations to represent a single highlevel language statement. As a result, compiling may well be a lengthy
process with very large programs.

- Interpreter
Interpreters translate the source code at run-time.
The interpreter translates statements one-at-a-time
as the program is executed.
Interpreters are often used to execute high-level language programs
whilst they are being developed since this can be quicker than
compiling the entire program. The program would be compiled when it
is complete and ready to be released.
Interpreters are also used with high-level scripting languages like PHP,
Javascript and many more. These instructions are not compiled and
have to be interpreted either by the browser (in the case of Javascript)
or by interpreters on the server (in the case of PHP).
Some programming languages make use of both compilers and
interpreters. If you were to write a Java program in a text editor, when
you came to compile it with the Java compiler, you would actually be
creating something called bytecode. Bytecode can be thought of as
an intermediate stage between source code and object code. When a
computer executes a Java program, library programs on that machine
interpret the bytecode. This allows Java to be platform-independent - a
user needs the correct run-time libraries for Java on their machine in
order to execute the programs.

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