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The SILVER BIRD Group has over the years, established itself as one of the dominant bakery
and confectionery manufacturers in the country. A multi-million ringgit a year industry,
SILVER BIRD is principally engaged in the business of bakery manufacturing, sales and
distribution of bakery and telecommunication products and wholesale / logistics of bakery
ingredients. The group is made up of the following operating subsidiary companies, each
specializing in a key bakery-related business yet at the same time contributing synergistically
to the growth of the group.

Occupational Safety and Health Managements study visit at Hi-5 Bread Town (Silver Bird)

Students of University Industrial Selangor, Shah Alam campus recently went to a

study visit to Hi-5 Bread Town, Shah Alam. The purpose of our visit is to see how OSHA
practically applies in industry. Due to the misunderstanding between the company and our
organizer of this trip, our trip had become a simple school trips like others which is go visit on
factory and not related to OSHAs real visit.

High 5 Bread Town is owned by the Silver Bird Group which produces bread. This
company was certified in the Malaysia Book of Records which is First Bread Museum in
Malaysia. From the trips, the history of bread-making had been introduced to us which is
5000 years ago of bread-making process. They are several processes on making the bread
which is baked, sliced, packaged and lastly the shipped of the bread. History of bread has
been watched through video that created by that company.

Next, we start for the visit starting from their history made by some things that had
been created with a few explanations about it. After that, we use a tunnel which helps us see
how was the process of bread have been made. Through the tunnel, we can see all the
employees wear neatly and proper uniform while working. They wear hair cap, hand glove
and also safety boot during making the bread. However there are some workers who did not
wear hand glove when holding the bread and also during the cleaning process of the

The factorys level of hygiene was in satisfying level because there is some places are
quite clean and some are not. How can be a food made in such a dirty place? There is a place
which is full of flour on their floor which might lead to accident during working hours. The
flour will make the floor slippery and this may cause accident among the employees. Besides
that, this Hi-5 company has limited space between their machines. The small gaps within
space might cause accident to happen. This limited space will indirectly make them feel
uncomfortable and this is not conducive place to work. They can easily bump into each other
during work and this may lead to accident to occur or happen due to small gaps within the

Other than that, the baking process of bread use high temperature which is 180C to
200C which is dangerous to the worker. Employees should be more careful on handling work
in this area to avoid from any accident to happen. They should also have their own personal
protective equipment which is different from others place which can adapt them to face the
high temperature work place.

This subject helps us know that danger come anytime, anywhere and we should have
follow rule in order to have a safety life while working. All the danger can be prevent if we
really do follow the guide and rules that provided by OSHA in that company.

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