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1. In order to perform export dump, we need a database in read write mode

(need not necessary be primary database of standby)
2. the above point also means that, we cannot take export directly in physical
we only extract data from physical standby.
1. Login to a database which is in read write mode and create a database link
between database in read write and physical standby database.
create database link export_dbl1 connect to system identified by manager using
2. Ensure or create database directory , and ensure that the directory is in read
write state.
create or replace directory export_dir1 as '/orashare1/exports/dumpfile';
3. grant read,write to system (by default , the privilege will be there for system ).
grant read,write on directory export_dir1 to system;
4. cancel the apply process, bring the physical standby database to read only
alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
alter database open read only;
5. export what we required from the server where we have database in read
write mode.
expdp system/dangerous directory=export_dir1 dumpfile=stby_dmp.dmp
logfile=stby_dmp.log network_link=export_dbl1 schemas=scott
6. once the export completed, bring the physical standby to apply mode.
shu immediate
startup nomount
alter database mount standby database;
alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile
disconnect from session;

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