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**If you read this, tell Jess Knox at French Dip 08 before minutes are approved.

Whoever tells her will

split 40 full-size candy bars**

Call to order 9:34 PM

Directorship reports

Oshkosh-Move to approve BLT minutes

Second SP
SNC-Call the question
Consent called
BLT 2007 minutes approved

FD presentation

AAFN discussion
*Kyle O’Brien from UWL
*in boardroom for 2 years, great job with delegations, up to 30 applications for

*Steph Van Pay from UWEC

*great support for WURHA and on campus, been previous advisor

*Kenny Brotheridge from UWP

*WCC for 2 years, really changed position, great transition and mentor, passion,
parliamentarian for WURHA last year, RBD member for GLACURH and keeps
up with Wisconsin, asset to campus and organization

*Allison Dusold from UWO

*shining light on UWO campus, very involved in RHA for past 4 years, active in
WURHA, been to a lot of conferences, was co chair for NACURH

*David Lemon from SNC

*been CC, also NRHH president, led great delegations, affect future of SNC, has
passion and gets people involved, fabulous WURHA president

*Andy Boe from Stout

*involved at Stout and involved in WURHA for past 4 years, was NRHH CC,
serving as NRHH chapter co chair, was WURHA VP and now WURHA
Parliamentarian, was RHA president and secretary

*Patrick VanderZanden from UWM

*been chapter president for 3 years, when started out chapter was not originally
recognized by UWM, really helped WCC through experience and advise, been to
over a dozen conferences, hosted no frills last year
*Christine Goshert from Carthage
*very passionate, always full of life, pres of RHA, been to 8 conferences, keeps
Carthage going to conferences, has grown over past 4 years

*Melissa Loest from UWO

*been involved in RHA since got to UWO, WCC, GLACURH parliamentarian
and WI RCC elect, has great understanding of organizations, been very helpful
and great resource

*Jess Knox from UWGB

*served as NRHH CC, WURHA VP, GLACURH director-elect, NRHH
president, NRHH Secretary, mentor to WHIL CC and WCC, without having

SNC move to exhaust speakers list

UWO seconds
Consent has been called

Patrick and Kenny will be inducted into AAFN


Oshkosh WHIL-Move to recess until tomorrow morning

Platteville WHIL-seconds
Recessed at 10:43 PM

Call to order at 8:25 AM

Parli Pro Refresher

Clicker voting, will we use clickers for voting?

Pass 16-0-0

Program of the Year

Eau Claire-Advertising methods and how did it help with this program?
 Work with SAGA, table tents, posters that can be found on cover of bid,
channel 20, and facebook

Whitewater-Did advertise that channel 20 would be filming

 No
SNC-Elaborate on how you feel the program was successful at school
 many people had conversations with panel member, as audience member,
obvious that there was surprise in audience when panelist sexuality was
reveiled, huge accomplishment in numbers

MU-How were panel members chosen?

 Anyone interested on campus, all students, from diversity task force, SAGA,
res life, planner gathered people

Oshkosh-Who decided what was being censored?

 MC and volunteer, wanted to keep audience and panel to all feel comfortable,
used more to ease into process

Whitewater-What would have done differently with program?

 Not much, great success, huge turnout, great feedback afterwards, set up more
chairs, buttons at table for students ahead of time instead of just RAs and
panel members

LaCrosse-Biggest barrier in putting program on?

 Planning fairly simple

SNC-Move to finish question

GB Second

 (Answer to LaCrosse’s question) finding panel easy, biggest difficulty was

making sure audience would be comfortable because diversity isn’t often
talked about on GB campus, wanted to make sure everyone felt comfortable


UW-M-Call the question

EC-Objection, like to at least discuss

EC-this program could really be applied at EC, diversity programming difficult and this
program succeeded really well

SNC-Call the question

Successful vote!

Large School of the Year

EC-What’s given you pride in your university
 Growth quality access, going around from class to class; bringing back
statewide NRHH conference, res hall meetings with chancellor and dean of
students; new programs

Oshkosh-What makes leadership strong this year?

 Senior staff position, has another student helping with exec team, increase to
14, getting students involved in faculty and academic committees

SNC-Move to end Q&A

Seconded by UWGB
consent called

SNC: How foster campus community
*Dress for success, any student can apply has fostered great relationship with
students and leadership abilities

Eau Claire- What challenges with Student government and what steps were taken?
 Weekly conferences with presidents and vice presidents, learned that there are
common goals, ie recycle mania

RF-Compost pile open to any student to use at any time?

 Yes

Oshkosh-How came to exact number of green?

 WPS works with school to create numbers, RHA has 40% and SGA gives
some and Residential living gives as well, naturewise and solar panels

Lacrosse-Schools greatest achievement over past year

 becoming energy substainable

Whitewater-move to extend Q&A by 2 minutes

Second by Oshkosh

Whitewater-What has helped achieve the 56% this year?

 Naturewise, not polluting environment, the RHA doubled money towards the
amount paid for naturewise, residential life matched amount

Eau Claire-Where did university start at beginning year with naturewise?

 Not sure

Oshkosh-Move to finish question

Seconded by eau Claire
SNC-When looking at schools, both done a lot new stuff, UWL done more with
leadership, constitution looks for leadership development on campus

Oshkosh-ditto, UWL created student staff leadership position and outreaching to students

EC-SP had a lot of creative solutions which comes from strong and support staff of
student leaders, great green initiative and sga relationships

SNC-Call the question

EC-Move to grove until WHILs come back

Seconded by RF

Back to order at 10:10 AM

Roll Call

WURHA newsletter update and discussion

 Once a month?
 Looking for input and anyone’s help
David-More fun and interactive way than the monthlies so we can physically see what
schools are doing, extending communication and recognition

SP-Each school has a small section?

 Up to CCs, initial thought was getting information from monthlies

SNC WHIL-Bring up things that want to see from WURHA and creating discussion, less

SNC- Directorship Q&A block ie reaffiliation

RF WHIL-Like timelines, registration dates, any dates important for CCs to know

EC-See monthly, and before events two weeks prior to communicate about things

WHIL Chair-Jess putting together? And how to continue?

 Can head it up but would love input
 Can keep file with dship so it stay continually going

Stout-How to get together?

 Email and chats

Anyone who wants to sign up, please talk to Jess

Committee Consists of:
 Jess Vretenar-UW-Platteville
 Eric Minix-UW-Oshkosh
 Brian Fischer-SNC
 Heather Jeske-UW-Stout
 Joe Cohen-SNC
 Tommy Hughes-UWM
 Dana Murphy-UWEC

 new website to be launched sometime this weekend
Monthlies/ What happened?

UWM-Are there follow ups for those not doing monthlies?

Jess-Would you like follow up?

Jenn-Best form of follow up?

RF-Reminder would help a lot, would help, no AIM, a day ahead of time to
remind about monthlies

SNC WHIL-warning time, more than a day, 4 days to a week would be better

SP-Just reminder would be fine

UWP-Start with week ahead of time and then if that doesn’t work move to follow ups

David-We need to strengthen inside WURHA before we can recruit

EC-Forum in general, use for so many other things!

Stout-make sure to read each other’s monthlies to hold each other accountable

Email discussion emails came with website account

Hannah-for transitions, to make all in one place

Marquette-Can talk to everyone here but when try to forward things to advisors, it won’t
go anywhere outside WURHA email account

David-great benefit that Dship doesn’t have to keep up listserv and keeping right people
on and off and no spam!
Stout-great to get updates from dship and each other especially when serving on

Whitewater-see all benefits, easier to check all mail in same place

EC-see what Whitewater saying, able to forward to own email accounts

Jess-from someone who didn’t have transition, good to keep track and help people keep
up transitions even when they don’t get one

Jenn-transitions are great then super, but sometimes it doesn’t happen

Oshkosh-keeping WURHA stuff all together is very nice in this account

David-How many people want to get emails forwarded to account?

Hannah-Advisors talk to her if you want a email account

David-emails make WURHAS easier, Hannah has put in tons of time and effort, this is
something that enables development and growth

Whitewater-all for emails, but would like to be forwarded to account

David-don’t want to forward to personal accounts for transition reasons

RF WHIL-List of everyone?

Hannah-under about section of website have CCs contact with picture


SNC-Move to bring MMB to floor

Seconded by Oshkosh WHIL
Stout WHIL Move to waive reading
Seconded by GB
Proponent speech

Stout-timeline is Feb-March, have considered any other timelines?
*thought about fall but it is beginning of school year and having in spring allows
the members who are fully aware of what NRHH is, bid on at BLT, so easily
planned around other conferences
SP-What if no one bids at BLT?
* Same as if no one bid for a WURHA conference, seen interest

RF-by making it official would it have to change budget?

*covered in MMC, a one day conference so not nearly as expensive

Platteville-who would vote on the conference host?


Stout-Why is this a better time for it?

*Some hesitations was because it was first year thing

Stout WHIL-extend Q&A so can finish question

Seconded by SP

*Now know that it is something that will be carried on instead of a one year thing,
seen interest within one year, changed some of the requirements to make more


SNC-Step in right direction and great opportunity, concern with timeline, feel it would be
more applicable in fall

Stout-Already have so many conflicts and overlaps in that timeline that it would be
limiting to bid in that timeline, great thing to build up WHIL, would prefer to see it in the

LaCrosse-Great because actual WHIL position was created not too long ago, with
timeline, if it were earlier in the year, then WHIL wouldn’t have time to set up, there may
be a lot of stuff going on at that time of year but it would work out better in the end

EC-Disadvantage of not having new WHIL members in fall is not as big of a

disadvantage of limiting timeline, starts off year

Platteville WHIL-Retention of members to get excited about WHIL, having it spring will
give new eboards chance to go to conference

LaCrosse WHIL-could bid around other conferences, is for WHIL chapters and this is a
great opportunity for them, is good time to rejuvenate for next year, chose this time
because focused on members and is best time for members to attend conference

Stout WHIL-Having the conference early in March, some chapters won’t select members
until after this
LaCrosse WHIL-not focused solely for new members, is also for veteran members, great
way to learn how everyone is different and learn how to accommodate, make conference
very versatile to help everyone’s chapter

Oshkosh-call the question

EC-object, have an idea
SNC-move to amend the motion: Article IX, change Feb/Mar to Sept/Oct
Discussion on amendment:
Platteville WHIL-bring up on campus conflicts such as homecoming that
happen in fall, members are most likely involved in that type of

SNC WHIL-That early would not have as much participation from

members because not rolling yet, coming from struggling chapter it would
be too hard to have at beginning of the year
Stout WHIL-Beginning of year would be great

RF-beginning of year is too little time to get ready and excited for
conference, putting WHIL CC in position to have get everything ready
right at beginning

SNC-Like everything about it, but getting feel from things being said, to
have better chance of being passed need to change it, new members still
new at beginning of the year

LaCrosse WHIL-Remember it’s always going to be busy, looking at what

would be best for state overall

SNC WHIL-Last year big issue was timing, imagine doing the same thing
to a WHIL chapter except asking to do after having time off for summer
break, keep it in second semester when people are focused on goals

Oshkosh WHIL-Keep in mind exec board members from WHIL chapters,

people thinking about running can use the conference to enable them

Platteville WHIL-if held in fall then the conference would be planned over
summer which would be very difficult because many people hold
internships and jobs to pay for school

Milwaukee WHIL-Speak to having it spring, help maintain people’s

energy after the school year and keep induction numbers up, encourage
WCCs to council with WHIL CCS

Stout WHIL-spring is being planned around WURHA, No Frills, OPE,

where fall gives the chance plan for a longer time, bid at WURHA
Platteville WHIL-strike date and leave it open to school

EC-if that happens, when see the bids for the conferences could be more
about the date rather than the organization and would love to see the best
possible conference for WHIL

SNC-If passes with legislation with current amendment, concept of

conference will still be there, can strike date at later point, give it a chance
and then use previous conferences as a cue to put it in spring

Stout-Call the question

Amendment Fails 6-10-0 at 11:26 AM

LaCrosse WHIL-Let’s give it a try in the spring and see what happens and then play with
the time

Oshkosh WHIL-Call the question

Passes 15-1-0 at 11:28 AM

Oshkosh WHIL-Move to recess for lunch until 1 PM

Seconded Marquette WHIL
Consent called

Called back to order at 1:00 PM

Roll Call

WURHA 2009 Host

Oshkosh-How tabulating philanthropy?
SNC-Super 8, who’s staying there?
*depends on numbers, delegations will not be split
GBWHIL-sponsorship lower delegation cost?
*yes, looking at getting a state rate on hotels, trying to get about $4000 in
sponsorship costs, will drop between $120-125

SNC WHIL-What is security like on campus and will there be extra?

*Will have plenty of volunteer rooms and campus safety, will always be with

Marquette-what lead you to chose Ronald McDonald House

*NRHH already works with and have a close relationship

SP-do you know you’ll have enough volunteers

*have full support of student housing and everyone on campus, all chairs are
dedicated to being around next year and already networking, also hosting WHIL
conference, sparking a lot of interest

Marquette-How will you assure quality programs?

*Will be going through with conference chairs and make sure will have all the
criteria, will not be just one person deciding

Carthage-Will there be transportation between Baymont and Super 8

*Busses will be running back and forth between hotels


SNC-Looking at information, fully confident that conference will be great, okay with cap
because it would be better to be comfortable

UWL-Ditto, looks like they’ve done a lot of work

RF-call the question

Successful vote!


SP-Move to bring MMC to the floor

Seconded by Oshkosh

RF move to waive reading

Seconded by GB

Proponent speech

SNC-would the fee be applied to schools who don’t have WHIL


Discussion of MMC

SNC-good especially since we are adding conference for WHIL

UWM-Call the question

MMC Passes 16-0-0 at 1:36 PM

RF-Move to bring MMD to floor

Seconded by LaCrosse
Oshkosh-Move to waive reading
Seconded by Marquette

Proponent speech


Discussion of MMD
Oshkosh-call the question

MMD Passes 16-0-0 at 1:38 PM

Stout WHIL-Move to bring MME to the floor

Seconded by GB
Platte WHIL-Move to waive reading
Seconded by River fall

Proponent speech

SNC-Would there be consequences if the WHIL Chair does not feel a constitution is up
to standard
 No standards set, just for information about chapters

SP-Who would keep all of these documents?

 WHIL Chair’s responsibility

Marquette-Electronic or paper?
 Either

Discussion of MME

Marqueete-call the question

MME Passes 16-0-0 at 1:42 PM

Stout-Move to groove for 5 min

Seconded by Oshkosh WHIL
Call back to order at 1:53 PM

Nicole presents budget

 ADA fund-had $1545 in fund, expense for interpreter for this weekend was
SNC moves to change line to $4000
Passes 16-0-0 at 2:00 PM
 Currently bank through M&I, will be changing bank
hoping to have at least online statements,
make transition period between advisors smoother
be able to pay online
put two advisors on account
 Tax exempt status
School offices want an I-9 number
Will be problem when it comes to affiliation checks
We’re a very gray area because we sort of make money and sort of don’t
make money
 Legislation items
Article 7, talks about ADA fund, currently split account
Could combine them and allow them to grow
New WHIL conference
Discussion of add-on fee
Conference break even point
Article 4, section 1, letter J, break even is 300
No break even point for French Dip

Committees we’re forming

WHIL constitution
 clean up language
 file size
 email timestamp vs postmark
 page limit
OTM selection committee

Advisor Love


Stout moved to adjourn

Seconded by SP

Adjourned at 2:35 PM

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