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Vocabulary Week 1

1. Civilian / 28 : [ n, adj ] / s'vlin /

= A person who is not a member of the armed forces, or police, or fire-fighting forces.
Ex: Eight of the passengers were soldiers, and one was a marine; the rest were civilians.
2. Complicated / 28: [ adj ] / 'kmplketd /
= Not simple or easy; intricate
Ex: If some of the requirements for graduation seem complicated, see your guidance counselor. He
will be glad to explain them to you.
3. Concur / 28: [ v ] / kn'kr / = Agree, be of the same opinion
Ex: Good sportsmanship requires you to accept the umpires decision even if you do not concur
with it.
4. Confirm / 28: [ v ] / kn'frm / = State or prove the truth of; substantiate
Ex: My physician thought I had broken my wrist, and an X ray later confirmed his opinion.
5. Digress / 30: [ v ] / da'gress / =Turn aside, get off the main subject in speaking or writing.
Ex: At one point in his talk, the speaker digressed to tell us of an incident in his childhood, but then
he got right back to his topic.
6. Fragile / 30: [ adj ] / 'frdal / = Easily broken; breakable; weak; frail.
Ex: The handle is fragile; it will easily break if you use too much pressure.
7. Galore / 30: [ adj ] / g'l: / = Plentiful; abundant (galore always follows the word it modifies)
Ex: There were no failures on the final test, but on the midterm there were failures galore.
8. Genuine / 30: [ adj ] / 'denjun /
= Actually being what it is claimed or seems to be; true; real; authentic.
Ex: Jane wore an imitation fur coat that everyone thought it was made of genuine
leopard skin.
9. Hostile / 30 : [ adj, n ] / 'hstal / = Of or relating to an enemy or enemies; unfriendly
Ex: It was not immediately announced whether the submarine reported off our coast was of a
friendly or a hostile nation.
10. Impatient / 30: [adj] / m'pent / = Not patient; not willing to bear delay; restless; anxious
Ex: Five minutes can seem like five hours when you are impatient.
11. Inter / 30: [ v ] / n't: / = Put into the earth or in a grave; bury
Ex: Many American heroes are interred in Arlington National Cemetery.
12. Mitigate / 30: [ v ]/ 'mtget / = Make less severe; lessen; soften; relieve.
Ex: With the help of novocaine, your dentist can greatly mitigate the pain of drilling.

13. Novice / 30: [ n ] / 'nvs / = One who is new to a field or activity; beginner
Ex: Our Dance Club has two groups; one for experienced dancers and one for novices.
14. Original / 32: [ adj, n ] / 'rdnl /
= A work created firsthand and from which copies are made
= Belonging to the beginning; first; earliest.
Ex: Most of us can buy copies of a masterpiece, but few can afford the original.
Ex: Miles Standish was one of the original colonists of Massachusetts; he came over on the
15. Rarity / 32: [ n ] / 'rerti / = Something uncommon, infrequent, or rare
Ex: Rain in the Sahara Desert is a rarity.
16. Resume / 32: [ v, n ] / r'zju:m / = Begin again
Ex: School closes for the Christmas recess on December 24 and resumes on January 3rd.
17. Shrink / 32: [ v ]/ rk / = Draw back; recoil
Ex: Wendy shrank from the task of telling her parents about her low French mark, but she finally
got the courage and told them.
18. Sober / 32: [ adj ] / 'sb / = Not drunk = Serious; free from excitement or exaggeration
Ex1: Our driver had refused all strong drinks because he wanted to be sober for the trip home.
Ex2: When he learned of his failure, George thought of quitting school. But after sober
consideration, he realized that would be unwise.
19. Suffice / 32: [ v ] / s'fas / = Be enough, adequate, or sufficient
Ex: I told Dad that $3 would suffice for my school supplies. As it turned out, it was not enough.
20. Vacant / 32: [ adj ] / 'veknt / = Empty; unoccupied; not being used
Ex: I had to stand for the first half of the performance because I could not find a vacant seat.

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