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Work Program for 15- 21
Copright Sarmoung MoW association

Hello! Wellcome to our Online Work group!

To help you get more out of this virtual Workgroup program
here's a suggestion:
Don't go for Perfection
This may sound strange but the assignments we give aren't
always things you can accomplish, at least not right away.
Many people think that even the core exercise is the hardest.
They just agree with people or disagree as an automatic reaction
before realizing it. The assignment is to refrain from doing this,
but I'm not expecting success. As a matter of fact more can be
gained by failing.
If all you get out of this exercise is to realize that you don't control
the words coming out of your mouth, and that much of your
behavior is on automatic pilot,,, then I'd say that's enough for a
start. While it might seem like you've failed at the goal you've
actually accomplished a lot in the process. You are now aware of
this dynamic. Your awareness has expanded. You are now being
self reflective and beginning to adopt a new perspective of being
observer. You
agreements/beliefs are made in subtle quick ways and how
quickly we accept opinions as fact and truth. It is this new
perspective that is most important at this point.
You might not like what you notice, but that's the inner judge
starting to take over. You've taken an important step towards
change because you can't change a behavior until you know
about it. Just noticing these types of things in the free sessions,
even if you aren't able to change them is the most important
Good luck!
Let' s start our journey....

Workprogram exercises 15- 21 March 2010

The aim of the week is: Tuning into the Now

Core exercise: for a better understanding of the dynamics of the

core exercise, first read the following text: "... Once came to visit
me a dear friend of mine. D. was quite stressed and needed to
relax a bit. After a few hours spent in conversation, D. confessed
that he felt much better. He even told me that it happens every
time we met, although he did not understand why: he arrived
tired and tense, but after a short time, began to feel better, more
relaxed and safer. He told me - jokingly - that I must have
something strange, like those people who have some special
I explained that I had nothing special but most likely what he
perceived was the result of the work I did on myself, probably
perceived outside.
We began to meet more often and on such occasions, there
emerged some aspects of the work" that I was doing on myself; I
pointed out, for example, that a human being lives in
forgetfulness of himself, and how what we call "personality" or
self is a collection of many fragmented and anarchic "I"; I had
many occasion to speak with him of identification, how to change
the ordinary condition of fragmentation, and many other topics.
And so, after several months, we started to speak about the
"observation in the third person" - also called "second point" that D. found particularly difficult to put into practice. He had
understood that this technique could take it to live the present
moment, thus preventing it being swallowed up by the thoughts
and emotions. D. also understood that - facing action, as if
watching someone else - emotional states could be captured
before they surprise him, resulting in a considerable conservation
of energy and, finally, he realized that he could find a condition of
non- identification, a unification of the various "I", and achieve an
single "I, able to handle the self energies .
He understood all these concepts intellectually, but, nevertheless,
he couldnt put into practice this technique. He said that, since
the first attempts, he felt some discomfort in the call himself by
name, repeating mentally all his actions: it seemed unnatural and

unable to recognize himself during this practice. And that cost

him much trouble, because he often found himself as "stunned"
and unable to "feel" in the actions he did.
I tried to explain that these were the effects of the first attempts of
breaking the mechanicity and that he was facing the first
identification: it was quite "normal", in these situations, to feel a
sense of dissociation. Precisely for this reason, the "second point"
was practiced mostly in the action, trying to perceive himself with
force and clarity in every moment. In this regard, I brought him
as example the Zen practitioners, who ritualized everything
precisely in order to generate greater awareness of the gesture
and improve the sense of feeling.
I told him to not keep the practice at the conceptual level, but
take her as much as possible in the everyday life. I told to him:
"You should come to grasp fully the actions that M. does ... 'D.
walks, D. drives, eats, grabs, etc You have to see that at the
same instant it happens, not just to think about that. It is a
process of attention such as when you do something for the first
time, and you're inevitably forced to put more attention to
"But beyond that, you also have to put attention to any feeling,
the" thickness "of your body in motion, as if to get in touch with
the things is always your whole body, not just one piece at time.
"And remember that you must not dwell in thought on what you
watch, because that would mean that you are again identified,
you're trying to recognize yourself in something that is not your
At that point, I said, what began as just a hard work and effort
would turn into the ability of focus out of the ordinary, and that
only way in that way he could find a detachment from the
identifications and the necessary presence to obtain a silent
majority inside and a calmer mind. Once stabilized in this way,
the practice - carried out with perseverance and patience - would
lead to the unification of the fragmented personality, which I
mentioned in our first meetings.
Before leaving, I had to remind him one last thing: "But remember
that there is only one real moment to change your life: that
moment is" now ". The only possibility to change ourselves is
now. The past is not modifiable, and postpone in the future is
useful: it would be only an excuse to do nothing ... "
Explanation of the exercise: During the day, when you
do some action, feel yourself doing that determinate thing

and, at the same time, repeat mentally your name and the
action you are doing in the third person. Example: When I
pick up a glass I feel the action and say mentally: "Andrea
takes the glass" when I walk I say mentally: "Andrea walks"
and so on. In this way, observing the action, and mentally
repeating what you're doing, you better look at yourself.
Similarly, do the same things with emotions: When I feel
happy I say: "Andrea is Happy" when I m tired, "Andrea is
tired," when I'm angry "Andrea is angry "..... This action has
to be done during the all day. Observe yourself in every
moment and, when you notice youve forget doing this
practice, just focus your attention on what you are doing
right in that moment. Practice with patience, don t get
angry when you notice youve forget yourself- at this stage of
the Work, its an normal thing!

Additional Morning exercise: when you wake up, repeat

silently or aloud, "I Wish, I Can, I Am" and try to Sense a
reverberation in the head, the heart and the solar plexus,
respectively ( I Wish- sense the head; I Can- sense the
heart, I Am- sense the solar plexus). Each phrase should be
done with a fresh breath. Then, for some minutes, repeat
with determination: I wish to be focusing at the same time
on lower part of your foot touching the floor. The affirmation
must be sensed with a reverberation in all your body.
Additional Eating Exercise: Be present at least one meal a
day which is breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner. Be present
at the taste of food, its composition, aspect that has, the
smell, the relationship with what we eat, the context in
which we consume the meal.
Additional exercise 2: be aware of the sensations of the
heart beating within the chest and the pressure of the pulse
throughout the body, arms and legs.
Additional evening exercise: before sleeping ponder with
honesty about your daily efforts to observe the practices.

You can start your discussions, questions, comments on the

Inner- Work Forum (Members are encouraged to respond weekly
to the forums about their Inner Work!):
For the theoretical concepts about the introduction into the
esoteric psychology, see:
For the informations about the states of consciousness see:
For general informations about the Human machine see:
For other informations about the Sarmoung work concepts:
For general information about our work:
It is not easy to promote the Work to the persons interested in a
serious Inner growth- so, any practical support and help is
Wish you the best:
Sarmoung- Masters of Wisdom

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