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YOUTH ACTIVISTS LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Volume: 4 Issue: | Advocat Distinct Voice...My Choice Ot Youth Editorial ‘There's a saying in pop culture; in pop philosophy; that nothing worth learning can be taught in schools. ‘The rebels who expressed such opinion were probably manifesting thelr distaste at having to memorize the ‘cube of (a+b), or say; the scientific name of hydra, or the population density of a nook in Ethiopia. I's a legt- imate distaste. One could be amused by the quirks of the education system, and wonder: why are students required to learn heaps and heaps of information that they're probably never going to use in life beyond the Classroom? The even more worrisome question, however, is why does the education system impute So much ‘emphasis on teaching technicalities; and neglect teaching values and skis that are instrumental in everyday decision making? I's @ great paradox of our times that society thinks sexual and reproductive health educa tion and rights are less important, than say, the square root of pi ‘Sexuality and reproduction are immutable human characteristics. They are inalienable, indivisible, inherent, Universal and fundamental human rights. I's the reason behind the existence of life on earth. Its imperative ‘that society remove it from its serpentine list of taboos. When will society acknowledge and guide adoles ‘cents and youth in the exercise of their sexvality and sexual and reproductive health rights (RHR) ? We, the fifth batch of Youth Activist Leadership Council (ALC) belong tothe generation of youth, who de spite occasional "We Don't Need No Education,” Pink Flyodish phases; believe in the importance of educa ‘ton and education system. We are here to demand that issues of the utmost significance, Le., issues of ‘sexual and reproductive rights, indeed be taught at schools. We are making efforts to break the socio-cultur. al barriers that prevent the impartation of comprehensive sex education (CSE) in schools. Society is skeptical ‘and critical of CSE because it believes CSE encourages sex amongst minors. That would be synonymous to ‘arguing that teaching chemistry in schools will lead minors to build bombs in homes. it’s not the content that leads children rouges it's the method and attitude with which knowledge is imparted, We believe the concerns ‘about the age appropriateness of CSE can be mitigated by fostering an open, interactive and proper learning environment in schoo's so that adolescents and youth can utilize CSE in making safe and informed decisions ‘about sexuality and reproduction Hence, YALC embarks on a year long journey of advacacy and activism, aiming to inculcate positive atitud nal changes in society regarding CSE, and to contribute in the implementation of CSE through the publication ‘of a CSE teaching manual. YALC expresses is gratitude to YUWA and Advocate for Youth for this platform and ™mentorsip, in the pursuit of YALC's vision of creation of an SRHR friendly society. Thank You ! WHY WOMEN'S DAY ??77 Sujata Gurung \Wenever | tk about women’s Yes! Women naw re mare empow tar people alvayeaskme, "Ae ered and aware of tl rts and Jou Fomine” Wel, stile, the. sooty hes accepted. ther der't know much about femi- stand than before butts fee nism. AI krow & that | em @ tka we sll reat lah many me woman, yes! Aproud woman who merous fights. We stil are fighting, Ee aan renee oe ‘to get our right of living; we still are. mst work together ve ne 10 Fightngto get our own recognition. inten ge, Menge meaen mont Tesecting ach other, | am 2 yo ogo out home alone? We my voraiced ad fon Ted then, When th wd and offering the word the pk wisdom that is held in this other €etting modernized: cybercrime, Soe Tape, aid attack are neeasing day ty cays ara st may vicims Awoman sa ful cel. winin 9 doped of juste hers the power to erat, ‘ture and transform. A woman is Violence against women in Nepal the eptome of Tove, saci, 16 an sue roted in soil norms care and ablty to nurture Ie. ané econcme dependence. Dis “ne abit 0 nurture Ife makes ciminstory practises are under woman the mest powell ond lined by lows favoring men, nado: thestongest being. Woman san quote poling end judeal practic imootant pir of family 00 es deny feel victims proper po etyas whole ofthe word Shes tection and jusice. Women have a mather,@ wile, @ sister @ not alnaye shared the rights and daughter. a friend... whatever she til do not in many respects that is ish las ville. ustfor® yin orto secure ard ke Imament ust imagine word vith people aware of importance of ‘equality and equity International women's gay Is needed t0 cole poem nt beleve, We rate, Every day woman fights the Inst be bls nour conmment_ at, Eery dy women fi {© defending Vadtlonal valves bate of iy meres to respext and be capable to challenge the theif Courage and to inspire them tverychatengos ‘rave and 10f@h back even mare bravely in poidly. We are not here to com. temMational women’s day can be a pete with men, | don't believe in tribute to all the women who have becoming more like man, to act = _ tine andl specs tke aman’ oF yng to Inate forms of discrimination, mon 25 1 peleve we all the excision, marginalization, vio Women, aro bor phenomenal, lence ard ack of opportune for we Just dont need to be tke women. Sill more to go! Sti Someone. We ore hereto stand: MORE to fight Each time we fent cut and make aaiference nthe back, each day i 9 woman's dey. world wih genuineness “ond And we are on out way. "HAPPY courage WOMAN'S Davin MAKE IT HAPPEN Bijaya Rai ‘hore are lots of people around the globe that can talk on the different things exaggerating more than his/her capability; but there are only few of the people on this world who actually act and does ‘something and comes as a doer. Lots of us have heard about the GBV (Gender Based Violence) via studies, research, and rumor ‘and many other ways; some of have even faced the situation but there are very few of us who have ‘acted against it; there are very few of us who have raised our voice against the GBV. Most ofthe time, we may have simply skipped the situation taking it Ina light way but actually we are inspiring the issue more: we become the cause that GB still exist in the face of the earth. This world will never change by the effort of the individual; every single person should act together to change it. There may be ‘some people in the society who will raise voice ‘against the GBV once; but they will not doit forever ‘and they should also not do it forever because “to see the change; every single one should be the part of change". IFevery single people won't be aware of the situation and are ready to act, then no matter how much there is discussion about it; there will be ‘no any impact. Connect the situation with 2 words “what if" and “then”. Just remember the situation where one is harassed in the public places and you are the witness; then what if... MM a.m A ingle step of each against the {GBV will demotivate the people who are raising GBV. Acting against it does not mean to rage a war; but what Ifyou raise your voice then it may have an impact. You see a young gil harassed by a guy atthe Bus Stop; the Bilis too afreid to act: then i's you who should raise your voice against itso that when next time that young, irl faces such situation she would be able to raise her own voice but nat dependent on ather person for rescue. Each of us are the agent who can make it happen; we together can stop GBV. We are stronger than Iso talk less act more and be a doer. POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION: THE FAULT IN THAT STAR ‘Apurba K.C Inn ideal world, men and women would be treated equally. But we do not live in an ideal world. Women are denied equality, with the social construct of patriarchy providing men the necessary power to restrict women’s access to realm outside: the household. The concept of substantive equality and positive discrimination ‘evolved as the saving grace. But that solution doesn't come without risks. Positive discrimination provides to women in law, can also be interpreted as being sexist and discriminatory towards men, which is against the principle of legal equality enshrined inthe princ ples of human rights, The possible answer to this debate could be that the meaning of equality appears to be relative and not absolute. As Justice Roaslie Abella puts it, equality is evolutionary, both tn process as well as In substance. As Wendy Willams further reiterates, “At the very least, equality is freedom from adverse dls crimination that changes with time, with information, with experiences and with insight. What we tolerated at «8 society at one point in time, say a hundred years ago is no longer necessarily tolerable now. In the same Way, what is tolerable at present may no longer be tolerable in the future. Even though the positive discrimina ‘ton in law is Justified in our present society, as a corrective measure to improve the status of women, who hhave been victimized and discriminated historically, that reason will not always suffice in the future, There is ‘always the danger of positive discrimination resulting nto a protectionist approach, implying that women in herenty are @ weaker sex and hence are always in need of protection. In the name of protecting women, this ‘approach might serve to reinforce their subordinate status, Positive discrimination or special treatment can be a double edged sword for women as any admission of difference between women and men and any at tempts to accommodate those differences are seen to provide justification for continued unequal and dis: criminatory treatment.* Therefore, despite positive discrimination’s significance in the path of women empowerment being justified ‘at present; It would be unwise to depend on the approach too much. Matriarchy should not be the answer to patriarchy and marginalization of men should not be the answer to women subordination. Both men and women should work together, hand in hand, to empower women, in the quest to achieve gender equality, equity and justice, SHE HAS A DISTINCT WAY TO AVERSION Rashmi Adhikari In order to get pleasure Thoy rape her-and s0 break her self -reliance They smash her ‘They lessen herself confidence After that They question on her character Incase she does not obey them, They make her pray of witcheraft They blame her They force her to eat excreta After that They make her live in threatening environment always In case she revolts against it, ‘They do their best to prove her wrong, They misinterpret her They declare her as deceiver After that ‘They make her believe there is no justice to suppressions Incase of revenge They throw acid on her face to make ner die within They menace her They terrify her to walk with, free mind After that ‘They make her tangle between lfe and death They take it as their ‘accomplishment Yes they are proud For they defolisted her Defy and play with her life But they don't know she still possess hope to ve ‘She is numb stil, does not mean ‘She do not know how to fight or combat She is waiting the time when they will downfall themselves: She has extreme patience It makes her win someday to get justice That day she will say “her taciturn revolt was her weapon” That why she is women, she fights with peace She always does not change the thought But she also leaves the footage behind She has distinct way to rebel That's why she is extraordinary EMPOWERING WOMEN Soniya Shrestha ees 7 a Unlike any other country in the world, in Nepal too women have lived as a subordinate to men in almost every ‘aspect of their fe. In the widely prevailed rigid patriarchal society women were not seen anything more than 2 child bearing machine who were limited to their traditional roles. Their contributions were taken for granted {and they were never to raise a voice against men or speak out thei opinions. Women were thought of as @ plece of property belonging frst to her father then to her husband, with no individuality oftheir own whatso- ever. They were merely 2 figure of amusement subjected to hardships and brutality of life, so carefully de signed and manipulated by the men in the society. Decisions were made for them and they had to succumo to men in silence, ‘This picture however has changed drastically over the years in Nepal. Whether it isthe abolished sati system ‘or the opportunity of education for girs which now is ever more increasing, women recognized as partners of ‘men or their siow yet gradual change in roles in the society beyond the traditional ones; women have worked hhard under the judgmental observation of the rigid conservative society and agsinst all the prejudices and

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