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Memo Visit to PDAM Kabupaten Garut


Agam Harahap
Dadang Fadilah, Rizal Budiawan, Imam Hudori, Bob Sinarko, Richard Touw
Rik Dierx

Minutes of Meeting

December 13, 2010, 08:30 17:30 hrs

Iim Ramdani, hp 081 323 090 806,;
Hanan, hp 085 223 603 295, et al

Progress new connections

Planned installation, 1,150 house connections:
December 2010, 500; billing December and February 2011
January 2011, 650; billing January and February 2011
Verification can be carried out in March 2011
Water Hibah scheme
Initially Cipta Karya has allocated a budget of 7 billion Rp, equivalent to 2,3801 SR for PDAM Garut.
The arrangement communicated by CK was as follows:
0 1,000 SR:
2 million Rp.
1,000 2,000 SR:
3 million Rp.
> 2,000 SR:
4 million Rp.
However, subsequently the arrangement was revised:
0 1,000 SR:
2 million Rp.
> 1,000 SR:
3 million Rp.
Additional target new connections
1,000 additional connections are suggested by PDAM Garut (meeting December 1 and 2, 2010, Jakarta);
Pemda Kab. Garut has already agreed.
Pemda has transferred equity (penyertaan modal) to the PDAM: 10.7 billion Rp., equivalent of 3,900 SR.
In 2010, PDAM Garut installed 1,500 verified connections, equivalent to 3.5 billion Rp.
Pemda will transfer the compensation received from IndII to the PDAM as additional equity.
Consequently, PDAM Garut will still have 10.7 billion Rp. available; additional SR will result in 3 million Rp.
3,567 SR
In total PDAM Garut has an allocation of 1,500 + 3,567 = 5,067 SR
PDAM Garut will finish 2,650 + (additional) 1,000 = 3,650 SR
PDAM Garut made an inventory of MBR (masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah): 17,000 household were identified.
Of those, 3.700 were ready to get connected. The investment 2 to connect the 2,650 connections to be funded
from the 2010 budget was relatively low. Add 30% ( 800 SR) to get the total of 3,450 of households to be
included in the social-economic survey.


This would imply an allocation of 2,500 SR, not 2,380 SR.

Additional tertiary network.


Cost of connection
The cost of a connection is Rp. 526,000. Upfront payment is Rp. 226,000. The remaining Rp. 300,000 can be
paid in 4 installments of Rp. 75,000.
100 SR per 1 l/s
PDAM Garut agrees that with 1 l/s is the equivalent of 100 domestic service connections: 20 m 3/month; 30%
NRW. However, it was argued that PDAM Garut can serve more than 100 SR, because consumption is relatively
low (18-19 m3/mth per SR) and NRW is about 25%. MBR only use water for drinking, cooking, and in some
cases bathing. Often households have another source of water (next to PDAM).
Water meters
The accuracy of bulk and domestic water meters cannot be guaranteed. Many domestic meters are more than 5
years old (which is said to be the technical life). At least 6,000 service water meters of PDAM Garut have
exceeded the technical life of 5 years. A number of bulk water meters is defect.
Test bench
PDAM Garut received a test bench in the year 2000 as part of the West-Java Urban Sector Development Project
(WJ-USDP). Currently, the test bench is out of order. PDAM Garut does not have sufficiently experienced staff
to maintain the test bench. Projects often do not hand-over complete information (e.g. as-built drawings) to the
PDAM Garut uses a water meter tester to check the accuracy water meters on the spot. This piece of equipment
can only test one meter at a time (whereas the test bench used to be able to handle a dozen in the same time.
PDAM Garut uses an ultra-sonic flow meter to measure flows of water in situations where the regular bulk water
meter is defect.
Supply hours
On average PDAM Garut supplies water 24 hours a day. Transmission (and distribution) of water is often by
gravity. Most springs can supply water by gravity, but there are some springs that supply water by pumping (from
spring sources to highly elevated reservoirs; water is distributed by gravity). Only 5% of the customers
experience interrupted supply for not more than 2 hours per day: i.e. supply still 22 hours per day.
Peak hours
Peak hours are mainly in the morning from 06:00 a.m. to 08:00 a.m.
Seasonal variations
There are no significant seasonal fluctuations of the yield of springs in use by PDAM Garut. However, in the dry
season, there is more competition for spring water from neighbors (for irrigation and fish-ponds). This can result
in conflicts. PDAM Garut has permits (surat izin pengambilan air) issued by Sumber Daya Air dan Pertambangan
(SDAP), but the population near springs does not care about those permits (during the dry season).
Water pressure is about (more than) 7 m in Garut city. However, there can be locations where pressures up to
20 m occur.
Playing with valves
In order to ensure that all consumers get sufficient water, PDAM Garut manipulates valves in the distribution
network. At reservoirs valves are throttled to save water; at lower elevations valves are throttled to lower
pressures. Too high pressures would induce leaks. At some service connections, PDAM Garut has installed a
device to lower the pressure, i.e. to ensure that in-house pressures do not get too high.


Supply areas
Kecematan Tarogong Kidul (unit IKK Tarogong; mata air Cibolerang) receives additional water from the Kota
Garut distribution system, in particular Mata Air Citarum. It is connected from two sides to increase pressures.
Kecamatan Tarogong Kaler has two systems: one system is part of the Kota Garut distribution system, the other
is IKK Cibunar. The systems are not linked. Mata air Cibuntu (30 l/s) supplies water to both systems. No MBR
connections are made in the area served by IKK Cibunar (no excess capacity).
Additional capacity
A new project will be realized at mata air Cipulus-Mangkurya: 80 l/s. Implementation of this project will provide
additional water to Kota Garut.
Collection efficiency
PDAM Garut has an annual collection efficiency of 94%. There are many reasons behind the remaining 6%.
Collection efficiency is the lowest in June, when (school) tuition has to be paid.
Establishment of electricity capacity (daya listrik)
Sometimes, the daya listrik is indicated on the meter readers card. The meter itself does not show the daya
listrik. In some cases there is a bar-code attached to the meter that has the information. The best way to get
hold of the information is to ask consumers to show an electricity bill. During the field visit, many consumers
were indeed able to show water as well as electricity bills. PLN however is installing pre-paid electricity meters
(and does not need to issue monthly bills anymore). A house with more than 1,300 kVA is quite rare in the areas
visited (sub-urban and rural/village)
Names shown on electricity and water bills often differ. In most cases, however, there is a family relationship, but
this is not obvious.
The listings of (potential) customers according to the Baseline Consultants and PDAM Garut are quite different.
Names of customers can vary, according to whom talked to the Baseline Consultant. Names of desas can also
be different as the PDAM has linked customers to the desa related to the pipe network, whereas the Baseline
Consultant may have taken actual administrative boundaries of desas into account.
The Baseline Consultant has not worked closely together with the PDAM. Surveyors have been in the field doing
their job without synchronizing with the PDAM, or ensuring that everybody is on the same page. Consequently,
the PDAM does not (fully) adhere to the data compiled by the Baseline Consultant. The PDAM has its own list of
new consumers. Sometimes, people were on the list, but in reality were not interested to connect, whereas in
other cases, people not listed, showed interest in a PDAM service connection. During implementation, there is a
clear need for flexibility.
The listing of coding of kecamatan and kelurahan included in the technical survey report of the Baseline
Consultant does not correspond with the listing of potential customers prepared by the Baseline Consultant as
well. In general, kecamatan and kelurahan have been coded similarly in the listing of the Baseline Consultant
and PDAM Garut.
There are also discrepancies between the listing of new connections of the PDAM and the listing prepared for
recent verification purposes. Names are generally the same, as well as addresses, but the kelurahan name can
differ. The impression exists that the kelurahan name in the verification report is based on the identification (ID)
number (which is not used by the PDAM).
Standard connection
PDAM does not have one and the same approach for new service connections. To certain extent the way new
connections are made depends of the situation found in the field.


Field verification
The PDAM listing is used as basis for the verification in the field. Per 150 new connections, 2 in the same
kelurahan, RW and RT, were selected for verification. Due to lack of time (getting dark) not all selected
connections could be visited. New connections in Samarang were not visited.
1 & 2 map is difficult to interpret; it seems locations of the new consumers are not accurate; water supply is
said to be good.
149 &150 mapping of new connections is correct; water supply is said to be good.
300 & 301 in reality 300 is located next to the mark on the map (which is the location of the mosque); in reality
301 is located at a quite different location: on the map it is indicated where number 308 of the list of new
consumers is marked; consumer 300 has yet to pay; payment is channeled via the RT (collector); consumer 301
has paid once and has made a recent payment to the RT (collector).
(446,) 448 & 449 locations of consumers are wrongly indicated on the map; photos are yet to be updated (i.e.
not the correct houses).
599 & 600 wrong photos are provided; 599 pays via the RT (collector).
749 & 751 not visited due to time constraints.
902 & 903 not visited due to time constraints; maps related to nos. 1024 and 1025 have been prepared.
1066 & 1067 not visited due to time constraints; maps related to nos. 1066 and 1067 have been prepared.
1200 & 1201 not visited due to time constraints.
1350 & 1351 map is not correct; it seems that fields excavated for bricks have been depicted as houses /
structure, most likely because they may had plastic covers, making them look on google earth like houses;
locations of consumers, however, are located properly; service levels are said to be good.
Conclusion: Connections of randomly selected new customers have indeed been made. Water supply is
generally considered by new consumers to be good (i.e. approaching 24/7). None of the new consumers has
complained about not receiving water. If MBR-status is being measured as having less than (or equal to) 1,300
kVA chances that connections have been made that do not meet this criterion are quite small for the sub-urban
and rural/village areas targeted by PDAM Garut. However, administrative errors have been made, primarily
regarding the locations of new consumers on maps. This might have been prevented if the level of cooperation
and coordination between the Baseline Consultant and PDAM Garut had been higher (i.e. working together
instead of working separately/parallel channels). In some cases, photos of the houses of new customers were
wrong (not updated yet according to the PDAM). PDAM Garut has been advised to sort out the issued flagged
by the field verification. In general, however, it can be concluded that PDAM Garut seems indeed to have made
the 1,500 service connections listed in the request for verification that was countersigned early December 2010.


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