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Metsy Hingle
Blackmailed to get married.
He did not know the woman's name who danced at the masquerade, or
even after the intense passion of night together. Jack Cartwright not
expect to see you again, until you receive a letter that revealed the name of her lover,
threatening to publicize the fact Lily Miller, a poor woman, became pregnant a
millionaire. Jack does not give in to blackmail, but marries Lily, although she is a
complete unknown ...
Scanning: Simone R.
Review: Paula Lima
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Translation Celina Romeo
All rights reserved. Prohibited reproduction, storage or
transmitting, in whole or in part.
All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to living persons
or dead is purely coincidental.
Copyright 2006 by Harlequin Books SA
Originally published in 2006 by Silhouette Desire
Original title: THE SOON-TO-BE-disinherited WIFE
Copyright 2006 by Harlequin Books SA
Originally published in 2006 by Silhouette Desire
Cover graphic design:
Nucleo i associated designers
Artwork cover:
de Casa
Desktop publishing:
RR Donnelley
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Being there was a mistake. Did not belong there, said Lily Miller herself in
standing at the entrance of the ballroom as he watched the dresses men and women
elegance. By the looks of the crowd and the amount of diamonds on display, each
member of high society of Eastwick, Connecticut, was present at the Black Ball and
White. And it certainly was not that social class.
Should leave immediately, before you start to cry and make itself a
degrading spectacle. But still could not ... not without talking to Bunny Baldwin. At Last,
was Bunny who insisted that Lily was the mask dance and you
lent a suitable dress to attend the fundraising event.
Lily ran a hand gloved the skirt. The strapless black dress was the most beautiful thing
had ever seen. It was suitable for a princess, she was not. It was not even the
daughter of someone. It was a nobody.
Lily fought back tears as she tried not to think about the call
detective an hour before informing her that she was once again dead in the search
by her mother.
Accept, Lily. If the woman wanted her, would never have left that many church
years ago. It's time to stop wasting time and money searching for someone who does not
want you, who never wanted.
- Dance with me.
Lily blinked, then found himself in front of blue eyes of a tall, dark stranger.
He wore a tuxedo and a black mask and, for a moment, she wondered if it was
- I Beg Your Pardon?
- Dance with me. - And reached out.
- Thanks, but no.
- How can you say "no" when they're playing our song?
- Our music? How can we have a song is not met?
- Why do not we change this situation?
- He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.
Lily did not resist. And when he picked her up, it was as if a
network magic involved. All the pain disappeared. All he could see were
those blue eyes fixed on it as if it were the only person in the world. Everything
could feel was the warmth of his body pressed to her hot breath on her
neck. There was some exciting but safe thing on masks. With her, it was not
Lily Miller that no one loved or wanted, but the woman he wanted. A woman
desired, no past, no future, just living in the now.
A dance turned into two, three and four. And when he took

to the terrace and kissed her, she did not feel the cold night air, only the force of arms
him, the hunger in his kiss.
- It's almost midnight, the ball will end up - he whispered.
- I know.
- I do not want the night to end.
- Me neither.
He kissed her again. It tasted like champagne and desire, and every nerve in her
body sang with the feel of his mouth taking hers.
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- Then we will not allow. - He took out a key from his pocket. - I'll spend the night
at the hotel. Room 503. Go meet with me.
Nervous, Lily reached for the gold medallion with the initial L in the
sides and he used when the nun had found in the church. But the locket was not there.
He had taken it after the detective's phone call. And for the first time in his life, had no
locket to hold, to remind her that it was reliable and sensible Lily Miller.
- Are you going?
- Yes. - And took the key.
His secret was safe, Lily Miller reminded herself as she dodged the
look at the coffin. The sound of thunder sounded and clouds darkened the horizon
Eastwick, making the temperature drop dramatically.
- Ashes to ashes, dust to dust - began the pastor.
Tears welled up in Lily's eyes and she took a tissue in the bag. And
thought of the dead woman, Lucinda "Bunny" Baldwin, the darling of society
Eastwick, Connecticut newspaper publisher gossip Eastwick Social Diary and the person,
strange as it was, had been his friend. How could be dead, victim
of a heart attack at age 52? He remembered the last time he saw Bunny, just
two days before. She was so vibrant, so excited for a new gossip to be published
the next edition of the Diary.
The pastor continued the service, but Lily did not pay attention. She felt guilty to
remember the Bunny connoisseurs looks in recent months. And that was the reason
to have avoided it for weeks. But two days before Bunny had arrived early for
board meeting of Eastwick Cares charity and had failed more
get away.
When Bunny started to ask questions about the night of the Black and White Ball,
realized she had guessed the truth. Lily was afraid even to be his
Bunny secret that purported to reveal the Diary. He wanted to beg her not to tell or
publish anything, but had no chance. The other board members
Eastwick Cares began to arrive, and she had been forced out not to be seen
by Jack Cartwright.
However, as he walked away, he wanted to have some way to ensure the silence
Bunny ... at least until you decide what to do. Be careful what you wish for. The old

adage came in Lily's mind. Managed what I wanted. Silence Bunny. And now the
had. But at what price?
He closed his eyes for a moment and heard the distant voice of the shepherd. He opened his
and listened. Then shifted his gaze to the woman standing next to the pastor,
crying silently. It was Abby Talbot, Bunny's daughter. A tall,
intense expression, had his arm around Abby and Lily assumed it was her husband,
Luke. Did not know him, but I knew I traveled a lot and it annoyed Bunny.
Lily watched Abby. They had met only once, but liked her.
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He had been amazed at the warm treatment of beautiful and blonde socialite. There was
expected that someone with the social status of Abby Talbot treat her with such affection
someone who not only had no money and no pedigree, but no family. On
However, Abby had treated her as an equal. A wave of sympathy for her took
heart of Lily. It was very close to the mother and could not even imagine their pain by losing
the mother so suddenly.
And he thought of his own loss. Lost a friend - even if they were not
very close and did not understand the taste of Bunny by gossip. And friendship
born of the mutual desire to help the less privileged. Bunny had dedicated
much to Eastwick Cares, using your time and your money. And he stretched his
generosity Lily. He treated her with kindness, not just as an employee of
Eastwick Cares. No one had ever made Lily feel like a princess tales
fairies. Certainly not as a child, being taken to a foster home for
another in the government system. Even then did not believe in fairy tales, in Santa
Claus or the tooth fairy.
To 6 years, learned that life was not even close to seem a tale
fairies. And while many of the families who took care of her were gentle, knew
did not belong to them. Never belonged. It was a lesson I learned very quickly.
As a result, never expected things like prom dresses. This was to
Dreamy and dumb girls, and she had never been either one. But for some
inexplicable reason, Bunny Baldwin was determined to give Lily Miller adult fantasy
he never had as a child, attend a costume party. And chosen the party
most important fundraising of Eastwick Cares.
Lily's thoughts went back to that day in December when Bunny
marched into his office and directed that she would have to go to the ball. All
Lily's protests were useless. Bunny insisted that his position as councilor
institution required was there - what had been one of the little lies
Bunny, as Lily discovered ten minutes after their arrival. For some reason,
Bunny Baldwin decided to play the role of fairy godmother for the Cinderella
Lily. And even given her an elegant dress to wear. Oh, Bunny had claimed it was
only one thing that he found in the closet of the fund, but Lily discovered in the lavatory
ballroom, which was a vintage Dior.

Another thunder woke her souvenirs. The temperature further dropped and a
nearly unconscious gesture, Lily touched his belly before better close the jacket.
Should from now, she told herself. Already had run a risk to go to church. Why abuse
luck? All the high society of Eastwick was there with respect to Bunny. And the family
Cartwrighl certainly belonged to the elite group. No doubt Jack Cartwright was
among the hundreds of people who filled the church. And if he saw her? If the recognized
as the mysterious woman who slept with him on prom night?
Even now, more than five months later, could not believe himself
behavior. But then, was beside himself that night, he remembered. Just thinking
that day and how they had been great expectations, only to be
destroyed, felt another twinge of disappointment strong. I knew I should not have
hopes. If something learned in his 27 years was not expecting anything. On
However, did just that, had hoped. The detective hired found
a solid track. Believed he would finally have the answers sought by all
life ... who he was, where he came from, why it had been abandoned in the church yet
practically a baby. More importantly, finally know the identity of the woman
who had only vague memories of a soft voice and gentle hands.
But the track had not taken anything. Not discovered anything, did not know why he had been
abandoned in the church only with a note saying that his name was Lily and
gold medallion around his neck. He reached for it, which was new in
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place, closed his fingers and felt the familiar pain. Been more than disappointed at night
prom. Been devastated.
I should not have gone to the dance that emotional state. But did not want to disappoint
Bunny or risk their jobs. Thus, had gone only to find that their presence
was not necessary. And then, when I was about to leave, he was there before her, the
strange tall, dark, blue eyes that asked her to dance. And she needed
something, anything, to block the pain that consumed her. And, since the
his arms, all gone. There was only him. The strength of his arms. The heat
his smile. The feel of his mouth on hers.
For one night, was no longer the sensible and predictable Lily Miller, who had never done
nothing risky. For one night, allowed himself to experience the passion. For one night,
your heart, not the mind. And so now was pregnant Jack baby
The pastor's voice rose and took the reverie. Lily away the memory and inhaled
hard cold air. He watched the rest of the congregation. Almost all known in
person or newspaper photos. And then she saw him. The tall man with dark hair, shoulders
wide, sitting in the second row of the church. His pulse quickened. Even without seeing the
knew it was Jack Cartwright.
She had not known it was him at the ball, of course. If you knew that the smiling man

beautiful was the new director of Eastwick Cares, would have refused the request to dance. And
certainly never would have accepted the key to your hotel room. But not known.
Wanted to believe that wearing masks and not reveal names meant he could steal
those few hours of happiness without consequences. Big mistake.
But no regrets. How could, when the result was your baby? Within
four months, could have him in her arms. I wish it since discovering he was
pregnant. After spending life alone, would finally have a family. You are loved,
my baby. It is desired. It will always be loved and desired. It will always be my family.
Repeated in mind the promise he had made to the baby when he discovered
existed. And as much as she loved him, thought again in its decision not to tell Jack.
Would be doing the right thing? But how could tell one of the richest and
persecuted the country bachelors - it was the stranger who had spent one night he hoped his child? I did not know the answer, as not known for almost five
months. Or was just fleeing the answer to not risk another rejection?
Could handle rejection, but her baby. was another story. I did not want to feel
unwanted, even at that stage of life.
As if sensing his gaze, Jack turned and looked at her. Observed
crowd, then his eyes met hers. For a second, she could not
move, just caught the blue look. And suddenly, his eyes darkened,
narrowed and she realized he had recognized her.
- May his soul rest in peace.
Lily did not wait for the pastor finished, simply turned and fled.
Jack Cartwright watched her in disbelief. There she was. the mysterious woman of the ball.
Had begun to think that the night had been a dream, that one did not exist
beautiful redhead, not passionate spent hours in his hotel room with a woman
with blue eyes and smooth as silk. But had not been a dream. It was real, and she
was fleeing.
- Jack, where are you going? - Sandra Cartwright asked in hushed voice as
held him by the sleeve of his jacket. - The Reverend is not over.
Jack saw the disapproval in his mother's eyes, but could not do anything. Observed
redhead dark coat who walked quickly towards the gates of the cemetery.
- I'm sorry, but I have to leave. I saw a person you need to talk.
- But, Jack.
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Jack ignored her mother's protests and his father's questioning look and started
maneuver your way through the crowd. Finally over and then ran through a
grassy mall toward the gate through which she had passed. When we arrived,
looked from side to side of the street. But it was too late. She was gone,
just like the night he slept together. Damn. Managed to escape
again. And still did not know her name or how to find it.
- Jack? Jack Cartwright, are you?
Jack recognized the hoarse voice Delia Forrester behind him. He clenched his teeth and

turned to look at the trophy wife of Frank Forrester. Did not like the woman from
first time that Frank, 70, appeared in Eastwick Country Club and the
introduced with his wife. It was not a prejudiced man and not condemn Delia
because of the 30 years age difference between her and Frank. Not listened
the rumors that Delia spent Frank's money like water. What had
against it was that tried to seduce him almost under her husband's nose. Do Not
trust Delia and could not understand how Frank trusted.
- Hi, Delia - he said, and turned to see if via any indication of his wife
- I saw him leave the church in a hurry. - Also looked into the street, in the direction
he looked. - Looking for someone?
- I thought I saw a person I know and I hoped to achieve it.
- What's her name? - Adopted a seductive pose. - Maybe I'll know.
Jack thought about the marked differences between his mysterious redhead and Delia. And
the chances of Delia know her were minimal.
- I doubt, do not go your circles.
- Well, I'm sure you regret losing you. I know I would regret.
Jack chose to ignore the hint.
- Where is Frank?
She sighed.
- Waiting in the car. Is very weak after his heart attack and, as
looks like rain, I thought it would not be a good idea for him to stay in this humid air.
- How thoughtful.
- I try to have. - And there was a hurt expression in her eyes.
Jack regretted the scathing tone and thought it was unfair. Might have
misjudged the woman. After all, everyone said looked after very well by Frank since its
heart problem.
- It was nice to have Frank left in the car. The moist air would do him good.
- So said Frank. Unfortunately, it is not easy for him to be an invalid. Nor
for me - He lowered his gaze, then looked back at him. - Frank is no longer the
same man There is so much that can no longer do.
- Then he's lucky to have you to help you. - He thought he had really
Delia judged badly.
- It is what Frank says too. And do not care, but from time to time is so
tiring. - He took a step closer to Jack. - And I want to be someone in
who could support me, someone to take care of my needs.
- Hire a nurse to help her with Frank - Jack suggested ignoring the
clear invitation. He stepped back. - The doctor Frank can recommend someone.
Anger flashed in the eyes of Delia but disappeared so quickly that Jack
asked if he had imagined.
- Oh, could not trust anyone to take care of Frank, not later than
there was. I do not know what I'd do if I lost my Frank.
- I'll think of something. But I hope you do not need. Frank will be
with us for a long time.
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- Of course, yes But enough about Frank and my problems. Which
I would like to know is if the rumors are true and is even planning to compete
to the state Senate.
- Who told you?
- Does not matter. It is true?
The rumors were inevitable, thought Jack. A group of businessmen had
searched and asked him to were applying for a position that would soon be opened in
State Senate. Had not yet decided to compete or not. Disliked
prospect of a campaign, with the audience watching your every move, and
so was not sure if wanted.
- I have not decided, but I am considering.
Delia joined hands.
- Oh, but it needs to compete, Jack, will be a wonderful senator. All
think so and can count on my support.
- Thank U.
- Need to allow to give a party in his honor.
- Thanks, but I have not decided. - The thunder sounded again. Jack watched the
crowd begin to disperse as the sky darkened and the smell of rain took the
air. - I'll say goodbye to Abby and Luke before it starts to rain. A hug for
Delia looked at the sky.
- Maybe you should wait until you get to Abby's house. Go on, will not you?
- For what?
- For the reception. At a time like this, Abby needs the support of all
friends. I'll take a cake.
- I understand. - It was a surprise. Did not think Delia was friend
Abby. After all, everyone knew Abby was part of the Debs Club, the name the members of the
country club had given the women's group that met regularly to
lunch at the club. And I knew Delia did not belong to the group.
Delia seemed to read his thoughts.
- I'm not part of the Debs Club, but I like Abby. And I know how it is to lose the mother.
I lost my parents as a teenager.
- I Regret. - And saw her eyes fill with tears.
- It's all right. - She wiped her eyes with a handkerchief of batiste and income. I do not like to talk about it. I must go, Frank is waiting for me But go to the house of
Talbot, maybe your friend is there.
It was decided to Jack, after spending almost an hour walking from room to
Abby room in the house and Luke Talbot. But almost everyone was. Members of the
Eastwick Country Club, politicians, and newspaper editor and the entire board of Eastwick
Then watched Luke Talbot asking permission to a group and disappearing down the hall. And
saw the way Abby's eyes followed her husband.
He felt the hand of the weight of a man on the shoulder.

- Jack, my boy, you've searched.

Jack turned and looked at his father. At 68, John was the picture of health.
Maintaining the structure of lean and muscular 1.80m. The tan acquired in the field of
Golf accentuated white hair and gray eyes. And the recent retirement was the
responsible for its relaxed and happy attitude.
- Hi, Dad.
- You seemed rushed when he left the funeral service. It's okay?
- All great.
The father watched with skepticism.
- Are you sure there are no problems in the office? If any, will be happy to
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- Relax, Dad, all is well there. Just saw a person I'm trying to
find for some time.
- And could find it?
- I never said I was a woman. But, no, I lost. - Did not want to
prolong the matter. - You said you were looking for me. Need some
- Your mother wants you to know that brought a spinach quiche. It is one of his
new recipes and want to make sure that will prove it. Is in the dining room.
Jack grimaced. The mother was a horrible cook. Unfortunately, loved
cook, and he, his sisters and his father never had the courage to tell him how it was
awful the food was. Fortunately, the housekeeper, Alice, was in charge of the kitchen
much more often. But the mother continued to surprise them with new recipes.
- It is as bad as the liver mousse?
- Nothing is worse than the liver mousse. But come on, she's looking over here.
Jack followed his father to the dining room and served quiche reluctantly. Then
looked at his father.
- Will not eat too?
- I ate last night, now it's your turn.
- I hope that my stomach forgive me. - And took a forkful to his mouth. The
egg mixture and spinach seemed to expand in your mouth, and he struggled to
- Here. - The father handed him a glass of water.
Jack managed to swallow and then shuddered. The father continued to smile when Jack
threw the rest in the trash.
- You are a braver man than me. I do not know how to do it.
- It's called love, son. Listen to what I say, will ever eat something with
like garbage and will do this smiling because you happy the woman he loves.
- I hope to marry a woman who can cook.
The father shrugged.
- Maybe you can. But I did not marry his mother for his skill in the kitchen.

No, Jack thought, her parents had married for love. And was surprised to see
that, after 40 years of marriage, still loved each other. Had many relationships in
his 33 years and even had been engaged once, until he and the bride understand that
would be better as friends than as husband and wife. But never come close to
experience the kind of connection that their parents had.
Suddenly remembered a slender redhead with eyes of a ghostly blue.
Felt something for her that night, some strong and powerful thing, beyond attraction
physics and amazing sex. It was as if an invisible force had drawn to her. And she
felt the same thing.
- Jack?
- Sorry, Dad. - He pushed the memory. - What is it?
- Said Tom Carlton asked me if ever considered applying for
Senate when Petersen retire?
- I'm considering the idea. I do not know if I'm the right man for the job.
- I do not know why not. It is an excellent lawyer, son. It is smart and clever,
able to deal with the political and accomplish things. More importantly, it is honest
and cares about the people. Just see what could after he began to do
on the board of Eastwick Cares. Everyone loves the program to combat
- It was a joint effort. There are many good people on the board and working
for Eastwick Cares.
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- Bunny, God rest her soul, told his mother that it was your idea.
It was true, but all other members contributed to making the program
- Still, a member of the board of a non-profit institution is
different from having a seat in the Senate. I do not know if I want that commitment to
of political activity.
- Well, you have to decide soon. Petersen will retire in just over
one year. Many people are already preparing for the competition for his place. A campaign
is expensive and, sooner Carlton and his staff know who will be your
candidate, the better.
- I told Carlton that would give you my answer at the end of the month.
- Whatever you decide, you have my support and that of his mother.
- Thanks, Dad.
The father nodded.
- Better go look for his mother.
- And I need to get back to the office.
- Do not forget to call your mother and tell her something nice about
that quiche.
- You can leave.

While the father went to find his wife, Jack headed for the door. On
lobby, took the raincoat closet and went out onto the balcony. The rain was falling now
force. He put on the cover, raised his collar and put his hands in the pockets. And noticed a
sheet of
paper. He took it out, unfolded it and read the message typed in capital letters.
WHAT GOOD CITIZENS of Eastwick think if they find out
Stunned, Jack did not realize that the rain grew stronger. Not even occurred
realize that on the other side of the door, there was a house full of people. Your total focus
was on the sheet in his hands. Reread it, and as he did, the shock was replaced by
anger. Was being blackmailed!
Or at least, it was the intention of the person who wrote the ticket. He turned the sheet
paper, studied it, looked for anything that would indicate who the author was. But not
found nothing. No matter who wrote it, he told himself while kneading
sheet. Whoever had made two big mistakes. The first had been
believe that he would submit to extortion, the second was the claim. The charge was
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ridiculous. Not child's father was none. He was not involved with anyone or
had been with a woman since the previous year. Not since. Jack froze. Not since
the night of the Black and White Ball.
And suddenly, images arose in his mind. Images of a lit room
the moon, a woman with silky skin and blue eyes. Was it possible? Was pregnant?
No, could not. Had the good sense to use protection. Then he remembered the last
time they made love ...
- Do you have the softest skin - Jack whispered, lying next to her.
Ran a finger down her back. It seemed satin, only warmer, and had a
light scent of roses and anything else not identified and which could
easily get used to. With which wanted to get used, she realized. But had
agreed at the beginning what would happen between them that night would end in
same night.
The masks that were used in the dance become the most interesting and night
exciting. Not known, but the physical attraction between them was palpable. Yet
could not believe she had given him the key to your room ... or that she had been there. His
insistence not to reveal their identities had seemed a good idea.
There had been some dangerous and attractive thing about not knowing who the woman was
behind the

mask. But now do not know whether to have agreed because the more time
spent with her, the more sure had that did not want things between them
finished. Pressed him a kiss on the spine and she shivered.
- Tickling?
- Do Not.
Wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her body closer to the
him, cradling her. No, definitely did not want the night to end. Made
only an hour he had made love to her for the last time. And the longer wanted again. This
time, however, wanted more than your body. I wanted it all.
- I know we agreed not to talk about us, but we can reconsider.
- No -. And her body tensed.
- Why not?
- Why would return to the real world. I do not want, at least not tonight. This
night do not want to think about anything outside of this room.
Moved by the desperation in his voice, turned her to see his face. Passed
a finger over the face and saw a haunted expression in those blue eyes.
- OK. Tonight there is a world outside this room. But at least I
state your name. I can no longer call it Red.
- I like to call me Red.
No one called me that before.
- But I.
She sat up and pushed him back to bed.
- No more talk.
And then took control. Kissed him on the mouth deeply, completely.
So that burning mouth moved down. Kissed her neck, chest and down
further. When pressed her lips on his belly, his guts contracted.
He reached for it, wondering if that spell mermaid that had thrown him, and you
took the mouth, explorando- her body as she explored his.
Never wanted either a woman, a longing that seemed dangerously with
necessity. When he could no longer bear, reached for the coffee table
bedside looking for a condom.
- No, let me.
Her voice trembled. Tore it open with his teeth and made his desire grow.
He lay down on his back and watched as slowly put his condom. The
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feeling was indescribable. As the haunting look on her face. Known
who had little experience from the first time they made love.
There had been an innocence and abandonment in their reaction to it that told you that
that night was one thing for her, as it was for him. For a moment,
wondered why she had been to his room. What wanted to escape the world
And then he could not think anymore, because she had taken inside. Jack you

held her hips and let her establish the pace. Moved forwards and
backward, up and down, the pace faster and faster with every move.
- I can not.
- Yes you can. - And held his own pleasure to give you more. She gasped with
New, and when the orgasm took her, her inner muscles clenched around him.
Every sound emitted, every movement, he felt his own climax approaching.
When he could not wait, Jack turned back and buried it again.
And then the condom tore.
- Cartwright? Cartwright, are you okay?
Jack returned to the present and saw Luke Talbot standing before him, watching him.
Away the memory and put the crumpled sheet in the raincoat pocket.
- I thought I'd expect this rain subside before running to the car.
- I went out to get some air.
But the annoyed expression on his face made Jack wonder if it was true.
Studied the man calculated its height, a little below him, was thin and 1.85 m
muscular. There was nothing impressive in the hair and brown eyes, but
seemed always vigilant. As the watched now.
- I've talked to Abby, but I had the opportunity to tell you how sorry I am about
her mother in law.
- Thank U. It has been very difficult for Abby.
The mobile Talbot rang and he took out. He looked at the number that called and
- Excuse me, I have to meet.
- No problem. I think I'll risk it to the car.
Jack went down the porch steps and ran in the rain to his car. And when
felt the cold water on his face, he thought again that December night. She had
disappeared when he awoke the next morning. Although look far
no one heard him say who his mystery woman. Now it was clear that
Bunny knew Baldwin. He closed his hand around the sheet of paper. He reached the car,
came in and, after switching on the ignition, wiped his face with a handkerchief. She made it
clear that
did not want the relationship be prolonged beyond that night, remembered. It was the
why had not made a serious effort to find her. So far. Excuse Me,
Redhead. The rules of the game just changed.
Lily looked in the file the process he needed. He found it and kept it in
folder. He looked at the hours and groaned. It was already 17:20. The meeting of the board of
Eastwick Cares
start in ten minutes, and she would not be in the office. I knew I should have gone
earlier, but when Kristen, one of the teenagers who advised, appeared
need to talk, Lily had not refuse. As a result, was too close
the time of the meeting. Board members would arrive any minute.
Since he had seen Jack Cartwright in Bunny's funeral, three days before, had been
tense. He recognized her, she was sure. And he could not shake the thought that more
something happen. He locked the file and put out the light of the desk. He took the
keys and purse, the folder on the other hand, and rushed. Had just closed the door,

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when he heard the sound of the elevator bell. Six floors or not, the stairs would be
safer. He went to them, opposite the elevators.
- Miss. Miller! Miss. Miller, wait! Lily heard Kristen call her and also the voices
of people who had also left the elevator. Kristen wanted to ignore and move on to
not risk Jack sees it. But since he could not pay attention to a child that
had sought for help? Could not admitted. He stopped and turned.
- Gee, Miss. Miller, did not hear me? Lily walked toward the girl, who was already
in the middle of the hall.
- Sorry, I was distracted. Do you need anything?
- I think I left my backpack in his office.
- Well, let's see if it's there. - He returned to the office, opened the door and turned on the
- There is. - Kristen pointed to the couch where he sat in the meeting and
picked up the backpack. - I need to study for a test tomorrow and all my notes
are here. I do not know what I'd do if you had gone.
- So I'm glad you reach me in time. - Lily left the office
with the teenager.
The elevator bell rang again.
- The elevator arrived. Goes down?
- Not yet. - Lily still hoped to escape without Jack saw her.
- Until next week, then. - The girl ran toward the elevator, which
opened the door, and Kristen entered. - Goodbye, Miss. Miller. And thanks again.
- See you soon - Lily said.
And when she stepped off the elevator, I could have sworn I heard the sound of fate coming.
Because, just as he had feared for months, the man who looked at her was Jack
Cartwright. Unable to move, he was just standing there and watched the shock in his
blue eyes when they moved from face to her belly and back. He walked toward
she. The voice was low and dangerous.
- Hi, Red. - Then he looked at the card with her name on the office door.
- Or should I say, "hi, Lily Miller"?
She nodded, not knowing if he could speak, when the heart seemed to be housed
- When this baby will be born? - The expression was severe.
- Within four months. But ...
- What does it mean that I am the father. And if you want to say that the baby is not mine, can
forget, because I will demand a paternity test and we both know what the
- Would not lie. - Put the protective hand over her stomach. - Just want
learn to stay not pregnant. was something planned.
- Neither the condom tearing. Why did you tell me that was taking the pill?
- I did not say. Only that was protected because it was a safe time. Do You
just assumed that I was taking the pill. - He felt the blush you cover the face. - It is not

nobody's fault was an accident, Jack ...

- So you know who I am.
- Yes, but not in the beginning.. Only later, when you took off the mask.
- And then knew? And yet not wanted me to know who it is. How come,
Lily? Why continue the pretense? It was some kind of joke to you?
- Do Not! No, it was not a joke. That night. that night I was not me
thereof. Did not want to be myself. So when he invited me to dance, and I decided
follow the rules of a masked ball and not reveal our identities, not
needed to be myself. Seemed. seemed so harmless. - But did not want to tell you
as he had been wounded and hurt and it made her feel whole again. - Go to your
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quarter that night. was not. is not something I usually do.
- Invite a stranger to go to my hotel room is not common
for me. So why was not free? Why did not you tell me who is? How come
continued to pretend?
- Because I was afraid you would stop if he knew who I am. He did not want
stop. - The sincerity of tone was evident.
Something flashed in his eyes, but whatever thought to say
never ended up handing her his lips, because a door opened.
- Cartwright, the meeting will start.
- Doug Walters, one of the board members, called.
- Start without me I'll be right. - Do not take his eyes off her for a second.
- We are considering names on for Bunny - said Walters.
- Go to the meeting - she said before he answered.
- We need to talk.
- I know.
A part of her was relieved that he finally know the truth, but another
was nervous so he could want to do. Know the status of his family.
Although being a single mother was no more outrageous, the news that Jack was the father
would certainly create an embarrassing situation for the respected family Cartwright.
- Cartwright? - Walters called again.
- Go, I'll wait until you finish and then we'll talk.
- Okay But, if you think to run away again, as it did in the cemetery
that day, just remember that now I know who you are. And there is no place in this world
where you can hide from me.
And as she watched him walk away, Lily knew that Jack was talking very
for real. If I had someone to turn to for protection, somewhere to go, he would find.
But there was no one, only her baby, then turned and went back to the office to
wait for it.
- The
find Abby Talbot take her mother's place on the board? - Suggested

Jacqueline Kent.
- She's only 30 years. It is too young to participate in this board - claimed
Doug Walters.
- Truth. But it is bright, has presence and supports very Eastwick.
Cares. It will also be nice to have someone young in this board - defended Mrs.
Kent. - See how Jack has been a great acquisition.
The discussion continued, but Jack's thoughts were on Lily. Only heard
compliments about her since she started to attend the board. The incomparable and efficient
Lily Miller was adored by teenagers who advised and their reports were
always well typed, complete and available for board meetings, although the
lady herself never was present. Now she knew why. He had been avoiding him. Do Not
stopping just short, but hiding the fact that his father would be. Father.
Thought still difficult to accept the idea, but did not doubt for a second that
child was his. I knew it was. As she had said, spend an evening with a
stranger was not normal for her. as it was not for him.
- What do you think, Jack? - It was Doug Walters again.
- Sorry, Doug. What is it?
- What do you think of Abby Talbot Bunny take the place on the board?
- I think it's a good idea. To my knowledge, is an excellent business woman.
Has supported Eastwick Cares and think it would be a good way to honor the mother by
his years of service in the institution.
- So okay. Why do not we vote?
The vote ended and the board dealt with the rest of the agenda, which took almost
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two hours. Jack half expected Lily had already left when he went to his
office. But there she was, sitting on the couch, eyes closed, head resting
a cushion. Was asleep, she realized. And took the time to study it. To
now, had only her memories. how you looked when seen for the first
instead, a fantasy involved in black satin. Her beauty in your room, with the light of
fireplace reflecting the red hair. Of was like lying on her bed, her back
arched, the flushed skin and the body together to him. So many times in recent months
tried to convince himself that he was wrong! It could not be as beautiful as
remembered. But no, it was even more beautiful. The dark red hair in soft waves you
framed the face of a perfect oval, delicate features. The mouth that made love to
he shouted and pleasure was even more tempting than that time. Dark lashes
covered blue eyes that haunted his dreams. The dust of freckles on her nose, which
prevented her beauty was too perfect, made it even more beautiful in his eyes.
But it was the small volume in the womb and the knowledge that carried his son
made his chest tighten.
She opened her eyes suddenly and fixed the it. Soon sleep disappeared and caution
returned. He sat down.
- Sorry, I must have dozed off. I'm doing this a lot lately.

She really looked tired, Jack thought, and there was light shadows under her
eyes. He was worried about her and the baby.
- He told the doctor? What did he say? It is normal?
- Yes, I told, and she said she is perfectly normal.
Jack saw what looked like a fool in panic rather than a sensible adult, and
sat in the chair in front of her. He let out a sigh and faced it look
- Excuse Me. It was a great surprise to me.
- I understand. For me it was also in the beginning, and panicked with
anything. But I had time to get used to.
- Too bad I can not say the same thing. - He was angry again for
she had kept the pregnancy a secret from him. - Why did not you tell me about the baby?
You thought I did not have the right to know who would be the father?
- No, of course you have And I would tell you.
- When? When the baby was formed in college?
- I wanted to tell you - insisted, but he realized his restlessness.
- Then why did not you tell?
- Why did not know what to say.
- The truth would be effective. All you had to do was say that the night
slept together resulted in a baby.
- You're right and I apologize. - The voice became softer, the expression,
calmer. She lifted her chin and stiffened his shoulders. - You should have told you. And now
you know, you also know that I intend to keep the baby.
Jack realized that at no time had hoped that did not. Also
realized she could easily put the baby up for adoption and if the register as
having unknown father, he would never know he had a son.
- But only because I'm going to keep the baby does not mean that I expect something
do you. I do not expect. I took the decision alone and I intend to take full responsibility.
So do not be afraid I do requirements.
- A beautiful speech, Lily. How long have been rehearsing? - And he
surprised because it seems so calm when he was angry.
- Some time I..
He leaned to the eyes stay on the same height as her.
- It is irrelevant whether or not expect something from me. I am the father of the baby and, as
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father, not only intend to take full financial responsibility for him or her, as
I also intend to be part of your life.
- I understand. - Jack wondered if she would have even thought he would flee
of their responsibilities to the baby and with her. - I know we can get
something about the visits. Many families make it. Of course, we have to
wait until the baby grow. Then we will schedule to be with him or her in
holidays or the summer holidays.

- I do not understand what I'm saying, Lily. I want to be part of life

this child from the first day, not when it has 4 or 5 years.
- But surely understands that a baby needs to stay with her mother - insisted, and
he heard the touch of fear in her voice.
- Father also need I have no intention of being a father weekend.
I want to be part of all the late night bottles, of the first steps. Everything.
Lily stood up.
- I will not allow you to take the baby from me - The voice was firm, his gaze defiantly. I do not care who your family or how much money you have, I will fight you.
While I breathe. I will not let me take my baby.
- This is our baby, Lily. Our baby.
She crossed her arms protectively over her belly. But the eyes never
deviate from it.
- I'm serious, Jack. I'll fight you every step. I will not allow
I take the baby.
Jack stood up and approached. It was 15 centimeters taller than her and knew
that could be intimidating. There had been told many times that his strong physical presence
was a powerful attribute in court as his knowledge of the law? But if he was
intimidated, Lily did not show. Held firm before him. With claws prepared
and the look full of fire, she remembered a cat protecting her cubs. And he admired
that is why.
- Do you really think I'm a heartless monster? What would our baby
She eyed him warily.
- But you said you want to be present for all the baby's life.
- And I want. - Then reached up and touched his face. - A baby needs a
mother and a father.
- I do not understand. The baby can not be with us all the time.
- Of course it can. All we need to do is marry.
- Can not be serious. - Lily did not believe that Jack had suggested
they were married.
- I never spoke so serious in life.
- So, that is crazy or is an idiot.
- He turned away from him and took shelter behind the desk. I wanted the feeling
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control the mobile represented.
- How come? Because I want to give our baby a real home with father and mother?
I think that seems very reasonable.
- But not met.
He sat across the desk.
- This will be easily repaired. Ask. What you want to know about me?

- Jack.
- Okay, I'll start. My full name is John Ryan Cartwright IV, but
I am called Jack since diapers. I'm single, never married. My parents
are Sandra and John Cartwright. I have two sisters, Courtney and Elizabeth. My ancestors
paternal were English Puritans, some of the first pioneers to settle in
Massachusetts. On the side of my mother, I am a descendant of Nathan Hale, the hero
American revolution against British rule.
- Jack, this is not necessary. - He was increasingly inadequate. Do Not
belonged to his world and never belong.
- It is necessary because we made a baby together and he or she will need the father and
the mother. If the only way to achieve this is to know everything about each other, so I want
who knows everything about me.
Lily saw the determined look of Jack and do not waste time arguing. When
he finished, try to make him understand that marriage was not a viable option.
- Let's see, where was it? You already know that I am the Chambers
Cartwright and Associates, which was founded by my great-grandfather. I became the Managing
last year, when my father retired. I am a board member of Eastwick
Cares and two other non-profit institutions because I believe that a person can
make a difference and that's a good way to contribute to the well-being of
community. I have a house, a boat and like to go through the Long Island Sound
whenever I can, gain around $ 250,000 a year with my work as
lawyer and have a stock portfolio that yields a little more. My favorite food
is spaghetti. My favorite dessert is bananas Foster. - He got up, walked around the
desk and passed the back of his hand lightly on Lily's face.
- And I have a real weakness for redheads with silk skin. - Lily closed her
eyes and for a moment, just as happened that December night, if
allowed weaken it to. - Marry me, Lily. Let's build a home for the
our baby. - He made it sound so easy! - It's simple, Lily.
And then she realized that she had said it out loud. As needed break
the attraction hypnotic, stepped back and folded his arms.
- You're wrong. Is not simple. - And could not afford to make the mistake of
believe it was. He had done this too while growing up. Do not commit now, not
when the happiness of your baby was at stake.
- Why not?
- Because we are from entirely different worlds.
- If you mean the money.
- I'm not. But it is a factor. For starters, do not own my house,
I live in a rental apartment. My annual income is a small fraction of
a. I have a modest savings, but not a stock portfolio. My car has five
years and have a bike, but not a boat.
- These things are material, do not matter.
- Not only are the financial differences, Jack. You can trace your
ancestors for generations. Have parents, sisters, family. Do you know who it is, where it came
from. Know
how far can trace my ancestors? For 27 years. to myself. I know my name

Lily is because the ticket was nailed on blanket around me and there is a letter "L"
recorded this medallion that I was using. - And showed. - The surname
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Miller is the street name of the church where I was left.
- Lily, I'm sorry.
- No -. He looked away, not wanting to see it in his pen, not wanting it
see the tears in her. - Surely understand the idea now that the
married, even for the sake of the baby, is ridiculous.
- How come? Because it has no pedigree? Do you really think I'm so empty? That
judge based on such trifles as where you were born and who are
your parents?
- I do not consider unimportant do not know who I am and where I come from. For all
I know, I can be the daughter of a serial killer.
- Or the daughter of a king.
But kings did not abandon their babies, she thought. And rich and beautiful men
prestigious families did not marry with orphans that even mothers wanted
She felt him coming from behind.
- So maybe I do not know where he was born or who your family. But I know one
thing. - He rested his hands on her shoulders. - I know this is kind and cares. I know that
as a counselor, made a difference to lives and tens of dozens of children. I know that
because of you, many teenagers who have gone through this port had the opportunity
a future. For advice to you is not just a job, you
care for the children. - Since she became pregnant, Lily's emotions were
uncontrolled, and she felt her eyes fill with tears, tears that is not
shed or in the darkest moments of his life. - I also know that, although
has not planned to have this baby, already loves you and will do what is right for him. - She
turned to him and
lifted her chin with his finger. - And the right thing is we got married. Provide a home and
a family for our baby.
- But we can do this without marriage.
- How? Taking the child of your apartment to my house and back? That
kind of life is this for a child? What our baby needs is security, Lily. and
not just financial. Our baby needs a family and a real home, with
father and mother there for him to throw it at night and tell stories, to be there when he
or she wakes up from a nightmare. Do not want our baby is this?
- Of course I want. - Being part of a real family had been his greatest
all anseiopor
life, his constant request to Santa Claus when I was little. And
still believed he could. And he never had. Who have not yet had.
- We can never give these things to our baby if we are single parents.
She knew he was right. However, a part of her felt disappointed.
- And love? - Always believed that if or when married, it would be with

someone she loved and who loved her. - Marriage is more than share a house
with someone. What chance a marriage between us will if we do not love?
- Who says we need to love us? Like each other, in
respect. We will share a son. And we already know that we are sexually
compatible. Many successful marriages are based on much less.
Lily looked up quickly to his. She'd been so focused on a
marriage between them would mean that the baby had not thought of that mean
to her.
- I mean it will be a real marriage?
He smiled, and Lily felt the same tightness in the stomach of prom night, when the
had first seen.
- I do not see why it would not. I want to honor my wishes and I hope to do the
thereof. Since I believe that none of us want a life of celibacy makes sense
we share the bed.
- I think you're right. - Everything he said made sense.
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- I will see. - He took a cover strand of hair from her and took her back
the ear. - And I think the sooner we get married, the better.
A wave of panic took it.
- But, and your family, your friends? What think? What say?
- They will think and say that I am a very lucky guy.
Or maybe he had gone mad. Perhaps the two had gone mad, because it would
marry Jack Cartwright. Just hoped they did not repent.
restless and nervous as a filly, Jack thought as he watched
Lily on the seat beside him. His hands were tightly closed, the body, stiff, and
made him stop twice during the trip 30 minutes to go to the bathroom. He had claimed
it was one of the disadvantages of pregnancy, but he suspected that much was
due to nerves.
Not that the blame. He had been surprised to declare that they should get married. But
so said the words, had noted it was the right thing to do. Known of
once that Lily was too proud to let him take care of her and baby
financially. Thus, not even bothered to suggest. In addition, it was true that
a child needed parents. And, although he had not planned to become father
that way, wanted to be a real father and in every way. Which meant giving
your baby the love and security he had known as a child. And the only way
to do this was marrying Lily.
Had dropped each of its objections, as he did in court. He had
been exactly fair, but when she told him about her life, without family or
could imagine how his life had been painful and lonely. Thus, had used the feelings
her against her and gotten your agreement to the wedding. And before he could

change your mind, begun to act. It had taken her to the registry office the next day to get a
marriage license and now took her to meet his parents.
Jack thought the ring in his pocket. She said she did not want. She wore no jewelry, the
not be the gold medallion. And, although it could be one of those rare women who
not aspired jewelry, he knew, by his past, no one had thought of giving
one to Lily. But wanted her to have the ring. Had planned to give it out when get it
in his apartment for the trip to her parents' home. But realized that was a well of
nerves and decided to wait.
- Are you sure I'm with the right clothes?
- You look beautiful. - It was true. He wore skirt and blouse and was elegant.
- There is still a lot?
- Ten minutes. Need to stop again?
- No, I can wait.
When he saw her close more fist, covered her hand with his.
- Try to relax. It's just a brunch.
- I know.
But he knew that the prospect of visiting his parents and sisters made her anxious. And
kept his hand over hers for the rest of the way.
- It's here. - He stopped at the parents' house gates. Entered the code, the
gates opened and he got in the way of well maintained cars that led to the house.
- It's beautiful. And huge.
- Not so great when you have two younger sisters. Had to run away from them
all the time.
She smiled.
- I'm trying to imagine you as a boy sneaking to escape
her sisters.
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- It was not easy.
Stopped on the way in a circle, with a bed in the middle. Down quickly and opened
the door for her. He offered his hand and, once again, she took it.
- Thank you.
When the front door opened, he pressed his fingers.
- One warning, do not eat anything my mother has cooked.
Before he could answer, his mother was there.
- Lily, I can not say I'm happy to meet you. I'm Sandra, mother
- Nice to meet you, Mrs.. Cartwright.
- Is Sandra, dear. - And, ignoring the hand that Lily ran, hugged her.
- Sandra, not choke the girl. - The father appeared in the doorway. - I'm John Cartwright.
- Mr. Cartwright. - And Lily looked relieved when he only squeezed her hand
with both.
- Son. - He nodded to Jack. - You better come before their

sisters Alice and attack the poor girl at the door.

- Yes, yes, come in - confirmed the mother.
- I hope you're hungry, Lily. Alice prepared a fabulous brunch and I did
my famous mousse liver.
Jack leaned over and whispered to Lily:
- Remember what I said. Avoid liver mousse.
But Lily did not prevent liver mousse. Jack stifled a sigh as the
watched eat another spoon, then pick up the glass of water.
- Leave room for dessert. Alice makes the best strawberry cake
- It's true - confirmed Courtney. - It uses natural whipped cream.
- It looks delicious.
- Jack told us that is a counselor in Eastwick Cares - said Sandra. He said you work with troubled teens in the program.
- Yes, ma'am. - Noted with relief when Alice took the plate with mousse
liver and thanked him.
- Lily is wonderful with the kids - Jack added. - The number of
teenagers staying in school and following the program has doubled since it is
- It is they who do the work, just hear them. - Lily did not want the credit.
- Your family must be very proud of you.
- Lily has no family, mother. - Jack wanted to kick for not having warned
the mother about it.
- What Jack means is that I am an orphan. I never knew who my parents are.
- Sorry, honey, I did not know. Jack - and the tone was angry - should have the
counted. Now let dear embarrassed girl.
- I'm not embarrassed, Mrs. Cartwright, and please do not feel you need to ask
excuses or feel sorry for me. The truth is always believed to be very lucky for
never need to live to meet the expectations of anyone, only to mine.
- She's right - agreed Courtney. - It's too late for me to become a
Everyone laughed and the tension eased.
- Well, when you and Jack are married, you will be a Cartwright, and we will
his family - said Sandra.
- It will adopt the name Cartwright or maintain your last name? - Asked
- I did not think about it - Lily said.
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- I think that when married, I will keep my last name - said Courtney.
- In my day, a woman adopted the husband's name.
- Whatever Lily decides is fine by me. - And Jack put the final point
the discussion.

- Lily, you and Jack already set a date and place for the ceremony? - Courtney
- Do not - Lily said. - Everything happened so quickly.
- I think the next weekend will be a good time and, unless Lily
want a religious service, I thought we could just go to a justice of the peace. - He looked
around the table. - All right for you?
- A justice of the peace is great - Lily agreed.
- A justice of the peace? Is not serious, Jack - interrupted the mother. - The Day
marriage of a woman is one of the most important dates of your life. I'm sure
that Lily is not to say their vows in a dark and ugly office. Want, dear?
- I do not care.
- And it's not a dark and ugly office, mother. The building was restored in the year
past and reform cost $ 1 million.
- This is not the point. You and Lily deserve a better place.
- It's all right, Mrs. Cartwright.
- Is Sandra, dear. Have to call me Sandra.
- Sandra - Lily repeated. - The office of the peace court is great. Not really
I want to work.
- Well, you deserve And just will not accept that you get married in
justice of the peace office. Your wedding should be a memorable occasion for the two and
I intend to be. We just need to think where it will be.
- May and June are months many marriages - reminded Courtney. - All
the good places have already been reserved.
- What is a good reason to get married in the justice of the peace office Jack insisted.
- Nonsense. - And the mother nodded, dismissing the possibility.
- Mom, why are not we doing here? - Courtney suggested. - In the gardens.
- It's a wonderful idea, Courtney. Do not know how not thought about it. All
flowers are open now and the temperature is mild. The gardens will be an environment
perfect for a wedding ceremony.
And the two began planning the details until Elizabeth stop.
- First of all, you should ask Lily and Jack if that is what they want.
Jack sent him a silent thanks. I could have kissed her sister. At 26,
Elizabeth was seven years younger than him. Had gone to college yet
using their twisted head of pompoms and returned as a leading lawyer
very seriously his work in prosecution.
- Elizabeth is right - said the father.
- But John.
- Sandra, the decision is theirs. Jack? Lily? What do you think of the ceremony here?
- Lily decides. - And Jack watched sitting before him.
- Please, Lily - Courtney began, and took Lily's hand. - Tell me you want
getting married here.
- I hate to give so much work at all.
- There will be no work. It will, mother?
- None.
- We hire the Felicity Farnsworth. It is a wedding planner -

Courtney explained. - Is preparing the marriage of Emma Dearborn and Reed Kelly, and
Emma said Felicity gave all the ceremony details and it is
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doing a fabulous job.
- Wonderful idea. I'll call Emma's mother and ask him to tell Felicity
to come here today. We have much to do, we can not wait until tomorrow. - He looked at
Lily. - Lily, need to tell us which you prefer and flowers.
- A second mother. - Jack did not want things to be hasty. I did not hear Lily agree to anything.
- He looked at Lily. - What do you think? Agrees to do the ceremony here? For if not
want, everything you need is saying.
Lily looked around the table and saw in her eyes. Then she turned to him.
- All right for me.
- Fine, then I'll get the phone to Mrs. Felicity. Dearborn. - He turned
Lily. - And then we will make a guest list and think on the menu. And I can
make a spinach quiche.
- No - said while all members of the family. And that made the
mother freeze.
- But you all my love spinach quiche. And you, Lily? Like
spinach quiche?
- I uh.. really do not like spinach.
Jack smiled, proud of Lily and quickly learned.
- Did you hear, mother. The bride does not like spinach quiche.
- Well, I can make a quiche Lorraine - Sandra suggested.
- Honey, you'll have plenty to do, should not cook. Why not let
all in the hands of Alice and the buffet staff?
- Well, maybe you're right. We really much to do and little time.
Courtney, you can call Mrs. Dearborn for me? And, Elizabeth, can get me a
notepad and pen? - Rose. - Lily and Jack, we go to the library to do lists.
John, can you tell Alice that we have dessert and have breakfast there?
- Of course.
Everyone stood up and Jack turned to approach Lily. He was the
glazed eyes. He reached for her and squeezed her fingers.
- Everything will be fine.
- Sandra, why do you, ladies, do not go ahead and start? - Suggested
John. - I would like to talk to Jack.
Jack had noticed the concern in his father's eyes and already provided what would be the
- Let's get out, I want to smoke a cigar and his mother did not like the smell inside
- She does not like is that you smoke.
The father shrugged.

- It's my only vice.

It was true, his father was a good and honest man, devoted to his wife and
children. John lit his cigar when they reached the garden.
- Let's walk.
The 5-acre property was huge and comfortable, the gardens, clean. But it was
also a home, warm and welcoming, and Jack hoped that Lily had realized.
- Lily seems like a good girl.
- She is. He was very nervous about coming here today and meet you all. I think
expected resented her for what happened. So I thank the kindness
with that received.
- I see no reason for resentment against her. It did not make that baby
- No, did not.
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His parents had been wonderful when he gave them the news, the day before,
about the pregnancy of Lily and their intention to marry her. Do not reproached or
gave them advice that did not want to hear. Asked only if he was sure that
the baby was his. When he confirmed, all they did was ask how
could help.
The father took the path that led to the stream that ran through the property.
So often walked with his father as he spoke to him about the facts of
lifetime. On women and responsibility. Jack realized that his father had taken that
way for a reason, so I just waited.
- I got a call from Tom Carlton last night. Has another strong support
for his campaign for the Senate. Everything you'd expect your floor to announce their
- Yes, I know, he left me a message.
- Are you worried because he had not heard from you and wanted to know how found
it. I told him you were coming here today and would call him.
- Okay, I'll call when we get back.
- Have you thought about how his marriage to Lily can affect your political plans?
- Do not know if I have political plans. But beyond the feelings of Lily
on the subject, do not see how my marriage is related to a political career.
- I should not, but Connecticut is a conservative state. And Tom Carlton and his
group lead conservatism. Proud of their heritage and their strong values
family and want their candidates and their families are alike. And as
gentle and lovely Lily is, does not fit the profile of a suitable wife for a
Senator. This unplanned pregnancy and the urgent marriage can not please them.
- So is their problem, not mine. Lily was not born rich. Overcame immense
difficulties and made a name for herself. So, what do you, or anyone Carlton
think of your fitness does not matter. I do not feel constrained by their past.
I'm proud of her for not allowing determine their future. And nothing that you or

anyone can say will make me feel otherwise.

- If I did, then it would not be the man I think it is.
- If you think that, for the sermon?
- Why do you need to prepare for people's reactions to her marriage to
Lily. There are a lot of narrow minded people in Eastwick think that she prepared a
trap for you and that ruined his political future.
- The only opinions that matter to me are my family.
The father nodded and they continued to walk in silence. But father's words the
did remember extortionate ticket. Did not give importance to it and continued to
not give. But hearing his father's warnings made him think of who would be its author. Known
by Lily who had been Bunny Baldwin had given him the invitation to the dance. Was the editor
Eastwick Social Diary and loved gossip, so could well have discovered that it was the
Lily's baby's father. But the blackmail card had been delivered after the death of
Bunny, so had to be someone else. Maybe someone who told Bunny? The
ticket had been put on the raincoat pocket while at Abby's house
Talbot, Bunny's daughter. It was very possible that Bunny had told Abby. Even though
Bunny have always praised Lily Miller, would not ignore the scandal. Actually, it was
exactly the kind of dirt published in the Diary.
But Abby had been too shaken by the death of his mother and could not
run a blackmail plan Moreover, Abby was not the blackmailer type.
However, Luke, her husband, was another story. He remembered his meeting with him in
balcony. The man seemed kind, but there was something different about him. some
something he could not identify. He had always been a loner, but that was not all. Luke
Talbot was. mysterious. Maybe Abby had told him the story heard the mother. But
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Abby could also have it mentioned in Debs Club.
Jack thought of the five women who had received the nickname at the country club
years before. They were a united group and all were at the Black and White Ball. If Bunny
had told Abby about it and Lily, Abby could have spent the story to friends in
one of their lunches. He thought of the other four women. Emma Dearborn, Mary Duvall,
Vanessa Thorpe and Felicity Farnsworth. All of them were at Abby's house after
funeral. Emma Dearborn, with violet eyes, did not seem a blackmailer. It Was
rich. Had an art gallery that was successful and was Reed Kelly bride. Which One
would be the point? Mary Duvall, who had been a troubled teen family
Duvall, had undergone an extraordinary change since the grandfather of the spill, David.
Become devoted to man hardly the action of a blackmailer.
Which left Vanessa Thorpe and Felicity Farnsworth. With Stuart's death, his
much younger wife, Vanessa, had been very well financially. Saw no reason
for the blonde to avail of blackmail. As for Felicity Farnsworth ... He had known he had
financial problems after divorce many years ago. But now your company
wedding planning was going well If the lady was extortionate, certainly not

acted as one.
The father interrupted her reflections.
- Do you think Lily knows the confusion that marriage and pregnancy will cause?
- It's a smart woman, certainly has an idea.
- It must be right. But whispers and innuendo. are worse for a woman.
How do you think will handle it?
- She is strong, will not let a little gossip bother.
- I hope you're right, son. Why will receive the heavier load, and is the
that will have to adjust more.
- Marriage is a difficult adjustment for both of us.
- Truth. But it's her life will change more. Suddenly will become a
wife, mother and accept the role of a Cartwright, all at once. It's a tough task
for any woman.
- I will do everything I can to make it easier for her to transition. But
as I said, Lily is a smart and strong woman. Not allow some languages
loose the bored.
- Believe a man who was next to a woman who became pregnant three
times. No matter how smart and be strong and carry out a baby are
completely different.
- I'll remember.
They were silent for a while and Jack knew that was not over yet.
They arrived at the creek bank.
- Did I tell you about the first time I saw your mother?
- She said they met at a dance.
- Yes, it was. He was in the hall when she came with her cousin Bess. I
considered a good party and it was, but was in no hurry to accommodate me. Then
saw his mother. There she was, standing in the doorway. one girl lint in a long white dress,
with hair the color of coffee and bright green eyes. One look and I was hit.
- What hit?
- Italians call jolt of lightning. And I think that is a good
manner described. Because I felt the jolt throughout the body. He could not take his eyes
it. And I knew, then and there, that was the woman for me, the woman with whom
marry me.
And Jack remembered own reaction to Lily when seen for the first time.
There had been something in it which had not resist. And the truth was that he had not
been able to forget it. Even with the shock of the baby, the attraction was still there.
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- Unfortunately, his mother did not feel the same way and took the time to
convince her that he was the right man for her.
- How did you get?
- I gave him time and space to realize what he wanted. Once relieved the
pressure, she discovered that wanted me. - He paused. - I had the impression that Lily

is not as safe as you about the wedding.

- Not - Jack admitted. And he was not. - But, unlike you,
Lily can not give time to discover that marriage with me is the right thing to
Because, to be given time, feared that changed his mind.
Maybe Jack was right. They should have just gone to the judge's office
peace, she thought while the library table of Cartwrights. As a thing
that seemed so simple had become so complicated? When Sandra Cartwright
had called Felicity Farnsworth, the wedding planner immediately came with
books, photos and all that was needed to plan your wedding.
Your wedding.
Lily's stomach clenched. Not yet believed agreed to marry
with Jack when he had made the request. No, not a request. He insisted. But you
agreed, girl. Yes, agreed for the sake of the baby. Was doing it so
her baby had what ever had. parents, a family. Not just a family, but the
prestigious family Cartwright.
It was not what I expected, Lily admitted. Ever met rich people, but never
had been part of his world, had never been welcomed with open arms. Still felt the shock
have been embraced by the elegant Sandra Cartwright. Not imagined it would be like.
Hoped that Jack's mother was cold and distant to treat her as a woman
inadequate that was ruining his son's life. But none of them had treated her well. In
Indeed, had been too kind to her.
The conversation continued on cakes, flowers and invitations templates. Once in
when asked for his opinion, but knew nothing, wanted nothing. Felicity opened a
showcase with photos of cakes and put him in front of her.
- Oh, this is lovely - Sandra said.
- And this too - excited to Courtney. - And this.
- This does not, color is very pink.
Lily sat back and watched the women of Jack's family. They were warm and
friendly, there was real affection between them, although they provoke and discuss
He looked at the room, the two fireplaces with mantels covered family photos. Other
photos spread on the desk and shelves. And he thought that one day photo
your baby would be there also He belonged to a family. And it was he who was
that, he remembered. Just did not want to cause problems for Jack.
- This is beautiful - Sandra Cartwright said. - What do you think, Lily?
Lily woke fantasy and realized that all eyes were on her. He looked at
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the cake.
- I think Sandra's right, it's beautiful.
- Then choose this? - Felicity asked.
- Yup.

- You have a preference over the filling? You can be what you want.
- What if each layer has a different filling? - Courtney suggested. - A cake
six layers, each with a different flavor.
- It can be done if you want Lily - agreed Felicity. - Want a six-cake
- Sounds too cake.
- It depends on how many people will come to the wedding. You know how many guests
will be?
- Do not think of it. I assumed it would be a small ceremony, just the
family of Jack and some of his friends.
- But, dear Lily, Jack has many friends and associates and there are also friends
family. I think that will be at least 300 guests.
- Three hundred ?! - And the panic threatened to wrap it again.
- No more than 30 - Jack announced.
Lily looked back at the door where Jack was. And never was so happy to see
a person. His eyes did not depart from it as he approached and panic
disappeared. He stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders lightly.
- Thirty? - Sandra looked devastated.
- But, Jack.
- Accept, mother. Lily and I want a small, intimate thing, with just
family and some friends. If you do not want so, then do not marry us here. Back
the original plan and we will go to the justice of the peace office.
Sandra called for Lily, but to no avail.
- I also want to be small.
- But.
- You heard the girl, Sandra. - John entered the library. - She and Jack not
want to make your wedding a circus. And do not blame them. If you want, we can do
a great reception for them later.
- Well, I see I am outvoted. - He turned to Felicity. - We will need
a cake to feed 30 people.
Felicity noting the details. But when he began to talk about other issues, Lily
felt tense. And suddenly remembered that night in the hotel room with Jack.
She was nervous and excited when he arrived. And if it took before the closed door,
unable to decide. But the door opened and there was Jack. He said nothing,
just took in his arms and kissed her. And all thoughts disappeared with
touch of his mouth.
- We think of mini beef Wellington - Sandra Cartwright said.
- Lily, you want beef Wellington? - Felicity asked.
- Wait a minute. - Jack to stop responding. - Mom, why are you and
Felicity do not think on the menu? I have a full day tomorrow and Lily too. I have
sure that whatever they decide will be great. Okay, Lily?
- Right. - And got up full of gratitude when he pulled the chair.
- And do not forget, mother, no quiche. Lily and I need your help
with everything else.
- Okay, I will Quiche Lorraine for you after the wedding.
- Thank you. I look forward to prove.

Ten minutes later, Lily was in the car of Jack.

- I regret leaving her alone with those wolves. I had to talk to Tom
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Carlton, an old family friend.
Unfortunately, it took longer than expected.
- It's okay - He looked really worried. - I liked your family, not
what is expected.
- May I ask what you expected?
- I do not know. Just did not think they were so kind to me. I mean,
given what they are and who I am and. circumstances.
Jack's expression turned grim.
- They are just people, Lily. As for the circumstances, you did the baby
alone. If they get upset with someone, it would be me.
- But.
- But are not boring. I think my mother is happy. Has asked me a
grandchild for years. Always complains that her friends are grandparents, and she did not.
- Yes, she talked about it. - And Lily had been surprised. - And was wondering what would be
baby room color.
- Speaking of this, do not talk about where we live. I know you have your
apartment, but it seems that there is no room for the three of us.
He was using tact, she thought. He knew that his one-bedroom apartment was
small. Had applied for a two bedroom for the baby's arrival. But
preferred a house with a yard.
- My house is bigger and I thought, at least for now, might live
it. So if you want to find or build another, we can do this. We are close and
we spend there for you to look.
- It's okay, your home will be great.
- But you did not see it before.
- Maybe another time. I'm tired.
And very concerned had made the right decision. Not just for her and the
baby, but also by Jack.
Lily sigh, Jack looked at her. He had his head thrown
back and eyes closed. He knew he was exhausted. Had finished in the middle of a
Marathon preparations for the wedding. When he went into the library and turns
glazed expression in Lily's eyes, heard that needed to get her out of there. and quickly.
He knew he had doubts about marriage and he did not marry by
love, but there was something between them. chemistry, and attraction. something more.
Something that had grown in the four days since he had found. Matter up with
her and not only because of the baby. And, by the way looked at him when he went into the

library, wondered if she felt the same way.

Suddenly she gasped and Jack turned to her. When he saw her go hand in
belly, his heart almost stopped.
- Is something wrong? The baby?
- Nothing wrong. And, yes, it is our baby. Is kicking again.
He watched her belly and felt the full impact of his words. The baby them.
The life growing in it was a real person. Within four months, he would hold his
baby in her arms. A boy or girl who would call Dad. Looked up
to her face.
- Does it hurt? I mean, the shot?
- No, it's just uncomfortable. But it's getting stronger as the baby
- Is there anything I can do?
She laughed and Jack marveled at the sound was the first time he heard laughing.
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- I say something funny? - I was hoping to hear her laugh again.
- Being pregnant is not like being a cold, Jack. Healing occurs only when the
baby is born. But until then, it seems that only ice cream soothes baby.
- Ice Cream? Baby like ice cream?
- I think so. - And there was a smile in his voice. - Or maybe it's me. All
I know is that when our little soccer player starts to kick, grab a
walnut ice cream box, and when I take the stop kicking.
Jack laughed.
- Then our children like ice cream nuts, huh?
- Apparently.
- What does he think of chocolate?
- I do not know. How come?
- There is an old ice cream parlor nearby. I thought I'd stop and let the little
decide if you like ice cream nuts like Mom or chocolate, like Daddy.
the baby liked ice cream nuts mixed with chocolate.
Jack hated, but loved Lily. And they brought a box to her apartment. Jack
felt he had reached an important milestone because Lily seemed more relaxed close
him. Again held the ring in his pocket.
He parked the car in front of her apartment building, got out and opened the door to
passenger, then held out his hand.
- Thank you - muttered as he took her.
- You're welcome. - He took the bag with the ice cream.
- I take care of it, do not need to go up with me.
- My mother and my grandmother taught me to Cartwright always take a lady to
the door.

For a moment he thought he would argue, but gave up. She opened the door and the
preceded on the stairs to the second floor. He had already shown his concern that she
climbing stairs, but Lily assured that it was a good exercise. When they reached the
apartment door, Lily opened it and turned to him.
- Thank you, Jack. I really enjoyed your family.
- And all liked you.
- Well, I'll say goodbye now.
He lifted the bag with the ice cream.
- I'd better keep it in the freezer.
- It's okay, I do.
- Lily, I want to join. - She never invited her to his apartment. I knew that if
felt uncomfortable. But they needed to overcome that discomfort between them.
- I'm really tired, Jack.
- I promise I will not take. - She hesitated. - Next week you
be my wife. - He brushed her cheek with his fingers. - I do not expect anything from you.
I just think it would be a good idea to better know before you get married, to
you do not feel uncomfortable with me.
- You're right, but it's not as if we were strangers.
- No, we are not. We were attracted to each other that night for some reason and
we made a baby. If we want the marriage to work, we must learn to
trust each other.
- Fully I trust you, Jack. Just do not know if we're doing the thing
right to get married.
- We are - assured and lifted the bag with the ice cream. - But if you do not save
this in the freezer now, we will have many problems.
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- The kitchen is there. And excuse me for a minute.
It was definitely the bathroom calling again. While she was away, Jack
took the opportunity to study your home. The place was smaller than I thought,
watched as he headed for the kitchen and kept the ice cream in the freezer. It Was
tidy, clean and colorful. Lily liked bright colors. Also fond of flowers,
realized to see the daisies arrangement on the kitchen table and the roses in
coffee table in the living room. Everything was small but cheerful and bright. Studied
shelves of a bookcase with a wide range of books, from detective stories
psychology books. He liked the impressionists, he thought as he watched two
prints with Monet reproductions. Transformed the place into a home. But there were no photos
of any kind, or her or anyone else.
The absence of family photos taught him more than any conversation.
A grip also caused his chest by Lily girl who had grown up without it
that every child deserved. a family. And, along with the pain he felt for her, her
admiration grew.
- Sorry for taking.

Jack turned to her.

- No problem. - And tried hard not to get close and take her in his arms.
- He was watching your taste in painting. I see you like Monet.
- Yes, and Degas. I promised myself that one day I go to Paris to pass a
week at the Louvre.
- No need to wait, we can go after the wedding. We have the right to
honeymoon. - He approached and took her hand. - What do you think?
- I and work.? We can not just travel.
- I'll clear my schedule and certainly get a few days off in
institution. So I can make flight reservations?
- I think not. - He freed his hands and went to the other side of the room. - I do not
feel comfortable traveling now. not before the baby arrives.
- Then we can go in the spring. Paris in April is beautiful. And when it rains, can
smell the chestnut trees. What do you think?
- It looks wonderful. Would you like something to drink? I have water, tea
ice cream and soda. But there is no wine.
- Iced tea is great.
When she went to the kitchen, he held back the ring in his pocket. She had
grown without family, no one to lean on except itself. Do Not
wanted to feel alone again. He and the baby would be your family.
- Here it is. - He returned from the kitchen with a tray where they were pot of tea,
two glasses, a small bowl of sliced lemons, sugar bowl and
sweetener glass.
- Leave it to me. - Jack took her tray hand and placed it on the table.
- I did not know which you prefer, sugar or sweetener, then brought the two. - He served two
tea cups and handed him one.
Jack took the glass, but did not drink; placed it on the table.
- Lily, I do not want tea. - She put the other on the table. - You can sit by
a minute? - Lightly knocked on the sofa cushion beside him.
She sat down.
- Is something wrong? Listen, if he changed his mind about marriage.
He put a finger to her lips.
- I have not changed my mind. I want to give you this. - He took the box with pocket ring and the
opened. She gasped at the sight ring with an old cut emerald surrounded
by diamonds, and embedded in a platinum loop. Eyes jumped from the ring to the face
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- Jack, I told him I did not need an engagement ring.
- I know you said. But this is not just an engagement ring. There is in the family
nearly 200 years and say that all women who used it had long marriages
and happy.
- Jack, I can not.

- It belonged to my grandmother and is passed to the eldest male descendant

of each generation. My mother is an only child, so it came to me to give to my
wife. How will you, I would like to use him.
- Jack, I can not, not right. Should be used by the woman he loves.
- It should be used by women who asked to be my wife. I'm
asking her to be my wife, Lily. - He took the ring from the box and held it out to her. Will use it? For me? For our baby? - She hesitated, then reached out to him.
Jack put on the ring finger and served as if it had been made for her. Maybe
there was a bit of Irish mysticism in the maternal side of the family, Jack thought,
because the ring appeared to complement her finger. It seemed right.
- It's beautiful. - Lily looked at the ring, then at him. - I promise to take good care of it.
- I know so.
- It's getting late. - She stood up.
- Sure - he said, and headed for the door. - I'll call you in the morning. - E,
before she could say anything, he leaned over and kissed her. It was just a
brush of lips, without passion or hunger. However, long after he had left and while
driving home, I could still taste her lips.
Long after Jack left, Lily was still leaning against the door. He reached the
mouth and wrapped his fingers around the lips, where Jack's mouth touched hers.
Unlike the kisses they had shared on prom night, he had been kind,
loving. It had been a kiss that promised, donated. Would marry her because of
baby, she reminded herself. When lowered his hand, diamond ring caught the light.
He raised his hand and watched. Had given her the ring of her grandmother. The ring of his
It meant nothing. It was the baby, repeated to herself. But could not erase
Mind Jack's face, the way she looked at the deep eyes
blue full of warmth, affection. He closed his eyes to block out the image, but still
was there. And I could hear his voice, the words. They say that all women who used
this ring had long and happy marriages. It belonged to my grandmother ... to give my
wife .... I'm asking you to be my wife, Lily. Will use it? For me? For our
He opened his eyes and watched the new ring. Had asked if often as
feel a day so a wonderful man, beautiful, kind and generous, a man
righteous, asked her to be his wife. Put a family heirloom on her finger and
asked her to marry him. Should be happy. Your baby would have everything you could
wish for it. a loving father, a real family. Never feel lonely,
never be alone. But it was not the right feel.
He wiped the tears wetting her face. Instead of happy, felt more sad
than in a long time. As could have been so stupid, Lily? After all, how can
allow yourself to be sucked into a fairy tale? Because it was exactly what
had done. The sensible, practical Lily Miller, the woman who had no illusions, made exactly
that. Hoped that when that day happened when a man put him
a ring on his finger and asked you to marry him, it would be because he loved her.
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- Johanna has made great progress since it came counsel in Eastwick
Cares, but continues to demonstrate trust issues - said Lily on the recorder,
reading the notes he had made in the last session. - These problems are probably
originated by the sense of abandonment that followed the divorce of parents.
Lily had seen it dozens of times. Too often, when a couple
divorced, were children who suffered most. And felt guilty for the separation,
as Johanna Stevenson, 12 years old. And, with the dissolution of the family unit,
parents spent less and less time with their children to resume their social lives,
and children lost their sense of security. And feel unwanted, unloved,
an obstacle for parents.
Lily thought of her baby and knew he did not want him to feel so in
no time. It was the reason why she and Jack had decided to marry, to give the
baby a family. Unlike her, the child would grow up knowing she was loved, that
was safe.
- Hello There! - Felicity Farnsworth came to head in. - Oh, great, expected
find it before you go out to lunch. - And walked in carrying a huge bag
with a dress.
- Felicity, did not expect. - Lily stood up.
- I know not, but I left messages on your phone and you did not return, so
I thought I was too busy and decided to come here.
- Excuse Me. I received the message, but it was really busy. - It was not
entirely true. He was a fraud while Jack and the family had both
work with a marriage that would not be true.
- No problem. - Felicity's green eyes lit up his face. - It was
for this you hired me to take care of all the details. Is this suspended the bag - is a very important detail.
- Felicity, is not a good time. I have another appointment in 15 minutes.
- I promise out of ten. I just need to try and see if you like. Is your dress
- But I do not need a wedding dress.
- Every bride needs a dress.
And as is too busy to go shopping, I took this to see if you
like. - Hung the bag on the door and began to unzip.
- Felicity, is not necessary, I am not quite a traditional wedding.
- Nonsense If only virgins could use wedding dresses, the industry would go
bankruptcy. - And took the dress out of the bag.
It was beautiful, she thought, looking at the ivory silk dress The style was
simple. The neckline had small silk rosettes on each shoulder. The bodice was fair
breasts and fell at Regency style to the ground, which hide his swollen belly.
- I had to guess the size. - Felicity held the dress on the body of
Lily. - Like?
- It's beautiful. - Then he saw the label of a famous fashion designer. - But I can not USAit.

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- But I thought you liked.
- And I liked, too. It is one of the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen. But I have no
money to buy it.
- Oh, that. - And smiled. - It is already solved.
- What do you mean, "is already solved"? - Suspected of Jack's meddling.
- Mrs. Cartwright warned that the bill should be sent to her.
For Lily, no matter if it was Jack or his mother.
- I'm sorry, Felicity. I know that her intention is good, but I could not afford. And,
as I can not, I'll use one of my dress.
Felicity turned serious.
- Lily, I understand you want to pay. I've been married and went through hard times
financially when I got divorced. So I know all about the need to feel
independent and responsible for yourself.
- So understand why I can not accept the dress.
- What I understand is that going to marry a rich man from a family
very rich. The Cartwrights have a position in Eastwick society. Fair or not, the
People expect a certain style them.
- And I'm certainly not a suitable wife for Jack Cartwright.
- Are you for it. I suppose I could use a fig leaf and the man would be
happy. Indeed, it may appear more like using a fig leaf.
Lily laughed, as had been the intention of Felicity.
- Can I pay for a fig leaf.
- I do not know if his family would like.
- So what should I do? Just let Sandra spend a fortune on a
dress for me?
-. Will not let the mother of the man she will marry feel that made a
special thing for you. I know it sounds superficial, but appearances are important
to her. Want to make you feel like one of them. And the right way. It is important to
she do it for you. Makes her feel a part of everything, which is not
losing his son.
Lily began to give way. At least not embarrass Jack using something
too common for the woman who would become Mrs.. Jack Cartwright.
- It's really a beautiful dress.
- Yes, and I think that is perfect for you. But see for yourself, try it. And
brought four pairs of different models and sizes shoes because they do not know his
- I do not think that had much work.
- It's not work, it's what I do and love. In addition, her boyfriend made me promise
would not let stressed.
- Jack asked him to do this?
- Yeah. He said he had to work hard for you agreeing to marry

with him and wants everything to be perfect for you. Come on, try, see if it is
Felicity locked the door, took the dress and waited for Lily to undress. Then
helped her with the dress. Felicity straightened the folds, rosettes, and when she was satisfied,
stepped back.
- Oh, Lily. - Facial expression softened. - You look beautiful. And the ivory
combines so well with your coloring, your skin. It has a mirror here?
- In the bathroom.
- So come see for yourself.
Lily went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. It was the dress. Made her look
different. Pregnancy does not appear because the model. But her breasts were a little
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larger and stood out at the neckline. Definitely had more curves.
- Do not you think that the neckline is too low?
- I think it's perfect for you. Wait, I'll get my shoes. - He came back with the
shopping bag, then pulled low shoes ivory satin heels Try these.
Lily put them on and served perfectly.
- How do you feel about them?
- Wonderful.
- And are beautiful with the dress. - He smiled again. - It will be a beautiful bride, Lily. Evil
Can not wait to see Jack's face when you see walking down the alley.
Lily turned serious and met the eyes of Felicity in the mirror.
- No need to pretend. Know that this marriage is not for love and that Jack is only
marrying me because I'm pregnant.
- Are you sure?
- What you mean?
Lily took off his shoes and the dress. He handed them to Felicity and put his own clothes.
- I watched as Jack looks at you and not look anything like the look a man
launches a woman he will marry for duty.
- You're wrong.
- Hello? - Felicity kept the wedding dress in the bag and zipped up. I'm in this business for a long time and have seen many weddings. Usually know the
difference between a marriage of duty or business and marriage for love. May I
swear that you and Jack are in the second category.
The knock on the door, announcing the arrival of a teenager rid of Lily
need to respond. But when he bid farewell to Felicity and sent his patient
enter, wished with all my heart that Felicity was right.
ACK expected
impatient at the end of the corridor in the garden prepared for
wedding ceremony began. Now she understood why people fled to

married. The stress of waiting could cause a heart attack. Or maybe it was his fear
that Lily flee. It was a bride anxious. Signed the prenuptial agreement and accepted
trusts that arranged for her and the baby, but would not relax until you put the ring on
her finger.
- Do not believe you're getting married - commented Scott Falcon voice
low, standing beside him as best man.
- Believe it, because it's happening.
- Looked hours. - Or at least will happen when it arrives.
Scott laughed.
- Never thought I'd see the day when a girl the laaria. This should be Lily
very special.
- She is. - And it was. In the short time he met her, every day discovered
something new to show him how special.
- Realize that, to get married, is destroying half of women dreams
single of Eastwick and their mothers?
- So it's good that they have their shoulder to cry on, right?
Scott smiled.
- I love helping a friend.
And it was a good friend, Jack thought. Were partners from education
fundamental. Like his, Scott's family was among the early pioneers of
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Connecticut and was very rich. Scott was one of the few to understand its decision
marry Lily and had supported completely.
- Your mother and Felicity did a great job - said Scott.
- Yes, they did - and noted the transformation of the garden into a tale of place
fairies to him and Lily. Even the weather had cooperated. The rain that had fallen in the last two
weeks stopped, the sun was shining, the temperature was mild. There was a buffet each side of
courtyard and many servants. Yes, her mother and Felicity Farnsworth had overcome. The
Garden section had been transformed into a small chapel for the wedding. A
Music was set aside and there were flowers everywhere. A white carpet led
the door to the altar, where he was standing. And everywhere were busy. He returned the
look to the pastor before the altar to marry them.
I was nervous, Jack admitted. I did not think about getting married, at least not as
early. He liked women, all of them. From their appearance, smell, the way
and were strong and soft at the same time. Just do not expect that when
decided to get married, the bride left him waiting and insecure, unsure if would come or not.
And he wanted to protect her child from all forms. The best way was marrying the
his mother.
But could not shake the feeling that she would run away. He knew he did not feel the
same security it on the need of that marriage. There will need to
much to recognize the signs. Avoided it all week. Getting to read the

documents which provided funds for her and the baby had been very difficult. Also
did not like when she insisted on keeping his apartment until the end of the contract
rent. Not insisted because he was worried about the stress suffered and did not want
do anything that would compromise your health and the baby. Perhaps, when they were
living together after marriage, stay more comfortable with it and with the idea of
being married.
- I heard that Courtney came back from New York - commented Scott interrupting
your thoughts.
- It returned two weeks ago.
- Staying?
- I do not know.
Jack watched Scott. Tall as he, Scott was blond with brown eyes. And as
he was a lover of women, but managed to escape from the traps
marriage. Much frequented the house of Cartwrights growing up and shared the
Jack's annoyance with the two younger sisters. Jack had not thought much about the
back sister and had not realized that Scott was interested.
- Why do you ask?
- Nothing in particular. - And Scott looked away.
Jack's thoughts turned back to Lily. He looked at the time again.
As the minutes passed, he became increasingly anxious.
- It is with the guild?
Scott patted his pocket.
- Right here. Never seen him so nervous. Are you sure about that, Jack?
- I have. - And now, all we needed was the bride.
When the violin started playing, Jack turned and saw Courtney standing under the arch
flowers, then start walking slowly. Was halfway through the alley, when
Elizabeth came. It was Lily's bridesmaids. When the two reached the altar and
took their places, the first notes of the wedding march played.
Anxious and excited, Jack turned to the arch of flowers. Several seconds
passed and nothing of Lily. The first notes were played again, and still no Lily.
Jack tensed. It had been too demanding and, as feared, she decided not to marry. And
then was afraid that something had happened to her, she had fallen and
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was hurt. Began to leave the altar to look for it.
- Wait - Scott whispered, holding his arm and showing you some
Felicity was a sign for him to give you a minute and went into the house. Jack could hear
the murmurs of the guests, heads turning to the entry, the expression
anxious in the mother's face. Damnation. They must have fled, he thought, then Lily would not
have had
time to think and change his mind. What if she changed her mind? What will you do? All
he could for her to return ago. He looked at the time and decided to give five minutes

Felicity before it was to do just that.

continue with it, she thought on the bathroom vanity
ground Cartwright mansion. He looked at the woman in the mirror. It looked like a wedding
truth. The dress was beautiful, as well as shoes. The hair had been combed in
elegant French twist and there were small sections around the face. Courtney had
miracles with the makeup and left the creamy Lily's skin, eyes, bright. Played
the string of pearls with diamond clasp in the neck and watched the earrings
They were matched Jack gifts. "To my bride," said when handed
the night before.
Wedding gifts for a bride. By the bouquet of white rosebuds
and lilies belonged to a bride. The woman was staring at the mirror looked a bride
real. But it was not, it was a scam. And no way could continue.
When Jack had suggested the wedding, everything seemed to make sense. It was the baby's
and would that her baby had a real home with father and mother. Also made sense
when he said that would not be good for the child to be transported from mother's house
for the father and back. He had seen what it could do with a child and had not wanted
your baby suffer. And, as the wife of Jack Cartwright, your baby would have the loving home
she never had.
But now that the day had come, just could not continue. Did not love Jack
Cartwright and he did not love her. And when two people got married had to be because
loved each other, not because of a baby that resulted from a night when their
hormones had the dominated. Although she understood the feelings of Jack on
its responsibility for the baby, did not marry her. Deserved
happy life with a woman he loved. And she also Could love the baby, could be
good parents and provide a stable and loving home for him without making such a colossal
Because marriage would be just that.
The first notes of the wedding march began and panic blinded her. Needed
leave. Jack understand, could even be relieved. He was almost at the door,
when it opened and Felicity entered.
- Lily, did not hear the music?
- Yes, I heard. Felicity, I.
- Where is your bouquet? - Observed the bathroom and saw him on the bench. He picked it up,
put it in the hands of Lily and after straightening her hair, Felicity stepped
back. - You look beautiful. And wait until you see the groom. The man should wear only tuxedo.
- Felicity.
- Listen, there is the beginning of the wedding march again.
Lily's hands began to tremble, but Felicity did not notice.
- I think I can not do it.
- Of course you can. Just take a deep breath and think of Jack.
And before Lily could say another word, Felicity went as fast as
entered. The first notes of the wedding march played for the third time, but not Lily

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gotta move. She stood in the bathroom and I just wanted to disappear, as a
magic. It was still there when the door opened again. But this time was
Jack entered.
His first thought was that Felicity was right. The man must live
tuxedo. Besides the beauty and charm, there was some solid and commanding about him and at
same time dangerous.
- I was not sure you remembered to check your schedule this morning. - A
voice was casual. - But, according to my, we should get married today, right now.
- I have not forgotten. But I'm sorry, Jack I know how much work you and your family
had, but I can not do it. Just can not.
- I understand.
I understand? It was not the answer I expected. In fact, I thought it would be
angry. After all, the man had a lot of work and expense to prepare the wedding.
There were at least three dozen family members and friends sitting outside
waiting to see him take her as his wife. Even given her the ring of her grandmother. Jack
Cartwright had every right to be furious. But instead of getting angry, he took the
Hand her bouquet and put him on the bench. Then held her hand and led her to
a seat in the hall.
- Let's sit down here for a minute.
She sat down.
- I will not change my mind, Jack. I'm sorry but I just can not
continue. I can not marry you.
- OK. - He sat down beside her, took her one hand and held
between his. - Is there any particular reason for you not want to marry me?
- The voice was very quiet. - It is my nose? I broke playing football in
college and he never again be what it was. May not want to marry a man
with an ugly nose.
- There is nothing wrong with her nose. It's beautiful.
- The hair then. May have noticed that I am starting to have some wires
gray near the temples. I know some women find attractive ...
- There is nothing wrong with your hair too. It's beautiful. You are beautiful.
- Hmm. Not because I am a lawyer, is it? I mean, I've heard all the jokes
about lawyers and know that we are not the most popular people.
He was being deliberately absurd to calm her, Lily realized.
- There is none of this. You're beautiful, charming, kind and one of the men
kind I have ever met.
Jack flinched.
- You make me look like my grandfather. Rather you find me sexy.
Her lips trembled.
- I think you're very sexy. what you already know. Otherwise, we would not be in this

- But we are in this situation. Within four months, we will be parents. And I thought
it had agreed that, for the sake of the baby, we should get married.
- And I agreed. But we both went wrong. I was wrong. - Unable to continue sitting,
she stood up. - Should never have agreed to this. It's crazy to imagine that this
marriage could work. I do not know what I was thinking.
- I was thinking about what is best for our baby. - He stood
also and stood behind her. - Our baby needs a mother and a father, Lily.
- He or she will have a mother and a father - he insisted. - We do not need to get married
be good parents. Many couples raise children without being husband and wife.
- We have already discussed this, Lily. None of us want our children to grow and
taken from one house to the other, dividing his time between his mother and father on holidays,
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holidays and weekends. We want our baby to have a real home, a family
really. I want our baby to have what you never had. I thought you wanted
He hated that he was right. Really wanted that kind of home for your baby.
I wanted the perfect home for which always longed and never known. The type of home on the
which he had read in books as a child, in which children were loved and felt
secure. She wanted to sit at the dinner table with them together as a family, decorate
a Christmas tree as a family, bake cookies together and together make
picnics in the backyard. Did your baby have a family and never felt so
lonely as she felt.
- I want all these things. Make sure my baby feel loved and
security. ... It is the most important thing for me.
- For me too And we can only ensure that our baby feel loved and
insurance providing you a real home with both parents. - He rested his hands on
her shoulders, turning to him. - Our baby can have all this, Lily. Everything
need to do is marry me.
He made it look so easy, so logical. But it was not, knew it was not.
- And love, Jack? You know who does not love me. - And that was the problem. He could
abandon the idea he wanted to marry for love.
- And you do not love me. But we both love our baby.
- But what if it is not enough? We will be trapped in a marriage
without love.
- I do not see marriage as a trap, I see it as a gift. I'M Going
achieve a beautiful and intelligent wife and the mother of my baby.
- And love? Do not believe in love, Jack?
- There are all kinds of love. Love of family, love of parents for their son,
love of a friend.
- And the love between a man and a woman? Do not believe it? Do not want it?
- I believe there are some people, like my parents, who are such

connection. I do not know if begins or if it is something that grows with the coexistence,
born of respect and affection for one another. I believe in the power of chemistry between a
man and a woman. - He ran his finger down her face and Lily felt the chill to the touch.
- I want you, Lily, how did that night. And I think you want me too.
A lump formed in Lily's throat.
- Are you talking about sex without commitment.
- I'm talking about desire, passion. Still exists between us. Just as
that night.
It was true, Lily admitted to herself. The attraction that led him to violate all
own rules that night was alive and was intense. It was actually stronger now
who knew him best.
- And if the desire and attraction are not sufficient?
- It's more than most people have I think our baby deserves an attempt by
our part.
Again, he made everything seem so simple, so logical. Jack was a man
good and honest and did not doubt it would be a good father to their son. However,
seemed wrong start a marriage like that.
- It's your call, Lily. You know how I feel, as I believe our marriage
is the right thing to do for the sake of our baby. So what will it be? I go out and tell
all the bride changed her mind and that there will be a wedding? Or should I tell
pastor to start the show?
She breathed hard and held her gaze to him.
- Tell the pastor to start the show.
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- It will not be sorry, Lily. I promise.
Certainly hoped that Jack was right, she thought as she watched him walk out the
port. When he heard the wedding march begin another time, Lily caught the bouquet. And,
as he walked toward the garden where would the wedding vows with Jack
Cartwright, prayed for not making a mistake that would ruin their lives.
Jack realized the whispers and stares as he returned to his place at the altar.
He looked at the front row, where the mother was sitting on the edge of the chair, hands
tight gloved one another, the worried expression look. The father had
caught the eye, and when Jack nodded, John leaned back and took his wife's hand.
- All right? - Scott's voice was just a whisper.
- All great.
But was not sure. Lily looked terrified when found in the bathroom.
I could not blame her. Her whole world was being turned upside down.
Expect your baby to be married to a man about which I knew very little. In Addition
it would become a member of the family Cartwright. None of inspired much
confidence. I did not know what was more terrifying, to marry him or marry
someone from his family because as much as he loved his family, knew it was not easy to be

one Cartwright. Many expectations and responsibilities accompanying the name and
family fortune. Had a lifetime to learn to deal with that and Lily had less
two weeks.
When the wedding march began the fourth time, he noted the entry. Do Not
was not sure if she would come, despite its promise. And just when he thought
given up, saw her there, standing under the flowery arch.
It was beautiful. Heard the brightness of pregnant women and Lily proved that was
truth. Sparkled. The hair had been combed in a twisted thing, but small
strands fell around her face. The effect of the deep red of fuses against
creamy skin was impressive. And, just as happened when seen by
first time that ball, five months ago, was unable to take her eyes. There Were
something in it besides the beauty and physical chemistry, something that drew him
powerfully. Again.
Could see the fear in her eyes, the bouquet of the quake. When finally the
reached, seemed about to turn and run. Then he reached out and took it. The
Judging by the words of Reverend Lawrence, must have committed some sin. Pena,
Jack thought, rules or not, to hold Lily's hand made things easier for
she then was that it would continue to do.
- Dear brothers, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman
in holy matrimony - began the pastor.
Jack could feel three dozen pairs of eyes watching them. Had shocked the
friends and associates of the office when announced he was going to marry Lily. and
would be the father. Realized that they had reservations, but did not dare to speak. But had the
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family support and that was enough for him.
- If there is anyone here who knows of any impediment to this marriage, speak
now or be silent forever.
Lily stiffened, and for a second he was afraid that she objected. It would be the
first time in the history of the city. Jack was amused by the idea. With
thoughts loose, felt Lily's hand squeezing his. He looked at her and watched the
anxiety in his eyes. He knew he was trying to tell you something, but what?
- Jack. Jack. - The pastor repeated his name. Jack looked back at the Reverend
Lawrence and realized that no longer hear anything.
- You, John Ryan Cartwright, takes Lily Miller as his wife, to wealth and
poverty, in sickness and in health? Promises to love her and honor her, giving up all
other women, until death do you part?
- Yes - said Jack firmly.
- Then repeat the vote. I, John.
And Jack repeated the words after the pastor without taking Lily's eyes even for a
After Lily took her vows, Reverend asked the rings. Scott the
gave Jack and he turned to Lily.

- Repeat after me With this ring, I'll marry you.

Jack repeated and put the platinum ring on Lily's finger.
When his turn came, Lily said the words in a firmer tone. And then the
Rev. Lawrence ended the ceremony.
- For the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the
Jack kissed her. His intention was to give him a light kiss, a simple brush of lips.
It was the tradition. But when his mouth touched hers, she could not get away soon. Was
just a moment, but her taste filled his mind and his wrist shot. And, the
Judging by the expression on Lily's eyes, she also remembered the kisses that night.
- Ladies and gentlemen - said the Rev. Lawrence - let me them
Mr. present. and Mrs. John Ryan Cartwright.
Was done, Jack thought as he and Lily turned to the guests, which
He applauded and Lily were now husband and wife. The pianist started playing again
a cheerful song and he passed her hand down his arm and took the alley.
An hour later, Jack decided he arrived. And for Lily's expression, it
- Excuse me - said the old friend and fellow lawyer Dan Granger.
- I need to save Lily before my mother to convince to join your club
- Sure, go ahead. But, Jack, do not give up immediately from the application to the Senate.
With the support of Carlton group, has a good chance of winning. And certainly
will like to have someone like you on Capitol Hill.
- Thanks, Dan, but at the moment only think of my wife and our family.
Although he had not given up on competing, did not know if want to cause that
voltage Lily. He had problems with unplanned pregnancy Lily or with your
marriage. He only felt proud of her and what she had done to herself. And he knew, by
comments she had done, he felt bad for not having family and not know who
it was.
- I understand. I should not have bothered you with this on your wedding day.
Talk within a week or two. And congratulations on your wedding.
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- Thank U.
Jack pulled away and crossed the courtyard toward the place where Lily was next to
his mother and two women he recognized as the bridge group members.
- Jack, dear. - The mother smiled as he joined them. - Do you remember
Louise and Pamela my bridge group, do not you?
- Yes, of course. Good afternoon, ladies. - And bowed his head.
- I was telling your mother that you have beautiful bride - Pamela said.
- Thank U. I also happen to think she's beautiful. - Jack looked directly at
Lily and saw the blush colored her face. - If the ladies do not mind, I will
steal my wife for a few minutes.

Took the hand of Lily and while away, saw his great-aunt Olivia Cartwright is
- Aunt Olivia right. Come On. - And took her to the dance floor.
- Jack, what are you doing? - He took her in his arms and turned the patio
stones in the music.
- Dancing with my wife.
- But why?
- Because my great-aunt Olivia is considered an expert at everything from business
the marriage and the birth. Trust me, do not want it begins to give us advice.
- Oh. You said that it is his great-aunt?
- Yes The older sister of my grandmother..
The band played a slow song and he held Lily close. He remembered the night
the ball, when had taken in her arms for the first time. Just like that night,
it was soft and silky and elusive as the moonlight. He felt his smell, a sweet mixture of
roses and sunshine and some mysterious thing that was hers alone. It fit perfectly
and he was very conscious of the weight of her breasts against his chest, the way the
dress was around her legs as they moved in perfect harmony.
He was also very aware of the distended belly pressed against him.
- You have many relatives. - Her breath warmed her ear and made his
pulse trigger. - How does being part of a large family?
- Irritating. - And tried to keep his sexual feelings. The last thing Lily
needed at the time was to begin to demand conjugal rights. In addition to being
pregnant, had her whole life turned upside down. Now that was a Cartwright,
his life would never be the same. Right or wrong, the name Cartwright meant power
and money. And while giving her and the baby his name was a guarantee of security and
protection, also would subject the curiosity and envy of others.
A little of that had already begun. He had received many calls from
friends, acquaintances from work, the country club members and even old
girlfriends when not announced their marriage. Knew that the network was gossip
working in full swing with the scandal of pregnancy Lily and her marriage. It is
course without Bunny Baldwin and his Social Diary to feed the frenzy, could end more
quickly. At least, he hoped. Until then, intended to protect Lily maximum
She pulled away and looked up at him.
- I think it would be wonderful to have so many relatives. Never be alone. Always
there would be someone to share holidays, special moments.
Jack knew that Lily had spent most of the holidays alone, the strange
watching adoptive families celebrating. There was a part of him that suffered by girl
lonely it had been. He could not go back and erase those sad memories, but
he promised himself that he would build happy memories for her in the future.
- I think it's good most of the time, less on days like today, with all
these well-meaning relatives, like my mother, insisting meddle in
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our business and doing festivals like this to the display.
- Not that bad.
- Do not let her hear or never allow our departure.
Lily smiled and was the first time he saw a sincere smile on her all afternoon.
He pulled her closer and continued to dance.
- We are being watched - said Lily.
- Ignore them. - Do not want anyone to intrude at that time. It was the
first time she had come close to relax since she agreed to marry
with him.
- It can be very difficult. His aunt Olivia is waving to us with a
napkin. I think he wants us to approach.
- She is our aunt Olivia now.
Had seen Aunt Olivia calling them with gestures. It was impossible not to see it, since
was the only woman of 85 years with the red hair of Lucille Ball, holding a glass
of bourbon in one hand and a cane in the other.
- You understand that, now that's a Cartwright, all these lovely
annoying relatives are his also. including Olivia aunt.
- Jack. I think our Olivia aunt is getting impatient.
Jack looked at where the great-aunt was. He had just put the glass down on
the table and called a waiter to help her up.
- We'd better go see what she wants.
What she wanted was to give them a long lesson on what needed to be done
for a marriage work. As the aunt Olivia lasted 60 years, until the death of
Uncle Charlie, she was considered an authority on the subject. He spoke to them about the
to be kind to each other, to respect one another, and to share the
responsibility in raising children. I told them not to commit the error
think that everything was right, who no longer conquer each other. And them
also said it needed to set aside time for each other and listen to what the other had
to say.
- You young people fill their mouths to speak in communication. Well, communication
is a key to a good marriage. And this communication needs to start at
bedroom. - Aunt Olivia pointed his cane at Jack.
- You keep your wife happy in the bedroom and the rest will take care of itself.
Lily blushed deeply and Jack coughed.
- Thank you, Aunt Olivia, but I guess not.
- And you - Jack ignored and turned to Lily - need to remember that men
are big boys. Each of them wants to be a superhero in between the sheets. If
spend all the time and energy with the kids or the house will be too tired to
allow them to play their favorite paper. Their fragile egos can not
deal with it. So always make time for your man Even if you need to ask
food out or hire a babysitter for the kids. Because, when you close the door
room must first be a woman. Understand?
- Well, yes, ma'am. - Lily looked away.
- No need to be embarrassed. From what I see, it seems to me that are not in

problems in the bedroom. All I'm saying is keep it up Sex

good is one of the most important things in a marriage. Why do you think Uncle Charlie
and I were together for over 60 years? Because we had a good sex life until the day
he died.
What was much more than Jack wanted to know.
- Thank you, Aunt Olivia, please advice.
- Yes, thank you.
- Just doing my duty.
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And before she came back to say embarrassing things about sex, Jack
- Need excuse us, Olivia aunt. It seems that my mother needs us to
cutting the cake. - Held Lily's arm and quickly crossed the yard. - I do not know about
you, but I'm dying to get out of here. What say we cut the cake and then go to
- I think a great idea.
twisted in the car seat Jack. Since coming four months
of pregnancy, trips to the bathroom were like clockwork. Every two hours without fail.
Accustomed up and simply guarantee that was near a bathroom when
needed. But he had been so eager to leave the front desk had not paid attention to
internal clock and not off to the bathroom before leaving. As a result, was passing
a tight squeeze and there seemed to be no bathroom on the way. She moved
again and wondered what would be the reaction of Jack his wife ruin the leather
your shiny Mercedes. And did not want to find out.
- There is still a lot?
- About five minutes.
Lily stifled a groan and twisted again.
He took street eyes and looked at her.
- It's all right? - There was concern in his voice. - It's the baby?
- No, nothing is good and yes it is the baby.
- And almost laughed at the look of panic on his face, but he knew that only a
giggle and the bank would be wet. - Our little angel is squeezing my bladder and I
urgently needed a bathroom. So, you can run more, please?
Jack pressed the accelerator and, ten minutes later, when he left the bathroom, Lily
felt almost normal again. Or as normal as could under the circumstances. Had
run to the bathroom when they arrived and did not even notice as the colonial house two
story was beautiful. After seeing the mansion of his parents, was afraid that Jack
also lived in a huge house and did not know how it would feel. But need not have
worried because Jack's house was certainly huge when compared to its
apartment, but not intimidated.

- I appreciate the offer, mother.

Lily heard the deep voice of Jack from another part of the house and realized that
was on the phone. So took the time to explore. He saw that the door
entrance was impressive and made of walnut, with bronze lights on each side.
He turned and saw the large rectangular mirror with pewter frame hanging above
an old table. A crystal vase full of colorful flowers illuminated the corner that,
otherwise, it would be dark. The curving staircase was spectacular. Walked the floor
marble and came to the living room. It was beautiful. A fireplace with a mantel large
size was the focal point. I could easily imagine a bright fire there in the cold days
winter. Floor to ceiling windows and built-in shelves gave the room a feeling
warm. Photos were scattered all around. Jack and his sisters holding
skis while posed standing in front of a snow track, parents of photos on a
cruise ship, one of Aunt Olivia standing behind a birthday cake covered in
candles. He ran his fingers on the back of one of the sofas. The furniture was of high quality,
However looked comfortable and gave the feeling that this was a room where people
It was not only lived for display.
In the living room was a solarium with stone floors, high ceilings and windows
French leading to a covered patio pots of flowering plants. Lily turned and
returned to the lobby. He stopped at the base of the stairs and looked up where certainly
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would be the bedrooms. He thought about what would be the arrangements for them to sleep and
felt anxious.
He had not allowed to think beyond the ceremony. She and Jack had not spoken
about where would sleep. On the one hand, they knew it would be foolish not share a
bed. Were married and had already slept together. But when he had gone to the room
it did not know it was Jack Cartwright, one Eastwick Elite member and the new
board member of Eastwick Cares. No, it was just the handsome stranger who relieved his
pain. That night, in his arms, did not care to have failed once again in
find out who he was and why he had been abandoned in the church. All that mattered was
he wanted her and she wanted him. And, for one night, had not felt alone.
But now no longer had a mask behind which to hide. I could not pretend
be someone else. It was just Lily and was pregnant and married to Jack Cartwright, one
man who loved her, who had married her because of her sense of
responsibility for herself and her baby. He looked at the ring on her finger and remembered
the night when Jack had given her the engagement ring his grandmother and kissed her. Touched
my lips,
reminding it of the heat wave and excitement he had experienced that night. The same
he had felt when he had said their vows and had put the wedding ring on her finger.
The voice had sounded so sincere and strong I could almost believe that the words were
true. And if you believe, Lily Miller, is the disaster the way.
It was true. Learned in those years in which he was a ward of the state in
system of foster homes, not to use color pink lenses. Had hoped times

others that it would be adopted, only to be returned to the orphanage.

The foster mothers were pregnant or appeared a baby for adoption. Then everything
ended once again in desperation. There is never put in a position to be
- There you are.
She turned at the sound of the voice of Jack and the heart beat faster to see you
approach. He had taken off his jacket and tie and open the highest buttons of his shirt. The
dark hair was disheveled, as if he had spent his fingers in it. The beard
spring darkening his jaw and made him even sexier. He was so tall and strong,
sure of himself. Unlike her, did not seem worried by now be husband
and wife.
- Sorry to have left her alone for so long. My mother and father
booked a suite at the Embassy Hotel for the rest of the weekend as a
surprise. The limo was to take us there and I blew it by dismissing the driver and
take my car. But told them that was not necessary. I hope you agree.
I thought I would rather spend time here, getting used to their new home.
- It's okay, but I prefer. Thank you.
- I had time to look at something?
- Only the living room and solarium.
- Do you want to follow the rest of the house?
- I would love.
The rest of the house consisted of a formal dining room with fireplace, walls
paneled dishwasher and cabinets with glass doors. The family dining room, attached,
had French windows overlooking two balconies closed with plants. The kitchen
old had marble countertops, tile floor, cabinets, a center island and a stove
six mouths. In one corner, table and chairs near a large window was the perfect place
for family breakfast, and Lily could see there with Jack and the baby.
- The library is here - indicated Jack.
It was a cozy room, with panels on the wall, plus a huge fireplace and
floor to ceiling shelves.
- And here is what I call the family room.
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Jack took her to another large room with stone fireplace and high ceilings. There Were
cabinets and shelves lined with books, huge and comfortable armchairs and two sofas in
green tone forest. It was definitely a man's house.
But there, on one of the couches, he saw the Afghan blanket he had in his apartment.
Lily came over and took it.
- How does this get here?
- I brought it. While you was getting ready this morning, I went to his apartment and
convinced the landlord to open the door for me to pick up some of her things.
- But why?
- You did not have time to see the house or bring anything yours. I know that marriage

rushed, his coming here, all this has been difficult for you. I thought that if he had
some of your stuff here, would feel more comfortable.
- You were very attentive. Thank you.
Was moved by his kindness and sensitivity. I was beginning to discover
Jack had always kind and delicate gestures. Known he was a good man and
gentle for his work on the board of the institution. Not only opened the checkbook
to help in the work of Eastwick Cares also devoted time and commitment. Also
seen as interacting with his family, despite his authoritarian aunt Olivia. Could not have
planned the baby, but the more known Jack, the more convinced I became that would
a wonderful father to their son. And it would be a perfect husband for her of all
ways. If only she had married for love and not out of duty.
- I'll make arrangements to get the rest of your things and your furniture in
week and bring everything here.
- I think my furniture will not fit your stuff.
- Lily, let's make the marriage work. I want you to feel comfortable here.
If there is anything you do not like the house, feel free to say. If
prefer to live somewhere else, just say and seek another home.
- No, loved the house, Jack. Really. It is warm and comfortable. And beautiful
exactly as it is. I do not want to change anything.
- OK. But if you change your mind, just tell me. I will not care. All
what I want is that you and the baby are happy here. I heart my vote, Lily.
I want the marriage to work, want to build a life with you.
- I also - admitted, and there was something about the way he looked at her
that made his heart beat faster.
- I know I do not talk much about it, but I want this marriage to be
really. I want to be a real husband for you and a real father to our
- I understand. - And understand, she thought. Jack was a sexy, manly man. And
also a sincere man. It was not the type who would betray his wife even if not
- Good. - Empalmou his face.
- Want to take a rest? Or want to know the upstairs?
The rooms on the second floor were also impressive. There were five
suites, a living room with fireplace, a huge terrace and cabinets throughout.
- This leads to the attic. - Jack showed a ladder. - But let's leave
another time, I do not want go up these narrow steps. But there are two bedrooms, one
bathroom, a living room and a playroom. The couple who bought the house
had five children.
- Five?
- Sounds too this time, does not it? It should not be easy. We are only
three in our family and it was a mess, especially at meals. But as
my family go crazy I sometimes would not trade it for anything. And a part of me
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think it would be great to have a house full of children.
Lily also felt.
- The master suite is there.
Lily followed him down the hall. He opened a door and gestured for her to enter. The
master suite was so beautiful as the rest of the house. A stone fireplace occupied a
wall and a huge mahogany bed occupied another. There were sofas and armchairs
luxurious look and comfortable, all in varying shades of brown The bathroom had
two sinks, a shower and a tub so big that you could swim in it. It Was
also a very masculine room.
- This door leads to the next room. I thought you might want to use it as the
baby's room. It's close and we can hear the baby crying and deal with the
bottles in the morning.
Lily realized that he had told us as if he expected to share the room and
the big bed. And in fact, there was no reason for this not to happen. On
However, despite the ring on her finger and baby, felt cheated.
- The dressing rooms and closets are here. My things are in this. - And
led to a huge dressing area and closet. Turned on the light and revealed an open closet
with dozens of suits, shirts, ties and shoes, all very neat. I thought this would be for you, but we can change if you want. - And he opened the door to
another dressing room.
Lily went to the dresser and looked at his own brush, hand mirror and
the perfume bottles he collected. Then headed for the closet. It was huge, and
there hanging on hangers or folded on shelves, were the clothes that he had put in
suitcase that morning. He turned and looked at him.
- I sent them to bring all here this morning. He knew he would be tired and
had not wanted the job of unpacking.
- Thank you. Again, it was very attentive.
He nodded and left the dressing room.
- My mother sent packing some of the dishes that were served at the reception.
I would like to get some rest while preparing dinner?
- It's a great suggestion. - And suddenly, Lily realized how tired she was.
- So lie down and try to relax. - He kissed her forehead, walked to the door, stopped and
turned. - I almost forgot. There is another thing that brought her home, but did not know where
put. - He opened one of the drawers of the dresser and pulled out an old teddy bear.
- Bentley - she said, and took the toy and squeezed his chest.
The brown bear spent had been a Christmas present from Ellen and Mick Davidson.
He was then 6 years and been with them as foster parents for almost a year. Wanted
adopt it legally and has had care of the paperwork to make her daughter them. And she
was beside himself with happiness. Finally have a family, a mother and a father
truth. Has even begun to call them mother and pai.Ento in January, Ellen Davidson
discovered she was pregnant with twins. It had been a miracle. After years of
attempts and failures, had given up the idea of having a baby. And now have two
one time. Of course, with two babies on the way, they could no longer afford the costs of
an adoption. There was also the problem of space; would need a bigger house and not
had to buy. And as the loved, the two babies had priority.

Packed things Lily and took her back to the orphanage, with Ellen Davidson
crying all the time.
As Lily.
- Please. Promise I'll be good and not eat too much or will occupy
space - sobbed Lily, as she clung to the woman who thought it would be her mother.
- You're a good girl - Ellen said, and departed. - It will be fine, Lily. And
Bentley will make her company. It will not, Bentley? Take care of Lily to her new parents
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arrive, okay?
Then handed him the teddy bear Lily and squeezed his chest.
- And if anyone want me?
- They'll want, baby. I promise you will want. Very soon another couple come,
will look at you and take you to their house to be your little girl. Until then, you will have
Ellen Davidson was wrong. No one had come. No one wanted to be
his little girl. But still had Bentley. His eyes filled with tears.
- Oh, pulls. Please do not cry. - The expression of Jack was of concern. I saw him on the bed in his apartment and realized that is a long time, so
I thought it was special to you. And I thought, if brought, would help you to
feel more at home. I did not mean to upset her.
- Do not bother me. - And swallowed the tears. - Thank you. - And, without thinking,
wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him.
For a moment, Jack stood still, and Lily felt the tablet womb it, the
breasts against his chest. Then his arms entwined and the tightened. And something
changed. What started with a grateful hug turned into something
different. Lily felt the increase pulse. It became very aware of the chest stiffness
Jack against the softness of her breasts, the abdomen firmly against the belly
rounded, the strength of his arms that tightened Feeling as if he had
plunged into dangerous waters, Lily walked away. He looked up at his, saw the
heat and hunger in those deep blue eyes and something else. For a split
Second, could have sworn it was loneliness. And, as he knew what it was to feel lonely,
she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.
Since Jack had gone back to Lily and practically forced her to marry him,
had shared three kisses only. And the three had been his initiative. But not
that one; this time, Lily kissed him and, somehow, had to do with that old
teddy bear she called Bentley. Bentley, old friend. All I can
say is "thank you."
So Lily opened her lips and Jack forgot all about Bentley. All about
crazy the past two weeks. All except Lily and how sweet your taste,
champagne, of innocence and seduction. And had not realized until that moment how much
needed her kiss. So deepened.

- Jack. - The name was a gasp, and Lily bent his head from side to give you
access to the neck.
He kissed her long and elegant column, pressed his lips on the pulse at the base.
Heard something hit the carpet and realized it was the bear. Then failed
more wondering why Lily was holding him, her nails sinking into the fabric of the shirt,
scratching his shoulders. The sensation was erotic and reminded their night together. Never
experienced such passion with another woman. Even told himself to do
love to her could not have been as wonderful as we remembered. Was wrong,
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realized, because being with her now was even better than remembered.
This time knew the woman in his arms. not only your body, but the
woman was. That clung to one of his childhood teddy bear, the woman who
gave his heart to teens he worked with, the woman carrying
your baby and loved him, the woman who was now his wife. His wife.
Never wanted to get married and managed to escape the commitment to 33 years. But
not fled that day, even after she had given him every opportunity. Told
himself it was his sense of duty and responsibility towards the baby and Lily, but
not only felt responsible when he had the votes. Felt. more.
Lily wrapped her arms around Jack's neck and looked at him. He looked at the
Just as the looked on prom night. in need, longing and loneliness. And
desire. And it sparked a need so intense that shocked him. Took her the
back, hands down to the buttocks and pressed against the erection. He felt the womb
bulged and the recognition that there was her baby caused her chest tightness,
an acceleration of the heartbeat. Did throw it on the floor, tirar- her dress and make love to
her right there. But down the arm down her knees, lifted it and began to
walking toward the bed.
- Jack, what are you doing? - The voice was hoarse, his eyes clouded.
- I'll make love to my wife.
- He stopped in front of the bed and laid her gently.
The first time we made love was fast and frantic. And he could feel the
need taking it again, the longing to feel her body beneath him, for if
bury it. But this time, wanted more than just lust. Did sweetness, wanted
slowness. He wanted to taste it. And, ignoring the burning, took up. Began in the hair. Took
the clips one by one and watched, amazed, as the red waves
spread around the face, shoulders. He ran his fingers in that thick silk
red and holding her head, kissed her. Length. Savored the kiss,
format and the feel of her lips, the sounds of protest when he lifted his head. Without
never taking his eyes from her face, began to unbutton her dress, one button at a
Instead, slow, soft. Then he opened the folds, pulled them from her body and threw it on the
floor. The
gaze fixed on ivory lint and income covering her breasts, but Lily crossed
hands on them.

- I want to see you - whispered, and pulled her arms to the sides.
She looked like a mermaid, lying there with hair spread on the pillow, her lips
swollen kisses, mature and feminine body. Her breasts were fuller than
remember, fluffy white above the income bowls. - You are so beautiful.
He kissed her shoulder, then moved down to the lot of one breast, then the
other. He returned to the first and closed his mouth over her nipple. When the felt harden
under the satin, took him in the teeth. Lily gasped and arched, and the desire in him grew.
Jack kissed her torso, lingered in the womb and continued to decline, the hips, the
legs. When it came to the heels, removed one shoe, then the other. And
began the journey up, kissed the foot arch, the calf, behind the knees.
He continued the journey.
- Jack - Lily muttered and moaned as he kissed the inside of the thigh.
He fingered the lacy edge of the half. Lingered there, down
slowly half. When she shivered under his touch, his body stiffened and he
fought to maintain control as he repeated the process on the other leg. With the desire
burning, he climbed the torso, her breasts to her shoulders and then the mouth. And he began to
down again. When he reached the shoulder, pulled the lace panties. And suddenly,
Lily stiffened beneath him.
- No -. And held her hand. Struggled to sit up. - I can not.
Jack froze.
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- What's wrong?
She took the blanket and covered herself.
- Excuse Me. I should not. I can not do it.
- Lily, what is it? - I could see the panic in her eyes, her hand on her belly. - It is the
baby? - And the fear quickly away the desire. - Feri you or the baby?
- No No -.. His breathing was shallow and difficult. - The baby is fine and you do not me
He sat on the edge of the bed and inhaled sharply. He was relieved. to see
Lily of expression. She looked horrified and unhappy and avoided his gaze. He raised his hand
to caress her face, then gave up.
- What's wrong? - She did not answer. - Whatever it is, we
fix. But to tell me what it is.
-. And I need time, Jack.
- I understand.
And understand. The explosion of chemistry between them had not been planned,
just happened. And the pick guard also Although he had to be a
saint for not wanting to make love to her, understand your reservations.
- I know we talked about this marriage be real and a wedding
actually includes making love. I mean it's not like it was our first time, is it? - E
gave a small laugh so desolate that he felt her pain. - I mean, that's what
happened between us the last time we slept together that threw us into this mess.

- I do not think it's a mess to have a beautiful woman as my wife.

- But would not your wife was not pregnant.
It was true, Jack admitted to himself. It would not have married. at least not
now. if not for the baby. However, do not regret anything. the night she
become pregnant, wedding or baby.
- No one put a gun to my head or yours, Lily. Not me
regret having married you or have the baby.
- You are a good and kind man, Jack Cartwright. And I am grateful for everything. the
investments made for me and the baby, not to make me feel immoral and
irresponsible to put us in this situation.
- I remember having a very active participation at all.
- But most men do not feel that way Most men in their
position would not have accepted the responsibility and, if accepted, would not offer marriage.
- I am not most men, Lily. What am your husband and want to be a
true husband in every way.
- I know. And I agreed.
- But it is too early for you. - I could no longer bear to see Lily
- Yes. - And there was so much relief in her voice that Jack did not know if insulted
or held her. - You have every right to be angry, Jack. Never should have left
things go that far.
- I'm not angry, just disappointed.
- I Regret.
- No need, the blame is also my for what just happened.
Probably more mine than his. I want you, Lily. And wanted since the first time
I saw her at the ball. Nothing that has happened since then and the last two weeks
This changed. You need time to get used to the idea that I am your
husband, that nothing will change what I feel. I still want you, but I can wait until
be ready.
- Thank you. For being so understanding.
He nodded.
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- I want this marriage to work, Lily. I want to make it work repaired. His professional life had taught him that he was in control of your destiny. The
success and failure were your responsibility. And do not let the wedding
failed. At present, however, Lily needed time and he, of patience. He got
- Are you hungry?
- A little.
- So why not refresh while I go down and prepare our dinner?
- Sounds like a good idea.
And as he left the room and headed for the stairs, Jack could not

help thinking that this was a hellish night of nuptials.

sat up, startled. He looked around at the unfamiliar environment
and, for a moment, did not know where he was. So the moonlight coming through the window
on her ring finger. He looked at the diamond and the alliance. And it all came back to mind. the
marriage in the house of the parents of Jack, the arrival in the house, the two almost making love.
He felt the blush you take the face to remember how that allowed undress, the
touch and then as moved away. It had been unfair on her part, admitted.
Just as had been unfair accept his suggestion to stay in that room
while he occupied the room next door. Heavens, what a mess! Jack had the right to
be furious with her. Regardless of the reasons for marriage, were now
husband and wife. And she departed. He knew there was nothing wrong with the libido
Jack. Not with her. However, as much as it wished, had been unable to continue.
Something made her stop, remember the words of Sister Dorothy when he had his
first crush and turns down sex. Remember, Lily. Sex without love is
how to play a match at sea. Dies instantly and all that remains is the
cold sea and empty.
It was crazy, she thought. Worse, it was stupid. Jack Cartwright was beautiful, rich and sexy
as sin. It was also a good man, an honest man, gentle, a man
reliable. A sensitive man who recognized that an old teddy bear
meant more to her than just a silly toy. He reached for
Bentley, hugged him and buried his face in it. Could easily love that man In
Actually, did not need much, especially when looked at her. Jack looked at her
as if it were the only woman in the world. And when he held her, made up for all
those years of disappointment and disaffection. In his arms, he felt. at home.
Made her feel that way on prom night. Had felt immensely lonely,
unwanted until it gets closer and take her in his arms. And during the hours spent
with him in the room, made her feel loved.
And as reward? Asking him to spend the wedding night alone. Great
way to start the wedding, he thought, to blame the eroding. Jack deserved so much more.
Deserved to be married to a woman he loved. And it was not her. Baby
chose that moment to kick hard. The angel was also having fun
you pressing the bladder and reminding him that there was more than three hours that do not
visiting the bathroom. Bentley left hand, stood up and went to the bathroom.
When he returned to the room, was fully awake. And hungry. A look at
watch showed him that were not yet 4pm. But he knew he could not return to
sleep; her baby was a night little person, was busier at night. Which
meant passing the tired and wanting to nap days.
Fortunately, this time of year, the work slowed considerably. Picked Up
the robe, put it on and put on her slippers. Then he came out, trying not to make noise. A light
weak remained lit in the hallway all night and allowed him to see the path. Passed
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with light steps by Jack port; did not want to wake him. It had been so kind during the
dinner. Not pressured, not commented rejection. Instead, managed to make it
relax, telling her silly jokes about the fiascos of his mother in the kitchen and Doing
to laugh with stories of what it was like growing up with two sisters annoying. Not mentioned
not because it was his wedding night and that instead of sitting in
kitchen talking, should be making love. And, the more the patient and
understanding was, the more unhappy she felt. And so cried himself to sleep, or at least
was that he had tried to convince not to think, even for a moment, crying
because he had married a man who did not love her.
He went down the grand staircase, and when he reached the base, was impressed of
again with the beauty of the house and its size, while trying to remember which direction
was the kitchen. Missed only once and found it. Turned on the light and thought it was the
dream of every cook. He crossed the tile floor to the fridge and opened the
port. Crowded. In addition to the party had been taken, there were liters of milk, juices
varied, fresh vegetables, eggs, cheese and tons of other things. Realized that Jack
had taken the trouble to stock all the way to it. Another concern from
him. Without knowing what he wanted, a late night snack or breakfast
anticipated, opened the freezer. And he could have kissed Jack when he saw two boxes of
ice cream nuts. Would make a late night snack, she decided. He took the ice cream and took him
to the
But after taking a third of the ice cream box, felt a great longing
by eggs. For an omelette, to be precise. with tomatoes, cheese, ham, onion and
chili. Gathered the ingredients on the counter and searched a frying pan. And found
started working.
Fifteen minutes later, omelet had complete butter. Covered it with the
cover and set aside. Now just needed a lot of tuna and butter
Peanut next. Found the peanut butter and was searching for a can of tuna
in the pantry. He saw her on a high shelf and was reaching out for her, when
a hand came out from behind her, took her and a voice said in his ear:
- Here it is.
Lily took the can and turned slowly. The stomach clenched as he looked at
Jack. Not bothered to wear a shirt or putting on shoes. He wore only
jeans low on the hips, loose button. The chest was strong, his shoulders broad, and there was
enough muscle to inform her that Jack was just all the time behind a
desk or arguing in court. The hair was unkempt and his beard
spring darkening his jaw. But were those eyes, a blue smoky,
staring at her, which made her feel like a clumsy girl. Dropped
can of tuna, then Jack screamed and jumped to hold the big toe.
- Oh, my God, sorry. - And followed him out of the pantry.
- It's okay - but continued to limp to the table and sat down. He raised his foot
and held his finger hurt by hand.
- Are you sure? Maybe I should look.
- It's okay - insisted, but continued to hold the foot.

- How do you know? Not even looked. - He knelt to examine his foot. Now, stop being a crybaby and show me.
Finally he let his foot and she could see a large red stain on the finger
great. He looked up at him.
- It will not be able to play football so soon, but will live.
- Thank you, Dr. Cartwright.
She smiled.
- You're welcome. I'll get ice to prevent swell.
- No need to do that. - And helped her get up.
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Contact Jack's hand in hers made her shiver. He stepped back and
tried to avoid sexual images that arose in his mind.
- Sit - ordered Lily.
- But Lily.
- Sit down. - He obeyed and she explained: - Take ice is the least I can
do, since it's my fault you have hurt your finger.
- I did not realize was married to a woman so bossy.
She smiled.
- Now it's too late to change your mind. You are stuck with me, his mother already
commissioned thanks for gift cards.
- You can be sure I have not changed my mind.
The seriousness of tone and eyes darkening made her wrist shooting of
- Plastic Bags? - Do not want to walk that way.
- Second drawer on the left.
After taking one of the bags with zipper, she filled her with ice, wrapped in a
dish towel and took her to Jack.
- Let me see this finger, big guy. Applied the bag on the injured finger,
held it and looked at him.
- Since I know that does not arise at this time, I guess I'm the reason
you're here. Sorry to you up, did not think he had done so much noise.
- It did. The truth is that not know you were here to see the lights.
- What are you doing here at this hour of the morning?
- Would you believe if I told you I was looking for a snack? This smell is
- No, you did not come looking for a snack, and yes, it smells of onions, ham,
pepper and half a dozen things. I made an omelet. - He lifted the bag of ice and
was pleased to see that the finger was not swollen. - So why are you here?
- I was wondering how you were.
- How come?
- Well, you got up a little after 22pm, after around 1 hour to go
the bathroom. So after going 4 am, went down. When not returned, I was concerned

and I thought I'd come and see if he was okay.

Lily felt the blush you heat the face.
- I did not realize he was making so much noise.
- It was not. I'm a light sleeper and. well, I was worried about you. I've been
reading about pregnancy. Any idea how many women have a premature birth?
A portion. And one of the main reasons is stress. And, let's face it, not become your
life any easier lately. If anything happens to you or the baby, not
I could live with myself.
Oh, God, she thought, the man was becoming increasingly hard not to love him.
- Nothing will happen to me or the baby.
- I'll hold this promise. - Then sniffed the air. - That omelet has a
really good smell.
She smiled.
- Would you like a piece?
- Only if left over.
- It will give to us.
Lily took two dishes, served them and filled a glass of milk for each.
Then he picked up the can of tuna and opened it.
- What is this?
- It is to accompany my omelet.
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- He poured peanut butter and tuna, mixed the two folders and
picked up with a fork with a piece of omelet. - Want to try?
- No thanks. - And she laughed at the terrified expression. - This is something of
pregnancy, right? A strange longing? I mean, do not eat so always eats?
She laughed again.
- Just discovered this combination after pregnancy. But it is one of my
- There are others? - It seemed cautious.
- Some. But I think I like most is to mix fries with sandwich
- Well, I think I can handle it. - And, with an enthusiasm that would make
happiness of any cook, he fell from the mouth omelet.
When finished eating and cleaned the kitchen, Lily was sated, relaxed
Jack and enjoying the company. He knew he was trying to put her at ease,
as he had done before during dinner. Heard him gladly. But when yawned by
third time, Jack stood up.
- Now that made her cry of boredom, think you can sleep?
- Do not bored me. - And yawned again.
He laughed.
- Right. - Escorted her out of the kitchen and turned off the light.
- It is true. The problem is our little angel. It's a little owl and thinks the mother

should also not understand that I need to get up early to work and that adults
does not have time to nap during the day.
- You can sleep this morning. And if you do not know, I am a very rich man. Do Not
need to work if you do not want.
- But I want. - They climbed the staircase. She made the decision to continue
work from the beginning. Did not want to become financially dependent on Jack. The
situations changed, people changed. And, as good as were the intentions,
there was always unpredictable.
Jack walked her to the door.
- I had a very pleasant evening.
- Mee too.
- Good evening, Mrs. Cartwright. - And, lowering his head and kissed her. A sweet kiss,
suit and too fast. - See you in the morning.
breakfast that day and in the following three areas. A
routine is established, in which he prepared the breakfast, both took care of dinner
and the evening snack was her responsibility. The best part of the day, however, was the kiss of
good night at the bedroom door. Those kisses became deeper, long and
passionate every day, Lily admitted. He longed for them.
Like that, she thought, as she hugged him and kissed him. Her breasts had
become more sensitive. She could feel her nipples harden under the light robe while
the pressed to his chest.
He empalmou her buttocks and pulled her close, up, and the feeling
of his erection against her belly made her weak with desire. When he looked up,
was tempted to pull her mouth back to hers.
- It is better to let you sleep. - The voice was husky with desire. - And I need a
ice bath.
- Jack. - He was already on his door.
- Yup?
- Nothing, just wanted to say "good night" and I see you at breakfast.
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There was an obvious disappointment in his eyes.
- Right. See you tomorrow. - And disappeared in the room.
From what was waiting ?, wondered Lily, as she lay and took
Bentley. The man was caring and considerate, honest and frank. How Many
men would rise up in the night just to make sure that his wife
pregnant, had not slept with him, was right? Probably no Just Jack
Cartwright. The truth was that Jack was a wonderful person. All in marriage
Jack Cartwright was wonderful. And that terrified her.
I was falling in love with him, Lily admitted, as she hugged Bentley and
settled under the covers. Maybe Jack had loved all the time and simply

refused to recognize. And the admission of how Jack had become important to her
frightened her. Throughout his life been so close to believe that was part of
a family, only to be disappointed. And each time, felt more lonely than
And if I knew a woman and fell in love with it, realize the error
had committed to marry her. Might want a divorce. And she was heart
party just thinking about the possibility. Was being ridiculous, she told herself, and gave a
punch the pillow. Jack made it clear that she and the baby would be okay financially.
Could not love her, but he loved the baby. And wanted. Needed to find a way to
make his desire enough for her.
And what happens when the desire to end? Continue to live exactly as
before continued when new route alone. Only, this time, would not be alone.
Would have her baby. baby Jack. Put a protective hand on the belly, if left
dive asleep and dreaming.
Lily ran the hospital corridor was dark too dark. And cold. Why
hospital was so cold and empty? He ran to the nurses' station, but there was no
no one there. Where were all? And where were Jack and her baby? Saw the sign
indicating the nursery and ran to him. It was there that was a beautiful little girl with hair
Red and blue eyes of Jack in the nursery. This was not what the nurse had said?
- We need to take it for cleaning, mrs. Cartwright. We'll bring back on
minutes. - The nurse promised as he took the baby out of the room.
- Jack, where are you? - He also began to leave the room.
- I'll call my parents. Rest and soon I'll be back.
But he had not returned. Neither the nurse brought you your baby. Frantic,
rushed to the nursery and found the babies there, looking for his little girl. But she did not
was there. There was no Cartwright baby in the nursery. Panic took.
- Nurse - held the arm of a woman who passed her. - A
Cartwright little girl is not in the nursery. Where is she?
The woman looked at the drawing board.
- Oh, her father took her home. Lily screamed.
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- Lily, wake up, Lily. - Jack sat at the edge of the bed and held the shoulders of
Lily. Aged ten years to hear the cry in your room; never had so much fear in
lifetime. Still had. Although he had stopped screaming, the pallor frightened. Blue eyes
were open and huge and full of terror. And she was shaking so hard he heard his teeth
beat He pulled her into his arms and she clung to him. He kissed her head, stroked her
- It's okay, it was just a nightmare. I am here - kept repeating, until the
decrease tremor. Jack did not know how long stood there holding her. The position of the
moon, still believed that it would take to dawn. Finally, it decreased the strength
with holding him and walked away a millimeter.

- Thank you. - The voice was barely audible.

- No need to thank me, I'm your husband. - The face now had a little
color, although this seems more terrified, had such a great loneliness in their
look he felt his heart sink. - Want to tell what happened?
- Not yet. I need to go to the bathroom.
When he returned a few minutes later and lay, seemed to have overcome the nightmare.
- You need to rest. Want a glass of warm milk to help her sleep?
- She shook her head. - And ice cream?
- No, do not want anything, I'm fine now.
But did not look good seemed lost, lonely and sad. Not only sad, but
desolate, in a way that broke his heart. Do not know what to do for her. From
who had married, spent a lot of time together and had begun to know.
Shared meals, housekeeping and kisses so ardent that they could take a
monk to sin. But she continued to keep him away. Exercised a patience that
I never knew you had when you made her the bedroom door of sleep every night.
Developed a horror of cold baths, but promised himself and her not
would share the bed while she was not ready. And now gave no indication
I wanted him to stay. even to comfort her. Reluctant to leave her, but not
know what to do.
- I think you better let her sleep.
- He got up, took Bentley, who had fallen to the ground, and settled along the
she. He kissed her gently on the lips. - I'll leave the door open. Just call if
need me.
- Jack. - He turned to her. - Do not go. I want you to stay with me.
Did not have to ask twice. He lay down beside her and picked her up.
He held her firmly and affection. It was so good to hold her, she thought Jack, and was
glad to just be with her, to spend hours comforting her. It seemed so
right. Not just good, but right. In the only night they had spent together no
the two spent a lot of time just hugging. He wanted too much and she wanted
also The acts of love were explosives and had not left energy or
inclination for anything else. And there was so much more, Jack realized.
He did not know how long just stood there, holding Lily. Even the tremors
pass, certainly. To regulate breathing. She remained silent and he did not
pressed to tell the dream that had terrified. Simply waited and
trusted that talk when she was ready.
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But when Lily finally began to speak, did not tell him the dream. I told him
as had been growing up in an orphanage and foster homes, on the hope that
one day return to her mother or a couple to adopt, to become them. He told her
it was like to feel lonely.
- At that prom night, I received a report in which was waiting there
days. The detective hired had a clue about my medallion. The drawing is not

common and the detective finally found the jeweler who made it. He was a master craftsman and
was sure he could tell who had ordered. I was so sure that I
would my mother. Even allowed myself to imagine how my meeting with her,
we would say to one another.
- What happened?
- The jeweler was suffering from Alzheimer's disease and, although he had good days, not
could not even remember his own wife.
Jack's heart clenched in pain for her. There was briefly mentioned that the
medallion was his only legacy. Even knowing the circumstances of its creation,
could not imagine how deep were his loneliness and pain. And how were still.
- It was not the first time I met such a big obstacle in my search
for my identity. We get used to disappointment and generally know deal
with him. But that night I could not. When I got to the ball, I was feeling
more alone than ever. And then there you were inviting me to dance. And
when it took me in his arms, all the loneliness and disappointment
disappeared. All he saw, all she could think about was you.
He understood why he had reacted the same way to it. The desire for a
woman had never been so deep, passion, as intense as that felt by Lily
that night. And never regretted. Not now.
- If the nightmare was about it, he felt he made a mistake that night,
understand. But.
-. It's not what I'm saying. Just want you to know why
did what I did that night. - He turned and looked into his eyes, then raised his hand
to his face. - I do not regret making love to you that night, Jack. Was
wonderful. You were wonderful. Do not change anything that night, even if I could.
- Me neither. - She turned her hand and kissed her palm.
- This baby means everything to me Everything. ... It is my family. For the first time
in life really will have a family.
- Do you have a family now, Lily. It got me my parents, my sisters,
all my relatives. Are your relatives also The dream was about it? He dreamed that
was alone?
Then she told him the dream.
- Lily, dear, it was only a nightmare. I promise, no nothing to
worry. Not going anywhere and would never take him our baby.
- You may know someone. someone to love.
- You also - and felt surprised by the wave of jealousy that the notion
awakened him. - If you are afraid that deal treacherously, do not be. You are my wife and I
my vows very seriously.
- But.
- No buts. And nothing more than nightmares. We are a family now, Lily. You and I
our baby we are a family. - He kissed her lips lightly.
- The morning is near, need some sleep.
And this time, she did not argue. He wrapped his arms around her, hugged her
hard and she seemed to relax. When the baby kicked and she moved, Jack put
hand flat on his belly and the baby seemed to calm down. And soon after felt
she had fallen asleep.

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Unfortunately, he failed. The smell surrounded her. It was so soft, and each
time she moved, brushed it. It was heaven and hell. Jack sighed and resigned himself to
a long and difficult night.
felt surrounded by heat. It was a wonderful feeling, like being
surrounded by a blanket in front of a roaring fireplace. Content, plunged in that
heat and hugged the arm was around her waist. The arm around her
waist? Lily opened her eyes and there was a strong arm, dotted with the dark
anchored below her breasts. And suddenly, the night before the events you
back to mind, Jack entering its fourth and hugging her asking her to stay,
after lying in darkness and telling him his dream. And he knew why had the nightmare.
Could blame stress, hormones or radical change in your life. Or
maybe it was a combination of everything. And also because I was terrified. for their
feelings for Jack. And the problem were those feelings, admitted. When
agreed to marry, he had been open and she. Were getting married to give a
home with a father and a mother to her baby. As two healthy adult and sexually
compatible, it was expected that sex was part of the equation. But not love.
Agreed with everything. And changed the rules in the middle of the game. Fallen in love with
her husband. And
Now, Lily? She loves her husband, but he does not love.
It was true, Jack did not love her. But cared for her. And demonstrated that the
all time, to get up in the night because of their strange appetites only to
make sure it was okay No man could kiss her with such tenderness or
treat it with so much patience he did not care. And he wanted her. It would be enough?
Would make it, she thought. She could feel him lying beside her, his chest against
his back, and there was no mistaking about the erection pressed her. Stroked
arm around the chest with his fingers.
- You are awake.
Lily turned slowly and looked into his eyes. those deep blue eyes
could be as cold and warm as the same time.
- Yes, I'm awake.
- Are you feeling better?
- Yes Thank you for being here with me..
He gently kissed her lips and ran her face with the back of
- Whenever you want. It's almost time to get up and get dressed
to work. How about I make French toast for breakfast?
- I do not want French toast.
- OK. And an omelet?
She shook her head and gestured before him to give her another choice of

food, Lily kissed him. She kissed him slow and long, trying to tell you to kiss
much she loved him, how much wanted. When she finished, she knelt down and began to
working on her neck, her shoulder. She kissed his chest, ran his tongue around a
nipple and continued down the dark arrow by coming to the womb.
When it came to the pajama pants waistband and opened the first button, Jack held her
hand. For a moment, Lily froze. Perhaps he had made a mistake. Maybe he did not
wanted. I could not blame him. It was horrible, disheveled, swollen eyes for having
cried so much and seemed to have swallowed a football. Not exactly the picture
right to a seduction. And then he said:
- I want you, Lily. So much so that I can hardly see. But is vulnerable now and
do not need to do that for gratitude, for I have spent the night with you.
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She could breathe again.
- This has nothing to do with last night. I also want you.
After undressing Jack, Lily began to know again his body. It Was
magnificent. legs and long, toned arms, firm muscles, flat belly. Seeing his
excitement, became bold and ran her hands over her mouth following the path
the fingers had traveled.
Like to be a sculptor to perpetuate its form in marble. Then
wanted to be a painter to capture his face on a screen. It was a face as
wonderful: the strong, high cheekbones jaw, a nose that seemed to have been broken into
sometime in the past, color steel blue eyes that could be frozen as a
winter in Connecticut or as hot as a tropical sun. And the mouth. generous, firm and
able, knew well, to do magical things.
- Lily - whispered, then pulled her up to kiss her mouth.
But did not stop in the mouth. He kissed her eyes, chin, nibbled her lobe
ear and down to the neck. He pulled her sweater over her head and threw it on the floor.
Then resumed the assault on her senses, moving her shoulders to her breasts.
Circled her nipple with his tongue, and when he took the hard button in the mouth, Lily sniffed
- Jack - asked not knowing what. But he seemed to know because he continued to do
love to her with his mouth, that mouth, oh so wise that seemed to know each point
sensitive of her body. He laid her back and started everything.
- Do not know how much I wanted to do this.
- He went down through her body.
Had a very good idea, meant Lily, but could barely think, let alone
speak as he took in her womb, with particular attention to small lot.
- You are so beautiful - whispered, and took her panties.
He knew he looked like a soccer ball on stilts, but Jack made her
feel beautiful. And then he could not think anymore because he opened for him and proved.
Lily shivered with the sensations that roamed held the sheets with his fists
closed, unable to speak, barely able to breathe. When she thought she could not bear

more pleasure, he replaced the mouth by fingers. Turned it on again and caused him
waves of pleasure again and again. So was inside her, a long attack, slow
and deep and over and over, each touching his heart. How he loved him, thought,
wishing he had the courage to tell you, but afraid to speak the words aloud.
- Do not hold back, Lily - asked.
And she did not held. The waves spilled her again, but he still
- I will not break, Jack.
- I know. But do not want to hurt you or the baby.
- It will not.
And proved to turn him on his back and ride it. Began to move, following the same
slow pace he had set. The feelings were indescribable, the expression in
eyes giving him power as he held her hips and helped her move. The
eyes never left her face as she moved up and down,
up and down. And then, like a coming storm, perceived
pressure to build again, squeezing until she feel that explode.
- Jack - exclaimed, and then blurted out - I love you.
Did not know if he had heard, then did not matter because the world shattered in
bright lights and he screamed her name.
Later, as she rested in his arms, Lily thought it would be
enough. Needed it.
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- The
C0NTRAT0s for the new operation Falcon are in the folder, ready for you
check - said Claire, the assistant Jack, who sat at his desk
reviewing the morning agenda. She continued to talk about ongoing cases, dates
judgments and phone messages. But Jack's thoughts were on Lily.
Since the night they made love for the first time as husband and wife, in
previous week, things had changed between them. Lily was more relaxed with him
and seemed happy. He was also happy, Jack admitted to himself. It was as if all
the uncertainties that separated as a wall had disappeared. Discovered up
eager to go home at night and reluctant to leave in the morning. It was not just
make love, though it was sensational. Was to be with Lily, share things with her, as
those crazy cravings for strange food. Was to learn all those little
things that a husband and wife knew about each other. How did you know now that
Lily loved old and laughed loudly with musical cartoon. As her eyes
lit up at the sight of a kitten and how he loved that old bear named
Bentley. How shuddered when he kissed that tender spot on the spine.
Face, Cartwright. You are a married and very happy man.
When the room was filled with silence, Jack realized that he had not heard any
thing Claire said, and she waited for an answer.

- Sorry, what?
- Said Mr. Carlton called. Want to know if you can find it on Monday!
fair for a drink.
Jack hesitated. Had not spoken to Carlton since before the wedding. The man
I had so much political influence had been so stunned as everyone when Jack
announced the wedding. Also explained to him his decision not to run for the Senate.
Known that Carlton was disappointed, but Jack felt he had made the decision
right. With a wife and a baby on the way, certainly did not want to devote time and
attention in a campaign. But maybe I should Carlton meet for explanations
More detailed.
- Tell him that is well and see if he can find me at the country club. He noted the meeting on the agenda. - Okay, what else?
- Do you have an appointment at 10:30 am with Alexandra Gifford and should be in court
this afternoon at 14h.
- Thank you, Claire. - The assistant began to walk away. - Claire?
- Yes, sir?
- Call Dr.. Emily Robinson My wife has an appointment with her today.
Ask for the time.
- Yes, sir.
Although Lily had told him that he need not accompany her in consultation with the
obstetrician, wanted to go. He had not been there for her in the first five months of pregnancy,
intended to be fully present in the last four, and in all the months and years
would follow.
The phone rang.
- Yes, Claire?
- The Mrs. query. Cartwright is at 11am, sir.
Jack looked at the schedule.
- Claire, remark with Alexandra Gifford for the late afternoon or tomorrow
- Yes, sir.
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Jack got up and left.
- I'll be back after lunch - warned the wizard. - I have to do
one thing and then I'll be in Dr. Robinson with my wife.
- Yes, sir. - And Jack saw the smile.
- Something funny?
- No, sir. I was just thinking how lucky that Mrs. Cartwright has.
- I'm the lucky. - And he had, Jack thought, as he left the building and
he headed for the parking lot. It was a very lucky man.
And it was because he felt so lucky that 30 minutes later, he left the jewelry store
on Main Street with one of the unique bags from the store. When he entered the car, put

the bag of jewelry next to another in a toy store. Then headed for the
office of Dr.. Robinson.
When he entered, he found Lily sitting in the waiting room, his nose buried in a
magazine about motherhood. Dressed in a top of a soft pink and white pants, hair
tied on her head, looked like a teenager. And if not for the belly
dilated, would not know she was pregnant. Although five months of pregnancy, legs
and hips still slender. Her breasts were bigger, but not too large,
and his posture was as elegant as a dancer. The color skin cream literally
shone. As if sensing his gaze away from her magazine.
- Jack, what are you doing here?
- I have a date with my wife.
As he walked up to her, felt four pairs of eyes on him. And only then realized
that there were other women in the room, all in varying degrees of pregnancy, watching him.
He leaned, kissed her lightly Lily, then sat beside her.
- I told him I did not need to come. I know how busy.
- I wanted to come and you are more important than work. Besides, I'm the boss. If
want to play football in the work schedule, game.
She smiled. Then he saw the two bags and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
- What is this?
Before he could answer, the inner door opened.
- Mrs. Cartwright. - Called the nurse.
- My husband can come with me?
- Of course. - She received the two and opened the door to one of the consultation rooms.
- You can undress, Dr.. Robinson will be here in a minute.
Lily wore the robe and sat on the exam table with a sheet covering her.
- You did not answer my question. What's in the bags? And you better not
I say that it is a gift to me.
- Okay, I will not tell you it's a gift for you.
He had given her a scarf for the anniversary of a wedding weekend. It was a
beautiful scarf designer, but bought because it made him think. Judging by her
reaction, he realized that Lily was not used to receiving gifts. Intended
change that. He handed her the smaller of the two bags.
- Jack, do not need to buy things for me - and took the bag.
- I like to buy things for you. Moreover, it's a little thing.
Was passing through the shop window, I saw and thought maybe you'd like.
She took the jewel box of the bag and opened it.
- Oh, Jack, it's beautiful. - It was a platinum brooch. It was shaped like a lily,
as her name, with a diamond in the center. When seen, Jack had thought
should have been made for her. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. - Thank you.
- You're welcome. - And kissed her again before handing him the other bag. - This One
here is for the baby.
She managed to hold back the tears as he picked up the other bag.
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- I guess I was also going through the window?
- What do you think? Open and see if you like.
She took a miniature bag of football.
- You know that the baby can be a girl, do not you?
- Who said that our daughter can not play football? In addition, the nursed
subject. There's something else in the bag.
Lily took the tiny color pink ballet shoes from the bag and laughed.
- I can see, our daughter running around the football field with sneakers
ballet to catch a pass.
He laughed. And, by God, as loved hearing Lily laugh. Unable to resist, kissed her
again. And, as always, felt his chest swell with emotion and feeling that everything
what was right. Were right together. Had never considered a romantic that
believed in things like fate. But there was that certainty that he and Lily were
for one another.
The sound of a throat clearing, they separated.
- Good day. - Dr.. Robinson closed the door. The presentations were made and
Lily examined. - Everything is great, Lily. Now let's do an ultrasound to see how
will the little one.
Jack watched, fascinated, as the doctor moved the wand over the womb
Lily and showed the baby on the screen.
- This is a leg?
Dr.. Robinson laughed.
- Yes And these are the arms. They want to know the baby's sex?
- Yes No I do not know.. - Lily looked at him.
- The decision is yours. If you prefer to wait, it's fine with me.
- I think I prefer.
- So we hope.
The doctor smiled.
- I'll print a copy. It will be your first baby photo.
An hour later, sitting at the table of a restaurant with Lily, Jack was still
marveling at the first photo of your baby and wondering whether to frame it.
- What do you think? It's crazy?
-. No, and I find it very sweet of you.
He flinched.
- There you go with that word again. Continue to call me that and will
ruin my reputation as a tough lawyer.
- All right, sir. Lawyer Duro, I think the photo frame is a gesture very
Jack laughed.
- Tell you what. I know it needs to get back to the office and have to be in
court this afternoon. So, how about lunch with me again tomorrow and go after
Color to send the frame? - Referring to the chic Emma Art Gallery
- Oh, Jack, love. But Felicity Farnsworth invited me to lunch with her
and some friends at the country club tomorrow and I've accepted.

- No problem, we'll do it another day. - He motioned to the waiter lead to

account. - And have fun in Debs Club.
- Debs Club?
He smiled.
- Well, that's what everyone calls them in Eastwick. I do not know who
invented the name. But I think that started years ago when were presented as
Eastwick beginners to the Cotillion. There are five of them and, except for Vanessa Thorpe,
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all attended school together and were presented together to society. Never
via one without the other, so people began to call them Debs Club.
Are at the club regularly for lunch, always at the same table and
always in the Emerald Room.
- Who else is part of this club apart from Felicity? And why invite me
to lunch with them?
- The answer to the first question is: Abby Talbot, Bunny Baldwin and daughter
you already know; Emma Dearborn, owner of Color and Reed Kelly bride; Mary Duvall,
which is a local artist; and Vanessa Thorpe, Stuart Thorpe's widow. The second
question, I guess they want you to be part of the club because Felicity told them
you're a special woman.
- I think you're biased to judge.
- No way, just stating a fact. Have fun, the food at the club is
always excellent.
- I know. I had lunch there once with Bunny when she could not go to the office of
Eastwick Cares. - He paused. - I did not ask, but I assume that Felicity let
my name at the gate to the doorman let me in. Last time, Bunny forgotten
and I was late because he was not in the list.
- Lily, do not need anyone put your name on the guest list. Do You
is my wife, which means that now is a member of Eastwick Country Club. The
Membership in the club, the boat, the house where we live, it's all yours.
- You're very generous.
- We're married. Married people share - stopped and decided to tackle the
question of her apartment. - Speaking of sharing, I thought maybe we could go
to his apartment this weekend and make arrangements to take the rest of
his stuff home.
- I told you, my stuff will not match yours. Furthermore, no
no rush. My lease ends only within six months. Let's just see
as things develop - Looked hours. - See how many time! I Need To
back to the office, I have a query. And you have the court.
Disappointed, he played a few notes on the table and walked to the Lily
her car. I wonder how to convince her that marriage was not temporary,
he was not temporary. Because I knew that was why she dodged. The reason
that insisted on keeping the apartment. Do not trust him.

- Thanks again for going to the doctor's office and the beautiful brooch. To
- Lily, you forgot something. - And Lily, who was beginning to get in the car, if
- What?
- This. - He took her in his arms and kissed her, there in the street. Ignoring the cries
team building on the corner, gave him a real kiss, one that involved
mouths, teeth and tongues. When he lifted his head, she had a hazy look in
eyes. Well, Jack thought, and walked away.
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- Thank you - Lily said the waiter as he refilled his cup of tea
ice cream. He looked around the Emerald Room at Eastwick Country Club and found the source
name. It was all decorated in green nuances and, in the open French windows,
via the pool area. Everything was green, and bright spring. And even inside the hall
could smell the gardens of flowers.
- Have you decided what you want dessert,
Lily? - The sound of Felicity's voice saying his name, Lily turned his attention
quickly to the lunch table and chose the first thing on the menu.
- The cheesecake with strawberries, please.
While the waiter continued to receive requests, she assessed their
lunch companions. They were so different, yet all so beautiful. High,
slender, straight black hair and violet eyes, Emma Dearborn was impressive.
It was also a marked contrast with the delicate beauty of Vanessa Thorpe, who,
with its small structure and very pale blond hair, had an air of innocence. Lily
knew, because Jack had told him that Vanessa was a widow. Mary Duvall had a beauty
more quiet, with brown hair and eyes in style Chanel also brown. On
However, there was a mysterious air about her that Lily believed to originate from the fact that it
an artist and have lived in Europe. Felicity was, as always, full of vitality, and
more of a male head turned aside when she entered the club. Lily did not know if
was because of the voluptuous figure, the short and spiky blond hair or on its
fearless attitude. With lovely blue eyes and long blond hair, Abby was beauty
classic. It was small and moved with a grace that a person had only when
was born with it, and could not be learned. There was an air of sadness in Abby that drew her,
Lily thought, and imagined that still suffered by the mother's death.
When the waiter left, Emma leaned her.
- Okay, Lily, as you can see, we desperately need you on the committee
lifting the country club funds. For all that Felicity told me and the
Mrs information. Cartwright about his work in Eastwick Cares, all thought
you will be great on the committee.
- She's right, Lily - said Abby. - My mother always spoke highly

you. He said that only after you began working in the Eastwick Cares
institution had significant success with fundraising.
- It was kind of it. And it's nice of you to invite me. I do not know if I can
help, but my answer is "yes." Love to be part of the committee.
- One more thing - Emma explained. - You've probably heard call us
Debs Club.
- Actually, yes.
- It's all right. - Emma laughed. - We do not care. In fact, to us
same as well call ourselves The truth is that we are very busy and five women
friends. We try to find at least once a month over lunch only
girls, when we can celebrate, make complaints or just to see us.
- It looks pretty good.
- We were hoping you'd say that we were not, ladies? - All
Emma nodded and continued:
- We want you to join our small
club, Lily.
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Lily felt surprised.
- I do not know what to say.
- Say "yes" - Abby suggested.
- Yes - repeated, and all laughed.
- All right, ladies. I think that deserves a toast. - Felicity raised his glass. Lily Cartwright, the newest member of the survey committee Eastwick funds
Country Club and the youngest participant Debs Club.
Glasses clinked around. As they talked and proved the desserts
each other, Lily found herself happy with her new friends. Almost felt as if
belonged to the group. It made her start to believe that miracles were possible. Maybe
Jack ever love her as she loved him.
A voluptuous blonde with a diamond in the size of Texas finger stopped
on the table.
- Hello, ladies. Looks like you girls are celebrating something.
- Hi, Delia. And yes, we are celebrating. - The voice of Emma was cold. - Lily ends
to become a member of Debs Club.
- Congratulations. - The Delia's smile was as fake as the painted hair. - I
Delia Forrester.
- How do you do? - Lily politely shook hands outstretched woman. - I
Lily Miller. um Cartwright.
Delia watched Lily's womb.
- Then it must be the wife of Jack Cartwright.
- Yes, I am.
- How lucky you have Jack is such a wonderful man. - The way
did praise took Lily to imagine how much intimacy there between Delia Forrester and him. -

Please say I sent a hug.

- Of course. - Lily sat back down. But he could not shake the image of Delia
with Jack. - Who is she? - Asked the table at large.
- The trophy wife of Frank Forrester - Felicity said, and the cold tone
made it clear he did not like Delia. Lily also did not like.
- Right, where were we? - Felicity changed the subject.
- We were toasting our new Deb - reminded Abby.
- I think we should advertise in newspapers that Lily is now officially a member
the Debs Club - played Felicity.
- What would be happy to city linguarudas. - Vanessa smiled at the idea.
- It would be so nice if her mother was alive, Abby - commented Emma. - Bunny
knew everything about everyone. If I wanted to know what was happening in Eastwick,
as Lily becoming a member of Debs Club, all you needed to know was reading the Social
Abby smiled, but there was sadness in the expression. There was also something else
in his eyes. But before Lily could make it out, Emma interrupted.
- I know I was very upset when Bunny died, but have you thought of
relaunch the Diary?
- Actually, it's one of the reasons why I was so pleased with the meeting
today. Do you remember how my mother was mysterious about their sources and how
wrote down in daily all the things discovered for Social Diary and kept them in
- Of Course. - All agreed.
- Well, last week finally began to check the mother's things. But
when I opened the safe where he kept his diaries, was empty. Someone stole the daily.
- Are you serious? - Felicity marveled.
Abby nodded.
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- But who? How come? - Lily said.
- I do not know. But I asked the police to open a new investigation into the death of
Mom. I did not die of a heart attack, I think she was murdered.
- Murdered? - Mary touched his neck, shaken.
- Yes I think something in the daily led someone to kill her.
Lily shuddered.
- I'm sorry, Abby. I can not imagine how difficult this is for you.
- Thank you. Just wanted you all to know, because the police
certainly will interrogate people and can ask them questions.
Mary made a clumsy gesture with the cup, turned and poured tea in dress
- Excuse Me. - Mary began to wipe the tea gown with a napkin. I can not believe I was so clumsy.
- It's okay - reassured Lily.

- Oh, wow, look at the time - said Emma. - I need to run, have a
interview with a client in the gallery in ten minutes.
- Emma, forgot that we will choose the wedding cake today? In addition to the
napkins and music? - Protested Felicity.
- Excuse Me. - Emma grabbed her purse. - Why do not you talk to Reed and you
- But, Emma, is your wedding, not mine. Should be taking these
Reed decisions, not me.
- I know. But the truth is that I have no time and you think Reed fantastic.
So you two can solve. Now I have to run. - He turned to Lily. - Lily,
I'm glad to have you in Deb and I'll call soon about raising funds. - And before
anyone could speak, Emma turned and left quickly.
- The stain out? - Asked Mary Lily, referring to the tea spilled on
her dress.
- Not yet, I go to the bathroom to wash with soap. But do not worry, since
survived thousands of spots. This is not so bad.
Lily watched the cleaning that had to dress in the bathroom mirror and was
satisfied. Soon decided to use the toilet instead of waiting 30 minutes and entered one of the
cabins. The noise from the outside bathroom door opening was followed by the sound of
high heels clicking on the marble floor.
- I just need to fix my lipstick - And Lily immediately recognized the voice
Delia Forrester.
- Well, I gotta go to the bathroom. I should not have taken that second Bloody
Mary. - And Lily heard the door of one of the other cabins closing.
- Patty, you paid attention to the guest's table Debs Club?
- You mean, the pregnant redhead?
- Yes is the wife of Jack Cartwright And now we all know why
wedding was rushed, do not we?
- It goes without saying! - There was the sound of a discharge and a woman named Patty left
the cabin.
- I understand is a nobody. It is to imagine that a man in Jack's position
would be a little more selective with who sleeps - Delia said. - As they say,
if you sleep with dogs will wake up with fleas? Well, I guess that's true. No wonder
he has decided not to run for Senate. With luggage that wife,
probably would not be elected or to drive the pound dogs.
Lily decided he had heard enough. He left the cabin and went to the bench
the sinks where the two women were laughing. It was right in the middle of the two and began
to wash their hands. The woman named Patty sobered immediately, but Delia continued
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with a satisfied smile. And when Lily found her gaze in the mirror, he realized that
Delia had known the whole time I was there. Lily took one of the paper towels, dried
hands and threw in the towel in the trash.

He walked toward the exit door, stopped and turned.

- Oh, just a clarification. No need to worry if my husband
or can not be elected as a driver of the cart dogs. Do not need the
employment. If you do not know, it's filthy rich. - And without waiting for an answer, left the
But despite the show of courage, his stomach tightened. To see
out of the two serpents view, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes for a minute.
He loved Jack and the last thing he wanted was to cause him harm of any kind.
- Lily? Are you fine?
Lily opened her eyes to hear the voice of Abby.
- Yes, I'm fine.
- The girls had to leave and asked me to tell him "goodbye".
- He did not wait for me - Lily said.
- I want. Also, I saw Delia into the bathroom after you. - Abby him
studied the face. - I was afraid that she might try to take you a call or something
like this.
- No, not wanted. But thank you for taking care of me.
- It was nothing. - She and Abby walked down the hall and when they reached the
Emerald Room, Abby said: - There is another way out here.
By the time they went out to the courtyard, the sweet smell of flowers wrapped them.
- My mother was very fond of you, always praised.
Lily felt again that strong connection with Abby, which helped her away their
- I also liked her and admired her very much. Actually, it was because of her
I met Jack. - And Lily told her as Bunny insisted to go to the prom, you
lent the dress and how met Jack.
- My mother loved happy endings. I think that would be glad to know it was
responsible for you to find yours.
- Abby, do not have to pretend. I think we all know that the only reason why Jack
married me is the baby.
- And you married him because he loves you.
Lily sighed.
- It is so obvious?
- Only for someone who suffers from the same disease.
- But it's different for you. You and your husband were married for love.
- I thought it was true. And, for my part, I married for love Luke. But
I do not know why he married me.
- I'm sure he loves you.
- Maybe. But love is much more than just say the words. Whereby
knew, Jack certainly acts like a man in love.
Maybe Abby was right, she thought. At least, he hoped he had.
in the Eastwick Country Club bar and watched the hall looking for
Tom Carlton.
- Jack, here.

Jack went to the counter where Tom was sitting on a stool

sipping bourbon. 65, Tom was short and stocky, with a baldness
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incipient and a firm handshake. Its smooth appearance hid the fact that he was a
shark and one of the most powerful political leaders of the state. Jack reached out.
- Good to see you, Tom.
- Good to see you too. - Tom gave a strong slap on Jack's back. - The
that will take?
- Just a soda, Harry - Jack said the bartender, who worked in
club since Jack was a kid. With age between 60 and 70 years, Harry was tall,
bald and quiet. And Jack knew that although the walls could tell a lot if they were
able to speak, Harry could tell you some things.
- Soda? - Repeated Carlton. - I thought you liked Scotch.
- Now I am a married man and my wife expecting a baby.
Thank you, Harry - thanks, when a glass was placed before him. - A
Lily's favorite drink is milk and, occasionally, a juice. I changed my habits to
match hers.
Carlton nodded.
- I think it's one of the changes in today's society. In my generation, not
expect a man to change their eating and drinking habits if the wife was
- It is a personal decision. But I'm sure you did not invite me to a
meeting to discuss my drinking habits. Whatever, Tom?
- That's what I like about you, Cartwright, goes straight to the point.
- I found out that saves time. And time is something I have not very
at present. - It was true. Between work and their commitment to family and the
community, their free time was short. Now that she was married to Lily, discovered that
wanted more time with her and would need even more when the baby arrived.
- Why do not we sit down to one of those tables where we can have a little
more privacy? - Tom pointed to a table in the far corner of the bar. After
sit, continued: - Do you want me to be straight, so I will just to the point. I want
to reconsider its decision not to run for the Senate.
- Tom.
Carlton raised a hand.
- Let me finish. Preliminary research has shown that you win
with ease. Jack, could be the next senator from Connecticut. Think of all the good
you can do, the difference it can have on the lives of a lot of people. And
certainly proud leave the city of Eastwick. All you need to do is tell
word and launch his campaign tomorrow.
- I appreciate the offer. And though I have many ideas about how to manage
better the country, now is not the right time for me Who knows in the future, but now
do not.

- Listen, Jack. I understand your objections. And when I found out the reason
true to its withdrawal, agreed with his decision.
- True Reason for my withdrawal? - Jack repeated blankly.
Thought he had made it clear he did not want Lily and submit himself to the demands of
time and commitment to a campaign.
- Your wedding in a hurry with this because Miller got her pregnant - answered
Tom -. I thought, politically, it would be the final nail in his coffin, just like you.
I mean, the people of Connecticut has a high regard for family values.
Expect a man and a woman to marry first and then have babies. But
I was wrong. - Tom seemed proud of himself. - Have done the honorable thing
to marry the girl, well, did you a honest guy in the eyes of voters.
- Did you? - The tone of Jack was soft while trying to keep his anger under control.
- For sure. And if you are worried about the past of his wife be a
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problem will not be. The public relations team think the fact that she grew up in
orphanages and foster homes, you have to work to make something of herself,
will be a very good point in his favor. Voters will consider you as a
Senator will work for the common man and also for the rich. - Smiling,
asked: - So what say? We can start printing the posters Cartwright
for the Senate?
- No -. The answer was given through gritted teeth.
- Do Not? Did you hear what I just said?
It will be a game for you to become the new senator from Connecticut.
- I Heard. And I'm not interested. - Jack stood up.
- Why the hell not?
- First, because I do not like people of narrow minds and certainly not
want a making my campaign. if it had a campaign. Second, why not
want to waste the time I can spend with my wife and my baby in a
political campaign. - Jack pushed his chair back and continued: - And to leave
things clear, Carlton, if you ever decide I apply for political office, I
want Lily to me. But it will not be because it represents a point in my favor. It Will Be
because I'm proud of who she is, what he did and I feel I have a damned lucky
she's my wife. Now if you'll excuse me, not much like the smell here.
And before giving in to the urge to punch in the face of Carlton, Jack left the bar.
Was so absorbed by his need to leave the country club that almost hit
Abby Talbot, who walked ahead of him in the hallway.
- Sorry, Abby, not seen.
- This is evident. Where's the fire?
- She smiled at him.
- No fire. I'm just on the way home.
She looked behind him.
- Lily is not with you?

- No -. The mood improved the mention of Lily's name. - You are at home, which is why
why I'm in such a hurry.
- I understand. She is lovely, Jack.
- I think so. And I want to thank you for inviting her to join the Debs Club.
It meant a lot to her. I know it was not easy for her to marry in the family
Cartwright. Suddenly, is under a microscope, being judged, trying to act like you think
what is expected of her. To invite you to participate in the survey committee
funds and be a member of your club did feel like. less like an outsider.
- I know. I think that is very special and you have a damned lucky she have
married to you.
- I think so - realized that Abby looked toward the entrance.
- Looking for someone?
She blushed.
- I'm waiting for Luke. You are in New York since last week
business and should not return until tomorrow, but managed to finish things before. Will come
airport straight here, to have dinner and then go to the movies.
- It looks like a fun night. - And also explained why Abby
was wearing a sexy black dress and smiling.
- It Will Be. Luke and I do not go out to dinner or to go to a movie there. well, there
too long.
Her cell phone rang.
- I'll let you answer in particular.
- No, wait a second. - He took the phone from the bag and turned the body side.
- Hello? - The expression changed, joy began to despair. Page 68
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I understand. I'm sure it is. No, do not bother. - And hung up.
- It's all right? - But Jack realized he was not.
- I think it depends on who you ask. - There was bitterness in his
voice. - Sorry, Jack, had no intention of cashing in you. Luke was canceling
the meeting. He could not come after all.
- I'm sorry, Abby.
- I also A council of a married woman, Jack. Whatever you do,
always find time for Lily and not let one day go by without her know that
you love her.
their appearance in the mirror one last time. The seller had
rated the black dress for pregnant women like Audrey Hepburn style. Lily
turned and looked over his shoulder. The back, the dress looked perfect. It showed a
little legs and made her hips look narrower; nor would it be possible to know that
was pregnant. unless turned front. Sighed. Even so, the neckline you

seemed a bit too daring and her womb. well, I could not help it. Was almost
six months of pregnancy and simply could not hide his soccer ball.
When Jack suggested to leave for dinner to celebrate three birthday
weeks of marriage, had accepted with enthusiasm. There had been a change in him in
last week. Still, as always, attentive and generous, and left no doubt
about his desire for her, but there was a new urgency and intensity when it
made love that left no doubt that you loved her. After his meeting with
Delia Forrester, asked him why he gave up the nomination to the Senate and he left
clear that his decision was selfish.
Wanted to spend more time with her and the baby.
That morning, when he left for work, had been mysterious about that
overnight. Discovered in the few weeks he was married to Jack, he liked
to surprise her with small gifts. He had lost count of how many were so many.
some silly, some terribly expensive. Whatever the surprise of the night,
was enthusiastic. And it also.
Lily found his socks and shoes and found that the jumps of 7 cm were worth.
Made her legs look longer. He went to the dresser, took his medallion
and put him. Then he took the lipstick and passed. Enough, Lily, looking like a student
preparing for the prom.
Laughed at herself. She felt like a student a lot of ways. And it was
Jack's fault. The man made her feel like a princess and had never been so happy
in life. Suddenly, panic he always felt when I thought things were good
too good to be true it penetrated the mind. Do not feel too comfortable.
When all collapse around you, there will be no one to help her get
No, she thought, would not do it herself. Was happy. Jack was happy.
Loved one another. All right, he had not said the words. But Abby was right,
he showed that he loved her for her actions. He did not need words.
He picked up the evening bag and down the staircase to wait for Jack. But after
20 minutes of waiting, looked back the hours. He said that the reservation for dinner
was at 20h, and it was already 19:20. Five more minutes. If he did not call, would call him. But
so made the decision, the phone rang.
- Jack, where are you?
- Sorry, honey, I was stuck in the office. The man with whom I have a
meeting is delayed. Cancel, but he does not live in the city and comes only to
find me.
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- I understand. - He tried not to show his disappointment. - I'll call and
cancel the reservation.
- No, it's not what I want.
- But you're stuck, we will come out the other night.
- Our anniversary is tonight. I want dinner and dancing with my wife this

overnight. - And the tone of his voice trembling left.

- Would you also like, but you said the man traveled here just to
meet with you. You can not cancel.
- I do not intend to do this. He should be arriving. If do not mind
drive to the restaurant, I'll meet you there. What do you think?
- Sounds like a good plan.
- Great. I'll see you there.
- Okay And Jack?
- Yup?
- I love you.
- Better than love it. You are married to me, lady. See you in some
Lily hung up. And for a moment, felt disappointed. He had told her
I loved him when they were in bed, waiting for him without passion you
said that he also loved But he had not said.
Suddenly, he felt the old doubts returned. Stop it, she told herself and,
taking the car keys, opened the front door. Thunder echoed in the distance. A
light rain had begun. He went back into the house, opened the coat closet and
realized he had left his raincoat in the apartment. He looked at the beautiful,
expensive dress and saw him coming to the restaurant like a wet rat.
Then he saw Jack's raincoat. Took it and put it on, then smiled. Protecting it
much better than hers. Covered it all. After tying the belt, put his hands
in his pockets. His fingers brushed a piece of paper, she got to see what it was.
His stomach tightened as he read.
WHAT GOOD CITIZENS of Eastwick think if they find out
Lily let the paper fall to the ground. Suddenly, it all came back. The Delia's comment on
club, Jack telling you who preferred not to release candidate for the Senate to stay
with it. Jack never said he loved her.
Oh, God, she thought. Oh, God, was going to vomit. He ran to the bathroom, vomited and
when finally it was over, washed his face and mouth. But when he saw the woman's face
in the mirror, recognized her, saw her without pretense, all the lies told to you
thereof. It was still the same person who had always been. Lily Miller.
The baby's own mother had not wanted, the girl without a family that had never been
adopted. Woman Jack Cartwright never would. Crying, climbed the stairs, fell,
rose and continued. He entered the room, threw some clothes in a suitcase, took
Bentley and ran down the stairs. He took the raincoat Jack, threw her to the ground and
came out in the rain. Had to get away, go far away, where no longer needed
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face Jack. When he reached the car, the rain fell like a flood. As well as their
tears. Continued at high speed down the street without bothering to stop before
make the turn. All he could see was that note, Jack's face, and see how
been wrong.
With the heavy rain and the tears that clouded his vision, could barely see the
windshield. Lily reached out and searched the bag for a tissue to clean the
vapor accumulated inside the car. And when he looked back, he saw the lights
approaching her, she heard the heavy sound of the brakes of the tires, the sound of glass
breaking, metal breaking. He reached into his belly.
- My baby! - Shouted.
Then everything went black.
Jack was standing next to Vincent's reception desk, the Italian restaurant
where Lily should have been, and expected to be brought to the table reserved. Was almost half
hour late, but believed that Lily would not mind. Hit into his pocket where
was the piece of paper with the name of a woman who claimed to have known the mother
Lily. It had taken weeks, but after delivering the detective he had hired a picture of
Lily medallion and what little information I had on Lily's leaving the church, the
detective finally found a solid track.
Jack wanted to do it for her because I hoped that if I had the answers
about his past, would be able to leave it aside. Could be selfishness on his part,
but wanted all of Lily. She told him that she loved him and he did not doubt. But there was
that part of her heart that she kept apart because they do not trust him.
He understood it, did not blame her. Had been disappointed too many times in the past. Do Not
wanted to disappoint her. But he needed to believe in it in them in what they had together.
And for that, would have to find the answers to those questions that had
tormented all his life.
- Mr. Cartwright, good to see you again - said Antonio, the maitre d '. - The table
is prepared for you. I would sit now, or will wait for Mrs.
Jack frowned.
- My wife is not here?
- No, it's not. May have been stuck in traffic. The rain always disturbs.
- You can check if she called and left a message? Should meet me
here at 20h.
- Of course, I'll see if someone received a phone call from her. Just a moment.
Antonio walked away to check and Jack took out his cell phone and called the number of
Lily. In the fourth call, the call was answered.
- Hello, this is Lily.
- Lily - Jack began, and then realized that he had been served by mail
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voice. - Lily, I'm in Vincent's. Where are you? Call me. - Then tried
home phone, telling himself that it could have been trapped. But, once again,
was answered by voicemail.
- I'm sorry, sir. Cartwright, but no one answered a phone call from Mrs.
Cartwright. I would like to have a drink at the bar while waiting for her?
- Thank you, Antonio, but I'll wait here. I'm sure it will reach
any minute now.
But 20 minutes and a series of telephone messages after Lily yet
had come. And Jack began to worry. It was Lily of the shape to be late or
fail to meet calls. Because of pregnancy, took special care
not be incommunicado. Something was wrong.
After giving a tip to Antonio and apologize to cancel the reservation,
Jack left the restaurant and went home. During the race, continued to try mobile
Lily and even from her office. More worried by the minute, tried to talk to
Abby Talbot. He knew that Lily had become close to her.
- Hello. - Abby answered on the second ring.
- Abby, is Jack Cartwright.
- Jack. - And judging by the disappointment in his voice, he had been waiting for the call
another person. - What can I do for you?
- Sorry to bother you at this time. But I wondered if Lily would be with you.
- Lily? No, have not seen her since the afternoon. We went shopping. She said
you and she were planning a special night and she wanted a new dress for
occasion. I thought he was with you.
- No, it's not. I was late and she arranged to meet me in
restaurant. But she did not appear.
- Have you tried her cell phone, I know.
- Yes, and always falls on the voice mail. And is not responding at home or
- You know how pregnant women are suddenly fall asleep. May be only
taking a nap and hung up the phone - Abby suggested.
But they both knew that this was not true, Jack thought, but was grateful
by trying to Abby reassure him.
- I'm on the way home now. Do you care to call the other girls
the Debs Club and see if any of them have news of Lily?
- No, I will turn now.
- Thank U.
- No problem. And, Jack, try not to worry. Lily is one of the people most
strong and courageous I know. I'm sure you're all right, wherever you are.
No less than wild horses would stop to meet with you tonight
for dinner.
- I know you're right.
But when hung up, Jack knew some much more serious thing than
wild horses stopped her from meeting him. Links for parents and sisters
gave the same result. No one had seen or heard of Lily. And when he took the road to
home, had a sick feeling. All kinds of images took her mind. And if Lily

had fallen? And if he had slipped in the bathtub? And if it had come into work
premature birth? Read about it, knew it was more common than people
knew. He was nearly six months pregnant. I should not have left her alone.
She realized she was near panic and forced himself to calm down. He tried to
remember the last conversation we had, if there had been something out of the ordinary not
noticed anything wrong. On the contrary, she seemed happy. And told him she loved him.
Hardly were the words of a woman who was annoyed with him. Then
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where was she?
Jack drove the Mercedes through the closed curve, then sank his foot on the accelerator by
long straight road leading to his house. When stopped, the first thing I noticed
was that her car was not there. Which meant that Lily did not. Might have
left him a note, Jack thought, though he knew it was pointless. Why you
leave a note instead of calling him? And when he opened the door and walked into the lobby,
silence scared.
- Lily?
But there was no answer. He threw the keys on the table by the door and when
headed for the living room. As he entered, he saw his raincoat on the floor. Took it and,
in doing so, he saw the piece of paper on the floor. Jack froze. He picked it up and read again the
ticket attempt to blackmail holding pocket and which forgotten
completely. He tried to imagine what Lily had thought when read. Certainly
imagine that he lied to her, who had given up his candidacy because he was
ashamed of it.
- Son of a ... - Jack crumpled ticket with force. Needed to find Lily.
Needed to explain. He was running for the door when his cell phone rang. Nor
bother to verify the identity.
- Lily?
- No, Jack, is Scott.
- Look, Scott, I have no time. Lily disappeared and I leave for Search
there. - And got in behind the wheel.
- Jack, it's about Lily I'm calling. Something about the old friend's voice made
Jack's heart stop. Panic took.
- What the hell you talking about, Scott? Where is my wife?
- In Eastwick Memorial Hospital There was an accident.
- Oh, God. - Jack felt his heart. Or was it in your soul? Do Not
knew. All he knew was that he could not imagine life without Lily. - What is the
State severity of it?
- You are in a coma. Needs to get here as soon as possible.
knew how many infractions for speeding or direction
dangerous committed. As he reached the hospital in record time and ignored the

safety, telling him he could not park in front of the hospital door, while
ran to the reception.
- Lily Cartwright. What room are you?
- Room 302, but the time to visit is over, sir.
Jack ran to the elevator, pushed the button, then headed for the stairs. Rose
running up to the third floor and as he passed through the door leading to the hallway, almost
down a nurse.
- Excuse Me. - But he continued to run.
- Room 302. Lily Cartwright. Which way?
- It's down the hall on the right. But you will need.
Jack did not hear the rest and ran down the hall.
- Jack! Jack! - Scott called as Jack passed through the waiting room.
- I need to see you, Scott. I have to explain.
- Wait, man. Have much time to explain when she wakes up.
- I need to see it.
- So let. - And Jack walked up to Lily's room.
When he opened the door and saw Lily, Jack felt tears burn her eyes.
He walked to the bed and held her hand. It was cold. And the face, deathly pale.
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There was a bump on the forehead, scratches on his face and arms, a bandage on
left eyebrow.
There were monitors connected to it, which also took serum. At that moment, Jack
would have given everything he had, even life itself, to see those blue eyes open and
look at him. Scott held his shoulder.
- Are you fine?
Jack nodded.
- What happened?
- I am not sure. And the driver of the truck that hit told, the
rain fell so hard that it was almost impossible to see. She made a turn
accented with too hurry, lost control of the car, went into the other lane and hit
directly in the truck.
It was his fault. Find the ticket blackmailer and fled.
- Where's the doctor? What did he say? And the baby? She. the baby okay?
- The doctor is doing some tests. Should return in a few minutes. Need
calm down, man. Lily will need when you come around.
Scott was right.
- Why do they call him? - Only now realized that it was Scott who was
there with Lily when he should have been.
- She was hit by one of the trucks of Falcon Trucking - explained Scott. When they told me that one of my drivers was injured, came here, and only then
I found that the other victim was Lily. So I called you.
- The accident was serious?

- Very serious. Lily is a miracle to be alive. My driver is with one arm and the
broken collarbone.
It was a miracle she did not die. And if it had, it would have been his fault. Jack evil
bear the burden of responsibility.
- Let's have a coffee while waiting for the doctor. - And Scott led to
waiting room.
Four cups of coffee later, the doctor came into the waiting room.
- Mr. Cartwright?
Jack stood up.
- I am Jack Cartwright.
- I'm dr. Freeman. - Tall, with broad shoulders and a gray hair, the
doctor had a firm handshake.
- Let's get to talk.
Jack followed the doctor and Scott had taken them to a separate waiting area.
- My wife will be fine?
- His vital signs are good. Nothing broken. Has a concussion and a cut
Ugly on the left eyebrow and a few bruises and scratches. But nothing that you
life-threatening. Our biggest concern is the coma. The longer stay time
so, we would be more concerned.
- And the baby?
- The baby is fine. We called one fetal monitor to check the baby and called the
obstetrician his wife, Dr.. Robinson.
- Is there anything I can do?
- You can try talking to her. Sometimes a patient responds to the voice of a
loved one. And it never hurts to pray.
So Jack prayed. As I had never prayed. And talked to Lily. Said how
loved her, how much he needed her, and talked about the wonderful life they would have with
baby. Told him about all the other babies who wanted to have with her. babies with hair
Red and blue eyes, babies who would have her compassion and her ability to
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donate, babies that would be more intelligent than his father, who should have told you about
extortionate ticket.
He did not know how long he spoke. Only that did not stop even when the voice was
hoarse. And that had driven parents and sisters, who urged him to leave to rest.
Scott knew was there all the time. Abby and the other the Debs Club arrived and
kept vigil with him. Finally gave up trying to do it and the rest
left alone with Lily. He took her hand and begged again.
- Please, Lily. Please come back to me I love you. I need you. Return to
Please, Lily. Please come back to me. Love you. I need you. Return to
me. Lily heard the voice of Jack. It seemed that came to her through a tunnel. But

became increasingly strong. Please come back to me. Love you.

Lily opened her eyes slowly. Cringed because just moving the eyelids
hurt. He touched his head, felt the swelling and bandage on his eyebrow. He felt like
if it had been hit by a truck. And then he remembered. Finding note
blackmail Driving rain and crying. The sound of tires scraping the asphalt of
breaking glass, shock. And then darkness. The baby.
The heart missed a beat. She touched her stomach and could breathe again to
feel it. Then he turned his head and saw Jack. He was sitting in a chair next to the
bed, head down, shoulders slumped. He held her hand and, by breathing
rhythmic, realized he was asleep. Gently pulled his hand from under his and her
stroked his head.
Slowly, he rose. The eyes that were arrested at her
red, with dark circles under them. It seemed that there was not shaved and her days
hair. his hair neatly combed usually so. was a lump. But it was the
torment those eyes that broke his heart.
- The baby? - Your mother's heart told him it was okay, but needed
ask. - Is the baby okay?
- The baby is fine.
She sighed in relief.
- I'll be fine?
- Yes. The doctor said it would be all right was the coma that scared us. Do Not
know if. when. you wake up.
- How long have I been here?
- Since last night.
- And you were here all the time?
- Of course. You are my wife. Love you. Would not stay anywhere else.
- You know, I heard you talking to me. She was beginning to sink in and then heard
his voice telling me to go back, not to let him, you loved me.
- And I love the real you, Lily. I think the loved since the first time I saw
at the ball. As was stupid and too stubborn to realize almost to lose you.
I'm so sorry. It was my fault you get involved in that accident. Should have told you
about the blackmail card.
- Yes, it should.
Understanding how come close to losing your life and your baby will erase the need
frantic that Lily had to run away and escape the pain. Facing death made her recognize
how life was precious as love was even more precious. Try to keep a part
Heart safe for fear of being wound was wrong. Not just kidding
Jack was fooling herself. How could expect Jack or person
knead it was not willing to allow love it the way you always wanted to be
beloved. with all your heart? And love with all my heart meant he had to trust
also wholeheartedly.
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- Why did not you tell me about the note?

- Actually, it was pure idiocy. Someone put it in the pocket of my cover
rain on the day of Bunny Baldwin's funeral. When I met him, I was furious. Did not have
intention of letting anyone blackmail me and at that time did not even know
you were pregnant. So, just kept it in my pocket and forgot about him.
- If you knew who was then pregnant, would have been different?
- About I pay blackmail?
- Yup.
-. Can not have been surprised when I found out I was pregnant, Lily.
But never was ashamed and I was never unhappy with the baby. I knew I wanted the baby and
wanted you.
- So I'm not the reason why you decided not to run for the Senate?
- Oh, you were the reason, you and the baby. But not because he has shame. It is because
I want to spend as much time as possible with you and our children.
- Children?
He smiled.
- I hope we have at least half a dozen.
- No, unless you are willing to carry half of them.
He was serious.
- If you could, and if he thought that to compensate for what happened to you,
I carry. Would do anything to apologize. I'm so sorry, Lily.
- It was not your fault, Jack. It was I who took to conclusions and put my
baby and myself in danger. I should have trusted you.
- I want you to trust.
And trust, Lily admitted to herself.
- Any idea who sent you the blackmail note?
He shook his head gesture.
- Distrust of Bunny, but he was already dead when the note appeared in the pocket
my cloak.
The mention of Bunny did Lily remember Abby and lost diaries Bunny.
- Jack, Abby said someone stole her mother's diaries. It is possible that the person
that stole has written the ticket. You know Bunny wrote everything in their journals.
- You are right. But who?
- I do not know. But I think we should take the note to the police. Abby have them
asked to open a new investigation into the cause of death Bunny.
- How come?
- Because Abby believes Bunny may have been murdered, and whoever
has stolen his diaries, is responsible for her death.
- Why would anyone kill Bunny because of a stack of diaries?
- Maybe they killed for what he had in daily. If she knew about us and
someone tried to blackmail him, there are probably other people whose secrets she
- You are right. I'll tell Abby about the ticket and I'll take you to the police.
Suddenly, the door opened and in walked a bunch of Cartwrights.
- Oh, thank God, you're awake. - Sandra ran to hug Lily.
- Mother, stop squeezing Lily. Can not you see she had an accident and is

- I know very well that she had an accident, Jack Cartwright. I'm just glad to see
the girl is well - He looked at Lily and her voice became soft. - Are you fine,
is not, Lily dear?
- Yes, Sandra. I'm fine A little busted, but I'm told I'll be
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- You gave us a huge scare, especially in my son - said John
Cartwright. - Would already have the doctor sedasse the boy.
Courtney approached the bed.
- As soon as my brother take you from this place, I will try to hide these horrible
bruises and cuts with makeup.
- The last thing we need is Lily makeup - said his sister Elizabeth
youngest. - When you are ready to process the stupid truck driver who
hit, call me You're family, so will not charge anything.
- How the idiot truck driver who ran over her work for my
transport company, you need to talk to me - Falcon Scott said Elizabeth. Then
turned to Lily. - Lily, next time you want to play with a truck, choice
a another transport company.
Lily was still laughing when Abby came into the room, followed by Felicity, Emma,
Vanessa and Mary.
- Hey, I thought we had a sick girl here - said Abby. - But
we seem to be at a party.
- If we are at a party, I would love ice cream - said Lily.
- I'll ask the doctor if you can - guaranteed Elizabeth.
- Of course it can - Courtney said.
- I'll get, she likes ice cream nuts.
- It will not find ice cream nuts in a hospital. - And Scott followed Courtney
out of the room.
Sandra came over and kissed Lily's face.
- Well, I'll make you a big pot of soup when they return home.
I have a new tortilla soup recipe and I'm dying to try.
Jack rolled his eyes. The father grimaced as Sandra left the room.
- I think I'd better go with her. Might prevent it and keep you back
to hospital after taking it.
- Also need to go - announced Abby.- just wanted to know if you were
After Lily say goodbye to everyone, she and Jack were alone again. He
sat back down beside her and took her hand.
- There's something I wanted to give him for our anniversary dinner, but not
I had the opportunity.
- I do not need gifts, Jack.

- This is different. - He took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her.
- What is it?
- The name of a woman who claims to have known her mother.
Lily looked at the folded paper.
- But how?
- I hired a detective to keep following the trail that his investigator
left. He finally found a name. He is the man I met at night
last. That's why I asked you to be alone for the restaurant.
- But why? Why would you do that?
- Because I love you. Because I know I was looking for it your whole life.
I thought, I know how you want to be part of a family, find out who your family is
or was. I thought. I thought maybe, if you have the answers about his past, so can
let him back and trust me, love me. I want you to live with me in the present and
build a future with me.
Lily looked at the piece of paper that could hold the answers on your
past, responses searching a lifetime. Then he looked at Jack, the man who
loved, the father of her baby. He thought about all the people who have been in her room
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that night, people who cared about her, who loved her tore the paper in
middle and let the pieces fall to the floor.
- No need to find my family, Jack. Already found. You are my family
and wherever you are, there is my home.

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