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Commencement Speech

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

12:57 PM

Audience: High School Graduating Students

Theme: Saktong Buhay, sa Dekalidad na Edukasyon Pinanday
Mr. Pedro Melchor M. Natividad, Assistant Schools Division
Superintendent, Honorable Jesus F. Macrohon, Divisoria Barangay Chair,
Honorable Jerry E. Perez, Chairman of Barangay Putik, Ms. Ma Theresa B.
Borgonia, SSP, Ms. Thelma F. Directo, Supervisor, guests, parents,
candidates for graduation, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant afternoon to
When I graduated from this institution in 2007, never did I imagine that I
will be standing in front of all of you today as your commencement
speaker. After all, what have I got to offer? I've always thought that a
commencement speaker should meet a set of pre-requisites: an excellent
academic track record with as many acronym extensions after his/her
family name, a successful career, someone whose name inspires awe and
amazement. I thought to myself, "I might not be too qualified for this."
However, upon careful reflection, I realized that I AM qualified for this
because my experiences represent the experiences of someone who has
to embark on another phase of a journey. I am in the perfect position to
speak to you because I am someone who can relate -- I am also a "fresh
graduate as I very recently graduated from my MA and I would like to
think that it was not too long ago that I graduated from high school and
After this ceremony, you will probably feel the same emotions that I felt:
joy because you've finished high school, regret because there may be
some things you would like to change, sadness because you will part
ways with your friends and, fear and uncertainty because you do not
know what is to come. But do not worry, dear graduates. I would like to
believe that the school has prepared you well enough for all of you to
successfully embark on the next step of your journey.
In addition to making common decisions such as which college to attend and
which course to take, you will soon find yourself trying to decide who you will
become. According to an anonymous author, everyone who has the power to
live according to his own choice shouldset up for himself a goal which he
will work on, a goal that is good. Thus, even though we are all given the
freedom to choose for ourselves, human nature dictates that we should
choose what is good.

However, this might not be a very easy task. In the words of Aristotle, "It is a
hard task to be good. Anyone can get angry -- that is easy -- or can give
away money or spend it; but to do all this to the right person, to the right
extent, at the right time, for the right reason , and in the right way is no
longer something easy that anyone can do." Perhaps because of this
difficulty, we often see that such good purpose is not often achieved. In our
recent history, we saw many controversies that may have led us to question
whether man really has a good nature. The recent Mamamsapano clash, and
the controversial PDAF issue on a national scale, and the various little
incidents on a smaller scale, are all but evidences of man's good heart going
The challenge for people is to find the mean of the extreme of lack and the
extreme of excess. Too many people have been enticed by wealth and
power, and many tend to forget the good. This is where the role of education
becomes more prominent. Yes, it's true that from the very beginning, we
have been told by our elders to study well so that we can have a good job
which will then lead to a better life. This advice is reiterated many times as
we progress from Kindergarten up until we graduate high school. You will
most probably hear it again in college. Our education system also supports
the atmosphere of celebrating achievements. This is good because it inspires
students to work hard and make something out of themselves. On the other
hand, it also has the potential to be misinterpreted to mean that students
need to work hard and do whatever it takes to be successful, even if it is
contrary to the standards of what is good. This is what we want to avoid. A
real effective education does not only encourage students to succeed; it also
invites them to reflect on their success and to use logic and reasoning to
arrive at the conclusion that they need to do what is good.
More than the acquisition of knowledge, education should be focused on
molding students to become more human. I believe that education can make
a difference in the choices one makes in the future. With education as your
foundation, the values taught to you will guide you in whatever you do.
For instance, I felt the pressure after graduation because I am bringing the
name of the school. I even reached the point where I wished that I was just a
"normal graduate" so that the expectations will not be too high. However, as
the saying goes, "Those who can make a different should make a difference".
My educational training in MCLLNHS motivated me to pursue graduate
studies because I wanted to live up to its expectations. There are many
college graduates from MCLLNHS. What makes me different? It was then that
I decided to pursue my masters.

Now, this might be a little confusing to you. You might ask yourself, "What is
this speaker really trying to tell us: to be contented with the way we are now
or to work hard to improve our situation? My answer is this: Study hard and
work hard to achieve your dreams, but do not forget your values. Material
wealth is not everything. You do not need too much, you only need enough.
There are also some things that we need not forget such as friendships with
other people, lifelong learning and insights, and valuable memories.
Now, allow me to share some of things I learned and realized in college
which may be of use to you as fresh high school graduates. First, poverty is
never a hindrance to quality education. The only thing you need is
perseverance and a creative mind. There are many people who are willing to
help. I, for one, never imagined that I could ever study in the Ateneo but with
the help of the BSE Millennium scholarship awarded by the university, I was
able to do so.
Second, education is not limited to the boundaries of the school. One can
also learn from experiences outside the classroom. As a teacher, I find myself
constantly learning. I see every second and every place as a learning
experience. This kind of mindset will be beneficial to everyone as you
embark on the rest of your lives after graduation.
Third, try to go out of your comfort zone. While there is certainty in the
familiar, there is also something of value in the unfamiliar. For example, I
have always considered myself to be weakest in Math but I decided to major
on that in college so that I can improve on my Math skills. Do not be afraid of
trying something you are not good at. Listen to your fear. According to
Gildarts Clive of Fairy Tail, "Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is.
And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as
At the end of the day, the challenge is to live a life of moderation. It is more
than good to be achievers, however, do not forget to use your achievements
in accordance to the values taught to you. Use your talents to help other
people; do not keep them to yourself. As what the theme for this year's
graduation says, "Saktong Buhay: sa Dekalidad na Edukasyon Pinanday." The
key operative words in this theme are "saktong buhay". You will be facing the
"real world" soon and you are reminded that you do not need too much, you
only need enough. Thank you and congratulations!

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