'Cocaine Butter' - A Good Idea?

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'Cocaine butter' - a good idea?

You hombres also drink liquid cannabis.
My god, I didn't know that existed. Do tell, how is it made?
I don't really know, I just saw it in an alternative Bollywood film called "The Ballad of Mangal
Pandey". Some guy offered the two main characters some 'cannabis! Makes the heart grow
stronger.' They drank it out of a cup, I was confused too...
I suppose it's possible if you boil it in milk with high fat content and put that in tea... though it might
taste horrible. What was the movie about?
I don't like the sound of that, lol. It was about an Indian sepoy in 19th century Hindustan, serving
the British East India Company. He befriended one of the commanders, but the rest made him and
his countrymen do horrible things, like burn land owned by peasants that's in the way of tutu for
princess the Company's expansion, and shooting the unarmed peasants. It tackles a lot of heady
themes for a Bollywood movie, including the Sati ritual - not to mention racism (the Indians are
referred to as 'black men', and are treated accordingly). It's depicting a broader circle of death
initiated by the Company. The British would force the Indian peasants to grow opium and they would
sell it China, but the Chinese emperor didn't like this exploitation and refused to buy the opium. So
the British Company went to war with China, recruited sepoys from the peasants, and sent them to
kill the Chinese and be killed, completing the cycle. Horrible stuff.
Sounds like a good movie, though not the kind you'd watch for relaxation... or while drinking the
above tea. Have you ever had weed brownies?
No, I haven't touched anything illegal, to be honest. Although both my parents don't have a problem
with it. I've heard they're nice (from my Mum), and I would probably try pot before tobacco if I was
going to start smoking. What are they like?
I haven't had them yet, unfortunately -- I smoke it, whenever I get some, mainly because I'm afraid it
won't work, and because the smell is apparently very strong when you bake with pot. That's good -tobacco mostly feels the best when you're addicted to it. Pot is lovely, as long as you're in the right
environment, since the experience depends a lot on your psychological state.
Ah, that's good to know - but it's still bad for you, and that puts me off. I don't want my lungs to get
any worse, I already sound like a sixty year-old Bob Dylan at certain times of the day, and that's just
from passive smoking.
Well, it's bad for your lungs, but the rest depends on how you use it... I don't think I've heard 60year-old Bob Dylan, though.
His latest album - sounds like he just smoked thirty packs in 30 minutes. I get a lot of different
opinions about the health consequences of pot, and I'm not sure who's side to take.
That's understandable. I mean, the main things that are bad about it is that it does bad stuff to your

lungs (so I heard, anyway), and some people get mentally addicted to it and use it as a getaway from
daily life more than anything else, but that's usually if they're unsatisfied with it and have addictive
personalities. Probably the least biased information you can get on it would be on Erowid.org, it's
used by pretty much everyone and is really comprehensive.
I'm slightly biased, though, I think, seeing as I use it.
Okay, thanks. :) I appreciate that. I'm not really considering it at the moment, but I'm studying film
and television and during the second year I'll get stuck in the editing lab for hours at a stretch, and
apparently the only way to get out of that is to take up smoking.
Welcome. :) The editing lab for what?
Film editing. People shoot hours of footage, and you have edit that down to a feature length.
Grueling stuff, I've heard.
Might be kinda fun though, if the films are good...
The good stuff is what gets shown. Especially as is the case with documentaries, the director shoots
more than 24 hours of meaningless footage, and you have a deadline to meet.
Jesus... How much of it gets shown?

One or two hours. Each interview usually lasts about an hour in itself, and documentaries tend to
have at least five or six interviews minimum.
What are they usually about?
Just documentaries in particular. I'm not sure what kind of documentaries we'll be editing.
It seems tedious... it would be fun to edit horror movies, I imagine.
Heh heh, oh yeah. What's your favourite horror film? (mine's Alien3)
Hard to say... I like the Shining, though it didn't scare me. The last movie I remember scaring me
was a Japanese horror film called Tomie, though that was several years ago. What's Alien3 about?

Uh, the main character from the last two films crashlands on a prison planet and brings an alien
with her. The staff of the planet slowly gets picked off and she finds out that she has a queen inside
her, which leads to some rash decisions. You get the picture. What's this 'Tomie' about?
Has a queen inside her /physically/? Tomie's about this demon girl -- everyone falls in love with her,
but for one reason or the other end up killing her, except she always comes back to life. There's a
part where this guy and his mother who've been fighting for years sort of bond over getting rid of
her corpse, heh...
Heh heh. Sounds like a good watch. Not an actual queen, an alien queen. An egglayer, "It can make
thousands more like the one we've got here."... A great film - if you're into people with British
accents yelling "Fuck!" a lot and creepy cinematography.
Oh, one of those... haha -- yeah, I think I am.
What's your favorite film, generally?
Uh... (There are so many choices)... It's toss-up between Pulp Fiction - which you've probably heard
of already - and a Yugoslavian film called Underground. You?
Not only heard of, but seen! I quite liked it, though some parts made me cringe a bit... What's the
Yugoslavian one like? I'm not sure myself -- I think I'd have to choose between Heavenly Creatures
and Cabaret, at least currently.
Heh heh, great. Yeah, there are some pretty nasty moments in it - but it really is a beautiful movie.
Underground is... Two conmen in Belgrade join the Communist Party during WWII. Through much
drunken rambling and rampages, one gets injured and goes underground, in his grandfathers house.
The other guy stays above ground, and doesn't tell his friend that the war's over - because he wants
his woman. Shit happens, they blow their way out of the cellar with a tank they made and it all gets
really surreal for the last third of the film. I'll have to say that I haven't heard of either of those two
films. What are they about?
Ooh, that reminds me of a Russian film called "Stalker" -- you might've heard of it, it became a little
famous... Heavenly Creatures is based on a true story, it's about two girls that become friends and
create a fantasy world, but then one of them has to move away... the other one can't because her
family won't let her, so they decide to kill her mother. And Cabaret is basically about a Cabaret
actress in Germany right around the rise of Nazis, it's a faintly creepy movie.
Ah, I see. Sounds like an interesting bunch, although I haven't heard of Stalker. What's the last
movie you saw?
Heh, isn't that a question on here somewhere? Uh, I think it might've been American Beauty. You?
Uh... "Focus". Some crappy attempt by Hollywood to portray pre-Holocaust anti-semitism in New
York. Hollywood isn't good at portraying social issues... And yeah, lol, it probably is a question.
...Any questions? lol
Yeah -- I don't really like Hollywood, at least not from the movies I've watched of theirs... or it's...
about what?

Occasionally they release a mildly entertaining comedy or such. Anything with Billy Crystal in it is
worth watching, at least in my opinion. Also, Pirates of the Caribbean is pretty entertaining. But
yeah, aside from that they do release a lot of, as an Elton John impersonator once put it, "utter
shit(e)". I don't know, anything really. How'd you get to this site?
Yeah, I liked Pirates of the Caribbean. Who's Billy Crystal? I don't even remember -- except that I got
an account and forgot about it for many months, then found it in my favorites when I was bored...
And you? D'you go to any sites other than this one?
A Jewish comedian with a knack for great one-liners. Yeah, I was told about it by a friend last year I've been on it ever since. I go to dubyaspeak.com on occasion, as well as engrish.com . I also edit
Wikipedia infrequently - I'm one of those clean-up guys. Sometimes I follow a thread on imdb.com,
but most of the time you'll find me here. I've been through three different versions of this site, I feel
old... :( And there's the p_________y, as well. But I won't enlighten you about that.
Engrish is pretty awesome. Ha, I always wondered what sort of people edit them. Oh yes, an ancient,
haggard, gray-bearded senior AB-er.
The p_________y? No, do! Why not?
Why on earth would you want to hear about what a single 17 year-old guy does in his spare time?
Especially a grey-bearded one at that? Do female answerbaggers get beards too, once they've
bagged enough?
Why on earth not? I have to tell me now that you mentioned it in such a mysterious way... Hahaha -I haven't got one yet, but then again I'm about 20-something levels below you. But if I get one, I'll
probably sit around moussing it into strange shapes.
That'd be so cool. I think women with facial hair are under-appreciated. And you know exactly what
I'm referring to, don't pretend that you don't! Lol. As if you don't look at that stuff, either.
You still haven't told me... I do?! Damn, I feel ignorant, I didn't know there was pornography
centered around bearded women...
There probably is, but may God stike me down if I ever start looking at it. And what do you want me
to tell you exactly?!
X) The p_________y thing! And... anything related to it.
I look up p________y (in fact, I'm kinda doing that now). After I've seen enough, I go and m________e.
What more do you want to know? Surely you must follow a similar pattern?
Somewhat, except I have mental "p________y". Hm, what sorts are you looking up?
Mental p_______y, hmm. Yes, I know the type. Heh, sorry but that's kinda personal... Are you gay?
Nope, bisexual. I don't mind personal questions, except from creepy 40-year-old guys in some
elevator. What made you ask?
"Heh, sorry but that's kinda personal..." --sorry, didn't mean to be intrusive...

That's alright... Just curious. This site has really interesting demographics - I'd say about 90% of girls
under the age of eighteen here are bisexual. There are other unusual patterns as well, that don't
seem to match. You've probably already heard about the disproportional number of Mormons on this
site. There are quite a few Wiccans as well. Lots of people who hate their parents, were abused as
kids, etc. Way too many Americans. Heh, but I'm rambling. What are your thoughts on the site?
I guess it's hormones and sexual experimentation and the such... I haven't heard about the
Mormons, but I've noticed the amount of Wiccans. Yeah -- I was abused, too, I guess I add to the
statistics... are all Americans similar? You aren't really, though honestly I don't think there's
anything bad about rambling -- too many people I know never talk about what they think. I think
similarly... people are oddly agreeable here, no matter what they say -- no one I know in real life
would sit around and argue in such an organized manner... on the other hand, they have to type, and
so have more time to think...
I like to think they're all similar. It makes things easier. ;) My sympathies to you, you appear to have
coped well despite that. True, people can be agreeable here, but I've had enough arguments to know
that that isn't the case all the time. What part of Russia did you come from?
Heh -- what characteristics do you group them together with? Yes, I suppose so -- thanks. It seems to
me the main topic everyone argues about is religion... I hail from Moscow.
Uh... fat, lazy, consumerist - but that's not true of all of them. Just a popular stereotype down here.
Religion is a popular one, but my opinion is getting weaker and weaker. I just wish there were some
Muslims on this site, but there isn't. Ah, I see. I thought maybe you might be from say, the Komi
Republic or even Vladivostok. But my hopes have been shattered... :(
Haha -- that's much more accurate than in Russia, where most older people think all Americans are
some kind of rich gangsters. There are none at all, not one tiny one? Why did you hope that? Moscow
is a pretty dirty city, at least most of it, but it often surprises me. I also used to live in a town called
Voskresensk for a while, but I don't remember much.
Heh, definately more accurate. You poor Rusyns, always living under false impressions. None at all.
Not making any sweeping generalisations, but it would just be a nice change - Christians can be so
vain sometimes. And yeah, I've heard about Moscow. Apparently it has more casinos than Vegas
now. Petersburg is supposed to be a bit of a hole as well.
It's true! For some reason many people in Russia have the weirdest ideas put into their heads... then
again, some people here have asked me if people in Russia sleep with polar bears. Does anyone ever
have odd ideas about Australia? True - they often tend to be, perhaps because of the way their
churches often teach them to view people of other religions. I meant though -- why did you hope I'd
be from Vladivostok? I'm not surprised about Moscow... Petersburg has nicer people than in
Moscow, they don't randomly curse at you whilst ramming their purses into the small of your back -at least not as much.
Heh, It's been only about two decades since the fall of the wall, so you can't expect people to be too
happy. A lot of people tend to think that all Australians have accents, we all live in the bush (and
we're uneducated), and that we go out hunting kangaroos in our spare time. Nothing could be
further from the truth (well, for us in the West, anyway). They don't really have a church
bureaucracy like Christians, and while vanity (i.e. Jesus being the son of god and all) is deeply
ingrained in the Christian religion, humility is at the core of Islam. I dunno, I heard that it's one of
the most polluted cities in the world - and I thought that would be interesting. Apparently Russia has

a problem with AIDS and needle-users.

Haha! My mom used to have an Australian friend named Larry when I was little, he had long hair
and seemed quite educated (and he was nice to me)... I've had to go to some Baptist churches before
-- I live in the Bible Belt -- and the preachers made all other religions sound like something heathen
and evil. That comes as no surprise - I get some really bad asthma-ish thing every time I go there.
Moscow also has a low birth rate and everyone there is a bit depressed. Yeah, they do -- it's in the
news nearly every day, it seems. That, and murder; usually people beating someone to death.
I thought you lived in New York? Nevermind. Sounds like a rather unpleasant place to live. I hear so
much about these bible-bashers, luckily we don't have many of them down here. My parents are both
Athiests, so I've never had to worry about religion so much - although many of my friends at high
school were religious. Well, maybe just two actually - a Baha'i and a Muslim. Kinda off topic,.but...
what are your favourite foods?
Nah -- I've only visited, and I hope to live there soon. It is, nearly everyone in my school is very
ignorant and gets into fights about five times a day. Most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.
Heh -- well, lately I don't want to eat much, but when I do it's mostly olives, bagels, and tea (or
anything else edible I can find when I'm hungry). What are yours?
Why don't you want to eat much? Ah, I see, that's... kinda European. I like anything with rice, to be
honest - although I don't eat red meat or swine.
I'm really not sure -- maybe it's because I'm often depressed lately. How so? The only meat I really
eat would have to be sushi; have you ever tried it?
No, although it's certainly more popular than I am. I've been avoiding it for a while, but I'll probably
end up trying it sooner or later. Why are you depressed? If you don't mind me asking.
Ha, true, I haven't really heard people having conversations about Dylan, or asking each other,
"Have you hung out with Dylan, from Australia?" "No, I don't know if I want to..." "Oh, you should,
he's great!" It sounds gross, but it's actually really good, and sort of pretty-looking. Eh, I think it's
partly inherited from someone, and partly because, well, a bunch of things... just people using me as
a sort of suicide prevention program, and also I got drunk with a guy I hugely lust after and he has a
relationship with someone already. Whine whine, blah blah, so on. Do you ever get depressed?
Oh, thanks a lot. Yeah, I suppose it does look kinda nice. Bleah, that must be a pain. I get depressed
often, but that's just a loneliness thing. I mean, I have friends, but I lack a certain kind of company.
And things have happened in the past that still kinda hurt, but what can I do. How would you
describe your sense of humour?
What certain kind of company? Like what? If it's not too personal. Eh, my sense of humour can range
from sarcastic to weird to pathetic. And yours?
THAT kind of company (not an insurance company). About the same, to be honest. I'm also fond of
over-the-top humour, extremes are very popular in Australis. Do you see what I mean?
Heh - same here. Give me an example, maybe?
Uh... I can't, oddly enough. It has a lot to do with the context of the conversation, and it doesn't
really work online. :( What's your favourite comedy movie?

Yeah, that often tends to be the case with humour and the such. I'd have to say either "Heathers" or
"Dr. Strangelove," they're black comedies more than anything else -- and yours? Have you ever seen
No, but I've heard of Dr Strangelove. Probably Underground - for a movie that's meant to make a
statement, it's sort of a (to borrow an adjective from the other thread) perpetual comedy. I couldn't
really explain, though, sorrryyy...
That's alright -- I think I understand what you mean. Heathers is about a girl who's forced to hang
out with the three most popular girls of her school; then she gets a boyfriend and he convinces her
that they should kill them together.
Sounds like fun. Can you relate to any of the characters?
Mmmm, maybe the psychotic boyfriend. Have you ever thought someone in the movie was almost
exactly like you in some way?
There's a Brazillian film called "The Man Who Copied". The introverted main character I found to be
very much like me in a number of ways. Was this the same with you and that guy?
Ways like what? No, though there's a Russian movie in which I could associate very very strongly
with the main character. She died at the end, though...
Aww. That must suck. Uh... just his general uncomfortableness around people and his introverted
routine. Also, the way he picks up friends is very similar to the way I do the same thing.
Yeah, it left me with an odd feeling. I'm usually comfortable if the other person is... how do you pick
up friends?
I just do. We talk, and find we have similar interests. How about you?
Either that way, or sometimes I come up to people who aren't talking to anyone else and ask them
something... anything that looks like it would start off conversation, usually something about them.
Not because I pity people who are alone, but because they make me curious.
Ah, I can understand that. In that case, you and I in real life would probably get along pretty well.
Heh - are you alone often? Are you afraid of silences in conversations, by the way?
Yeah, I suppose I am. Though I'm not really afraid of silences - but I don't exactly enjoy them. How
about you?
Sometimes -- it depends on whether the other person is uncomfortable, and whether they make me
feel unsure of myself. Why are you alone, when you are?
Because I've grown somewhat anti-social since last year. I mean, I have my immediate family
around, but I tend to keep to myself. Why are you alone when you are? And what are you wearing?
Usually it's because I can't find a way of getting into a conversation that's interesting, because I
don't like anyone around me, or because I feel shy. Heh, I was thinking of asking that, for some
reason -- nothing interesting, black long-sleeved shirt and black pants like a spy. And you?

Black Shirt, black cordoruys. About the same. :) I see what you mean. What's your favourite cartoon?
Well, we don't really have TV -- or we do, but it doesn't work, and all the cartoons shown here are
utter crap. I like some Russian cartoons, but no one has heard of them. Do you have any favorite
Uh... I like Drawn Together. And I agree with you about American cartoons. Canada makes all of the
best kids' shows. Hmm...
It sounds awfully familiar -- what's it about? Ugh, like Spongebob... What are theirs like?
Oh dear. It has been a while.
A whole two years, yes.
You no longer wear black tutus and dance down Main Street.
No, now I wear pencil skirts and fly around in Moscow with a nest on my head.
Very spinsterrick.
Is the nest for ravens?
Yes. They fly around me in great circles, trying to eat my face off.
As opposed to eating your face on?
On an omelet, yes.
I can see the nostrils.

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