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A formal presentation : BBC news presenter

The topic : Charlie Hebdo attack

Performed by :Bensalem Imene
Accessories : Audio and Visual materials
Master one : group one

The opening :
Laura : Welcome to BBC News broadcasting to our viewers on public
television in the UK and around the globe. I am Laura Westberg ; our top
stories :
The headlines :
French police issue images of the two men suspected to be incolved
in the killing of twelve people at the offices of a satirical magazine .
There was a shootout on the streets of Paris, as they fled the
gunmen shouted God is the greatest in Arabic.
An official says one suspect is in custody. A major police operation
has been underway in Northern France .
Vigils are held in Paris and around the world ,and president hollande
calls it an attack on free speech and the values in France.
Laura reports :
o Hello and welcome . A huge police operation has continued
throughout the night in France after one of the worst acts of violence
in the country in several decades. Gunmen attacked the offices of
the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo killing twelve people. In the
last few hours , French police named three suspects they are
hunting. The FP Agency says one of the men Hamyd Mourad, who is
18, has now handed himself in to the authorities and the police
have released images of the other two wanted men : Said Kouachi
on the left handside is 34 and his brother Cherif Kouachi on the right
is 32 . A noted putout by police and the ministry of interior says the
two men were likely to be armed and dangerous . Earlier police
operation was underway in Northeastern city of Reims .

Lukas De Jong is covering all the latest developments in the

BBC News room,
o Lucas tell us more about these three suspects that the
police have released photos of ?
o Lukas reports
o Lukas we have been looking at pictures of people around
the world holding vigils ; tell us more about the public
reaction to this.

o Lukas reports
o Lukas keeping across all the latest developments in the BBC
News room, thank you very much .

The attack is thought to be the bloodiest in France for more than fifty
years. The BBC s governed units look back at the days events and a
warning ! you might find some of these images disturbing.

Video report :
Paris midmorning gunfire ; cries of Allahu Akbar from the streets
bellow.two or three gunmen covered in black with assault riffles arrive at
the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. There are bursts of
gunfire with people taking cover between cars. 5 minutes later the
gunmen leave. They calmly shoot an injured police officer in the head.
Witnesses say the men shouted we have avenged
the prophet
muhammad they had spoken in flawless French, their actions were
controlled and deliberate . They had time to pick something up before
they drove away. In the attack twelve people were killed ; two of them
were police officers and the others were mainly journalists .
o Laura reports :
As Lukas mentioned earlier,there have been vigils to mourn those who
died in the attack in many cities around the world including Paris of
course. The phrase Je suis Charlie (French for "I am Charlie") has come to
be a common worldwide sign of solidarity against the attacks. Many
demonstrators used the slogan to express solidarity with the magazine. It
appeared on printed and hand-made placards, and on many websites,
particularly. The hashtag #jesuischarlie quickly trended at the top of
Twitter hashtags worldwide following the attack.
o For more on this story you can go to the BBC News websites .There
is a special live page where you can follow all the latest news as
they occur ; thats at just follow the links.
o Today with us on BBC news still to come :
France mourns : we explore the reaction to this deadly shooting and ask
how will the french people respond ?

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