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Other words for said in alphabetic order

Accepted, Accused, Acknowledged, Admitted, Advertised, Affirm, Agonized, Agreed,

Alleged, Announced, Answered, Appealed, Apply for, Arranged, Articulated, Asked
, Asserted, Asseverate, Assumed, Assured, Attract, Aver, Avow,
Barked, Bawl, Bawled, Beamed, Beckoned, Begged, Bellowed, Beseeched, Blubbered,
Blurted, Bossed, Breathed, Broadcast,
Cajole, Called, Carped, Cautioned, Censured, Chimed in, Choked, Chortled, Chuckl
ed, Circulate, Claim, Comforted, Conceded, Concurred, Condemned, Confer, Confess
ed, Confided, Confirm, Consoled, Contend, Continued, Crave, Cried out, Criticize
d, Croaked, Crooned, Crowed,
Declared, Defend, Demanded, Denote, Dictated, Disclosed, Disposed, Disseminate,
Distribute, Divulged, Drawled,
Emitted, Empathized, Encourage, Encouraged, Entreated, Exact, Exclaimed, Explain
ed, Exposed,
Faltered, Finished, Fumed,
Gawped, Get out, Giggled, Given, Glowered, Grieved, Grinned, Groan, Groaned, Gro
wled, Grumbled,
Handed on, Held, Hesitated, Hinted, Hissed, Hollered, Howled,
Impart, Implied, Implored, Importune, Inclined, Indicate, Informed, Inquired, In
sisted, Interjected, Invited,
Jabbered, Joked, Justified,
Lamented, Laughed, Leered, Lilted,
Maintained, Make known, Make public, Marked, Mewled, Mimicked, Moaned, Mocked, M
ourned, Murmured, Mused
Necessitated, Needed, Noted,
Observed, Offered, Ordered,
Passed on, Pleaded, Postulated, Preached, Premised, Presented, Presupposed, Proc
laimed, Prodded, Professed, Proffered, Promised, Promulgated, Proposed, Proteste
d, Provoked, Publicized, Published, Puled, Put forth, Put out,
Quaked, Queried, Quipped, Quivered, Quizzed, Quoted,
Raged, Ranted, Reckoned that, Rejoiced, Rejoined, Released, Remarked, Remonstrat
ed, Repeated, Replied, Reprimanded, Requested, Required, Requisition, Retorted,
Revealed, Roared,
Said, Sang, Scoffed, Scolded, Seethed, Sent on, Settled, Shared, Shed tears, Sho
uted, Shrieked, Shrugged, Shuddered, Snarled, Snivelled, Sobbed, Solicited, Soug
ht, Specified, Spluttered, Spread, Stammered, Stated, Stuttered, Stressed, Sugge
sted, Supposed, Swore,
Taunted, Teased, Testified, Thundered, Ticked off, Told, Told off, Tore a strip
off, Touted, Trailed off, Transferred, Transmitted, Trembled, Trumpeted,
Understood, Undertook, Upbraided, Uttered,
Verified, Vociferated, Voiced, Vouched for, Vouchsafe,
Wailed, Wanted, Warned, Weep, Went on. Wept, Wheedle, Whimpered, Whined, Whisper
Yawped, Yelled, Yelped,Yowled
Adverbs or phrases to use with the other words for said
Abruptly, Absently, Acidly, After a moments reflection, Agreed, Angrily, Announc
ed, Apologetically, Approvingly, Artfully
Broke in
Calmly, Caustically, Cheerfully, Commented lightly, Complacently, Concurred thou
ghtfully, Crossly
Didn t question his judgement, Dryly
Encouraged, Expression denoting disapproval

False cheerfulness, Finished, Friendly fashion

Gently, Grated, Grinned, Groaned, Gruffly
Happily, Hotly
Impatiently, In a casual tone, In a chiding tone, In a courteous manner In a cur
ious tone, In a dry tone, In a flirtatious way, In a level tone In a level way,
In a non committal way, In a perpetually tired voice In a quiet way, In a raspin
g tone, In a small panicky voice In a soothing tone, In an attempt to , In quiet a
mazement, Indulgently, Informed in an easy tone, Innocently, Inquired doubtfully
, Invited, Irritably
Loftily, Loudly
Made the effort to sound reassuring, Meaning the words more seriously than they
sounded, Mentally shrugged
Naturally, Nodded agreeably, Not wanting to sound pushy
Offered, Offhandedly, Optimistically
Pleasantly, Politely, Politely smooth, Probed Promised in a motherly/fatherly wa
y, Prompted gently Promptly, Protested
Reflectively, Roughly
Sadly, Said sympathetically, She went on, Sincerely, Smiled faintly, Smugly, Sob
erly, Softly, Sounded slightly brittle, Sparingly, Speculated, Sternly, Suggeste
Tartly, Tautly, Teased softly, Tightly, Truthfully
Uncertainly, Unexpectedly, Urgently
Vaguely, Voice soft with affection
Went on loyally, Wilfully misunderstood, With a controlled smile, With a fond sm
ile, With a gloomy sigh, With a note of relief, With a sad grimace, With a sad s
mile, With a sense of guilt, With a sigh of irritation, With burgeoning exciteme
nt, With conviction, With determination, With fire, With firm persistence, With
gentle remonstrance, With gentle teasing, With graceful simplicity, With mock as
tonishment, With pleasure, With quiet empathy With simple directness, Without so
unding unduly curious, Wryly

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