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Liceul Pedagogic ,,Vasile Lupu , Iai

An colar 2013-2014

Written paper to obtain the certificate in English

Fashion and beauty in United Kingdom and United States

Elev ,
Ojog Adina-Mihaela

Profesor coordonator,
dna Viorica Codreanu

Table of contens:

I. Introductionpag. 3
II. Fashion for all...pag. 4
III. The stories Beau Monde.................................................................pag. 5
IV. Stars who changed the world pag. 6, 7,8
V. The biggest clothes designers from U.K. and U.S.A........................pag. 9
VI. The story of Marilyn Monroe........................................................pag. 10,11
VII. The fashion capitals.pag. 12
VIII. Actual stars from U.K. and U.S.A. ( 2014)pag. 13,14
IX. Elegance from A la Zoe ...pag. 15
X. What does it mean to be a fashionable and a beautiful person? ....pag.16
XI. Bibliography.....pag.17

I Introduction :
I love fashion . I love to see a beautiful woman , or a healthy woman who
is full of life .
I want to present you some stories and some celebrities who marked the
history with their beauty and style.
This project contains same information about fashion , which means :
change , seduction, style, personality , game, creation ,imagination . For me it is
very important to know , to understand the beauty mysteries because I always
think that is necessary to know how to feel beautiful or how to make to fell
someone in this way.
Fashion has an exciting and charming history , secrets which must be
That is why I have chosen this topic, Fashion and Beauty in U.K. and S.U.A.

II Fashion for all


What does a ,, miss ,, have to know ?

The misss life isnt just easy because she has to do in permanently sport ,
repeat hours of graceful walk , of lent walk ,of walk in sportive step with head up
and knees stretched . And make all this smiling , always smiling , even and then
when for nothing in the world you not can smile
A beautiful face is that for who the lights and serenity which offer a smart view
and a wonderful smile. The false smile is fortunately, soon observable.
Every woman can be a ,,miss,, when she want, of course, because all the womens
are beautiful in her own.


The stories Beau Monde

Sensual history:
Names like Elizabeth Taylor , Marilyn Monroe or Kate Moss, because of
their success and authentic way in which they made their image, changed the
vision on femininity .
Classic Hollywoodian style :
American cinema offered , over the years 40s and 50s , stars who
imposed the classic American style ,with elaborate and impeccable hairstyle. It was
shining the style of English women Vivien Leigh, who meet the Hollywoodian
success for his character of Gone with the wind and A streetcar named desire.
Grace Kelly is the actrice who passed the scenarios, stepping in the own story
with the her marriage with the prince Rainier and Elizabeth Taylor , the absolute
queen of fame actress years of Hollywood.

IV Stars who changed the world :

1. Andrey Hepburn years 60
She is a star from Hollywood , who
received many Oscar, a Grammy, a Tony
Award and a Golden Globe. The beauty
of the actress was and remaines a
quantity of femininity, of perfect style
and good taste , at which aspires every
2. Olivia
around John
the world
. 70
Also Hepburn is that woman
let to sing
the age
heritage ,,The little black
. of fifteen , when
she made her band of girls
,,Sol Four. Her first album
single ,,If not for you.
The second album ,,Let
me there was in top of sale
and in U.S.A. received The
Grammy Premium for the
best artist of country music.
Her career of actress and star

3. Farrah Fawceet- years 80

She debuts as a
4. model
Julia Robertsyears 90
in the early
seventees , appearing in
more advertising and tv
shows.She was one of the
most beautiful stars from

She is a very good actress who was born in

Georgia and became a valuable person ; she is named
,,The Little Beauty of Hollywood . People loves her
especially for her wonderful smile.She is an American singer-songwriter,
actress, and businesswoman. One of the most
She received one Oscar , three Golden Globe
prominent cultural icons for over three decades,
and one BAFTA.
she has achieved an unprecedented level of power
and control
a woman
Julia Roberts said : ,, smile
is my for
gun . in the entertainment
5.Madonna Louise
what kind
of man can refuseindustry.
a womenHer
has aventures include: fashion
writing like
beautiful smile? I have neverdesign,
met someone
that. books, film directing
and producing.
Madonna has sold more than 300 million
records worldwide and she is recognized as
7 best-selling female recording artist of all
time by Guinness World Records.

6.Angelina Jolie
She is an American actress, film
director, screenwriter, and author. She has
received an Academy Award, two Screen
Actors Guild , and three Golden Globe .
Angelina Jolie has been cited as the
world's "most beautiful" woman by various
media outlets, a title for which she has
received substantial publicity.

V The biggest designers clothes from U.K. and U.S.A. :

Calvin Klein ( New York )

Stella McCartney ( London )
Vivienne Westwood ( London )
Thomas Burberry (London)
Levi Strauss ( S.U.A. )
Donna Karan (New York )
Tommy Hilfinger ( New York )

-Presentation of clothes by Thomas Burberry-

VI The story of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe (1925 1962) was an American actress, model, and
She is a actress of film whose destiny illustrates the way, any times easy for
cross, from Cindrella to stardoom , from anonymity to celebrity . A celebrity paid
expensive in her case. Who listened her singing ,,Happy birthday for John
Kennedy and who saw her in ,,Seven years of marriage with the foot in the wind,
she know why . White dress , worn in this film , is one of the most admired pieces
of fashion from the world. Her silk dress in which she sang the remembered song ,
sold in 1999 at auction , is , until now the most expensive from the world.
Personally, I love this woman for her beauty , for her feminity and because I
see in she a true star.

Marilyn Monroe's 'Subway'

Dress Sells For $4.6
Million At Debbie Reynolds



Norma Jeane(her true name) became one of Blue Book's most successful
models; she appeared on dozens of magazine covers. Her successful modeling
career brought her to the attention of Ben Lyon, a 20th Century Fox executive, who
arranged a screen test for her.
Laurence Olivier said about she : ,, Marilyn was quite wonderful, the best of
all .
This woman should be appreciated , we shouldnt forget her , she was and
she remained a wonderful woman , a perfect lady and a great star.


VII The fashion capitals have the own personality

( Italy ,France ,England , U.S.A.)

This four towns are the places from where there came the trends of fashion
and lifestyle. But, each person has the own style , the own attitude, the owns
symbols and the own style to communicate.
,, Fashion means change , and I think that the clothes should have the
quality to be with true modern persons and to make a beautiful woman(Calvin
,,The English women are very brave , and they use clothes to send the
emotions. What is important for them is to feel well and to identify with the clothes
they are wearing .The safety of self is everything!
---Lady Di, Liz Hurley, Sadie Frost , Jade Jagger--,, The writers, the musicians, the things which manage my universe inspires
me , but never the others designers . (Alexander McQueen)
The hats
The five oclock tea.
To be lady like.

The most natural
beautiful woman from
U.K. :

Kate Middleton
Keira Knightley

Emma Watson

Jessica Ennis


The most natural beautiful woman from U.S.A.

Cristina Aguilera

Paris Hilton

Better known by her stage

name Lady Gaga, is an American
recording artist, activist, record
producer, businesswoman, fashion
designer, philanthropist, and actress.
She was born, raised, and who
lives in New York City.
Stefani Joanne is my favourite
star ! I love her imagination , her face
and her perfect body , even if she is
strange sometimes .
She is the most beautiful woman from
around the world!

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta

IX Elegance from A to Zoe


Rules written by famous American designer Rachel Zoe :

-The elegance stays in details .
-A pair of shoes can change completely your look.
-Buy something because you like it, because you need it and so you will dress it !
-Take photos ! The friends may to lie you, but camera never !
-With closed or open eyes just dream!
-The accessories are essential not just for transmit the elegance image ,but to feel
-The kindness and the amiability are elegants. To treat everyone with kindness and
with a smile doesnt ask much effort .
-Love ,live and laugh! An open heart is contagious. Everything seems better.
-Be without regrets ! The elegance is not a discipline for shy and modest persons.
Take head up and never explain or defense yourself !

Rachel Zoe


X What does it mean to be a fashionable and a beautiful person ?

In general, fashion is a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, a
distinctive and often habitual trend in the style in which a person dresses.
In my opinion , a person is fashionable when he/she feel well and then when
he\she is happy with his\her face, clothes and body . Every person should know
how to dress well because in our days our image is important , because the first
think that people see and judge is our image . Even if we dont usually wear
expensive clothes we must be conscious that our character is more important than
our clothes.
For me, fashion represents a way to express myself. For example when I am
sad or I dont feel good I am used to getting dressed in dark colors and when I am
happy I wear dresses with light colors and flowers print.
Like in whole world in S.U.A. and U.K. the fashion is very important for all
the people . We can observe the beauty and the elegance of stars , for example , the
princess Kate Middleton from U.K. .
( Adina-Mihaela Ojog)


XI Bibliography

Fashion PSYCHO by Ambre Bartok

Fashion for understood of all by Doina Berchin
The stories BEAU MONDE by Radiana Bratu and Monica
Neagu ( Ed.Paideia )
Marilyn Monroe by Adela Gregory and Milo Speriglio
(1993,Ed.Citadel Press)
Youth , health, beauty by Gineta Stoenescu (1990,
Elegance from A to Zoe by Rachel Zoe & Rose Apodaca
( Nemira , Publishing House 2011)


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