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23rd psalm (dedicated to my mother) SATB chorus music by Bobby McFerrin text adapted from the Book of Psalms 263 rubato mp --3— mp Soprano ‘The Lord is my Shep- herd, mp 3 mp Alto The Lord is my Shep- herd, 1 have all mp 3 Tenor The Lord is my Shep- herd, mp 3 Bass The Lord is my Shep - herd, I have all I need, (She s. sou tne Gowen pom A makes me lie down in. green T. os B. makes me lie down in green mea- dows Be - side the still © 2003 by ProbNoblem Music (BMI) All Rights Reserved. Made in the U.S.A. wa - ters(s)he will wa -ters(s)he will lead. (S)he re- stores my soul, (She wa - ters(s)he will lead (She re- stores my — soul, (Syhe wa -ters(s)he will lead. (She re- stores my soul, (She path of good —3— path of good 7 path of good —3— rights my "wrongs, (S)he leads me in. a path of good 14. a tempo fills my heart with Ev-en though I walk a tempo fills my heart with Ev-en though I walk a tempo fills my heart with Ey-en though I walk a tempo things, And fills my heart with songs. Ev-en though I walk Psalm 23 - BMSS 701 ti cel LS 4 | | | 18 poco rit. a tempo There is noth - ing that can a tempo There is noth - ing that can a tempo dreary land, There is noth - ing that can a tempo through a dark and drea-ry land, There is noth - ing that can —3— - sake me, I'm in Her(his) (S)he has said (S)he won't for (She has said (S)he won't for Im —3— in Her(his) shake me, (S)he has said (S)he won't for —3— sake me, I'm in Her(his) shake me, (Syhe has said (S)he won't for sake me, I'm in Her(his) 24 3 (Sphe sets a the pres-ence of my (Syhe sets a in the pres-ence of my (Sphe sets a ta-ble be- fore in the pres-ence of my 3 hand. (She sets a ta-ble be- fore me, in the pres- ence of my Psalm 23 - BMSS 701 ri 3 eee (She a- noints my head with oil And = my cup o- ver- 1060 rit. rs 35 my cup o- ver- 0 rit, (S)he a- noints my head with oil rsa r8m (S)he a- noints my head with oil And my cup o- ver~ poco rit. 35-35 foes, (S)he a= noints my head with oil And = my cup > ver = 31 a tempo a —3— Sure-ly a tempo Sure- ly, good-ness and kind-ness will —3— fol-low a fol-low Sure- ly a tempo Sure- ly, good-ness and kind-ness will —I— will Sure-ly a tempo Sure- ly, good- ness and kind-ness In. fol- low flows. Sure-ly _ Sure- ly, good-ness and kind-ness will fol-low me. a rn os all the days of my And 1 will live in her house for 35 3s all the days of my _ life, And I will live in her house — for cI 3 Iwill live in her house ces 3 days of my all the days of my life, And 1 will live in her house for Psalm 23 - BMSS 701 ev-er,___ for ev- er and ev__ cr. Glo- ry be to our to the ho-ly of to the ho-ly of 3 Moth-cr and Daugh-ter and to the ho-ly of — ho- lies, As it close to "n” on beat 3 an => 46 PN s. ‘was in the be-gin-ning, is now and ev-er shall be, World with-out end. A- men a a> A now and ev-er shall be, World with-out end, A- men a a> TT now and ev-er shall be, World with-out end. A- men a = B. was in the be-gin-ning, is now and ev-er shall be, World with-out end. A- men Psalm 23 - BMSS 701

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