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It is the government form in which all power is concentrated in one person, the
king. It was between 16th and 19th centuries in Europe.
Philip V: he was one of these last kings with great power.
Abstract Art
The Abstract Art appears in the 20th century. It was created by Wassily
Kandinsky in 1910. It uses lines, points, strange forms and colors and doesn't
represent any objects, persons or landscapes in particular.
Its a segregation racial system made and conducted for the Nacional Party in
South-Africa Nation at 1949, with the objective to protect and strengthen the
white supremacy people. In the beginning was destined for allow the separate
development of the different racial communities, but immediately becomes a
series of advantageous laws for the white population, that only represents a
20% of the total. Nelson Mandela was a victim of apartheid.
Assault Guard
Individual of a body established by Spain in 1932 to keep the peace. It was
deleted at the end of the Spanish War (1936-39), replaced by the Armada
police and traffic police.
The Autarky consist in self-sufficiency of a one state, society or member, it use
the own resources without external help. It comes in the Middle Age. Spain has
used the autarky in Franco's time between 1939 and 1959.
Exemple: The bishop Tarancn of Solsona reported the autarky because he
wasn't agree with it. He made possible the arrive of Spanish democracy in 1978
Black Power
Political and social movement of some sectors of the black population of the
United States against the political and racial discrimination towards African
Americans during the sixties. The first time that the slogan "Black Power" was
said in public was in June 1966 in the city of Jackson, Mississippi, slogan that
was expanded and explained lately in an opinion article called "What We Want"
written the same year by Stokely Carmichael. This move came from the black
nationalist movements of the early 20th century and the origin by Malcolm X
and the Black Muslims.

Bow of State
Is the right that have some people to disallow or to prevent something, the
possibility of stop or cancel a vote. In the USA the president has the capacity of
disallow the legislation that has passed for the congress.
Capitalism is an economic system that searches for the maximum economic
profit and thinks that the dominant reason of the economic activity is the capital
accumulation, which therefore, it calculates and rationalizes.
It starts in the 18th century in England with the industrial revolution, when the
sale of handmade products is replaced for a majority that distributes and sells
the products by themselves and when a big number of people start to transfer
their benefits from one activity to another to invest and obtain more benefits.
Clear examples of capitalism are the multinationals or the banking system.
Censure motion
Censure Motion means showing lack of confidence in the government. It is
moved against the council of Ministers, a group of ministers or as individual
ministers for the failure to perform duties. Censure motion must be specific and
self-explanatory, stating the reasons for its adoption.
- Fernndez Vara presenta una mocin de censura contra Monago
census suffrage
The was an electoral system in several Western countries between the
eighteenth and nineteenth century. Based on the allocation of voting rights only
to the portion of the population that will feature certain characteristics
(economic, social or educational). This is the difference between the census
suffrage and universal suffrage, except that no conditions of age and citizenship
(although until the twentieth century was limited to male suffrage). Until the
rights were reached by the entire population, only the richest, had political
advantages in the capitalist class system.

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