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Gre synonyms

16)Anachronism:misdating ,mistiming

-a thing belonging to a period other than the one it exists

-an artifact that belongs to another time

Artifact: a man made object taken as a whole

17)analogous(adj): alike or similar in some respects though otherwise dissimilar-


Usg: brains and computers are often considered analogous

OPP: heterologous ,homologous

Homologous: Having the same evolutionary origin but serving different


Usg: "the wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous"

18)anarchy(n): the state of disorder due to lack of government or disorder


misrule,mutiny, pandemonium,riot

bedlam(n): a state of extreme confusion and disorder

chaos: a state of extreme confusion and disorder, a formless and disordered


insurrection(n):organized opposition to authority


19)anomalous(adj): deviating from the standard

-abnormal, unusual

20)antipathy(n):a feeling of intense dislike


Aversion: a feeling of intense dislike , an act of turning yourself away

21) apathy(n): an absence of emotion or enthusiasm

- numbness, indifference, spiritlessness, inactivity, lassitude,
lethargy, passivity

Numbness(n): Partial or total lack of sensation in a part of the body; a

symptom of nerve damage or dysfunction

Indifference(n): the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual
lack of concern

Lassitude(n): A feeling of lack of interest or energy, Weakness characterized

by a lack of vitality or energy

Lethargy(n): Weakness characterized by a lack of vitalitay or energy

22)Appease(v): make calm or less hostile by agreeing to their demands

-assuage, calm, conciliate, humour, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate,

quiet, reconcile, tranquillize, gruntle, lenify

Conciliate(v): Cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will of,
Come to terms

Mollify: Cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will of, Make more
temperate, acceptable,

Usg; She managed to mollify the angry customer"

Pacify: Fight violence and try to establish peace in , Cause to be more favourably
inclined; gain the good will of

Lenify: gain the good will of

Gruntle: , Cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will of

Tranquillize: Make calm or still, Cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a

sedative to

(sedative: a drug that reduces anger and makes them calm)

Placate: Cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will of

Propitiate: Make peace with

OPP: anger

23) approbation(n): Official approval-COMMENDATION

Commendation: An official award (as for bravery or service) usually given

as formal public statement, A message expressing a favourable opinion
OPP: disapprobation

24) appropriate(v) :Give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

Take possession of by force, as after an invasion

-apt, suitable ,proper, apposite, befitting,compatible, decorous, deserved,

fitting, pertinent,

Relavant, felicitious

Apposite(v): Being of striking appropriateness and pertinence

Usg: "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal


Befitting(adj); Appropriate to

Compatible: Able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination

Usg: a compatible married couple

Pertinent(adj): Having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand

Usg: "a list of articles pertinent to the discussion"

25) arduous(adj): difficult and tiring

-backbreaking, demanding ,exhausting, gruelling, heavy, herculean,


onerous, punishing, rigorous, severe, strenuous, taxing, tough,


backbreaking: same meaning

exhausting: tiring

gruelling: Characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion;

especially physical effort

onerous: Not easily borne; wearing

usg: "my duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests"

strenuous: Characterized by or performed with much energy or force

usg: "strenuous exercise"

herculean: Displaying superhuman strength or power

26) apprise(v): Inform (somebody) of something, Make aware of

-advise, appreciate, instruct, revalue, notify, apprize(US)

27) artless(adj): Simple and straightforward; without cunning or deceit,

Usg: an artless manner

-ingenerous(Characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not


28) assiduous(adj): Marked by care and persistent effort

Usg: her assiduous attempts to learn French";

-sedulous(Marked by care and persistent effort)

29) attenuate(v):make weaker, make thinner,

30) audacious (adj): willing to take bold risks

-adventurous, courageous, daring, fearless, venturesome

Venture: a risky or daring journey

OPP: timid

31) austere(adj): strict or severe in appearance or manner,

-abstemious, ascetic, chaste, cold, forbidding , formal, frugal,

restrained, self denying, stern,


Abstemious: Excessively unwilling to spend

Forbidding(n): An official prohibition or edict against something

Stern: forbidding in aspect

32) aver(v): declare to the case, Report or maintain,

-affirm, allege,assert, avow,swan,say, swear, verify

Affirm: Say yes to

Allege: Report or maintain

Usg: He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"

Assert: Assert to be true

Avow(v): To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

– Admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about

Swear: Promise solemnly; take an oath

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