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1600-1650 With the discovery of the Americas, Europeans seized the opportunity to recreate and improve the societies of Europe in the new world by employing self-government and individualism 1607-Jamestown colony founded Separatists depart from Holland and sign the Mayflower Compact Puritans within the MA Bay Company adopted a pledge known as the Cambridge ‘Agreement First House of Burgesses in Virginia 1619 An Ordinance and Constitution of the Virginia Company sets a precedent of self- government ‘The Europeans were successful in colonization because they chose to use self government and individualism to improve upon the things that dissatisfied them in Europe. rem 000065374 ‘Mr. Pate AP US History April 25, 2013 1650-1700 In the half century between 1650 and 1700 America experienced continued tension with native Americans erupting into conflicts like King Phillips War and Bacon's Rebellion, and the start of the French and Indian war over land disputes; religion, dominantly puritanism, influeced governments structure in the colonies in a theocratic style in the lead up to the Great Awakening. © Bacon's Rebellion © King Phillip's War © Puritanism © Salem Witch Trials = Slavery Slavery was introduced to the colonies in the triangular trade and slaves were seen as the lowest people in society, The institution of slavery did not immediately take root in America at the time due to indentured servitude and didn’t see a dramatic rise until the turn of the 18th century. 1700-1750s Decade Association 1000007304 Change over time: ‘Throughout the period from 1700 to 1750 North America shifted from a period of early colonial disputes between Spain, Britain, and France to a time of increased education for the colonists, less tension between social classes, and religious revival due to the Great Awakening which ultimately lead to a greater union between the colonists and prepared them for the revolution, 1. Great Awakening 2. Queen Anne’s War 3. King George’s War 4. War of Jenkins’s Ear 5. Founding of Yale and Princeton Interpretive Commentary: Although King George’s War asserted British dominance on the North American continent with the defeat of the French and the Spanish, its treaty also returned Louisbourg to the French after New Englanders had fought for it; this event increased tension between Britain and the colonists and discouraged expansion by the colonists but encouraged a greater colonial unity and growth. 113000 1IO0D ‘iat 3" Period Change over Time: After Britain abandoned the policy of salutary neglect towards the colonies in the 1760s, the 1770s started as a time of contempt for the motherland because Britain would not extend representation to the colonists, the taxing policy was unfair to and excessive on the colonists, and the colonists’ privacy and believed natural rights were accosted, but the growing discontent led to the minority war of the American Revolution in which the decade ended with American freedom in its sight. 1, Revolutionary War 2, Declaration of Independence 3. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense 4. Battles of Lexington and Concord 5. Olive Branch Petition Because many of the colonists were not happy with the treatment by Britain but did not want war, the Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George II in July of 1775 to try to peacefully resolve the “skirmish” battles like Lexington and Concord, but after the Battle of Bunker Hill, the king did not want to settle with the colonists. In order to get more of the colonists on the side of the rebels, Thomas Paine published his pamphlet, Common Sense, which showed the colonists how the King conducted unfair policies over the colonies in addition to how he has dealt with the Irish rebel, lynched and hanged, which could just as well be the fate of the colonists; Common Sense opened many colonists’ eyes to see the cruelty of the crown and that independence from Britain was needed. (Doooe FASR 1770's Change Over Tim: Increasing American resistance to British laws passed to halt what the British viewed as colonial misbehavior eventually leads to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, with superior American strategy and geography in addition to French assistance hinting towards an American victory at the end of the decade. Lexington and Concord—“Sho}t Heard ‘Round The World” Boston Tea Party Coercive/Intolerable Acts Continental Congresses Battle of Gettysburg vreee Interpretive Commentary: The Boston Tea Party, brought about by Britain’s granting of a monopoly to the East India Tea Company, represented an outbreak of pent-up emotion against British taxation policies. This ‘event fed into the positive feedback loop of continually harsh policies by the British followed by American retaliatory measures. WHOIS TSA 1780 Even though the Americans gained independence from Britain, most of the 1780’s was a time of stress and confusion as the stability of federal versus state government and continual rebellions and foreign issues plagued the colonies up until Washington’s inauguration. 1 veer ‘The Articles of Confederation, ratified in 1881, was the basis for the issues in the 1770°s asi provided a weak national government and strong state governments, with a Congress, that hosted equal representation for all states. This was a complete backlash of the strong, central goverament that the British enforced. Shay’s Rebellion Barbary Pirates West Coast Controversy Three-Fifths Compromise 1790s Wocera44 Through the 1790s, the fledgling nation proved its viability by overcoming various rebellions and other major crises and conducted the first peaceful transition of power between two leaders in the election of 1796 4 Been Election of 1796, Adams is elected a. This was the first peaceful transition of power in history, it proves the theory of democracy and rule by the people through an elected leader whiskey rebellion Fries’ rebellion Alien and Sedition acts Yellow fever pandemic in Philadelphia 1000006757 1800’s ‘Change-Over-Time: In America during 1800-1810 the first ever peaceful change between political parties occurred and the U.S. began to settle in by further expanding its boundaries, its ‘manufacturing began to take off as well as the beginning of a long fight to eliminate slavery. SFls: 1. The election of Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican. 2. Congress bans the importation of slaves in 1807 ‘The Embargo of 1807 4, The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 5. The Lewis and Clark Expedition Interpretive Commentary: ‘The Embargo of 1807, though meant to keep America out of a war with France and Great Britain, resulted in a U.S. need to self-produce. Therefore, the embargo helped nurture U.S. ‘manufacturing and allow it to stand on its own. This allowed the Americans to be less dependent upon foreign countries, 1000025921 APUSH ‘Mr. Pate 24 April 2013 1820°s The 1820°s showed Americas advancement to more nationalistic feelings led mainly by President Monroe, who headed this Era of Good Feelings in a hope to stick with original Washington ideals to make a whole government without fractions that could endure the growing differences between the North and South. 1, Monroe doctrine 2. Missouri compromise 3. Maine and Missouri added as states 4, American Colonization Society 5. Democratic Party Forms Monroe help turn the country’s eye inward with the Monroe Doetrine claiming that Europe can no longer colonize America. With this came the focus of adding two new states, which in turn sparked the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise went on to highlight the growing differences between the North and South, especially with the topic of slavery. The American Colonization Society formed to help freed slaves return to Africa, further putting emphasis on the issue of slavery and splitting the North and South. Dissention eventually caused the Democratic Party to form with the election of John Quincy Adams, and the loss of Monroe, in an attempt to stick to “Jacksonian Nationalism” and the fecling of unity gained by Monroe. 100000684. 1830s Change over time: ‘The 1830s where characterized by the presidency of Andrew Jackson which revolutionized the role of the federal government by his use of almost dictatorial powers which exercised the authority of the central government to a point unrivaled until the 20th century; additionally, the abolition movement gains ground under the leadership of Frederick Douglass and other abolitionist sources such as William Lloyd Garrison. 1. Nullification Crisis 2. Ending of the 2nd National Bank 3. Indian Removal Act/ "Trail of Tears" 4, Specie Circular 5. Abolition Movement ‘The Nullification Crisis showed Jackson was not afraid to use his presidential power and weight to end dissent, which set the tone for his authoritative terms as president. > Stedent TI [0005273 4 Decade By Decade: The 1840's Change over time: During the 1840's, the U.S., an initially isolationist country, became increasingly involved in foreign affairs close to home due to the beliefs provided by manifest destiny, creating tensions with Mexico and Japan; internally conflict and controversy grew over the issue of slavery, leading up to what would become a civil war. SF's: Manifest Destiny Mexican War ‘Treaty of Wanghai Frederick Douglass and his battle for Civil Rights Texas Annexed yaeye Explanation for the Treaty of Wanghs ‘The Treaty of Wanghai signified an increase in the U.S.'s part in foreign relations; It shows how a once very internally focused country suddenly concentrates on other countries, namely China in this case, and how aggressive America had become in its negotiations. maim: 60001764) Mr. Pate AP US History 7 period 23 April 2013 Decade by Decade with SFI 1850's Change Over Time: ‘The pre-Civil War decade of the 1850's marked the extremities of the factions of the Us Government over the sue of slavery and how compromises, literature, court decisions, riots and protests, an economic depression, and even political beatings could not stop the issue of slavery from causing the Confederacy to secede from the Union. SFI's 1. “Bleeding Kansas” 2. Compromise of 1850 3. Kansas-Nebraska Act 4, Sumner-Brooks Incident 5. Dred Scott v. Sanford Interpretive Commentary: “Bleeding Kansas” refers to the many miniature wars in Kansas between proslavery forces and abolitionists, especially the attacks by John Brown. Massacres occurred in Kansas between these two groups foreshadowing the immanency of a civil war. These flare-ups showed that both sides would stop at nothing to gain slavery or abolish it even to bloodshed. 1000069758 8" Period ‘As the 1860°s came and went, the Republican Party, led my Abraham Lincoln, pledged to preserve the union, to fight slavery through such things as the emancipation proclamation, and began reconstruction of the south after the end of the civil war. eRe ‘The Emancipation Proclamation was passed on January 1, 1863. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865. ‘The 13", 14", and 15" amendments were passed. Reconstruction aimed at gaining seats in congress, abolishing slavery, and approving the vote of minorities. General Ulysses $ Grant acted as the head general to Abraham Lincoln 3. The ratification of these amendments was important to the 1860°s because it proclaimed the rights of slaves and validated the views and works of Abraham Lincoln, 1000003838 Decade by Decade: 1870s Change over time During the 1870s, known as part of the Gilded Age and referred to as the Era of Good Stealings, post-Civil War mayhem led to mass amounts of corruption within the economy and government, which weakened the governments power over the states and created disorder within the systems that the government of the United States relied on to maintain stability. SFs: Spoils System Crédit Mobilier Trusts, Monopolies, and Big Business (Rockefeller) Ulysses S. Grant Panic of 1873 yeeye Interpretive Commentary: Asa desire for greater social mobility led people to take the steps necessary to climb the social ranks, many people would do what it took to gain a job in government. During the 1870s, earning a government job was less about having the proper skill and ‘more about impressing those already in government. Money and publicity would be used to gain jobs, and this left the government filled with unskilled employees who then weakened the government and the country because they could not properly fulfill their duties. This is why the spoils system was a large source of corruption in the 1870s. Decade: 1880 Change over time: Through the decade, America has saw many shifts in power from the Republican to Democrat and also saw new reform legislations that would directly impact the future ties between politics and big business and industry as well as polities and labor group: farmers. SFls 1. Grover Cleveland is elected president. (1885) 2. Pendleton Act of 1883 established the civil service commission, 3. Interstate Commerce Act is passed in 1887 4. American Federation of Labor is created in 1886 5. Local Chapters of Farmers’ Alliance are formed through 1885 to 1890 Commentary The key change in this decade is that for the first time since President Buchanan, the Democrats with President Cleveland take the presidency, leading the way to new Democratic civil service reforms, and by electing a Democrat, the US has changed the political mentality until Harrison would reclaim the presidency for the Republicans. The Pendleton Act organized a Republican attempt to create federal jobs was only a small part as it was not only to create relationships with the citizens, but to also tie the big businesses with politics. The Interstate Commerce Act as passed by Congress allowed federal government to regulate interstate commerce as opposed to allowing industries to do so, objecting Cleveland’s laissez-faire mentality. The AF of L and its president Samuel Gompers proved that thought the bosses still had the upper hand with government; unions were growing in power and allowed for thousands of Americans to have better standards of living until the Great Depression. The Farmers’ Allianee would change the political playing field as farmers’ would create their own political party, the populist, and represented the farmers” plight against political unfairness. 1000070605 Mr. Pate AP US. History 25 April 2013 Decade Association: 1890 The 1890’s were a time when political groups became more radical, migration ‘was at its peak as well as an increased focus on gold, and growth of military power and influence. 1. According to the U.S, census in 1890 reported that the entire frontier (West) had been settled. 2. Spanish-American War 3. Panic of 1893 4. Homestead Act 5. McKinley Tariff Act ‘The Panic of 1873 shows how an inereased focus in gold impacted the economy. The focus on gold caused over-speculation and because of it the stock market crashed. The McKinley Tariff was passed which raised the tax on foreign products, which shows how politics and relations with foreign policy changed. Also, because of the gold being a main focus, the Homestead Act was passed which caused people to migrate because of the land that would be available to them, The U.S. census in 1890 showed how migration had populated areas that were once barren which also lead to the extinction of many animals and wildlife, such as buffalo. The Spanish-American War showed the power and influence that the American military held and how forceful Americans could be to other nations 1000077288 Mr. Pate AP US. History 25 April 2013 1900-1910 AL the start of the 20th century, the United States inherited a controversial, yet popular theory of a political orientation that seemed to stand as a defensive and protective doctrine, but in in order to “better” the "conditions” in truth favored imperialistic and progressive theori government and society while standing well hidden behind the curtain of excused defense; and le reason could not be found when while this pretexted defense held some ground, a justifi citizens began to question the government's actions as well as authority, and true progressives emerged as the U.S. became entrenched in the protectionism of sanctity and as the sanitary wellbeing of its mass had drawn literature to a whole new, realistic, and comprehensive dimension. Hay- Pauncefote Treaty / Roosevelt Corollary Russo- Japanese Treaty Platt Amendment Meat and Inspection Act / Pure Food and Drug Administration, Great White Fleet Northern securities case / trust busting ‘The United States sought a southern canal route, through Central America for easier and quicker access to the other side of the world; in 1901 Great Britain granted the U.S. with the sole right to build a canal across Central America connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. This represented the struggles that Great Britain was currently facing at the moment due the fight around and with them, but the treaty, the Hay- Pauncefote treaty, also did represent kindness and really, a wanted ally of Great Britain. Later on, when Europe has an argument with its colonies, and troops are wanted to be sent through, Roosevelt swiftly and promptly dismisses their altempts by ensuing the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, in which he makes it entirely visible that he, along with the rest of America, wanted European power out and never in the Western Hemisphere Although this was somewhat reasonable, there were better ways to handle with the situation, because it seemed as though the U.S. believed that they could dominate world powers, but not share the gains or allow the opposite to occur, representing the imperialistic characteristics of the U.S at the time, this came into play even greater when the U.S. later gains the Philippines, Hawaii, and Cuba (although given the Platt amendment, Cuba didn't really gain its true independence until much later and even though times were rough). 100074 71Q Mr. Pate 3" period 4/23/13 Decade by Decade: 1910 In the 1910’s, great change swept over America; it was the first time that America was, considered a world leader, the issues such as: escalation of immigrants and poverty, labor and monopoly struggles, and work safety and child labor ends; World War I was also a big part in making America come to age as a nation. 1, World War I from 1917 to the end of war 2. 19 Amendment is ratified in 1919 3. Millions of “New Immigrants” come from Eastern and Southeastem Europe 4, The rst assembly line to ever be made in 1914, which helped in industry 5. End of Progressive Era World War I was the climax of the Progressive Era, it reverted America back in to its isolationist attitude by the end of the war. During the beginning of the war, America called for neutrality, by the end of the war, America was also a world power. This war also brought the Treaty of Versailles, which crippled Germany. Wilson made the League of Nations to control ‘world affairs, but in the end Congress did not want to deal with international affairs, so it was vetoed, America being the only nation not in rubble had a great economic boom during the war ization of commerce. Socially, there was an influx of and the war effort accelerated the indust women workers in the workforce, and paved the way for the suffrage of Women by the passing of the 19 amendment. World War paved the way for the “roaring twenties” by ending the great depression, 1000030879 Pate 7h 25 April 2013 1920's Decade to Decade The 1920"s experienced profound, cultural changes including: modem philosophies portrayed in the increased independence of women due to their flapper style and in the famous Scopes trial that put traditionalists and modernists head-to-head, literary and music influences brought by Aftican-Americans in the Harlem Renaissance, as well as resistance groups against prohibition and immigration that was presented by gangsters illegally selling aleohol and nativists attempting to decrease immigration through acts. Scopes ‘Trial Prohibition Flapper Style Nativism .. Harlem Renaissance (no relation to that Harlem Shake. That came later in the 1980s. ©) The style that became prominent amongst women in the 1920s, known as the flapper style, showed an increase in the acceptance of sexual promiscuity as women dressed and acted more provocatively, but the style also provoked new views of women as it spoke ideas of independence and equality and challenged the traditional modest, child-rearing view of women, which contributed the start of a transformation to modernized views rather than traditional views in American culture. 1000004749% Change over time: The 1930°s were defined by a period of economic and international turbulence as the United States was struck by both a failing stock market and deteriorating control over foreign threats that would eventually lead to the outbreak of the Second World War; however, this period was also defined by the reform legislation as well as a movement towards worldwide peace which would be unattainable in the coming decades. SFis 1. The Great Depression 2. Roosevelt's New Deals 3. Isolationism 4, The Dust Bowl 5. Invasion of Poland 1939 Interpretive commentary: Both the first and second New Deals, proposed by FDR, introduced new welfare legislation to help the country through labor and economic growth whose components included the Emergency Banking Act and Fair Labor Act, grant individuals more rights with the Social Security Act, and even assist struggling farmers with the Farm Credit Administration. (cocko7s4 Decade by Decade with SFI 1940's Plagued by the ferosity of WWII, the 1940's saw an era of war production and migration where the United States was able to pull out of the Great Depression, experience new ideas in art and culture from those forced to leave their countries in Europe, and exit the previous idea of isolationism by building up alliances with the nations in Europe while Europe experienced a time of great loss and dependency on unity. SFIs Hitler/Axis powers invading other countries and pressuring the Allies into war ‘The Holocaust and mass exodus of the Jews from highly Jewish populated areas NATO caused the mass aliance among the U.S. and Western European countries Marshall Plan sought to lend money to all of the warn-torn European countries to help them rebuild 5. War Production Board supervised all of the production for wwar purposes during WWII BeNe Interpretive Commentary: The Holocaust, which decimated nearly 2/3 of the Jewish population that resided in Europe prior to WWII, showed the Allie powers just how terrible Hitler and the Nazis were and allowed for the Allies to fight against a common enemy while the mass exodus of the Jews marked a new era for culture changes and integration in many different countries than where they used to reside. 1900005900 8" Period The 1950's Change over time: During the 1950s, the United States moved from the postwar desire for calm to more interventionist action, especially against communism, abroad and increasing awareness of social and political issues at home. SFI's: 1. Korean War 2. “dynamic conservatisin™ 3. Brown v. Board of Education 4, Massive retaliation 5. Domino theory Interpretive Commentary: Eisenhower's dynamic conservatism pleased the war-weary American population with its mild, balanced approach while allowing for previous reforms and the development of an interstate highway system; however, Eisenhower's philosophy prevented him from supporting civil rights legislation and led to an increasing recognition among the people that social issues could no longer be ignored. Loven mse 1960's The time period of the 1960's saw dramatic change regarding the relationships that the United States had with other nations during the turbulent period of the Cold War and shaped future United States policy towards acting and reacting in global situations, 1. Cuban Missile Crisis 2. Bay of Pigs 3. Gulf of Tonkin incident 4. Korean War 5. action in Dominican Republic The Cuban Missile Crisis saw a drastic change from situations that the United States had previously faced, which were never as alarming in proximity or degree of threat, and ushered in a new time where direction action will need to be taken in order to prevent the further development of dangerous situations so close to home Five SFI'S 1970's Decade by Decade- 1000054778 1, 26th amendment passed making voting population between 18-21 rise. 2. Inflation went up to 8% and unemployment went up to 7.5% 3.Yom kippur war cause embargo on cil to U.S-gas prices rise dramatically 4.Emergency conservation highway act makes 55mph speed limit on highways 5.EPA is passed in the 1970's Change over time: In the 1970's domestic reform was on the rise and the policies from environmental issues to highway control were affected Commentary: 1. With inflation and unemployment on the rise the U.S. did what it has done in the ast which is worry about its internal issues before it turns in attention to foreign issues. The United States, through careful mediation of peace between China and Russia, sought to expand international trade and cooperative relations. 1, Ending the Vietnam conflict 2, Détente between China and Russia 3. Creation of the DMZ in Vietnam 4. War Powers Act 5. Arab Oil Embargo Though the US sought to keep peace, they were ultimately backed in isolationism after fear if developing another conflict similar to Vietnam; possibly over exerting their military and naval forces in far-away issues. (0000 |G 08 1000003696 Mr. Pate AP US History Pd. 8 24 April 2013, 1980s Change over time: ‘Throughout the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan's conservatism and Reaganomics caused unemployment, recession, and excessive military expenditures; thus, the larger military intensified the Cold War, and there were more foreign policy issues with Muslim extremist groups near the end of the 80s. Factual Information: 1) Reagan cuts taxes with his promotion of Reaganomics; he believed in reducing the size of the federal government. He excessively spends money on the military to give America an edge over the Soviets in the Cold War. 2) Excessive military spending and tax cuts cause the recession of 1982. Unemployment among 3) Due to America’s military spending, tension increases with the Soviet Union, thus, the Cold War intensifies. 4) Foreign Policy in America continues to get worse in the 80s; after the Soviet Union government is destroyed, Muslim extremist groups begin to terrorize Americans by taking hostages. 5) Reagan embraces the “new right” movement; he has conservative values. Groups like the Moral Majority become popular. Imperative Commentary: 1) Itis important to know that Reagan cut taxes and spent billions on the military because the American Economy hits a recession a few years later. By having this information about Reagan’s, early decisions, we know why unemployment rose and the recession of 1892 happened. 2) It is important to know about unemployment and the recession of 1892 because of “Black Monday” at the end of the 1980s; the information supports why “Black Monday” happened, 3) America’s excessive military spending in the early 1980s later caused more tension with the Soviet Union because of America’s Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). This tension would not run as high among the countries if Reagan hadn’t spent billions on the military. 4) At the beginning of the 80s, the Soviet Union still supported communism; however, near the end of the 80s, the Soviet Union had turned into Russia. Russian leader Gorbachev introduced free speech and liberty. However, America was beginning to develop problems with Muslim extremist groups that would keep developing in the 90s. 5) When Reagan won the election of 1980, he brought his conservative beliefs that shaped American society, and he changed the economy with his focus on the “common man.” 1000008902 Decade by Decade with SFI (1990) Change Over Time During the 1990°s, America grew intellectually with the era of technology ereating a booming economy, improved domestically with numerous legislation passed, and influenced for creation of the World ‘Trade Organization n policy with the SFL 1. August 2, 1990 -traq invaded its neighbor, Kuwait, setting into motion the beginning of U.S. folvement in the Gulf War. February 27. 1991 - ‘The Gulf War ends one day after Iraq withdraws its forces from Kuwait and sets the oil fields on fire 3. January 1, 1994 - The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) goes into effect. creat free trade zone between Canada, the United States. and Mexico. 4. January |, 1995 - The World Trade Organization ( WTO) is created. 5. September 29, 1998 - The United States Congress passes legislation, the "Iraq Liberation Act® that states the U.S. wants to remove Saddam Hussein Irom power and replace it with a democracy. Interpretive Commentary: With the er ion of the World Trade Organization, America’s trade with other countries stabilized with the establishment of set rules of wade among nations. [m0 27842 2000s During the 2000°s the U.S lifestyle was changed by catastrophes, such as the 9/11 bombings leading to the war on terrorism; and an economical change, much like that of the stock over specaltion in 1929, from the thriving economy early in the decade to a crash with the over speculation of mortgage rates. 1. Mortgage Crisis of 2007 2. 9/11 terrorist bombings 3. Iraqi War 4. War on Terrorism 5. American Recovery and Readjustment Act 6. This one is just for fun. 1904 The Curse of the Great Bambino lifted from Red Sox The Mortgage Crisis is the biggest change for the U.S in the 2000s as it was the first time in almost 80s years that the U.S had such a drop in the economic situation as it had been thrivi since post W WIL

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