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Okay, Ill admit a few things.

I had difficulty getting Lee physically

involved with the story (even thought this was written today I had
planned on leaving him out completely, but a few people PMed me and
asked to have him involved, and not just mentioned there was also a
review that asked him to be in this chapter. If I played the game
differently, and had of let Lee reanimate into a zombie, this chapter
might be very different. But I do love Lee, and the game wouldnt have
ended well for me if I didnt make sure he died a human, and was only
ever a human. So here you go, Chapter Two, with Lee. Enjoy, and RIP
you awesome game character.
Christa had guessed that Lee and Clementine went out out, apparently,
into the herd of Walkers. The fact that Lee (or possibly Clementine, but that
seemed unlikely) had pulled out the dead Walkers guts was very apparent, but
neither Omid nor Christa understood why he would there didnt seem to be any
need to. It was also possible that the dead man near the wall had killed the
Walker long before Lee got there, but as the gun that was left on the floor near
the Walker was next to the Walker, it seemed unlikely.
It took a short while before they could find a way to get Omid back onto
the roof without causing much pain to his leg a convenient ladder to the roof
practically appeared out of nowhere as the two didnt plan on facing the large
amount of Walkers in the streets.
So they left without us.
Omid shook his head, sitting down on the concrete roof of yet another
building, and pulled out two energy bars from his pocket. We dont know that.
He handed Christa an energy bar. For all we know, they were chased out.
That doesnt explain the cutting out the insides of a Walker, Omid. Lee
saw an opportunity to leave, and he took it without us. And now hes put
Clementine in danger because of it!
This was the second anger outburst that Christa had had that day. The first
one was understandable they were under a lot of pressure before Kenny threw
a statues head at the attic wall, which got them out but now? Sure, its
understandable, but they werent being chased by Walkers, and the two really
needed to rest. But Christa might have been right Lee could have left with
Clementine, and without Omid and Christa, but Omid refused to believe that.
Still, Omid could help but think that Christa might be hiding something. As
Christa opened her energy bar and took a bite, Omid stared at her.
Christa, are you alright?
She slumped down onto the roof, looking down at her knees as she
thought. I need to tell you something. She stood up again, which was a big
mistake, as the cracking from the movement might as well have been deafening.
Somehow, the roof underneath the two collapsed, falling into its building,
and taking Christa and Omid with it. Both of them hit the floor hard, coughing
from the dust. Christa brushed bits of concrete off of herself. Are you hurt?
Omid coughed a little, wiping dust out of his eyes before being able to
reply. Yeah, Im okay. He sat up and looked at the whole in the ceiling. Fuck, I
could have sworn that was stable.
Christa nodded, looking up for a few seconds before scanning her
surroundings. Two dead Walkers one attacked by a baseball bat, the other
probably shot in the head due to its lack of movement, as Christa couldnt see
its whole body it was hidden behind a radiator. There was also a garage door,
and an office of which had a door outside.
No way back up onto the roof from here. Well have to risk it. Omid
groaned. I dont think the roller door goes straight into the street.

Christa stood, and slowly walked over to the garage door, Omid pulling
himself up with a groan of pain. Christa sighed, and attempted to pull the garage
door open. After several attempts, and Omid managing to help her, neither
managed to get it open.
Its not going to budge. Christa sighed and leaned against the garage
Omid nodded, looking back up at Christa. Well, could be worse . . .
At that unfortunate moment, Christa looked towards the radiator, and her
heart sank. The body of who she and Omid originally thought a dead Walker, was
in fact . . .
Lee. Dead.
There were no words to describe what Christa felt. Her hope of Clementine
being safe was banished at the sight of the bloodied head of Lee. His eyes were
closed, his body limp. There was no hope for him. None.
Omid turned his head when Christa didnt say anything, and breathed one
word. Fuck.
A tear fell from Christas eye when she examined Lees lifeless body.
Bullet to the head. Killed him instantly. She sniffed, and wiped her eyes on her
sleeve. He mustve had Clementine shoot him, or he shot himself . . .
Omid put his hand on her shoulder, barely able to speak. Hes handcuffed to the radiator. He knew he had to protect Clem. A little more quietly.
They did the right thing.
That didnt make Christa feel better. She sniffed again, standing and
straightening herself out. Omid pulled her close, still looking at the lifeless Lee,
and he just stayed silent.
And the silence just got too much for Christa.
We need to find Clementine. She pulled away from Omid gently, turning
away from Lee. Or at least a safe place to rest and sleep.
Agreed. He huffed. Getting out of here will be a problem though. I dont
know where that door in the office leads . . . We could stumble right into a herd
of Walkers.
Its worth a shot. If it means getting out of here, then Im all for it. The
quicker we get out of Savannah, the better.
Instead of going straight to the door in the office, Christa moved back to
where the two fell in, attempting to ignore Lee. If we find something to make
this distance shorter, wed be able to get back onto the roof.
Omid kept quiet, searching for ideas. The radiator is pretty close to the
hole. We could use that to climb up?
The woman sighed, looking back at the radiator. Id feel a lot more
comfortable if Lee wasnt hand-cuffed to it . . .
We cant do anything about that right now. Lets just take the chance to
get out of here, okay? Well work out everything . . . later.
Like last chapter, Chapter Two may be subject to the occasional edit. If
you think this chapter was too short, please tell me via PM or review! I
do appreciate the comments, and I cant believe it became what I
consider to be somewhat popular in a short time (compared to my other
stories on Fiction Press...)! Again, reviews suggestions are really
helpful to me, and without last chapters reviews, this chapter would
have been very different!

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