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Questions and Answers from 2015 Annual Meeting:

1. What can be done about trash lying around on streets, yards, and common areas?
Common areas are maintained by HOA vendors and organized street clean ups. Yards with trash
can be monitored for violations. We encourage everyone to pick up trash when you see it and
organize/participate in street clean ups.
2. Is there anything that can be done about Little Elm High School Students parking on
Elderberry and Cliffrose? Approximately 5-6 HS students are parking there on school
days. I have personally seen this occurring.
If students are parked legally, there is not much that can be done. Illegal parking can be reported
to LEPD and parking rules enforced. Also, a BOD member has notified the LEHS School
Resource Officer regarding this situation.
3. What is being done about broken down cars parked on streets, poor fences, and
Broken down cars reported to the HOA are reported to the Town of Little Elms Community
Integrity department. You may also report them directly to Community Integrity at
972.7313.3276. Fences are monitored by CMA for violations. Mailboxes can be reported to
CMA at 972.943.2800 for violations and maintenance.
4. Are they planning on street cleaning all the winter road mix put down on Woodlake?
We will contact the Town of Little Elm for maintenance.
5. Status of Linear Park (Harts Branch Park)?
Town of LE received matching grant for park and looks to fund project in approximately the next
2 years.
6. Can the fencing along the properties that line the basketball court be replaced with the
same type of iron fencing around the pool and that runs along the houses that sit on the
walking trail that ends at Hickory Street?
Because the fencing is owned privately, the homeowners along that area would be impacted by
this decision so it is an action we cannot take without their input.

7. What about either changing landscaping companies or require that we have better
landscaping at the Eldorado entrance and entrance on the north side across from the high
Due to Eldorado Parkway construction and its impact on our irrigation, landscape improvements
have been delayed. Walker Entrance landscaping updates are also on hold due to drought.
8. Why is the installment fee (payment plan fee) set so high at $60.00?
Payment plans are offered to delinquent accounts at the rate of 25% down, with a 10 dollar fee
for payment management, thus totaling $60.00.
9. What will the Board of the VOW HOA do with the money of the sale of the property by
Point Bank?
This was not VOW HOA owned property, so we did not benefit from this sale.
10. When will the traffic signal be turned on at Woodlake and Eldorado Parkway?
Hopefully soon! This is pending the completion of that intersections construction project.
11. I want to say thank you to the LEPD offices that have shown up every time I call to let
them know we have drug sellers on our block!
We thank them, too! We thank YOU for reporting this activity!
12. Why do we have to have the trash can policy we have when much higher price point
neighborhoods dont? They are allowed to leave them on the side of the house by the airconditioning unit. Its not the eyesore its made out to be.
Trash can policy was set by the builder through the CC&Rs and must be enforced as written. The
trash can policy can be changed by 67% of residents petitioning the Board of Directors.
13. Will there be a protected left turn light going out on Woodlake and Eldorado?
- Yes, this light should be implemented with the completion of construction at that
14. Can the sprinkler system be reset so our fences near the pool are not ruined?
The sprinkler system has been adjusted at the request of residents.

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