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The Stars and the Economy

First and foremost is the planet Mercury, which deals with communications and business. The path of
Mercury is deceptively unpredictable. Tracking the planet is rather easy, it follows the sun through the sky,
but it often goes retrograde (meaning that it appears to move "backwards" through the sky). When a planet
is retrograde, it's influence is considered to be somewhat erratic and disruptive. The fact that Mercury is
inclined to go retrograde frequently helps to explain why the business road is never without its bumps and
Mercury may be our most important indicator when figuring economic fortunes, but we must also consider
the movement of Saturn and Jupiter. Astrologers consider Saturn to be the most material of the planets,
and its also said to be our "karmic regulator." Jupiter deals with issues of wealth and riches, among other
things. Both of these planets move extremely slowly through the signs of the zodiac, unlike Mercury which
makes a complete circle every year. Also unlike Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter tend to remain retrograde for
months instead of days.
We also must consider the movement of Mars and Venus, although we give less weight to the position of
these planets than we do the others. Mars, being male, gives us an idea of the energy levels in the
marketplace, while female Venus gives us an idea of the feelings at play. We consider the remaining
planets only when their position seems significant.
Last October Saturn went retrograde, which might help to explain why our sputtering economic recovery
seemed to grind to a halt at the end of last year and why Christmas retail sales were flat. We begin the new
year facing the prospect that Saturn will remain retrograde until February 21st. This would seem to indicate
that even with a terrific economic stimulus package it would be difficult to see any sort of gains until late
next month.
Unfortunately, we'll have to wait longer than that. According to astrologers, when a planet has been moving
backwards through the sky, we must wait until it returns to where it was before this backward movement
began before things get back to normal. In this case, that means that we'll be waiting until the first of June
before we can expect the stars to cooperate with our economic recovery.
There might be good news on the horizon, however. As Saturn gets back on track in late spring, it will be
lined up with the sun, Mercury and Venus. The later two planets will be in stubborn but bullish Taurus,
meaning that emotional and intellectual conditions should be right for a bull market. The only negative
aspect here is Mars, which will be "squaring" Mercury, a situation that will only be temporary. Also, Mars'
placement in unorthodox Aquarius should help to smooth that situation.
If we do see something akin to a bull market begin in early June, it should be with us for a while. In late July
or early August, just as Saturn will be leaving the conjunction of sun, Mercury and Venus, Jupiter will be
coming in to take its place, which should bring an aspect of good luck into play. Therefore, look for
unexpected good news on the economic front between the 20th and 27th of July.
On August 28th, Mercury will go retrograde, which might seem for a while to bring any economic gains to a
screeching halt. This situation will only be temporary, however, and should end around September 20th.
Traditionally, the all important Christmas shopping season begins on the day after Thanksgiving, this year
on November 28th. Many astrological forces come into play this year to indicate that this will not be a
particularly good holiday season for retail businesses.
As the season begins, generational Pluto will be in conjunction with Mercury, indicating that there will be plenty
of customers at the malls and shops. Unfortunately, Jupiter will be squaring Mercury, meaning that money might
be tight, and Saturn will once again be retrograde. In other words, there might be plenty of customers, but they'll
be making smaller purchases. To make matters worse, on December 17th Mercury will go retrograde, which
should put a jinx on last minute Christmas shopping.
According to the stars, 2003 might be a better year for the economy than we've seen for a while. We can
expect a strong recovery to begin near the middle of the year, but this recovery will not result in money in
the consumers pocket in time for the Christmas shopping season.
Of course, if there's a war, all bets are off.ology

There truly is no such thing has a coincidence. Even the stars play a part in our path, serving has guideposts
and signs to give us advance knowledge of what's around the corner. All things being connected, we must
realize that there is always more than just what we see on the surface. As we move into the holiday season of
2003, a lot of things will begin to come to light, and a new path will be illuminated for those who choose to see
Venus and Mars aspects over the next two months make this an erratic time for personal relationships. Expect
the balance of relationships to start shifting in early October. This is a time when secrets come to light and
hidden natures are revealed. Couples with an already solid foundation will pass through fairly calmly. Others will
have a greater challenge. Due to its close proximity to Earth, Mars is having a powerful impact on all of us now
and through the rest of this year. Mars is poorly placed in Pisces over these two months; the fire planet doesn't
work well in this water sign.
November brings a fiery time, and passions can flare in both positive and negative ways. Conflict is possible at
the end of the month so deal with issues in a delicate manner. This is an easy time to put yourself in hot water,
so proceed with caution especially in the work place.
Saturn's journey in Cancer is bringing about changes in the foundation of our country's beliefs and moral
standings. Recent events are being questioned as we suddenly find ourselves involved with conflicts in
numerous foreign countries. On October 25 Saturn turns retrograde. Saturn's first retrograde period in Cancer
will cause you to "think twice." A lot of decisions made in the past several months may suddenly be doubted.
While this retrograde can be a rest period, it is important to take care not to fall back into old, harmful patterns.
When it comes down to it, the best thing to follow is your first instinct. Second guessing yourself at this time is
likely to bring more difficulties. If you've avoided following through with some of the tougher choices you've had
to make in recent months, then this period won't be any easier.
Saturn is the builder and the foundation. On a personal level, it's time to start taking apart old foundations with
the realization that they have served their purpose. What things in your life impede your progress? These areas
must be examined carefully while we are in this time of rest. Now is your opportunity to change your structure
on both an inner and outer level.
Jupiter moving through Virgo lends its energy to the sense of rebuilding. Virgo is detail-oriented, and the small
things in life take on a greater importance with this placement. The many threads that make up daily life take on
sharper feelings and connections made over the summer begin to make sense. Jupiter is a planet of expansion
and learning, and the fine details that become clear now allow you to make improvements in your life. This is an
excellent time to utilize accumulated knowledge.
Virgo is an earth sign and is very business-oriented. Jupiter's influence here will cause many businesses to go
through reorganization with meticulous attention to detail. This can be a beneficial time for companies to
organize and regroup but, at the other extreme, this time can lead to micromanagement.
Those who have had concepts for their own business may finally feel inspired to strike out on their own. Given
other aspects this may actually be necessary as larger companies continue to downsize.
Neptune traveling in the sign of Aquarius will go direct on October 23. Neptune has been retrograde since May
so its effects have been very different over the summer. We can expect fresh attention on Aquarian ideals
moving into the fall. New age beliefs get a breath of fresh air, and humanitarian organizations should fare well
with the holiday season. There is a sense of giving from the heart that has not been present for some time.
This energy will also be reflected in the political arena as people look for spiritual foundation in their leaders.
Those who promote peaceful resolutions will gain more recognition as our sense of connectedness grows.
Uranus also turns direct during this period, moving forward in Aquarius on November 8. This is a strong position
for Uranus and it produces powerful spiritual energies. This placement also lends an independent air making
the populace less likely to blindly listen to authority figures. Those seeking social reform are well served with
Uranus in Aquarius.

Pluto, still in Sagittarius, continues to regenerate religious institutions and belief systems. On a personal level,
this brings new life to the spiritual aspects of daily life. This is a powerful time for new voices to be heard and
deeper spiritual understandings to be reached by all.
Our ancestors understood the connectedness of all things and, as a result, they took greater care in the choices
they made. It is important to remember that all things are bound together and the energy that gives us life also
connects us all. The choices you make today carry an impact that will be felt far into the future. Choose wisely
and go forth on your path with confidence in spirit. All the connections necessary for your success are in place,
you merely need to embrace the coincidences.
September 7th, 2003 - September 14th, 2003
The biggest news amongst Astrologers is the combination of Mars and Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde
is notorious for having business, negotiations or communications break downs--as we have seen in the Middle
East Peace talks. Mars retrograde is also difficult, usually directing energies in the wrong or unintended
directions. This would be an exceptionally difficult time to start any business negotiations or endeavors. Wait
until at least late September if you're considering entering into an agreement or business endeavor! On a plus
note, the Sun remains conjunct Venus and sextiling Saturn. That's some nice energy for leaders around the
world. It would indicate to me that they're really trying to do the right thing, but the conjunction to that
Retrograde Mercury would indicate they're not communicating well at all! Mars remains within orb of conjuncting
Uranus--an aspect notorious for accidents. However, Mars is quite weak in Pisces, so that should mute the
effects of that transit. Saturn is under pressure from some of the powerful outer planets, inconjuncting both
Neptune and Pluto and opposes Chiron. We should all feel this energy for quite a while. It appears to me that
Saturn (severe school teacher/authority figures) will be out of touch or disconnected in some way from "dreams"
or "dreamers" as well as increasingly feel out control. I would expect the peace talks to improve at the end of
September. In summary. The peace talks will continue to falter until late September. All of those who enjoy risky
behaviors like sky diving, etc., should be extra careful right now, especially you Arians or those with a strong
Mars! And lastly! Avoid business or verbal negotiations right now. If you must enter into contracts, be sure to
read the fine print!
August 31st, 2003 - September 7th, 2003
The Mars Apigee passed without major incident, however, we are not completely in the clear, as the
Mars/Uranus conjunction will occur soon and Mars remains Retrograde and very, very close to the Earth. When
I look at the chart, planets under pressure are all weakened. For instance, Saturn has two inconjuncts and an
opposition, none of which is favorable, but sits in Cancer. Strict, relentless Saturn doesn't do well in the
feeling/mothering sign of Cancer. Likewise, Mars is weakened in Pisces (War <> Peace) and Neptune is in
Aquarius. Neptune is again, a a deeply caring planet in the rather cold sign of Aquarius. Plus the beneficents
(Jupiter/Sun/Venus) oppose the Mars/Uranus energy. Looks like they won out against a weakened
Mars/Uranus. Great! Onto the week at hand. Again, I don't think we're in the clear yet but I do feel we've passed
several difficult aspects. There remains a large applying (gaining in strength) aspect of Neptune to the
Beneficents and Saturn. Inconjuncts represent separation and disassociation. Change with Neptune is insidious
and happens gradually in a fading out way versus a big bang. I still think we're up for a biothreat soon, though it
may not be found out right away (Neptune). There's too much emphasis on the "healing" houses and planets. In
my chart, which serves as a Horary chart, the ruler of the Chart is in the inconjunct with Saturn in 12th
(healing/hidden enemies) and the Neptune in the 7th (open enemies--but subversive ones). The other leg of the
inconjunct aspects Virgo, the sign of health. The beneficents keep the malefics in check, plus they're weakened,
but I don't think the energy is strong enough now as the Beneficents are separating and Saturn/Neptune is still
stronger than Jupiter/Sun/Venus. We shall see!
August 24th, 2003 - August 31st, 2003
The Mars Apigee is now a few days away and the world has seen an increase in upset and war-like or
aggressive actions. If I had to choose a day, I would think the 27th would be a difficult day, because the New
Moon also occurs on that day as well as Mars making a "station", i.e., it appears to stop moving. However, there
is never just one aspect in the sky at any given timing can be a challenging affair at best! Whatever the
Mars Apigee brings with it, we are under considerable protection from a Sun/Jupiter/Venus conjunction. These
are all the beneficents lined up against Mars/Uranus. If you think in terms of Mythology, it's like Apollo (Sun),
Athena (Venus) and Zeus (Jupiter) are opposing Ares (Mars) and Vulcan (Uranus). It's like there's a war
between good and evil in the heavens. Mars is war, heat, fire, aggression, courage, physical strength. Uranus is
earthquakes, volcanoes, strange weather patterns, electricity, technology and unexpected events. Those areas
could be potential problems that occur, most assuredly, suddenly and unexpected this week.

August 17th, 2003 - August 24th, 2003
The Mars Apigee is now about 10 days away. I think that's close enough for things to start heating up. Uranus is
stressed by its opposition to Jupiter, Venus and the Sun, and conjunction to a Retrograde, powerful Mars.
Uranus rules electricity and last week there was a major power outage in the Northeast. I believe this is the
beginning and that the next 2 weeks will be increasingly difficult. To continue on the map, note that the
oppositions to Uranus/Mars of Jupiter/Venus/Sun runs off the coast of North America. Oppositions "attract"
energy, and therefore we may attract some of the Uranus/Mars problems. Mars/Uranus is also earthquakes and
storms, so keep an eye out for that. Mars would indicate heat waves, so I would expect it to be even hotter than
normal in the Middle East especially, but hot in general (Mars rules heat waves, fire). There's also quite a bit of
nodal activity (Sun square, Jupiter square and Pluto inconjunct)--all difficult energies and indicating there's a
Karmic lesson in the difficulties that approach. When? That's the operative question. I've found lunations (Full or
New Moons) to be excellent triggers, and wouldn't you know it? The new moon occurs on the same day of the
Mars apigee. But there IS good news! Mars is weak in Pisces and the Uranus/Mars opposition opposes all the
benefics in the sky (Jupiter, Sun, Venus). I think this will afford some protection from the worst of the energies.
With Uranus involved, I would expect events to happen suddenly and without warning.
August 10th, 2003 - August 17th, 2003
As promised last week, the AstroMap of the Mars Apigee is displayed online. No shocks that the planets pass
right through the Middle East... Safe areas would be areas with strong Jupiter/Venus or Sun contacts, and it
looks like Alaska is the place to be... I look at this weeks Chart and all looks pretty well, except Jupiter is under
a bit of pressure from Uranus and Saturn from Neptune. From this Chart, I don't believe the biggest effects of
the Mars Apigee will be felt this week. Jupiter and Uranus is reckless independence, an inability or lack of
desire to fit in, over-confidence, potential accidents in games/races. These, too, would be karmic as there is a
tight square to the Nodes from Jupiter. The Saturn inconjunct Neptune is an aspect between two very slow
moving planets. These energies are considered quite powerful, as they take a long time to go exact and
therefore the energy sticks around for a while (contrast that with the Moon, who moves very fast and may be a
fleeting mood or feeling). Saturn represents structure, hardship, delays and responsibilities and Neptune
represents humanitarianism, healing, spirituality, gases (and oil). It is 3 degrees away from going exact on
about September 5th. I also believe this could be a disruption in Oil supply as inconjuncts represent separations
and disconnects. Mars also approaches a conjunction to Uranus (now 8 degrees apart). This is some difficult
energy--it usually heralds accidents as Uranus adds reckless behavior to Mars energy. Isn't it something that all
these things are coming exact around the Apigee?
August 3rd, 2003 - August 10th, 2003
Astrologically, we approach the Mars Apigee (closest to earth) which hasn't happened for over 60,000 years. So
no living Astrologer knows what this brings. Logically, it seems it would intensify Mars energy to those of us
living on Earth. In its positive manifestation, Mars is pure energy, physical prowess, bravery, athleticism,
independence and decisiveness. In its negative manifestation, its War, aggression, fire, etc. In my mind, to see
how the Mars energy will manifest is related to the aspects it will have when it approaches the earth. As
mentioned last week, Mars is conjunct Uranus in Pisces (accidents, sudden events) and opposing 4 planets in
Virgo/Leo. Gentle, humanitarian Pisces weakens Mars, but this Astrological event occurs along the Virgo/Pisces
axis of service and health. O.K.! We've set the major scene. Now I'll talk about this week's chart. The Sun
represents leadership, ego and creativity. There are 4 aspects applying to the Sun, implying over-confidence, a
push toward peace and humanity from a powerful base of operations. The exuberance of Mars is being nicely
funnelled by Saturn, helping to use energies constructively. The Jupiter Uranus opposition that's approaching
indicates a need to break away from obligations and improve freedom and independence. Saturn inconjunct
Neptune would mean a disconnect between the need for solid structure and rules and the desire to help and
serve. That Saturn is also opposite Chiron and squaring the North Node, means there is a Karmic lesson
involved in this about helping others and inadvertently wounding friends. If fit into the Iraq situation, this fits
rather nicely. Next week, I'll look at an AstroMap to determine where the Perigee will hit on the Earth's surface
to hopefully, help determine where this large Astrological event might be felt the most.
July 20th, 2003 - July 27th, 2003
Looks like a pretty nice week all in all, with a large Grand Trine in the relationship houses. People may find they
prefer being home right now, probably spending money on the homestead, fixing things up. Mars is
approaching a trine to Saturn--usually two difficult planets, but the restriction of Saturn brings form to otherwise
unruly Mars. Since the trine is in the water houses of Cancer and Pisces, this should help funnel energy in a
constructive way in emotional and humanitarian issues. Mars will go retrograde here soon--not good news,
especially since Mars is approaching Perihelion (closest to Sun) AND Perigee (closest to Earth) in the next

couple months. Couple that with Saturn closest to the Sun in 30 years? Well, that's for another week! While this
chart looks calm, those issues are building in strength behind the scenes and we must keep a close eye on
Mars in the next couple months. On a final note, there is a t-square between Chiron, Venus and the Moon in the
6/9/12 th houses. It may indicate unfavorable unemployment figures or issues with the tax cut.
July 13th, 2003 - July 20th, 2003
There is a full moon today at 3:21pm in Washington D.C. as well as a cluster of planets in Cancer (Saturn,
Venus, Sun and Mercury), all with a very strongly out of bounds Moon. Of course, the Moon rules Cancer. My
chart this morning serves as a Horary Chart (what's coming up this week?) The ruler just happened to be the
Moon as well and came up in the 7th house and put the stellium of planets in the 1st. That's the relationship
axis. If I look at the lunation Chart for Washington D.C., now the lunation occurs in the 3/9th houses--the axis of
communication. Relationships on a worldly level would be between countries. If I look at the Sabian Symbols for
those degrees of the zodiac, they indicate a "Prima Donna Singing" and a "Relay Race". So. We have
relationships, communications, announcements, relay races/teamwork. The 9th house contains the most
planets in the lunation chart and the 9th house rules foreign affairs, higher education, religion and justice.
Putting all this together, I think we can expect a very emotional announcement possibly regarding foreign
affairs, teamwork, justice and taking responsibility. Venus is conjuncting the Sun which is quite beneficent. An
out of bounds moon would make it quite heartfelt emotionally and since our President is a Cancer, expect him
to really FEEL what he's saying, if he's the announcer. All you Cancers out there (or people with strong Moons
in their charts) should feel quite emotional today, potentially about home/country or your careers/status in the
world. (You may also feel quite tired as this is a low energy point for the moon).
July 6th, 2003 - July 13th, 2003
This week shows an opposition from the Sun and Mercury to Chiron. Literally, our old friends oppose our
leadership's ideals and words on a deeply emotional level (Cancer). The Sun is also in a Yod formation (Finger
of God) with Mercury/Sun at the apex and Neptune and Pluto at the legs with Chiron in the center. This is quite
significant! This could literally mean, well-meaning friends (Chiron) oppose us and have lost their respect for our
altruism and favor a removal of powers (Pluto) on an every day basis. What might this mean? Perhaps the
United Nations will force the issue of WMD or initiate proceedings against the US for Iraq. With Mercury so
heavily involved, I would expect news and communications about leadership, money and their self-worth to be
more prevalent. The Mars/Uranus conjunction in Pisces is now separating and therefore losing strength. It
would seem that powder-keg violence around the world may lessen somewhat. At the same time, Saturn and
Venus trine Uranus and Mars. Favorable Saturn/Venus aspects are often associated with Scientific gifts, and
trining Mars/Uranus in Pisces could mean some sort of unexpected medical/scientific/oil breakthrough is
announced this week. It could be from foreign sources and it could be related to surgery. It looks like it may be
surrounded by
The Astrology
August 28, 5:59 PM Greenwich time - Mars opposes the Sun.
What does all this excitement in the sky mean ASTROLOGICALLY? It is easy to forget that the charts
astrologers reference in their readingswhether natal (birth charts) or transitare very much "maps" of the
actual stars overhead seen from the earth's perspective. The place and time of the charts determine the
placement of the planets, their aspects to each other and in the case of personal or event readingsthe houses
that the planets inhabit at that exact point in time.
It would not be taking a giant leap to postulate that Mars could be more "powerful" in its relation to us
as citizens of Earthas it comes closest TO Earth (perihelion). At least ound specifics to demonstrate the
possibilities of this premise, but how the close proximity of Mars effects YOUR life will only become obvious in

The Astrology
What does all this excitement in the sky mean ASTROLOGICALLY? It is easy to forget that the charts
astrologers reference in their readingswhether natal (birth charts) or transitare very much "maps" of the
actual stars overhead seen from the earth's perspective. The place and time of the charts determine the
placement of the planets, their aspects to each other and in the case of personal or event readingsthe houses
that the planets inhabit at that exact point in time.
It would not be taking a giant leap to postulate that Mars could be more "powerful" in its relation to us
as citizens of Earthas it comes closest TO Earth (perihelion). At least one study found specifics to
demonstrate the possibilities of this premise, but how the close proximity of Mars effects YOUR life will only
become obvious in retrospect.
Astrological oppositionsone planet directly across the chart from each otheralways point to
divergent energy modes. Within each of the six contrasting axes there is a place of commonality, a
complementary nexus point. Aquarius energy, for example, has everything to do with individual as does Leo
the sign located 180 degrees away. Aquarius is mostly interested in maintaining its individuality for its own
ideals, while Leo wants to be seen as the star of the show in a more public venue. Aquarians are often very
happy keeping their uniqueness to themselves; Leos wants the spotlight. The point of meeting in this particular
axis is the needand rightto simply be ourselves. Leo energy concerns the creative expression of who they
are; Aquarius energy of being true to themselves FOR themselves.
An Optional Perspective
It would be easy to look at these polarized energies (see Astro Info above) as "the good guys against the bad
guys". Jupiter, traditionally the great beneficent, holds one hand of the Sun, and Venus, conventionally the
Planet of Love, on the other. They are challenged by warlike Mars as well as Uranus, lord of earthquakes and
lightening boltsbringer of unexpected and often "unwanted" change. It not difficult to pick a side when looking
at the aspects in this classic astrological manner.
But planets aren't divided into good guy - bad guy groups. Each has the ability to impact our lives in both
positive and negative ways. Even lovely Venus holds a shadow. And Mars? Most of us appreciate the
courage it brings. And what about "vigorous sexual expression"? That is usually a plus in most of our lives. If we
accept the premise that each opposition points out a necessity to integrate two divergent energies into our lives
and find their meeting place, this present pattern takes on more helpful significance.
Looking at the energies of the signs involved, we find Virgo (competent, grounded, skill honoring and
setter of high standards) and Pisces (embracer of the larger framework of life and accepter of
impermanence). Where is the commonality?

Both signs embrace the hunger for growth. Virgo wants to be all that it can be, to be useful and valued, and to
find a perfect clarityfundamentally about them. Pisces longs for the ability to move fluidly between the normal
ego consciousness and the Other World. Both signs encompass an ever striving need for expansion; it is
the difference in focus that separates them. The search, on both sides of the equation, can shift towards the
nexus bringing a more inclusive energy into being. Each energy pattern will benefit from a reflection of itself in
the other.
The Dark Side
Each sign holds shadow energy. While we need to acknowledge that energy and sometimes accept it into our
lives as part of a "learning time", we also need to beware. Along with the opportunity to integrate new,
positive, energies into our lives, there is also the possibility of less favorable influences.
Virgo energy can set standards so high that there is no possibility of reaching them. Self sabotage and guilt can
become roadblocks. In this opposition, it could keep us from recognizing opportunities that could fill our soul
needs and let us be of "service" to others, gaining self respect for ourselves. Self worth is indeed on the table.
Pisces energy can tempt us to meld into other realities with the "aid" of alcohol and drugs rather than a more
"natural" altered vision. We could give ourselves up to a poignant sense of loss rather than realizing which
battles we can win and which to let go.

Influences by Signs - team captains, players and fans.

While each of us will feel the energies of this conjunction dependant on our personal charts, the general
influence will likely include one of the themesperhaps even both below.
Virgo (with lesser influence for Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Cancer, Taurus and Libra) - It is time to break away
from your small world view. There is more here than you have dreamed of and now is the time to grasp hold if
you dare. A leap of faith is definitely in order. Can you believe in yourself enough to take a chance and grab
hold of opportunities offered?
Pisces (with lesser influence for Aries and Aquarius) - a strong need to continue with changes in progress could
feel unreachable. Who you really are and what your soul needs to feel complete are in question. Skills may
need to be acquired or enhanced in order for you to continue on your evolutionary path.
Scorpio and Capricorn will likely be "on the bench" with Scorpio routing for the Pisces team and Capricorn for
the Virgo team.

A Close Call From Planet Mars
July to October 2003
Richard Giles, astrologer and feng shui consultant, discusses the impending phenomenon of Mars
retrograde. Mars, the ancient god of war, is at its closest point to the earth in recorded human history.
Over four months from July, we'll witness an astronomical treat that we residents of Planet Earth have
never previously experienced. Mars, fourth rock from the Sun, approaches the orbit of Earth every two
years and, according to astronomers, on 27th August will be at its closest to Earth in probably 73,000
On the 28th August, Mars will be at its 'opposition' to us which is the moment when the Sun, Earth and
Mars are all in alignment. Mars stays in very close right through until October.
In the regular scheme of things, planets move around the Sun at different speeds. Those closer to the
Sun move faster, and as a planet overtakes the next outer planet, we on Earth, for example, have the
impression that we're accelerating and thus the other planet appears to be moving backwards. This is
what astrologers call a 'retrograde' period. Mars will be in its retrograde phase from 29th July until 27t h
Because all planets actually move in an elliptical (not circular) orbit, there are times when they are closer
to the Sun (called a perihelion) and others when they are farthest away (aphelion). During 2003, both
Mars and Saturn will reach perihelion points where they are both closest to the Sun. The last time the
two were in perihelion in the same year was in 1915, in the midst of World War I. Mars reaches the
perihelion point on 30 August at 6 degrees Pisces, and Saturn is at perihelion on 26 July at 4 degrees
Cancer. We will see Mars in the sky brighter than any other object bar the Sun, Moon and Venus during
August and September. Martian energy will then impact very strongly on our Earth. Mars will also be
joining up closely with Uranus (which recently moved into Pisces) both in June and September/October
Retrograde planets seem to portend a period of what are like fated events relating to their ruling sign's
influence. They present us with events over which we seem to have little or no control. Mars retrograde
in Pisces is about boundaries, feelings, inspired goals and action and is also about lost directions.

What is Mars all about in traditional astrology? Mars rules our base chakra, our sexual focus and
functions. It also governs our capacity to use creative energy to initiate action. When it works well, it's
assertively applied with strength and confidence. Mars is about leadership, self-reliance, courage,
passion and will. Negatively, Mars signifies power in conflict and represents force used destructively on
the planet (after all, it's dubbed 'the planet of war'). In this mode, it's about survival issues and the fear of
not having enough. It can bring on a need to control and exploit others or one's environment for personal
gain. It can also induce an inability to trust oneself and the environment and a tendency to miss
experiencing that connection between the two.
Mars is the ancient planet of male fertility, and in this sense is the primeval ruler of agriculture and the
soil's fertility. For this reason, Mars protects Earth and has thus gained importance in the conservation
movement. It is represented in the energy of organisations such as Greenpeace (Mars is prominent in its
birth chart) and the US-based Earth First, both of which use direct action to achieve their conservation
ends. Mars can thus be considered as the Sacred Warrior, using passion and energy to defend and save
sacred Mother Earth.
A retrograde Mars gives rise to irrational thoughts and actions, self-assessment and even depression,
sexual and relationship conflicts, major rethinks and the reorientation of current projects. Thought
patterns are more introspective, and, with Mars in Pisces, people with Sun/Pisces or Pisces rising will be
especially prone to such introspection. There is little choice but to reconsider all your personal views on
life, for this Mars position presents an opportunity for you to gain insight into your subconscious
Male energy, ruled by Mars, will have no clear direction unless it's put into action to defend or attack.
Alternatively, it will be struck by a paralysis of vital energy feeling drained and useless. Pisces tends to
make it hard to find boundaries, so Mars energies may just drain away. Other effects may include
passionate actions to defend the Earth through a new wave of groups that decide the planet's ecosphere
must now be defended at any cost, lest we have the alternative of complete ecosystem breakdown. The
choices will be stark to these groups.

A Close Call From Planet Mars
July to October 2003 [part 2]
Richard Giles, astrologer and feng shui consultant, concludes his discussion of the Mars retrograde
phenomenon. This part of the article examines present and previous effects in the light of the Sabian
Symbols, the current eclipse cycle and the tension associated with the accompanying aspects.
When was Mars last retrograde in Pisces? Searching through the last hundred years there were three
occasions - it went retrograde in Pisces from August to October 1956, in July/August 1924 and again in
Sept/October 1909. There was also another brief moment when Mars retrograded into Pisces in October
1988 at the 29th degree, but was there for less than a week. Those three periods may give us some
clues as to what to expect from current events of our time.
1956 was a tumultuous year - Egypt seized the Suez Canal after war between Israel and Jordan and
then an Israeli invasion of the Sinai Peninsula in October. Joint Anglo-French forces attacked Egypt and
bombed Egyptian airfields forcing the country on the defensive. The Egyptians withdraw and the UN
cleared the Suez Canal. Other world events at the time included the Soviet invasion of Hungary and the
first attack on Cuba by a little known revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro. He landed a small rebel force
with the intention of overthrowing the dictator, Batista. Three years later he was the Cuban President.
Interesting highlights include the music of the year. Elvis Presley's new career was rising with his three
huge hits of '56 - Blue Suede Shoes, Hound Dog and Don't Be Cruel. His brand of music exhibited his
male sexuality (Mars) displaying it in a writhing and sensuous, hip-swinging show of Piscean attraction.
By then Rock'n'roll was the dance craze of the year with the music sweeping America, Europe and

Top films of the period included The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman, War and Peace, The Ten
Commandments, The King and I and Lust for Life. All have a Piscean theme in them somewhere with a
searching for higher spiritual values, creative meaning, and with strong male (Mars) figures or the issues
of war and the use of force.
In 1924 some very Piscean events signalled Mars in Pisces. Insecticides were used for the very first time
in agriculture and the home. The first Winter Olympics was held in Chamnix in Austria. A government
Rocket Office was formed in Russia to look at rocket propulsion; in the US, J.Edgar Hoover was
appointed head of the Bureau of Investigation (later the FBI); and the USA suffers its greatest fire loss in
the coal industry with 548 million dollars damage.
Two key events of 1909 include the establishment of the first Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the
commercial launch of the very first plastic product - Bakelite. Both are about oil and oil derivatives
(Pisces) and their use and exploitation through heat, moulding or drilling - all Martian endeavours.
A check of the Sabian Symbol for the point where Mars turns retrograde, 10 degrees Pisces, is helpful "Men Travelling A Narrow Path Seeking Illumination" (see Lynda Hill's, The Sabian Symbols As An
Oracle, White Horse Press, 2002). It has a meaning of people on a mission, seeking to find a deeper
knowledge or truth. They undertake a journey of discovery regardless of the outcome in terms of
society's expectations. It's the classic search for illumination with its high ideals and new
understandings. The journey is a very personal one for each who takes part. There may even be a need
to leave others behind when you undertake this path. The meaning here is clear - a journey of going
towards the "Light", so the energies triggered by Mars retrograde are going to be demanding and testing
for all of us. Do we want to find some deeper purpose for it all, or will we be seduced once again by the
bright lights of materialism and the earthbound battles of small men and women? Mars challenges.
What is the likely scene during July to October? It seems we can look forward to a period of intense
Martian energy, with all aspects I have described here being likely. Wars and the energy of war will be in
the air. Many people will feel that their ideologies and actions are important enough that they want to
defend their lives, their families and territories. Those with axes to grind, and there are many these days,
will set about using axes.
Looking for key dates when we can expect to see these Martian/Piscean energies at their peak, we can't
miss out on the dramatic New Moon of 28th August with Moon in Virgo at 4 degrees. That day five
planets will line-up in Virgo - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. The whole five are opposite
Mars/Uranus together in Pisces. This could be a week of sudden explosions of change with the
beginning of a new monthly cycle in Virgo - sign of health, diet, food standards, chemistry, purity, work
standards and medicine. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, goes stationary the same day turning retrograde for
the next three weeks creating confusion.
May Solar Eclipse
Another focus of interest is the Solar Eclipse of 31st May at 9 degrees Gemini. Mars stations at 10
degrees Pisces squaring that eclipse point three times - on 18th July, 9th August and 6th November. The
eclipse brought unrest to Zimbabwe, Myanmar (Burma) and the latest G8 Summit in Europe with its
attendant riots, exposure of shonky evidence regarding Iraq's WMDs, the US threatening North Korea
again, the beginning of the Bali bombers' trial and the arrest of a man the FBI believes is behind the
Olympics bombing in Atlanta in 1996. Watch those issues.
The Mars astrochart of 29th July has the retrograde happening just one hour after the July New Moon in
Leo with Sun, Moon and Venus, all in opposition to Neptune in Aquarius promising confusion, deceit,
fantasy or illumination plus issues with Leonine power and the need for kingly recognition. On the day,
six planets are in Fire signs with Mars and Uranus in Water and just one in Earth and one Air sign. This
is an explosive recipe when Fire meets Water creating plenty of scalding hot steam.

As Mars and Uranus conjoin together in late June (the 24th) and again in late September (25th), the
potential for angry spill-outs and sudden, explosive social or political upheavals and dramatic terrorist
events increases. Uranus rules computers and technology so there could be an attack on or serious
breakdowns in computer systems at this time. These two Mars/Uranus periods will be likely times of
increased anger, accidents, sudden breakdowns, resolution of tough issues and high stress levels. In the
northern hemisphere, this will be the peak of summer, the fire season and the hurricane/typhoon season.
I expect to see high tension around the world from June through to October as a result of this very
unique Mars retrograde cycle.
People and Countries
What shows up on the retrograde point in national or personal charts? Australia and the USA both have
a trigger with Mars squaring our Venus and opposing Mars in the Australian chart. In the USA chart,
Mars squares Uranus in Gemini - both look as if the possibility of attack or conflict is there. In Israel and
Palestine's chart Mercury in Gemini is squared, a sign of unrest and disturbances. Simon Crean,
Australian opposition leader, has Mars in Pisces at the stationary point. He may yet save his leadership.
John Howard, Australia's Prime Minister is unaffected directly by Mars as is Tony Blair from the UK.
George W. Bush on the other hand has Mars at 9 degrees Virgo directly opposed by the stationary Mars
in late July. Mr Bush may well be on yet another warpath at that time.
The Lessons
Do we want to continue with the age-old technique of solving the problems of delinquent, out-of-control
male energies, i.e., war and violence, with the same old methods? Is it more war and violence, or are we
prepared to find new ways of dealing with this 'male' fueled, testosterone charged and seriously flawed
'mediation' technique of whopping everybody whom we don't like and don't agree with? Is it time to look
deeply at the war (Mars) imperative and find another less harmful way that brings win-win for everyone?
Mars is coming up-close and personal whispering in our collective ears, asking us to drop the AK47s, the
Cluster bombs, the WMDs and the bravado and suggesting we try another way. This four month period
may help us all decide.

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