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[Grammer] - Nhng cu trc cu cn ch !

To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing (Thch ci g/lm g hn ci g/ lm g)

V d:
I prefer dog to cat.
Ti thch ch hn mo.
I prefer reading books to watching TV.
Ti thch c sch hn xem ti vi.
Would rather + V (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive) (thch lm g hn lm g)
V d:
She would rather play games than read books.
C thch chi tr chi hn l c sch.
I'd rather learn English than learn Biology.
Ti mun hc ting Anh hn l hc Sinh hc.
To be/get Used to + V-ing (quen lm g)
V d:
I am used to eating with chopsticks.
Ti quen n bng a ri.
Used to + V (infinitive) (Thng lm g trong qu kh v by gi khng lm na)
V d:
I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young.
Lc nh ti thng i cu c vi bn b.
She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day.
C y tng ht 10 iu thuc trong mt ngy.
+ V-ing : Nh (qun) chuyn lm.
I remember meeting you somewhere last year. (Ti nh gp bn u hi nm ngai )
+ To inf : Nh (qun ) lm chuyn g .
Don't forget to buy me a book : ng qun mua cho ti quyn sch nh (cha mua )
+ V-ing : Hi hn chuyn lm.
I regret lending him the book : Ti hi hn cho anh ta mn quyn sch.
+ To inf : Ly lm tic ......
I regret to tell you that ...( Ti ly lm tic ni vi bn rng ...)- cha ni - by gi mi ni.
3. TRY
+ V-ing : Ngha l th
I try eating the cake he makes ( ti th n ci bnh anh ta lm )
+ To inf : c gng ...
I try to avoid meeting him (ti c gng trnh gp anh ta )
Need nu l ng t c bit th i vi BARE INF
I needn't buy it ( need m c th thm not vo l ng t c bit )
Need l ng t thng th p dng cng thc sau :

Nu ch t l ngi th dng to inf

I need to buy it (ngha ch ng )
Nu ch t l vt th i vi V-ing hoc to be P.P
The house needs repairing (cn nh cn c sa cha )
The house needs to be repaired
Mean + to inf : D nh
I mean to go out (Ti d nh i chi )
Mean + V-ing :Mang ngha
Failure on the exam means having to learn one more year.( Thi rt ngha l phi hc thm mt nm
S + suggest + S + (should) do: Gi ai nn lm g (mnh khng tham gia cng)
Lan has toothache. (Lan b au rng) => Ba suggested Lan should go to dentist (Ba gi Lan n
nha s)
S + suggest + Ving: Gi ai cng lm g (mnh cng tham gia)
I suggested playing soccer
(Ti gi chi bng v ti cng tham gia chi)
Lan suggested going shopping
(Lan gi i mua sm v Lan cng i mua sm)
7. GO ON
Go on + V-ing : Ch s lin tc ca hnh ng.
My father went on working until he he was nearly 70.
Go on + to inf : Tip tc lm iu g sau khi hon tt 1 cng vic.
Go on to paint the windows when you have repaired the door.

- effect (noun) a change caused by sth

Some people believe that television has a positive effect on our lives.
Note: effect is a noun and affect is a verb.
- impact (noun) the effect that sth has, especially a big and permanent effect that
happens as a result of sth important
Population growth will have a profound impact on world demand for food.
- influence (noun) the effect that sth has on peoples opinions or behaviour, or on
how sth develops
In his book, McCluhan examines the influence of the media on our society.
- repercussions (noun, plural) the bad effects that happen later as a result of an
event, which continue for a long time afterwards
The scandal could have serious repercussions for her political career.
- implications (noun, plural) the possible effects that sth is likely to have in the
Some people believe that the increase in air travel will have serious implications for
the climate.
TT C V CU CM THN (exclamator sentence)
Bi vit c ng gp bi bn Minh. Thn mi bn bm Share lu v Wall tham kho khi cn
dng nha ^.^
Cu cm thn l cu din t mt cm gic, hay mt s xc ng.
Cu cm thn thng c to t cc t nh "What", "How", "So", v "Such" hoc hnh thc cu
hi ph nh hoc nhng cm t ngn nh "Wonderfull", "My god"... v thng c kt thc vi

du cm "!".
* Cu trc cu cm thn vi "How":
- How + Adjective (tnh t)
Example: How wonderful! ( Tht l tuyt vi!)
- How + Adjective + S + V
Example: How cold it is! ( Tri lnh lm sao!)
- How + Adverb + S + V
Example: How well she sings! ( C y ht tt tht!)
* Cu trc cu cm thn vi "What":
- What + a/an + singular countable noun (danh t m c s t)
Example: What a match! ( ng l mt trn u!)
- What + a/an + singular countable noun (danh t m c s t) + S + V
Example: What a party we had! (chng ti c bui lin hoan vui !)
- What + a/an + Adj + singular countable noun + S + V
Example: What a amazing player Tom is! (Tom l mt cu th tuyt vi!)
- What + Uncountable/plural noun (danh t khng m c/ danh t m c s nhiu)
Example: What beautiful weather! (thi tit p qu!)
- What + Uncountable/plural noun + S + V
Example: What coffee you're made! (Bn lm c ph ngon y !)
- What + Adj + Uncountable/plural noun
Example: What big animals! (Loi vt ny ln qu!)
- What + Adj + Uncountable/plural noun + S + V
Example: What beatiful flower he sent! (Anh y gi b hoa tht p!)
*Mi bn download B T Vng Bng Hnh nh, ch cn r chut vo hnh hc t
* Cu trc cu cm thn vi "So":
"So" c dng trc ch ring tnh t, khng c danh t i sau.
- So + Adj (tnh t)
Example: You mother's so kind ! (M bn tt bng qu !)
* Cu trc cu cm thn vi "Such":
- Such (+ adjective) + Uncountable/plural noun (danh t khng m c/ danh t m c s
- Such + a/ an (+ adjective) + singular countable noun (danh t m c s t)
Example: She owns such a castle ! (c y s hu lu i p y !)
S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something(qu.... cho ai lm g...)
S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (qu... n ni m...)
It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V(qu... n ni m...)
S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something. (... cho ai lm g...)
Have/ get + something + done (VpII)(nh ai hoc thu ai lm g...)
It + be + time + S + V (-ed, ct 2) / Its +time +for someone +to do something( n lc ai
phi lm g...)
It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something(lm g... mt bao nhiu
To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngn cn ai/ci g... khng lm g..)
S + find+ it+ adj to do something(thy ... lm g...)
To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing.(Thch ci g/lm g hn ci g/ lm g)
Would rather + V (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thch lm g hn lm g)
To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen lm g)
Used to + V (infinitive)(Thng lm g trong qk v by gi khng lm na)

to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngc nhin v....)

to be angry at + N/V-ing(tc gin v)
to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing(gii v.../ km v...)
by chance = by accident (adv)(tnh c)

to be/get tired of + N/V-ing(mt mi v...)

cant stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(khng nhn c lm g...)
to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing(thch lm g ...)
to be interested in + N/V-ing(quan tm n...)
to waste + time/ money + V-ing(tn tin hoc tg lm g)
To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing(dnh bao nhiu thi gian lm g)
To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something(dnh thi gian vo vic g...)
to give up + V-ing/ N(t b lm g/ ci g...)
would like/ want/wish + to do something(thch lm g...)
have + (something) to + Verb(c ci g lm)
It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chnh...m...)
Had better + V(infinitive)(nn lm g....)
hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/
risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing,
Its + adj + to + V-infinitive(qu g .. lm g)
Take place = happen = occur(xy ra)
to be excited about(thch th)
to be bored with/ fed up with(chn ci g/lm g)
There is + N-s t, there are + N-s nhiu(c ci g...)
feel like + V-ing(cm thy thch lm g...)
expect someone to do something(mong i ai lm g...)
advise someone to do something(khuyn ai lm g...)
go + V-ing(ch cc tr tiu khin..)(go camping...)
leave someone alone( ai yn...)
By + V-ing(bng cch lm...)
want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ prepare/ happen/
hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + Vinfinitive
for a long time = for years = for ages( nhiu nm ri)(dng trong th hin ti hon thnh)
when + S + V(Qk), S + was/were + V-ing.
When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii
Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii
After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd)
to be crowded with(rt ng ci g ...)
to be full of(y ci g ...)
To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(y l cc ng t tri gic
c ngha l: c v nh/ l/ dng nh/ tr nn... sau chng nu c adj v adv th chng ta phi
chn adj)

Picture of scooter/ car


Chng ta xem qua v d trc nh!
- I put on my clothes before going out.
- The girl who wears a purple robe is my sister.
Hai ng t trn u c ngha l mc, nhng put on ch mt hnh ng;
cn to wear ch mt tnh trng.
Vy, mun dch cu: Ti ra mt ri mc qun o.
ng vit: I wash my face and wear my clothes.
--> Hy vit l: I wash my face and put on my clothes.
* phn bit to dress vi to put on. C hai ng t ny u ch mt
hnh ng, nhng:
to dress (someone) = mc qun o cho ai
cn to put on (something) = mc, i, mang (qun o, nn, giy, dp)

- The mother dressed her baby.

- She dressed herself and went out.

Describing things. Thay v dng nhng t ng qu i quen thuc, mt cht thay

i mi s tt hn nhiu y :)
- few and far between
If your visits to the cinema are very few and far between, this means you don't go
there very often - your visits are very infrequent.
- fishy
If something is a bit fishy, then there is something not quite right about it (You
suspect that something is wrong).
- hair-raising
If something is hair-raising, it is very frightening.
- whole-hearted
If you give someone your whole-hearted support, this means you support them
- frosty
A frosty welcome is a very unfriendly one.
- long-winded
If a speech is long-winded, it is usually boring and goes on for too long.
- second-hand
If you buy something second-hand (e.g. a car), this means that it is not new
(Someone has owned it before).
- dog-eared
If a book is dog-eared, the corners of the pages have been folded down, usually
because it has been read a lot. (Trang sch b gp gc)
- eye-catching

An eye-catching design is one that grabs your attention because it is attractive,

unusual, etc.
Examples :
1/ His lecture was very long-winded and at least half of the students walked out
before the end.
2/ The Prime Minister got a very frost welcome when he visited a hospital.
3/ You can tell lots of people have read this Harry Potter book. It's reallly dog-eared.
4/ Since my parents moved to Wales, my visits to them have been very few and far
5/ There's something very fishy about this free offer. It's just too good to be true!
Nhng idioms v expressions thng dng:
- as easy as pie: very easy
- be a piece of cake: be very easy
- be all ears: be eager to hear what someone has to say
- beat (adj) = bushed :exhausted, very tired
- before long: soon
- get in someones hair: bother someone
- Break a leg! : Good luck
- break someones heart: make someone feel very disappointed/discouraged/sad
- buck(s): dollar(s)
- bug (v): annoy, bother
- bull-headed (adj) stubborn, inflexible
- to be something that one prefers or desires. (s thch, nim yu thch)
This spy novel is just my cup of tea.
Teaching children to read is just my cup of tea.
- not one's choice or preference.
(Used to describe an activity you do not enjoy. Can sound somewhat affected.)
You three visit the museum without me. Looking at fussy old paintings is not my cup
of tea.
Going to church, Mary said, was not her cup of tea.
Nhng t thuc ch MARRIAGE ca hm nay:
- arranged marriage: a marriage in which the parents choose the husband or wife
for their child. (Hn nhn c sp t)

- bride (n) /braid/ the woman who is getting married (c du)

- bridegroom/groom (n) the man who is getting married (Ch r)
- the best man: a friend of the groom, who helps him and gives a speech (ph r)
- bridesmaid: a woman or girl who helps the bride (ph du)
- honeymoon (n): the holiday that people go on after they get married
- hen night (hen party) (BrE) bridal shower (AmE): a party before the wedding for
the bride
- stag night (BrE) bachelor party (AmE): a party before the wedding for the groom
- propose (v) /pr'pz/ to ask someone to marry you (cu hn)
- get engaged: to formally agree to marry each other (nh hn)
- cohabit (v) live together and have a sexual relationship without being married
(sng th)
--> cohabitation (n)
- marital status: tnh trng hn nhn
- spouse (n) /spaz/ a person's partner in marriage (v hoc chng)
- wedding feast: tic ci
[take decisive action in a difficult situation]
* Cm ny c ngha l "CAN M I U KH KHN, QUYT TM HNH NG
* V d:
Julie had always felt that she was missing out on a lot of fun because of her
clumsiness on the dance floor. She had been putting taking lessons, but finally
TOOK THE BULL BY THE HORNS and went to a professional dance studio for help.
She was tired of feeling left out and ACTED DECISIVELY TO CORRECT THE
[Julie c mi bn khon l c b l nhiu cuc vui bi v s vung v ca mnh trn
sn nhy. By ly nay , c c tr hon i hc (nhy), nhng cui cng c quyt tm
hnh ng v n mt trng dy khiu v chuyn nghip nh gip . C
khng cn mun mang mc cm b b ri ngoi l v quyt tm hnh ng thay
i hin trng]
* H h! c xong on v d c lun vi phrasal verb hay hay n:
- MISS OUT ON: to fail to use the chance to do something enjoyable or useful
- PUT OFF: postpone
10 IDIOMS ^^
1.Have a crush on sb = m say mt ci g trong mt thi gian ngn / m m ai mt
cch mnh lit v ngn ngi.

2.Be a far cry from = cn xa lm so vi / hon ton khc vi / chng dnh dng g
3.Chew the cud = nghin ngm, suy xt, n o.
4.Be cut out for = thch hp vi.
5.Be completely in the dark = hon ton m tt v,chng bit t g v
6.A blind date = cuc hn gia hai ngi cha h quen bit.
7.Have seen better days = c nhng khong thi gian tt p.
8.Be out of ones depth = nm ngoi tm hiu bit ca ai/hon ton m tt v lnh
vc g
9.Give s.o a dose of his medicine = ly gy ng p lng ng.
10.A drop in the bucket = nh mui b bin, nh git nc trong i dng.
1.Khi no dng du phy ?
Khi danh t ng trc who ,which,whom... l :
+ Danh t ring ,tn
Ha Noi , which ....
Mary ,who is ...
+ C this ,that ,these ,those ng trc danh t :
This book ,which ....
+ C s hu ng trc danh t :
My mother ,who is ....
+ L vt duy nht ai cng bit : ( Sun ( mt tri ) ,moon ( mt trng )
The Sun ,which ...
2. t du phy u ?
- Nu mnh quan h gia th dng 2 du phy t u v cui mnh
My mother , who is a cook , cooks very well
- Nu mnh quan h cui th dng mt du phy t u mnh ,cui
mnh dng du chm .
This is my mother , who is a cook .
3.Khi no c th lc b i t quan h WHO ,WHICH ,WHOM...
- Khi n lm tc t v pha trc n khng c du phy ,khng c gii t ( whose
khng c b )[/COLOR]
This is the book which I buy.
Ta thy which l tc t ( ch t l I ,ng t l buy ) ,pha trc khng c phy hay
gii t g c nn c th b which i :
-> This is the book I buy.
This is my book , which I bought 2 years ago.
Trc ch which c du phy nn khng th b c .
This is the house in which I live .
Trc which c gii t in nn cng khng b which c .
This is the man who lives near my house.
Who l ch t ( ca ng t lives ) nn khng th b n c .

4. Khi no KHNG C dng THAT :

- Khi pha trc n c du phy hoc gii t :
This is my book , that I bought 2 years ago. (sai) v pha trc c du phy -. phi
dng which
This is the house in that I live .(sai) v pha trc c gii t in - phi dng which
5. Khi no bt buc dng THAT
- Khi danh t m n thay th gm 2 danh t tr ln trong va c ngi va c vt
The man and his dog that ....
That thay th cho : ngi v ch
My Idioms cht cc ^.^ ^.^
Blood is thicker than water
Mt git mu o hn ao nc l
Make hay while the sun shines
Vic hm nay ch ngy mai
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Gy ng p lng ng / n ming tr ming
A clean hand wants no washing
Cy ngay khng s cht ng
Neck or nothing
Khng vo hang cp sao bt c cp con
Laughter is the best medicine
Mt n ci bng mi thang thuc b
We reap as we sow
Bng lm, d chu/Gieo gi gp bo
Speech is silver, but silence is golden
Li ni l bc, im lng l vng
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love
en tnh, bc
Stronger by rice, daring by money
Mnh v go, bo v tin
Fire proves gold, adversity proves men
La th vng, gian nan th sc
Empty vessels make most sound
Thng rng ku to
Words are but Wind
Li ni gi bay
A flow will have an ebb
Sng c khc, ngi c lc

It is the first step that counts

Vn s khi u nan
Chng ta s dng when + th hin ti ni kt cc s kin m chc chn hoc rt
c th xy ra trong tng lai.
When I get back, Ill tell you all about my trip.
Ill cook dinner when I get home.
Chng ta s dng when + th qu kh ni kt cc s kin m xy ra trong qu
When I saw the pollution in the city, I was very disappointed.
I screamed when the man grabbed my arm.
Chng ta s dng just as ni v 2 hnh ng hoc s kin ngn m xy ra
gn chnh xc cng thi im.
The bus pulled away from the bus stop just as I arrived!
It started to rain just as we left.
Chng ta s dng while din t 2 hnh ng hoc s kin di m ang xy ra
vo thi im cng vi nhau mt cch chnh xc.
While I was talking on the phone, they were calling for all passengers to board the
bus to the beach.
There were lots of people trying to sell me things while I was waiting for the bus.
Chng ta s dng until hoc till m s lng thi gian n 1 s kin tng lai
thng thng 1 s kin m quan trng hoc chng ta hi hp v n.
Its only 2 months until my summer vacation.
There are only 3 weeks till the wedding. I need to buy a present.
Its only 5 minutes until the game starts. Youd better hurry up if you want to see it!
Chng ta s dng until v till din t 1 khong thi gian t ct mc ny n ct
mc khc.
I had to wait from 9:00 in the morning till 3:00 in the afternoon for the next bus.
We have class from 8:00 until 10:00.
Ghi ch rng till l cch ngn n ni until. Bn c th s dng chng thay i vi
nhau, mc d until th trang trng hn 1 cht.
Chng ta s dng as soon as din t 1 hnh ng m c thc hin ngay tc
th sau 1 hnh ng khc trong qu kh.
I called Mom as soon as I arrived to let her know that I was ok. (Ti n ni. Ti
gi in cho M ngay lp tc).
Chng ta cng s dng as soon as din t 1 hnh ng m s c thc hin
ngay tc th sau 1 hnh ng khc trong tng lai.
Ill call you as soon as I get home. (Ti s v nh. Ti s gi bn ngay lp tc.)
Vit tt trong ting nhn ting Anh
G9: good night chc ng ngon
CU29: see you to night ti nay gp
10Q: cm n
plz : please xin lm n
IC : I see - ti hiu , ti bit
4u : for u cho bn
asl : Tui , gii tnh , ni ?
lol : Ci
hehe: Ci
u : you
afk away from keyboard c vic bn ngoi , ko rnh ri
bbl be back later tr li sau
bbiab be back in a bit xin ch xu
kkz = okay
ttyl = talk to you later ni chuyn sau
lv a mess = leave a message li tin nh
lata = later [ bye]

n2m = not too much [when asked wassup] khng c g

newayz = anyways sao cng c
gtg = gotta go phi i
noe = know bit
noperz / nah = no khng
yupperz = yes - c
lolz = laugh out loud ci ln
teehee = ci [giggle] ci
lmfao = laughing my f*ckin *ss off ci u
nuthin = nothing khng c g
BS = b*ll sh*t ni lo , xo
LD = later, dude gp sau nh
OIC = oh I see
PPL = people
sup = whats up chuyn g th , sao ri?
wan2tlk = want to talk? mun ni chuyn
wkd = weekend cui tun
dts = dont think so khng ngh th , khng ngh vy
cul8r = see you later gp sau = cu
aas = alive and smiling
gf = girlfriend
ga = go ahead c tip tc i
ilu = i love you
rme = rolling my eyes ngc nhin
ss = so sorry rt tic , rt xin li
spk = speak
stw = search the web
thx = thanks
tc = take care bo trng
hru = how are you bn c khoe ko?
ybs = youll be sorry bn s tic
wuf? = where are you from? t u n
bc = because bi v
otb = off to bed i ng
np = no problem khng sao , ko c chuyn g
nbd = no big deal khng g u . ko sao
tam = tomorrow A.M sng ngy mai
b4 = before trc
wtg = way to go ng i
brb be right back
btw by the way tin th , nhn tin
cya see ya = cu = cu later = cul8t
gmta great minds think alike
imho in my humble opinion
j/k just kidding ni chi thi
irl in real life cuc sng thc , trong i thc
nick internet nickname
wb welcome back cho mng tr li
wtf? : what the f**k? chuyn qui g na y
fu: **** you chi th
g2g: get to go bin i
wth= what the heck k qu
cuz = cause nguyn nhn
dun = dont - khng
omg= oh my god cha i , tri i
omfg= oh my f**ing god = OMFG : cha i , tri i (mc x hi en hn)
dt = double team !
WTF : Wat the f**k = wtf? : what the f**k? chuyn qui g na y
STFU: Shut The F**Up im i , trt t i
msg message tin nhn

nvm - never mind khng sao

asap = as soon as possible cng sm cng tt
gg = good game chi hay lm
lmao = laugh my ass off
asl: age, = address , *** , location ( t ny l h hay dng nht y .. lc mi chat
vi bn h s hi bn v a ch , gii tnh , ni ta sinh sng)
coz: cause nguyn nhn
hs:head shot
nsice shot
n = and
da = the
Nhng t vit tt, ting lng ny chnh thc c mt trong t in ting Anh
OMG (Oh My God - i Cha i)
IMHO (In My Honest Opinion - theo quan im ca ti)
LOL (Laughing Out Loud - ci to)
tbh (To be honest: Ni chn thnh)...
Th hc t vng ting Anh
Hello c ngha xin cho
Goodbye tm bit, th tho Wishper
Lie nm, Sleep ng, Dream m
Thy c gi p See girl beautiful
I want ti mun, kiss hn
Lip mi, Eyes mt ... sng ri ... oh yeah!
Long di, short ngn, tall cao
Here y, there , which no, where u
Sentence c ngha l cu
Lesson bi hc, rainbow cu vng
Husband l c ng chng
Daddy cha b, please don"t xin ng
Darling ting gi em cng
Merry vui thch, ci sng l horn
Rch ri xi ch torn
To sing l ht, a song mt bi
Ni sai s tht to lie
Go i, come n, mt vi l some
ng stand, look ng, lie nm
Five nm, four bn, hold cm, play chi
One life l mt cuc i

Happy sung sng, laugh ci, cry ku

Lover tm dch ngi yu
Charming duyn dng, m miu graceful
SKY tri, EARTH t, CLOUD my
RAIN ma WIND gi, DAY ngy NIGHT m
HIGH cao HARD cng SOFT mm
REDUCE gim bt, ADD thm, HI cho
LONG di, SHORT ngn, TALL cao
SENTENCE c ngha l cu
LESSON bi hc RAINBOW cu vng
DADY l b PLEASE DON'T xin ng
DARLING ting gi em cng
MERRY vui thch ci sng l HORN
TEAR l x, rch l TORN
TO SING l ht A SONG mt bi
TRUE l tht, lo: LIE
GO i, COME n, mt vi l SOME
ng STAND, LOOK ng, LIE nm
FIVE nm, FOUR bn, HOLD cm, PLAY chi
A LIFE l mt cuc i
HAPPY sung sng, LAUGH ci, CRY ku
GLAD mng, HATE ght, LOVE yu
CHARMING duyn dng, dim kiu GRACEFUL
SUN SHINE tri nng, trng MOON
WORLD l th gii, sm SOON, LAKE h
Dao KNIFE, SPOON mung, cuc HOE
CLEAR trong, DARK ti, khng l GIANT
GAY vui, DIE cht, NEAR gn
SORRY xin li, DULL n, WISE khn
BURY c ngha l chn
Cht DIE, DEVIL qu, SOUL hn, GHOST ma
Xe hi du lch l CAR
SIR ngi, LORD c, tha b MADAM
WEEK l tun l, YEAR nm, HOUR gi
WAIT THERE ng i ch
ENTER l hy i vo
CORRECT l ng, FALL nho, WRONG sai
SHOULDER la` ci b vai
WRITER vn s, ci i RADIO
A BOWL l mt ci t
Ch TEAR nc mt, TOMB m, nhai CHEW
K th c c CRUEL FOE , ERR lm
HIDE l trn, SHELTER hm
SHOUT la la ht, ni thm WHISPER
WHAT TIME l hi my gi
CLEAR trong, CLEAN sch, m m l DIM
Gp ng ta dch SEE HIM
SWIM bi, WADE li, DROWN chm cht tri

VALLEY thung lng, cy si OAK TREE

Tin ng hc ph SCHOOL FEE
Cho ti dng ch GIVE ME chng lm
STEAL tm dch cm nhm
Ty chay BOYCOTT, gia cm POULTRY
CATTLE gia sc, ong BEE
LIP mi, TONGUE li, TEETH rng
EXAM thi c, ci bng LICENSE
BODY chnh l tm thn
YOUNG SPIRIT tinh thn tr trung
TO MISS c ngha nh nhung
Tng t LOVESICK, CRAZY khng, MAD in
CURVE cong, STRAIGHT thng, TILT nghing
SILVER l bc, MONEY tin, vng GOLD
STILL c ngha: vn cn
HEALTHY khe manh, nc non COUNTRY
YOUNG MAN l ng nam nhi
GIRL l con gi, BOY th con trai
TOMORROW tc ngy mai
OUR FUTURE dch tng lai chng mnh
FRIEND bng hu, LOVE tnh
BEAUTY nhan sc, pretty xinh, BOAT thuyn
ANCESTOR tc t tin ng b
GET ALONG tc thun ha vi nhau
PLEASURE vui sng, PAIN au
POOR ngho, FAIR kha', RICH giu Cry la
TRIUMPH SONG khi hon ca
HISTORY s, OLD gi , NEW tn
HUMANE la c lng nhn
DESIRE ao c, NEED cn, NO khng
PINE TREE l cy thng
BANANA chui, ROSE hng, LOTUS sen
LIP mi, MOUTH ming., TEETH rng
EYE la con mt, WAX ghn, EAR tai
HEAD u, HAIR tc, HAND tay
LEG chn, KNEE gi, hn THIGH, PUSSY ln
Cu l PENIS, ASS trn
ANKLE mt c, HAND tay SIT ngi
YOU anh, HE n I ti
THEY l chng n, WE thi chng ta
DOOR l ca chnh, OIL l du n
BROWN nu, WHITE trng, LUCK may
Gia vi la ch SPICE, SUGAR ng
STINK hi, PERFUME mi hng
EVER mi mi, OFTEN thng, ALWAYS lun
JOY vui, PLEASURE sng, SAD bun
BIBLE kinh thnh, BELL chung, CHURCH nh th
POEM l mt bi th
PRIEST linh muc, CHESS c, GAME chi
LIFE END la ht cuc i

OUT OF LUCK l ht thi c may

TRADE l trao i CHANGE thay
SOUR chua, SWEET ngt, HOT cay, TASTY bi
EAT n, TALK ni, LAUGH ci
ANIMAL vt, HUMAN ngi, PIG heo
WALK l i b, CLIMB leo
LEAD l i trc, FOLLOW theo, KNEEL qu
SOMETIME c ngha i khi
COPY la chp, NOTE ghi, GRIND mi
SAVE tit kim, SPEND xi
SHRIMB tm, FISH ca', CRAB cua
I BUY A LOT ti mua tht nhiu
GOOD AFTERNOON cho bui chiu
MORNING bui sng, ng yu LOVELY
YOUNG GIRL l gii n nhi
FALL IN LOVE ngha l si i tnh
TERRIFIED dch tht kinh hong hn
SHIP tu, KICK , BOAT ghe
FAR xa, TRUCK l xe ch hng
GLORY l huy hong
LUXURY GOODS hng sang t tin
WONDERFUL l diu huyn
HEALTH l sc khe, MONEY tin, SUPER siu
TO DARE l dm lm liu, DRUNK say
VERY HOT v rt cay
THUNDER STORM c gi ging ngoi tri
BRIGHT ta dch sng ngi
FLOWERS nhng a hoa
BLOOM l n, FAR xa, NEAR gn
TOO STUPID ngu n qu i
PUBERTY tui dy th
FIRST l th nht, SECOND nh THIRD ba
TRAIN la`tu ha xa
MOTOR l my, toa l WAGON
CHAIR ci gh, SULK gin hn
Phi cng PILOT, ti cng DRIVER
PREGNANT l c thai
BABY em b, sinh ngy BIRTHDAY
COMA l b hn m
SLEEP l ng, SWEAR th, HEART tim
SPY gin ip, BIRD chim, BAT mi
PORRIDGE l cho, thiu SPOILED, FRY xo
HUNGER l i cn co
THIRSTY kht nc, ung vo DRINK
EAT an, SPIT khc, BELIEVE tin
TRUST tn cn, Trung thnh FAITHFUL
UPSET ni gin, n tn CALM DOWN

SWIM bi, DIVE ln., SERVE hu, RUN dng

RED RIVER l sng Hng
CHINA Trung Quc, ADMISSION cho vo
A-dua la ch FOLLOW
Asia l x Chu, KOREA Hn
ng ta dch ORIENT
HEAR nghe, DEAF ic DUMB cm, BLIND m
PRISON l nh t
ENEMY bn qun th hi ta
A JUDGE l mt quan ta
CLEAN trong sch, n ta SENTENCE
AWARD phn thng, tuyn dng CITATION
LONELY MAN chng c n
Hi trc, Ad hay b nhm ANOTHER vi OTHER lm cc mem . Cn cc bn th
sao? Cng xem ni dung di y v ghi nh khng cn b nhm gia 2 t ny
na nh
1. Another (adj) + Noun (s t) : thm 1 ngi, 1 vt na/tng t/khc
EX : Would you like another cup of tea ?
( Bn c mun ung thm 1 tch tr ko ? )
2. Another ( i t )
=> Khi "another" l i t ng sau n s ko c danh t v vn c 3 ngha trn
EX : This book is boring. Give me another
( Quyn sch ny chn qu. a ti quyn khc i )
3. Another
=> c dng vi s din t v thi gian, khong cch, tin bc s t v s nhiu
vi ngha thm na
EX : I need another fifty dolars
( Ti mun thm $50 na )
1. Other (adj) + Noun (s nhiu) + ....
EX : Did you read other books ?
2. Others ( i t )
( c th lm Ch ng hoc Tn ng trong cu )
EX : These book are boring. Give me others
( My quyn sch ny chn qu. a ti my quyn khc i )
EX : Some people came by car, others came on foot
3. The other + Noun (s t)
( ci cn li duy nht trong nhng ci c ni n )
The other + Noun (s nhiu)
( ci cn li trong s ci c ni n )

EX : There are 2 books on the table. One book is mine and the other book is your
4. The other v the others ( i t )
=> Khi dng "the other" v "the others" lm i t th ng sau KHNG c danh t
5. Each other : vi nhau ( ch dng vi 2 ngi, 2 vt)
One another : vi nhau ( ch dng vi 3 ngi, 3 vt)
nhng cu trc ting anh thng dng y:
S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something(qu.... cho ai lm
e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember.
e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow.
S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (qu... n ni m...)
e.g.1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it.
e.g2: He speaks so soft that we cant hear anything.
It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V(qu... n ni m...)
e.g.1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it.
e.g.2: It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all.
S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something. (... cho ai
lm g...)
e.g.1: She is old enough to get married.
e.g.2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English.
Have/ get + something + done (VpII)(nh ai hoc thu ai lm g...)
e.g.1: I had my hair cut yesterday.
e.g.2: Id like to have my shoes repaired.
It + be + time + S + V (-ed, ct 2) / Its +time +for someone +to do something(
n lc ai phi lm g...)
e.g.1: It is time you had a shower.
e.g.2: Its time for me to ask all of you for this question.
It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something(lm g... mt bao
nhiu thigian...)
e.g.1: It takes me 5 minutes to get to school.
e.g.2: It took him 10 minutes to do this exercise yesterday.
To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngn cn ai/ci g... khng
lm g..)
e.g.1: I cant prevent him from smoking
e.g.2: I cant stop her from tearing
S + find+ it+ adj to do something(thy ... lm g...)
e.g.1: I find it very difficult to learn about English.
e.g.2: They found it easy to overcome that problem.
To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing.(Thch ci g/lm g hn ci g/ lm g)
e.g.1: I prefer dog to cat.
e.g.2: I prefer reading books to watching TV.
Would rather + V* (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thch lm g hn lm g)
e.g.1: She would rather play games than read books.
e.g.2: Id rather learn English than learn Biology.
To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen lm g)
e.g.1: I am used to eating with chopsticks.

Used to + V (infinitive)(Thng lm g trong qk v by gi khng lm na)

e.g.1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young.
e.g.2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day.
to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngc nhin v....)
to be angry at + N/V-ing(tc gin v)
to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing(gii v.../ km v...)
by chance = by accident (adv)(tnh c)
to be/get tired of + N/V-ing(mt mi v...)
cant stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(khng nhn c lm g...)
to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing(thch lm g ...)
to be interested in + N/V-ing(quan tm n...)
to waste + time/ money + V-ing(tn tin hoc tg lm g)
To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing(dnh bao nhiu thi gian lm g)
To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something(dnh thi gian vo vic
e.g.1: I spend 2 hours reading books a day.
e.g.2: She spent all of her money on clothes.
to give up + V-ing/ N(t b lm g/ ci g...)
would like/ want/wish + to do something(thch lm g...)
have + (something) to + Verb(c ci g lm)
It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chnh...m...)
Had better + V(infinitive)(nn lm g....)
hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/
deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing,
e.g.1: I always practise speaking English everyday.
Its + adj + to + V-infinitive(qu g .. lm g)
Take place = happen = occur(xy ra)
to be excited about(thch th)
to be bored with/ fed up with(chn ci g/lm g)
There is + N-s t, there are + N-s nhiu(c ci g...)
feel like + V-ing(cm thy thch lm g...)
expect someone to do something(mong i ai lm g...)
advise someone to do something(khuyn ai lm g...)
go + V-ing(ch cc tr tiu khin..)(go camping...)
leave someone alone( ai yn...)
By + V-ing(bng cch lm...)
want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ prepare/
happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/
refuse + TO + V-infinitive
e.g.1: I decide to study English.
for a long time = for years = for ages( nhiu nm ri)(dng trong th hin ti
hon thnh)
when + S + V(Qk), S + was/were + V-ing.
When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii
Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii
After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd)
to be crowded with(rt ng ci g ...)
to be full of(y ci g ...)
To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(y l cc
ng t tri gic c ngha l: c v nh/ l/ dng nh/ tr nn... sau chng nu c
adj v adv th chng ta phi chn adj)
except for/ apart from(ngoi, tr...)

as soon as(ngay sau khi)

to be afraid of(s ci g..)
could hardly(hu nh khng)( ch : hard khc hardly)
Have difficulty + V-ing(gp kh khn lm g...)
Ch phn bit 2 loi tnh t V-ed v V-ing: dng -ed miu t v ngi, -ing cho
vt. v khi mun ni v bn cht ca c ngi v vt ta dng ing
e.g.1: That film is boring.
e.g.2: He is bored.
e.g.3: He is an interesting man.
e.g.4: That book is an interesting one. (khi khng nn nhm vi ed, chng hn
ta ni : a loved man c ngha ngi n ng c mn m, tc l c ngha B v
c )
in which = where; on/at which = when
Put + up + with + V-ing(chu ng...)
Make use of + N/ V-ing(tn dng ci g ...)
Get + adj/ Pii
Make progress(tin b...)
take over + N(m nhim ci g...)
Bring about(mang li)
Ch : so + adj cn such + N
At the end of v In the end(cui ci g v kt cc)
To find out(tm ra),To succeed in(thnh cng trong...)
Go for a walk(i do)/ go on holiday/picnic(i ngh)
One of + so snh hn nht + N(mt trong nhng...)
It is the first/ second.../best + Time + th hin ti hon thnh
Live in(sng )/ Live at + a ch c th/ Live on (sng nh vo...)
To be fined for(b pht v)
from behind(t pha sau...)
so that + mnh (....)
In case + mnh (trong trng hp...)
can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to... (modal Verbs) +
ng i vi ----> Don't go yet
Xin nhng i trc. Ti xin i sau ----> Please go first. After you
Cm n nhng ng ----> Thanks for letting me go first
Tht l nh nhm ----> What a relief
What the hell are you doing? ----> Anh ang lm ci qui g th kia?
Bn ng l cu tinh.Ti bit mnh c th trng cy vo bn m ----> You're a life
saver. I know I can count on you.
ng c gi v kh kho! ----> Get your head out of your ass!

c k v hiu ton cu hi NG CH NHN KEY WORDS v chc chn key words

s xut hin y ry tung ha m bn thi!
Rt cn thn vi Adverbs of Frequency trng t tn sut, Adverbs of Possibility
(probably, likely), Quantifiers (some, many) v Modal Verbs (can, should,
must) v chng c th thay i hon ton ngha cu hi so vi bi c
V d: Bi c: she should hand in the assignment in time. If not, she will have no
time to finish the project.
Cu hi: She MUST hand in the assignment in time.
=> Chn True l sai ri. Cu ny phi chn NOT GIVEN v thng tin KHNG C trong
Cn thn vi cc cu hi dng The author says/believes, lc ny chng ta
khng xt n cc facts c trong bi m cn ngh n kin ca tc gi.
TUYT I KHNG T SUY LUN thng tin v y ch xt trong bi c thi nh.
V d: Bi c nu ra 2 nh hng ca global warming n cuc sng l bng tan
2 cc, l lt v nhit khng kh tng ln gy shock nng cho con ngi. Trong cu
hi chn 3 ch ci ng, s c 1 lot tc hi ca global warming th bn ch ch
chn nhng XUT HIN TRONG BI TEXT nh :)
Chc chn cn nhng options khc cng ng nhng n khng xut hin trong bi
Cc cu hi ca mt phn (true-false, matching) s theo th t xut hin trong
bi c.
Khng mt qu nhiu thi gian cho 1 cu hi. Nu cu tr li l Not Given, nhiu
khi chng c thng tin g ht. Do , nu bn mt hn 2 pht, hy th in Not
Bn c th th cch lm sau: c gng tr li chc chn cu True/Yes. i vi
False/No v Not Given, thng thng 70% cc nhm cu hi s c c 3 dng kt
qu, hy s dng trc gic khi cc bin php khc khng gip c bn.
(Ad ton suy kiu ny :D 60% ng bn :)) tuy nhin nhiu trng hp ton True
v No :(( )
Mong l sau vi ngy khng c bi mi no xut hin th post ny s gii p c
tm trng nhc nhi ca kh nhiu bn khi lm bi thi IELTS Reading nha >:D<


Idiom ny c ngha l khng nghim tc
Eg: Hes not being serious. Hes speaking with his tongue in his cheek

Cc bn chc bit kissing someone's @$$. y l phin bn PG ca n nh :D
Cng nh cu @$$ trn, to butter up somebody ngha l nnh nt ai .
Eg: You're always buttering up the boss.

C chuyn g vy? ----> What's up?

Do ny ra sao ri? ----> How's it going? - whats up
Do ny ang lm g? ----> What have you been doing?
Khng c g mi c ----> Nothing much
Bn ang lo lng g vy? ----> What's on your mind?
Ti ch ngh linh tinh thi ----> I was just thinking
Ti ch ng tr i cht thi ----> I was just daydreaming
Khng phi l chuyn ca bn ----> It's none of your business
Vy h? ----> Is that so?
Lm th no vy? ----> How come?
Chc chn ri! ----> Absolutely!
Qu ng! ----> Definitely!
D nhin! ----> Of course!
Chc chn m ----> You better believe it!
Ti on vy ----> I guess so
Lm sao m bit c ----> There's no way to know.
Ti khng th ni chc ---> I can't say for sure ( I don't know)
Chuyn ny kh tin qu! ----> This is too good to be true!
Thi i (ng a na) ----> No way! ( Stop joking!)
Ti hiu ri ----> I got it
Qu ng! ----> Right on! (Great!)
Ti thnh cng ri! ----> I did it!
C rnh khng? ----> Got a minute?
n khi no? ----> 'Til when?
Vo khong thi gian no? ----> About when?
S khng mt nhiu thi gian u ----> I won't take but a minute
Hy ni ln ln ----> Speak up
Khng phi vic ca bn ----> None of your business/ It's not your business!
ng dnh mi vo vic ny ----> Don't stick your nose into this.
C thi ngay i khng ----> Stop it right a way!
... thng ny lo ----> A wise guy, eh?!
Qun n i! ( ri y!) ----> Forget it! (I've had enough!)
Bn i chi c vui khng? ----> Are you having a good time?
Ti khng cn tm trng no m ... u ----> I'm in no mood for ...
Mi ngi ti ni ri ka ----> Here comes everybody else
Tht l ng ngn! ----> What nonsense!
Tu bn thi ----> Suit yourself
Tht l li k ----> What a thrill!
Chnh xc hn, ngy xa khi cn phi i lm ng, ngi ta thng hay t rm kh
(hay) thnh mt ng. Trong nhng lc lm vic vt v, c lc ngi ta ra ch ng
rm ng lng mt cht. Th l t v sau, hit the hay tr thnh cu thnh ng

m ch vic i ng.
Eg: I have to go home and hit the hay pretty soon.
Sometime vs Sometimes vs Some time
a. Sometime
- Nu l tnh t (adjective): trc kia, trc y. VD: A sometime secretary = former
secretary/ The sometime President= the former President (Ngi th k c/ V tng
thng c.)
- Nu l ph t bt nh: mt lc no . VD: If you want an interesting party
sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyoneb.
b. Sometimes (adverb): thnh thong, i lc
VD: I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am
c. Some time: Mt khong thi gian
VD: You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do
something for others--something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing


Nghe g m mu me vy tri 0_0?
ng bn no dch theo ngha en l "mt tay mt chn" m tng y l giang h
mn tht nhau nh. Idiom ny dng ch nhng th gi cao vt trn, v thng l
cao mt cch v l
VD: These tickets cost us an arm and a leg!


Meaning: be careful with what you say because someone may be listening ;)
A: David was so bad. He's trying to get my position...
B: Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Why don't we go to the cafeteria where no one can
disturb us? Wall have ears!
Sheap up or ship out
Ngi Vit Nam mnh hay quan nim rng mi bui sng khi bc chn ra khi nh
phi bc chn phi, nu bc nhm chn tri ra trc s gp sui so c ngy!
Tng t, ngi Anh cng c cu thnh ng " TO GET OUT OF BED ON THE WRONG
SIDE" ch vic mt ngi cu bn v chng lm c vic g ra hn c ngy hm

. Bn c th dng cu thnh ng ny trong giao tip hng ngy.

V d nh:
- Why did he get angry with me? I did nothing wrong!
+ Maybe he got out of bed on the wrong side.
hoc c th dng t tm trng cu bn lin min ca mt ngi. Thay v ni
"She had a bad temper yesterday."
Bn hy ni "Yesterday she got out of bed on the wrong side."
Cu thnh ng ny nu c v hiu theo ngha en: ng c di mc di chn
bn. Tuy nhin n cn c ngha bng v cng su sc, l: ng bao gi ngng c
gng khi mi c c 1 vi thnh cng nh b. Hy lun tip tc lm vic khng
ngng bn khng phi hi tic v thi gian tri qua.
"Grass" y mang ngha tng trng cho thi gian tri i khi bn khng lm mt
vic g lin mch. Thi gian dng li, chn ch c th khin c mc di. l nhng
g ngi Anh lin tng khi sng to ra cu thnh ng ny.
"Bn c th dng n khi mun th hin rng mnh s c gng lm vic chm ch v
khng b l thi c:
""I will not let the grass grow under my feet."".
Hay bn c th lng n vo bi Writing task 2:
""Students graduating from high school should enter the university right after that
instead of keeping 1 year travelling. They should not let the grass grow under their
Cu ny dng ch nhng ngi thch ung, c bit l bia, ru, ung c cn,
ung nhiu v hay say xn. Bi v c sng di nc nn ngi Anh ngh rng n s
ung nc sut ngy =)).
"Bn c th dng cu ny trong cuc sng hng ngy, hoc lng n 1 cch d dm
vo bi ni ca bn. V d nh gim kho hi bn v 1 k nim ng nh, bn c
th k ln u tin bn ung ru v ung rt nhiu :))
""The first time I have ever drunk like a fish."" ^^^^ or
"" Give me that bottle. I can drink like a fish.""

to make someone look foolish = lm cho ai trng ngc nghch, l bch, hay
dch nh phim s l Anh coi ti l con ngc ? ==
Thng dng nht th l Watch out as you go! Dont make a fool of yourself!, khi
bn vp v chui chng hn:D Cnh gic nh, khng li hu u b mc li ng ng
l xu h lm


Lm t t khng th ln nhanh!
Either improve one's performance (or behavior) or leave. (Used as a command.)
Hoc l anh ci thin cng vic hoc l i lun, ng lm na.
V d:
John was late again, so I told him to shape up or ship out. (John li i mun na, nn
ti bo anh ta lm t t khng th ln nhanh)
Task 1 Question
The diagram shows how electricity is generated by a hydroelectric dam.
Write a 150-word report for a university lecturer explaining how the
process works.
Model Answer
The diagram illustrates the basic principles of hydroelectric power. The process
requires the construction of a large dam connected to a powerhouse. The dam
creates a large reservoir and the powerhouse is where the electricity is generated.
First of all, water trapped in the reservoir behind the dam is forced through an
intake. It then flows into a narrow chamber called a penstock, where the resulting
high pressure turns a turbine. The turbine is connected to a generator in the
powerhouse above, and this is where the movement of the turbine is converted into
electricity. The resulting electricity leaves the powerhouse via cables that carry it
over long distances to where it can be used.
It is interesting to note that a hydroelectric dam creates no harmful byproducts and
relies entirely on natural forces to produce electricity. After the turbine stage, water
flows out through a second channel and into a river. The process is renewable,
thanks to the water cycle in nature.
(163 words, IELTS 8.0)

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