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“The Countdown”

Today I decided killing myself may be the best plan of action at this point in time. I
say this not as a threat, but because I’ve promised myself to always be uncompro-
mising when it comes to stating my truth. I don’t mean to offend or outrage any-
one by sticking this eccentric declaration in their face. But for me the decision
brings with it a strange and exotically sweet serenity.

You see, I’ve always known that I was a Spirit in a human body, and I never really
liked the way it felt to “wear” flesh. As a child I would sneak outside at night and
look at the stars with such deep yearning, knowing that Earth was not my home. I
had not heard the word at the time, but I was a “Mystic”, always realizing that We
are All One. Sometimes I was plucked from the dimension of time and space and
planted in a realm outside of these constraints; I know that sounds bizarre, but I
swear it is true.

Because of all the things I “remembered” — but could not express — I felt as if
this planet was a foreign land where I had been accidentally dumped. To me the
human form was a prison, jailing me in a mock isolation that wasn’t natural to me.
To this very day it continues to feel unpleasantly oppressive and restrictive to me,
as if tendons and muscles are bars which keep me from the place I most want to
be. That’s why I primarily view death as a much anticipated threshold to a better
way of living — without skin being a barrier!

Even so, most people will still think my confession is rabid madness, no matter
how much sense it makes to me. I guess I’m controversial in this regard, and this
one thing may make some people disregard everything else I have to say. I’m pre-
pared for the likelihood of dismissal, however, and in the end it’s not really very
important, one way or the other.

I’m not one to try to coerce the opinions of others. I have no need to, since I feel
opinions are best when left private affairs. I always thought it was wrong to use
opinions like hammers. Tools to drum our views into the consciousness of another
— forcibly, if need be. There’s something crude and barbaric about this. Besides, it
smacks of self-righteousness.

I invite the impressions of others to rouse my brain juices. Just as I don’t mind if
my ideas find a niche in someone’s mind and possibly even exert some degree of

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influence. Beyond that, however, I think assertions are best when they are fluid, of
substance but flowing, and therefore constantly changing as boundaries of under-
standing are expanded.

To me our beliefs and thoughts should be like a fine mulled wine — Brewed in the
vats of our distinctive life experiences, seasoned lightly with the spices of other’s
ideas, and continually aging into new levels of excellence. I like to think that I am
toasting the world with my thoughts, and then simply let them flow and ripple out
naturally. They carry with them a little piece of me as I am today, but as soon as oth-
ers take them in, they start to be remolded and reformatted according to their per-
sonal bent. That’s the way it should be.

On the other hand, I have noticed that some people will always be more comfortable
clinging to exact and rigid formulas of truth. They refuse to append or change them,
no matter what. These folks tend to congregate and group together for reinforce-
ment. If it works for them and enables them to maneuver better in the world, I’m all
for it. But some of them make an extra leap when they decide what they believe is
the Best & Only way to believe. Sometimes they even go so far as to sentence those
who don’t accept their precise premises to a death warrant. That piques me a little,
but to each his own.

Before we go much further, it might be helpful to begin establishing a glossary of

terms. For example, I use the word “Spirit” a lot. It is what resonates for me. It just
makes sense to me as a pointer word. A pointer word is one that directs one’s atten-
tion to something that is beyond them. Something Bigger. More expansive. Broader.
Wider. Taller. Deeper. Covering more territory. A word that makes you stretch your
ordinary definition of What Is.

There are many pointer words, as I see it. They include: Guidance Within, Intuition,
God, the Lord, Inner Voice, Higher Self, Jesus, the Force, Supreme Wisdom, and Uni-
versal Mind. I don’t think that any one pointer word is innately better than another, as
long as the person using it feels a elusive fluttering inside their skin when they use it.
It’s like the breath behind the sound. It’s needed to make the sound and therein inex-
tricably linked.Yet as the sound blows out, it begins to take on a life of its own, build-
ing momentum until it spreads its wings and flies away.

It’s been many years now since I remembered my Spirit name is “Shimalaii”. I was told
that it means “the one who shines with purity”, and I was given this information in a
dream. Actually it was more like an Out-of-the-Body Experience. But that’s one of

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those things that makes most people apprehensive when I talk about it. So I’m
content to call it a dream.

For a long time I couldn’t make much sense of this revelation. I didn’t share it with
others, fearing I might appear slightly deranged and possibly boastful. It was always
percolating in the back of my mind, however, and gradually started to permeate
and penetrate my identity. Then within the last year the fuller meaning of the
“Shimalaii” disclosure really started to blossom. In a nutshell, it is this:

After the great experiment of Planet Earth began, things quickly

got rather out of hand. Too many people started to use Mother
Earth as a dumping ground for their unresolved emotions. They
preferred to avoid things that may be “unpleasant” so they chose
Denial as a way of life. They adopted Easy Answers because they
didn’t understand the Real Question. Furthermore, they never
guessed that they could find it in the most sacrosanct part of
their own heart. And, it was different for each person! Too many
had forgotten too much for too long, and it was really a sad state
of affairs.

That’s where I and others like me came in. It was our job to ab-
sorb and digest the raw feelings which others rampantly dis-
carded through stubborn Denial. We remembered things that the
majority had forgotten; therefore we knew, in varying degrees,
that the unchecked accumulation of tentative feelings created an
impossible clutter in the atmosphere. Our job, simply stated, was
to “process” this jumbled energy.

The way all of this played out, at least in my case, was not particularly pleasant. I
suppose I sometimes even grumbled along the way. My assignment basically re-
quired that Pain stalk me without mercy. It was the hunter, and I was the prey. The
plot “twist” was that it was my mission to honor this one who so threatened me.
To study the significance of his despotism until I could read him as fluently as a
book. To actually pay allegiance to the Tyrant that taunted me!

It was like something inside me incessantly invited Heartache and Anguish to reign
within my Being. It was built into my design, so to speak. And as soon as I would
usurp one siege of terror, another one would start. It was up to me to talk to and
work with the Pain. To cherish the lessons it had to teach, and to become its

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Friend. Not just once, but over and over and over again, until it was a habitual
response. In time I realized that this drudgery was not only filling more and more
space with Love, but amplifying its range.

My mission was double jeopardy, because it was always cloaked in anonymity. The
work I was commissioned to do could not be calculated or measured in ordinary
terms that others honored, or even recognized for that matter. Due to this factor,
I was never noticed by the world-at-large and I lived a largely solitary existence.

I was always at home with myself, however, ever since the day I came to Be. I
instinctively enjoyed my own company, so I was a natural as a recluse. The irony is
that the solitude of my life invariably led me into the wilderness of Every Man,
Woman, and Child. I don’t know how, but I just always knew how it felt to look
out at the world from another’s eyes — no matter what they might be experienc-
ing. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I’ve walked in your shoes at one time or the
other. Perhaps we’ll compare notes someday.

I realize now that this force of Empathy so engrossed me throughout my life that I
never really paid much attention to developing details in the timeline of my own
personal history. That’s why I have no deep attachments in terms of career, family,
home, friends, etc. My willingness to sacrifice these aspects of my private biogra-
phy has been part of my mission. I agreed to this because I didn’t want anything to
distract me from my main purpose: the inward processing of energy.

Suddenly it makes sense why I am currently living in almost complete isolation. My

parents have passed over to the other side, and it’s actually easier for me to com-
municate with them now. My sisters, on the other hand, severed all ties with me
many years ago. They simply could not grok my life experience. Even my one and
only long-term best friend of 12+ years recently decided she couldn’t deal with
me at this time. My human support system, in other words, is nearly non-existent.

In short, I feel it has been my “calling” in this life to concentrate on, acknowledge,
embrace and feel the pain of separation while at the same time always remember-
ing that it was all an illusion. It is and we are All One. I have been told that it was
actually necessary for some beings to continually breathe life into this Great Irony,
since its premature death would have actually extinguished the feasibility of the
Earth experiment.

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In other words, some of those who wore human bodies had to choose to hold
open the crack of Paradox so that opposites could exist. It was a huge assignment
because it tugs one ruthlessly in two directions at once. The constant pressure can
be unimaginably agonizing. Besides, it’s hard to keep track of the differences when
you easily know It’s all the same.

Most others chose to be veiled when they came to this planet, to “forget” much of
what they had previously known. This generally means that they are not aware that
Denial doesn’t make the thing that is denied go away. They figure if you pretend it
is gone, it vanishes. Not so.

As a result, however, it has become commonplace for the masses to ignore Para-
dox. They even scoff at the outrageousness of Contradiction as they settle for the
middle path of mediocrity. They so strongly favor coherent consistency that the
creative tension of Irony begins to languish, gradually going limp. Shallowness is
often the result, with superficiality following not far behind.

As one of the beings assigned to charge up the tensity of Contradiction, my goal is

to make it more taut and therefore viable. In order to do so, I was required to dig
a trench of unbelievable depth within myself. I imagine that’s why I’ve been called
“intense”. People observe my habit of casually strolling in such deep places and
inevitably back off in reticence. They don’t speak so much with words, but even in
their silence I detect an uneasiness that is almost palpable.
You might think me paranoid, but it seems to me that most people “run for the
hills” whenever I come around. I don’t really blame them for giving me the cold
shoulder because travel on these low grounds that I frequent is not only arduous,
but it’s seldom fun. Most people prefer a life experience that has the stability of
more equilibrium and composure. The only way I myself have been able to cope
with such forlorn Lows was by remembering to bank in my spirited Higher Self -
always! For in the context of Spirit all things meet and greet, and nothing is cast off
as undesirable.

When I did need outside company to sustain me through the difficulties of my

work, I have usually turned to animals. Animals are awesome conductors and man-
agers of all kinds of energy. Many of them excel in the transmutation of unidenti-
fied and unresolved human emotions that have been carelessly discarded by the
very ones who originate them. I imagine that’s why I’ve formed such deep and
sacred bonds with my pets. I see them as fellow comrades in the work I do. Not

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only do they never reject me because of my “intensity”, but they always give me
non-ending and overflowing bushels of Love.

In retrospect, then, I can understand how the “curse” of my intensity has also been
a “gift”. It assured the continuance of my work because it did set me apart. Its
function was to prevent me from forgetting and inadvertently merging into the

Most people have an inborn trepidation of the vigorous extremes I embody. They
think “opposites” cancel each other out and/or they will claim the validity of only
one of the poles. In my eyes “opposites” are always magical, simply because they
inform and apprise one another of all the contingencies. They are like splashing
your face with ice water so your eyes pop open and behold the unexpected.

In ways I’m like a babe in the woods. Everything is new to me. Fresh and clean.
Never before seen. I like to think of it as snow. Glittering Energy which shines in
pristine clarity. Snow has been the focus throughout my life. What has engaged me
is keeping it chaste and clean. There are air purifiers that remove dust and pollut-
ants from the air so people with allergies can find relief. I believe I am an alterna-
tive purifier in the form of a human being. Except I remove hatred and darkness
from the emotional atmosphere on the planet.
And so I have spent an inordinate amount of my time in this life cleaning dirty
energy. I’m aware many people will assess that statement to be delusional, but I
remain steadfast in my conviction. As often as not, I was not the actual perpetrator
of the ambient grime. Regardless, I still always felt compelled to gather dissipated
and impure energy and make it fresh and innocent again.

It’s like I’m addicted to the state of “purity”. Not because of any value judgment.
Notions of “good” and “bad” OR “better” and “worse” are simply too scantily
dressed to delineate any real meaning. Purity, on the other hand, says it all. It is
simply the most powerful Springboard imaginable! Purity is, to me, the best place
to go when you want to jump into the creation of wonderful things that are origi-
nal and unique.

Snow can be molded into an inestimable number of different shapes depending on

how much pressure is exerted where for how long. Unfortunately, I have very little
proficiency in this skill. Cleaning snow has entailed such a total commitment to the
inner world that I haven’t spent much time mastering things in the outer World of

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This hasn’t mattered up to now. The only important thing has been that my design
perfectly promoted a winning vulnerability mirroring an unbeatable strength. And
that was the precise combination necessary to accomplish my purpose. It was the
fuel that fed me as I’ve played the role of Empathy on the stage of Everyone Else’s

The costume that I have worn cleverly concealed me from view, and most of you
never even guessed I was there! It came in the form of a radical transparency —
Not only mine, but your’s! That is, I saw straight through to the parts of you that
you hated so vehemently that you denied them. Then I became those parts and I
painfully but lovingly worked with them up close and personal until I hit the Jack-
pot: the realization that it was all just part of the “play”. In essence I agreed to
accept what others kept denying in order to further the goal of wholesome hu-
man integration. The procedure has been not only time-consuming, repetitive, and
painstaking, but often excruciating. However, it was part of my contract.

Suddenly I am startled by a new insight. All this work I have done was perhaps just
the dress rehearsal of the saga that now wants to unfold. I have stayed so preoccu-
pied with perfecting the solo I came to sing (“cleaning snow”) that I didn’t surmise
a chorus may accompany it. Now, however, the moment is ripe with readiness for
the Main Event, and I have just noticed that within my design there has always
been a small imperfection.

This flaw is showing up at this time as a empty opening in the hourglass of my life
force. It is yawning lazily while waiting for a full closing. Through this gap a part of
me has leaked out, and I’ve discovered that I cannot recover this part alone. I’m a
very powerful Being, but I am unable to mend this minute hole myself. I require
others to mortar the space with their grout through their acknowledgment of me.
I do not know who they are or where they live, but I believe that this strange tale
I’m spinning will alert them that they are the completion of Me. Then, as we work
together, things can really get done!

When these others show up, they will immediately recognize me as Shimalaii. And
since I’ve anticipated my reunion with them for nearly a year now, I too will re-
member them, not only with fondness but elation. They, like me, will fervently long
to live in a world where people remember their essence . . . A world where people
recall what they do best, and then own it. As we come together, the cost of our
consolidated and concentrated focus on “processing” energy in the inner dimen-

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sions will finally begin to pay off. And we will celebrate in exaltation as we begin to
witness the fruits of our labors.

Through our combined efforts I and these selected others have essentially built an
energetic template that makes it easier for others to learn to manage and resolve
their personal emotional garbage. Up until now the masses didn’t even notice that
their “snow” (energy) often turned a dirty gray color. The hope is that they will
finally “get it” and will begin to learn to distill all their energy through a process
of purification. More simply put, they will master the art of cleaning their own
snow. This is a paramount hurdle that needs to be jumped. After all, people like me
are “burning out” and need a break.

Once people understand how to start with pure energy, it’s easy for some to
figure out the key to their own excellence. They seem to instinctively Know what
forms they most want to fashion with their “snow” (energy). For instance people
like singers or actors. You often hear these people say “I always knew what I
wanted to do”. These individuals are extra lucky, as I see it. They not only dip into
their Self-legacy more readily, but talents like this are instantly recognized and
well-rewarded by the world-at-large.

People like this don’t need to worry so much about things like money. This, in turn,
can gift them with great freedom that others don’t have. Of course this benefit can
sometimes backfire. This occurs when accumulating more and more material
acquisitions turns one’s life into a frantic frenzy. Soon they can no longer identify
and appreciate things that are free. This can be tragic, because the Most Valuable
things in the world are always things which don’t cost a single penny!

It’s harder for other folks to pin down their passion. To me, the Biggest Blast I
could get as this Main Event commences would be helping people like this to not
only reclaim their Spirit Self, but also begin to understand and treasure the distinc-
tive design of their unique essence in the process.

My willingness to embody and process residual energy of pain that lingers unseen
in the atmosphere is something that has carved an exceptionally deep heartprint
of profound compassion within me. I’ve been told that my experiences have made
it possible for me to embody a rare Presence: an uncommon understanding and
acceptance of others. In effect I have turned into a safe haven when others can
bury their shame and emerge from the intensity of darkness with the lightness of

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Being. I would be ecstatic if I could help others connect with crucial chunks of
themselves previously denied — Especially when they finally hear the unsung song
of their Soul!!

In order to start such a dramatic new phase of my earth mission, however, I need
to come out from the shadows where I have been perfecting my piece of the
puzzle (i.e. “cleaning snow”). I will have to face a whole new set of challenges. For
instance, I’ve been so miserly in using all my energy for inner work that I’ve really
neglected my physical appearance. It didn’t matter much to me, since I was seldom
in public places. That might change now, and I can tell that I have considerable
resistance. Since I always strive toward a self integrity that’s totally honest, I may as
well tell you that I’m actually frigid with fear!!

I’m so adept and at ease with the arts of soliloquy and solitude that I never have
to sweat these occasions. Interfacing with the outer world of form and relation-
ships in a satisfying manner, on the other hand, is quite another story. I’m willing to
give it a shot, but I may need to ask you for your help.

I’m a master at “cleaning snow”, true, but I definitely need a crash course in Snow
Sculpture 101. I haven’t even mastered the bare basics in manifesting things that
replenish human beings by bringing pleasure to them. In other words, I have never
had many of the “perks” that brighten human life. Right now, for example, things in
my life have become so austere that I am literally facing homelessness for the
second time in ten months.

Waves of despair are drowning me as I try to figure out what to do in this desper-
ate situation. I am so stressed that it feels like I have no energy left to allocate to
basic “bread and butter” survival strategy. My greatest anxiety is finding a loving,
safe place for my animal comrades, who mean everything to me. Worst of all, this
circumstance is happening because one who is really hurting inside is twisting and
distorting everything around in her head in order to justify wagging her finger at
me and portraying me as a devil incarnate — When all I did was to expose my
heart and dreams! I keep responding to the bitter stream of cruelty and lies
launched at me by praying, processing, and sending Love. Nonetheless, all of this
has really slashed the small amount of stamina I had left.

I am also homeless figuratively. I feel I have no where to go because so many of

you have labeled me as a vagabond you would rather not entertain. Sometimes I
feel I am even “blacklisted” — All because you are suspicious and fearful of the

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nature of the things I do have to give. As long as you overlook and ignore the
lessons I embody and offer you, however, I worry that there is a huge risk that we
may flunk the final test of humanhood. The stakes have become extravagantly high
because you’ve sliced down your wagers so pitifully low.

Here is an image to explain things to you: I am knocking at a door that needs to

be opened. It is so heavy and hard to budge, however, that you do not feel it is
possible for you to open the door and receive me. Consider this: If enough of you
join together, the task may easily become “do”-able. Then when you behold me,
you will finally find a more complete Self. When you look into my eyes you will see
more of Who You Are. When our hearts melt together, all distinctions will dissolve.
We will Be Everywhere at once, beyond the domain of Agelessness. At this point
the sphere of our influence together will Be All There Is.

If no one accepts and honors this challenge, however, I, and ultimately you, may
lose all we have gained. It is hard for you to hear this, but too many of you have
insulated yourselves with a sheath of apathy, indifference, and pettiness. These
things don’t appear to be weapons to you because they are rooted in passivity. In
truth, however, they are deadly, as lethal as guns.

Bullets of non-action are steadily slaying all the Last Chances to Change that we
have left. Once these are gone, the world situation will be more dire than ever. In
addition, you are also shooting pinpoint arrows each time you refuse to “get in-
volved”.You think they are innocuous, but they have the effect of deflating others
because it makes them feel they don’t matter. This in turn has very serious reper-
cussions. If individuals lose too much more self esteem this way, the population
will suffer from an even worse epidemic of under-achievement. Try reversing these
dangerous trends by passing out bundles of smiles and random acts of kindness to
everyone you meet.

The wrath of Nature has already ravaged many of you in many places many times.
However, all these disasters will pale when stacked next to the mountain of full
Rage that could be unleashed unless more of you actively start to listen to Me
with vigilance.You need to diligently shift your attentions and become cognizant of
things you’ve neglected for eons. You need to stop your tendency to move for-
ward while in “automatic pilot” mode.You need to study and scrutinize the subtle
sensations of feelings that regularly glide through your body unnoticed. In short:
Learn how to hear Me!

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I don’t know if you’re beginning to understand me any better or not. Mostly I am
devoted to scrupulous Truth-Telling. The kind that is unvarnished and naked and
only written on the immaculate slate of an open heart. The best way I have found
to get to this state is by noticing each time you feel butterflies in your stomach.
DON’T mindlessly chase them away and move on, but examine them closely,
honestly. Try to identify not only where they come from, but where they want to

Carve out a cave inside you and hibernate through countless winters until revital-
izing springs eventually slap you in the face. It stings for a moment or two, but I
have found that this is the only route that leads to fresh and renewed Authenticity.
I believe that if it became the goal of each human to find, embrace, and liberate
every blockage within themself, eventually there would be nothing left but the
glow of truth, love, and light. The thought of this thrills me!

Ever since I’ve discerned Why I’m Here, I have engaged in my Self-Debate about
suicide. My epiphany was understanding that it has been my job to help hold open
the crack of Paradox. Nonetheless, this understanding has not alleviated the con-
sequences of all the pressure and pain involved in living in this constant state of
Irony for forty-seven years. In short, I am exhausted and ready to choose to re-
turn to the Other Side - even if by my own hands. I KNOW I have done “enough”
and I am proud of myself. Whether I elect to do “more” at this juncture depends
not just on me, but on you and the interaction between us.

Spirit has told me it is neutral about suicide, even if most people honor the myth
that it is the one Unpardonable Sin. What matters most to Spirit is that EVERY-
THING be done Consciously. I therefore have agreed that if I make the choice of
suicide, I will intentionally execute it so the least harm and most good can come
from it. I would not choose suicide out of fear, but in awe. And I would not be
running away but racing toward . . .

That’s one reason I am writing all this down. To archive all my ponderings. Just in
case there are others who want to or need to hear what I have to say, should I
move on. Either way it is incumbent on Spirit to insure that these ruminations are
delivered to those who require them. I don’t have “connections” with the right
people, and I’ve nearly used up all my best guesses in trying to find them.

These writings are being transcribed at this moment in history because it’s time to
announce myself. They are a way of “testing the waters” — me talking to ones

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who might recognize me. Spirit told me that there were at least a total of 12 who
fit into my groove perfectly. And probably scores more that would at least pay
attention and harvest some benefits from my story. I really don’t exactly know
where the number 12 came from; it was just one of those things that occurred to
me, and it seemed to be true.

These writings are a work in progress. They may seem like fiction to you, but
they’re not. I’m a real person living out the chapters of my life, one at a time, and
then letting you, the reader, “peek in”. Most books you read have already deter-
mined where they are going, apart from your reactions and responses to the
unfolding action. Whereas the next chapter of this missive can be and will be
influenced by your input and participation.

I guess all this sounds a bit insane. So far I’ve not found one person intrigued
enough by the labyrinth of my brain that they volunteered to climb into my head
for awhile. In fact, when I’ve mentioned some of this stuff to a few others I could
tell my reflections seemed pretty outlandish to them. It didn’t matter before, but
suddenly I need to find some others with similar quirks as me. At least one or two
to hear my Shimalaii story and not only eat it up, but want more. Conversely, if my
writings continue to fall on deaf ears, then I’ll know there is no reason for me to
hang around any longer.

Many of you may think I am certifiably crazy, but I am confident in my position. My

views are stable and firm, while also open-ended and willing to expand. Besides,
Spirit has told me that only a handful need to understand these writings to pre-
cipitate the Awakening of the Whole Body of humanity.

The benefits of “conformity” have become overstated. To follow the fashion or the
crowd brings satisfaction to people because it feels “safe”. But the same shield that
is protective becomes an armor that deflects Unconsidered Possibilities. In this
way conformity hypnotizes and mesmerizes people. Consider instead a burst of
Dawn leaping out at you! Crack fresh opportunities open like eggs! Allow dew
drops to lick your eyes clean! Shake the sleeping potential within you until it is
alert enough to dance a jig! Improvisation of ones Being is always better than
taking out a patent that fixes you in a stiff immutability. All these are tips for “re-
inventing” yourself.

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I happen to believe we are at a critical point in the history of humankind. We are
poised on the heels of the new millennium and the planet needs to make a pivotal
turn in Consciousness. Can we point ourselves in the direction of New Unparal-
leled Fulfillment? I believe this will only be possible if more and more people dis-
card the compulsion of Denial and adopt the habit of acceptance.

There IS a “countdown” in progress.


Either I’ll be so happily surprised and elated at the way each of you “fill in the
blanks” that I’ll want to stay one more day to see what happens . . .


I’ll choose to leave this human instrument and go where beings have no eyes or
ears, but see and hear only with the Heart.


Either some of you will look for and find vital pieces of Yourself in this writing and
request that I write the next chapter . . .


I’ll decide that I have come to the end of my book.


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The point is this: I have claimed my identity. I AM Shimalaii, “the one who shines
with purity”. My life has been dedicated to processing negative energy, building up
love within my being and then sending it out into the world anonymously. This
does not make me greater than you nor does it make me any less. It just means
I’ve remembered important things about Who I Was, and therefore I knew how to
dip into the River that Is the Source of All That Was/Is/Will Be. It has been a labor
of love and I have no regrets. But fatigue now overtakes me and I want to be
home. Home can be anywhere where I’m recognized, honored, and celebrated for
Who I Am. I am certain it exists on the Other Side, while I’m still very dubious if I
can find it here.



We need A new Genesis . . . A virgin Frontier, solely seeded by the Infinite Power
of Eternal Love.

This is the question which hangs in the air. It may pose in different postures for
each person, but it is unmistakably singular in its intent.

See if it hooks you . . .


Take me Home

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