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OSHO Igniting Individual Intelligence.

My message is not a doctrine, not a philosophy. My Message is a

certain alchemy, a science of transformation.
Just be yourself, utterly yourself. And dont be bothered about
what kind of flower you turn out to be. It does not matter whether
you are a rose or a lotus or a marigold, What matters is flowering.
This is something strange: all religions teach love, and all
religions end in hatred.
Just to give birth to a child is one thing to be a mother is totally
different. Any woman can give birth to a child; thats a very
simple phenomenon. But to be a mother needs great art, needs
You are creating a human being that is the greatest creation! A
painter paints a picture; we call it great art. Picasso we call him
a great artist. But what about the mother who created Picasso? A
poet writes beautiful poems, but what about the mother who
created Shakespeare?
The search for paradise is the search for your childhood again. Of
course your body will no more be a childs, but your
consciousness can be as pure as the consciousness of the child.
This is the whole secret of the mystical path: to make you a child
again, innocent, unpolluted by any knowledge, not knowing
anything, still aware of everything that surrounds you, with a
deep wonder and a sense of a mystery that cannot be
We have tried religion and it failed. We have tried politics and it
has failed. Now we have to try science. Give it a chance, because
in three hundred years it has made more progress than man has
made in his whole history of millions of years.
To make you spiritually weak they have found a sure method, one
hundred percent guaranteed, and that is to teach you not to love
yourself because if a man cannot love himself he cannot love
anybody else either.
And unless we recognize the uniqueness of each individual, there
are not going to be any human rights, and there is not going to
be a civilized world human, loving, rejoicing

A buddhafield is one of the most mysterious phenomena in

existence. It simply means whenever someone becomes
awakened, his consciousness radiates a certain aura around him.
Whoever is receptive, available, can be transformed by the
radiating energy from an awakened being.
Gautam Buddhas emphasis on compassion was a very new
phenomenon as far as the mystics of old were concerned.
Gautam Buddha makes a historical dividing line from the past;
before him meditation was enough, nobody had emphasized
compassion together with meditation. And the reason was that
meditation brings enlightenment, your blossoming, your ultimate
expression of being. What more do you need? As far as the
individual is concerned, meditation is enough. Gautam Buddhas
greatness consists in introducing compassion even before you
start meditating. You should be more loving, more kind, more
Cosmic chemistry says that the entire cosmos is a body. Nothing
in it stands alone, all things are joined together. So no matter how
distant a star may be from us, when it changes, our heartbeats
also change. And no matter how far away the sun may be, when
it becomes very disturbed our blood circulation is also disturbed.
Dialogue is taking each others hand, moving together towards
the truth, helping each other to find the way. It is togetherness, it
is a cooperation, it is a harmonious effort to find the truth. It is
not in any way a fight, not at all. It is a friendship, moving
together to find the truth, helping each other to find the truth.
Become more and more alive, authentic, responsive. Even if
there is a possibility to go astray, go astray, because there is no
way to grow if you are so afraid of committing errors. Errors are
good. Mistakes have to be committed. Never commit the same
mistake again, but never be afraid of committing mistakes.
People who become so afraid of committing mistakes never grow.
They go on sitting in their place, afraid to move. They are not
Relationship means something complete, finished, closed. Love is
never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing,
unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins but
never ends.

Allow fear, dont fight with it. Watch what is happening. Go on

watching. As your watching eye becomes more penetrating and
intense the body will be trembling, the mind will be trembling
deep within you will be consciousness, which simply is a witness,
which only watches. It remains untouched, like a lotus flower in
water. Only when you attain to that will you attain to
The moment love becomes a relationship, it becomes a bondage,
because there are expectations and there are demands and there
are frustrations, and an effort from both sides to dominate. It
becomes a struggle for power...
If the child is allowed and helped to develop his individuality
without any hindrance from others, we will have a beautiful
world. Then we will have many buddhas, many socrateses and
many jesuses. We will have a tremendous variety of geniuses

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