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CESP Newsletter


Dear Readers,
This being the
issue for May 2015, we are now
indeed in 'Performance Month'!
The first Saturday afternoon of
May saw us trying out the show
in The Deaton Theatre,
discovering how much space we
really have and what the
sightlines actually are.
For many folk the challenge was
getting used to the acoustics of
The Deaton. Since we usually
rehearse in a very echo-ey hall,
there was the process of tuning in
to a much clearer, yet reasonably lively sound picture. Reckon the most challenging
sequences for most folk were the dances - too easy to get carried away and take up
much more space than is strictly necessary...
As it was, 6 O'Clock came round all too soon, and we were restoring the stage to its
original condition. The rush didn't stop there, since many of us were heading straight
to the Forest Choir Quiz night. Oh yes, we fielded a team called, surprisingly enough 'I Gondolieri' - coming in an Honourable Second to the eventual winners: 'The
University of The Third Age.'
Another symptom of the approaching run is the appearance of appropriately-designed
T shirts and Polo Shirts, featuring the Gondoliers poster art work designed by our
director. Made a point of wearing one myself this afternoon, as I walked along
Wanstead High Street, as a sort of walking subliminal shopper advert; no apparent
reactions, just have to wait and see if there is a spike in ticket sales from Wanstead.
Pleased to say that this months Q & A features our lead tenor, Jezz Saint-James, who
recounts his unusual mode of recruitment...
Richard Wheatley


I'm very proud and pleased that we've had the luxury of running the opera, an Act at a
time, for several weeks now. It's in really good shape, with the cast adapting to the
new elements thrown at them. All we need to now is to add the costumes, lighting and
orchestra and - Voil! - we have a show! Off to Venice!

Q & A with Jezz Saint-James

What attracted you to join CESP?
I still remember the day: there I was on my way to Asda to
pick up some kumquats for my morning smoothie and a black
van screeches up, out rush three men in balaclavas and I'm
bundled inside. Before I have a moment to catch my breath,
there sits Don Leon in a pinstriped suit and dark glasses
smoking a thick Cuban cigar. "We needs a tenor see," he says,
"and my underground contacts tell me that if I put pressure on
you you'll sing." Then the three guys whip off their balaclavas
and start to caterwaul the most appalling rendition of Nessun
Dorma in at least four different keys between them. I could
only bear a few moments before I had to capitulate and I
signed the contract while they pointed a rolled up score of
Cox and Box at my head.

How have you found the experience?

Well despite my violent introduction to the production (I
never did get my kumquats) I've found the experience a most
delightful and enjoyable one! The other principles are all great
to work with and the chorus and society are all very fun and
friendly and I've felt most welcome. I'm sure it's going to be a
great production enjoyed by all taking part and watching.

Which part are you playing in The Gondoliers?

Jezz in Rigoletto

I'm playing Marco, the better looking of the two brothers Palmieri. It's hard on the
knees but great fun and I get to sing some lovely music - I'm particularly delighted
that in this updated version I don't have to wear a wig!

Do you have a favourite G&S opera/role?

I've performed Marco in a previous production of Gondoliers more than a decade ago
and I had great fun then too. I've also performed the role of Nanki Poo in the Mikado
a number of times and that will always be a favourite. I've also sung The Defendant in
Trial, which has also been tremendous fun to perform.

How do you like to spend your time when you are not
I have a growing collection of bonsai Avocado trees, which takes up a lot of my time.
I'm also an avid Radio 4 fan, enjoy the theatre, opera and cinema, travelling when I
can manage it and since seeing the terrifying video of the Cachucha I've recently
rejoined the gym!

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