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Rhenz Gabriel Viterbo

Mr. Dan Donaghy

Mercy is an important quality

I strongly agree that mercy is an important quality. In the play Merchant of

Venice by William Shakespeare, Portia told Shylock to show mercy to Antonio for it is
cruel to kill someone. In my personal experience, when I was in the Philippines, there
are times that I was bullied by my classmates but instead I just show mercy to them
even though Im at my limit temper. Mercy is an important quality for it will forgive those
who had done wrong.
In the play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, Portia told
Shylock to show mercy to Antonio the merchant. Portia disguised as a lawyer to help
her husbands friend. Portia said that the quality of mercy is not straind, it droppeth as
the gentle rain from heaven. She also reasons that humans approach the divine when
they exercise it. She made Shylock realize that it is cruel to kill someone and it is also a
penalty to kill someone. In the end, the duke didnt allow Shylock to kill Antonio and
instead Shylock showed mercy and gave up on being a Jew.
In my personal experience, when I was in the Philippines, there are times
that I was bullied by my classmates but instead I just showed mercy to them even
though Im at my limit of temper. In my school in the Philippines, Im just an average
student and a silent type of guy who keep on doing school works instead of goofing
around with group of guys, slacking off and cutting classes. I have a group of
classmates who does that, and that group of classmates always make fun of me punch
me and keeps annoying me. There was a time that I was doing my homework and

theres one of them who kept bugging me and asking me to let them copy my
homework, on that moment I lost my temper and Im about to punch him on the face
because of how annoying he was but instead I think about the consequences that might
happen. At that moment, I just left him and get back on my own seat in class. On the
next day, he told me that hes sorry about annoying me and making fun of me same as
the others. I forgave them and in the end we became friends and thats how I show
mercy to them even though they had done a lot of wrong doings on me.
In general, mercy is an important quality. No one is perfect so why not give
others a second chance. It gives each and every one of us a chance to set things right.
We dont need to make the hatred and pain to last long in ourselves. We just need to
accept them and forgive them for what they had done wrong because in the end we will
just forgive them.

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