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Informal letter

Hi Pepa,
How are things? Sorry I haven't written for so long, I'm very busy with school
tasks. I'm writing because I've a suggestion for you on what to do this summer.
I'm going to Ireland on July and I'm staying with a host family. I've already
booked my flight - it's really cheap, and I've looked for English courses and
activities. Why don't you come with me? I'm sure we would have such a
fantastic time.
Moreover, I know you havent been there before and you would love to, and itll
be a marvellous chance. We can do classes during the morning and activities,
such as scuba diving, sailing, horse riding in the afternoon. However, if you
dont feel like doing that, we can just take a walk and go sightseeing.
I cant wait to hear what you decide. Please let me know.
Lots of love,

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