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A Reaction to: The Corporation

Like the telephone system, it reaches almost everywhere; its

extraordinarily power. Its pretty hard to avoid and it transforms the lives of people, I
think on balance for the better. The eagle Clear eye, competitive, prepared to
strike but not a vulture, noble, visionary that people can believe in and be inspired
by that creates such a lift that it soars. I can see that being a good logo for the
principle company. Somewhere at the beginning of the film, these were the ideas
spoken by several CEOs on how they perceive a corporation. At first I thought, oh
great, its going to be one of those films wherein we get to know how these several
entities work, and how they operate extensively. Boy, I was wrong.
A corporation is an artificial being created by operation of law consisting of
more than 5 but less than 15 members, earning legal returns for the owners of the
business. Long ago, the business corporation was insignificant and had limited
power until after the Civil War when the 14 th Amendment of the Constitution in the
United States of America. There were no more limits, decreasing liabilities and had
rights equal to a real human being since they considered a corporation a person.
This, I think is one of the biggest mistakes the government has ever made.
As the film goes on, they conducted case studies. Studies that would figure
out what kind of person the corporation is, like how a psychologist would diagnose
its patient. There were enumerations of various situations that cause harm to
humans, animals and to the biosphere.
I got a little bit disappointed when they showed clips of young girls working in
sweat shops and they were being paid so little, that its not enough to eat three
meals a day. Charles Kernaghan, the Director of the National Labor Committee,
showed a variety of goods that were made from sweat shops. He showed a
garment, that was a shirt which costs $14.99, the person that made the garment
was being paid 3 cents. There was also a jacket that costs $178 and the person that
made that jacket was being paid 74 cents per jacket. He also showed a tag, that
said, the proceeds of the sale of this garment goes to various Children Charities
which is ironic, to think that the girls who were making these garments are 13 years
There were also case studies that involved the production of synthetic
chemicals to make several pesticides and fungicides, which caused cancer, and
birth defects. They were exposing people and animals to these chemicals, without
thinking about the negative effects.
There was also this product named Posilac, which is manufactured by the
Monsanto Company. This is a hormone injected into cows to maximize milk
production. Monsanto was saying, theres no evidence whatsoever of any adverse

effects, we dont use antibiotics. And this clearly showed that they had lied through
their teeth. There were whistleblowers who tried to air the news about Monsantos
Posilac but they were told not to air it, and were offered a significant amount of
money just to keep shut about it.
There was also the issue of privatization that was showed in the film. They
could extract a specific gene, like a cancer gene, and isolate it in the laboratory and
declares it as a patent. The government agreed that a corporation can patent any
living thing except for a human being. They even privatized water. It seems to me
that if this goes on, I wont be surprised we will be paying for every breath we take
of oxygen, oh wait, we might not even have oxygen in the future because the earth
might be fully polluted for the excessive disregard of corporations to the
These corporations such as the IBM, the Coca-Cola, and several other
entities, were creating allegiances with the enemies of the United States. Especially
during the Nazi Regime, when IBM made a partnership with the Nazis, and supplied
them with the punch card system just so that they can earn profit during that time.
And Coca-Cola, who made a drink for the Nazis, so they can still continue making
products to earn profit.
Theres nothing wrong with establishing a corporation. Theres nothing wrong
with earning a profit. Every person who has the intention of setting up a business
desires to earn a profit. There is no problem of considering a corporation as a
person. The real problem here is, why do these corporations dont have the
humanity, if you will, to consider what is really happening to the people? That
people are dying, people are being born with no eyes, or limbs? That the earth is not
for sale?
I could go on and on about what I have seen in this documentary, and every
clip of it, made me laugh not because I was humored, but because of disgust. I felt,
sort of stupid, and I felt like I was so blind, and hypnotized to these wonders created
by various corporations. Everything that they have ever told us, that they were
living up to what you call, Corporate Social Responsibility, and how they really do
care about us, are all lies. Theyre greedy inconsiderate monsters. They are
psychopaths. They have one purpose, and that is to earn money, and they dont
care if they hurt people as long as they are getting what they want and they are
enjoying themselves, living their life in vanity, swimming in their ideals of
capitalism, earning money and fooling people. They are too confident that the
government will always have their backs; that people will not stand up to them.
Its irritating seeing them have their fill while their workers starve, and that
people die fighting for their rights, fighting to get back what is theirs. They dont
deserve their fortunes. They dont deserve it if they operate in such a way that

causes harm to people. They must terminate such actions for the betterment not
just of the United States, but of the world.
There was this thing that hit me, somewhere at the end of the film,
when Cochabamba won their water back, Oscar Olivera said, one should never
underestimate the power of the people the people, united, will never be
defeated. This is powerful, something that corporations should watch out for if they
continue these psychopathic behaviors.
I find this documentary a must-watch film because it widens your eyes to the
corporate world and what is really going on. Its provoking, brave and informative
which makes you think twice about buying a product. Its a horrifying film but isnt
the truth always is?

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