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Being a regular graduate

Maybe most of the readers will say that this article is yet another UP elitism. You
may call it that way but if there is one thing that the University of the Philippines
has introduced us, it is a small but complicated world that only an Isko or an Iska
can understand. You can never grasp where were coming from unless youve been
through the same ride. After suffering for four years or more, you cant take away
the pride we felt to finally graduate from the only National University in the
Philippines. But, dont get me wrong here; this post is for all the graduates and it so
happen that I was from UP. Each student has his or her struggle and this is mine.
More often than not, UP students are the top of their high school classes. They are
the so-called the cream of the crop thats why they passed the excruciating
UPCAT. People are looking up to them. You may hear people saying Wow when
you say you study there. These students are expected to stand out and to become
the true epitome of Honor and Excellence. However, reality would suggest that not
all of them can live up to this social expectation. Several dropped out in the middle
of the semester. Others transfer to other schools. Some extend. And others, just like
me, become an ordinary graduate. Yes, we are ordinary graduates, but I am very
proud of it.
Last year, I graduated with a degree in Political Science-Management in University
of the Philippines Visayas-Miagao. It was a tough course and I was lucky I survived
it. While some of my friends in other schools were very proud of having graduated
as cum laudes and with other academic and non-academic awards, I jumped and
shouted at the top of my lungs after merely seeing my name in the list of the
graduating students. On April 26, 2013, I wore my Sablay and marched together
with the proud faces of my batch mates and their families.
I only sat for probably an hour during the graduation ceremony while watching
several of my batch mates going on stage to get their respective awards. I listened
to our graduation speaker and our class valedictorian, while silently savoring the
moment. I wanted that day to last forever. I was afraid to leave my seat. The only
moment that I went on stage was when I got my diploma holder. I shook hands with
the Chancellor, took a picture, and thats it. It was drizzling then and after I went off
stage, I was even stuck in the mud. Yes, all I got was my diploma holder with a
printed Congratulations in it and a university newsletter congratulating the top of
each college, but I deserved that diploma holder. Even more, I deserved getting the
diploma months after. Its obvious that I was not on the top, I was probably at the
bottom, but I graduated and thats all that matters. My family was also there sitting
in the corner waiting for me. I know they were bored. I can still remember how my
grandmother said, Ti, wala ka gid ya award? (So, you dont really have any
award?), and I just smiled at her and told her, Importante graduate ko ah! (Whats
important is that I graduated). And she looked at me blankly. Maybe she was used
to seeing me on stage bagging medals.

I can still remember my elementary and high school graduations when almost all
the awards were given to me. I got every ribbon and medal I wished for. I topped my
class and I said to myself that I will have more in college. But entering UP changed
everything. Its time to let go of that dream. Its time to wake up and face that there
are so many better students than me. I felt like I was the dumbest student in a
crowd of learners coming from popular high schools all over the country. I felt that I
could not graduate on time, worse, I felt like giving up. I felt intimidated that I only
came from an unpopular school in the far-flung municipality. But for whatever it
takes, I pursued and I graduated after only four years.
Looking back on my four years stay in the university, I never would have thought
that a simple student like me can carry the burden and the demands of such a
prominent university. In there, I realized that you dont have to be really smart. You
dont need to be intelligent, you only have to persevere and have the will power to
carry on. Yes, being a smart is a factor but I know a number of friends who are
smart but are tardy. A teacher told me that diligence can take you to high places. If
you really want to get out of the university, you should work hard for it.
I guess, from an outsiders point of view, its not enough that we only graduate
because a lot are expecting from us. Its not enough to be a regular graduate. I
heard some people say that we became dumb after high school and that UP is an
appalling place because it is a hub of activism and liberality. Some even stereotype
us as high school achievers but college losers. I know some parents who wouldnt
allow their children to study in UP because UP is a bad influence. But, as Ive said
earlier, you dont have any idea where were coming from. You dont know how we
felt. You may think that we are not doing our best but we really are. However,
recognition is not our goal for some, maybe. But for me, bagging an award is just
an added bonus. The most important thing, just like the clich goes, is to graduate
no matter how long it takes and become an active advocate of change in the

About me:
JORDANA MARI JACO, 21 years old, Political Science-Management graduate
from University of the Philippines Visayas Miagao

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