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1.of; concerning; in regard to: instructions about the work; a book about the Civil War.
2.connected or associated with: There was an air of mystery about him.
3.near; close to: a man about my height; about six o'clock. or somewhere near: He is about the house.
5.on every side of; around: the railing about the excavation.

Above: or to a higher place than; over: to fly above the clouds; the floor above ours.
2.more in quantity or number than; in excess of: all girls above 12 years of age; The weight is
above a ton.
3.superior in rank, authority, or standing to: A captain is above a lieutenant.
4.not subject or liable to; not capable of (some undesirable action, thought, etc.): above
suspicion; to be above bad behavior.
5.of too fine a character for: He is above such trickery.


1.from one side to the other of: a bridge across a river.

2.on or to the other side of; beyond: across the sea.
3.into contact with; into the presence of, usually by accident: to come across an old friend; to run
across a first edition of Byron.
4.crosswise of or transversely to the length of something; athwart: coats across the bed;
straddled across the boundary line.


1.behind in place or position; following behind: men lining up one after the other.
2.later in time than; in succession to; at the close of: Tell me after supper. Day after day he came
to work late.
3.subsequent to and in consequence of: After what has happened, I can never return.
4.below in rank or excellence; nearest to: Milton is usually placed after Shakespeare among
English poets. imitation of or in imitation of the style of: to make something after a model; fashioned after

Against: opposition to; contrary to; adverse or hostile to: twenty votes against ten; against reason. resistance to or defense from: protection against burglars. an opposite direction to: to ride against the wind.
4.into contact or collision with; toward; upon: The rain beat against the window. contact with: to lean against the wall.


1.through, on, beside, over, or parallel to the length or direction of; from one end to the other of:
to walk along a highway; to run a border along a shelf.
2.during; in the course of: Somewhere along the way I lost my hat. conformity or accordance with: I plan to revise the article along the lines suggested.

Among:, into, or through the midst of; in association or connection with; surrounded by: He was
among friends. the midst of, so as to influence: missionary work among the local people.
3.with a share for each of: Divide the cigars among you. the number, class, or group of; of or out of: That is among the things we must do.
1 all or with the whole of; by most or with many of: popular among the people.


1.about; on all sides; encircling; encompassing: a halo around his head. as to encircle, surround, or envelop: to tie paper around a package.
3.on the edge, border, or outer part of: a skirt with fringe around the bottom.
4.from place to place in; about: to get around town. all or various directions from: to look around one.

As: the role, function, or status of: to act as leader.


1.(used to indicate a point or place occupied in space); in, on, or near: to stand at the door; at
the bottom of the barrel.
2.(used to indicate a location or position, as in time, on a scale, or in order): at zero; at noon; at
age 65; at the end; at the lowest point.
3.(used to indicate presence or location): at home; at hand.
4.(used to indicate amount, degree, or rate): at great speed; at high altitudes.
5.(used to indicate a direction, goal, or objective); toward: Aim at the mark. Look at that.


1.previous to; earlier or sooner than: Phone me before noon. front of; ahead of; in advance of: his shadow advancing before him; She stood before the
3.ahead of; in the future of; awaiting: The golden age is before us. preference to; rather than: They would die before surrendering. precedence of, as in order or rank: We put freedom before wealth.

Behind: or toward the rear of: Look behind the house.

2.not keeping up with, later than; after: behind schedule. the state of making less progress than: We can't afford to fall behind our competitors.
4.on the farther side of; beyond: behind the mountain.
5.originating, supporting, or promoting: Who's behind this program?


1.lower down than: below the knee.

2.lower in rank, degree, amount, rate, etc., than: below cost; below freezing.
3.too low or undignified to be worthy of; beneath: He considered such an action below his notice.
4. downstage of: There are two chairs below the table.


1.below; under: beneath the same roof.

2.farther down than; underneath; lower in place than: The first drawer beneath the top one.
3.lower down on a slope than: beneath the crest of a hill.
4.inferior or less important, as in position, rank, or power: A captain is beneath a major.
5.unworthy of; below the level or dignity of: to regard others as beneath one; behavior that was
beneath contempt.

Beside: or at the side of; near: Sit down beside me.

2.compared with: Beside him other writers seem amateurish.

3.apart from; not connected with: beside the point; beside the question.


1.over and above; in addition to: Besides a mother he has a sister to support.
2.other than; except: There's no one here besides Bill and me.

Between: the space separating (two points, objects, etc.): between New York and Chicago.
2.intermediate to, in time, quantity, or degree: between twelve and one o'clock; between 50 and
60 apples; between pink and red.
3.linking; connecting: air service between cities. portions for each of (two people): splitting the profits between them.
5.among: sharing the responsibilities between the five of us.


1.on, at, or to the farther side of: Beyond those trees you'll find his house.
2.farther on than; more distant than: beyond the horizon; beyond the sea.
3.outside the understanding, limits, or reach of; past: beyond comprehension; beyond
endurance; beyond help.
4.superior to; surpassing; above: wise beyond all others.
5.more than; in excess of; over and above: to stay beyond one's welcome.


1.near to or next to: a home by a lake.

2.over the surface of, through the medium of, along, or using as a route: He came by the
highway. She arrived by air.
3.on, as a means of conveyance: They arrived by ship. and beyond the vicinity of; past: He went by the church.
5.within the extent or period of; during: by day; by night.

Down: a descending or more remote direction or place on, over, or along: They ran off down the


1.throughout the duration, continuance, or existence of: He lived in Florida during the winter. some time or point in the course of: They departed during the night.


1.with the exclusion of; excluding; save; but: They were all there except me.


1.with the object or purpose of: to run for exercise.

2.intended to belong to, or be used in connection with: equipment for the army; a closet for
3.suiting the purposes or needs of: medicine for the old people. order to obtain, gain, or acquire: a suit for alimony; to work for earn money.


1.(used to specify a starting point in spatial movement): a train running west from Chicago.
2.(used to specify a starting point in an expression of limits): The number of stores will be
increased from 25 to 30.

3.(used to express removal or separation, as in space, time, or order): two miles from shore; 30
minutes from now; from one page to the next.
4.(used to express discrimination or distinction): to be excluded from membership; to differ from
one's father.
5.(used to indicate source or origin): to come from the Midwest; to take a pencil from one's


1.(used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park.
2.(used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial): in politics; in the autumn.
3.(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient
times; a task done in ten minutes.
4.(used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action,
etc.): to speak in a whisper; to be similar in appearance.
5.(used to indicate means): sketched in ink; spoken in French.


1.on the inner side or part of; within: inside the circle; inside the envelope.
2.prior to the elapse of; within: He promised to arrive inside an hour.

Into: the inside of; in toward: He walked into the room. The train chugged into the station.
2.toward or in the direction of: going into town. a point of contact with; against: backed into a parked car.
4.(used to indicate insertion or immersion in): plugged into the socket.
5.(used to indicate entry, inclusion, or introduction in a place or condition): received into the

Like: like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of: He works like a donkey.
2.resembling (someone or something): He is just like his father. Your necklace is just like mine.
3.characteristic of: It would be like him to forget our appointment. if there is promise of; indicative of: It looks like rain. if someone or something gives promise of being: She looks like a good prospect for the job.

Near:, to, or within a short distance, or no great distance, from or of: regions near the equator.
2.close to in time: near the beginning of the year.
3.close to a condition or state: He is near death.


1.(used to indicate distance or direction from, separation, deprivation, etc.): within a mile of the
church; south of Omaha; to be robbed of one's money.
2.(used to indicate derivation, origin, or source): a man of good family; the plays of Shakespeare;
a piece of cake.
3.(used to indicate cause, motive, occasion, or reason): to die of hunger.
4.(used to indicate material, component parts, substance, or contents): a dress of silk; an
apartment of three rooms; a book of poems; a package of cheese.
5.(used to indicate apposition or identity): Is that idiot of a salesman calling again?

Off: as no longer to be supported by, attached to, on, resting on, or unified with: Take your feet
off the table! break a piece of bread off the loaf.

2.deviating from: off balance; off course.

3.below or less than the usual or expected level or standard: 20 percent off the marked price; I
was off my golf game.
4.away, disengaged, or resting from: to be off duty on Tuesdays.

On: as to be or remain supported by or suspended from: Put your package down on the table;
Hang your coat on the hook. as to be attached to or unified with: Hang the picture on the wall. Paste the label on the
package. as to be a covering or wrapping for: Put the blanket on the baby. Put aluminum foil on the
lamb chops before freezing them. connection, association, or cooperation with; as a part or element of: to serve on a jury. as to be a supporting part, base, backing, etc., of: a painting on canvas; mounted on
cardboard; legs on a chair.


1.(used to indicate movement or direction from the inside to the outside of something): He
looked out the window. She ran out the door.
2.(used to indicate location): The car is parked out back.
3.(used to indicate movement away from a central point): Let's drive out the old parkway.


1.on or toward the outside of: There was a noise outside the door.
2.beyond the confines or borders of: visitors from outside the country.
3.with the exception of; aside from: She has no interests outside her work.


1.above in place or position: the roof over one's head.

2.above and to the other side of: to leap over a wall.
3.above in authority, rank, power, etc., so as to govern, control, or have jurisdiction regarding:
There is no one over her in the department now. as to rest on or cover; on or upon: Throw a sheet over the bed.
5.on or upon, so as to cause an apparent change in one's mood, attitude, etc.: I can't imagine
what has come over her.


1.beyond in time; later than; after: past noon; half past six.
2.beyond in space or position; farther on than: the house just past the church. a direction so as to pass by or go beyond: We went past the house by mistake.
4.beyond in amount, number, etc.: past the maximum age for enlisting in the army.
5.beyond the reach, scope, influence, or power of: He is past hope of recovery.


1.continuously from or counting from: It has been warm since noon.

2.between a past time or event and the present: There have been many changes since the war.

Through: at one end, side, or surface and out at the other: to pass through a tunnel; We drove through
Denver without stopping. Sun came through the window.
2.past; beyond: to go through a stop sign without stopping.

3.from one to the other of; between or among the individual members or parts of: to swing
through the trees; This book has passed through many hands.
4.over the surface of, by way of, or within the limits or medium of: to travel through a country; to
fly through the air.
5.during the whole period of: They worked through the night.


1.up to the time of; until: to fight till death.

2.before (used in negative constructions): He did not come till today.
3.near or at a specified time: till evening.


1.(used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and
reached, as opposed to from ): They came to the house.
2.(used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something) in the direction of;
toward: from north to south.
3.(used for expressing limit of movement or extension): He grew to six feet.
4.(used for expressing contact or contiguity) on; against; beside; upon: a right uppercut to the
jaw; Apply varnish to the surface.
5.(used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until: to this day; It is ten minutes to six.
We work from nine to five.

Toward (s): the direction of: to walk toward the river.

2.with a view to obtaining or having; for: They're saving money toward a new house. the area or vicinity of; near: Our house is toward the top of the hill.
4.turned to; facing: Her back was toward me.
5.shortly before; close to: toward midnight.


1.beneath and covered by: under a table; under a tree.

2.below the surface of: under water; under the skin. a point or position lower or further down than: He was hit just under his eye. the position or state of bearing, supporting, sustaining, enduring, etc.: to sink under a heavy
5.beneath the heading or within the category of: Classify the books under Fiction and


1.onward to or till (a specified time or occurrence): She worked until 6 p.m.

2.before (usually used in negative constructions): He did not go until night.

Up:, toward, or at an elevated place on or in: They went up the stairs. The cat is up the tree., toward, or at a high or higher station, condition, or rank on or in: He is well up the social
ladder. or to a farther point or higher place on or in: She is up the street. I'm going up the street.
4.toward the source, origin, etc., of: up the stream.
5.toward a particular direction or in the interior of, as a region or territory: The explorers were up


1.up and on; upward so as to get or be on: He climbed upon his horse and rode off. an elevated position on: There is a television antenna upon every house in the
neighborhood. or into complete or approximate contact with, as an attacker or an important or pressing
occasion: The enemy was upon us and our soldiers had little time to escape. The Christmas
holiday will soon be upon us and we have hardly begun to buy gifts. The time to take action is
upon us.
4.immediately or very soon after: She went into mourning upon her husband's death.
5.on the occasion of: She was joyful upon seeing her child take his first steps.


1.accompanied by; accompanying: I will go with you. He fought with his brother against the
enemy. some particular relation to (especially implying interaction, company, association,
conjunction, or connection): I dealt with the problem. She agreed with me.
3.characterized by or having: a person with initiative.
4.(of means or instrument) by the use of; using: to line a coat with silk; to cut with a knife.
5.(of manner) using or showing: to work with diligence.

Within: or into the interior of or the parts or space enclosed by: within city walls. the compass or limits of; not beyond: within view; to live within one's income. or to some point not beyond, as in length or distance; not farther than: within a radius of a
mile. or to some amount or degree not exceeding: within two degrees of freezing.


1.with the absence, omission, or avoidance of; not with; with no or none of; lacking: without help;
without shoes; without her helping me; without him to help. from; excluding: a world without hunger.
3.not accompanied by: Don't go without me., on, or to the outside of; outside of: both within and without the house or the city.
5.beyond the limits, range, or scope of (now used chiefly in opposition to within ): whether
within or without the law.

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