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In 2030 you will no longer be young.

What changes do you hope to see in

the world in the next 15 years?
Good morning! Welcome to the muddled brain of a 15-year old female who
will try to make the next ten minutes one of the most riveting ten
minutes of your life or at least decent enough such that you wouldnt want
to wring her neck. No promises made though. At your own risk, dive in.
Part I: The Whole World
With regard to the profound query posed, I would like to see, in the next
15 years, the reformation of all the worlds human inhabitants into beings
with a conscience that dings when they do something wrong. Right now, it
seems like there are in existence, very few people who have the above.
Some might argue that actually, our world is not in a worse state than
before. Yes, we have terrorist groups like the ISIS and Boko Haram so
effectively terrorizing the people and we have men chopping down the
trees and killing the wildlife, thereby effectively terrorizing all nonhuman living things, but its not like these are new or anything. Think
about the two Great Wars that plunged all mankind into fighting. And we
have been chopping down trees to make way for farms and hunting animals
for our survival since the beginning of time, so its just business as usual
for us no?
NO. Mother Earth is probably regretting giving us that sixth sense, which
has allowed us to be the dominant race. She might have even considered
whether it would have been better to bless some other species like the
ant or the eagle with that instead of us humans. We have to prove her
wrong. It is of supreme importance to us, the great and wonderful human
race, to show that we deserve the sixth sense the most. And to do this,
we should perhaps, start using that coveted sixth sense properly.
Even if all activities can be traced back to our roots, we most certainly
must think about whether this is the legacy that we really want to leave
behind after we ourselves have departed. Do we want future humans to
perceive us as heartless killing machines who stooped to murdering
members of our own race? Do we want them to look back at us in disgust
and revulsion? Nope, thats not what I want to be thought of, long, long
after I have turned into ash.

The longevity of our activities has robbed us of our heart and made us
immune to pain, suffering and most importantly, any feelings of
brotherhood. People kill without mercy but those who stand on the sidelines and merely condemn through words and not actions are just as bad. I
am unaware of all the intricate pacts and delicate lines that exist
between nations but when did all these start to matter more than lives?
What is the point of speaking for peace and brotherhood when on the
other side of the world, the people you claim as brothers are executed
and their executions are posted on the Internet?
Yet, not all is lost for us despicable humans. Because people like Gandhi
and Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King and Rachel Carson have all
risen up to defy these abominable standards. And they are not the only
ones. In our midst too, I believe, there are many who have shown what we
humans could truly be if we just tried a little.
This brings to the fore the word hope. Just because one hopes for
something does not mean that it will happen. But I think hope moves
something in you to try to make it happen. And so maybe, we humans
might not fully possess a sound conscience that prevents us from
committing any wrongdoing by 2030. With hope though, we might at least
start to try to get there. Hopefully, we will reach there one day.
Part II: The Females
In the next 15 years, I hope that all females will have achieved the basic
rights of a human. I do not desire for gender equality or for women to
overtake men or any of that human-invented notions. I simply wish that
women everywhere will have everything that any human being should have.
Remember ladies, this is a race. But, not a race against the men. It is a
race against ourselves, to raise ourselves and better the conditions of
women everywhere

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