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Class 19

ENME02 Fall 2015

Unit 4: Textos de comprensin lectora, la cohesin por anforas y vocabulario especializado.

Criterio de evaluacin
4.2.1: Identifica tipos de prrafos, uso de puntuacin y grafa, a fin de efectuar mapas conceptuales.

Warm-up activity: Lets discuss.

Do you remember consejos bsicos a la hora de traducir in class14? The following examples show the
importance of linguistic accuracy when we translate:

Delincuentes idiomticos: las peores traducciones encontradas en carteles de la calle

Escrito por cecilia melendez

Estas traducciones del espaol al ingls - y viceversa - dejan de lado la precisin lingstica para dar
lugar a la libre interpretacin. Frases de men, publicidades e indicaciones de uso son vctimas de los
peores traductores. Ese no sera el peor problema... qu ocurre cundo el cartel en cuestin indica una
cuestin de vida o muerte? Aqu estn las peores traducciones encontradas en la calle.

What do you think about this? Give your opinion: What would happen if you are not accurate when translating a
manual or instructions to repair part of the engine?

Class 19
ENME02 Fall 2015

I. Prrafo (Wikipedia)
Un prrafo, tambin llamado pargrafo, es un grupo de palabras en un texto escrito que expresa una idea o un
argumento. Est compuesto por un conjunto de oraciones que tienen cierta unidad temtica o que, sin tenerla, se
enuncian juntas. Es un componente del texto que en su aspecto externo comienza con una mayscula y termina
en un punto y aparte. Comprende varias oraciones relacionadas sobre el mismo subtema; una de ellas expresa la
idea principal.

Un prrafo est formado por una o varias oraciones con estas caractersticas:

Oracin principal
El prrafo est constituido por una oracin principal que puede ser distinguida fcilmente, ya que enuncia la parte
esencial de la cual dependen los dems. Es posible decir entonces que la oracin principal posee un sentido
esencial del prrafo. La oracin principal puede aparecer en el texto de forma implcita o explcita. Cuando la
oracin principal est implcita, sta no aparece por escrito en el prrafo y es necesario deducirla. En cambio, la
explcita s la encontramos escrita y podemos encontrarla al principio, en el medio o al final del prrafo.
Oraciones secundarias
Pueden ser de dos tipos: de coordinacin y subordinacin. Son coordinadas aquellas que estn unidas mediante
conjunciones y posee en s mismo un sentido completo. Son subordinadas aquellas que solo adquieren sentido en
funcin de otra.

Unidad y coherencia
Consiste en la referencia comn de cada una de sus partes, es decir, que la oracin principal como las
secundarias se refieren a un solo hecho. La coherencia es la organizacin apropiada de las oraciones de tal forma
que el contenido del prrafo sea lgico, claro y se entienda

Tipos de prrafos
(Derechos Reservados Se permite la total o parcial reproduccin del contenido, siempre y cuando se
reconozca y se enlace a este artculo como la fuente de informacin utilizada.
El prrafo es la unidad de un discurso escrito conformado por varias oraciones que expresan una idea y terminan
con un punto y aparte. Las oraciones que lo conforman suelen compartir la misma temtica y una de ellas es la
que expresa la principal idea.
Existen distintos tipos de prrafos, pero los que consideraremos en nuestra clase son:

Deductivo: en este la idea principal se coloca al principio que, para construirla se parte de una
generalizacin para luego presentar casos especficos.
Inductivo: en oposicin al anterior, en estos prrafos la idea principal se coloca al final. En estos
se parte de casos especficos para llegar a una generalizacin que concluye lo que se afirm.

II. Grafa
La representacin escrita del sonido recibe el nombre de letra o grafa.
La correspondencia exacta entre sonido y grafa no se produce en ingls, ya que una misma letra puede
reproducir sonidos distintos o un mismo sonido puede representarse con distintas letras.

Class 19
ENME02 Fall 2015

III. Punctuation (English

Punctuation is the system of symbols (. , ! - : etc) that we use to separate sentences and part of the sentences, and
to make their meaning clear. Each symbol is called a punctuation mark.

The value of punctuation

An English teacher wrote these words on the board:

Woman without her man is nothing

The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.
The men wrote the following.

Woman, without her man, is nothing.

The women wrote:

Woman! Without her. Man is nothing.

Punctuation Marks



Full stop or period

I like English.


I speak English, French and Thai.


I dont like swimming; I prefer to play tennis.



You have two choices: finish the work today or lose

the contract.
This is a rather out-of- date book.

Dash (Only used in English, for

Question mark

I love my girlfriend she is the best.

Exclamation mark

help! she cried.

Slash forward

Please press your browsers Refresh /Reload button.

double quotation marks

I love you, she said.


This is Johns car


Have you read War and peace?

round brackets

I went to Bangkok (my favorite city) and Y stayed
there for two weeks.

Square brackets

The newspaper reported that the hostages

[ most of them French
One happy customer wrote: This is the best
program that I have ever seen.




Ellipsis mark

Where is Shangri-La?

Class 19
ENME02 Fall 2015

Text N1: Lets work together (These activities are done with the instructor modelling)
a) Skim the paragraph and find the main idea. Where is it located?
b) Are the paragraphs deductive or inductive? Why?
c) Circle all the punctuation marks. Choose 2 and explain why they are used.
d) Lets create a word map with the text.

Engine Modifications to Improve Performance

by Brian Boone

What can you change about your car to give it a little more kick? Explore
For some auto enthusiasts, the car that rolls off of the assembly line isn't quite up to speed, so to speak. Some
drivers love to tinker with their cars' engines, adding more power or improving fuel-efficiency. But what can you do
when you want to feel a little more rumbling coming from that engine?
Ordinarily, an engine handles air intake this way: A piston moves down, creating a vacuum, allowing air at
atmospheric pressure to be drawn into the combustion chamber. Combined with fuel, it forms a unit of energy,
which is turned into kinetic energy (or horsepower) via combustion, thanks to an ignition from the spark plug.
To improve a car's performance -- in other words, to make it go faster, something all car aficionados and
gearheads crave -- would require more powerful, or at least more efficient, combustion. More fuel alone going into
the engine wouldn't work, because of the delicate relationship between the oxygen in the air and the fuel required
for the combustion. Instead, modifying your car's engine to accept more air and fuel is the key. Here are five ways
to modify your car to make that happen.
Ref: Jupiterimages/Comstock Images/G

Now, its your turn.

Do the following activities in pairs.
a) Skim the paragraph and find the main idea. Where is it located?
b) Are the paragraphs deductive or inductive? Why?
c) Circle all the punctuation marks. Choose 2 and explain why they are used.
d) Create a word map with the text.

Class 19
ENME02 Fall 2015


Text 2: Take Note

Be aware that some of these modifications may void your car's warranty.
A supercharger pressurizes air intake to above the normal atmospheric level so that more air can go into the
engine, thus combining it with more fuel to produce more power. Powered mechanically via a belt or chain from the
crankshaft, a supercharger spins at a rate of at least 50,000 RPM (faster than the engine itself) in order to force air
into the combustion chamber. This makes space for more fuel, which creates for a larger combustion.
How much more energy is produced? Nearly 50 percent more horsepower, if everything is installed correctly.
Attaching one to the engine of a normal sized car will immediately make it behave like a much larger, more
powerful vehicle. What's great is that it can be a do-it-yourself project -- simply bolt it to the top or side of the engine
and follow the manufacturer's installation instructions.

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