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Topic: look a little closer, stare a little longer!

Category: Motivation
So you are in doubt that whether youll be able to clear the exam? You think the paper and
syllabus is very tough? You analyzed and found out that the real chances of getting selected is
very meagre?
Dont worry just fasten your seat belt and stay with me and Ill make sure you go home learning
something and more determined.
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let
the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave
every other idea alone. This is the way to success.
-Swami Vivekananda
You have just one life and that too very short. You can either spend it regretting or working every
minute every second to reach your goal. In this case just imagine your happiness, the ecstatic
feeling youll get after being selected. Your name, not just any other name now. You will be a
distinct persona. You would have rose above all others. But for that you have to be sure that you
have to rise above all and you dont want to be just somebody. Its just about some year of pain
and your entire life is going to change. The same India where you hold no distinct place till now,
will rely on your decision making and policy making skills! Isnt that astonishing? Just imagine
everything. What generally happens is we lack in our part of hard work and blame and rely on
every other factor on this earth. Dont do your part sincerely. Do hard work not to achieve
anything but to make sure you can see yourself in the eye. You dont regret anything. Live your
life to the limit. If you want high power and reputation then realize that it will not come for free.
Without hardship, even Buddha couldnt attain enlightenment. But once he did, he no more was
just another guy. He made his name distinct in the history. In the same light if you want to see
determination, remember Buddha was determined that I am not going to eat anything, not going
to think anything else, I am not going anywhere, and nobody can move me until I am going to
know the truth behind this life. He didnt move and was determined and his determination is
what made him all he is. Have you heard the story of Angad in Ramayana. Where nobody
could move his foot. Consider yourself that. And be determined. Say it to yourself I am not
going anywhere till I am going to succeed. But do yourself a favor, dont doubt you capabilities
because doubt will kill more dreams than failure ever will.
Dont doubt your faith, or you will have faith in your doubts.
Grab a better mirror, see yourself face to face,
look a little closer,
stare a little longer,
because there is something inside you that made you keep trying despite everyone told you to

but you have to believe that you are right

and those who said you cant, are wrong,
you have to believe that they are wrong,
or why else would you be here trying?,
tell your fears that they cant make you feel weak,
they cannot shake your faith,
tell them you, yes you stand in their way of putting you down, conquer you
Now you do one more injustice to yourself. When you are about to believe, you try to fear
yourself with the vast course and difficult paper. Really? Is it hard? Yes they are, but only till you
dont have the knowledge and the faith. Without these two any paper is difficult. Be it civil
services or any exam. With these any exam is easy. Just go on and try to convince yourself, why,
why would you fail if you have the knowledge? And you feel if you havent got the knowledge,
then go and study. Study hard rather than wasting time in fearing and doubting. What? Did
somebody say luck?
Luck is a weak mans cover and a strong mans support.
If you believe that luck can drastically change your result, then how drastic could it be? Can it
slip you from top rank to non-qualifying? Can it transform your result so drastically that you are
analyzing your top ranks before the result and result shows you, you didnt even make it? No it
cannot. It only can if you are relying more on luck and less on hard work. I know and I accept
luck as a relevant factor. But not so much that it can overshadow all my hard work and
knowledge. We are not playing poker. Are we? Tell yourself, it is you who should dominate and
not the luck.
I want to quote some lines from a great Hindi poet,
Wo path kya, pathik kushalta kya?,
Yadi path pe bikhre shool na ho,
navik ki dhairya pariksha kya?,
Yadi dharayein pratikool na ho!
Path = way
pathik = passenger (the one walking on the way)
kushalta = capability
shool = thorns
navik = sailor
dhairya = patience
pariksha = test
dharayein = current (water currents)
pratikool = against
So true! You never know what is hidden inside. You never know what are you capable of. You
never know your actual potential unless you are tested. And once you are tested and you keep

believing in yourself, you can defy all superstitions, you can defy all doubts, you can defy all
confusions and you will come out winning.
"You can succeed if nobody else believes it, but you will never succeed if you dont believe in
- William J.H. Boetcker
You have to believe that you can do it. If you dont believe in yourself, someone somewhere else
might be happy seeing you quitting and kneeling down. You are just making it comfortable for
others to win.
We dont lose the fight when we fail, we lose the fight when we stop trying.
Dont lose the fight. Give it a try. Give it your best shot. Just remember that nothing can
substitute hard work and labor and a little smartness. Every time you hear that you cant do it,
shout and scream, I can do it 10 times louder. Louder than everyone else. Louder to make even
deaf listen.
Regrets of yesterday and fears of tomorrow are the two thieves which steal our present. Lets
focus well on today.
If you cant convince yourself to believe in you, nobody else ever will believe in you. Dont
betray yourself. Try hard and you will come out winning.
All the Very Best.
Reference of story of Buddha from the history literatures.
Reference of story of Angad from the epic Ramayana.
Lines from Shane Koyczans To this day piece.
Name: Anmol Tyagi

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