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Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)


Think about this, Ling! You have to think about this!

I think of only one thing and it isnt making nice to these assholes. Before he could utter
another word, I tear a hole through his skull and dodge a bullet making its way to me. I
turn and blow the other fuckers head open, from his eye, to the back of his head. I can
see the door to Skrags office. I continue walking towards the office doors.
Two more assholes. They come from the office doors, guns blazing. I leap behind one of
the desks and wait for them to shuffle. Now. I bring my Luger up and pop one of them. I
hear him crash to the floor and the other one stumbling around. I creep my way to him
and smack him in the face with the butt of the Luger. He falls back against the wall. I come
forward with a fist and see a few of his teeth fall out. Lucky Lucy strikes again. I never get
into a brawl without my lucky iron knuckles.
Night. His eyes close. I slam into his face so hard I can feel bones shattering and he flops
straight to the floor like a fish out of water.
My comm-link goes off. Boss, we have the building totally surrounded. He isnt going
anywhere without us having a say about it. Youre good to rock it.
Perfect. A big smile dances across my face. This is it. All this time. All the people I had to
kill to get to this point. The feeling is incredible. The rush is something else. I bring another
fist down on the goons head, cracking it open.
I stand up and make my way to the door. I begin chuckling as I put my Luger back in its
holster and kick the doors open. Hi, Skrag! Lets talk.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)


I make sure I have enough weapons to last me the fight. I do. There is nothing cool about
storming an outpost without the right kind of weapons. I look over and ask the rest of the
boys if they have everything they need, because once we haul ass, we arent coming back
until the jobs done. They tell me theyre ready. Time to roll out.
Skrag hits me up via the comm-tachment in Larry, my ever-so-loving walker, whos never
once done me wrong. Larrys my sweet killing machine. I get the low-down I need from
Skrag, who also lets me know that whatever the cost, Im to leave none alive. Funny,
considering I hardly ever let anyone live anyway. I get the coordinates. It looks like Im
going to be on the road for about 45 minutes. Rad. I can crank the thrash.
Im ready. I have been since I was told about this mission two weeks ago. Skrag told me it
was a big raid and the loot was gonna have me rolling in resources for years. Hope so,
because I have always wanted to get away from this place. Nevada is a fucking cesspool
and while I like Skrag, the Skravers arent much fun. They take their jobs seriously, while
I slice, dice and carve up scumbags with a smile on my face. Hey, its how I get my kicks,
alright? There isnt anything more joyous than pulling out some assholes intestines and
playing jump rope with em, while humming the good old USA anthem. Sure, you can kill
as a job, but that isnt fun. Killing is a hobby. Always will be.
Were on the road. Larry leads the pack, and behind me, the rats on their bikes keep up
like good little soldiers. Some of these guys I have never seen before, but Skrag said they
were the best at what they did, so who am I to judge? Well, they could stink hotter than
a musty anus for all I care. Im the one whos going to get my kicks tonight.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Were here. Winds pick up and the blood moon is out in full. I fucking hate Nevada. The
heat, the humidity and the smell. Fuck this place.
Heads up, Boss!
Gryndor, one of Skrags juves alerts me. He picks up movement behind the main wall
were facing. It looks like someone is home.
As I begin to send a message to Skrag, the outposts entrance begins to open. I order the
boys to get ready, weapons up and aimed. I exit Larry and plant both feet on the ground,
making my way toward the entrance, assault rifle locked on. Out comes this big, massive
Reptor. Its Sye. Hes the one Im here for. Time to get this started.
Skrag send his whore out, again?
Gosh, Sye, you really are a fucking sweetheart. My typical smile, turns to a much more
serious gaze. Times up. Skrag isnt waiting anymore.
So, this is all he sends?
He didnt need to send anymore, Sye. Im a big girl, you know.
He looks agitated. Nervous. Somethings up. I quickly glance over my left shoulder. My
boys are lowering their weapons.
This is the part where you find out youre going to fucking die, whore.
Sye begins pacing toward me, no weapons. He doesnt really need any, considering hes
a beastly son of a bitch. I begin walking backward, when the Skravers I rolled with are now
aiming their guns at me. Sye starts to chuckle.
Ive wanted your skull since the day you thrashed Tyson, bitch.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I cant help but sigh. Then, I begin laughing. Sye stops suddenly, a look of disgust washes
over his fat, hideous face. Just then, a few more dipshits begin to tread out from the
outposts entrance, a few of them armed. Reptors arent known for their shooting
capabilities, but they can tear you up something fierce.
What the fuck is so funny, Ling? Huh?
Larrys in free-mode, babe. I giggle as I hit the dirt.
Oh shit!
While Sye was busy playing badass, I activated Larrys free-mode, which lets him act
independently. If Im ever in trouble, Larry can kick major ass by himself.
Larry opens up on Skrags goons, tearing holes in all of em, who never get a chance to
fire back. What can I say, Larrys a stud. At this point, Syes scumbag gangers begin
shooting in Larrys direction. Syes barking orders as he moves, using Skraver corpses as
meat-shields. He quickly looks in my direction and begins charging. Here we go. This is the
part I absolutely love.
Sye lunges at me. I quickly bolt up off the ground. He swings. Left. Right. Hes swinging
pretty wildly, but charging forward against me as he does so. Im ducking, swaying and
forcing him to miss over and over again. Hes getting pretty pissed off now. He growls as
he thrusts forward with his right fist, then, his hand falls to the floor.
Oops! I smile, katana in my left hand.
I was able to pull it from my hip and slice upward as his fist came toward me. It didnt take
much effort, really. I cant help but laugh as he continues swinging, and missing. It makes
him even angrier. I keep laughing. He keeps getting angrier.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Ill fucking kill you, bitch!

Your brother said the same thing. Tyson was totally tougher than you, though. If you
could get past the begging, whining and dying. I laugh louder.
Fuck you! Fuck you, whore! You fucking bitch!
Hes furious. Awesome. Im now a few feet from Larry, whos still firing toward the
outposts entrance, keeping some of those Reptors pinned. I can see that Sye is
weakening, the loss of blood getting to him. Perfect. He brings another lunge, this time,
swinging with his left, throwing a hook, which managed to catch my shoulder. It drops me
on my back, but I roll back and get to my feet. Im still laughing.
As soon as Im on my feet, he swing with his right again. I bring my katana down on his
forearm and it gets stuck. Fuck. He grabs it with his left hand and throws it to the ground,
breaking it. The look on his face says it all.
Just then, the entrance to the compound gets pounded with Larrys riot missiles. About
three of them shoot from between Larrys legs and bring the outer walls crumbling down
in a massive heap. The jolt was enough to send me and Sye to the floor. Im looking around
now, but all I see is smoke. I can hear Sye grunting, but cant find him.
I get on all fours and begin to stand, when I suddenly find Sye staring me in the face. Hes
breathing loudly, a huge smirk on his face. He quickly wraps his left hand around my neck
and brings me off the floor. I return his smile, bringing the toe of my left boot against his
lower abdomen. He howls in pain and lets me go, the poisoned switchblade in my boot
exiting his body and returning back into its sole. He falls back, grabbing at his abdomen,
but his intestines are already beginning to slide out.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Kill you. Ill kill you. Sye doesnt give up.

BAM. Just as Sye uttered his threat, a bullet when through his forehead, rocking him
forward, sending him splashing into the sand. I look around. Nothing. Smoke is still all
around me, but I can hear footsteps. Who the fuck is it?
Larry, to me, baby! I hear nothing now. Larry isnt moving. Somethings up.
Youre tougher than I expected.
Grond. Its Grond. Skrags number one assassin. My smile turns to a chuckle, as I take
another glance at Syes dumb face.
Great shot, Grond. You here to try what he couldnt do? I giggle.
I dont need to try, Ling. You know that.
Gronds right. Fuckers good. Skraver who doesnt care who pays him. Just so happens
that Skrag pays him well enough to keep him around almost exclusively. Gronds being
here must mean Skrag wanted to make sure I ended up dead. I grab my Luger pistol, an
old souvenir from my run-in with the Shockwaves, an old gang of German mutants. Too
bad theyre all dead, now, thanks to my crafty handiwork.
As I begin scanning my surroundings, I hear footsteps again. The smoke is clearing, but
not fast enough. Just then, Grond darts in front of me, fires off a few rounds and jumps
back into the smoke. Hes fast. None of his shots made their mark, though.
Skrags over you, Ling. More shots, a few close, but none smack me. You were
supposed to die quickly, though. Skrag knew youd somehow manage to live through this
setup, so he called me. Asked me to make sure you died.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Fucking Skrag. That son of a bitch. I remained loyal to his crusty ass throughout my time
here in Nevada. Wiped out tons of his opposition, and now this.
Why? My smile remains, but Im not very happy at this point. What does the fucker
stand to gain from this?
You mean you dont know?
What the fuck are you talking about, Grond?
Why, your plans for forming your own outfit, of course. You talked to the wrong people,
babe. They talked to Skrag. Skrag talked to me. Now my gun talks to you.
Im laughing again. I hit the reactivation key, bringing Larry back online. Doubt Grond
knew I had a failsafe, should anyone try and bring him offline. I hear Grond react to Larry
whirring back to life. I hear him dash about, but still cant see him. I hear bullets slam
against steel. Larry. Gronds such an asshole.
I reach Larry, but its quiet now. Grond isnt around. I hear movement again. I make my
way to the noise, and soon, Im a few feet away from him, staring him in the face, both of
us, with pistols in hand. Shits about to get serious.
Larry, Shockwave!
Grond is thrown back as a pulse emits from Larry. While his ass hits the dirt, I jump into
Larry, lock my feet in the auto-holders and am ready to tear shit up.
Bitch. Grond came charging toward me, guns blazing. Fucker was laughing, too. He
started moving faster, swifter, as the gunfire grew louder and those bullets whizzed right
past my face. I quickly looked down. Time to let Larry shine.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I smiled. My eyes quickly shot up and looked right into Gronds, then I slammed my fist
on the external riot missile button and a cartridge shot out from Larry. It was as if my little
baby had a pooper.
Damn. I almost forgot about your fucking missile fetish.
I laughed. Happy days!
From between Larrys legs, the riot missiles come charging out, already picking up Gronds
chemical imbalance. I loved my little missiles and they loved me. They proved to me time
and time again they loved me in how fucked up of a mess theyd leave those who messed
with me. Mangled. Torn to pieces.
Grond tried to jump. Hes good. Not that good. One of my baby riot missiles catches his
legs and rip them clean off, leaving his thighs ablaze. The missile goes a few yards further
out before smashing into a wall of sand and blowing up.
You fucking bitch! Ill fucking kill you! Ill fucking murder you!
He rolls from side to side, the bottom of his torso now scorched black, with chunks of red
ooze flowing out from the cracks in the burned mess around his thighs. The flames were
out, but Grond was a mess. He wasnt very happy about what just happened.
Well, just look at you, tough guy! My smile almost seems permanent. Youre just the
ultra-cutest when youre mad!
I look down on him. Hes stretching his arms out, like he wants to reach for one of his
pistols. He cant. It makes me laugh, seeing him in so much pain. Every time he tries to
reach out, he screams in agony. He wouldnt shut up about how he was going to kill me
and hurt me and this other nonsense. It was cute.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I cant recall Grond ever losing. My eyes stare right into his and I can feel his burn right
into mine, him thrashing all over the floor, oozing blood like faucets attached to his lower
torso. Today, Grond just wasnt the total badass everyone made him out to be.
Close your eyes, Grond. Its over now.
Eat shit, you bitch! You fucking bitch! This isnt over!
I tap the ejection button and Larry shoots me out. I land a few feet from Grond, whos still
swearing this isnt the last of him. I giggle, knowing damn well it is. I make my way to
Grond, lift my right burgundy boot over his head. Some of the sand falls off the boot and
sprinkles his face, some even falling in his mouth. He offers me a final fuck you, then I
drop the boot, smashing his ugly mug into a creamy pulp of blood and chunks.
I walk back over to Larry and get on the comm-tachment. I make sure my line is secure
and isnt traceable. Skrag answers, like I knew that bastard would.
I dont even let the fucker speak. The second he knows its me, I can hear his breathing
intensify. Skrag, you fucked up. Im coming for you. I cut the link and run my fingers
through my hair, staring up at the night sky. I laugh. This is going to be fun.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)


I wasnt always this gore-loving sadist. I was a happy girl once. For me, killing is joy and
joy is killing. There is no way around it. You can call me crazy. I am. You can call me some
psycho bitch. I am. Behind the smile, what it really is, is a cure for pain. I live in a constant
state of pain and the only cure, is death. My pain is permanent. It doesnt go away, it
doesnt let me be free of it. What momentarily keeps the pain at bay, is carnage.
I grew up in whats now known as the Desert Plains, or Old Palm Springs, as it was known
back in the day. I lived on the streets with my parents and siblings, survivors during the
Toxic Holocaust. My siblings were taken during a raid one night at this compound we had
been staying at. This horde of Thermonuclear Warriors took the place and those of us
who were lucky enough to survive, escaped with our lives. I never saw my siblings after
that night. I was only 10. My parents blamed themselves.
When I was 12, me and my dad went looking for food and came across this abandoned
building. He never saw it coming. Reptors ambushed him, and as I hid under a table, all I
could do is watch him get ripped apart. I saw him utter the name he would call me.
Songbird. My mom used to tell me it was what he called me the day I was born, like a
beautiful song, shed say, that brought a smile to his face in a world where hope was
nothing but a pipedream. I remembered the logo on one of the gangers jackets. The
Cathedral City Slammers. I remembered that name for a very, very long time. It also
wasnt the last time Id see those bastards, too.
That night, was the last time I ever saw my parents. Before I left with my dad, my mom
had asked us to be safe. To come back to her. I still wonder what happened to her.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I tried to make it on my own. I was eventually kidnapped by a gang of Goregrinders; they

wanted to sell me into slavery, but instead they opted to throw me in the pits. I survived
every fight, killing my opponent, be it some human scumfuck or mutant bastard. They all
died. Every death brought me closer to happiness. The Goregrinders loved me so much,
they trained me. Continued to show me new techniques, new styles. I did so well the
Goregrinders offered me one final fight in order to achieve freedom. I fought. I won. In
the end, they gave me my freedom, as promised. I was 17.
When I was released, they offered me a job, leading a gang without a boss. In fact, their
boss had just been iced by members of a rival gang. I took the offer. I had nowhere else
to go. Goregrinder gang. The Solano Street 98s.
So thats Ling Lings original outfit? Hans looks excited to have gotten this much out of
me. I smirk, then continue with my little backstory.
I took the gang and put them on the map. Before me, they had been the laughing stock
of the Desert Plains. Once I took charge, they were feared. I took my love of carnage and
put it on display throughout my time with the 98s. When I was 20, I decided to take my
leave. I left on good terms and settled in with a new replacement for boss. In the short
time with the 98s, they went from nothing, to everything. I was happy. I got my kicks
throughout the ride and when it was time to move on, they let me. It really wasnt a
choice, though. Theyd let me leave if I wanted to. End of discussion.
I caught the eye of this Skraver. Skrag. He was a pretty cool guy. I ran into him once, during
a raid. Some of my 98s and his henchmen were to team up and take this Baxter
compound. Steal some data discs and munitions. It went smoothly. I respected Skrag. He
seemed to do his goons good on word. We parted ways, and that was that.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

When I left the 98s, I figured Id go solo. I wanted to live for myself. I loved my 98s. Still
did, but in the end, I personally wanted to take on the road, alone. I got in touch with
Skrag. He remembered me. Got me in touch with his goons and soon, me and Skrag were
working on a new partnership. Anything he wanted, whatever the job was, I did it for him
and I did it well. One promise I asked Skrag to make, was to help me find the Cathedral
City Slammers. Skrag delivered. They dont exist anymore. One by one, each of those
reptile scumbags fell to me and me alone.
Mercenary work is fun. You get used to it. The killing is always the same thrill, but every
face you smash is a new rush. I worked for Skrag for years. Every job was a new cure for
the shitpile of pain I had to live with. The constant memories of happiness as a child that
would dig deep into my veins and hurt me, over and over again. Each new mission, every
new face to kill was a quick fix. Happiness that would push back that pain. Skrag treated
me well. He felt almost like a new dad, for a while.
So why the heat, boss? Hans looks slightly confused. I continue.
Skrag turned on me. He turned on the Songbird. He found out I had been planning to form
an outfit and bail on him, which wasnt true. I caught word that this rumor got started by
Karfarg. Fucker didnt like me taking out all of his allies and made up a story that tickled
Skrags little pickle. He also promised Skrag all sorts of shit. Tons of compensation for
getting rid of me. Karfarg is the first one.
You know weve got youre back, boss. I know Hans means it. You have always been
legend in the Solano Street 98s. Whenever you call, we answer.
Hans and I exchange glances and smirk. We know whats coming and the things that have
to be done. I know, Hans. Were going to make them all pay. All of them.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)


He took the bait, boss. Were in.

Karfarg was never known for his intelligence. It must be why hes the most broke Skraver
boss in all of Nevada. My boys let him know they know where I am and that they can have
me axed. He promised tons of loot in exchange for my corpse. I have this mother fucker
right where I want him. Hes the first. Hes going to pay.
Meet back at the sand-docks in an hour. I know this is going to be easy. Karfarg has
never been difficult to deal with. Lets get this deal started.
I close the link and turn to face Hans and Grok. Grok is a new 98, only having been picked
up by the gang a few weeks before I came calling on my old friends.
Whats the plan, boss? Grok looks excited.
Karfarg accepted. We meet Rolker at the sand-docks in an hour and get this whole plan
underway. I want Karfarg. You boys can have the scraps. Grok smiles.
I need to suppress this pain. Coming back. It never stops. This is the perfect cure to that
constant problem. Karfarg and his moron goons will serve plenty. That should keep me
satisfied until the next hit: Gorgon. Gorgon was Skrags arms-dealer and made sure when
Karfarg cried, Skrag heard every word of it. Hes in it for whatever resources he can get
and isnt ashamed of being the rotten Skraver bastard he fucking is.
Almost time. I take Hans and Grok, leaving the others with the info on where to hold
position and come in, guns blazing, should things get nasty.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

The sand-docks of Old Reno. What a shithole. This place used to see loads of activity. In
just a few years, Baxter and his Omega Corporation wiped out everything here. I spot
Rolker in the distance. Grok and Hans stay close to me.
Rolker finally arrives. We dont have much time. Im expected to be back within an hour,
You have the body bag? Rolker pulls it out from the passenger seat. Hans, Grok, you
two head back with Rolker in an hour, me in the body bag. The 98s will remain a few miles
from the meeting place, so keep the comm-link open. I take Karfarg when you present
him to the body bag. Thats when you boys tear the place to shreds.
Gotcha, boss. Hans, Rolker and Grok all agree.
Time to head out. We begin to make our way to the destination. Dog Valley, just west of
Old Reno. I lay in the body bag, looking through the open slit. I hear Rolker joking with the
boys and talking about the mission. I cant help but smile. I never thought this is how
things would have turned out. Whatever the case, revenge, carnage and bloodshed are
the things I crave. I wont let them get away with this.
Almost there, boss! 5 minutes! You might wanna play dead in 2!
Playing dead. This special trick is something I learned from my days in the pits. The
Goregrinders picked it up from the Reptors. When you play dead, you allow your
heartbeat to slow down, eventually bringing it to a halt. The longest I have been able to
play dead is about 40 minutes. Grok looks down at me and smiles. He zips up the body
bag and I can hear him shuffle back to his seat. I let myself relax. As I drift away, I can hear
the car begin to slow down. Looks like were almost ready.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Is that her in the bag? Karfarg is excited. Giddy. He wants to see me dead. Since the
betrayal, all hes been doing is fearing Id come for him.
Grok looks over his right shoulder at me in the trunk. Yeah, thats her. Dead, too. You
gonna pay up as promised?
Gasoline! Karfarg dances. Bring the bitch to me!
Hans and Rolker grab the body bag and walk over to Karfarg. They place me on the floor
and back away. Karfarg makes his way to the bag and opens it up.
Ha! It is her! You killed her! You killed Ling Ling!
Thats it. Keep talking, fucker. I feel his hands touch my face, then grab me by the hair. He
looks over to the goons he brought with him, laughing.
This bitch has caused me so much trouble! You see, the price you pay for fucking with
the likes of me? Karfargs goons begin laughing.
He pulls my head in, face to face with his. What now, bitch? What now?
My eyes open. Karfargs jaw drops. I smile. This.
I pull my legs in and throw them upward, the switchblades in each boot shooting out and
slamming into the fuckers throat. He reels backward, falling on his ass. Rolker and the
boys are already tearing into Karfargs goons.
All the noise. All the violence. I block it out. Everything is silent. All I can hear is the sand
crackling under my boots, the switchblades sliding back into their soles and the choking
of Karfarg on his own blood. My smile begins to widen. I want to laugh, but I dont. Karfarg
continues to back up, gurgling up blood, a look of complete fear on his face.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Baby, you went and fucked up. I place a boot on Karfargs left shin. The filthy Skraver is
grabbing at his throat. His eyes widen and I fall atop his chest.
The laughter now comes. Incredibly loud. I begin dropping my closed fists on top of his
face, one after the other, in rapid succession. His face begins changing. Chunks of blood
fly out, some of it hitting me in the face. My fists are covered in his blood. He tries to hold
his hands up, as if to block my incoming melee, to no avail. Hes dead. He knows it. The
more I strike, the happier I feel. I let out a huge cackle, eventually breaking the fuckers
skull open. I place my finger between the cracks and rip his head apart.
You see, Karfarg, you dont fuck with Ling Ling.
The fighting is over. Rolker and the boys arent even scratched. I get to my feet, still
holding Karfargs split skull, his lifeless body dangling underneath it. Rolker looks at the
head and cant help but smile. You did it boss. So, whos next?
I drop Karfarg to the floor and look to my boys. Gorgon. Gather up whatever scraps you
and the rest want. Not my kind of grub, but you boys have at it. Get the rest of the 98s
ready, because were in for one hell of a ride next.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)


Bakersfield, California. Weve stopped at an outpost originally maintained by a pack of

Thermonuclear Warriors. Their outdated equipment is all over the place, most of it totally
unusable. Whoever kicked their asses made sure they all died. Rotten corpses and
skeletons litter the ground. Weve moved much of it out of the way so we can get rest
and prepare to roll out when the new day comes.
Im sitting at a fire with Rolker, Hans and a few other 98s, each of them grubbing on some
of the Skraver meat gathered after the fight with Karfargs henchmen.
So, boss, what do you think will happen to Karfargs organization now that hes dead
meat? Rolker continues munching as he asks.
Skrag will eventually find out. I hope he does. I giggle. As for Karfargs organization,
without Karfarg, they have and are nothing. Theyre done.
I take a swig of the whiskey in my canteen and let out a grunt as the burn hits me right in
the chest. Theyre all fucking done! The 98s roar in agreement. Done!

She what? Are you fucking joking?

No, Skrag. Shes wiped out Karfarg and his top henchmen. The organization is in shambles
and have totally fallen apart.
Skrag continues pacing back and forth. The bitch is coming for me. We need to get
prepared. Send out the word. Anyone able to lend support gets rich. Fast.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Yes, Skrag. What of Karfargs organization. Shall we take them in?

Yeah, why not. Well need corpses when the shit hits the fan. This fucking cunt is proving
to be a sore on my left cheek! Skrag takes a seat in his office chair, rolling from side to
side as his frustrations continue to set in.
Is there anything else, Skrag?
Damn right there is. Get me, GAMMACIDE.

Were on the road again. Gorgons reported to be in San Bernardino, which is roughly 2
hours away from our current position. This time, the plan is straight forward and simple
enough for all the 98s to understand: storm the compound and kill em all.
We make our way to the destination, our vehicles occupying the road like a wave of
endless butchers. Larry and I lead the pack. His feet keeping at an ultra-quick pace, ahead
of the bikes and cars behind us. Ive got the Thrash Metal on and am in my seat, lying
back, staring up at the sky and enjoying my Reptor-skin snacks.
I get on the comm-tachment and hit up Hans. How much more time if we continue down
this route, Hans?
I figure another hour or so. His building is heavily guarded, so well have to get prepped
30 minutes out. Everyone is ready, though. Weve got this.
I laugh. You boys sure do! I wouldnt have it any other way. After my childhood, all I
have ever come to accept as family, are the Goregrinders. They may be different, but I
have never had the bond, as I share with them. They embody who I am.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

An hour goes by and Hans hits me up on the comm-tachment. We should stop here and
get everything ready, boss.
I turn the music off and send a message to the horde. Cut it here, boys and girls. Settle
down and begin preparations. I stretch, yawn and crack my neck before stepping out of
Larry and walking over to meet Hans, Rolker and Grok.
We storm the compound. I want heavy artillery aimed at the entrance and our snipers
picking off the assholes in the towers. Im determined, but am too silly for my own good,
as I chuckle and kick my feet in the dirt as I give the orders. Grok and Rolker will be with
me and Hans, I want you leading the Nasty Boys through the entrance once the walls
come crashing down. You guys got it?
The Nasty Boys. Top of the food chain in the 98s. These are some of the hardest and most
ruthless killers in the gang, most of them the best at aimed weaponry. Theyll be taking
down Gorgons guards in the compounds towers before taking the entrance. I continue
shuffling my feet in the dirt. The boys each look to me.
We got it, boss!
As far as we know, Gorgon has no idea this is coming. We make sure when we strike, we
strike hard. We arent leaving this job until its done.
Gotcha, Ling Ling. Hans grins as he nods.
Last thing, boys. Make sure two teams take the sides of the compound. I want it totally
encircled. Ill be with Rolker and Grok, taking the rear.
There was no way I was letting Gorgon get out. With a surprise coming, that mother fucker
belongs to me and the 98s. I nod, smile and let the horde make preparations.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Everything is set. Were moving now. When we make it a few miles out, I signal for the
artillery crews to stay put and unleash hell on my mark. The rest of the horde continues
forward and in a few minutes, I give the signal. Hell rains on the compound as we begin
encircling it from all four sides. Artillery is raining down on the compound and Hans Nasty
Boys begin taking out guards atop the compounds walls.
Keep the pressure on, boys! Rolker, Grok, keep up! Lets move, sweets!
Riding behind me and Larry, Rolker and Grok keep their pace. That feeling comes back. It
always does when I least think about it. The pain is back. Those images of my childhood,
flashing in my mind. I see my parents. I myself, happy. I see my siblings. I need to get this
pain under control. I bite my lower lip. I bite it until it bleeds.
BOOM, MOTHERFUCKER! I thrust my hips as I slam on the riot missile button, twice, in
order to activate multi-launch mode, and watch as all 10 missiles shoot out, spiraling their
way to the compounds rear walls.
Impact. With all sides under attack, we make our way through the debris. Entrance has
been breached, boss! Rolker informs me of the breach through the comm-tachment and
I cant help but laugh. I can feel the pain. Im going to crush it, very soon.
As Larry stomps his way through the rubble, I can see the carnage. The compound is a
mess and the fighting is already taking place inside. No sign of Gorgon. Hes surely hiding
in that fucking pit he likes to cower in, the sub-level of this place. I hear a cry in the
distance. It looks like one of them spotted me. Oh fuck! Ling Ling! Its Ling Ling! Only a
matter of time before someone relays that Im here to Gorgon.
Rolker, Grok, spread out, each to my side, cut these fuckers down!

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Hans is already inside. I see him gunning down Gorgons troops while his Nasty Boys
engage in some close combat. An explosion erupts. Several gasoline barrels shoot up into
the air, then come down, crashing on a crowd engaged in melee. I hop out of Larry and
my boots slam onto the dirt. Larry, free mode, babe! He knows what to do. As I make
my way ahead, Rolker charges to my left and Grok to my right, Larry behind us, unleashing
a torrent of bullets on Gorgons goons.
Some of them are coming to me. I unsheathe my katana and take to the air, crashing
down on ones skull and turning to slice the other two in succession. There it is. The
happiness is coming back. My pain is already leaving me. My smile emerges as the heads
of these two flop to the floor, their bodies following suite.
We need to get to Gorgon, boss! Grok shouts, tearing into one of them with his bare
hands, pulling his mouth apart, dropping him to the floor. Keep pushing ahead, boss!
Were right behind you!
Rolker and Grok are now at my back, handling more of them. Theyre swift. Quick. They
dodge incoming strikes and lay into their targets with ease. I turn and get kicked in the
chest, the strike pushing me back, but just a bit. He thinks he has me. He smirks as he
charges forward, a pair of knives in his hands. As he comes in close, I shoot and slide
underneath him, get back up on my feet, turn and shoot into the air. I slam down on him
with my katana, slicing all the way, forcing the scumfuck in two. Both sides flop to the
ground, his insides sprouting out. Damn. That was awesome.
I see the entrance to the sub-level. Its being held by four big motherfuckers. Some of the
98s are getting obliterated by them. That makes me pissed. Kill this pain, Ling. I have to
kill this fucking pain. I begin my charge toward the entrance, katana in the air.

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Keep pushing, you twats! My katana remains high above my head. Im running. Fast and
right into the four mutant fucks. Come to me, loves!
One of them pushes a 98 out of his way and swings at me. I dodge it. Turn and slice into
his neck. It goes all the way through and his head flies forward as his body falls flat to the
floor like a sack of shit. I smile. Woohoo! Bring me more, fuckers! Two of them come to
me from each side. I swing my katana low on my left and bring it up, slicing through one
of them and continuing my swing overhead and back down on my right, crashing through
the other scumbag. All four halves flop to the floor.
You fucking whore! The last one is shouting. He smashes the skull of one of my 98s with
his bare hands, reaches behind his back and pulls out a sledgehammer. He looks
absolutely furious. Good. I need that.

Hold the doors, dammit! Dont let them get past this point!
We wont, Gorgon.
Gorgon continues pacing wildly back and forth, biting his long, filthy nails. With all the
commotion above, he grows more and more nervous.
I knew shed come for me! I fucking knew it! Hold her here and make sure they do not get
through you sons of bitches! I cant die!
We wont, Gorgon.
Explosions grow louder and louder. Screams and massive gunfire can be heard, muffled
by the thickness of the rooms defensive walls. Still, nervousness consumes Gorgon.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I giggle as I blow an air-kiss to the head of the last of the four, then drop it. Bye! The
entrance to the sub-level is now defenseless. Lets go, boys!
The violence continues. Gorgons troops are no match for my 98s. I see only a small
handful of my boys splattered about, but their will is amazing. They fight with pride. They
kill for the love of killing and do so with ease. These are the 98s I helped bring to the
forefront of the Toxic Holocaust. These are my knights in the Goremageddon.
Rolker and Grok return. Hit it, boys! They toss sticky quick-flick grenades at the
entrance, while I slap the strap on my wrist and get Larry moving to my location. We move
back a few feet and watch the entrance blow open. Come on, Larry. Larry begins moving
up behind me and the boys as we make our way into the entrance.

Theyre through the sub-level entrance, Gorgon.

Hold them here, dammit! Hold them right fucking here!
We will, Gorgon.
Gorgons top assassins litter the room, two of which are his personal guard. Laron and
Mary stay by Gorgons side, keeping up with his constant pacing.

More of them. As me and the boys head through the tunnels in the sub-level, we fight our
way through an endless sea of these fuckers. More 98s continue down the path, staying
right behind us. Im excited. So much adrenaline. So much happiness. I am so thrilled at
the violence, continuing to tear through them, the boys keeping up behind me.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Keep the blood coming, boys!

Larry opens up to our right, a torrent of gunfire that shreds about 20 enemies into chunks
of heaping gore. Thats my boy! Keep it up, Larry!
Right here, boss!
I laugh. A smile stretching across my face so hard, it actually hurts. I cant help it. This is
the moment. This is it. Keep the cover behind us solid. Here I go! I get Larry to snap
ahead of us and slam against the doors. He unleashes major heavy machinegun power
against the doors, then its as if everything goes silent. Larry is standing there. Rolker and
Grok look at me, then look back to the doors. I charge at the doors and break through one
of them. Im immediately greeted by about 20 guns.
Stop right there, Ling Ling! Gorgon stands there, in between two of his personal guard,
of which I have worked with in the past. Laron and Mary. Scary fuckers.
Hiya, Gorgon! I smile. Gorgon doesnt look too happy to see me. He has a look of fear
on his face, but in front of his goons he talks tough.
What the fuck have you done? You have ruined my compound and killed my men! What
the hell do you want from me?
I smirk.
Laron and Mary immediately step in front of Gorgon, their weapons at the ready. Laron,
with his dual axes and Mary with her ninjato. Gorgon looks nervous. You can still walk
away from this. I wont tell Skrag you were here.
Youre not going to tell Skrag anything, regardless, babe.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Rolker and Grok storm in front of me and open fire. Its on. Gorgon hits the floor. Holy
shit, you crazy bitch!
The gunfire begins and Im dancing around the room, cutting down Gorgons soldiers. I
turn to find Hans has finally joined the party. In seconds, which ultimately feel like long,
drawn-out minutes, theyre all dead. The rest of the 98s all by the doors, myself, Rolker,
Grok and Hans staring down Laron and Mary, Gorgon cowering behind them.
I will be the first. Laron steps forward. He brings his axes up and his eyes dance around,
darting between each of us, then I make my move.
Hes fast. Im just as quick. Im swinging. Hes blocking. He plays it defensively before being
able to score a hit on my right arm. The axe slices across my skin and I feel the adrenaline
coming again. All I see is red. He looks calm. I dont. I bring in more swings and he
continues on the defensive. I catch him. His left arm hits the floor and now hes a onearmed man, wielding an axe. Laron doesnt even shout or cry in pain.
In the center of the room, we continue the dance. All around us, my 98s continue the
chant, roaring my name. It fuels me. Im still smiling. Laron motions in and is now directing
an aggressive assault on me. I block about seven strikes before clashing steel with him
and driving him back. Just as he is comes charging forward, the moment his right arm is
extended and inches from me, I swing the katana down, take his other arm and twist
around, keeping the steel up and bringing it across his neck.
Laron drops to the ground and Gorgon shrieks. Fuck! Holy fuck!
Mary steps up, pushing Gorgon back against the wall. Do not move from this spot,
Gorgon. I will handle this now.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Come get some, cunt. I meet her gaze, Larons blood covering my face.
She grins. Her ninjato staying at the ready as she steps forward. Let us settle this, Ling
Ling. She charges, then leaps, almost flying over me, then lands and quickly kicks me in
the chest, sending me back. I hear Gorgon shout. Yes!
My attention turns again to Mary, as she once again charges toward me. I swing my
katana and clash against her ninjato, but she again, forces me back. She pushes hard and
drives me back, up against the wall and she pushes my steel up, with my guard down,
then she punches me in the stomach. Fuck. That one was a stinger.
I spit up blood, and shoot it to the floor and wipe my lips with my forearm. Mary is
completely expressionless. Gorgon is cheering in the back and my boys are silent. They
watch. Waiting. The cheers are now looks in my direction of support. I glance to see Hans
nodding in my direction. Gorgon screams again. You got her!
She charges, yet again. Our swords clash again. Sparks fly. My turn. Shes being driven
back as the anger begins to take control of me. Im smiling as I look into her eyes, the
sparks still dancing as our swords mash together. Im moving. Driving forward as a slight
look of confusion comes across her face. I push so hard that our swords part ways and
she comes forward again, slicing down, my sword catching hers. I bring my right around
with the sword. She catches it, but the force sends her spinning. When she finally comes
around, her face meets my fist. I feel my knuckle crack as two of her teeth go flying out
of her mouth. Bitch. Shes got a face like bricks.
Thats the opening I needed. Her hands are down. I lunge forward and grab her by the
hair and bring her into me, driving my head into hers. Eat this, cunt! She stumbles
backward, then shes on the floor. The ninjatos out of her hand.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I bring the sword back to its sheath and I fall on top of her. Im sitting on her abdomen.
She looks calm. I bring my right arm down and she takes hold of my wrist. Im able to grab
her by the hair and I come down again, crashing into her forehead. I start laughing. Oh,
the joy of it all returns. Happiness. I slam into her head again. Her hand lets go of my wrist
and falls to the floor. I bring both hands down on her face and place my thumbs over her
eyes. Shes fighting. Well, trying to fight. I can feel her legs kicking.
Just like that, her eyes burst. My face is covered in blood and she begins screaming. There
it is. Noise. Shes making noise. Im still holding onto her head, but shes violently
thrashing around now. I stand up. Shes still thrashing, then she stops. My boot comes
crashing down, forcing the top of her skull to blow open. Then, as my smile lengthens, I
turn to face Gorgon, but his gun has already gone off. Bitch!
Im thrown out of the way as I watch Grok take the bullet to his skull. His hands still up,
having pushed me out of the way. His lifeless body falls to the floor and my smile turns to
a frown. I never frown. Get off of me, you mother fuckers! Ill have you all fucking killed
you sons of bitches! Let me fucking go! Gorgon continues shouting as hes brought down
by the 98s. Let me go, assholes!
Hold. Him. Down.
He isnt allowed to speak. Hans holds his head down as a few 98s force themselves on
him and rip out his tongue. He screams. He cries in agony. I make my way to him and the
98s let me in the mass. There he is. Hes struggling, mouth and whiskers full of blood,
gurgling on it. Grok. He took Grok. Im still overwhelmed.
I sit on his chest. I drop a fist on his face, then the other. Specks of blood hit me in the
face. I smash into his face again. Again. Again. Again...

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Thuds. I hear the thuds. Over and over again. Every thud brings me closer to a smile, yet
the smile doesnt form. For the first time in a long time, I feel loss. Im in Larry and were
making our way to the next hit, but on the ride, all I hear are thuds. I cant hear Larry
stomping his way to the next location, I cant hear the music on the speakers and I cant
hear the roar of all the vehicles. I hear thuds. Over and over again.
With every thud, I see Gorgons face. It changes with every thud. It becomes uglier and
uglier. Thuds. There they are again. Then its gone. Grok.
I wake up. My eyes open to find the night sky above. Shit, I must have overslept. I look
and find Hans sitting on a tree stump, right next to me and Larry, an open fire going. The
98s are all around, resting, relaxing, eating and conversing. Hans finds that Im awake and
glances up at me. You alright, boss?
Sleepy. Think I overslept, though. You guys holding up alright?
We have lookouts all over the place. Were fine.
What about the dead, have they been buried?
5 miles out, behind the compound, boss. Once you call it, were out and this place
crumbles to the fucking ground.
I yawn and stretch, looking Gorgon in the face. Fucker is on a pike, planted on Larrys
cockpit. Good.
Preparations are all ready, too, boss. Were hitting Skrag next.
Rolker makes his way to us. Boss, there is something I think you really need to see.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

We make our way to a tent Rolker and has set up in front of the compound. He motions
toward it. Then I see them. Couple of Wastelanders, tied up and on their asses.
Rolker walks up to one of them and punches the creep in the face, knocking him on his
back. This mother fucker has something he wants to say.
He looks at me and smiles. Theyre waiting for you. For you, Ling Ling!
Rolker stomps on his left knee, breaking it completely. Tell her who, you shit!
He screams. Gammacide! Gammacide!

Theyre here, Skrag.

Let them in. We have much to discuss.
Two hulking mutants step into Skrags office. Each of the two carry a name on their
helmets. The bigger of the two, Tiny. The smaller, thinner of the two, Dead.
Ahh, Tiny, Dead, welcome.
The two monstrous mutants, Thermonuclear Warriors who work as bounty hunters, stay
standing, directly face-to-face with Skrag. They do not speak.
Well then, let us get started. Skrag looks nervous. I need you to take out a certain pesky
cunt that is coming for me. So, from this moment forth, you two will be assigned to stay
on these premises, by me, at all times, until she makes her arrival. When shes here, you
two will rip her to shreds. I want to taste the blood from her fucking throat!
The two behemoths look to one another and do not move for a few seconds, before
returning their gaze to Skrag, then nod in agreement.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Good! Good!
Skrag makes his way to his desk, sitting in his chair, pulling a cigar from a metal case and
motions to Gammacide. You can go, but stay on alert, in this compound!
The two stare at Skrag, before both shrugging, then walking out.
That bitch is dead. Fucking dead!

Burn the bodies.

Gotcha, boss. Rolker and another 98 drag both lifeless Wastelander bodies out of the
tent, into the distance. I smirk. This is gonna be fun.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Im still dealing with Grok. It wasnt cool to see him get thrashed. It still burns a fucking
hole in my chest to have lost someone so worthy of a life, rich with killing. He was taken
before he could join me on this mission of conquest. Way unfair.
I havent really had to deal with loss, since my family, so the only thing I can do, is kill,
maim and engulf some fucks in death, because carnage is all I know. Im mad. Sure I am
and the only cure I have ever known for pain, is death. This is how I will handle Groks
death. This is how I will handle his passing. Crushing skulls under my boots and taking
names, because this is who I fucking am.
Hans and Rolker walk up to me and Larry. I probably should get rid of Gorgons head at
some point. Fuckers starting to stink up my beautiful Larry.
Whats up, boys? My smile is returning, slowly.
Looks like those assholes were telling the truth. Rolker grins heavily.
Hans looks pleased, as well. Skrag hasnt left Vegas. In fact, he picked up Gammacide to
wait there for you. He really want to put the axe to you.
I laugh. Skrag isnt what Im worried about, but he is my ultimate goal. Gammacide on
the other hand.
Gammacide. Sons of Thunder. Children of the Atom. They go by several names, but
regardless of what theyre called, theyre supreme. I have never dealt with Gammacide,
but have heard of their exploits. Fuckers are nasty. No idea where they originally come
from, but they have always been Skrags go-to guys in dire situations. When things got
super dire, not even I was the one Skrag called on. This is gonna be interesting.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Rolker snaps me out of my daze. So, boss, how do you wanna handle this?
Theyre mine.
You sure? Boss, this might be...
Rolker, stop, babe. This is my fight. Skrag is the one I want and to get to him, Im going
to have to bury my fucking fist down Gammacides throats.
Then theyre yours, boss. Let them die at your hands!
Once we get rid of Skrag, boys, were going to conquer GRAXX.
The 98s roar behind Rolker and Hans. Kill em all!

Time to roll out. This is the last mission before Skrag. This is it. Im pumped. My smile
returns. Were all set and the plan is straight-forward: head to Skrags compound and
demand he come out to take his punishment. If that doesnt work, I will deal with
Gammacide, then my babies can handle Skrags cunts before Skrag gets his.
Within an hour, were off, like a tidal wave of endless beasts, hungry for their next tasty
meal. Larry leads the pack as usual. While I contain the many, many emotions running
through me, a few of them leak out and Im confronted with the pain again. The pain gives
me the reasons I need to kill, to butcher and to endlessly slaughter the many who come
in my fucking way. It was never by choice. It has always been something thats had a hold
of me. It kind of controls me.
I sigh. I wonder about everything. The time before Skrag. Family. Siblings. Parents. I think
about it all and this tiny, single fucking tear rolls down my face. No. Not having that.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Were an hour from the compound, boss!

Gotcha, Rolker! The pain is growing inside of me. I need to get this party started.
As soon as I even get to think to myself, were here. The compound is just as I remember
it. It used to be a casino. There are loads of guards atop the building and the entrance is
still smashed from the time I helped defend it from Baxters Omega Corporation. I still
remember the wicked crazy battle against those bot-shits. I hop out of Larry and keep the
comm-tachment link active in his loudspeakers. Why, hello, Skrag!

Hours earlier...
We need to discuss what happens if you die, boss Rolker looks to Hans and the two turn
to Ling Ling. Rolker continues. Were not going anywhere.
That is up to you. Im in it for Skrag. Once I have his head, those of you who want to drop
out and go your own way, can. Those who stay, march with me to slay GRAXX.
Hans nods. You know I am not going anywhere.
Well then, lets talk about what happens if I die. I dont want my babes to continue having
to deal with my baggage, so you sweets can bolt if you feel like...
No. Rolker and Hans shout at the same time.
Rolker begins. If anything happens to you, I say we go to the last man. We finish this fight
in your name. You are our one and only, boss. Always!
Rolker and Hans have sworn loyalty to Ling Ling. She had been the driving force that lead
the 98s to the big-time and for that, they felt she deserved the highest praise.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Ling Ling smirks. She knows the loyalty from the 98s is pure. They may be savage butchers
and killers, but the fact remains: they are loyal beyond measure. With the madness in this
voyage, the 98s have not wavered. Grok gave his life for her. That is something she will
never forget. She vowed to conquer GRAXX in his name.
You boys are the best!
Ling Ling comes in and gives the two a hug. She feels them wrap their arms around each
other as the group hug feels legitimate. In her mind, she feels a sharp pain, one of agony,
loss and yet, the hug brings a smile to her face. She is confronted with an array of emotions
that confuse her, yet she doesnt do much to fight them. She embraces them all.

Still, no response. I stand in front of the entrance with the rest of the 98s surrounding me,
each of them, weapons at the ready. All of a sudden, two extremely brute mother fuckers
step out, one of them carrying a loudspeaker.
Gammacide! One of the 98s in the back shouts the words.
The loudspeaker starts buzzing. ...this thing even on? Hello? Ah, fuck it. Listen up, Ling
Ling. You see what youre going to deal with. There is no walking out of this one. You
fucked up when you chose to drop me and gather up your own gang. Big mistake, you
fucking cunt. Do you know the fucking mess youve created by taking out Karfarg and
Gorgon? Do you fucking know? Youve set me back ages you fucking bitch!
I spit into the sand and kick my right boot up, then giggle. All this talking. Skrag was always
one to be a fucking talker. Shithead never shuts up.
You hear me, Ling Ling? You were like a daughter to me! Now, you die!

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Tiny drops the loudspeaker.

Dead pulls out a huge sword. It looks like its designed to end lives. The sword is long, flat
on one end and carries a single bevel, sharp with an undercut. The thing is massive and
about the size of the fuckers arm. Tiny pulls a double-barrel shotgun from his back, which
also carries an under-barrel bow-flinger.
I turn back to glance at the 98s. They all roar together. Kill em all! Rolker and Hans give
me a nod and smile. Regardless. Win. Lose. They will end this.
I unsheathe my katana and whip out my Luger. Lets dance, boys.
The two begin stalking toward me. I have no time to lose. I duck a swing from Dead and
lunge at Tiny, slamming into his left shoulder with the katana. Contact. He tumbles back,
but gathers himself and begins firing. Hes missing. Soon, Im back in Deads face and
exchange a few strikes with him, then fire two shots into his helmet. It does nothing and
he grunts, then with his right arm, punches me in the chest, driving me back.
Roaring can be heard from the walls of the compound. I get back to my feet and the two
begin stalking in my direction again. Blood continues pouring from Tinys shoulder, but it
doesnt have an effect on him whatsoever.
Tiny fires several bows in my direction, each of which miss, as I continue running, then I
find myself face-to-face with Dead, again. He slams his sword down and misses, striking
the sand, then lifts the sword and brings it down again, this time catching my katana. We
push against one another, but hes too strong. He falls on my chest and begins driving the
sword closer and closer into me. I swing my right leg out and place my foot on his left
thigh, then begin driving outward. He resists. I unleash the blade from my boot.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

He spews forth a heavy grunt, and pulls his sword back. Luger still in my hand, I bring it
up and fire three rounds into his face. They knock him back. All that back and forth has
my arm feeling like a ton of bricks. I bring the Luger back to my holster and jump to my
feet, quickly catching my breath. Fuck!
Tiny grabs me by the hair and begins dragging me on my back, then stops. He brings his
boot down, but I quickly roll out of the way. I swing the katana all the way around and
force him to drop the shotgun. He catches the katana and grabs hold of it. He begins
bleeding from the hand but manages to pull me in, then punches me right in the face,
driving me back. I let go of the katana. Fuck, he hits hard.
Dead is getting up. Tiny drops my katana and begins walking toward me, bare-handed. I
roll and get to my knees. Im puffing. Damn, theyre tough. My nose starts bleeding and
then it comes back. The anger. The happiness. The desire to kill. I need to cure myself of
this annoying pain. I need to take lives.
As I get to my feet, Dead begins swinging his sword. I jump, then duck and quickly spin
out of the way. Hes still swinging. Hes grunting, too. The roar of both crowds is growing
and all I can see now, is red. As Dead comes in again, I dodge a swing of his sword and
come back with my Luger. Perfect. It hits a slit in his helmet and he grunts. I hit him dead
in the fucking eye. He brings the sword down and grabs his eye.
Then it hits me. I feel a sharp pain to my back as Tiny slams his fists against my spine. I fall
back to the floor and turn over. Tiny lands on top of me and grabs me by the hair again,
grunting. He drops a fist to my face. Then another. And another. Hes grunting the whole
time and I feel myself get colder and colder. I begin laughing. I cant stop.
He stops and looks at me in confusion. Im getting louder. I cant stop laughing.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

My vision is engulfed in blood. Red is all I see. Death is all I taste. As Tiny brings his fist
down on me again, I pull my pocket-blade from my back pocket and stuff it right into his
throat. More blood. I drive it so hard he gurgles and coughs. He lets go of me and pulls
the blade out, tossing it to the ground and continues grabbing at his throat. He gets to his
feet, still grabbing at his throat. Hes choking.
Another strike, this time to the back of my leg, bringing me to one knee. Dead is behind
me and slams into my other leg. Im on both knees as he begins bringing his sword around
for a kill-stroke, in an attempt to take my head, Im sure.
I duck under the swing and pick the Luger back up. I roll forward and turn, putting a few
more shots into Dead. I aim for his hands and take a few fingers. His sword hits the floor
and he roars in anger. Think Ive upset this one.
Tiny is still struggling with his throat. Dead is trying to lift his sword, but cant. Which of
the two? Which one? Decisions.
Tiny first. I charge into Tiny and jump, grab him by the helmet and drive forward, forcing
him to the ground. Let me clear your throat, babe! I dig my hands into the wound in his
throat and he begins resisting. He thrusts his hips, to no avail. I dig deeper. I reach in with
both hands and rip it open, his blood spraying me in the face. I reach in and grab his larynx
and thyroid. He kicks. Nothing. I rip them out. I begin laughing again. Oh, that sweet
painkiller has returned. Tiny twitches, then stops moving.
I stand up, turn and get punched in the face. Dead is absolutely furious. Hes swinging
some more, his hands without fingers. Im still laughing. Gimmie more, bad boy! He
roars again. The katana. I race to it, pick it up and dodge another strike, bringing my sword
around and taking his left hand. He stops and looks at his wrist, then back to me.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Oh, shit. He lunges to me and lands a strike to my chest with his handless arm. The bone
protruding from his wrist catches me and slashes against my skin.
He comes in close again and I swing low, taking both his feet. He falls to his knees and
roars. He isnt moving now, but hes still very much alive. I make my way toward him and
he begins stretching out his arms, as if trying to reach me. No, mister! That is not the
nice way to ask a girl to dance. You do it like this! I swing again, his head falls to the floor
and almost immediately the 98s begin cheering.
Then the gunfire begins. I knew Skrag wasnt going to give himself up.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

98s begin hammering the walls with gunfire. Skrags cunts fire back. I head back to Larry
and hop on inside. Weve got work to do, baby! Lets thrash em!
The gunfight lasts about ten minutes before I hit the entrance walls with riot missiles,
breaking open the compound. 98s begin charging forward, but are met at the entrance
by tons of Skravers. Melee ensues. I dash toward the entrance, hop out and shout to Larry
to get into free mode again, pull the katana back out and begin slicing and dicing the
enemy, alongside my beautiful 98s. Keep fighting, boys!
The enemy are pulling back, into the compound. We follow them. I am not going to let
up. This is going to end right here and now.
As we make our way into the compound, the fuckers begin to sprawl all over the place,
taking cover and firing at my boys. I turn and find Hans and Rolker exchanging bullets with
the enemy, keeping the pressure on. Hans Nasty Boys charge their way into the
compound and begin spreading out, sprinting into the enemy and engaging them in
vicious melee. Lets move it, boys! Keep those bullets coming!
Boss, over there, the entrance to Skrags main offices! Hans screams, loud enough for
me to catch his words. Nasty Boys, lets drive toward the entrance!
I, along with Hans and the Nasty Boys make our way to the entrance. Along the way, we
hack and slash our way to the main doors. I pull the Luger out. I was able to pick it up on
my way back to Larry after my scuffle with Gammacide. I begin tearing holes into the
enemy, slash into a few more, reload, then slash some more.
Get in there, boss! You take it from here! Well wipe em out down here!

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I make my way past a few more scumfucks, then Im in. I fight my way past a few of Skrags
soldiers. I behead one, blast into some others and tear one of them in two.
Think about this, Ling! You have to think about this!

Shes inside, Skrag.

Fuck! Those dumb shits couldnt handle a simple fucking task!
Skrag continues pacing around in the room, watching on the monitors as Ling Ling fights
her way past his guards.
You cant let her kill me! Whatever it takes!
Ling Ling is seen on the screens, making her way past more guards, then begins talking
over comm-link, before making her way to the main doors.
The doors to his office open. Hi, Skrag! Lets talk.

Kill this bitch! Skrag dives under his table.

I charge into the room, katana in my hand. Few of them, this time. They hardly put up any
kind of fight and take them down. One after the other. One more. He holds up two short
swords and dives right into me. This little fucker is good. We clash steel, but my steel
breaks one of his swords and I push the blade of my katana straight into his mouth. It
comes out from behind his skull. I chuckle as his goofy face stares into mine.
I turn my gaze to Skrag, whose ass I can see shuffling under his desk. This furry fucker
slides off of my blade and I return the sword to its sheath.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

I grab Skrag by the tail and bring him out. Hes clawing at the floor. Let me go, bitch! Let
me fucking go!
Not that easy, Skraggy-pooh!
I punch him once in the face and he is immediately dazed. He begins slurring his words as
I punch him again. Listen up, babe. You need to accept your punishment.
Fuck you, cunt. He curses me, still slurring his words.
The rush enters me. All of this has come to this. Were at the tip of the spear now and all
I want, more than anything, is closure.
Why, Skrag? I had been faithful to you, for so long.
You turned on me. You fucking turned on me.
I slam another fist into his face. Not nice! Not true, either!
His right eye is swollen now and his lips begin swelling up as well. You turned on me. You
turned on me. Ling Ling. You turned...
Another fist. Then another. Then another. Both eyes are swollen shut, but he manages to
moan, slur more words and drop a few F bombs in there. I pull out another pocketblade and cut into the lumps in his eyes. I want you to see this, Skrag.
He looks horrified. I unsheathe my katana. Hes too dazed to move. I bring my boot up
and knock him on his ass. He tries to move, but cant. I bend down and grab him by the
hair, pulling up. This is going to hurt. Go to sleep, sweets. I begin slicing the blade across
his throat. He screams. I bring the katana back and forth, sawing at his throat, then his
screams begin crackling as the blade sinks deeper.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

There. His head comes off. His body drops, but his head stays in my hand. His mouth
remains open, the look of horror in his eyes. Done.
I make my way back out to the entrance and find that the 98s were victorious. While a
few of my boys lay on the sand, all of Skrags goons lay dead. They begin cheering as I
raise Skrags head high above my own.
Bring me a pike.
I fall to the floor. Flat on my ass. Skrags head is still in my hands. Im breathing heavily
and still smiling. The hunt is over. Skrags dead. My revenge is complete, but the violence
has just begun. Hans and Rolker find their way to me and take a seat beside me. Rolker
grunts as he sits. Whats the plan now, boss?
I turn and look him in the eyes. I smile and giggle. Rolker, babe, we have a whole planet
to conquer. The party has just begun.
One of the 98s brings me the pike and I get it settled between my legs for support, then
fit Skrags head on it. I hold it up. The 98s all roar in unison.
Time to slay the world, boys!

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

She sits on the throne. She giggles as she stares at one of the skulls that is mounted on the
throne. It is the skull of Skrag. She remembers how it all began. Rolker enters the room,
with a fresh skull in hand. Another one for the throne, boss.
Mount the fucker. She motions to Rolker, who steps forward to the throne.
Her path is almost complete. Most of GRAXX belongs to Ling Ling. Those who put up
resistance faced the endless hordes of her 98s. Over the years, many more millions of
Goregrinders were added and soon, the 98s became the special operations troops of Ling
Lings new outfit, the Howling Furies, a domineering military group, overseen by herself
and her two most trusted friends, Rolker and Hans. Rolker led the 98s while Hans
continued to work alongside his Nasty Boys.
Good and mounted, boss. Rolker grins as he looks up to Ling Ling.
Ling Ling chuckles and stares at the skull. That completes the Unholy Crux, babe. With
their cabinet wiped out, the Yakuza is mine.
Pajan is now under her control. The last great resistance to her domination is wiped out
and destroyed. Ling Ling smiles. She stands to her feet.
Plans, boss?
We arent finished. This party is just starting. Gather the troops, we have more ground to
cover. We march against the Thermonuclear Warriors next.
Rolker laughs. Fucking aye, boss!
She walks toward the exit of the chamber, with Rolker. Here we fucking go.

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

Aaron Bradley (order #7151679)

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