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The clouds were the
first digital painting we
started with in BDM142
Fundamentals of
Digital Design. The
process included learning how to make a background with a gradient
and using the Graphics
Tablets. Personally I
found this difficult at
first but after some time
it was quite easy.
I found painting these clouds
easier because I have learnt
a small bit about clouds in
meteorology. The clouds I drew
were mainly Cirrostratus, I also
drew a Cumulonimbus as well. I
found that knowing more about
the subject you are drawing
makes it easier on yourself. In
saying this it made me quite
fussy with the Final Product.


I liked making these Spheres,

they started off as just digital
painting onto a background image, and then
into a Mirror Sphere.
At the end of drawing
the normal spheres
mine had started to
look like planets.
The Mirror Spheres
were just when we took
the colours we used from a
background image, you would
use the eye dropper tool to
select these colours and your
brush would get smaller
and smaller as you go
along. Then to give it the
mirror look you use the
Burn and also the Dodge

Corel Painter

183 Days is my idea for a short film. The

film follows a teenager is in a futuristic
video game rehab facility, he struggles
through the grieving process after the loss
of his friend.
My first idea was a hospital door and a
start new Game? button, I ended up not
liking this idea because I thought that the
finished poster would be too much for the
simplistic idea of the film. Since the film
is more about the Boys personal struggle

with himself I chose to make a face on

Mud Box and use that on a black background. The idea behind the red lighted
figure comes from a short film by Bertie
Gilbert called Tick Where It hurts. This
film inspired my idea so I decided I would
show this in the poster. For the title I went
through many fonts and ended up using
this one because I felt it had the same look
as from a Game.

For My second Assessment I firstly decided

on making posters for one of my favourite
films, its Kind of a Funny Story, originally a
book by Ned Vizzini. I decided to make posters relating to the essential human organs,
such as The Brain, The Heart, and The Lungs.
In the Movie and the Novel brain maps are
mentioned a lot, the patients draw them as
relaxation devices.
For the 3D aspect I wanted the Building in
the maps to be made with Mud Box. This
turned out to be quite aspirational and time
consuming. This was where this idea collapsed and I started again.

My next Idea was a series based on the forgotten Hamelt Character of Ophelia. I used
picture I had taken of my sister as Ophelia. I
had a line from the Play Hamlet, as a tag line
up the top of the posters in 3D as well as the
During this assessment I also had a play
around with making my own logo to go on
the bottom of my work. I put this on the
bottom of each poster.



During the second assessment

we learnt how to make Gifs in
photoshop. This was a lot easier
than I had anticipated.






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