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Evelyn M. Byrne
Award winning author

A Daughter of Prophecy Novel

Book Two

White Bird Publications

P.O. Box 586
Diana, Texas 75645
www.whitbirdpublications. com
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents
either are the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.

Copyright2010 by Evelyn M. Byrne

Excerpt from Lost Magic Copyright2010 by Evelyn M Byrne

Cover art by Theresa Gibbons


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where
permitted by law.

ISBN: 978-0-9828024-2-7 (Paperback)

ISBN: 978-0-9828024-3-4 (Electronic)

To my friend, lover and husband


Thanks to all of you that helped to make this book a success:
One of the best critique groups going. Thanks for all the knowledge
and support.
Gay, Karen and Kassy, my editors. Without you, this book would never
be where it is.
Theresa for the great cover. Your talent is amazing.
Kaleb, our cover model.
Thanks to all my friends and relatives for the encouragement, you have
given me.
To my readers. Thank you all for the great emails and reviews. I hope
you enjoy Stolen Magic as much as you did Unknown Magic.

Also by Evelyn M. Byrne

Unknown Magic


White Bird

Chapter One
The smell hit him firstblood, sweat, and waste.
Cages, crammed with animals and people, lined the wall.
Rage flooded through Patrick OShea like lava. No one
should endure such conditions. This is inexcusable. The
stories Seamus told him about his captivity never prepared
him for this. The tortured and degraded state of his people,
t he Tuatha D Danann, unleashed his fury. The walls
pulsed, cracks formed and plaster fell from the ceiling. It
took all his strength to contain his power to prevent the
buildings collapse. Trembling from the effort, he realized
he never before lost control of his powers. Why was this
situation causing him to do so now?
Patrick reached the first cage; his stomach churned,
trying to eliminate the dinner eaten hours earlier. A small
obsidian wolf, with gashes covering her body and blood
encrusted fur, laid curled in a ball. His telepathic thoughts
could not reach her mind, so he squatted in front of the
cage and spoke words of comfort in Gaelic.
Straining to lift her head, the wolfs eyes glared at him
and she trembled. As he released the lock on the cage, a
low growl emerged from deep within her throat and her
hackles shot up. Dragging her body to a crouched position,
she backed into the corner as far as she could and snarled,
even as shudder after shudder raked her body.
Easy girl, I am here to get you out and take you to
safety. Your wounds need tending. We need to get you to

Br na Binne. As he spoke, the wolfs body convulsed

once more and she collapsed.
Dono, Colin, Conor, I have found some of our people.

They are all in horrific condition. Conor, we need healers

here without delay. Our people must be transported to Br
na Binne immediately.
Both Donovan and Colin materialized at his side. As
they went from cage to cage checking the others, Donovan
said, Bloody hell, I do not see how any of them could
possibly make it, or how they even lasted this long. I can
only hope some of them are going to pull through. Where
the hell are Conor and our healers?
The words no sooner left his mouth, when Conor,
Bridget, Fiona, Shannon, and Liam arrived.
By the Gods, how could anyone do such a thing to
another human being? Shannon asked. Turning, she
grabbed a bucket and heaved her stomachs contents.
We need to take them one at a time. Conor turned to
Patrick with horror and revulsion in his eyes. You will need
to guard the others. There may still be more of our enemy
lurking about. Keep your shield up as we have no clue what
other tricks they may have up their sleeves.
Patricks mind reeled at the horror around him. They
may have arrived in time to rescue his niece, Megan, from
sure death. As a Tuatha D Danann , coming into her
powers, Megan needed to transport to Br na Binne by
midnight of her twenty-fifth birthday. These bastards
kidnapped her and, even though they only had her twenty-

four hours, inflicted horrifying atrocities upon her.

Donovan wrenched Patrick from his thoughts when he
said, Aye, although we have only found four, including the
one Seamus killed when we first arrived. I agree; keep your
shield up. He turned toward Conor and asked, How is
Megan; is she going to make it?
Conor answered, Her breathing and heart rate are
back to normal although she is still sleeping. I suspect she
will remain so for a good few hours before she is fully
Patrick once again knelt down by the little black wolfs
cage. He glanced up as Fiona walked over. She is in
desperate shape, but still she tried to fight when I first found
Putting her hand on his shoulder, Fiona said, Open the
cage and get her out. We will take her first.
The healers surrounded Patrick as he lifted the small
wolf from the cage, holding her as if she were as precious
as gold and as fragile as china. When Patrick started to
hand her to Conor, she whimpered.
Conor shook his head. Keep her close to you and
transport with us. She seems to feel safe with you, and I do
not want to traumatize her any more than she already is.
Each placed a hand on her and they all dematerialized.
Within seconds, they reappeared in Br na Binne.
Lie her over on that bed so we can examine her. We
have little time as we need to get the rest of them here.
With great care, Patrick laid the wolf down on the bed
Conor had indicated. Running his hand through her fur, he

cleaned away the blood and mats. Bending down he

whispered to her. You are safe now. No one here will hurt
you. Just rest, recover, and I will see you later. With that, he
was gone.

Everyday Patrick visited the little wolf and could see her
gaining strength, although she still stayed in wolf form. Is it
because you could not change, or do you just not want to.
At least she was no longer frightened of him. In fact, she
greeted Patrick with great enthusiasm, tail wagging and
nuzzling his hand with her muzzle. He crouched in front of
her. His six-foot two-inch frame could barely get down
enough so she didnt have to strain to look into his eyes. He
ruffled her fur as he spoke to her. How are you today, my
little one? You seem to be doing much better.
She whined and nuzzled his arm when he stopped
petting her. She looked up at him. Those midnight blue
eyes held such great sadness. What is it girl? Patrick
said, once again running his hands through her fur, fur so
soft it felt as if he was running his hands over satin. As he
did, he lowered his face and rubbed his jaw against her
muzzle. Dizziness overwhelmed him as picture after picture
of torture flooded his head. Sensations bombarded his
brain, his heart pounded as his lungs labored to restore his
breathing, and darkness closed in on his mind.
Donovan and Conor were at his side within seconds
prying his hands from her fur and dragging him away from

the black wolf. They carried him over and laid him on a bed.
By the Gods, what the hell just happened? Your
screams echoed through every one of us, Conor said as
he examined Patrick.
When Patrick could breathe enough to talk, he told them
of some of the abuse he saw when he connected to the
wolf. How could I have received such vivid pictures from
her without us being bonded? There is no way for that to
He scanned the room to find his little wolf. He caught
sight of her cowering in the corner, tremors raking her body.
Pushing Conor away, Patrick eased himself to a sitting
position. He slid off the bed and edged his way toward her.
Easy girl, it will be fine. You actually lived through that, did
you not? I wish I could help to take those memories from
you. Come on, a str {sweetheart}, no one will hurt you
here, he said as he crouched a few feet away from her.
She whimpered as she inched toward him.
Donovan swore under his breath and then said aloud,
She is petrified. They must have been brutal to her to have
her so. He turned to Conor and asked, Have the drugs left
her system enough for her to change yet?
As I do not know how long she was with those
bastards, plus the fact that she will not let me get close to
her, I could not tell you that. Fiona said she would come in
later and see if she could get close enough to get some
type of analysis. It seems the only one she feels safe with is
Paddy and being as he was able to share some of her

memories, it might be good if he was here as well.

Turning toward Patrick, Conor said, As to your
question, Paddy, about receiving images from her, I have
never come across such a thing without being mated.
Aye, she does seem to have a connection to you,
Paddy, yet there are no tell-tale signs of the bonding. Do
you think you can get her to allow Fiona to touch her if you
were there as well? Donovan asked.
Patrick looked up from his little wolf who was now
curling against him like a fur blanket. I will see if I can get
her to understand that Fiona is no threat. From what I saw
of her memories it will take a long time for her to feel
comfortable with anyone touching her.
Donovan nodded. Not that anyone could blame her
from the way you reacted. Yet, if there were some way we
might determine how long she was with them, it would be
worth the try. Perhaps then, we can give her some of the
antidote Conor came up with to combat the drugs they
used on her. She might recover a bit faster. Once she is
back in human form at least she would be able to give us
some more information that might help in getting to the
leader of Golden Enterprises and also to the traitor of our
Aye, but I do not want to push her after what I just
experienced. Once we find the bastard behind this torture, I
want a piece of him for what he has done.
I can guarantee there are very few of us who will not be
in on that action. Unfortunately, we are no closer to finding
out who it is. I am going to check on Megan and take

Seamus for a run, if he will agree to it. He is ready to tear

everyone asunder. If Megan does not come back to us
soon, I have great fear he will lose his sanity. I would like
you and Colin to join us as Fiona is very fearful about any of
us being alone at this time, Donovan said.
Patrick nodded and then looked at Conor. What is up
with that anyway? Fiona has never been nervous like this
before. And why is Megan still in a coma when there is
nothing wrong with her?
Megan, his niece, had been captured not once but twice
by these butchers. The first time, when she was a child of
only eight, after which she stayed in an unexplainable coma
for five years. Seamus had rescued her then and managed
to get her back to her family even though he was in wolf
form. He didnt stick around because he did not know
whom to trust.
Seventeen years later, The Fates brought Seamus and
Megan back together just before Megan twenty-fifth
birthday. Again a coma claimed her after being rescued
from Golden Enterprises. Patrick feared she might not
recover this time.
If I could figure that out, I would feel better myself. It is
exactly as it was when she was a child. It is as if she is not
willing to come back and face reality. Yet Seamus said she
has her childhood memories back, so your guess is as
good as mine right now, Conor said.
I will see you later, Paddy. If Seamus agrees to go for a
run, I will call. In the meantime, take care of that little wolf
and try to get her to agree to let Fiona help her.

After both Conor and Donovan left, Patrick lay back

down on the bed. The wolf jumped up and snuggled into
him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Well, girl, you heard what Dono and Conor said about
needing a little boost to get better. Will you let Fiona help
you? I know you are quite frightened of everyone, but trust
me, no one here will harm you in any way. I know you had it
bad from what I saw, and it terrified you all over again.
She whimpered and snuggled a bit closer, but Patrick
had the distinct impression she would allow it. He spent
another half hour talking and reassuring her before
Donovan called him.
I have to go now, a str. I promise I will be back before
Fiona comes in to see you. Please rest and gain your
strength, so you can get better and change. Then we can
actually have a two-way conversation.

Chapter Two
After his run, Patrick once again went to visit the little
wolf. He waited on Fiona who told him earlier she soon
would be in to see the wolf. Now girl, Fiona will not harm
you. She is one of our greatest healers. I have known her all
my life and she is one of the kindest persons.
Even so, as soon as Fiona arrived, the wolf started
shaking and slinking backwards with a growl. Patrick put
his hand down to her head. Easy little one, there is no
need to be frightened. He glanced at Fiona. The glimpse I
saw from her earlier showed me she was horribly abused
by these butchers, but the way she is reacting to you, just
coming into the roomI do not think I even caught a
fraction of her abuse.
Look at what they did to Megan in the short time they
had her. If your wolf spent even a few weeks with them, I
can understand her reaction. I am going to sit over here and
let her come to me. I feel if I try to approach her, that it will
only frighten her more.
Fiona was a strikingly tall, slender woman with long jetblack hair. Her eyes drew the most attention. They were the
palest gray with flecks of yellow that seemed to swirl around
in them. Patrick always felt he could fall into their depths if
he stared too long. Fiona settled on the floor at the far end
of the room. You might try coming over here yourself and
sitting close, as it could give her a little more confidence.
Patrick moved to sit beside Fiona. His little wolf

hesitated, then crept over to him inches at a time, keeping

a nervous eye on Fiona.
Fiona attention focused on the wolf. You poor little
thing. They did some terrible things to you, is that not so? I
promise I will only touch you with my hands and use my
energy to examine you. There shall be no harm done to you
from me. Just come to me and let me touch you. Fiona
extended her hand toward the wolf, but the wolf pressed
herself closer to Patrick and whimpered. Patrick, perhaps
if you take my hand she will see I mean no harm.
Without hesitation, Patrick reached out and took
Fionas hand. The little wolf growled low in her throat.
Easy, a str, Fiona will not harm me or you, she is here to
help. Please let her touch you, as she has great healing
As he spoke, the little wolf eased over toward Fionas
and Patricks clasped hands. She tucked her tail tight
between her legs and quivered as she sniffed Fionas
hand. After a minute or so, she allowed Fiona to touch her.
With great care, Fiona stroked her hand down the wolfs
muzzle while Patrick kept reassuring the wolf. The little wolf
moved a bit closer, rubbing against Fionas hand.
Fiona said, Now you are going to feel a slight warming
as I send some energy to you.
Patrick could feel Fionas energy encompass the room.
Then he noticed she also tried to probe the wolfs mind. Her
face showed shock as she hit the same wall he had hit
when he tried it the day he found the wolf. Patrick felt Fiona
push a little harder. The wolfs eyes flew open; she bared

her teeth and growled.

Sorry, I will not do that again without your permission. I
will wait until you are ready to let us know who you are and
what happened to you. I did not mean to intrude, only to
gain some information.
His little wolf woofed.
Patrick asked, Are you giving her permission?
The wolf woofed again.
Patrick looked at Fiona, astonished that the wolf was so
willing to allow the intrusion to her mind. She seems to be
allowing you to try again.
Patrick watched both Fionas and the wolfs faces
carefully as Fiona continued to send healing energy to the
little wolf, as well as trying to scan her brain for memories.
At first, everything seemed fine, but suddenly Fiona
screamed. Patrick jumped up and grabbed Fiona. It took all
his power to dislodge her hands from the wolf. Within
seconds, the room was full of people and the little wolf was
once again cowering in the corner. Her whimper broken
only by her constant trembling.
Fiona took some time returning to normal. She
continued to shake visibly as Conor checked her out.
What in Dans name happened? Conor asked.
I was scanning the little wolf to see if I could find out
who she is. Something in her brain latched on to me, bored
straight to my powers and started to drain them. It was
almost as if I could not get out. If Patrick had not been here,
I think it might have done some severe damage. As it was,
Patrick was able to break the connection. Another shudder

ran through her. I did find out they held her for almost a
year and did some hideous things to her. Her name is
Brenna. I did not get anything else.
I want you to stay here for an hour or so to keep an eye
on you, Conor said.
Conor, I do not have time to sit around. I need to be
with Megan when she returns to us, and so do the rest of
you. She pointedly looked around the room at the rest of
the family as she spoke.
Then her gaze latched onto Patrick. Patrick, calm your
little wolf, she felt everything I did. She is quite shaken.
Whatever they have done to her is beyond my expertise.
She turned toward Conor. Conor, you need to figure
out what we can do to help her until she can change back
into human form. From all Seamus has explained, it might
be months before she will be able to change back and
speak to us. We do not know what they implanted in her, so
she will need to be kept under constant supervision.
Patrick knew Fiona was right, but he hated that the little
wolf would have to be confined.
Brenna. The name rolled around in his head. He took
his time walking over to her, speaking in Gaelic the whole
time. Her eyes darted around the room, but as everyone
left, she seemed to settle bit by bit. He stopped about two
feet from her, sat down, and waited for her to come to him.
She crept toward him. He could see the fear still in her
eyes. I am so sorry you had to experience that. We had no
clue to the damage they caused you. Everyone here will try
very hard to help you get back to yourself. I wish Fiona had

found out more about you. I am sure your family would like
to know you are safe.
A single tear fell from her eye as she shook her head.
What is it, love? Are you hurt?
Again, she shook her head.
Patricks frustration mounted at the inability to able to
communicate with her properly, but he patiently kept asking
questions. When he mentioned her family again, she put
her paw on his lap.
Does this have to do with your family?
She woofed.
How do I get in touch with them?
She shook her head.
I cant?
She woofed.
With that, she laid on her side.
Deadare they dead?
Brenna woofed and he began to get the picture. They
were captured with you?
Woof! Her bark echoed in the room.
He cursed. They captured your whole family and
youre the only one left?
Again she woofed, but the sound was more of a moan.
Anger pushed its way to the forefront. His power
pulsed from him and objects in the room began
Brennas whine brought him back. For the second time
in his life, he almost lost control of his power. What is the

matter with me?

Not knowing how to comfort her, Patrick laid his hand
on her side and just held it there. I do not know what to say,
little one, yet I can guarantee that I will do my best to help
you through this. He stayed with her for a while longer
knowing his presence was a comfort, though he knew he
needed to get in to check on his niece.
I have to leave now, Brenna. I will see you in the
morning. As he left, he could have sworn he heard her

Patricks mind spun from communicating with his little

wolf. My wolf, now where had that come from? Was it just
because he saved her and felt some attachment or was
there more? He would have to think on that, but for now, he
needed to go see how Megan was doing.
As he made his way down the cavernous halls to
Megans room, he reviewed what had been going on these
last few weeks. This group from Golden Enterprises knew
way too much about the Tuatha D Danann. In all his threehundred years of life, he had never seen this kind of attack
on his people. Someone had given away the secrets of
their existence, and they needed to get a handle on who
and why. The most important thing was to put a stop to it.
When he arrived in Megans room, most of the family
was standing around waiting. He could see the strain in his

brothers, Donovan and Sean. Their faces weary, as they

talked back and forth with Noel and Shannon. Seamus
looked as if he had aged a hundred years. Megan had
been kidnapped six days ago and even though they
rescued her, she had remained in a coma for the last five
days. It was all so reminiscent of when she was eight years
old. He hoped the Goddess would not allow her to remain
in her coma for another five yearsor longer. One thing he
knew for sure was no one would be able to stand that
happening again, especially Seamus.
The biggest puzzle was neither his brother Conor nor
Seamuss mother, Fiona could figure out why Megan was
even in a coma. All her vitals were normal. She even had
normal brain function, so there was no medical reason for
it. Yet, there she lay as still as death with everyone around
her in a panic. Glancing around the room, he realized just
how thankful he was he had his little wolf to deal with or he
would be just like the rest of them.
As the night progressed, Patrick could feel his eyelids
growing heavy. He glanced around the room and saw his
Mum and Da sleeping along with Fiona and Roarke. Noel
and Shannon curled up together on a pallet and Sean
leaned against the wall, his eyes drooping. Donovan and
Colin whispered to Seamus in the corner, even though
Seamuss eyes never left Megan as he nodded. Patrick
could no longer keep sleep at bay, so he gave up the
struggle and drifted off. He was startled awake just near
dawn, when a brilliant light encompassed Megans body.
Just as abruptly as it had come, it was gone.

Seamus grabbed Megan into his arms, calling to her in

both Gaelic and English. When her eyes fluttered open,
there was a collective sigh of relief. Patrick joined in as
everyone gathered around her hugging her, kissing her,
and asking hundreds of questions.
Once Fiona and Conor examined her, Fiona turned to
the family. I think we should all leave and give Seamus and
Megan a bit of privacy. We can meet at supper and then
get our questions answered.
Patrick was dog-tired by the time he arrived back to
see Brenna. Ah, a str, we had the greatest gift this
morning. You remember the niece I told you about, well, she
has come back to us from her coma. I am sure you will like
her when you get the chance to meet her.
The wolf nuzzled against him as he walked toward the
I need a bit of sleep, will ye join me?
She was up on the bed before he even had a chance to
get there. When he did lie down, she snuggled up against
him as he enveloped her in his arms and they both drifted
off to sleep.

Chapter Three
Looking forward to dinner and to hearing everything his
niece had to say, Patrick said goodbye to Brenna, telling
her he would see her later. In the eating hall, the air felt
charged with energy as everyone waited for Megan to
arrive. He walked over to Seamuss brothers, Colin and
What do you think Megs is going to tell us? Brian
If I knew that I would not have to be here now, would I
Brian? Colin said as he shook his head at his brother.
Patrick snickered. Are ye a bit anxious to hear what
she has to say?
Damn right I am. I want to know what she knows.
According to Mum, she is the Daughter of Prophecy. I do
not understand why she did not tell us as soon as she
woke, Colin said between clenched teeth.
Patricks brother, Sean, strolled up to them, laughing.
Well then, Colin, you do not know my niece very well. She
more than likely will make you wait even longer, as she will
tell you only when she is good and ready and not a minute
Patrick couldnt keep from joining Sean in his laugher
as he watched Colin. His face turned beet red and his
hands clenched as he muttered cuss words under his
breath that would make a sailor blush.
When Megan arrived with Seamus and Donovan, they

sat down to dinner. Patrick could feel Megans tension from

across the room. He watched as her eyes kept drifting
toward the King. He wondered if she was just
uncomfortable around him or if it was something else.
Once the dinner was over, Ruairi, the King, a majestic
man who stood about six-foot three-inches, with long white
hair that shimmered as if infused with sunlight, turned
toward Megan. I know you have much to discuss with your
family so we will leave you to it. His voice reverberated
through the room.
Sirif youll please stay. Some of what I have to say
will also include you.

Ruairi laughed, his booming voice echoed. Megan,

child you do not have to address me any other way but by
my name. Now though, you have my curiosity up, so please
Patrick watched Megan as everyone settled down. She
kept glancing toward the King as if she was nervous he
was there. Strange.
Clearing her throat, Megan began to speak. I need to
tell you all something that you cant repeat to my dad.
Once she witnessed a nod of consent from each person
in the room, she continued. First, let me tell you how my
mom died. She was three months pregnant when those
butchers took the fetus.
A collective gasp went through the room. Patrick could
hear some of the same questions running through his head
as the family wondered how that was possible. Being a
Tuatha D Danann, Bernadette would only be able to
conceive a child every fifty years with her mateunless.
Then the room became quiet, with a silence that was
almost deafening as her words sunk in.
She continued, Yes, my dad is not my biological father,
and thats the thing he cant find out.
Ruairi asked, That being the case child, do you know
who your father is?
Yes, sir, and this is going to be the biggest shock of all.
So instead of me telling any of you, it might be easier if I let
my parents tell you themselves.
As she spoke, she pulled a set of crystals from her
pocket. Patrick remembered Sean telling him what had

happened after Megan had found them. He watched as she

put her hand in the air palm up and spoke in Gaelic. The
crystals started spinning, lifting from her palm. As they
rotated faster and faster, they began to take the shape of a
three-dimensional picture screen. The next thing he knew,
his sister Bernadette stood there along with Conall, the
kings first-born son who died twenty-five years ago. What

the hell?
Tears misted his eyes. His sister, her beautiful auburn
hair flowing around her shoulders, with her piercing greyblue eyes, stood there as bold as life. Only she was not
alive. She had died seventeen years earlier at the hands of
the same butcher that had kidnapped Megan, Seamus and
Patricks little wolf.
He turned his head and surveyed the room. Everyone
had tears running down their cheeks. Ruairi mouth moved
to form the word how? as his eyes riveted on Conall.

I am sure this comes a quite a shock to all of you, but

more so to you, Father. I am sorry you all had to live with
this deception for so long, but it was necessary to protect
Megan from Mallaidh. She is the one who has been behind
all the kidnappings and killings of our people. She has
many working with her, so you must be careful, as all of you
are now in danger from her wrath, Conalls image said.
Waves of despair rolled from Ruairi as he spoke with
his son.

I asked you this once before and you told me it had to

be. Will you answer now why you mated with Mallaidh,
going against both The Fates and I?
I had no choice as Mother was with child and Mallaidh
threatened to use a drug she acquired to prevent Mother
from going to Br na Binne upon delivery.
A gasp came from Aine, and Conall turned to her, love
showing in his eyes. Do not blame yourself Mathair
{Mother}, she had this planned for many years.
Tuning back to his father he said, I knew she had
infiltrated the castle already, and she would have done as
she threatened. She wanted power and to be queen. I
prevented her from becoming with child herself through
magic, because I knew she would have killed Devlyn after
his birth and then gone after you and Mother.
Anger and shock vibrated though the room.
Did she murder you? Ruairi asked.

No, that was by my own hand, once I realized

Bernadette was pregnant with my child and upon
remembering what Fiona had told me years earlier about
the prophecy. I saw no other choice.
Everyone turned toward Fiona.
What is this prophecy? The King asked.
Fiona answered, The prophecy states that a darkness
shall penetrate our people brought on by one woman. Only
a child born from the loins of the families of the king of our
people and the Tribes of Kilkenny, whose ancestral
homeland was Kerry, will have the ability to thwart the
darkness from spreading. This child shall be the instrument
in bringing the light that shall destroy the darkness. It is also
stated, that the first-born son of the family the Tribes of
Meath shall stand at her side in this battle. One other part of
the prophecy declares the child shall have the ability to go
between both worlds. That was one part I did not
understand, Fiona gazed toward Megan. Until now.
Patrick tried hard to comprehend everything.

Then Bernadette spoke. We knew what would happen

if Mallaidh found out I was carrying Conalls child. James
was the only one we could trust. He knew about Conall and
I, for the year we had been seeing each other and kept our
secret. We knew our child was the child of the prophecy.
Donovan stood. How is it I was not able to sense this
untruth from you?
Bernadette explained how Conall had manipulated
both Jims and her memories so no one would know
the truth.
They continued talking and answering questions well
into the night.
Patrick could see the lines of stress in Seamuss face
when Seamus called a halt to the evening. I know we all
could continue conversing through the night, but
unfortunately, it is taking a toll on both Megan and myself,
so we are going to have to let the door between our worlds

They all said their goodbyes and Megan stood. She

swayed a bit, and Seamus steadied her. She reached her
hand out, called the crystals, and closed the doorway.
Trying to assimilate everything he had seen and heard,
Patrick closed his eyes and leaned back. His niece was
the Daughter of Prophecy. How could that be? She was
also not half Tuatha but full Tuatha and Conalls daughter,
making her a princess. She had to be overwhelmed by
everything. She did not even know she was anything other
than a human until three weeks ago. Thank the Gods she
had Seamus to help her get through all this new
Patrick opened his eyes to watch as Megan performed
a few more astonishing feats. First, she found and
disposed of the tracking devices that this group had
embedded in Seamus, Sean, Donovan, Noel, Brian, herself
and to everyones surprise Devlyn. Next, she gave all of
them, including himself, the ability to walk undetected.
Patrick walked back to his own room his mind whirling.
Climbing into bed and snuggling with his little wolf, he
drifted to sleep.

The next day, Patrick went to find Megan to see if she

could do anything for Brenna. Upon entering, he took a
good look at Megan. She looked so much like her mother,
Bernadette, it was like a vice tightened around his heart. If it
were not for her lake-blue eyes and strawberry-blond hair,

he would swear she was Bernadette. Today, she had her

hair pulled back in a ponytail and she wore jeans with a
camel-colored tank top and matching soft, leather boots.
He would never be able to tell she had been tortured and
barely alive just six days earlier. Megan, would you have a
bit of time today to see if you can help the little wolf I told
you about?
I was just going to come over and look at her, but I think
you need to be there, too. I know how traumatized she must
be after being brutalized for so long. Im looking forward to
speaking with her.
As they started to leave, Seamus joined them. I am
coming with you.
Seamus, you dont have to, Im only going to see if I
can help her.
I heard what happened to Mum, when she tried to help
her. And you are not going to be alone with her.
Im not going to be alone. Uncle Patrick will be there.
Just the same, I think I will come along. You gave me
the scare of my life over the last few days and I am not quite
ready to let you out of my sight just yet.
Megan put her arms around Seamuss waist and
leaned up to kiss him. She wasnt short at five foot, seven
inches, but she had to stretch to reach his mouth. I promise
I wont do anything to put myself in danger, but if you insist
on coming, just remember the little wolf is quite
Seamus said, I might be able to help there as I know
what it was like to be in those butchers hands for an

extended period of time. I know it was not anything in terms

of how long she was there and I did not lose my whole
family to them, but I still might be of some help.
Megan turned to Patrick. How do you think she will
react to having both of us there?
I cannot say for sure, but it makes no matter as
Seamus will not let you do this alone. To tell you the truth, I
would feel the same way. Let me go over first and prepare
her and then you two can pop in.
Fine. Tell her Ill help in any shell allow.

After Patrick left, Seamus enfolded Megan in his arms.

He still had a hard time fathoming that he found such a
perfect mate. She was a little spitfire, and he knew she
would always keep him on his toes. Even with the threat of
Golden Enterprise, he was thankful the Fates had destined
her as his at this time. You know you mean everything to
me a ghr {my love}, and I have no intention of allowing you
to do anything that might put you in danger.

Goddess, this man was so protective. It seemed all of

the Tuatha D Danann men were that way. Megan
stepped back and studied the man towering over her.
Seamus looked like a god with the hard angles of his face

framed by his long raven-black hair. His body made her

want to rip off his clothes, so she could see every beautiful
muscle. She wanted to rub her body against his like a cat.
But, it was the intensity of his jade-green eyes, which she
knew would go almost yellow when he was aroused, that
made her melt.
Seamus, Im able to take care of myself, but Im glad
you will be there to lend a hand. We have to figure out how
to combat Mallaidh. I also need to get rid of the tracking
devise they implanted in Brenna and find out what they did
to her brain. Im going to need you to pull me out if whatever
it is latches on to me. Maybe Ill be able to disengage it
somehow. It would be nice if she could change form so I
could talk to her and get more information about Mallaidh.
Reaching out Seamus cupped her cheek, It may take a
very long time for her to be able to speak to us. Remember,
it took me over a month to be able to change back into
human form and I was with them for just less than a month. If
she was there for almost a year, it may take her that long. I
can only hope being here at Br na Binne will lessen that
A shudder ran through Megan. Goddess, I hope so. I
cant imagine being stuck in wolf form for two years and not
be able to speak to anyone. Worse, one of those years,
she was tortured so brutally. Im surprised she survived it.
She must be very strong.
Either that or she was as determined as I was not to let
them win. If we knew who she was, or more about her
family, it would be beneficial in figuring out why Mallaidh

seized them all. We have an uphill battle trying to play

catch-up with Mallaidh because I was foolish enough to
think I was winning the war with Golden Enterprise.
Seamus said the latter with such self-disgust Megan
stepped back up to him and wrapped her arms around him.
You cant blame yourself for what Mallaidh has been
doing all these years. You werent meant to beat her if the
prophecy is true. You have a part, but the main part isnt
until we got together. And thats still something Im trying to
wrap my mind around.
A mhirnn {Beloved} I know your world was turned
upside down. You are my life and I will always treasure you.
I will be with you and help you in every way I am able.
You always say things that melt my heart. Im glad the
Fates brought us together, too. As much as Id like to show
you just how much I love you, we dont have time. We better
go in to Brenna and see what we can do to help her. And
see if we can find out more about her and her family.
Before we go, promise me you will do nothing to put
yourself in danger. I do not know how I would react if
something were to happen to you.
Seamus, you are going to be there with me. Well stay
connected all the time. So, if anything happens you can
intervene. Is that fair enough for you?
That is the best I can ask for. He grabbed her and
devoured her mouth. When they came up for air, Megan
swayed a bit, which made him grin. I guess we better go or
I will have you back in bed for the next few hours.
Cut that out. Weve work to do. She grabbed his hand

and headed to where Patrick and Brenna were staying.

They materialized outside of Patricks room, knocking

before they entered. The beauty of the room took Megan
aback; tapestries, with scenes of Irish landscapes, covered
the stone walls, making them look more like an apartment
instead of a cavern miles underground. A silken spread,
piled high with pillows, covered the bed. Even the couch
and chairs looked comfortable enough to sleep on. Plush
rugs masked the dirt floors. Patrick never cared what his
room looked like so Megan figured he did it for Brenna.
Megan noticed the way the little wolf wrapped herself
around Patrick. More astonishing was how he shrouded
her. He seems extremely attached to her, doesnt he?
Aye, he does and I would say the same holds true for

Patrick looked up and smiled. Thank you for coming.
He turned his attention back toward Brenna. A chro, I
would like you to meet my niece Megan and her mate
Seamus. As I told you, Megan has some great abilities and
she is here to see if she can help. She will not hurt you or
do anything that is against your will. Are you all right with
them being here?
Megan eased over to the wolf with her hand extended. I
need to find the tracking devise they implanted in you. Im

going to use this machine to find it and then Ill remove it. Is
that okay with you?
The little wolf sniffed at the black box that materialized in
Megans hand and then turned her head each way as if
examining it. The wolf looked at Patrick as if asking if it was
It is all right, Brenna, I have seen her use it on herself as
well as her mate and my brothers. It is only going to locate
the device.
The little wolf eyed the box once more and then woofed.
So, Megan flipped the switch that turned it on. It beeped
and the little wolf jumped. Patrick laid his hand on her and
she turned her head toward him, keeping her eyes riveted
to his as Megan ran the box around the wolfs body. When
nothing happen, Megans eyes narrowed as she looked
from Brenna to Seamus and Patrick. How can she not
have a tracking device like the rest of us?
She turned back to face Brenna. Did they not knock
you out when they captured you?
Let me try again.
Once again, Megan ran the device over Brennas
entire body. Again, to no avail. Perplexed Megan
looked at Seamus
Hows that possible?
I do not know. Perhaps Mallaidh removed it.
But why?
Megan shook the machine. Im not sure if this

machine is faulty or if you have no device. We will

worry about it later.
She sighed. Will you let me scan you and see if we
can locate whatever it was that hurt you and Fiona
The little wolf shook her head and backed away.
Megan sat on the ground. I know this is difficult for you.
Both Seamus and I have been in those butchers hands. I
know some of what they did to you. Im not going to scan
into your brain to find anything out. So, whatever attacked
Fiona yesterday shouldnt bother me. All Im going to do is
scan to see if I can locate it. I wont make physical contact
with you so I should be able to pull away if it starts to do
anything. Will you at least let me try that?
The wolf woofed, walked back up to Megan and sat in
front of her.
Okay, here we go.
Megan closed her eyes and sent herself out into the
wolf. She found a small black smudge at the base of the
wolfs skull. She went closer. The smudge charged at her.
Megan jumped pulling out of Brenna. Her gaze flew toward
Seamus. Did you see that?
Aye, it is almost as if it knew you were there. It is a
shadow attached to the inside of Brennas skull and as
soon as someone tries to access her brain it attacks.
Seamus stood as still as stone with his eyes closed. When
he opened them again, he turned to the wolf. While you
were in captivity did one of our people experiment on you?

Megan looked at Seamus. What are you thinking?

I believe that Mallaidh has been dabbling in the dark
arts and has used a very old magical spell called a Magic
Stealer. She has left a remnant of herself in the wolf so she
could use her magic. If I am correct, we are going to have to
go to the archives and find the reversal spell. Dark magic
can be tricky. If we can reverse it correctly, we may be able
to capture a small part of Mallaidhs essence and that may
give us an advantage later down the line.
Im game, because we can use all the advantages we
can get.
She turned to Patrick. Uncle Patrick, take great care of
your little wolf but dont let anyone try to scan her and dont
try to communicate with her other than verbally. After what
happened to Fiona you need to be careful.
Patrick gawked at Megan. Megs, there is no other way
I can communicate with her.
Seamus laughed. Your niece may only have come to
know about the Tuatha in the last few weeks, but she is one
quick study.
When Patrick still looked at Seamus with bewilderment,
Seamus all but fell over laughing. Paddy, my old friend, you
are three-hundred years old and you have been around
numerous mated couples; you mean to tell me you cannot
tell that you and your little wolf are a pair?
Patrick lost all the color in his face. Thathathat is
not possible.
Megan was laughing so hard there were tears running

down her cheeks. Oh, thats a good one Uncle Patrick. If I

remember correctly, youre the one who preached to me
that once the Fates make the decision theres no reversal
or choice. Besides from the way you two were hanging on
each other when we walked in, Id say youll make a great
Butbut we cannot even talk to each other. I do not
know what she looks like or who she is.
Not to worry, we will remedy that situation as soon as
possible. See you in a bit. She grabbed Seamuss hand
and they were gone.

Chapter Four
Patrick could not believe what he had just heard. How
could he be mated to someone he did not even know? No,
it was not possible, yet when he looked at his little wolf, he
knew he was drawn to her.
Is it possible they are correct, and we are fated to be
mates? How do you feel about that? I would like to get to
talk to you in person before we know that for sure. Now, do
not get me wrong. I am not saying I would not want you as a
mate, but by all that is holy, I have not even heard you
His little wolf backed up a few steps, cocked her head
to one side and she studied him. Then she came over,
nuzzled him, and whimpered.
So you are not sure either are you?
Well, as Megan said, if the Fates have decreed it, we
will have no choice in the matter. Although, I am not sure
Megan and Seamus are accurate. We are just going to
have to wait until you are able to manifest into your human
form and we can speak to each other.
I found it. This is the ritual she must have used and here
is what we need to reverse it. Shite, I said the dark arts
were tricky, but this could be a real problem.
Looking over Seamuss shoulder at what he was

reading, Megan cursed. Crap, there has to be a way to

prevent Mallaidh from being able to kill Brenna if she
figures out what were doing. Wait, look at this. Megan
pointed to another part of the page. If we can have Uncle
Patrick hold her with the mating bond, Mallaidh wont be
able to pull any more of her powers or spirit. Its got to be
done here in Br na Binne, along with a circle of twelve. I
know you said this was going to be tricky, but its also
going to be dangerous and time consuming. We need to
talk to the families.
First we should talk to Paddy and Brenna. They will
have to agree to all of it before we should even bother with
anyone else. Paddy seemed a bit uneasy when we
mentioned that he and his wolf were a mated pair.
Megan laughed, I guess we all to want to keep our
single life as long as possible.
The look on Seamuss face was priceless when he
walked over, pulled Megan into a hug, and asked, Do you
still feel that way?
Grinning she melted into him, kissed him. Seamus, Ive
never been happier in my life. All Im saying is when a
person is told theyre mated with someone they dont even
know, its a bit terrifying. Can you honestly tell me that as
soon as you knew we were mates you were elated?
Actually, I was a bit apprehensive myself, not because I
did not want you as my mate, but more the timing of it.
Once I decided the timing was not important, I would not
have changed it for the world.
See, Im sure Uncle Patrick will be very excited once he

accepts his little wolf is his mate. With him, its more that he
doesnt even know who she is or what she looks like.
Aye, I guess that would be a bit daunting.
A bit? How would you feel if Id been in wolf form when
we met and then everyone told you I was your mate?
Seamus gave her one of those looks that told her she
didnt know what she was talking about. A str, you make
a very fine wolf, so I am sure I would have accepted it
Megan just chuckled. Yeah, right!
Seamuss answer to that was to kiss her until she was
not able to think.

Sometime later, Seamus and Megan materialized back

in Patricks room. Patrick paced the floor as his wolf
watched, her head on her paws. Her eyes followed his
every move.
As soon as he saw them he said, Well, what did you
find? Are you going to be able to help her? How long will it
take? When can you start?
Seamus laughed as he looked at Megan. Runs in your
family, aye?
Looks that way. Turning to Patrick she said, Yes I
think we can help Brenna.
Patrick went to the couch and sat; Brenna jumped up
next to him.
Although Im not sure either of youre going to like

what has to be done. Its going to be very dangerous

for both of you.
Patricks eyes widened. How dangerous and what
exactly do we have to do?
Seamus replied, First, if Mallaidh senses we are trying
to sever her connection with Brenna, Mallaidh will more
than likely try to destroy her.
Patrick came off the couch like a bullet. With fire in his
eyes, he looked like he was about to attack Seamus. No! I
will not allow you to do something like that if there is a
chance Mallaidh could kill Brenna.
Seamus put his hand up, halting Patricks advance.
Wait, let me finish. There is a way to prevent her from
doing so. You will have to perform the mating bond so you
can hold on to her powers and spirit while we perform the
spell. It will have to be performed within a circle of twelve.
That will help to ground and protect you. However, there is
always the possibility that Mallaidh has become so strong
that we could lose you both..
Aye, and tell me just how we are suppose to perform
the mating bond when Brenna is in her wolf form, not her
human form? Patrick replied, the fire still burning in his
Ah, well, this is where it gets a bit tricky. You are going
to have to do it in wolf form and connect mentally to say the
ritual words, but you have to be very careful not to let
Mallaidhs shadow notice you. You will have to do this in a
protected circle.
Patrick began to pace. So, what you are telling me is

that I have to go wolf, mate, and have an audience in the

That is about the gist of it. Seamus said with a shrug. I
know that the mating ritual is a very private thing, but we
have an extremely dangerous situation that cannot be
ignored. Mallaidh could very well kill Brenna and in all
actuality, kill you both if she figures out what you are doing
and why. If you want to be able to free your little wolf from
Mallaidh, this is the way it is going to have to be done. We
cannot figure out any other option that does not insure
certain death for Brenna.
Patrick walked back over to Brenna and placed a hand
on her head. He looked back at Seamus and Megan, Will
you give us some time to discuss this? We are getting
quite proficient at communicating as long as the answers
are yes and no.
Take as much time as you need. It will take Megan and
I some time to practice the spell so we know what we are
doing. We also need to talk to the family as we are going to
need twelve of them to perform the spell.
Thank you. He dropped down beside Brenna, placed
his arm around her, and lowered his head to hers as
Megan and Seamus left.

Do you really think we can pull this off without either of

them getting hurt? Megan asked as they went to tell the
rest of the family what they had found out.

I hope so. I do not know enough of how the dark arts

work, as we do not use them. I studied them years back in
order to combat them, but I have never had to put those
studies to use. We will consult the high council and the King
as to the best possible way to go about this. I do not want
anything to happen to Patrick and if anything should happen
to his little wolf, even though he disputes the mating, I think
he would follow her to the otherworld.
I hope someone will know how they need to go about
mating without Mallaidh figuring out what is going on until it
is too late.
That is going to be the hardest part. Once they
accomplish that, the rest should be easier because we will
have so many of us.
Their families, along with the King and some of the
members of the High Council, were waiting for them in the
main chamber. After explaining what needed to be done,
there were many questions from Patricks family.
Seamus could feel Donovans apprehension about
allowing his brother to go through the mating.
Can you be sure that we can accomplish this without
Mallaidh killing Brenna?
Dono, if I knew that for sure we would not be having this
meeting. This is very dangerous for both of them. After what
happened to my mum, Patrick could also be in danger. Yet,
there is no other way to expel Mallaidh from the wolf.
Megan cut in, her face as white as chalk. Oh
GoddessUncle Patrick said Brennas whole family was
captured and all of them are dead. Could that be what

happened to them? Could Mallaidh have used Brenna to

kill her whole family?
Murmurs vibrated through the chamber.
Seamus pulled Megan to his side. Easy, a ghr, do not
jump to conclusions just yet.
But Seamus, think about it. Her whole family is dead.
When Fiona went into Brennas mind that thing latched on
to her and she said it felt like it was taking her essence.
Goddess, I hope the hell you are wrong, but I have a
sinking feeling you are not.
Ruairi walked over to them, his face haggard. His usual
booming voice, came out in a bare whisper. How could
one who was so weak before she mated to my son have
enough power to do such a thing?
My guess would be she had been working black magic
for many years. When she mated to Conall, she used his
powers to advance her spelling. Now she has greatly
developed even those skills. We are going to have to be
very careful in dealing with her, Seamus said.
Megan turned toward Ruairi. A bigger question is how
we are going to take away the magic shes already stolen?
If shes advanced this far, I dont know how Im supposed to
beat her.
Child, the Goddesses believe you can, so we will
accept they are right. I will speak to Aine and have her talk
with you as she is better versed in the black art than most.
Donovan cleared his throat. I think we need to get back
to our original problem.
Is there any other way of doing it without Paddy mating

first? Sean asked.

Megan shook her head. Uncle Sean, we read and
reread the reversal spell and the safest way for Brenna is to
have someone hold her spirit. The only one that could do
that would be her mate. Uncle Patrick is showing all the
signs of being her mate; it seems to be no other way.
Donovan spoke up again. Are you sure they are
destined to be mates, or could it be some kind of trick
Mallaidh is initiating through her spell?
There is no possible way to make anyone think they
are mated. Even when Conall mated to Mallaidh, he knew
she was not his true mate. Though I did not know the
reason behind his decision, I knew it was somehow forced.
I am looking forward to getting my hands on Mallaidh and
bringing her to justice. Not just for the things she is now
doing to my people, but for how she used my son,
threatened my mate, the queen, and stole years of my
granddaughters childhood. Ruairis voice now carried
more of its authority again.
He ran a hand through his thick white hair and
continued. I will go and see Patrick and this little wolf and
verify they are mates. If they are, I will sanction their mating
and we will do whatever it takes to keep them safe during
this unusual ceremony.
When the King left, Donovan turned to Seamus. I have
to say I have never seen Ruairi in such a mood. Finding out
what Mallaidh did to Conall has put him on the warpath. He
was ready to pass on his Kingship some time ago. But
because of her, he has lost his first-born son and has to

wait at least another hundred years before Devlyn will be

ready to take over. Getting back to the subject at hand
though, do you think this can be accomplished?
Dono, I truly hope so. One thing I do know is if Megan is
correct in that Mallaidh is able to steal others magic
through Brenna and if Paddy and she are mates, they will
connect telepathically eventually. If that happens, I can
guarantee Mallaidh will rape his powers and kill him. Which
in turn will kill Brenna, even if they do not perform the ritual.
In addition, I can bet that Mallaidh will somehow try to hold
Brenna to this plane just to make her suffer more. So what
other choice do they have?
Donovan sighed. I guess we will have to trust that you
and Megan will be strong enough to accomplish the spell
and keep them safe.
Seamus closed his eyes for a moment then glanced
around the room. The thing is, we will need all of your help
in doing so. We have to create a circle of twelve in order to
prevent Mallaidh from countering our work.
They continued to iron out more of the details until the
Ruairi returned.
They are definitely a mated pair. I informed Patrick of
this and he and Brenna are agreeing to perform the ritual.
He turned to Megan. You will need to do some more
research before you are ready to perform the reversal spell.
Aine said she would help you in any way she can. I believe
we should wait two to three weeks. This will give Brenna
more time to dispel the drugs and maybe be able to
change form. If she still cannot change, then you can

proceed with the ritual and the spell immediately. That

should give you and Seamus ample time to study and

Megan watched as the King took a deep breath, he

gaze traveling the room as he spoke. Tomorrow I would
like to go through all the personnel in the castle and see
who is part of Mallaidhs entourage. When we do find any of
these traitors, I want no mercy given.
Megan jumped at the ferocity in the Kings voice. She
forced herself to relax before speaking. Sir, I agree waiting
is a good idea for Patrick and Brenna. As for the traitors, I
believe we should investigate first if Mallaidh has some
type of hold over them. Look at what she did to my father,
your own son, in order to have her way. She is very devious
and has stolen a tremendous amount of power from what I
have seen so far.
The Kings features softened, You are right, as usual. I
will see you tomorrow, and we shall start cleaning house.
He reached out, pulled her into a hug and whispered, I
may not have known your were my granddaughter for all
these years, but it is quite evident in your generous attitude.
You remind me of your father in many ways, fair, just and
one who thinks things trough before acting. I am beginning
to see the makings of a queen. I know if Conall were here
today, he would tell you just how proud he is of you, as I am.
You may be young yet, but I do not think Dan and

Mrrgan would not have the confidence in you to fight this

battle, if they did not see your true potential.
Tears filled her eyes as she heard the love and faith her
grandfather had for her. Thank you, was all she could
manage to say.
The King said his good-byes and left.
Megan went to Seamus and he enfolded her in his
embrace. It is strange to find you have more family than
you once thought, is it not? Harder when they tell you things
that feels foreign to you. I know Jim was proud of you, but
because he was so overprotective, you never had the
chance to learn your full potential. Now you have been
thrown into a leadership position in a war of good versus
evil, and people are telling you how strong you are. Try not
to let it overwhelm you.
It is a bit unsettling, but it feels right.
That is because you are a princess and the true
Daughter of Prophecy.
Lets not even go there right now. That part is just to
out there.
Seamus rubbed his hand up her arm. For now we shall
leave that. How about a bit of food and then we can go for a
run to clear you head.
Now that sounds like a plan.

Chapter Five
Pacing the room like a caged animal, Patrick kept
going over the same thing in his mind. He had a hard time
believing he was destined to be mated to someone he had
never seen in human form. He had to believe she was as
pleasing to look at in her human form as he found her wolf
Could he go through with the mating ritual in wolf form
himself? If he did, he needed to somehow to stay under
Mallaidhs radar while they performed it. He realized there
was a good chance he might die in the process. He could
live with that, but losing Brennanever. Funny how after just
a few short days he had become so attached to her. It
would be nicer once they could communicate without
talking in yes and no questions. He was not thrilled about
having to have someone in the same room as they
performed the ritual. This should be private and here he
had to have an audience. Well, if it meant safety for both of
them, then he would manage to ignore Seamus, or

Curled up on the soft blanket on the floor, Brenna

watched Patrick. He was one gorgeous male and he was
hers. He was a good two or three inches over six feet with a
body that looked as though he worked out all the time. She

watched his muscles bunch like a jungle cat, with each

pass he made around the room. But, it was those misty
gray-blue eyes that entranced her the most.
At the moment, he paced the room as if he was ready to
jump out of his skin. Was he having second thoughts about
being her mate? Not that she could blame him. He had
never seen her in human form. What if her looks turned him
off? As tall as he was, he might think her five- foot one-inch
frame too short. Most men felt she was too tiny for them,
they felt they might break her. Well, there was not much
either of them could do about it now. The Fates had
destined them to be together. In any case, she could lie
here all day and just enjoy watching him.
Brennas eyes followed Patricks every movement. She
wished her family could be here to meet him. Her good
mood plummeted as devastation overwhelmed her
excitement. Because of Mallaidhs spell, her family was
dead. If only they had not tried to communicate with each
other, her family would still be alive. Now, she had found her
mate, and there was a very strong possibility she would kill
him, as well.
If they were able to get through the mating ritual, she
would be able to follow Patrick anywhere, even to the
otherworld. Would they be able to complete the ritual before
Mallaidh caught them? She would never be able to live with
the fact she killed someone else, especially her mate.

Somehow, I need to communicate all this to Patrick,

but how can I accomplish without words? If I could just
change into my human form things would be so much

Patrick stopped pacing and peered down at her. Well
love, we may have to go through with this in our wolf forms.
The King feels we should wait two or three weeks and if you
still cannot transform we will not be able to wait any longer.
As Seamus and Megan said, we may very well connect
mentally and Mallaidh will kill me. I know I have much
apprehension about going through with the Deasghnth
{mating ritual} at this time. Nevertheless, what choice do we
have? Do you agree to do this?
Brenna stared at Patrick. How could she explain this to
him? She started to shake her head, not wanting to agree
but knowing what he said was true. How could she risk
them connecting mentally and giving Mallaidh the chance to
kill him? Maybe it would be better if she just disappeared.
She knew that was not possible. She could no more
transport from one place to another than she could change
into her human form. So she barked at him to let him know
she would go ahead with it.
Good, I know you are terrified you will hurt me, but I
have every faith in Seamus and Megan to keep that from
Brenna jumped up on him and licked him, hoping he
would take that as her answer.
I think we should have a bite to eat and then get some
sleep. I will be going to help clean out the castle of
Mallaidhs cohorts tomorrow. Then we will get down to
some serious preparation for the Deasghntha.

Thank God, they found only ten of Mallaidhs people

scattered through the castle. Unfortunately, all of them had
to be executed, which weighed on Megans heart. She did
not like to see people put to death, but in war, this was a
necessary evil. She knew her grandfather was not one who
took this situation lightly, as he felt the full impact of what his
son had to bear in order to keep his family safe. She felt
she had gone from a child to an adult in a matter of hours
and it was a hard process.
How would she be able to kill another person? The
thought of those ten people being executed sickened her,
and she didnt even have to watch. She knew that this was
going to be an awful situation, and she might lose some of
her loved ones in the process. Then she remembered she
had killed that woman. The one who gloated over the fact
they had poisoned Seamus so he could not follow her when
these people had kidnapped her. She also knew this was a
war, a war she had to win. Her mother, father, the
Goddesses Dan and Mrrgan, all seemed to believe she
was up to winning this war, even at such a young age. She
was not so sure, yet she knew she had no choice. She
would either win or die trying.
Seamus walked into the room and smiled one of those
smiles that made her heart melt. The amount of love she
carried for this man amazed her. She had known Seamus a
little over a month, yet in that short amount of time he

burrowed his way into her heart so deeply she would be left
with a gaping hole if anything should happen to him.
Ah a ghr, you know I feel the same way. I could not live
if you were not with me.
The Fates seem to know what theyre doing. I can only
hope they are right about me being the one to stop

Seamus crossed the room and wrapped his arms

around Megan. The Fates are never wrong. Have more
faith in yourself. He knew the executions had devastated
her; she was not one that would be able to kill
indiscriminately. Yet, she would see much more of this in
the future. Mallaidh would have no qualms about killing or
torturing as they had already seen firsthand during their
imprisonment. She was strong, his darling Megan, and she
had a soft heart. To have to kill was going to do awful things
to her. For now, there was only one thing he could do and
that was to distract her for a while.
Im not sure Im up to ordering a persons death, let
alone taking a life, and yet, I may have to do both.
Trust me, when it comes down to it, you will have no
reservations if the life of someone you love is threatened.
You are very protective of your family and I know you are
beginning to feel the same way about your people.
I do, but He cut her off before she could finish by

kissing her senseless. She didnt even have a chance to

protest when he had her on her back and both of them
naked before she could blink.
No talking, no thinking. Let it go for a while as I need
you at the moment.
By the time they finished, he knew she was too relaxed
to think of anything. She snuggled up against him and
drifted off to sleep for a while.
Seamus enjoyed just seeing her relax. She had been
through much in the last few weeks, and it had taken a toll
on both of them. He snuggled her closer as he decided it
would do them both good to go home and rest until it is
time to perform the spell.

Chapter Six
Walking through the halls of Br na Binne, Patrick
could not believe three weeks had passed with no change
in Brennas condition. She remained stuck in wolf form. He
considered what tonight would bring. A commitment to a
relationship with his mate, a mate he had never even
spoken to or seen other than in her wolf form. I feel I have

been thrown back into medieval times when marriages

were arranged. I had someday hoped I would find my
mate, but this was not the way I had envisioned it. Am I
ready to make such a commitment? I do feel a strong
connection to my little wolf.
He paced the hall searching his soul for the knowledge
that he was doing the right thing.

So what is the problem? I want to see her in her human

form, know she is as beautiful as she was in wolf form. I
want to make love to her during the ceremony, not as an
animal, but as man and woman. Things just seem to go
from bad to worse. How am I going to actually mate in
front of twelve people? This is thwarting.
He paused in the hall, his mind reeling with uncertainty.

Well tonight is the big night, and the Fates decided, so

I guess there is little choice in the matter. Time to go find
my mate.

Patrick and Brenna walked into the great hall where

everyone had assembled. He could not believe his eyes,
Patrick looked down at Brenna, who was also staring
around the room, her eyes held unleashed tears. The first
part of the Deasghnth was always held outside under the
stars, but to protect them there had been no choice other
than holding it under the earth in Br na Binne. Someone
wanted it to feel as if the ceremony was as normal as
possible. Whomever it was, had transformed the grand hall
into the great outdoors. Grass covered the stone floor and
lush trees encompassed the room. When Patrick looked
up, his breath caught and his sight blurred. Stars filled the
ceiling, twinkling brightly as if they could feel the joy of life.
Once his eyes cleared Patrick glanced around the rest
of the room and noticed the candles, salt, water, and an
assortment of other paraphernalia sitting on a table to the
right, for the spell Megan would use protect them while she
cast out Mallaidh.
When he spotted his niece, she looked more than a bit
nervous as she spoke to Seamus; the whole room vibrated
an anxious tone. Patrick was sure it mirrored his own
Patrick cleared his throat, hoping his nervousness
would not echo off the wall. Well, is everything set?
Even as he waited for her answer, he hoped Megan
would turn to him and say they decided to wait another few
weeks. Instead, Megan turned, nodded, and started toward

them. As the butterflies he had in his stomach did the

Tango, Patrick knew he could not be so lucky.
Uncle Patrick, I wish there was another way to
accomplish this. I know what it felt like just knowing
everyone knew what was happening behind closed doors.
A blush ran up her face that almost made Patrick laugh.
The way we are going to proceed is to form a circle
around the two of you in which we will all face away, but we
have to have one person watch in case something should
go wrong
The whole thing struck him as hilarious. When he looked
at Seamus, Seamus just grinned, and Patrick knew he was
picking up his thoughts.
I think it would be easiest for you if you chose who
was to face
Megan stopped abruptly, her gaze bouncing between
Seamus and himself. Fire formed in her eyes. Her hands
came up and rested on her hips.

We are in deep shite now.

What, may I ask, is so funny? She spat out through
clenched teeth.
Patrick glanced over at Seamus who was trying to keep
a straight face, but was doing a piss poor job of it. When
their eyes met, they both lost it. Gales of laughter, more
nervous than humorous bubbled from his throat, as Seamus
doubled over laughing.
Patrick pulled himself together, aware that both Megan
and his little wolf glared at him, venom in their eyes.

Seamus came to his rescue.

Megan, a ghr, this is a very tense situation and I told
Paddy a joke as you were explaining thisjust to ease him
a bit. Unfortunately, he mixed it up, as he was trying to listen
to both of us and it ended up being funnier than it should.
Go easy on him. a mhirnn; as strained as this situation is
for all of us, it is much worse for him.
Megan didnt look like she believed Seamus, but she let
it go and turned back to Patrick muttering something about
how men always stick together, which almost set him off
He struggled to keep a straight face. Patrick knew he
needed to get away from Megan for a few minutes to
gather his composure better or they would never get this
finished. Megs, could you give me a moment to talk to
Seamus before we continue?
Scowling at them both again, Megan nodded and
turned to Brenna. As if you arent nervous or upset. Come
on, we can walk around for a bit and Ill explain what will
happen during the cleansing part of this whole thing so at
least one of you will know whats going on.

A short time later, Brenna stood alone; she glanced

around the room and cringed. Candles stood on a table just
to her left along with a small bowl of salt, another with water,
and a ceremonial knife. All of those things and their uses,

Megan had explained to her. A shudder ran through her

body and the room disappeared. She was strapped to a

table as shock wave after shock wave of pain ripped

through her body. Then there was a group of people
dressed in long black robes standing in a circle around
her. Flickers of light came into her field of vision even
though she couldnt see them clearly as blood and sweat
caked her eyes. There was chanting of some sort, but she
could not make out the words or the language. One of
them placed their hands on her head and pain seared her
Then she was back in Br na Binne, but her body
shuddered once more at the memory. Thank the Gods she
was standing in wolf form or she knew she would be on the
floor in a puddle, as it was all four of her legs were shaking.
She was here to celebrate her Deasghnth, yet all she
wanted to do at this moment was run as far and as fast as
she could. It took all her strength of will to keep from doing
just that. Brenna prayed Megan had been right about this,
and they could prevent her from killing Patrick as she had
her parents and siblings. Another tremor jolted through her
body just as the King started to speak. Then Patrick
approached and herded her to the front of the room to
stand before of the King.

King Ruairi cleared his throat. It is time. If we could

complete the Deasghnth on the castle ground under the
stars as it is usually done, we would do so, but under the
circumstances, it would make it dangerous, and therefore
this is the best way. I must say my granddaughter has done
a wonderful job of trying to make it as close to our normal
Deasghnth as possible in her decorating. He spread his
arms and turned in a circle.
Everyone laughed and Megan ducked her head.
The King turned to Patrick. Are you ready?
Realizing there was no more time for procrastination,
Patrick nodded. Yes, sir.
Then let us begin.
Is mor an onoir dom a bheith I gceannas AR an ocaid
athasach seo It is my most honored duty to preside over
this most joyous occasion. I therefore give my consent that
this couple, Patrick OShea, son of Liam OShea and Nuala
OShea nee Flanagan be mated to Brenna. May the
Goddess Dan look down upon this union with fondness
and bless this couple with abundance in all ways. May you
both live a long and happy life.
He looked to Brenna. Let us enjoy our feast. Then we
may proceed with your joining and reverse this diabolical
spell that has been placed upon you, child.
Tables appeared with china and crystal set for the feast.
At the head table, there was even a set of crystal bowls,
one filled with water, and one for food, for Brenna. Patrick
still could not imagine how his little wolf must feel having her

Deasghnth, one of the most important rituals in ones life,

while in her wolf form. He had promised her they would
redo it once she was able to change back into her human
form, but shame punched him in his gut like a mallet hitting
an anvil, as he remembered his doubts from earlier.
Every time Patrick glanced at Brenna, she looked as
though she was ready to bolt. Not that he could blame her,
but he wasnt sure if it was because she was upset with
what was happening or because she was afraid due to the
number of people in the room.
He walked with her at his side, as they went to the head
table. Placing his hand on her head, he asked, Are you all
right, a ghr?
Looking up at him with her beautiful but sad blue eyes,
she woofed.
As they rounded the table to sit, Patrick could not help
but laugh. Someone has thought of everything. He
watched Brenna turn her head and look. Her eyes widened,
and he could have sworn she smiled as she wagged her
There in the center was his seat and next to it stood a
wide bench with a beautiful embroidered cushion. Brenna
would have no trouble sitting on it to enjoy their meal. They
settled themselves at the head table with the King on their
right and his parents on their left. As everyone took his or
her seats, an abundance of food started appearing.
Everything from roast lamb to turkey, three different kinds of
potatoes, and vegetables cooked to perfection.
As Patrick ate, the conversation flowed around him,

making him feel as if this was an almost normal

celebration. However, he didnt look forward to later, when
he would have to change into his wolf form and mate with
Brenna in front of twelve witnesses. Even if it was for their
protection, he hated it. How was he supposed to say the
ritual words to Brenna without being in her mind and giving
Mallaidh the ability to grab on to his essence as she had
tried with Fiona? If he didnt get it done before Mallaidh
caught on to what was happening, she could kill Brenna
and even him before anyone could stop it.
A strange awareness filled Patrick. It was as if his
insides began to quake and a feeling of dread seeped into
his bones. Looking around, he wondered if anyone else
sensed the same feeling. No one seemed to be showing
any sign they were feeling any sensation of any impending
doom. Even Brenna enjoyed her meal. Yet, Patrick could
not shake the feeling that if they proceeded with the
Deasghnth, something would go very wrong. Just as he
started to say something, a commotion to his left brought
his attention to the table where Seamus, Megan and their
family sat.

Megan ate and listened to the conversation going on

around her, speaking and answering questions almost
without thought, as her mind played over and over the spell
she was about to perform. One mistake and it would be

sure death for both my uncle and his mate. Why do I have
to be the one in control of this situation? Over the last few
months, my life had gone from normalalmost boring
to more adventure than I needed in a lifetime. And
knowing how long my life might be now it is way too much.
A feeling of dread rolled over her like a steamroller on
Seamuss head swung his gaze around to look at her,

What is it, a ghr?

Im not sure, but I have a feeling that if we continue
with the Deasghnth, it will be disastrous.
Could it be you are just unsure of your ability to
perform the spell?
Seamus, I dont know, all I know is this feeling I have
and I cant shake it.
If that is the case, then let me go up and talk to Patrick
and the King. I will tell them of your suspicions and see
what they think we should do.
No, Im the one feeling this. Ill go up and speak with
them. Will you walk with me?
A smile played across his lips. Do you even need to

Across from them, Fionas fork fell from her hand,

clattering as it landed on her plate. Her eyes stared straight
ahead at nothing. All heads turned toward the noise, and
she began to speak. DO NOT proceed with the
Deasghnth. Megan, you must go between the worlds. You
must speak to the Goddesses Dan and Mrrgan in order
to know how to proceed. If you do this any other way, they
will be lost.
Fiona slumped over, Roarke jumped up to help his
mate. He glanced around the table, then pinned Megan with
his gaze. You know you must follow what she has stated.
Yes, but I dont know exactly how to accomplish that.
The only times I have been in the otherworld, I was

Chapter Seven
Megan turned over, reached out, and found the bed cold
and empty. When she looked at the clock, she groaned.
How could Seamus let her sleep until two in the afternoon?
She jumped out the bed and flew into the bathroom. After
she showered and dressed, she sat back down on the
edge of the bed to put her shoes on. They had come home
to their house outside of Dublin after the Deasghnth.
Megan didnt want to leave, but Seamus was quite
insistent, saying she would sleep better in her own bed.
Yeah, like that happened . Once again, her mind started to
She didnt know how long she sat there, pondering what
Fiona had said. Sleep had eluded her most of the night due
to her mind racing with questions such as: How she was
going to go between worlds? Could she do it without
ending up in a coma again? How would Seamus handle it if
she did become comatose for weeks? She had been there
twice, once at the age of eight and then just weeks ago,
however, neither time had it been of her choosing.
Somehow, she had to find a way to do it herself. But no
answer had come to her through the long night. Seamuss
distractions hadnt helped, although he pleasured her a
number of times.
Seamus, walking into the room, jolted her out of her
mental debate.
I could hear your internal deliberation from the kitchen.

I have lunch ready and we can discuss this after we

have eaten.
With a sigh, Megan walked over to Seamus and put
her arms around him.
A ghr, we will figure it all out somehow. He pulled
Megan to his side and started guiding her toward the door.
Come on, you could use something to eat. It might help you
to think more clearly without your stomach growling.
Her stomach rumbled to prove his point and Megan
laughed. How did you know?
It was not difficult, considering you have not eaten since
last evening during the Deasghnth. And with all the
exercise we partook in after we arrived home, I am
starving. So I concluded you would be as well.
Her body tingled at the thought of the exercise he
referred to. She would much rather go back to bed and
engage in just that kind of activity all over again, than think
about the challenge of the next couple of days.
Seamus placed his mouth next to her ear, tickling it with
his breath. You better stop thinking like that love, or your
lunch is going to get cold, and I do not think I will have the
energy to go down there and start over.
She could feel the blush creep up her face; she had
forgotten how easily Seamus read her thoughts. However,
that didnt stop the smile that grew on her face. I guess we
will have to replenish your get-up-and-go before you wither
away. Then she disappeared.
In the kitchen, she enjoyed the meal Seamus had
prepared for her. She loved when Seamus fixed her meals.

Not that he cooked, but the fact the meal was so elaborate
made it look like he spent hours fixing it for her. Their
conversation was the usual easy banter, giving her time to
relax and almost forget the enormity of the task she needed
to accomplish.
After lunch, Seamus took her to Howth, saying the sea
air always helped him think. Their walk along the shore and
the salty air eased Megan more than she would have
thought possible. At a little shop on the corner, they got icecream cones then sat on the seawall and ate them. She
relaxed and snuggled into Seamuss side as the warm
breezes lifted her hair.
Too soon, reality came careening back, just like the
waves crashing along the shoreline they had walked.
Megans thoughts spun back to how she could possibly
pass between here and Summerland on her own. Her
relaxed mood gone, she turned to Seamus. How can I get
to the otherworld on my own accord? If I make it, will I be
back in a coma? If that happens, how will you handle that?
Why cant any of this be easy? What makes everyone so
sure I am the Daughter of Prophecy? What happens if
theyre all wrong? What if I screw this up and every one
Slow down, a str. You fire off questions like a machine
gun. Aye, we are in uncharted waters here, but we need to
take it a step at a time. First, maybe you do not even need
to go to Summerland to talk to the Goddesses. The
Goddess Dan came to you when you used your mothers

memory stones the first time. Perhaps you can contact her
that way again.
Relief flooded through Megan like a dam bursting. I
never thought of that. It might just work. Quick, lets go home
and try it.

Before Seamus could say another word, Megan was

gone. For someone who did not have a clue she was even

a Tuatha D Danann a few months ago, she used her

powers now as if she had been doing it as long as I have.
Chuckling to himself, he followed suit.
When he arrived home, Megan rummaged through the
chest where she had stored all of her mothers belongings
she found in the cave back in the states. With a cry of
triumph, she pulled out a small, embroidered bag, opened
it, and poured the triad of stones into her palm.
Megan, I think it would be best if we went back to Br
na Binne and utilized the stones there.
It would be safer and also that was where the Goddess
Dan came to you with the stones before.
Smiling Megan said, I knew there was a reason I keep
you arou
Before she could finish, Seamuss arm snaked out and
pulled her into his embrace. Oh, I think you keep me

around for much more important things.

He kissed her until she melted into him like ice cream in
the summer sun.
It took them another two hours before they transported
themselves to Br na Binne.

Patrick had felt such a sense of relief when Fiona called

a halt to the proceedings last night. Now in the light of day,
he regretted the delay. He could not keep his mind
centered on anything but Brenna.
Even going for a run with Donovan and Colin was not
helping. His thoughts were always on his little wolf. He did
not like her being out of his sight, another piece of evidence
he and Brenna were mates.
Not three weeks ago, he was telling everyone she could
not be his mate. Now, he wanted nothing more than to finish
the process so they would never be apart. If they had
completed the Deasghnth last night, even though he was
not physically with her, he would know she was safe.
Why was he worried about her safety? She was tucked
away from danger at Br na Binne where Mallaidh could
not touch her, yet something was off . The hair on the scruff
of his neck shot to attention. Colin, Donovan, we need to
get back to Br na Binne NOW. But, it was too late.

Burning pain radiated down Patricks left flank.

Stumbling he turned and watched in horror, as Colin and
Donovan crumbled to the ground, blood oozing from
multiple wounds. Fire now encompassed his left shoulder
as well. His legs flew out from beneath him. As he hit the
ground, he focused every bit of energy he had available on
his niece. Megan, we are in the Yellowstone National

Park. About three miles northwest of Beach Lake. We

have been attacked. Donovan and Colin are down as well.
The pain...
Through the haze of burning fire consuming his body, he
heard a voice in the distance.
They aint goin ta last da hour, but they goin ta suffer
the whole time. Notin can save um now. Lets git back to
the truck and git outta here before one of them rangers
stumbles on us. Da boss be pleased we got them, like we
was told.

Megans knees buckled when Patricks anguished

voice fill her head. Seamus was at her side, holding her as
he called for the others.
Uncle Patricks been shot and it burns like hell. Uncle
Donovan and Colin too. Theyre in Yellowstone, north of
Beach Lake. Do you know where that is? We have to hurry

or theyre not going to make it.

We have to be cautious; we could be heading into a
trap. We will get to them.
No. You dont understand. Theyre dying. I can still feel
Uncle Patricks pain, but even thats beginning to fade. We
have to go now.
Seamus telepathically relayed this to the rest of the
family even as he and Megan transported to
Make sure you shield yourself. I am not going to have
you shot or captured again.
Hurry, this way. She started running, I can feel him,
but hes so weak.
I found them. We have to get them to Br na Binne
immediately, Noel called out.
Megan stopped in her tracks, when she saw her uncles.
Chunks of fur, torn from their crumpled bodies, lay in pools
of blood, their bodies were actually smoking, and amid it
all, she could see them writhing in pain. Tears coursed
down her cheeks as she surveyed the damage. Wh... Why
would she do this? Then anger replaced her distress. Her
eyes narrowed and she screamed, When I get that bitch I
promise she is going to pay!

Hours later, Megan transported into Patricks room to

see how he was doing. The room was dark and she didnt

bother to turn lights on. As she walked toward the bed, a

low, ominous, growl came from where he slept. Realizing
Brenna was there with him, Megan stopped and whispered,
Its okay, Brenna, its only me, Megan.
Megan continued over to the chair by the bed and
eased herself down. As her eyes adjusted, she saw them
clear enough. An IV was attached to Patricks front leg, and
Brenna protectively curled around his limp form her head
raised. She stared at Megan and whimpered.
I know; Im worried about him, too. They all took a pretty
good hit. Uncle Conor says its going to take a few days for
them to recover. This new drug they shot them with is really
potent. It reminds me of what they injected me with the time
they kidnapped me, when they got mad at me for using my
magic. Except this seems to be stronger and actually burns
Even though Conor had sedated Patrick, Megan could
see tremors raking his body.
Uncle Conor has been working on an antidote for it all
through last night, today and into tonight. As soon as he
finishes, hell administer it to Patrick. Hopefully it will help to
alleviate his pain. Megan stood. Ill see you later. I want to
check on Uncle Donovan and Colin one more time before I
go get some sleep.

When Megan materialized in Colins room, Conor had a

syringe with a glowing green formula in it, poised over the
injection port in the IV tube. Her heart soared. She rushed
to his side. Did you finish it?
Aye, I hope this does the trick. To tell you the truth,
Megs, I am a bit nervous about the advances Golden
Enterprises have come up with. In my hundred years, I have
never seen our people not able to heal from their injuries,
especially once they transport here. But as of late, I am
having to help them along. If this keeps up, we are going to
lose some of them before we even get them to Br na
Binne. This new formula Golden Enterprise is using
actually starts burning them from the inside. If you had not
gotten to them as quickly as you had, they would have been
nothing but a pile of ash. As it is, being here has only
slowed down the process. Thanks to Fionas extraordinary
healing powers reversing some of the effects, I have had
the time to find an antidote. If this he held up the syringe,
does not work, they still might end up a smoldering heap.
A shudder ran the length of Megans body. Golden
Enterprise had used what looked like ice pellets of some
unknown substance. Once it entered the body, it reacted
with their blood and literally set their insides on fire.
Because of the extreme cold in Yellowstone, the pellets that
missed their bodies had not melted. This enabled Conor to
have a viable sample to work with. Her body trembled once
more. Conor, what are we going to do if Im not strong
enough to stop them?
The Goddesses would not have given you the task if

they did not feel you would not be able to accomplish it.
Honey, you have strength none of us can match. I do not
think I would have been able to go through the things you
have and come out whole on the other side. You only need
faith in yourself.
He reached over, hugging her with one arm. Shall we
see how I did?
Holding her breath, she watched as he fit the needle
into the IV injection port and pushed the plunger. It felt like
hours as she stood waiting for some sign the antidote
worked. When Colin sighed, the air whooshed from her
Its working. Look, I can see him relaxing. She
grabbed Conor and danced around the room.
Easy, Megs, let me call Fiona and we can examine
him. If he shows signs of improvement, I will administer it to
Donovan and Patrick.
Im coming with you. Brenna may not let you get too
close to Uncle Patrick. She growled at me, when I went in
earlier. She is very protective of him now.
She has given both Fiona and I difficulties every time
one of us goes in there. I think she is just frightened we are
going to hurt him.
Youre probably right, so Im going to go with you. I
dont want either of you to get hurt.
Fiona appeared as they were talking. She walked over
to Colin, placed her hands on him, and then looked at
Connor with a smile that radiated joy as tears ran down her
cheeks. I thank the Goddess for you every day. You never

cease to amaze me with your ability to figure out chemical

formulas; it is beyond anyone. Your formula has stopped
the progress of the burning and Colin is now starting to
heal. So go and administer the antidote to Patrick and
Donovan immediately. I do not want to see them suffer any
longer than is necessary.
First, they went into Donovans room and injected him.
Donovan immediately relaxed. As Fiona examined him,
she smiled. He shall rest easier now and recover swiftly.
Lets give it to Uncle Patrick, so he can stop hurting
and Brenna can settle down. Maybe then, they both can
sleep for the night. It must be hard on Brenna to see Uncle
Patrick suffering and not be able to help him or even talk to
him, Megan said.
Conor nodded. I hope by morning one of them can tell
us more about what happened out there. We are all going
to have to be more diligent about shielding ourselves
everywhere now. I still cannot understand how it is we do
not detect our enemy before it is too late.
I want to know why only Uncle Patrick contacted us.
Why didnt Colin or Uncle Donovan let us know what was
happening? Megan asked.
Fiona sighed. Well, I hope by tomorrow we will have an
answer to that question. Now we need to take care of

When they materialized in Patricks room, Brenna sat

up. As Conor started toward Patrick, she bared her teeth,
stood, and positioned herself over Patrick.
Megan inserted herself between them. Easy Brenna,
Uncle Conor is here to help Uncle Patrick. He needs to give
him the antidote so he can stop hurting and heal.
Still, Brenna would not move. Her hackles came up and
every muscle in her body tensed.
Dammit, Brenna you have to let him do this. If you dont,
Uncle Patrick is going to die. Uncle Conor gave it to Colin
and Uncle Donovan and theyre doing much better already.
Do you really want to watch your mate suffer and die? I
know you are still afraid of needles. We are not about to do
anything that will hurt him.
After a few moments, Brenna backed down, but her
eyes never left Conor as he administered the drug to
Patrick. When Patrick let out a sigh, she licked his face and
laid down next to him. She whimpered, and then placed her
head on top of him.
Megan shook her head. If thats your way of saying
youre sorry or thank you, its pretty pitiful. In any case, just
stay there and let Fiona check to make sure Uncle Patrick
is recovering. Then we will leave you two for the night so we
can all get some sleep.
Brenna never budged as Fiona examined Patrick.
Fiona pronounced him also out of the woods; Megan let out
a sigh of relief and said she would see everyone in the

Chapter Eight
Patrick woke bit by bit. His head still pounded, but at
least he didnt feel like his insides were on fire. As he
stretched, he noticed three things. He was still in wolf form,
he had an IV running to his front leg, and another form
wrapped its body around his. Slowly, he turned his head
and caught a glimpse of his little black wolf, fast asleep,
and curled around him. With great care he slid out from
under her and changed into human form. He eased himself
to a standing position and cautiously took the IV from his
arm. Dizziness engulfed him, so he grabbed the back of a
chair that sat next to the bed to stabilize himself. After a
minute or so, the wooziness diminished. As soon as he
started to walk toward the door, the vertigo came back in
full force. His knees buckled and he started to go down only
to have an arm come around his waist preventing him from
taking a nosedive.
A chair materialized and Conor pushed him into it. Sit.
Patrick didnt argue, as just walking the few steps he
had, wore him out.
You are still much too weak to be walking around. You
should have more sense than to get out of bed after what
you went through the last few days, or at least to stay in your
wolf form so you had more stability.
I had to make sure I was not stuck in wolf form and it
would have been a bit difficult to take out that needle in my
forearm using my paws instead of my fingers. He pointed

to the IV needle that still swung like a pendulum from the IV

bag. Besides that, I need to stretch a bit, as I am sore from
head to toe. What the hell happened to me?
I was hoping you could tell me that.
The last clear thing I remember was running in
Yellowstone. My mind kept wandering to Brenna. All of a
sudden, I felt I needed to get back here. Then pain bit into
my flank. The rest of the memory hit him then. Shite, Colin
and Donovan. Are they all right?
Brenna whined, jumped off the bed, padded over, sat
next to Patrick, and placed her head in his lap. Patrick ran
his hands through the fur of her head as much to comfort
himself as Brenna.
They are both still sleeping or at least they were when I
left their rooms. Although since you are up and about, they
may very well be also. Do you remember anything else
about the attack? Conor asked.
As I said, my mind was on Brenna, and then I felt as if I
was on fire. I do remember looking over and seeing Dono
and Colin down. Both had blood pouring from their bodies.
Then I was hit again and went down myself.
Do you know why you were the only one who tried to
contact us?
Patrick shook his head. I could not tell you that. I knew I
had to get through to someone. The first person I thought of
was Megan. She has a strong connection to all of us and I
thought I might be able to contact her. As quickly as the
weakness came about and as excruciating as the pain
became, she was my best hope. So, I put every ounce of

concentration I had toward her. I did not even know if she

heard me before I lost consciousness.
You chose well. She was insistent about us getting
there right away. Seamus worried there might be some
type of trap, but Megs did not care, she knew you needed
help immediately.
Patrick sat quiet for a moment, thinking back to the
attack. I think I remember someone saying something
about nothing being able to save us and a lot of suffering.
The latter part I can attest to. There was something else as
well. Give me a moment.
He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.
Seconds later his eyes snapped open. This fellow said
something about his boss being pleased they got us like
they were told. Dammit to hell and back. They were waiting
for us. They knew we would be running there.
It would seem that way.
Patrick looked directly at Conor. What the hell did they
shoot us with anyway? It felt as if my insides were on fire.
That is exactly what was happening. If you had not
reached Megan, or she had not reacted as she had, you
would have been nothing but a pile of ash. They shot you
with frozen pellets of a mixture of Acrolein, Benzine,
Patrick put his hands over his ears. Stop. You are
making my head spin.
Conor laughed. You never had an interest in
chemicals or formulas.
No, but I am thankful you are.

Well, I will tell you this, the end product was an

amalgamation of chemicals, once combined with your
blood, literally set your insides on fire. It was touch and go
there for a bit. Fiona had a hell of a time keeping your
reaction to the formula at bay, while I worked out the
chemical compound and found the antidote.
Megan, Seamus, and Fiona materialized into the
Well now, Paddy, it is good to see you have
recovered and are up to moving around a bit, Seamus
Conor snorted. He would have been flat on his face if I
had not chosen that moment to come in and check on
Fiona walked over and placed her hands on Patricks
shoulders. He could feel the sensation of her energy
passing through his body. Closing his eyes at the
magnificent experience, he almost moaned in ecstasy. He
felt his own energy level rising and the little men with the
pick axes hammering in his head disappear. He might
have groaned after all, as Fiona chuckled.
You will be fine now, but I would suggest you try to get a
bit more rest. Your body is still trying to rejuvenate after the
effects of those drugs.
Patrick started to argue that he felt fine now that Fiona
had done her magic when Conor interrupted him. Aye, I
agree that would be a good idea; it has only been seven
hours since I administered the antidote. You had those
chemicals in your system almost two days.

However, Megan shut him up. Uncle Patrick, dont you

dare think about telling us youre fine. I saw and felt what
you went through. I dont want to ever see anything like that
again. For crying-out-loud, you were smoking. You need to
give your body a chance to recuperate. Besides, Brenna
probably needs more sleep. She never left your side.
Megan snickered. And guarded you ferociously, giving
everyone a hard time that came near you.
She walked over and put her arms around him, kissing
him on the cheek. At the same time, she ran her hand down
Brennas back. Thank the Goddess we got to you in time. I
am truly glad to see you feeling better, but if you ever scare
me like that again, I will kill you myself. With another hug,
she lifted her head and Patrick saw the sheen in her eyes
she tried to blink away. She let go and walked back to
Seamus, who protectively tucked her under his shoulder.
Trying to loosen the lump lodged in his throat, Patrick
swallowed. Then he said, Even though I feel grand, thanks
to all of you, I will lie down and try to get a few more hours
rest. I would not want any of you worrying about me and I
am sure you are right; Brenna is exhausted.
He stood, but had to grab the chair as dizziness once
again tried to get the better of him. Conor took his arm and
helped him back into bed.
You stubborn eejit. The next thing you will be doing is
cracking your skull open. Now do not even think about
getting out of this bed again until I give you the okay. There
was no heat in Conors words and from the unevenness in
his brothers voice, Patrick decided to keep any smart

remarks to himself.
Seamus said, Well then, we will see you a bit later.
Megan and I are going to check on Dono and Colin and
then see if we can figure a way for Megan to talk to the
Goddesses Dan and Mrrgan without leaving this world.
Once everyone left, Brenna jumped on the bed and
snuggled next to Patrick.
Thank you for staying with me during this ordeal. I am
sure it brought back some bad memories.
Brenna let out a sigh as she placed her head on his
shoulder and closed her eyes.

I guess she is glad this is all over as well.

Patrick was asleep within seconds.

Patrick knew he was dreaming because he was holding

a petite woman in his arms. She had long wavy obsidian
hair that fell around her like a curtain. Her porcelain skin felt
velvety to the touch. When she opened her eyes, he felt he
was drowning in the ocean. Brushing a strand of hair from
her lips, he leaned in to kiss her. When their lips met and
she returned the kiss, all he could think was he had died
and gone to heaven. Patricks hands swept up her body,
tracing the curves from hip to shoulder. As his tongue
touched her lips, she opened for him. Tongues dueled as
hands roamed. His erection pulsed as he covered her
breast and felt her nipple pebble against his palm.

Too much clothing. They disappeared and it was flesh

to flesh. Patrick left her lips and traveled down her jaw, neck
and shoulder until he reached his destination. His mouth
closed over her nipple and suckled. His hand moved down
the compact treasure of her body until he found her core,
where he stroked and teased as he alternated between
lavishing kisses and suckling her breasts. He inserted a
finger into her tight channel, and then a second, as his
thumb circled her clitoris. When she came, she screamed
out his name. He pushed her knees apart with his own as
he traced kisses back to her mouth. Their breath mingled.
Her little pants almost made him come himself.
Painstakingly, he pushed his throbbing erection into her,
giving her time to adjust to him. Her legs came around his
waist, she grabbed his butt, and before he could protest, he
was buried to the hilt in her warm wetness. He pulled out
and plunged in again. She met each thrust with her own.
Words came from his mouth of their own accord.
Tugaim duit mo ghr, mar a thugann tu domsa do
And she repeated, I give you my love, as you give me
Tugaim duit mo chorp, mar a thugann tu domsa do

She said, I give you my body, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo chro, mar a thugann tu domsa do

I give you my heart, as you give me yours.

Tugaim duit mo anam, mar a thugann tu domsa do

She said, I give you my soul, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo bheatha, mar a thugann tu domsa do

I give you my life, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo chumhacht, mar a thugann tu domsa

do chumhacht.
I give you my power, as you give me yours.
Ceanglam tu liomsa, mar a cheanglam m fhin

I bind you to me, as I bind myselfNO! WHAT HAVE
He found himself lying face down in the bed alone.
Gasping for breath, he turned his head and there in the
corner stood his dream, her breath coming in gasps,
shaking her head, and repeating over and over
What have we done?

Brenna was in human form. Her skin tingled everywhere

Patricks hands caressed her body as his mouth did
wicked things. She panted, trying to catch her breath as
she watched him climb up her body. Moreshe needed
more. Then he was in her. She wrapped her legs around

his waist and met him thrust for thrust. The ritual words
flowed as she repeated them after him.
Suddenly she realized it was not a dream. She thought
she heard a sneering laughter in her head. No! What have I

done? Now he will die just as my parents did. I cannot let

that happen. I will not be the cause of another senseless
She transported from the bed. Her thoughts jumbled.
She shook her head to clear her mind, but all she could
think was, What have we done?
She glanced toward the bed. Patrick lay on his
stomach. He turned his head and with sleep-filled eye
blinked at her. Then they lit-up and a smile spread across
his face. You are not a dream. You have your powers back.
Thank the Goddess. You are more beautiful than I pictured.
He sat up and held his arms out. Come here to me.
Her heart pounded. She shivered. Shaking her head
she said, Do you realize what we have done?
Brenna, a ghr, you are my mate. All we have done is
completed the Deasghnth.
She blinked to ward off the tears welling in her eyes.
No, Patrickwhat we have done is condemned you to
He swept his hand over his body. And as you can see, I
am very much alive.
She put her hand over her heart and rubbed, trying to
relieve the tightness in her chest. Dammit, Patrick, you do
not understand. The first time you speak to me

telepathically, Mallaidh will kill you. She murdered my

parents, my sisters, and my brother. I could do nothing
about it. I will not let it happen again. I cannot live with that.
A ghr , I will be very careful and only speak to you
verbally. Now that you are in human form, it will be easy to
have a conversation and not want to speak telepathically. I
can keep my mind blocked so she will have no way in. Now
will you please come here so I can take a good look at

Patrick clothed himself as he crept from the bed. He

could feel Brennas agitation come off her body in waves.
Not sure how she would react, he eased his way to her,
placing his hands on her shoulders. Settle down before
you give yourself a heart attack. Listen to me. You are my
mate. Nothing can change that. Even if we had not
completed the Deasghnth, we are connected. We will
figure this out together. My family will help us. Megan will
find out how to stop Mallaidh. He felt her shudder.
But do you not see, I killed my whole family and now I
can do the same to you and yours.
As she continued to speak, Patrick called Megan
Brenna, it will be all right. Patrick materialized clothes
to cover her. Come, sit down, Megan and Seamus will be
here shortly and we can sort this out together. You have
nothing to fear. Now that you are in human form, you have

complete control over what you do.

As he spoke, he steered Brenna toward the couch and
sat her down. Goddess, she was so small and delicate. He
couldnt take his eyes off her. Exotic was the only way he
could describe her. Her ebony hair flowed down to her
waist forming a drape around her tiny frame. Her porcelain
skin felt as luxurious as velvet. Her eyes reminded him of
the deepest ocean, although at the moment they were filled
with unleashed tears as they stared hopelessly into his. Her
cupid-bow lips quivered and he knew she was struggling
not to cry.
At the knock on the door, he asked Seamus and Megan
to enter. Easy now, a str, you know Seamus and Megan,
Patrick whispered, as he felt the quake shoot through her
He watched, as Megans eyes grew round as saucers.
Then a smile erupted on her lips.
Youve gained your powers back. Congratulations. But
her smile slipped as she noticed Brennas demeanor.
What is it? What is wrong? What can I do? Has something
else happened? Would one of you answer me?
Brenna started shaking with laughter. Seamus threw his
head back and bellowed, while Patrick chuckled.
A scowl crossed Megans face and then she shook her
head in disgust. I did it again, huh?
Aye, my love, but look at it this way, you have eased
even Brennas tension a bit. Seamus turned to Brenna. It
is wonderful to finally meet you in your human form.
Thank you. Brenna said, as she seemed to shrink

back into herself.

Patrick wanted nothing more than to wrap her back in
his arms and make love to her until she forgot all about
Mallaidh. Knowing that would be impossible, he turned to
Megan and asked, Have you figured out what must be
done in order to finish the spell and free Brenna from
Megan shook her head. I was going to try to contact the
Goddesses using Moms memory stones, but with
everything that has happened I havent had a chance yet.
Before Patrick could explain what had happened
between Brenna and him, Brenna blurted out, You must
hurry as we have made a terrible mistake.
Megans gaze shot toward Brenna. What have you
done? What has happened?
We completed the Deasghnth. I thought I was
dreaming. When I realized it was not a dream, it was too
late. What are we going to do? Now I will kill him just as I
did my family. The last part came out as a wail as she
gave into the tears that had been threatening to overtake
her since she woke.
Patrick watched Megan. First shock enveloped her,
followed by fear. When Brenna started to sob, Megans
face became set with a determined look as she raced over
and enveloped her in a hug.
She looked over the top of Brennas head with
questioning eyes. Well?
I also thought I was dreaming. One minute I was holding

Brenna in wolf form and then I held a woman dreams are

made of. The words just flowed by their own accord. The
next thing I found myself face down in the bed alone. When I
turned my head and saw Brenna, I knew it was no dream. It
is complete and cannot be undone. As if that were

Megan sighed. Since the rituals complete you cant do
anything about it. Now, we just have to make sure youre
safe. Ill try contacting the Goddesses and see what we
need to do to protect you both. Ive thought about why Fiona
didnt want you to finish the ritual and I think its because
you wouldve had to say the words telepathically. You both
seem okay so I think Im right. Stay close together, so you
wont be tempted to reach for each other, telepathically.

Chapter Nine
Patrick turned to Brenna. You see, a str, I told you
everything would be all right. Megan will contact the
Goddess Dan and find out if she can go ahead with the
spell to get rid of Mallaidh once and for all.
What happens if she cannot contact her? Megan said
herself she does not know how to do it on her own. Both
times Megan went to the otherworld she was brought there
after being tortured. Brenna wrapped her arms around
Patrick reached out and pulled Brenna into his arms. I
am sure she will find away. Megan seems to carry a great
amount of power.
Brenna glanced up at him, her eyelashes damp from
her earlier tears. I hope you are right. I am so afraid,
Patrick. If only we had not completed the Deasghnth.
There is not much we can do about that now, so stop
fretting over it. Patrick said as he tightened his hold and
kissed her forehead.

Upon returning to their room at Br na Binne Megan

flopped into an overstuffed chair. Thats a twist I didnt see
coming. Maybe now that they have finished the ritual we

can just go ahead with the spell. Then a sudden thought

occurred. Oh Goddess in heaven. Do you think it is
possible that is Mallaidh is behind Brenna changing back in
her sleep? Both of them dreamed and completed the
ritual? What are the odds? I need to talk to the Goddess
Dan now. I need your help.
Easy a str, one-step at a time. Brenna is now in
human form, and we can hope they will not be tempted to
speak telepathically as long as they stay together.
However, if Mallaidh is able to control Brenna enough to do
such a thing, then I agree we will need to work fast. We will
also need to tell them of this possibility. For now use your
mums stones and see if you can contact the Goddess.
She jumped up, ran to the drawer and pulled out the
embroidered bag she kept them in, and dumped them in
her palm. She held her hand up speaking the spell to
activate them. The stones lifted from her hand, swirling
faster and faster. The door to the otherworld opened and
her mother and father stood in front of her.
What is it we can help you with, little one? her mother
Megan explained the situation with Patrick and Brenna.
Telling them about Brenna killing her parents and the spell
they had planned to use at the Deasghnth. Then how
Fiona had told them not to go forward with the ritual or they
would be lost. Lastly, she explained about Patrick and
Brenna thinking they were dreaming and their completion of
the ritual words.
Her mother looked stricken. I will call the Goddesses

and see what can be done. Be prepared for them to call

you here soon.
Does this mean she will be in a coma state again?
Seamus asked.
Conall laughed. Have no fear, my old friend. You will be
joining her this time, as you now fully share each others
powers. I would suggest you call Fiona and Conor to let
them know what will be happening so they are not unduly
concerned when no one can rouse you. He bowed. I look
forward to meeting with you soon.
The door closed and the stones dropped to the ground.
As Megan picked them up, she turned to Seamus,
smiling. Boy, are you in for a treat.
A perplexed look clouded Seamuss face and Megan
giggled. Wait till you see Summerland. Its so stunning. It is
like nothing you can imagine.
Ah, a chro, for me, there is nothing that could hold a
candle to your beauty. As long as you are at my side I would
not care if we were in a barren desert or an oasis, for I
would be content.
Megan melted with Seamuss words. To be loved so
much was immeasurable. She knew she felt the same way.
But, time was of the essence and as much as she would
love the have her way with him, they had much to take care
of before the Goddess called them to Summerland.
Megan knew he was in her mind when he smiled one of
his wicked smiles that promised future payment.
I agree we must let everyone know what has happened

and speak to Paddy and Brenna so they will be very

diligent about not speaking telepathically. I think it might be
a good idea, for Paddy to close his mind off to Brenna
entirely. I am not sure he will like the idea, but the
consequences of not doing so may be devastating. Another
thing that has occurred to me is we might want to keep from
telling Brenna much of what we are doing. If Mallaidh is
able to control Brenna, she might also be able to
eavesdrop on what is being said. Perhaps that is how they
knew where Paddy, Dono, and Colin were the other day.
Dread raced through Megans body. Seamus, she
knows were trying to contact the Goddess. We need to get
Uncle Patrick alone and tell him about blocking Brenna out
and why. If Mallaidh is eavesdropping she might try to force
Brenna to contact him if she feels threatened.
Calm down, a ghr, I will contact the family and have
them come here. Then we will let them know what is going
on. After we have informed them of our suspicions, we can
bring Paddy and Brenna in and give them a shorter
I hate this. We better hurry; we dont want to be in the
middle of it when the Goddess calls.

Within the hour, everyone assembled in the great hall,

without Patrick and Brenna. Seamus told them about

contacting Bernadette and Conall and the fact they may

both be in a coma type state for a while. Then he explained
about Patrick and Brenna completing the Deasghnth
while thinking they were dreaming. Megan went on to
explain how they all needed to be on guard in case their
suspicions about Mallaidh listening through Brenna were
true. After much discussion, everyone left.
Megan turned to Seamus. Lets find Uncle Patrick and
Brenna. Well tell them I havent been able to contact the
Goddess Dan yet, but will keep trying. Then Ill pull Brenna
aside and tell her our suspicions about Mallaidh. You take
Uncle Patrick for a walk and explain about why he needs to
block Brenna. Give him as much information you think
necessary, but warn him about repeating it.
As they spoke, they walked to Patricks room.

Brenna took great comfort in Patricks arms, but the

sense of dread wouldnt leave her. On top of everything
else, her head was beginning to hurt.
Just then, someone knocked at the door.
Patrick yelled, Come on in.
When Seamus and Megan entered, Brennas
trepidation amplified, along with her headache.
Patrick turned to her. What is it, a mhirnn?

Not wanting to worry him Brenna said, I just have a bit

of a headache. I think it is from the panic over what we did.
The look that passed between Megan and Seamus
puzzled Brenna.
Brenna, why dont I take you to see Uncle Conor and
have him check you out. Youve been in wolf form for a long
time and they starved you along with your torture.
Brennas anxiety shot through the roof as a shudder
ran the length of her body.
Brenna, are you all right?
Patricks fearful tone pulled at her.
Getting herself back under control, she said, I am
Concern etched Patricks face. It might be a good
idea to see Conor. Do you want me to take you
instead of Megan?
Great, now I feel like a baby. Not to worry. I will go with
She stood, walked over to Megan and the two of them
dematerialized. The next second they were standing
next to Conor.
He started and then smiled. What can I do for you
Brenna has a headache and I thought it might be
good to have it checked it out, Megan said.
Well, then. Can you explain to me where it hurts and
what it feels like?
Brenna reached her hand to touch the back of her head.
It is just a slight pain in the base of my skull. I really think it

is just from worrying about what happened this morning.

That sounds reasonable; come over and lie down and
let me run a quick scan.
Brenna backed away. Her heart rate accelerated as
memories flooded her mind.
Megan must have felt her apprehension as she was
immediately by her side with her arm around her. Its okay,
Brenna. You dont have to do anything. Im sorry I forgot
your aversion to tests.
Shite, Brenna, I am so sorry. Forget about the tests;
just tell me more about the headache.
Her heart settled, but her head pounded like a base
drum. It seems to get worse when I get anxious. At the
moment it is bad. Give me a few minutes to settle and it will
ease again, I am sure.
Connor waved his hand toward a chair. All right then.
How about sitting down in the chair and relaxing for a
Brenna smiled. It is all right, Conor, you do not have to
treat me with kid-gloves. I will not break.
Fine, I will leave you for a moment. I will check with
Fiona and see if she can give me something that might
Thanks, Conor. Megan turned back to Brenna and
said, Brenna I need to ask you something.
Go ahead.
Do you think Mallaidh could have influenced you into
changing in your sleep and encouraged you and Uncle
Patrick to think you were dreaming so you would complete

the Deasghnth?
Feeling light-headed, she dropped in a chair Megan
materialized for her. Is thatis that possible? Oh
Goddess, if she can do that, maybe she can try to force me
to kill him as well. Do not let her do this. Brenna glanced
around. I have to get out of here. I cannot be around him.
Brenna, settle down. You cant just take off. If you did,
Uncle Patrick would definitely try to contact you. You have to
think this through rationally.
Pulling herself together, Brenna looked again around
the room. Megan, you do not understand.
Then tell me.
They had me in that cage for almost a year. One day
about two months ago, they pulled me out and strapped me
to a table. That was the first time I met the woman you call
Mallaidh. She told me she had special plans for me. That I
would be her test subject and if it worked, she would be
unstoppable. Once again they tortured me until I passed
Her head started throbbing again. Placing her thumb to
the back of her skull, she rubbed little circles as she
continued. When I came to, chanting people in robes
surrounded me. My head pounded and felt as if it was
about to split in two. When the chanting finished, some men
in white coats unstrapped me and threw me back in that
cage. Mum, Da, Nuala, Niav, and Keane were in cages
next to mine. We were all in bad shape, between the
cutting, shocking and torture they put us through for nine
months. Mum contacted me telepathically asking if I was all

right. She never finished the sentence when she howled in

pain and collapsed.
Brenna took a deep breath. Immediately, Da
contacted me to see what was happening. I watched him
writher in pain and then he died. Since my sister and
brother were unconscious, they did not know what
occurred. The same men with the white coats took Da and
Mum out of the cages, examined them, and threw them in a
basket like garbage. I heard them say, The boss will be
please her new weapon worked so well. At first, I did not
understand. But after my sisters and brother were also
killed, it was very obvious.
Megan knelt beside Brenna and hugged her, tears
seeping from her eyes. The pain in Brennas head was
unbearable and she could feel hot tears spilling down her
own cheeks.
Megan, I cannot finish this now, my head feels like it is
about to explode.
Its okay, you dont have to. Why dont you lie down on
one of the beds and rest? Ill stay with you to make sure no
one will do anything to you.
Just then, Seamus and Patrick materialized in the room.
Patrick yelled, What in the bloody hell did you do His
word froze mid-sentence when he looked at Megan. Then
he finished with, Why are you both crying?
I was telling her how I killed my family. Brenna said,
with a watery laugh.
The next thing she knew Patrick enveloped her in his
arms as he cooed, Please stop, I cannot stand feeling your

Patrick, I am so afraid. Megan thinks Mallaidh may
have manipulated us into finalizing the Deasghnth. What if
she can force me to contact you telepathically?
No one knows for sure she is able to do anything. If it
makes you more comfortable, Megan and Seamus can
perform a blocking spell on us.
Brennas gaze flew toward Megan. Can you do that?
Yes, Brenna. Would that make you feel better?
Relief washed through her. Oh, Goddess yes. Do it
this minute. That way I will not be able to kill him.
Seamus looked her straight in the eye. Just remember,
once this is done, you will have no accesses to Paddy in
any way. That includes his powers.
Then his gaze swung toward Patrick. The same will
hold true for you, Paddy. When we spell Brenna, you will
also have no access to her. You will still feel each other as
you do now, but you will not be able to draw from each other
or contact each other.
If it gives Brenna peace, then I will agree to it.
Brenna watched Megans shoulders drop as her tension
released when Patrick agreed to allow them to perform the
spell. Brenna realized Megan was just as afraid of what she
might do to Patrick, as she was herself.
Then lets do it. Megan said.
For the next half hour, they made preparations. Just as
they were about to start, Shannon materialized in the

Seamus twisted toward Shannon, fury contouring his

face. What in the bloody hell is wrong?
Mum had another one of her visions and said to only
perform the spell on Patrick. She said if you try to do so to
Brenna you will kill them.
Megans face paled as she sputtered, Thank the
Goddess you got here in time. She began to fall as if her
legs had given out. Seamus grabbed her around the waist
and pulled her to him.
Brennas mind whirled. That is twice now Fiona has

stopped them from performing a spell on me. What is

going on? The pounding in her head intensified and
Brenna cried out. Please do the spell on Patrick now.
Immediately, Patrick was at her side. What is it, a
I do not knowsomethinga feeling. She turned
toward Megan, pleading, Please hurry.

Seamus I can feel the pain radiating from Brenna. Do

you think this is such a good idea?
Love, I suggest we do as she says, perhaps she is
feeling something we are not.
Megan turned to Patrick. Lets get this done.
She set the circle with Patrick in the middle. Chanting,

she called upon the powers of the Goddess Dan and cast
the blocking spell over Patrick. She tweaked the spell a bit,
by adding a dampening spell. This would prevent Patrick
from wanting to contact Brenna telepathically, since Megan
could not perform the blocking spell on Brenna herself.
As she worked the spell, Megan noticed Brenna get up
and pace the room.
Just as Megan finished, Brennas hands grabbed her
head, her body bowed, she screamed and collapsed.
Seamus grabbed her before she fell. He laid her down,
just as Conor materialized in the room. At the same time,
Patrick jumped up and ran toward her. Megan seized him
by his arm before he could hit the circle barrier. Wait!
Dammit to hell. Get me out of here, now. What is
wrong with Brenna?
Listen to me. You can do nothing for her. Shell be
I do not know that. I need to be with her.
Seamus and Uncle Conor will deal with her. You cant
get out until I open the circle. Mallaidh was trying to force
Brenna to connect to you. The headache she experienced
was from trying to prevent herself from doing so. Once I
removed the possibility of her contacting you at all, Mallaidh
got pissed.
A look of horror came over Patricks face, Let me out
of here this minute.
Mallaidh wont kill her. She only punished her for not
contacting you when she had the chance.
How can you be sure?

The Goddess Dan told me.

Everyone in the room turned toward Megan.
Before anyone else had the chance to speak, Patrick
asked, What else did she tell you?
Thats all she said.
As Megan talked, she broke the circle and Patrick flew
across the room to Brennas side.
Conor said, She is breathing normally and her vitals
are stable. She will be fine, just give her time to rest.
Are you sure Mallaidh will not kill her? What use is
Brenna to her if she cannot kill me or the rest of the
Im not sure. But I do know Mallaidh cant kill her for
some reason. Maybe Ill figure it out later. Take care of her
and dont worry, shell be okay, I promise.
Seamus, we need to get ready. The Goddess also

said we would be meeting with her shortly. Contact your

mom and have her meet us in our room.
To Conor she said, Uncle Conor would you please
meet us in our room as soon as you can?
Aloud she said, Seamus, I need to go to our room. Im
feeling a little weak.
Seamus turned to Patrick and Conor. We will see you
all later. I am going to take Megan back to our room. He
walked over to Megan, put his arm around her and they left.
When they arrived in their room, Megan said, I hate
lying to Uncle Patrick.
It is necessary if Mallaidh is able to eavesdrop, and I

think she can. Look at her reaction to Brenna not

contacting Patrick.
Im worried about both of them. I also cant figure out
why Mallaidh cant kill Brenna.
I am sure Dan, will tell us shortly.

Chapter Ten
Summerland was more spectacular than Seamus ever
envisioned. He spun in different directions trying to take it
all in. The colors almost blinded him. The greens seemed
greener, the blues, bluer. The images he picked up from
Megan did not come close to the real thing. Birds of every
color flew from tree to tree. Butterflies fluttered around
flowers the likes of which he had never seen. The
magnificence overwhelmed him.
Close your mouth before something flies in. The giggle
that followed caused him to whirl and glare at Megan, her
face alight with joy. I told you it would blow you away.
That you did, but this is way beyond anything I picked
up from your memories.
It must be because youre seeing it yourself, although
everything does seem to be even more brilliant than
last time.
A deep baritone voice said, That is because you are
now seeing it through both your perspectives instead
of just your own.
Seamus spun around and found himself staring into the
eyes of his long lost friend, and prince. Joy filled his heart to
almost bursting. Conall.
A smile spread across Conalls face. Seamus, my old
friend, it is good to see you.
Seamus closed the distance between them, clasped
Conalls arm and pulled him into a hug. It felt as if he

transported back in time, thirty years earlier, and he and

Conall were meeting on the street instead of in the
otherworld. Anger flooded his entire being. Stepping out of
Conalls embrace, he shook his head. You should be our
king now.
It is not true, my friend. Although everyone thinks I was
destined to be king. My true destiny was to produce the
Daughter of Prophecy and your mate. A glint of laughter
showed in his eyes. And my daughter is going to keep you
in line. Something none of us could ever accomplish.
Seamus could not help but smile. You have no idea.
He glanced past Conalls shoulder and his eyes misted.
He couldnt speak through the lump in his throat. Memories
of the little girl who used to follow him, Donovan and Conall
everywhere assaulted him. Remembering all the ways she
used to manipulate them into taking her with them almost
brought him to his knees. Then she had turned twenty-five
and he had been in awe of how powerful she had become.
Sadness engulfed him as he realized he had not been able
to save Bernadette that night so long ago.
Bernadette smiled. Let go of your guilt, Seamus. You
were not meant to save me that night. The power channeled
to you was to save Megan and yourself. That was your
Clearing his throat, he stepped away from Conall and
held his arms out to Bernadette. She did not hesitate to
walk into them. You must release the condemnation you
carry, Seamus, or it will compromise your purpose. You
saved our daughter. Not once but twice. You are fated to

stand with her and together you shall defeat this darkness
threatening to devour our people.
How are we going to do that when every time we turn
around they are coming at us with something new? Over
the last seventeen years, I kept thinking I had eradicated
them, only to have them pop up again in an even more
vicious way.
It is not going to be easy Seamus, but now that you and
Megan are together destiny will be fulfilled.
I hope you are right. I am damn tired of feeling that
each time I take a step forward, I take two backward. I do
not like worrying who Mallaidh is going to try to murder next.
She seems to have her sights on Patrick and I fear she may
succeed before we figure out how to stop her.

Megan watched the interaction between Seamus and

her mother and father. Her heart ached from the mixture of
both sadness and joy flowing from Seamus. She often
missed her mother, but had known her for only eight short
years. For the twelve years after she woke from her coma,
she couldnt even remember her. She never knew her father
until just recently. Seamus on the other hand, had known
them both for hundreds of years and she could see how
close they had all been. She wasnt sure if it was her rage
or Seamuss that affected her, but she knew with all her

heart, if Mallaidh stood in front of her at this moment she

wouldnt have the slightest trouble killing her.

His heart in his throat, Patrick stared at Brenna,

wondering when she would wake. If she did not wake soon,
he would go crazy. His thoughts turned to Seamus. How he
had waited and wondered for five full days? It was a miracle
Seamus had kept his sanity. He reached out, running his
fingers through her ebony hair and buried his face in it.
Come on Brenna, it is time to wake up.
She moaned.
He sat up abruptly and stared at her. That is it, a ghr,
come back to me.
Her eyelids fluttered. She moaned again bringing her
hands to her head. I feel as if I have a hundred bees
stinging my brain all at the same time.
Her words were slurred, but Patrick understood her well
enough. Do not move. Conor needs to check you out. He
was here about half an hour ago and said to call him as
soon as you woke.
Brenna squinted at Patrick. What the hell happened?
The last thing I remember Shannon stopped Megan from
doing the spell to prevent us from speaking telepathically.
Patricks concern escalated. You do not remember

Megan performing the spell on me?

She lay there, a frown creasing her brow. She shook her
head and once again moaned. No. I told you the last thing I
remembered was Shannon telling her to stop.
Conor appeared in the room. How is your head
feeling, Brenna?
Horrible. I want to rip it from my shoulders.
Patrick spoke, not taking his eyes from Brenna. She
cannot remember anything after Shannon came in.
He heard Conor moving closer. Brenna, tell me
everything you do remember.
Patrick looked at Conor as Brenna repeated what she
remembered. Conors brow furrowed and he brought his
hand up over his mouth rubbing his chin. Hum. You do not
remember telling Megan to hurry and spell Patrick?
Brenna opened her eyes a bit further and Patrick could
see the pain in them. NoWait I remember the pain in
my head getting worse. It was as if someone was chanting
in my head and then my head felt like it exploded. It still
feels like someone is using a jackhammer in it.
Would you like me to give you something to help ease
it? I cannot try to ease it magically, as I am not sure what
that might do, but maybe a few aspirin might help.
Thanks that would be good.
Patrick watched as she closed her eyes; her face
etched with pain. He turned to Conor. Is there not
something more we can do?
We cannot take a chance with our magic hurting her
further or Mallaidh being able to grab on to one of us. So

no, that is all we dare do at this point. Hopefully, we will find

a way to do more soon.
How about Megan? Does she have any ideas?
I have not talked to her. If you would like, we can go
over there and you can ask her yourself.
Just contact her. I do not want to leave Brenna.
I cannot at the moment.
What do you mean? Patrick immediately tried to
contact Megan. Did something happen to her? Is she all
right? Why can I not reach her?
Calm down, Paddy. She is fine, but for the moment she
cannot talk to us telepathically.
Patrick could tell something was off and Conor was not
telling him everything. He turned to Brenna. I will be back
as soon as possible. You stay here and rest. I need to
check on Megan.
Patrick stood staring at Seamus and Megan as Conor
materialized next to him. Fury emanating from every pore,
he spun around to face Conor. You told me she was fine.
What the hell happened?
Conor put his hand up as if to ward off an attack. Easy,
Paddy, they are in the otherworld at the Goddess Dans
request. You cannot let Brenna know, as we believe
Mallaidh is eavesdropping through her. We cannot afford
Mallaidh knowing Megan has spoken to Dan. If she finds
out, she may very well kill Brenna. Our hope is Dan will tell
Megan how to get rid of this spell at no cost to Brenna.
Patrick tapped down his anger. Seamus started telling
me about this when I felt Brennas despair and went to her.

Are you sure Mallaidh has that kind of power?

Aye, we think that is how she was able to ambush you,
Colin, and Dono a few days ago. We also think she
manipulated both of you into completing the Deasghnth.
Now worry along with anger flooded through Patrick.
Dammit to hell and back. We have to find a way to protect
her. I cannot lose her.
Paddy, we are doing everything we can. Nevertheless,
you have to be careful what you say around Brenna. We
cannot allow Mallaidh to get wind of anything we are doing.
How am I to explain why I cannot speak to Megan
telepathically or why Megan is not coming too see
A smile crept across Conors face. Tell her the spell
Megan did to you drained her tremendously and she is
recuperating. That may make Mallaidh think Megan is weak
and give us an advantage.
Patrick laughed. And they say I am the devious one.
As they say; all is fair in love and war. And this is
definitely a war.

Walking into her fathers arms, Megan gazed into his

eyes. It was as if she looked into a mirror. Love emanated
from him like steam off a cool stream on a warm day. She
knew just how much love he possessed; he died to protect

her identity. She buried her face in her fathers shirt and
tears filled her eyes as she tried to fathom how anyone
could possess so much love for a child he hadnt even
But I knew I would see you and touch you and be with
you. True, I would not be with you while you grew; yet when
the time came, I would have my chance. You have made
me proud, Daughter, and will make me prouder still. You
will fulfill your destiny and save our people.
Looking up once again into his eyes, Megan asked,
How can you be so sure?
I have much faith in you. Plus the Fates are never
I hope you are right. I hope the Goddesses Dan and
Mrrgan are right. I hope the Fates are right. I sometimes
feel I dont have what they all seem to think I do.
Do not doubt yourself. I know you are young and you
did not even know your heritage until recently, however you
carry more power than any of our people before you.
Mallaidh may be much older but she does not have much
power of her own. Even with what she has stolen, she does
not come close to you.
Well, she seems to have quite a lot, considering what
she has been able to pull off so far.
Most of what she has done have been illusions.
No, Father, she broke through spell boundaries to get
to me.
That is because she is siphoning powers from Thomas
ODwyer and his family. He is well over five hundred and

has much power. You carry much more power than even his
whole family combined. You have not become accustomed
to using that power yet. Mallaidh is nothing compared to
you. Once you sever the connection between Brenna and
Mallaidh she will once again have little powers of her own.
But she killed the ODwyer family. How do I get that
power back from her?
That is where you are wrong. Neither Thomas nor any
of his family is dead. She is using Brenna as a conduit
to their powers.
Her knees buckled as she sputtered, What?
Seamus was instantly at her side, dragging her from her
fathers arms. What is it, a ghr?
Megan could not speak. She kept opening and closing
her mouth like a fish out of water.
Seamus glared at Conall over her head. What did you
do to her?
Amusement lit Conalls eyes. Easy, Seamus, all I did
was tell her Brennas family is not dead. Something you
should have figured out yourself, by the way. I can
understand Megan not knowing Mallaidh had no real
powers of her own. The rest of you knew her well enough to
know she could not have pulled off what she did without
usurping anothers power. You should know if she had killed
them, she would have instantly lost any power they carried.
She lost mine the minute I died.
Bloody hell. How could we all be so stupid?

Patrick materialized by Brennas side. What are you

doing up? You should still be in bed.
The look she gave him would have crumbled a lesser
man. He smiled.
I am not some delicate flower that needs to be
sheltered. The headache is gone, so I do not need to
be in this bed.
But there are so many wonderful things we can do in
that bed. And you left it so abruptly this morning.
Brennas blush gave Patrick a sense of elation. A grin
crossed his lips. Come here to me, a str.
She didnt hesitate and went into his arms, but before
he could bring his mouth to meet hers she said, Tell
me how Megan is.
He blinked and shook his head, trying to assimilate
what she just said. Sorry, what did you say?
She snickered. I asked you how Megan was.
It is strange; she is so drained from the spell she
placed on me she cannot stay awake. Seamus and Conor
are quite worried. It concerns me as I have never seen her
so before.
Patrick watched Brenna closely as he spoke. The
concern that crossed her face ramped up his guilt. Even so,
he knew no matter what Brenna was feeling, if everyones
suspicions about Mallaidh were true and she could actually

hear what was being said, he had to play his part in the
deceit. He only hoped that once this was over and Brenna
was free from Mallaidh, she would understand his lies.
Could it have something to do with what they did to her
when they kidnapped her?
I have no clue. She stayed in a coma for five days once
they rescued her, so perhaps they did do something to her.
I am sure Conor and Fiona will figure it out. Now enough
about my niece, I have my own plans for you. He brought
his mouth down to hers.

The Goddess Dan appeared before them. She

shimmered and each time Megan gazed at her, Dans
appearance changed. Megans head swam, but at the
same time, she felt a sense of peace fill her. Beside Dan
stood the Goddess Mrrgan, a tall enchanting woman with
flowing raven hair, dressed in a silvery-black gown. In her
hand, she carried a jeweled sword that made Megan think
of an ancient warrior. Megan recalled when Mrrgan
placed that sword upon her head and the blinding light
encompassed her, giving her the extraordinary powers she
now possessed. They all bowed.
Welcome back, my child. Please rise.
Thank you.

You have come for answers on how to abolish the

spell Mallaidh has placed on Brenna ODwyer.
Yes, each time I start to use some spell to counteract it,
Fiona stops me saying I will kill them. At first I thought she
meant Brenna and Patrick, but now I think she meant
Brennas family.
You are correct in your assumption. There is only one
way to sever the spell and harm no one but Mallaidh. Only
you shall be able to perform such a feat, as you are the only
one to have the ability to stand between the worlds.
Seamus spoke then. Would I not also be able to do it
as I can be here as well?
No my child, you can enter both worlds now that you are
mated fully with Megan but only she can stand between our
Feeling confused Megan said, Im sorry, I dont
understand what you mean by between the worlds. Is that
different from what Im doing now?
Aye, very much so, for when you are between the
worlds your body will be with you, not as it is now where you
are only here in spirit.
Megan felt the blood drain from her face as Seamus put
his arm around her to steady her. Is there no way I can be
with her?
No, you must remain in your realm as her beacon to
guide her home. You must be well guarded. For if anything
should happen to you, she would be lost between the
worlds for all time. You will still be connected to each other
so you will be able to help her, but physically you can do

How dangerous is this for her?
Mrrgan spoke. Very. For in the realm between the
worlds are many things that are an abomination. Therefore,
Megan shall have both my sword and Onch with her.
Who or what is Onch? The words were no sooner left
her mouth, than a fluffy mop of a puppy appeared at her
feet. Megan bent and picked up Onch. Well, you look
Mrrgan smiled. Looks can be deceiving. He will look
like this in your realm, for he will also be there to guard you.
However, he will change if someone tries to harm you.
Once you are in the Between-World he will look quite
different and will protect you with his life.
Seamus asked, What exactly will he change into?
Mrrgans laughter boomed. I would not want to spoil
the fun by telling you that. Once you have him back in your
realm, you may have him change for you, so you will know
exactly what he will look like.
Her face became serious once again. You will be in
much danger once you take Brenna back from Mallaidh for
then she will know you are the Daughter of Prophecy and
she will come after you with everything she has. She has
succeeded in steeling much power since Brenna. Since
that time, she has perfected her technique. She is now on
the hunt for particular powers to steal. When she locates the
powers she wants, she goes after one person in that family
so she will have her siphon. You must take back every bit of

her stolen powers if you are to defeat her. It is not going to

be easy. Each time you find her siphon you will have to
travel between the worlds.

Chapter Eleven
Brenna was drowning in the sensation, lost in Patricks
unhurried exploration of her body. When had her clothes
disappeared? As he lowered her slowly to the bed,
following her down and covering her body, she reveled in
his attention. He kissed her eyes, the tip of her nose, the
corners of her mouth. Everywhere he kissed, he left flames
in his wake. He was so meticulous she didnt seem to have
an inch not singed. She needed him inside her now, but he
was having none of it. He continued his discovery with both
his hands and mouth over her shoulders to her breasts,
stopping to pay homage to each and then continuing down
her ribs. She heard her own voice, a soft mewing, a plea for
mercy as he traced every curve and hollow of her body with
his nimble fingers. When they moved to the inside of her
thighs, she knew he would find her damp heat waiting for
him at the junction of her legs.
Patrick. His name a whisper as her breath left her
body. She could not get air into her lungs.
His finger pushed inside her, a stroke of sensuality that
drove her out of her mind. When his mouth claimed her,
every thought left her. All she could do was feel. She
writhed in the sensation until he pinned her hips with his
arm as he devoured her. Wave upon wave of pleasure
rippled though her body. Colors danced before her eyes as
she climaxed. She fisted the sheets to anchor herself as

she broke apart.

When the last aftershocks subsided, Patrick kissed his
way back up her body. When his mouth fused to hers, she
could taste herself on his lips. With one quick movement,
he surged into her. He began to move once again with
maddening slowness, driving her crazy even as she felt her
body begin to coil in anticipation.

Patrick knew this time it was real from the beginning

and wanted to savor every moment of loving Brenna. He
took his time exploring every inch of her petite body. Her
mewing noises drove him to the brink of insanity, but he
wanted this time to be perfect. She tasted of honey, sweet
and wild. He could have stayed there lapping at her forever.
But, he wanted more. He climbed up her body and
blanketed her. He was thick and hard, throbbing with need.
He buried himself to the hilt in one surge. He almost lost it
when her tight velvet sheath gripped him like a hot slick
glove. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth trying to gain
his control.
He began to move with slow easy strokes. He wanted
this to last forever. When she grabbed his ass to try to
speed him up, he stopped. Taking her hands off him, he
pinned them above her head and then continued his
unhurried pace. He watched her face as he surged into her,
her hips rising to meet him. Her eyes were closed and her
head twisted from side to side.

Brenna, look at me. I want to see your eyes when you

She opened her eyes, fixing her gaze on him and he
began to pick up the pace. Brennas eyes glazed over. As
an orgasm overtook her, her sheath gripped him like a vice.
One minute he was in control and the next fire raced
through him from the tips of his toes blowing out the top of
his head. Pleasure he had never experienced in all his life
engulfed him. He collapsed, rolling as he did, reversing
their positions. They lay there breathing heavily; her
aftershocks continued to milk him.
Goddess. I do not think I will ever be able to move
again. Brenna whispered.
Patrick tightened his arms around her. We can stay
here forever, just like this and I will be a happy man.

A sense of dread filled Seamus as he listened to what

was expected of Megan. He wanted to scream Stop. He
did not want his mate putting herself in so much danger.
How could everyone think Megan was going to be able to
accomplish everything they wanted of her? He could feel
her overwhelmment as well. Anger coursed through him.
She was so young and he had just found her. From
everything Mrrgan said there was a strong possibility he
might lose her in the Between-World. If that were to happen,

he would be lost himself. Finally, he could not keep his

mouth shut.
Wait. You cannot send someone so inexperienced to
do such a dangerous job. There must be a better way. He
knew the words were a mistake the minute they left his
mouth. He also knew there was no way to take them back.
The irises of Mrrgans eyes started swirling. Lightning
lit the sky and thunder shook the ground. You dare to
question our judgment?
Pain the likes of which he never felt before
encompassed his body. He could not breathe. It was as if a
great hand was crushing his body. He could hear and feel
his bones breaking. He heard voices yelling something, but
they sounded from a great distance away. He heard Megan
screaming in his head and then there was nothing.

You must stop. Youre going to kill him. If he dies, so

will I. Sobbing, Megan fell to her knees, trying to cover
Seamuss body with hers. She glanced up once again
toward Mrrgan. Please.
The Goddess Dan raised her arms and everything
froze. She turned to Mrrgan, Stop. You kill them and our
people will be lost.
He does not deserve to live.
You forget yourself, Mrrgan. They are our childrens

only hope and his love for her gives him the right to
She turned to Megan and said, Go rest, and let him
heal. We will talk to you later.
A bright light encompassed them and the next minute
Megan found herself on a soft bed with Seamus. Her
mother and father stood next to the bed with a look of relief
on their faces.
Conall spoke, fierceness in his voice. What did he think
he was doing questioning Mrrgan? He should have more
Megan sagged with relief, I dont think he was thinking,
just feeling. He was afraid for me and Im petrified about
what is expected of me.
That may be all well and good, but to question her? I
would have thought after all these years he would have
curbed his damn hotheadedness. He almost killed the both
of you. It is a good thing Dan was there or he may not
have lived.
Bernadette put her hand on Conalls arm. He loves our
daughter and he was frightened for her. You would have
reacted the same way if the situations had been reversed.
Think about it, love, you took your own life to keep our child
Megans heart swelled at her mothers words and she
watched as the fight went out of her father.
Then her mother turned to Megan. Thankfully his body
is at Br na Binne, so it should only take him a few hours
to recover. In the meantime, you should get some sleep.

This has been draining on you as well.

She hugged both of them and said, Thank you. I love
After her mother and father left, Megan curled her body
around Seamus sending as much of her energy as she
could to him. Within a short time, she was asleep.

Brenna lay in bed, basking in the soreness of her

muscles. She glanced over to where Patrick sprawled out
next to her; his arm draped possessively over her stomach.
He reminded her of a young child in his relaxed state.
A vice contracted around her heart, as her mind
wandered toward her own family and then her little brother,
his bright eyes and impish smile. How could she be so
weak, to have allowed Mallaidh to use her to kill her own
family? She knew it was only a matter of time before she
would do the same to Patrick and possibly his family. She
had to leave before that happened.
Carefully, she extracted herself from under Patricks
arm and slid from the bed. She prowled the room, trying to
figure out what to do. Megans words about her leaving
came to mind, If you leave, he will definitely try to contact
you, and then you will kill him. What am I going to do? If I

leave, he will try to contact me, but if I stay, eventually he

will contact me telepathically anyway. Bollocks.

What is it, a ghr?

She jumped, spun around and smiled. He looked so
sweet with his rumpled hair and sleepy eyes that were now
watching her intently.
Sorry, I did not mean to wake you.
I can feel your distress from here. Tell me, what is
I need to go for a run. I feel like the walls are closing in
around me.
A strange look crossed Patricks face before he
replied. How about we go for a walk in human form
instead, so we can communicate verbally? I do not feel it is
safe to go running anymore, especially not being able to
speak telepathically to you.
That will be fine. I just have to get out for a while. She
glanced down toward her feet. Where do you want to
He was quiet for so long she looked up to see what he
was doing.
He smiled. I am going to surprise you. He held out his
hand. Come on.
When she took his hand, they both transported.

Brenna glanced around the dense forest. Where are

How did he answer her without telling her? He did not

want Mallaidh to get even an inclination of where they were.

I thought you might like a walk in the woods.
I see that, but where?
I am keeping it a secret. I only want you to come here
with me. I hope that will appease her.
He watched as a smile crossed her lips. You really are
a romantic at heart.
I do not want you to get bored.
I can guarantee that is never going to happen if this,
she spun around with her arms stretched out from her
sides, is any inclination of the way you are going to be.
Patrick took her hand and started walking. I will try to
keep you surprised as much as possible.
Thank you. I always like surprises, as long as they are
Mine will always be excellent.
They strolled along for almost an hour when Brenna
froze and then said, I would really love to go for a run.
Patricks heart dropped. Something was not right. We
cannot change form, for we cannot communicate
telepathically and the danger from Mallaidh is too great.
With a nod, Brenna continued walking hand in hand with
Patrick. The nagging suspicion something was wrong
Then Brenna stopped again. I would really love to go
for a run.
Patricks pulse raced along with his pounding heart. He
reached out and took her by the shoulders, spinning her
around to face him. Brenna, listen to me. We must go back

to Br na Binne this minute. Transport with me now.

She looked at him through empty eyes. All right.
Patrick pulled her close and they transported,
materializing in their room. His concern only escalated
when he still saw the far-off look still in Brennas eyes. He
called Conor who appeared almost instantly.
What is it?
Take a look at Brenna and you tell me. What is wrong
with her?
Conor examined Brenna, and then turned to Patrick. I
have no idea. It is as if she is not there. What were you
doing when this first occurred?
Patrick explained what had happened when he woke
earlier, then about their walk in the woods and her
insistence on going for a run. When I saw her eyes, I
grabbed her and had her transport back here with me. Can
Fiona, come look at her?
She will not leave Megan and Seamuss side. Let me
go and consult with her. In the meantime, see if you can get
Brenna to lay down for a bit.
Brenna, a ghr, why dont we lay down for a while.
I really would like to go for a run.
Stop, Brenna. We are not going for a run. We are
going to take a nap.
All right, but I would really like to go for a run.
Patrick looked over her shoulder at Conor, who had a
perplexed look on his face.
Dont let her out of your sight. I will be back shortly.

Aye, and if she disappears, what do I do then?

Keep holding her and talking, perhaps that will keep
her with you. With that, he was gone.
Patrick steered Brenna to the bed and pulled her down
with him. His heart ached. A str, come back to me. You
must come back.
Conor returned about twenty minutes later.
What did Fiona have to say? Does she have any idea
what could be wrong?
She is as perplexed as I am. I have also spoken to
Ruairi, and he has no clue either.
So I just have to stay like this with her and hope for the
Paddy, Fiona says to sedate her so we can wait until

Megan returns. She hopes it will not be much longer.

I cannot do that to her after all she has been through.
You do not have much of an alternative. If she
disappears, then what will you do?
Patricks heart sank. Conor was right, but he hated
causing Brenna any more suffering. Yet, he was so afraid
something horrible would happen if he did not allow Conor
to sedate her.
Fine, but so help me if anything happens to her I will

hold the two of you responsible.

Paddy, I am sedating her not locking her up.
Is there much of a difference?
Plenty. Now keep her turned toward you so she does
not know what I am doing. That way we will not cause her

undo distress.
Patrick watched as Brennas eyes opened wide in
shock, then closed and her breathing evened out. He held
her tight and murmured words of love to her.
He looked over Brennas body at Conor. So help me,

she better forgive me for all this deceit.

She will, once this is all over.
I hope you are right.

Megan woke to Seamus moaning and thrashing about

next to her, his every breath labored. When she touched
him, he struggled more. Seamus, whats wrong? What can
I do to help? Megan felt an emptiness growing. Seamus
became more agitated and panic welled up inside her. She
ran to the door, flung it open, and yelled for her mother and
They appeared in an instant.
What is it? What is wrong? Conall said.
I dont know. Seamus is having trouble breathing and I
cant communicate with him.
Conall rushed to Seamuss side. He laid his hands over
his head. When he looked up, he was deathly pale.
Somehow Seamus is separating from you.
How do we fix it?
I do not know if we can. Bernadette, contact the

Goddesses. Hurry, there is not much time.

Megan gasped and dropped to her knees, tears
streaming from her eyes, the emptiness inside her growing
stronger. No, this cant be happening. I cant live without
Her mother was at her side, shaking her. Little One,
listen to me. You must stay strong. The Goddesses will
figure out how to fix this. If you give up, you will both die.
Dan a nd Mrrgan materialized in the room. Dan
looked from Seamus to Megan and then turned to
Mrrgan, fury in her voice. Who could do such a thing?
There is only one I know who has this ability.
Silence reverberated through the room. Megan glanced
from one person to another. Her dread grew as she looked
at her father. He stood as still as stone, with the exception
of his head, which shook back and forth. My father would
not do such a thing. He is the king. He only has the well
being of our people in his heart.
Is it a possibility Mallaidh has captured a member of
the family and is siphoning his power? Bernadette asked.
Conall shook his head. Even if that were possible it has
to be agreed upon by both parties.
They argued back and forth for a few more minutes until
Megan was ready to pull her hair out. She didnt give a
damn who or what did it. Megan jumped to her feet. I dont
care who is doing this. How do we stop it?
Everyone turned and stared at her.
Dan nodded. Such an intelligent young one. Go back
to your realm and call him to you. His spirit is vacillating

between our two worlds. His body is in yours, yet his

essence is not sure where it should be. Go back and
ground him to yours. If the bond has been broken, you must
reconnect it.
How do I do that?
That my child you will have to figure out yourself. For
without your connection you will not be able to travel
between the worlds. Go now.

Megan sat up with a gasp. She turned toward Seamus

and watched in horror as his body faded in and out.
She made a grab for his shoulders. Seamus, come
back to me. You cant leave me.
Megan, Thank the Goddess you are back. He has
been doing that for a few hours now and we cannot
seem to stabilize him.
Megan tore her gaze from Seamus to alight on Fiona.
Have you been in this room the whole time we were
Yes. Why?
Someone is severing our bond and if I dont find a
way to correct it, he will die.
Fiona gasped. That is not possible.
Possible or not, it has happened.
The stricken look on Fionas face made Megan want
to take her words back. Yet she could not sugarcoat

what was happening.

Conor materialized in the room. Thank the
Goddesses you are back. What in the bloody hell is
going on and why is Seamus fading?
Megan proceeded to tell him. She watched him blanch.
How is that possible? No one can sever a bond except the
King and then only with both parties consent.
Well, tell that to whoever did this. Megan waved her
hand over Seamus. So far everyone has said the same
thing, yet somehow our bond is diminishing.
Should we contact the King? Perhaps he can figure out
what to do, Fiona said.
I did that already. He should be here any second.
Just as she finished the last word, the King arrived.
Granddaughter, have you found out how to sever the tie
between Mallaidh and Bren His words trailed off as his
gaze riveted on Seamus. What in Dans name is going

Patrick woke to find Brenna sitting in the corner or the

room with her arms wrapped around her knees rocking
back and forth.
What is it a mhirnn?
She glanced up at him; her eyes were red and puffy,
with tears running down her cheeks. I think I am losing my

He felt a twisting in the vicinity of his heart. Tell me what
would make you think such a thing?
I remember awaking with this wonderful feeling after we
made love, then feeling as if the walls were closing in on
me. You took me to this wonderful place in a forest and we
walked. The next thing I knew I was in bed again and I
cannot remember how I got there. It is as if I lost time. When
I try to remember my head starts hurting. Patrick, what is
wrong with me?
Let me contact Conor and see if he can figure out what
is happening.
Conor, dammit, she thinks she is losing her mind.

She cannot remember what happened to her.

It has nothing to do with the sedative I gave her.
Patrick saw red. Get in here and see what you can
We have a problem with Seamus. I will be there in a
short time.
His heart pounded. Adrenaline pumped through his
veins. What is wrong with Seamus?
His body seems to be fading.
He sucked in his breath. What do you mean fading?
Paddy, I do not have time for this. Give me a few

minutes and Ill explain it to you.

Brenna stared at Patrick. What is going on?
They are having some trouble with Seamus.
What kind of problem?

I do not know exactly. Conor seemed a bit distracted.

He said he would be here soon and explain it all.
Within a few minutes, Conor appeared looking quite
frazzled. His hair was disheveled and his clothes looked
like he slept in them. Patrick had never seen Conor look so
un-kept before.
What is happening to Seamus? When did it start?
What are you doing for him? Is there something I can do?
A smile crossed Conors lips and he shook his head.
How is it out of our whole family I am the only one who can
seem to remember to ask one question at a time instead of
peppering people with them? Thanks for bringing normality
to this mess.
Conor took a deep breath and let it out. Fiona called
me in last night because Seamus started fading in and out.
What do you mean fading in and out?
Exactly what I said, his body is fading in and out as if it
is there and then gone. I have never seen anything like it.
There does not seem to be much we can do for him at the
Patrick noticed how Conor watched Brenna while he
answered the questions.
Now, Brenna, what seems to be your problem?
It is trivial compared to Seamus.
Patrick was ready to argue with her when Conor said,
No, Brenna, if you are having a problem it is not
Brenna rubbed her eyes. I feel as if I am losing my
mind. I cannot remember anything since Patrick had me in

the forest yesterday.

You do not remember arguing about wanting to go for a
run after he brought you back here?
Conor glanced toward Patrick and then back to Brenna.
It would seem not. Brenna, Patrick brought you back from
the forest and you kept insisting you wanted to go for a run,
over and over again. When I examined you, you had a blank
look as if you had disappeared somewhere. I consulted
with Fiona and the King and they suggested I sedate you,
as they were afraid you might just take off. Then Patrick
would have to try to communicate with you telepathically to
find you. You know that would not have ended well. So I
agreed and did so, with Patrick arguing with me the whole
Brenna peered toward Patrick.
I did not want him to do it because of what they did to
you during your captivity.
Thank you, to both of you. You, Patrick, for you
understanding why I would not have wanted to be sedated.
Also to you, Conor for knowing it was necessary. Could the
drugs be the cause of my not remembering?
Conor shook his head. If it were, you would remember
what happened before I gave it to you. Somehow, I think is
Mallaidh is doing something through her connection to you.
Brenna slumped to the floor as if her legs just gave out.
Patrick rushed to her. Brenna, we are not going to let her
get hold of you again.
Brenna looked between Patrick and Conor. What if she

can make me do something I do not want to do or without

me even knowing I am doing it? I could hurt one of you. Is
there some way you can restrain me where I cannot get
The only way to do that would be to give you the same
drug they used while you were in captivity and I will only use
that if it is proven you are a threat to us.
Even if I asked to have it done?
Patrick shook his head. No, Brenna, we have no proof
that Mallaidh is controlling you in any way and you should
not have to go through that.
I agree with Paddy. If something changes, I will consult
the King and then we will all sit and discuss it first. Now, I
really need to get back and check on Seamus. I will see you
both later.
When he was gone, Brenna turned to Patrick. I am so
afraid of what Mallaidh could use me for if she is actually
able to control me.
We will figure this all out. Hopefully, Megan will figure a
way to sever your connection to Mallaidh soon.

Chapter Twelve
Darkness, emptiness and isolation swirled around him.
Meganwhere was Megan? The weight of his loneliness
encompassed his entire being. He shuddered. He had
never felt such aloneness. During his captivity cut off from
everyone, he had hope, but now everything felt hopeless.
He lost her. His heart ached. While Megan had been
comatose he had still felt her, but currently there was
nothing. Where was she?
He welcomed deathanything to take this barrenness
from him. How could she leave him so alone? He had to
think. It was hard to, within this void. Then he remembered
the words that had slipped from his mouth and the anger in
Mrrgans eyes. The painyes, he remembered the pain
he incurred as Mrrgan crushed his body. Could Mrrgan
have somehow obliterated all memory of him from Megans
mind, so she would not feel the same sense of loss?
Of course she couldshe was a feckin Goddess.
Would she though? Megan needed him to bring her back
from the between realms. No, Mrrgan might be upset as
hell with him at this moment, but she wanted to win this war,
and she needed them together to do so. So what
happened? Why could he not feel Megan?
The crushing weight of the separation came crashing
down on him once again. The suffering Mrrgan inflicted
on him was nothing compared to this. He floated in a sea of
desolation and barrenness so expansive there seemed no

Dont leave me. I need you. Words so faint. Had he
imagined them?
A chro. He whispered the words into the blankness,
hoping she would hear them. Not sure if she could.
Laughter filled the air. A hideous sound that made his
skin crawl.
She is as lost to you, as you are to her.
Every fiber of his being rejected those words. No, she
is my mate, my soul, my heart.
The laughter came again. Your bond is broken. She
will not be able to find you.
His soul wept and his heart ached. For just a moment,
he thought he felt Megans touch and then it was gone. No
no one can break the mating bond once it is performed.
I have the power to do anything. And I will destroy you
He tried to shut out the voice and concentrate on
Megan. Somehow, he had to find his connection to her.
Without Megan, his life had no meaning. If the two of them
were not together, the voice would be right and all would be

Seamuss body faded a bit more and Megan cried out,

Seamus, dont leave me. I need you.
She turned to the King with tears flowing down her

cheeks. How do we stop this? There has to be a way to

reconnect our bond.
Ruairi closed the distance between them, place a hand
on Megans shoulder and stared down at Seamus. In this I
have no experience to draw upon. What did Dan tell you
to do?
She told me to call him to me, but it isnt working.
Another sob escaped her lips. Her hand reached out, as if
it had a mind of its own and touched Seamuss face. The
second it did, he solidified just slightly. Megan gasped and
pulled her hand back.
Ruairi squeezed her shoulder. Do that again.
Megan touched Seamuss face again and again he
That is it. You must touch him as you call to him. Kiss
Megan didnt hesitate. She grabbed Seamuss face
between her hands and kissed him with all the love she
could muster, at the same time, sending her words, telling
him she loved him, needed him, and wanted him.
Ruairi extended his hands out to hover inches above
Seamuss heart. His gaze flew to Conor and Fiona. Strip
him. I can feel a foreign power on him. Quickly, check every
portion of his body. Megan, do not let go of him. Some
strange power is blocking your connection to him. We must
find its origin.
Megan kept her hands holding Seamuss face and
turned her head to check his body. There over Seamuss
heart was a small disk embedded in his skin. She gasped

at the sight of it. It looks as though it is burrowing into his

Megan could hear the worry in Ruairis voice as he said,
It is, and if it reaches his heart before we remove it, he will
be lost to us forever.

The loneliness was all encompassing until he heard her

voice. It was that of an angel. His beloved Megan. She
spoke of love, her undying love for him. He could feel her
hands on his face and then he felt her fear.
He needed to get to her. Then he felt the pull of
something tearing him farther from her. He screamed in his
head. No. Megan, my love, my heart, do not let me go.
Seamus tried to fight the pull. The more he fought the
worse the pull became. The hideous laughter sounded
Not much longer and you will be mine. There is no
saving you now.
I will die before I let you have me again.
No, wolf, you will not be able to escape me this time.
And your beloved will be dead to you as well.

Megan watched in horror as the talisman burrowed

deeper. She heard Seamus scream for her not to let him
go. Closing her eyes, she called out to the Goddess Dan.
Warmth filled her body and the words, bring Onch to your
world, entered her mind.
Her eyes flew open. Onch, come to me, now.
Everyone stared, as a mop-like puppy appeared before
Keeping one hand on Seamuss face, she picked
Onch up. She stared into his eyes and said, You have to
do something to save Seamus.
Ruairis gaze flicked from Onch to Megan, his
eyebrow raised. And how is this little thing going to
accomplish what none of us know how to do?
Megan placed the pup on the bed. I dont know, but
Dan told me to call him. She glanced around the room.
You all might want to move back.
Ruairi took a step back, glaring at Onch. Is there
something we need to know about this little bit of a pup?
Mrrgan gave him to me to guard me when Im in the
Between-World. She said he wouldnt look the same there.
So, if Im right, were about to see what she meant.
Onch jumped from the bed and as he did, he changed.
Stunned silence filled the room. The little pup now stood
towering over Megan. Standing on all fours, he was well
over ten feet high. Megan gasped as her gaze traveled
over this beast that looked like a cross between a wolf and
a lion. Onchs blue, glowing eyes stared back at her and
then he bent his head toward Seamus. Megan could hear a

strange humming noise emanating from him. He tilted his

head this way and that, and then his mouth opened showing
a double set of very sharp teeth. Fear raced through
Megan. Her heart pounded. A whispered prayer escaped
her lips. Dont hurt him.
Onchs eerie eyes glanced toward her and then back
to Seamus as his mouth moved closer to Seamuss chest.
Megan knew his powerful jaws could cut Seamus in half.
She watched as Onch dug his front teeth into Seamuss
chest. Black smoke curled up as his mouth closed over the
talisman. The stench was overpowering. Seamus writhed,
his mouth open in a silent scream. Then Onch was gone.
Seamuss chest showed a gaping hole, only centimeters
from his beating heart. Megan screamed as the pain
enveloped her own chest. Instantly Fiona, Conor, and the
King stood over them. Then all their family circled them,

Searing pain encompassed his chest. A scream left

his lips and he heard Megans cry echoing in his head.
At the same time the voice screeched, Nooooo.
There is no way they can dislodge the talisman.
Then there was blissful silence.

Megan woke to excruciating pain in her chest. The

sense of Seamus close by, solid and breathing, brought a
feeling of peace to her whole being. She pulled the blanket
down and checked his chest. The sight of the small red
scar, all that remained of the gaping hole Onch had left
when he removed the talisman, had her breathing easier.
Seamuss eyes opened and, spying her beside him, he
smiled. I thought I lost you. The desolation was unbearable.
What happened? The last thing I remember was Mrrgan
crushing my body. Then you were gone and I was in a void.
You really pissed off Mrrgan. Fortunately, Dan
prevented her from killing you.
A puzzled look overcame Seamuss face. Aye, but how
did I end up in the void?
Megan shook her head. I wish I knew. Somehow, while
we were in Summerland, Mallaidh placed a talisman on
your body and it bored its way into your chest. It blocked our
connection. We are going to have to figure out how she
accomplished it. Fiona said she never left the room the
whole time, although she remembered feeling very groggy
at one point. I thought Mallaidh could not enter Br na
Shite. When I was in the void, Mallaidh talked to me.
She said she had cut our bond and I would be hers soon
enough. How did you stop her?
Onch did. Good grief, wait until you see what he turns

into. He is one scary beast.

Seamus hand reached up to his chest. What did he
He bit you. Well, technically he bit the talisman out of
your chest. When his mouth covered it, there was this awful
smelling black smoke that curled up from it. When he got it,
I could actually see your heart.
I heard you scream.
Once our connection was no longer blocked, I felt your
pain. It hurt like hell. It still does.
Seamus rubbed his chest. Aye, that it does, but it is
gradually easing.
How was she able to get in here? Everyone said
because she uses black magic she couldnt. If she was
able to do this, it means no one is safe, even here.
Then his eyebrows drew together. She would not be
able to come herself, but she obviously coerced
someone to do it.
Megan sucked in a breath. Please tell me it wasnt
Seamus reached out and took Megans hand. She
would be the logical choice.
If Mallaidh was able to force Brenna to do this, we are
somehow going to have to restrain Brenna. After all shes
been through already, it breaks my heart. But, if it is true,
Brenna is dangerous to us all. Uncle Patrick is going to be
Seamus pulled Megan into his arms. The best way to
approach this is to get all the facts first. Once we have

accomplished that, we can make a plan of action. I feel the

easiest thing for us to do would be to find out how we get to
her family and then cut her off from Mallaidh. Then, we have
alleviated the threat entirely.
In that case, I need to get back to Summerland and I
think it would be safest if I went by myself. I also think I
should call Onch back here to guard my body.
Seamus squeezed her tight. I do not want you to do
Knowing he needed the refuge in her hold, Megan
relaxed, then she pushed herself away so she could see his
eyes. I know. You almost died trying to prevent it.
Unfortunately, there is no other way, so you are just going to
have to deal with it.
I will try to find a way to do that, but before we start
doing anything, I would like to spend a bit of time alone with
you. After being in that void, I need to know you are still my
Megan laughed and met Seamuss mouth with hers.

Patrick and Brenna talked for some time before Conor,

Fiona and Ruairi manifested in the room. Their grim faces
sent a shiver through his body. Is Seamus all right?
Ruairi nodded. Aye, he will be fine, but it was close for
a time.
Relief flooded through him. Were you able to figure out

what caused the problem?

Again, Ruairi nodded. We have. Which leads us to a
serious problem.
Dread crept through Patricks being, like a thief in the
night, as Ruairi spoke.
Last evening, it seems Mallaidh was able to have a
talisman placed upon Seamuss chest. It carried a dark
curse and almost severed his bond with Megan. Once he is
awake we will be able to find out more, but we need to
know if Mallaidh has a greater hold over Brenna than we
first thought.
Brenna sucked in a breath and Patrick turned toward
her. She was as white as milk. Anger surged through him.
He focused on Ruairi. She could not have done anything.
Conor sedated her and she slept with me the whole night.
No, you found me out of bed that morning. Could I have
possibly done something? Could Mallaidh have made me
do something to Seamus? Oh Goddess, what if she
actually has the ability to make me kill someone, without
them even trying to contact me telepathically?
Ruairi looked at Brenna. Calm down. We do not know
for sure what happened yet. At the moment we are just
putting all the facts together. Once we do so, then we can
all sit down and make a rational decision on where to go
from here.
Brenna jumped up, almost knocking Patrick off the
couch. No, you do not understand, my King. I have already
killed my whole family thanks to this thing Mallaidh did to
me. I will not be responsible for any more deaths. Either you

do something now, that can prevent me from doing any

more damage, or I have to leave so I will no longer be a

Brenna, we cannot be sure you are the one who did

this. What do you think would happen if we made the
wrong decision and did as you ask only to have someone
else be the culprit? Then have that person succeed
because we let our guard down? I must know all the facts
before I proceed. Can you understand that, child?
Brenna dropped back onto the chair and let out a
breath. Yes, but could you please drug me or something,
in the mean time, just to be safe?
Patrick put his arm around her, pulling her toward him,
trying to comfort her.
Ruairis gaze caught Patricks before it lit on Brenna.
Why do you feel so strongly that this could have been
Mallaidh used me to kill my family. Recently I have
had some memory loss. Now you are saying someone
tried to kill Seamus and through him, Megan. The logical
person would be me.
As much as I would like to jump to the same
conclusion, therefore eliminating a tedious investigation, I
would be remiss in doing so, Ruairi said.
Then I must leave.
Patrick jumped up and grabbed Brenna. No. There is
no proof.

The King nodded. I agree with Patrick on this.

However, Brenna, if it makes you feel better than I will
have Conor administer the drug to prevent you from using
any of your powers. It will be in a lower dose than used by
Mallaidh so you may still function somewhat. Would that
be satisfactory to you?
Anger raged through Patrick. No. She should not be
subjected to this kind of treatment from her own people.
Ruairis gaze swung toward Patrick, fury showing on his
every feature. Power pulsed through the room. I do not do
this lightly, Patrick. Would you prefer I refuse and have
Brenna take off, where Mallaidh could capture her again
and possible kill her this time? This is Brennas choice
and I will abide by her decision.
I will be back within the hour to administer the drug
Brenna. Conor said.
Thank you.
Patrick could not believe what he was hearing. Had she
not gone through enough over the last year? He knew she
was afraid Mallaidh would try to hurt someone else through
her, but how could she be sure that would happen? She
had been with him the whole night. She could not have
done anything to Seamus. She had been sedated, for
Goddess sake.

Shite, I had not awoken when she went to sit in the

corner. Could she have actually gotten into Seamus and
Megans room without anyone knowing? No. Somehow, I

have to prove she did not do anything wrong. And I damn

well will.
Patrick, please understand. I have to make sure I
cannot hurt anyone else. If Conor administers the drug, I will
not be able to go anywhere or use any of my powers. That
way everyone will be safe, and I will feel safe as well.
Dammit, Brenna, do you not understand the
ramifications of those drugs? You will be trapped just as
you had been when Mallaidh had you locked in a cage. I will
not permit it. You should be trusted just like everyone else.
Mallaidh could be using anyone.
They never said they did not trust me. I was the one
who suggested the drug. Patrick, I do not trust myself. I
must be certain Mallaidh cannot use me for her dirty work.
Patrick paced the room, feeling like a caged lion.
It makes no difference. They should know better than to
do this to you.
Patrick, if I killed someone else, I would not be able to
live with myself. It is hard enough living with the fact I killed
my whole family. Mallaidh did something to me and until
Megan can figure out how to get rid of whatever she did, I
have to know I can hurt no one else.
He stopped pacing, marched to her and put his arms
around her. There has to be a better way than drugging
you. I am going to go to speak to Megan.
Fine, but, she better come up with something soon, or I
will leave. Do you understand? I have to know I cannot hurt

All right. Let me go talk to Megan.

Patrick knocked on Megan and Seamuss door. He

wanted to materialize in the room but though better of it.
When Megan yelled, come on in, he slammed through the
What have you found out about helping Brenna? She
wants Conor to drug her because she is so afraid Mallaidh
is able to control her. Have you figured out what to do?
When will you be able to help her? How soon can you get
Slow down, Uncle Patrick.
Patrick realized what he was doing and he might have
felt embarrassed if the situation had not been so serious. I
need answers now.
Okay, okay. Settle down. Lets sit so I can fill you in on
what I know so far.
She gestured to the seating area and asked if he
wanted something to drink.
Tea would be grand.
A tray with cups, a plate of scones, and a cozy-wrapped
teapot appeared in the middle of the coffee table. Megan
poured tea for each of them and took a sip. She sighed.
I dont have all the answers yet, but there is something
you need to know. Brennas family is not dead.
His heart leapt at the possibility. How can her family be

alive? She saw them die. She watched as those bastards

dumped their bodies like garbage.
Believe me, Uncle Patrick, they are alive somewhere
because, Mallaidh is using Brenna to siphon off their
powers. Before I can cut Brennas connection with Mallaidh,
I have to find and save them.
Patrick started to argue but halted when she held up her
Uncle Patrick, if I dont do this right she will lose her
family. She might think she killed them already but deep
down she knows she hasnt. What do you think would
happen if I rushed this and cause their deaths? She would
never forgive me or herself. Could you live with that?
Because I couldnt.
Massaging his forehead, he shook his head. All this
time she thought she killed them. How do you know they are
still alive?
Seamus cleared his throat. Paddy, we should have all
realized they were alive. Think about it. Mallaidh is using
their power. She would lose that power the minute they
died. She must have them hidden away somewhere on
some type of life support system.
Patrick jumped to his feet. I need to tell Brenna right
away. She has been beating herself up over this for three
months now and she did not even kill them.
Paddy, stop. You cannot let her know.
Clenching his fists, he stared at Seamus. What do you
mean? I am not going to let her suffer over this any longer.
Do you not think she has suffered enough?

Paddy, think about this. If Mallaidh gets an inclination

that we know she is siphoning their power instead killing
them, she will kill them with no qualms. Do you want to be
responsible for their deaths? How do you think Brenna
would feel about that? I am sure she will be grateful for our
keeping the truth from her a bit longer once she has her
family back.
Seamuss words cut through Patricks fury. He slumped
back in his chair. What do we do?
Megan shook her head. I dont know yet. I have to talk
to Dan again.
Patrick sucked in a breath. So caught up in this thing
with the drug and Brenna, he had forgotten all about
Seamuss near death. He turned to Seamus. I am sorry.
Tell me what happened to you.
Seamus laughed. Oh, let me see. First, I infuriated a
Goddess, who crushed me with an invisible hand. Then
someone put a talisman on my chest that burrowed into it
and blocked my connection to Megan. Then that mop of a
dog, Seamus pointed to Onch, bit the talisman out of me
and left me with a gaping hole in my chest. Other than that,
it was just another day.
Patrick could feel the blood drain out of his face. You
are joking, right?
I wish I were.
Tell me exactly what happened and leave nothing out.
An hour later Patrick felt like his head would explode.
He looked from Seamus to Megan. What are you
planning to do now?

I have to go back and finish talking to the

Goddessesfind out how to help Brenna. She
glanced at Seamus. Alone.
Patrick could see Seamus struggling with allowing
Megan to go back to Summerland by herself, but more so
with the whole idea of her going into the Between-World.
Is there anything I can do?
Yes, keep all of this from Brenna for the time being. It is
going to be dangerous enough for Megan without Mallaidh
knowing what she will be doing.
As much as he hated keeping secrets from his mate,
Patrick knew they were right. He could not put his niece in
any more danger. From the attack on Seamus, he knew
Mallaidh was worried and would do anything necessary to
destroy both of them.
I will do as you ask. Please keep me informed.
He got up to leave but hesitated. One more question.
Do you believe it is possible that Brenna did this to you
He watched both of them closely.
Paddy, to tell you the truth, yes. Although if she did, it
was not through her own power. Mallaidh is the one
controlling it.
Should she take the drug?
Until we are able to free her from Mallaidhs clutches, it
would be for her own benefit, as well as ours. I know you do
not what her to suffer anymore, but think how she would feel
if Mallaidh does succeed in killing someone using her.
Brenna would be devastated. Using the drug for the short

time it is going to take to finish this, will be worth it. It is not

like it is being done against her will. She is the one who
wants to do this. Tell me what you would want to do if your
situations were reversed.
I guess you are right. Please do this as swiftly as
possible. And if there is anything you need me to do, let me
Megan walked up to him and put her arms around him.
Uncle Patrick, I know this is as hard on you, as her. I
promise I will do this as fast as I can.
I know you will and I also know this is all new to you as
well so it cannot be easy. I am sorry I am being such a pain
about it, my His head went up. Brenna
What is it?
Patrick grabbed his head as he fell to his knees and
whispered, Brenna, something is wrong with Brenna.

Chapter Thirteen
After Patrick left, Brenna paced the room just as he had
been earlier. Her mind raced. Could I have put that

talisman on Seamus? Is it possible Mallaidh really is able

to control me? I have to figure out what to do. I will not be
responsible for any more deaths.
She prowled the room as she pondered all her options.
She either had to disappear or make Patrick understand
she must have the drug Conor had told her about. After a
few more circuits around the room, she decided.
Sorry, Patrick, but what you want is not what matters.
She needed to find Conor and have him administer the
drug. She approached the door. When she placed her hand
on the knob, pain laced through her head. Falling to her
knees, she grabbed her head and screamed.

Seamus called for Conor as they helped Patrick to his

feet. He, Patrick and Megan transported to Patricks room.
They arrived to find Brenna curled by the door in a fetal
position with her hands covering her head.
Patrick rushed over to her just as Conor arrived.
What in the Bloody Hell is going on?
Seamus said, By the look of it, I think Mallaidh attacked

her once again. Judging from where she is I am going to

bet she was on her way to find you and have you drug her.
Patrick looked up from where he held Brenna. Why
would she have done so without telling me first?
Seamus shrugged. You said yourself she wanted it
done. It was either that or she was fighting something
Mallaidh wants her to do. No matter which, I think it would
be smart to give her the drug.
Brenna whispered, Pleasenow.
Brennas plead tore at him. Resigned to the fact he was
outnumbered, Patrick nodded. Conor, hurry up and give it
to her.
A syringe appeared in Conors hand and he bent down
next to Brenna. He jabbed the needle into her arm and
pushed down the plunger. Within seconds, Brenna relaxed
in Patricks arms.
Take her over and lay her on the bed. With the
modifications we have made to the drug, she will be out of
it for a little while.
"How is this drug going to affect her?
Not as badly as you seem to think. She will sleep for a
few hours and then be fine. She will be able to talk and
move around almost normally, but she will have no magical
ability for twenty-four hours. I will re-administer the drug
every day.
So at any point she wants to stop taking it, the effects
will wear off within a day.
Conor shook his head. No, the longer we give it to her
the longer it will take to shake off the effects. Being that she

is here in Br na Binne the effects will not last as long, but

I am sure the dose will hold for at least twenty-four hours.
Patrick sat on the bed next to Brenna and glanced
toward Megan. I hate this for her. It makes me feel as if you
do not trust her.
Megan walked over to him and placed her hand on his
shoulder. Uncle Patrick, she is going to feel safer and I
know you want that for her. Please dont make her feel
guilty because she asked to have it done. She is the one
Mallaidh is tormenting and we have no other way to help
her yet.
I know she was not the one who attacked Seamus so
just because you have her drugged do not let your guard
down. Mallaidh may also be using someone else we do not
know about.
Megan squeezed his shoulder. We know there is a
possibility there is some other way Mallaidh got to us, but
for now at least Brenna will feel more secure.
I hope you find whom ever did this soon so Brenna can
stop being afraid it is herself.
We are going to figure out how to sever her tie to
Mallaidh as soon as possible and then none of us will have
to worry about her.
He reached up and covered Megans hand. Thanks.
Megan let go of him and said, I have to go find my
grandfather and then get back to working on figuring out
what to do for Brenna. I will see you later.
Megan and Seamus disappeared.
Conor turned to leave and stopped. Call me when she

wakes. I want to check on her and see how the drug is

affecting her here.
I will do that.
If you need me for anything, call me. And he was
Patrick crawled into bed next to Brenna and pulled her
to him.

Megan and Seamus materialized in their own room.

I wish there was some way to prove it wasnt Brenna
who placed that talisman on you. I feel so bad for Uncle
I know you want it to be someone else, just remember
that odds are it was Brenna who did do it.
I know, but it is really crappy. Uncle Patrick is having
such a hard time with this.
I cannot blame him in the least. I know I would be
acting the same way if it was you.
Megan laughed. Tell me something I dont know. Look
how you acted in Summerland.
Seamus groaned. Do not remind me of that. Talking to
the Goddess Morrgan like that had to be the biggest
mistake I have ever made. I am surprised I am still around
to remember it.
You are very lucky the Goddess Dan was there or you
wouldnt be.
We need to forget all about that. I learned never to

open my mouth around that woman again.

At the look on Seamuss face, Megan couldnt help the
laughter that rolled out of her.
It is not funny.
No, no it isnt, but the look on your face is. She
doubled over and couldnt catch her breath.
His growl had her looking toward him as she kept
laughing and she backed up the best she could, but he
caught her. Seamus picked her up, flung her on the bed
and followed her down.
Ill teach you to laugh at me wench.
It didnt help, she just kept laughing. Breathlessly she
said, Im sorry, I cant seem to stop.
When he brought his mouth to hers, she finally stopped
laughing. What ensued had her gasping once again for
breath, only in a much more pleasant way.
Sometime later Megan, feeling much more relaxed than
she had earlier lay stated and drowsy. She stretched and
relaxed her body again wanting to stay just where she was
for the next month. Unfortunately, the outside world crashed
back into her mind. She had to find the King and let
everyone know just what was going on. Then, she had to go
back and talk to the Goddesses and figure out how she
was to move forward and rid Brenna of Mallaidh. Damn

you Mallaidh. Couldnt you leave us all alone?

Megan and Seamus met with Ruairi and the rest of the
family in the great hall. Everyone bombarded Megan with
questions about the events in Summerland. Seamus filled
them in.
When the conversation came back around to who could
have put the talisman on him, Seamus said, It is possible
that someone other than Brenna did this, but she is the
most likely candidate at the moment.
Donovan voiced his worry over Megan being the next
target of Mallaidh.
Seamus nodded. We will take every precaution. In any
case, Megan will have Onch at her side from now on.
At the mention of his name, the little white bundle of
fluffs head popped up. He looked around the room and
sneezed, making everyone laugh. Then put his head back
down, burrowed into Megans lap and went back to sleep.
Donovan cleared his throat. No offence, but what is that
little bit of a thing going to do to help keep anyone safe?
There were a few echoes of agreement from around the
Megan smiled. Uncle Donovan, I guess you didnt hear
anything about Onch, did you?
Ruairi also grinned. Megan, perhaps the best way to let
everyone know just what that little thing can do, is to have
him do it.
Megan stood, cradling Onch in her arms, and walked
over to the corner. She put him down and he stood there
looking up at her with sleepy eyes. Sorry little guy but you
need to change and show everyone what your alter-ego

looks like.

Onch stretched, light sparkled around him and within

seconds he changed into his alter-egoa ten-foot tall
beast with a head that resembled a wolf but a mane that
made him look more like a lion. When he opened his
mouth, his double row of teeth, each tooth the size of
Megans hand caused the room to erupt into one solid
Donovan paled. Well, I guess that answers my
Seamus stood and started toward them. You mean to
tell me that thing is what took a chunk out of my chest? He
shook his head. No wonder the bloody thing hurt so much.
His mouth is enormous.
He eyed Onch wearily as he got closer. Will it let me
near you in its present form?
Megan laughed. For Goddess sake, Seamus, he
saved your life. Of course he will let you near me. And just
so you know he is not an it, he is a he.
Seamus reached her side and cautiously laid a hand on
Onch. Aye, and he does make me feel much better about
you traveling in the Between-World with him at you side.
Yep, me too. Onch, time to go back to your little self.
The light sparkled around him again and then on the
floor stood the little white fluff ball. Megan reached down,
picked him up and held him to her chest. Thats my good
Megan strode over to the couch and sat. Onch turned

around a few times, laid down, and once again fell fast
Sean shook his head. Well, Pet, you sure do come up
with some surprises. Now tell me about this traveling inbetween the worlds. I am not sure I like the sound of that.
Im not all that crazy about it myself. Although, I need to
talk to the Goddesses again, but from what they told me so
far, in order to be able to see and follow the threads
between Brenna and her family I have to go into the world
between Summerland and ours. They said there are some
scary things in there and that is why they gave me Onch.
Sean glared at Seamus. Is there not some other way to
do this? I do not like Megan being put in such danger.
Believe me, Sean, I tried telling the Goddess Morrgan
that, and I had every bone in my body broken for my trouble.
For some unknown reason, the Goddesses believe Megan
is the only one who is able to go in the Between-World.
Fiona gasped. When I spoke of the prophecy and said
that the Daughter of Prophecy would be able to travel
between the worlds, I thought it meant between here and
Summerland. It must have meant she could travel in the
Between-World. This is going to be very dangerous for her.
There must be some other way to do this. She could easily
be lost in that world. Why would the Goddesses expect
Megan to put herself in so much danger?
Seamus looked at his mother, feeling her distress.
Because Mum, she is the only one who can do it, evidently.
They did say that I was her beacon back to our world.
Fiona paled. That puts you in great danger as well.

Mallaidh will try everything in her power to kill you as well

once she figures out Megan is traveling in the BetweenWorld. We can only hope that once when Megan retrieves
Brennas family she will never have to go in between the
worlds again.
Unfortunately, the Goddesses say Mallaidh has done
this to more families since she tested it on Brenna. Megan
has to find them and then rescue their families as well.
Each time she does this, she will be weakening Mallaidhs
powers. And another thing Mum, Mallaidh does not need an
excuse to try to kill either one of us, or any of us, for that
matter. She has tried to kill us numerous times already.
That may be true. I just do not like the fact that Megan
will be traveling in that ghastly place, or putting you both
more firmly in Mallaidhs sights.
Megan nodded. I wish there was another way to do it
myself. Now, I am going to go check on Patrick and Brenna
and then figure out how to get back to Summerland and
finish talking to the Goddesses. See you all later.
Fiona blushed. I will stay in your room again and guard
your bodies. Hopefully this time I can do a better job.
Who ever came in last time used magic to put you to
sleep. This time Seamus will not be coming with me so you
can keep him company along with Onch.
Well, if they try anything again, they are going to be in
for one hell of a surprise with your little pup, Fiona said.
Megan laughed. Much more than they bargained for.

After their goodbyes, Megan and Seamus made their

way to Patricks room. Once there they knocked and, upon
Patrick letting them in, they sat and talked.
Surprised to see Brenna up and about Megan said,
How are you feeling?
A bit loopy, but at least I am not in some cramped
cage and I feel secure I will not hurt anyone.
She gave Seamus a sheepish look, I hope I was not
the one who tried to harm you.
Seamus smiled at her. Even if it was you Brenna, it
makes no matter. You would have been influenced and it
would have been beyond your control. As you can see, I am
fine. We will take more precautions now so do not let it
worry you.
Thank you. I just do not like the idea that Mallaidh might
be able to control me. How close are you to being able to
get her out of my head?
Unfortunately, we still have no clear cut way to do that.
But trust me, we will find some way to take care of it.
I hope it will be soon. It seems that every time I fight the
compulsion from Mallaidh, I get an excruciating headache. I
got one was when I would not contact Patrick telepathically
and again earlier when I tried to leave to find Conor so he
could give me the drug to stop me from using any of my
powers. She really seems to want to make me do things I
do not want to do.
You know, you do seem to have a strong will against

her. I believe that your own nature tries to defy her. So

personally, I dont think you were the one that put that
talisman on Seamus. In fact I think you would have fought
her with all your being. Turning to Seamus she said, I think
we are going to have to take stronger look at the possibility
someone else transported in here and did Mallaidhs
bidding, Megan said.
Brennas face brightened. Do you really think it is
possible I may not have done this?
Megan went to Brennas side and hugged her. I do.
When she chose to put whatever she did in your brain, she
wasnt counting on the fact that you have so strong a will or
that you have such a good heart. I think she underestimated
your sense of goodness. I can tell you this; we are going to
get rid of her one way or another. She may be strong, but
by the Goddesses, I am stronger. She has messed with the
wrong damn family if she thinks I am going to sit back and
let her do her nasty shit to us.
I want to be rid of her. But more importantly, I want to
bring her to justice. She took everything dear to me and I
want to get even.
Megan wanted to tell Brenna the truth about her parents,
but knew she couldnt. She did the same to me, so I know
just how you feel.
Well, when you go after her, I want to be front and
center. I want to watch her bleed for what she made
me do to my family.
I promise you can be there right with me.
Thank you so much.

Now, I have a lot of work to do if I am going to figure out

how to get Mallaidh out of your head. So, I will see you later.
Keep taking the drugs. She stopped, feeling Patricks
glare. Not because I dont trust you, but because it will
keep Mallaidh from hurting you. She cant get you to do
anything because it is compromising her magic as well.

Back in their room, Seamus pulled Megan into his

arms. He was proud to see her confidence growing, not just
in herself, but also in her abilities. He still hated that she
was expected to put her life in so much danger. However, in
gaining the assurance that he was beginning to see, she
would have a much better chance of coming out of this
You do not seem to think Brenna is the one who put the
talisman on me.
No, I dont. She is much too strong willed. She stopped
herself from doing many of the things Mallaidh wanted her
to do, at a great cost to herself. I think shes correct, she
gets those headaches when she fights Mallaidh.
You may be right. Which means someone else is
doing Mallaidhs bidding and that is a bit scary.
Im really looking forward to stripping that bitch of the

powers she has stolen and then taking her down once
and for all.
You are a vindictive little thing.
Megan smiled a very wicked smile. Now you know
you never want to get on my bad side.
Seamus tightened his hold on her. Not on your life.
Besides, I love you too much a chro, to ever want to do so.
Back at you, big guy. She reached up, pulled his head
down to her, and proceeded to kiss him senseless.

The next thing she knew as she was on her back, in bed
and blind with ecstasy. Seamus made her feel more
cherished than she had ever thought possible. He brought
her just to the point of her orgasm, but would not let her
tumble over. She was panting, squirming and screaming.
Yet still he kept her there, bringing her just to that point and
then slowing it down once again. Seamus, please.
Not yet, a mhirnn, I want you so ready for me you will
not be able to see straight or think.
Trust me, I am so there.
Instead of giving her what she wanted he brought his
mouth down to her and drove her even crazier. Finally, he
sent her spiraling and without giving her time to come down
he drove into her hard and fast, sending her flying all over
again. Still he didnt relent, he sent her over two more times

before he roared with his own release.

She lay there spent and so totally sated she thought she
might sleep for a year without thinking about getting up,
even to eat. Then she was in oblivion.

Chapter Fourteen
Megan woke with the sensation of being well loved.
When she stretched, her muscles ached in all the right
places from her and Seamuss lovemaking. She turned her
head and her gaze met those jade-green eyes. Then a
smile curved into those kissable lips.
You look quite refreshed and happy this morning.
Oh, more than youll ever know.
He reached for her, bringing his body over hers once
again. He smiled, his eyes twinkled and he said, Then I will
have to make sure I do know.
He proceeded to make her happy all over again.
Afterwards, he took her into the shower and made love
to her ever so slowly.
By the time she was dressed she felt like she was
floating. She really loved the way he made her feel. It was
as if she was and always would be the most precious thing
in his life.
You are a ghr.
Startled, her gaze flew toward him. You would think
after a few months I would be used to you sharing my
Not just your thoughts, but your feelings as well. You
know you can do the same.
I know. Its just I forget that part most of the time.
He came to her and pulled her into his arms. You have

had so much thrown at you in such a short period of

Well, I am about to have a whole lot more.
Now that is one thing I wish with all my heart would not
Yeah, me too. Unfortunately, thats the way it is. I need
to contact Mom and see if she can get hold of the
Goddesses so I can find out what else has to be done. I
need to get that bitch out of Brennas head, so she and
Uncle Patrick will be able to fully mate. Then, we can all
relax around her.
Seamus bent his head and kissed her soundly on the
lips. Then we best get started.
Megan pulled out her mothers memory stones. Raising
her hand with them lying in her palm, she spoke. The stones
lifted from her fingers and swirled. This time when the door
opened the Goddess Dan stood in front of her.
Megan bowed.
Laughter that sounded like crystal bells reverberated
through the room. You still do not know what to do or what
to call me do you child?
No, your Goddess, I have to honestly say I dont.
From this point forward, you will call me Dan.
But that seems so disrespectful.
No child, it is not words that are disrespectful.
Remember, I see your full being and hear your thoughts and
from there I see no disrespect at all. So call me Dan
instead of blundering around trying to figure out what to

Thank you.
Dans gaze then lit on Seamus. I am glad to see you
looking fit and well once again.
Thank you. From what I hear, it was touch and go there
for a while. I also would like to say thank you again for
intervening on my behalf after my improper words around
the Goddess Morrgan.
Aye, but I did not feel it was inappropriate for you to
voice your concerns for your mate. If it had been unsuitable,
I would have let Morrgan kill you and wiped Megans mind
of you. Make no mistake that you will need to be more
careful in the future.
Believe me, I have learned my lesson.
Very well. Now, it is time for you both to come back so
we may finish our conversation on how to weaken our
Dan, I thought it would be smart if I came alone. I dont
want to give Morrgan any reason to try to kill Seamus
Once again, laughter filled the room. No child that is not
possible. Now that you are fully mated, your mate will
always come with you, here.
Megan watched as Seamus went a bit pale. Then his
features changed. No disrespect Dan, but how is it then
that I cannot go with her to the Between-World.
Is she not able to walk from a room without you?
It works the same way in the realm between our worlds.

Megan will have her body with her, so therefore she will
travel without you. Now are you ready?
Since we will both be unconscious will you please give
us a few minutes to get Seamuss mother here, to watch
over our bodies?
Very well, you have five of your minutes. Make sure this
time Onch stays with your bodies as well. It would seem
our enemy has the ability to put humans under a sleep
Thank you. We will do that and see you soon.
The door to Summerland closed. Megan turned to
Seamus. Call your mother and please be careful what you
say around Morrgan. I dont want to lose you or my
memories again.
Seamus put his arms around her, drawing her to him.
Aye, I am not going to say a word no matter how much I
would want to. I do not have any intention of losing you.
Fiona materialized in the room. I thought you decided
you were not going to go with Megan when she went to
Summerland again.
It would seem I have no choice in that matter.
Fiona turned sheet white. Is there going to be some
type of retribution for your disrespect?
No, Mum, nothing like that. It seems the bond between
Megan and I will not allow her to travel without her body
anywhere without me along. As much as I like that idea,
trust me I am not looking forward to seeing Morrgan
Fiona, we dont have much time and I dont know how

long we are going to be gone. I need you to get acquainted

to Onch so he will listen to you while we are not in our
bodies. If he senses any danger, he will turn into his other
being. You know what that looks like so if he changes stick
close to him and call the others.
Do not worry. As scary as he looks, I know he will keep
us all safe.
Megan went over to the bed and picked up Onch.
Now little guy, this is Fiona and she is going to be here
with our bodies. You listen to her and if anything happens
you make sure you guard her as well. She then handed the
little white ball of fluff over to Fiona, who took him and
snuggled him in her arms.
He really is adorable in this form.
Yeah, he is.
A str, I think it would be best if we get on the bed as I

do not want Mum to have to pick us up off the floor. Plus, I

do not want any bruises on that lovely body of yours that I
personally did not put on it.
Megan could feel the flush run from her toes to the top of
her head, as she knew just what kind of bruising he was
talking about from the images he sent to her mind.
They both climbed into bed and continued to talk to
Fiona until their spirits left their bodies.
They materialized in front of a huge white temple, which
reminded Seamus of an ancient Greek temple, with tall
white pillars surrounding it and an enormous amount of
steps. What shocked Seamus most was seeing the

Goddesses Dan and Morrgan sitting on the grass,

playing with a group of children.
Do you think that all we do is sit around and act

I never actually thought about it. It was just a surprise
to see you both actually enjoying yourselves.
Well, we do have that privilege occasionally.
The children disappeared and the Goddesses stood.
Producing some chairs, Morrgan indicated to Seamus to
come and join them. Then Seamus and Megan along with
Bernadette and Conall walked over and each took a seat.
Before we get started, I would like to apologize to you,
Goddess Morrgan, for speaking out of turn, the last time
we were together.
Morrgan turned the depths of her gaze on Seamus. A
shiver ran up his spine.
You were in your right to worry for your mate. But I
advise you never speak to me in such a way again or you
will not live to regret it. She paused, before continuing. I
am also pleased to see that you were able to counter our
enemys curse.
I have to thank that little puff ball of yours, for that.
Morrgan let out a hoot of laughter. Puff ball? I can
guarantee that Onch is much more than that.
Oh aye, I have seen what he turns into.
I am to assume he is even now guarding your bodies?
Seamus nodded. Yes, and I thank you for loaning him
to us.

I have not loaned him to you. He will be yours from this

point forward. He will guard you both with his life.
Thank you.
Now that we have finished with the niceties, let us
continue explaining how you are to weaken our enemy.
Seamus was relieved that Morrgan did not seem to
harbor any animosity toward him. He had been worried she
would hold a grudge. When he looked at Megan, she
smiled at him.
Dan turned her ever-changing eyes on them. Now as
we have said earlier, you will go to the realm between our
worlds. You must set a circle as well as having a circle of
twelve of our people around you. Megan, you, Brenna and
Seamus will be in the inner circle. I would strongly suggest
you put Brenna in stasis long before you start. You do not
want to allow our enemy knowledge of your abilities before
you have saved her family. Then you will cast this spell.
She laid her hand on Megans head. As Megan
received the information so did Seamus. It came at such
speed it made him a bit dizzy.
Once you have performed the spell, you may step into
the realm between our worlds. Seamus is to remain in the
innermost circle for protection. Brenna must remain in order
for you to see the threads. You will follow those threads
from Brenna to her family. Our enemy will have her family
hidden away for she must keep them alive in order to
continue to draw on their powers through Brenna.
Morrgan took up from there. While you are in the

Between-World, you will be assaulted by many unnatural

entities. Do not let them distract you or you may lose sight
of the threads and become lost. That is the reason you
must bring Onch with you, as he is quite good at fending
off unwanted beings. If you should happen to lose your way,
your mate will be able to guide you back, but then you will
have to start anew. You will only be able to see the threads
as you stand in the realm between our worlds.
Megan fidgeted in her chair. What will these beings
look like?
Some of them will look very pleasing and others very
grotesque. Do not be fooled as they can even take on the
form of a loved one. You must remember that you will never
encounter someone you know in that realm. You may
become disoriented while you are in the Between-World,
as it has a tendency to drain your powers. Keep your
shields around you as there will be much magic thrown at
you. Do this as quickly as possible, for the longer you
remain in the realm between our worlds, the weaker you will
Seamus could feel Megans discomfort at Mrrgans
words. It took everything in his power not to jump up and
Then Dan started speaking again. Once you have
found Brennas family, you will have to come out from
between our worlds and transport them back to Br na
Binne. I bestow upon you the ability to transport another
on your own and the ability to leave in their place a form

resembling them.
Seamus interrupted then. May I ask a question?
W he n Dan nodded her consent, Seamus asked,
Once she has found Brennas family and is out of the
Between-World, may I then help her transport them back?
Dan smiled. As you share her abilities, you will be
able to do so.
Relief flooded through him and he could feel it
emanating from Megan as well.
Now, once you have completed this task, and only then,
may you cut the thread between Brenna and our enemy. If
you try to do so before hand, our enemy will kill her family
and in turn destroy Brenna. For even though she believes
she killed her family, she still has their essence running
through her.
Remember to re-forge the inner circle as well as having
the outer circle in place before you try to cut the threads.
Megan cleared her throat. How will I know which are the
threads are from Brenna to her family verses Brenna to
Dans face went blank for a moment and then she
said, The threads that go from Brenna and her family are
bluish in color. The thread that goes to our enemy shall be
vivid red.
So I have to follow the blue threads first and then cut the
red thread.
That is correct.
Is there anything else I have to know?

Morrgan spoke again. Once you have secured

Brennas family, you will have to once again go into the
realm between our worlds in order to sever the tie between
our enemy and Brenna. At that time, you will call forth my
sword, as it is the only thing that can actually cleave the
threads. As you sever the cord, Seamus must perform the
spell you were to use at Brenna and Patricks Deasghnth.
This will obliterate the spell our enemy originally used to
siphon the powers of her family and capture the shadow
essence of our enemy. Once that has been accomplished,
her family will begin to regenerate their powers. It may take
sometime before they are able to move about.
Dan took over the conversation. I have given you the
ability to transport people by yourself. There is one among
the Tuatha D Danann who has that ability and is also
destined to be mated to one of your uncles. Upon this
mating, all of your family will produce that ability. Beware,
our enemy already has the knowledge of this childs
existence and is at this moment plotting to steal that power.
With every thwart of her deceit, you weaken her. Know she
has been traveling the world to find the ones with the
powers she wants. She has accomplished much in the
years she has been doing so and is well versed in her
tainted magic.
Morrgan gazed first at Seamus then back to Megan.
Do not underestimate our enemy. Now that she has
perfected the stealing of anothers powers, she is on a
rapid quest to find and secure these people. And you must

in turn find them and reverse the process, or better still find
them before she does.
Megans gaze went from Dan to Morrgan. Which one
of my uncles are you talking about and how do I help find
this person?
Morrgan shook her head. That is not for us to say. You
cannot override the fates decision on when, where, or how
they shall meet.
Megan shifted in her chair, making Seamus want
relieve her angst in some way.
How do we keep her safe if we do not know who she
They will find each other and then you will know what to
Would it not be easier to follow the tread from Brenna
to Mallaidh and then have us all converge on her and take
her out?
Morrgan smiled, That would work if she did not have
the power she has. Remember she has stolen much power,
as you will see. She also does not stand alone. She makes
sure she has an army around her at all time. Each of which
is well versed in the art of black magic. Even with an army
behind you at this time, you would not be able to defeat her.
Your only success now will be to continue to find the people
she is stealing magic from and take it back. Once you have
depleted enough of her reservoirs, she will be vulnerable
enough for you to defeat her.
Morrgan turned her head and looked directly into

Seamuss eyes. As I said earlier, do not underestimate

her. Her practice of the dark arts is her strongest defense
and you will have to learn how to counteract much of that.
There is one among our people who is well versed in the
counteraction of the black arts. You will need to find her as
well. What you now have to concentrate on is depleting our
enemy of others magic.
Seamus could not keep his mouth shut at that point.
Anger and self-disgust bubbled up inside him like a
volcano. All those years I ran, thinking I was keeping our
people safe, I gave her the time she needed to perfect this.
I actually put all of the Tuatha D Danann in more danger
than if I had gone to the elders in the first place.
A smile came over Mrrgans lips. It may seem that
way, but make no mistake you played a very important part
in keeping our enemy from going after my children before
the time was right and the Daughter of Prophecy was ready
to take her rightful place. If you had gone to the elders, and
they had tried to defeat her then, all of my children would
have been lost. You kept her looking for you and thus
leaving Megan alone. You may think you did nothing, but
you were actually the one that prevented her from focusing
on her ability to steal magic.
Relief poured over him like a balm. Now he finally knew
he had done the right thing. It had played on his mind for so
long after he found out Mallaidh had been behind this whole
mess. He felt Megans love and encouragement rush
through him as well. All he had to do now was figure out
how to keep Megan safe during this whole thing.

We will leave you to your visiting with Conall and

Bernadette for a while before you go back to your world.
Take this time to relax, because once you return to your
realm you will have little time to rest.
With that, both Goddesses disappeared.
Megan got up and walked over to Seamus. Can we
take the time to relax? I really think we should get back and
get this show on the road.
Aye, a ghr, I might agree with you if Morrgan had not
said once we do, rest will be a long time coming. You will
not take the rest if you feel there is some way you can help
your family. Let us take an hour or so just to do something
Seamus could see Megan grappling with the idea of
staying and relaxing or rushing back and getting Brenna
away from Mallaidh. Finally, she nodded.
Seamus looked at Conall and Bernadette and said, Let
the four of us go for a walk on the beach and catch up on
old times.
That is a grand idea. I would like to hear how you have
been keeping Mallaidh busy for the last seventeen years,
Conall said.
Seamus laughed. One minute they were standing in
front of the temple and the next the four of them were
walking in white sand with the waves gently rolling around
their feet. They talked about what he had been doing and
then the conversation turned to what had happened in the
last few weeks.
Megan told her mother and father about everything that

had happened since she had seen them last and how
Mallaidh had been doubling her effort to destroy the Tuatha
D Danann. They were thrilled how, at each attack, things
had turned their way and against Mallaidh.
Seamus felt at peace, knowing nothing could happen to
Megan as she took some much-needed time out.
Unfortunately, that time ended all too soon. They said their
goodbyes and within seconds, they stirred in their bodies
back in Br na Binne.

Chapter Fifteen
Megan opened her eyes to see Fiona sitting on the
chair petting their little ball of fluff, Onch. With her hello,
Onch took a flying leap from Fionas lap to the bed and
slobbered kisses all over Megan. Easy little guy, you would
think Id been gone a millennium.
Fiona shook her head and laughed. He laid between
the two of you for hours. Finally, he came down so I could
feed him. After which, he decided it would be great to get
some attention and has been in my lap for the last few
hours. I must say he is the softest little thing, at least when
he is in this form. How did it go with the Goddesses? Did
you receive the information you needed?
Yes, and we are going to be able to free Brenna from
Mallaidh in a few hours.
Praise the Goddesses for that. Patrick stopped by a
few hours ago when Conor gave Brenna another shot. He
is quite anxious to get this over with so he can finally come
together with his mate in all ways.
Im sure he is. Seamus and I have some prep work to
do so we can make his wish come true. It should only take
us about three or four hours and we can get started. Dont
tell Patrick anything yet. I know he is going to get all bent
out of shape when I tell him we are going to have to knock
Brenna out so Mallaidh will not know what I am doing.
Fiona paled, Could her knowing what is going on

compromise what you are doing?

Big time, so Im going to have to explain it all to
Patrick alone.
How dangerous is this going to be for you and
Seamus spoke then. Megan traveling through the
Between-World alone could be very treacherous. Once she
finds Brennas family, I will be able to join her and we can
bring them back here.
Megan could feel the worry Seamus tried to hide from
his mother as he continued.
Mum, you and Conor are going to need to set up some
life support systems to transfer Brennas family into until we
break Mallaidhs bond. They still may need it for a little
while after we do so. She has been draining them now for
over two months so they will be quite depleted.
Do not worry. I will get with Conor and we will get
everything set up.
Fiona, we are going to have to bring in the rest of the
family as well in order to set up the spell. I contacted them
already and told them to be here in three hours so we can
let them know what is going to happen. Maybe Conor could
go in just before they arrive and give Brenna another shot
along with something that will keep her knocked out for
about four hours.
Fiona gasped. Will it take that long?
I dont think so but I want the extra time, in case I need
Very well, I will get everything set on our end. See you


Patrick kissed Brenna and told her he would be back in

a minute.
He transported back to Megan and Seamuss room to
find it empty.

They are back, that means they must know how to get
that thing in Brennas head out. Thank the Goddess.
Uncle Patrick, what is it?
I just came to your room to see if you had come back
yet and found it empty.
We are down in the archives. Were just finished and
will be back soon.
Without saying another word, he transported to the
Megan jumped as he appeared in front of her. I was
going to tell you were going to meet in the great hall in a
few hours. Conor needs to give Brenna another shot to
make sure she sleeps through the spell.
Why? She just had one about twelve hours ago. I do not
want her having more than she needs.
This one will knock her out so Mallaidh wont know what
we are doing. I need the element of surprise if I am to get

her family out safe.

Dammit, Megs, I do not like her having all these
Uncle Patrick, do you want her to be free of Mallaidh
or not?
Sorry. Aye, but is there not some way other than
drugging her?
Seamus said, There is no other way without putting
Megan in great danger. If Mallaidh even suspects Megan is
in the Between-World or near one of her hidey-holes,
Mallaidh will be waiting for Megan and I am not about to
have that. So get over your shite and let us do what needs
to be done to get Mallaidh out of Brennas life once and for
Mortified that his reluctance to drug his mate could
possibly put his niece in danger, he said, Sorry, I guess I
was not thinking Megan would be in danger. I will go back
to Brenna and wait until Conor comes.
Megan put her hand on his shoulder. Uncle Patrick, I
know you hate this and so do I, but once I finish this she will
be free of Mallaidh and everyone will be more at ease. Just
bare with this for a few more hours.
Patrick pulled Megan into a hug. I know you are doing
everything possible, including putting yourself at great risk,
which I do not want either. I will do whatever needs to be
done to get that bitch out of Brennas head permanently.
Good. As soon as Conor puts Brenna to sleep, meet
us in the great hall and I will explain everything we are
planning to do.

He kissed the top of her head. See you soon and be


Well then, I guess we are finished here. Seamus gave

Megan one of those looks that curled her toes. Then he
sauntered up and put his arms around her. I hate the fact
that you will be in the Between-World without me.
Trust me, Im not that crazy about the idea myself. I am
really grateful I have Onch. Im not sure I want to go there
at all but at least with him I will feel a bit safer.
As he held her and listened, he transported them back
to their room. I need to be alone with you for a few minutes
before the circus starts.
Megan could feel his fears and, knowing there was no
way to diminish them, she decided they could wait a bit
longer before going to see the family. She pushed him until
he stood next to the bed and then gave him one good
shove. She followed him down and at the same time
dissolved their clothes. She took her time worshiping his
body. She was about to claim him when he reversed their
positions and proceeded to reciprocate. When he brought
her to a feverous pitch, he plunged into her. Her orgasm
poured through her and his followed. Fully sated, she lay
there trying to catch her breath. No matter how many times
they made love, it always seemed better than the last. It

didnt matter if they made love slowly or at the speed of

light, she enjoyed it just the same. Once their heart rates
slowed to normal, they got up and dressed, both knowing
they could not procrastinate any longer.
I guess we better go ahead and get this done.
Seamus nodded. Aye, as much as I would like to stay
here and never let you leave my side, I know that is not
Seamus, I would like nothing better than to not have to
do this either, but it seems it is my destiny.
Seamus answered by pulling her to him and holding her
close. She felt safe in his arms and when he finally let her
go, an emptiness encompassed her. She shivered, which
caused Seamus to give her a quizzical look.
Its nothing. I just got a chill for a second. Must be
because I missed your body heat.
I will always be there to warm you. He pulled her back
into his arms.
She snuggled closer and with a nod, transported to the
great hall with him.

Patrick transported back to his own room to find it

empty. Brenna?
When he got no answer, he searched every room in his
suite. Brenna was nowhere.
He flung the door open and collided with Conor. He

grabbed Conors collar and shook him. Where is she?

What have you done to Brenna?
What do you mean? What the hell is going on?
She is not here. I cannot find her anywhere. Why are
you here anyway?
I came to give her the extra shot.
I left for a few minutes to talk to Megan. When I got
back, she was gone.
Dammit, she cannot be far. She cannot use her
magic, so she must be wandering around
We need to find her fast so she cannot overhear
anything that might put Megan in danger.
Then we better hurry. Everyone is gathering in the
great hall. We need to go tell them to keep quiet and
help us find Brenna.
When they transported to the great hall they found
Sean in conversation with, Colon, Ruairi and Brian.
Listen up, Brenna has gone missing and we need to
locate her fast, Patrick said.
They spread out and within half an hour they all returned
to the great hall. No one could find Brenna. Just then,
Megan and Seamus arrived.
Megan glanced around the room and asked, Whats
going on?
We cannot find Brenna. When I got back to my room
she was not there, Patrick said.
Well, she has to be somewhere. She cant transport
out of here.

We have searched everywhere.

Patrick watched as Megan closed her eyes.
She is not in Br na Binne.
Conor said, How could she transport out? Her last shot
was only twelve hours ago. There is no way she shook off
the effects that quickly.
Megan turned to Patrick. I am going to your room and
see if I can figure out what happened.
Megan, Seamus, Patrick and Onch materialized in
Patricks room. Closing her eyes Megan tried to get a
sense of what had gone on. She stepped over to the bed,
bent down and picked up the necklace Brenna always
Patrick snatched the necklace. She would never leave
this. She told me her father gave it to her. She always wore
Then she left it to let us know she didnt go willingly, or it
is a very great ploy.
Seamus, his fists clenched, said, Dammit to hell and
back. It would have taken seven of them to transport her
out. How are they getting into Br na Binne if they are
Thats the optimal question.
Megan watched Patrick sink to the bed as if his very life
drained from him. His breath shuddered out. We have to
find her now. I cannot lose her.
Uncle Patrick, we are going to find her. Megan
crossed the room to hug her uncle. Im just going to have to
change things up to do so. Give me ten minutes and meet

me in the great hall. I just have to get a few more things.

Seamus turned to Megan, gripping her arm. Aye, what
is it you are intending to do?
Seamus, give me a few minutes to get what I need.
Take Uncle Patrick to the great hall and I will explain
everything as soon as I get there. She pulled away from his
If there is some way Mallaidh and her group are getting
into Br na Binne, I am not leaving you alone.
I will have Onch with me so dont worry. Seamuss
scowl would have intimidated most people. Megan patted
his arm. Just get to the great hall and make sure you stay
at Uncle Patricks side at all times.
Seamus started to say something, but Megan squeezed
his arm. Dont let him out of your sight. Hes ready to bolt.

Without him, I cant find Brenna and if Mallaidh should get

hold of Uncle Patrick we are all in trouble.
Aye, but I still do not like leaving you alone. Be very
careful, I cannot lose you.

Patrick went with Seamus to the great hall. Everyone

gathered around as Patrick told them Brenna had been
taken against her will.
Ruairi glared at Patrick. How could anyone that

malicious get in here? Br na Binne protects itself and us.

There is no possible way for someone with malice in their
hearts or one that practices the dark arts to come through
its wards.
Seamus cut off what Patrick was about to say when he
gripped his arm and said, Ruairi, I am not sure how it has
happened, but now we have two incidents that are cagey.
Megan has something planned so let us wait for her and not
jump to any conclusions.
Ruairi shrugged, turned and walked away.
Patrick felt numb. It didnt matter to him how or why
Brenna left. All he wanted was to find herfast. If Mallaidh
had Brenna, she could be torturing her as he waited for
Megan to get here.
Seamus, who still had hold of his arm, squeezed it
again as if knowing his thoughts. Paddy, Megan is going
to find her. You have to believe that. She says she has a
plan so we need to wait. You cannot go off half-cocked.
There is not much use to that as we do not have a clue to
where she could be.
Pulling his arm from Seamuss grip, Patrick jabbed his
finger in Seamuss chest. You of all people know what that
bitch does to prisoners. Brenna has defied Mallaidh at
every turn. Just how do you think Mallaidh will get even?
Seamus grabbed Patricks wrist and glared at him
through narrowed eyes. One thing I can guarantee is she
will not kill Brenna. She needs her to siphon off the ODwyer
familys powers.
There are worse things than death. You know that first

hand. Look what they did to Megan in the short time they
had her. That bitch had Brenna a year. She has done
enough. We need to find her now.
Dammit, I know what you are going through. I was
frantic and wanted to take off someones head the day
Megan went missing. As hard as it was, I had to listen to
Noel and cut my connection to Megan, in order to save her.
So give Megan a chance to do the same for you.
Fine, I will see what she has to offer. But it had better
be good. I will not wait very long.
Patrick whirled around, pacing the room in long strides,
trying to calm himself before he said or did something he
could not take back.

Upon leaving Seamus and Patrick, Megan materialized

into the infirmary. She found Conor explaining to Fiona
what had happened. They both looked up and asked in
unison if she had figured out how Brenna had left Br na

I dont think she left willingly.
Fiona sucked in air. How is that possible? Br na
Binne does not allow anyone in here who practices the
dark arts.
Your guess is as good as mine. But right now we have

work to do. I need you to transport one of the life support

systems into the great room.
Why do you need one in there for?
Ill explain it once everyone is there. Just do as I say for
now, please.
Megan transported to her room, pulled out her mothers
memory stones and recited the spell to call Dan. When
Dan appeared, Megan explained the situation and what
she thought might work. The Goddess agreed and
elaborated on the spell Megan was to use. Megan thanked
Dan, closed the veil, and transported to the great hall.
She hadnt fully materialized before both Seamus and
Patrick were at her side. Patrick bombarded her with
Hold on, Uncle Patrick, lets get everyone together so I
only have to explain this once. He didnt look happy
but he nodded.
Everyone, please sit so I can explain what we are
going to do.
Once everyone sat, Megan continued. Okay, Ive had to
change the way were going to do this since Brenna has
disappeared. Instead of Brenna, Im going to have to use
Uncle Patrick to find Brenna first and then through her find
her family.
How exactly are you going to find Brenna through me
since I do not have a mental connection with her?
Staring at Patrick she said, You are going to have to
contact her. Before you do, Im going to strip the powers I
gave you to walk around undetected. I dont want Mallaidh

getting hold of that. Ill also have to reverse the blocking

spell. Once Mallaidh starts to siphon your powers, Conor
and Fiona will put you on life support.
Megan scanned the room and continued.
Then were going to create two circles. The first is a
normal spell circle the second and outer circle will consist
of twelve of you. This outside circle cant be broken during
this process for any reason. Seamus will break the inner
circle once I have located Brennas family as he is going to
be helping me transport them back here.
Shifting from one foot to the other, Megan went on.
After we get Brenna and her family back here safely, well
once again close the inner circle with Brenna, Seamus and
me inside. Then I am going to cut Mallaidhs tie to Brenna.
At the same time Seamus will cast the spell to capture the
magical shadow Mallaidh has in Brennas brain.
Donovan cleared his throat. You make it sound easy
enough, but I know it cannot be so. So tell me how are you
going to follow these threads from Paddy to Brenna and
then from Brenna to her family?
Megan hoped no one would ask that. She looked at
Seamus and he answered for her.
Megan and Onch will be traveling in the BetweenWorld. He held up his hand to ward off all questions. I do
not like this anymore than the rest of you, but it must be
done this way. The Between-World is a dangerous place,
and you all have seen Onch in his other form, so she will
be protected. I will be staying in the inner circle in case she

somehow gets lost so I may guide her back. If that

happens, she will have to start all over. So pray to the
Goddesses she succeeds the first time. We do not want
this to take any longer than necessary.
Seamus drew a slow breath and looked toward Patrick.
Paddy, when you contact Brenna, remember to keep
your shields tight so she cannot read your mind. If Mallaidh
has any inclination what we are doing, she will not hesitate
to kill Brennas family before we can rescue them. And
once she has no use for Brenna, she will kill her as well.
Megan glanced around the room and then continued.
Once Uncle Patrick has contacted Brenna you must all
shield yourselves in case there is any way Mallaidh can use
him as a conduit to any of us. Now does anyone have any
questions? Keep them short. We really need to get started.

When no one spoke, Megan sighed, as she tried to

exhibit a confidence she was not sure she actually
possessed. Okay, lets do this.
Megan set the circle, first holding an ornate knife
pointed toward the ground. She walked the circle a second
time sprinkling salt, then again with incense. On the fourth
time around, as she passed each of the four corners north,
south, east and west the candles sprang to life. Finally, she
completed the circle sprinkling water. Once finished, she
turned to Patrick and recited the spell to strip him of any
powers she had bestowed on him. She put a secondary
shield around his memories. Then she reversed the
blocking and dampening spells. She opened the circle,

gesturing for him to walk out. Contact Brenna and make it

look like you are desperate to find her.
He nodded, left the circle and tried to contact Brenna.
On the outskirts of his mind Megan listened to Brenna
shriek, "No, this is what she wanted. Now she has
succeeded in killing you as well."
Megan withdrew from Patrick's mind as he grabbed his
head and screamed. Seamus and Conor caught him
before he hit the ground and Fiona attached the life
support. They carried him into the circle and laid him on the
Megan wiped her brow. Now form the outer circle and
remember do not, under any circumstances, break it or Im
as good as dead.
A murmur went around the room as the others began to
form the outer circle. When Shannon started to walk in,
Megan said, No, Shannon, you need to stay with Fiona
and Conor to help with the life support once we bring
Brennas family here.
But you need twelve.
Seamuss youngest brother, Aron, moved to Shannon
and put his arm around her shoulder. I have it, Sis.
Megan closed the inner circle once more, took a deep
breath and glanced at Seamus.
Be careful, a chro, and stay connected to me at all
times. Seamuss gaze held all the love she knew he
carried for her.
I will. I love you.
Megan took another deep breath and started the spell

to open the veil to the Between-World. Once open, she and

Onch stepped through. She saw the dozens of threads
coming from Patricks body. All but one went right back out
of the Between-World, each connecting to a member of her
family. She looked toward Onch who had changed into his
wolf-lion form and said, Well, big guy, lets get this done.
She began to follow the thread that went deeper into the
Between-World and could feel the oiliness of this world
trying to coat her skin.

Chapter Sixteen
Brenna woke feeling as if her brain was made of cotton
candy. She shook her head, trying to clear it and realized
she was secured to a table. Fear coursed through her. The
blond-haired man who had come to her in Br na Binne
sat beside her. A young girl, with flowing blond hair walked
in and sat in another chair. She looked no more than
How could they could walk around freely and do
nothing? Why are you helping Mallaidh? She is trying
to destroy our people.
The young man raised his head. Sorrow filled his
piercing, chestnut-brown eyes. We have no choice.
Ridiculous. We always have a choice.
Not if we want our families to live.
Brenna gasped. She has threatened your families?
The girl sitting in the chair next to the table gave a
sardonic laugh. Shell kill my parents if I dont do as
she commands.
Brenna, where are you? Come back to me.
At the sound of his voice, a vice like sensation
constricted her heart. She clenched her fists as his scream
echoed in her head. No, this is what Mallaidh wanted. Now

she has succeeded in killing you as well.

Tears streamed down Brennas cheeks. She looked

between the two people in the room with her. Damn her.
Now, she has killed my mate as well as my family. You have
to get away from her. She does not care who she kills to
steal their magic. She will do to your families what she has
done to mine.
The girl shook her head. She cant steal magic from the
dead. Shes using you to siphon their magic, just like shes
doing with us. She motioned between the man and herself.
NoI saw my whole family die and those men threw
them into a basket as if they were garbage.
The girl laughed. Brenna, think. If someone dies, their
magic goes with them.
When it sunk in, relief flooded through her. Oh Goddess,
she had not killed them. Where are they? We have to save
them. She struggled against her bonds.
Theres no way to find them. Mallaidhs taken them
some place and well never see them again. But, at least I
know my parents are alive. Im going to do whatever she
tells me so theyll stay that way. If you want your family to
stay alive, youll do so, too.
There has to be some way to stop her.
Dont be stupid. She knows what youre thinking as well
as what youre doing. Why do you think she instructed us to
drug you and strap you to the table? Youve got to think this
through. Do you really think you can do something before
shed be able to get to your family and kill them?
So, whatyou just sit here like good little puppies and
wait for her to pat you on your head and tell you what a
good job you did?

Weve no other choice. The young man spoke. She

has my mother and father along with my sister someplace,
but my mate lies unconscious in the next room, on life
support. She has about a month left of her pregnancy and
Mallaidh promised she would allow her to go to Br na
Binne when her time comes. So, no, I have no choice.
Brennas mind raced.

Would Mallaidh really allow his mate to go to Br na

Binne? Would Megan figure out that Patrick was not
dead and put him on some type of life support? If she
figured that out, would she be able to somehow save my
parents and me? No, only a life mate can track down their
mate and Patrick is now incapacitated. So, where does
that leave me? To do Mallaidhs bidding as these two
people are? Would my family want to live the way they are
now? What kind of life is that? Her head started hurting and
she wasnt sure if it was from all the questions rolling
around in her mind or if Mallaidh was punishing her once
What are your names?
Im Una and hes Kyle.

Megan drudged through the oily gunk for what seemed

like forever. She could feel the inkiness wrenching at her

essence. All she wanted to do was change her mind and

run back to Seamus. Someone strode toward her. As the
person got closer, Megan recognized her.
Yes, honey, I need you to come with me. She held out
her hand. At the same time, Onch growled.
Megan looked from her mom to Onch. Onch growled
again, louder.
You cant be my mom. She is in Summerland.
No, Im right here. Now come quickly. You are in
danger. Her mother reached toward her. Megan wanted to
grasp the womans hand, but something about this person
repulsed her.
Megan, it is an illusion, remember what Morrgan

said. Stay on your path to find Brenna.

Megan shook her head. No, you are not my mother.
The figures head elongated, horns grew from the skull,
hands turned to claws, and then it lunged. Megan screamed
and jumped backward as Onch leapt and destroyed it.
A ghr, are you all right? Megan, talk to me.
Im fine its just thatthat thing turned really ugly and

tried to attack me. Onch got it before it could reach me.

Yuck, how gross.
Remember what the Goddess told you. Things in the
Between-World will try to deceive you.
Yeah, and it did look just like Mom. Only it called me
honey and Mom would never call me that.
Are you feeling all right?

Megan nodded, forgetting Seamus couldnt see her.

Im fine except for feeling like someone pulled my plug.

Do you need me to send you some energy?
Save it. I may need it later. How long have I been in
here? It feels like hours.
Fifteen minutes. It sounds as if the Between-World is
draining you very fast.
I feel like Im walking through sludge. It is dragging at
Onch stopped and sniffed the air. Megan glanced
around. Wait. Seamus, I think the thread is going out of
this realm, but there are a bunch more coming in. Way
more than the five that should be coming from Brenna
and they are all heading in the same direction.
Megan peered through the veil and saw Brenna and two
other people. Shit, shit, shit.
Megan, what is it?
Brenna is strapped to a table. There are two other

people in the room. They also have a red thread coming

from them and a bunch of blue ones. Tell Fiona she is
going to need more life supports. We cant leave them.
Megan, our main objective is to save Brenna and her
I know, but we cant leave them. Ill only have to come
back and it will be harder once Mallaidh figures out what I
As Megan continued to peer through the veil, two men in

white coats walked in. The cart they pushed carried the
same kind of instruments she remembered from her own
captivity. The girl sitting in the chair next to Brenna turned
white and tears rolled from her eyes.
She said she was going to have to punish you for
disobeying her. I cannot stay here and watch this.
One of the men turned and slapped the girl. Boss sez
stay so ya know what shell do when ya dont obey her.
Seamus, theyre going to hurt her. I have to do

NO. If you reveal yourself now you will not save her
family. I know they are going to make her suffer, but you
cannot do anything for her now. Turn away and follow the
threads to her parents. MeganDoItNow.
But theyre going to do the same things they did to
me. I know it.
A str, listen to me. You will defeat your purpose for
being there if you do this. Please follow the cords, now.
Megan turned away, tears in her eyes. She knew
Seamus was right. She also knew she had to save those
other two people and their families as well. It was much
easier to follow the threads from Brenna toward her family,
as she not only had Brennas five threads but five others
that traveled with them. Her legs felt like lead weights and
she even stumbled a time or two. She looked around for
somewhere to sit and spotted a tree stump. She trudged
toward it when Onch stepped in her path.
What is it big guy? I just want to sit and rest for a few

He growled at her. Oh come on, walking through this
sludge is so tiring. Let me go sit for a minute. She tried to
push him out of the way but he wouldnt budge.
She looked over his back to see the stump grow into
another one of those ugly creatures. Look out.
Onch whirled around in time to devour the creature.
Two others stood a short distance away holding someone.
When the person looked up, it was her dad.
Help me, Megan.
Without thinking, Megan started running toward him.
Megan, stop.
Seamus, they have my dad.
No, Megan, it is not your da, it is another illusion.
Megan skidded to a stop a few feet from them, but it
was too late. Now she was surrounded by six more of the
The one that looked like her dad smiled and then began
to change into one of the creatures. You belong to me
now. He started toward her.
Onch barreled up behind the creature and jumped it.
The others closed in around him. Megan put her hand up
and called for Mrrgans sword. When it appeared, it was
too heavy for her to hold.
Seamus, I need some of your power.
Megan, get out of there.
I cant, they have Onch.
Seamuss power poured through her. She wielded the

sword, cutting her way through the creatures. When she

killed the last one and flung them off, she found Onch cut
and battered, but alive. He tried to stand only to fall back to
the ground.
Seamus, I need to transport back to you with Onch,

hes hurt badly and I cant leave him here or go on without

A ghr, come home to me.
Megan put her hands on Onch and willed herself back
to Seamus. Seconds later, she was sitting in the inner
Seamus pulled her to him and held her. She looked up
into his eyes and said, How could I be so stupid? I failed
everyone. I allowed those creatures to trick me.
Seamus closed the veil and opened the circle. You
need to rest for a while. We can give everyone a chance to
relax and then you can start again.
Ive wasted so much time and now I have to start from
No love, once you have rested you can step into the
Between-World and you only have to will yourself to Brenna.
Then you can continue from there.
I cant afford to rest, I need to get back. Those men are
going to torture Brenna.
The words barely left her lips when Patrick began
thrashing around moaning. Look, hes feeling her pain.
Seamus, I have to get back there. Now.
Megan, stop, you cannot go in there without Onch,

and he is going to need a little time to recuperate. There is

nothing you can do for Brenna at the moment. Until then,
you might as well rest and let everyone know what you have
found out so far.
Seamus broke the circle. When he did, Onch changed
shape and stood on unsteady legs. Seamus put his arm
around Megan and helped her across the room with a slow
moving Onch in tow. Fiona transported to Patrick and
checked his vitals.
He is doing fine, although he is feeling Brennas
Seamus sat and pulled Megan onto his lap. She looked
around at everyone holding the outer circle and told them
what she had seen.
When she finished Ruairi asked, So we know she has
at least two others she is using as siphons. I agree we have
to bring them all back here and cut their connection to
Mallaidh. He glanced at Megan. The question being, are
you going to be able to do this without draining Seamuss
and your powers completely? Before Megan could argue,
Ruairi continued, Megan, you looked ready to fall on your
face when you came back through the veil.
Seamus spoke for her. As long as Megan can get to
where Brennas family and the others are without
expending much more energy, she should be fine. Once
she is out of the Between-World, her powers will stop being
drained. The two of us should have no trouble transporting
them all back here.
Megan put up her hand. There is one problem I saw.

Seamus looked at her. What was that?

When I looked through the veil at the man that was with
Brenna, he had three threads that went in the same
direction as the rest, but he also had one that seemed to go
somewhere else. It came in and went out again almost
immediately. I didnt try to see where it went so I dont know
how much of a problem it is, but it means he has another
person attached to him that is not with the rest.
Seamus nodded. That may indeed be a problem.
When I go back to start looking for the families I will try
to see where the other thread leads.
Just then, Onch came bounding up to them and
jumped up on Megans lap. Well, I guess he is telling me
its time to get going again.
They stood and went back to reform the inner circle.
Megan had to admit just sitting and relaxing that short time
had helped revive her. She closed the inner circle again
around Patrick, Seamus, herself and Onch. Looking out
she saw the outer circle was set as well. She smiled. I
wont let anything distract me.
Megan looked down at her uncle who seemed more at
ease. She touched his cheek. I have found her. All I have to
do is find her family and bring them all home safely. Im so
sorry she has to suffer in the meantime.
She turned from him to Seamus. She hugged him tightly
and then let go and started to chant. The veil opened and
she and Onch stepped through. She willed herself back to
Brenna. When she gazed through the veil, she looked for

the man and followed the stray thread. Seamus the thread

that doesnt go with the rest goes to the next room. There
is a woman on life support and she is pregnant. I cant tell
how far along she is, but she is quite big.
Dammit to hell and back. I hope she is not going to
complicate matters with going into labor before we can
complete this rescue.
She looks like she could pop any moment. I hope we
have time to get them out of there. If we dont, she will die
like my mother.
Aye, now do not waste any more of your energy and
follow those cords.
She took one last look at Brenna and what she saw
made her blood run cold. One of the bastards that had
been torturing her was now running his hand up her leg.
Megan took off at a fast clip. Come on Onch, we have no
time to waste, that jerk has rape on his mind and I have to
get back there before he acts on it.
As they continued, Onch had attacked three more of
the creatures along the way. It felt like she had run for miles.
Megan could feel her energy waning again. Seamus began
to flow energy to her and she knew he wouldnt let her tire
as much this time. Even so, her legs began to feel like lead.
She was ready to sit when she saw the threads exit the veil.
She peered through and saw fifteen of the glass-covered
life support contraptions she saw in the room next to
Brennas. Ten were occupied.
Seamus, I found them.

Grand, open a small hole and mark the area. I want

you to come back here for a bit before we rescue them.
You have spent too long in the world between.
Megan did so and asked, Do you have a reading?
Aye, now come to me, a ghr.
Seconds later, Megan stepped through the veil into
Seamuss arms. Over her head she heard him whisper the
spell to close the veil. Once done, he broke the circle. He
set her away from him and gave her the once over. He then
told everyone else they could break the outer circle until
they finished retrieving the captives, as there was no one to
protect at the moment.
You look beat. Have a seat while we transfer Patrick to
the infirmary. You need to take a short break.
We have to hurry. Im worried that one of those men in
the white coats is going to rape Brenna. He was touching
her when I looked through the veil.
She watched as Seamus closed his eyes, shook his
head, and exhaled slowly. If you saw that when you first
went in, I do not think we have much hope of stopping it.
Megan you were in there over forty-five minutes this time.
Tears streamed down Megans cheeks, Goddess, help
her. Could that bitch do anymore to hurt her? Brenna thinks
she has killed her entire family and her mate and now
Mallaidh has taken her dignity. I hope she keeps her will to
live long enough for us to save her.
She has a strong will, Megan. I think she is going to do
everything in her power to stay alive just so she can have

her revenge on Mallaidh.

Seamus took Megan by the shoulders and turned her,
pointing to the couch. Now go on over and lay on that
couch for a bit while I make sure everything is set up.
Dont take too long, Im already feeling better.

Chapter Seventeen
It felt like an eternity of torture. When one of Brennas
torturers started groping her, a cold sweat broke over her
body. Goddess save me, do not let that son of a bitch rape
me. When she felt his hand slide up her thigh she tried to
shift away, only to be brought up short by the restraints.
The bastard laughed as he dug his fingers into her
Una said, Leave her alone. Havent you done enough
damage to her? Im sure Mallaidh didnt tell you to abuse
Brenna heard a slap. How dare ya talk to me dat way,
ya whore. I can do anyting I wants to her. In fact, while Im
having fun wit her, Sam is goin a have fun wit ya.
Brenna heard Kyles chair crash to the ground as he
jumped from it. Stop it, leave them both alone. You might
have them at a disadvantage; however, I am far from afraid
of you.
Well now, listen to da little prick, Sam, he tinks we
wont hurt him cause hes a man. How about you hold him
down and I show him just what I can do to him. Den when
were done wit him Ill go next door and bang his wife.
Maybe if I bonk her hard enough shell abort dat
abomination shes carryin.
Brenna heard another crash and oomph. She turned
her head to see what was going on, but all she could see

was the cart on its side. She heard more shuffling and
grunting then saw an elbow coming up and back down
again. The sound of bones shattering made her shudder.
Sam, help me drag dis prick next door. Ill deal wit him
Brenna watched them drag Kyle from the room. Blood
covered the front of his shirt.
After they left, Brenna said, Help me out of these
When she got no answer, she looked to see Una
sitting on the cot staring at the door. UnaUna can
you hear me?
Una shook herself, and then turned her glassy eyes to
Una, I need you to free me.
No, shell have me punished if I do.
They are going to rape us either way. Maybe with me
free we will have a fighting chance.
You saw what they did to Kyle. How do you think we
stand a chance?
I do not know, but I want a chance to at least fend him
Brenna, these guys do what they want. Weve no say
on how or what they do to us.
They have already raped you?
Una hid her face. Anytime they want to get their
Oh Goddess, Una, I am so sorry. How long has this
been going on?

Ive been here for about six months. They raped me

regularly after they finished torturing me. About a month
ago, Mallaidh did something to me and then she had me
contact my family. I could hear their screams as each of
them contacted me back. Mallaidh sent men out to our
house to collect them. They took them somewhere and are
keeping them like they have Kyles mate. Mallaidh says
they will be safe as long as I do as she says. Una took a
long breath and blew it out. I fought her at first. She had me
strapped down to that table, tortured and raped repeatedly
for a week. Now those guys only come in a few times a
week. At least they do not strap me down to that table
anymore. Or worse, throw me into one of Mallaidhs cages
when they are finished with me.
I guess I should be grateful I was in wolf form during
my earlier captivity.
I dont think that would make much of a difference to
those two. Theyre the worst of all of her henchman.
Goddess, there has to be some way of getting out of
here. Brenna struggled against the metal straps
binding her to the table.
Believe me, Brenna, if there was, Kyle and I would have
tried. Mallaidh knows what were thinking. Youre better off
accepting this as your new life and live with it. Itll make it
easier for you once she unstraps you from that table. After a
while you just find someplace to let your mind go to while
you are being defiled.

Please, Megan, find me and save me from this. I think

I would rather be dead than go through what Una has

been suffering.

Once everything was ready, Seamus came back to

Megan, who had been dozing on the couch. She blinked a
few times and smiled. I guess I was a bit tired.
You should be, after spending so much time in the
Between-World. Do you want to rest a little longer?
Megan sat up. No, I feel better now. Lets get this over
with. I dont want Brenna there any longer than she has to
be. The thought of her getting raped has my stomach in
Seamus sat beside her, put a finger under her chin to
bring her head up and looked her in the eyes. Just
remember, no matter what, you did everything you could
and as quickly as possible.
No, I screwed up and could have saved her sooner if I
hadnt been so stupid as to allow those creatures to
distract me.
Megan, anyone would have been deceived.
She shook her head. You wouldnt.
Seamus pulled her into his arms. We dont know that. If
they had come to me as someone I love, I would have more
than likely done the same thing. You were drained on top of
everything. Do not blame yourself for this. Brenna will be
happy to get away and we will help her deal with whatever

transgressions they did to her. You have to believe that.

Megan sighed. The Goddesses really screwed up
when they decided I was the Daughter of Prophecy. They
should have picked someone that grew up knowing
everything about our people. Since they didnt, I guess
youre stuck with me. Is everything ready? I dont want to
give Mallaidh a chance to hurt anyone else.
You are doing an exceptional job working all this out.
You will find the answers will come as you need them, so
stop worrying. The fates are never wrong. Now, Conor,
Fiona and Shannon are in the infirmary, ready with the life
support systems and everyone else will be waiting here for
our return so they can once again protect us with the outer
circle. We are all set so I am ready when you are.
Okay, lets do it.
Pulling from his arms, Megan stood. She turned to look
at everyone in the great hall. Heres the plan. Well get the
families out first and transport them directly to the infirmary.
Hopefully, that wont take more than twenty minutes. At that
point well bring in Brenna and the other woman. After that
well go back for the man and his wife. I will have them
under a sleep spell so Mallaidh will not see anything
through them. We dont know if she can hear through them,
so once we bring them in please stay as quiet as possible.
Once we have all three of them here get that outer circle
closed and Ill close the inner circle. Then the hard work
Donovan spoke, Little Bit, we will be waiting for you
and have everything ready for the spell. You and Seamus,

be careful. If you need any help, let us know and we will be

She smiled as a comforting feeling spread through her.
It was good to know her family would fly to the rescue and
do anything necessary to help these peoplethese
She looked at Seamus and said, Lets get this done.
Seamus stood, held out his hand and they transported.

They arrived, cloaked in the area Mallaidh kept

Brennas parents. Crap on a stick. How are we going to

get them out without those men noticing?

Aye, we need to take each one out, and leave a
replica, yet somehow make the attached machines keep
working. No matter which way it is done, there is going to
be a blip on those monitors next door.
Megan walked over and peered into the monitoring
room. There are three people in there. We could put

them to sleep, but what if someone contacts them?

I will get Colin here. He can make the technicians see
only what he wants them to while we transport everyone
Thatll work, but I want Noel here to guard him. Colin
will need to keep his concentration on those machines

which will leave him vulnerable.

Within seconds, Noel and Colin were standing next to
them. Colin said, We will need to be in that room with the

machines. I can make the monitors continue as if

everything is normal. Once you get them all out, we can
put a suggestion in the operators minds not to check their
patients for awhile.
Megan asked, What happens if someone else comes
in to check on them?
Just hurry and stay safe, Noel and I will stay here until
you are back in Br na Binne with everyone. Then once
you have everything set, we can transport back and close
the outer circle. Now there is still the possibility someone
will come in to check after we leave.
Once we are ready it wont make any difference.
Noel and Colin transported to the next room. Megan,
get going. I now have control of the machines.
Megan and Seamus went to the first group. They had
them in Br na Binne and were back within five minutes.
The second pair went as easily. As they started to take the
third set, Colin informed them someone was coming in.
A man in a white lab coat strolled in. Megan held her
breath as the person went from one bed to the next,
checking each patient. When he got to the replicas, he
frowned. He finished and went back to each replica a
second time. Then he walked out and into the monitoring
Have there been any irregularities?

No sir, everything seems fine. Is there something

I thought number two, five, eight and nine looked a little
strange. So keep an eye on them. If anything abnormal
shows up, call me.
One of the men looked up and asked. Sir, what do you
mean by strange? Is there something we need to look for?
The man shook his head. No, they looked a little pasty,
is all. As long as the monitors are showing everything is
okay, we should have nothing to worry about. Ill be back in
two hours to check on them again.
Yes, sir.
When the man left, Megan heard Colin chuckle and then
he said, Hey, bro, you two need a little work on your

Seamus shook his head. That fellow has a very
discernible eye. The replicas are almost a perfect match.
He said they are a bit pasty so put a little more color
in them.
He will not be returning for two hours. By then,
everyone is going to know they are not the real thing.
Colin chuckled again. Well, get a move on then. Time
is ticking by.
Megan giggled, but Seamus sighed and said, Colin,
you are such a funny man.
They wasted no more time and finished getting the last
Colin, these are the last ones. Stay here just in case

someone else comes in. We will call you once we get

Brenna and the others out. Oh, when we go to pull the
mans wife, I am sure there will be one more blip.
She must be the monitor over in the corner, so I will
take control of it when you are ready.
They arrived back at Br na Binne and told Fiona they
were now going for Brenna and the two other captives.
Are Colin and Noel back?
No, they will be staying in the monitoring room until we
disconnect the pregnant woman.
Fiona looked a bit worried so Seamus added. Mum,
we will have this finished soon.
I just do not like any of you in that womans lair.
So far everything has gone according to plan; we do
not have much more.
She made a shooing motion. Go, I want to see this

Megan and Seamus transported to Brennas room. As

they materialized, Megan was already casting the sleep
spell. They were just about to leave when Colin contacted
There is some abnormal activity on the pregnant

womans monitor.

We are not in there so it isnt us.

Dammit, Seamus, the monitor operator is calling it

Seamus said, Let me check this out.
He was back instantly. One of those bastards had the

young man held down and the other was raping his
unconscious wife.
How could they do such a thing?
They heard running in the hall. Megan, reverse the
sleep spell and I will dispose of the replicas.
Megan watched as the young girl ran to the door and
listened. Then she backed away from the door sat on one
of the cots with her arms held tightly around herself and
rocked, Brenna struggled against her bonds and asked
what was going on. There was a lot of yelling from the other
room. Finally, it died down, only to have the lock on their
door click and the door swing open.
Two burly men swaggered into the room. Theyre
always spoilin all my fun. He indicated to Brenna and the
young girl. Least we have dees two.
One of the men rubbed his cock as he walked over
toward Brenna. I didnt get it off on dat whore next door so
Im going to fuck you good. Its your fault I even went after
dat little bitch so maybe Ill have to cut you up some as
The other man walked over to the young girl on the cot,
grabbed her arm and yanked her off the bed. Take your
clothes off. Just watching Troy got me all horny.

Megan watched in horror as the girl immediately started

doing as he asked. Seamus saying her name brought her
out of her trance.
MeganMegan, spell them all to sleep.
Megan didnt waste any time.
We will take Brenna and the girl to Br na Binne,

then those two to the Kings dungeons. I am going to

make them pay for what they have been doing.
They put replicas in Brennas and the girls place and
transported them out. They were back in seconds and had
the two men in a cell in the blink of an eye.
They transported back to find the young man leaning
over his mates stasis unit crying over and over, I am so
Megan once again cast the sleep spell and Seamus
caught the fellow as he slid toward the ground. Megan
contacted Colin as she switched out the pregnant woman
with the replica. Then they all transported back to Br na


Chapter Eighteen
Seamus had everything in place when Megan
transported back to the great hall after she left the pregnant
woman in the infirmary.
When everyone smiled at her she said, Weve gotten
this far, the next step is going to be the hardest. I have to
open the veil once more so I can cut the threads between
Mallaidh and her victims. At that same time, Seamus has to
cast the spell to capture Mallaidhs shadow essences.
Megan glanced around the room before continuing. I
know Mallaidh is powerful with the magic she is siphoning
from all those people in the infirmary. When I cut that off,
shes going to lose a lot of that power. She is still well
versed in black magic, though and from what the
Goddesses told me she has five proficient practitioners
with her at all times. So, we need to be very alert. Also,
remember the realm to the Between-World will have to be
open when I do this and there are some weird things in
there. Megan shivered as she remembered some of those
things. Are there any questions or anything any of you has
to add?
When no one asked any questions, Ruairi said, My
soldiers are in place. Once you have cut the threads, they
will converge on both facilities. We will hit her hard and
bring any of our people we find home.
Megan said, If were lucky, shell be at one of those

facilities, and youll be able to capture her.

I do not anticipate her being there, but we can always
If no one else has anything to say, lets get this done.
Everyone nodded and Megan stepped into what was to
be the inner circle. She walked the circle with the ornate
knife first. Then she circled again, with salt representing
earth. Next, she walked it with incense for air. The fourth
circuit Megan lit the candles, for fire, that stood at the four
compass points. Lastly, she walked with water, closing the
circle. After closing the circle, her chant changed to ask the
Goddess Dan, for their protection.
Once the circle was set, she turned to Seamus. Are
you ready for this?
Seamus smiled. As ready as I will ever be, a ghr.
As Megan chanted the spell to open the veil, she could
hear Seamus chanting the containment spell. The veil came
down and Megan stepped through, with Onch at her side.
She raised her hand and called Mrrgans sword. She
looked back at Seamus who had continued the chant. His
eyes met hers and he nodded. She brought the sword
down. In one swoop, all three red cords were severed. She
stepped out from the realm, turned, and resumed chanting.
The veil began closing. Before it closed completely, Onch
head swung around and he bit at the air in front of Megan.
Then something hit her, its force sending her flying
backwards. If Seamus had not reached out and grabbed
her, she would have careened through the boundary of the

He stared at her. What in the bloody hell was that? It
looked as if something walloped you.
Regaining her footing, Megan replied, Something did.
Thank the Goddess I had myself shielded because Ive no
idea what it was, but it packed one hell of a punch.
Megans legs trembled as she looked back toward where
she opened the veil. Relief flooded her when she saw it
completely closed. Did you finish the containment spell?
It is complete and now we have three parts of
Mallaidhs essence in that vessel. He pointed to a small
ornate urn that sat next to Brennas head.
From the way whatever it was slugged me, Id say she
is pretty pissed off at us right now.
Aye, but it is will be a while before she can recuperate
from the loss of power.
Yeah, and it went much smoother than I anticipated.
I will break the sleep spell and then we can let these
good people reunite with their loved ones.
While you do that, Ill release the circle.
Seamus reversed the sleep spell, but before Brenna
and the other two were fully awake, Megan broke the circle.
Once done, she told those holding the outer circle to
release it.
The room erupted into chatter, everyone questioning
why she went flying into Seamus. Listen guys, I dont know
what happened. It felt like someone threw a softball at my
stomach. It just knocked the wind out of me. Im fine.
The man they rescued with Brenna sat up and blinked a

few times as he looked around the room. He sprang to his

feet, screaming. What have you done? Frantically looking
around the room, he continued, I have to get back. She has
my matemy family. She will kill them all.
Ruairis voice reverberated through the hall. Stop. We
have all of them here in Br na Binne. They are in the
infirmary, and my soldiers are descending on those
facilities as we speak.
The young man closed his eyes, took a few breaths and
then looked around the room as if trying to understand.
You have Megan, my granddaughter, to thank for that.
Brenna, now up and awake ran to Megan and threw her
arms around Megans neck. Thank you, I knew you would
find a way to save me.
A few tears slipped from Megans eyes. Not soon
enough. Im so sorry I couldnt stop that bastard in time.
At first, Brenna looked puzzled. Then her eyes lit. You
saw that ass groping me?
Yes, but I was tricked by these awful creatures and got
lost and had to start over. I wasted so much time. Can you
ever forgive me? I will do everything to help you get through
Megan, there is nothing to forgive. You must not have
seen how Kyle stopped them, and got all bloody in the
process. Because he tried to save mehis mateOh
Goddess, that bastard planned to rape Kyles mate. When
they came back in the room though, he said he had not
gotten his rocks off. Megan, were you able to stop them?

No, when her life support monitors went crazy, the

guards stopped him. Just so you know, we took them to the
Kings castle. They are locked in the cells and I plan on
allowing any of you a piece of them.
Oh, I want some of that, but I think Una and Kyle
deserve to do the most damage. Goddess, Meganthey
raped Una on a regular basis.
Then the young man came to her and held out his hand.
My name is Kyle Regan. The King explained to me how
you risked your life to save my family as well as Brennas
and Unas. I want to thank you. If there is anything in the
future you need from me, all you have to do is ask.
Thank you, Kyle. Now if you would like, I will take you
to see your mate and family.
I would like that very much.
Before they left, Una came running up. Did you really
go through the Between-World and save us all?
Yes, and if you want to go see your families we can go
As they walked through the halls to get to the infirmary,
Una kept asking questions about what it was like. Was it
scary? Are there creatures in there?
Finally, Megan held up a hand and asked, Una, how old
are you?
I turned fifteen last October.
Megan sucked in a breath and she heard Brenna do the
same. Seamus.
He was at her side before she took another breath.

What is it, a ghr?

Megan tried to blink back the tears. Seamus, she is
only fifteen and that bitch let them rape her repeatedly.
We will do everything we can do to help her. Her
parents will be there for her as well.
Tomorrow I want to visit those bastards and I want to
make them pay for what they did to Una, to Kyles mate
and anyone else they abused.
I am sure Kyle, Unas father and the rest of us will do a
fine job of punishing them. You do not have to be in on
Oh, but I do. I know what that man was going to do to
Brenna. He planned to do a great deal of damage to her,
because he knows how easily we heal. I am so angry. If I
was there right now, Id have absolutely no trouble cutting
his balls off myself.
She heard Seamus chuckle before he said, I have no
doubt in my mind. I can feel your anger rolling from you in
waves. Let us see how you feel in the morning after you
have slept on it.
Megan knew she wasnt going to change her mind. She
only had to take one look at Una and she would be riled up
all over again.
They followed the others into the infirmary, and Megan
felt the joy bouncing off the walls. Brenna stood by her
parents human forms, tears flowing freely down her cheeks
and a perplexed look on her face.
When Megan walked up to her, Brenna turned. How is

it they are in human form? When we were captured, we

were in wolf form. When I thought I killed them, they were in
wolf form. How is it possible?
I cant tell you that. If I had to guess, Id say Mallaidh
turned them somehow because I dont think anyone would
have known how to attach the life support system to
As they stood there looking around a room full of
people, some still unconscious and on life support and
three very grateful people in tears, Megan saw Patrick stir.
He moaned and Brenna swung toward him. A huge smile
crossed her lips and she rushed to his side. Megan blinked
her own tears back and let the joy of knowing she had
brought this about fill her to bursting.
Seamus put his arm around her shoulders and pulled
her to his side. It is good to see that there can be happy
Yeah, it is. Megan laid her head against his chest. I

would really like to go to our room, take a prolonged hot

shower, have some rowdy sex and then sleep for a very
long time.
You damn well deserve each. Would you like to go to
our home?
Megan thought about it. Yeah, home would be nice.
Her body tingled and a voice echoed in her head. Stay
at Br na Binne. She shivered. No, on second thought,
for tonight I think it would be best to stay here.
Seamus looked at her, his eyebrows creased. She

thought he was going to say something but instead he

turned to the room and cleared his throat. Everyone? I am
taking my mate to her room, where I plan to pamper her for
a while, and then put her to bed for a rest she well
deserves. I do not want either of us disturbed unless the
world is ending. Does anyone have a problem with that?
Laughter filled the room and she heard her uncle Sean,
say, Aye, and what kind of pampering does he have in
Any other comments were lost as she and Seamus
transported to their room.
You just had to say that, didnt you? Megan rested her
head against his chest, slipping her arms around his waist.
The sound of his heartbeat comforted her.
And why not? I think they are all jealous they do not
have a mate of their own to have a wonderful time
You could have just said I was tired.
Now, a ghr, that would have spoiled all my fun.

Chapter Nineteen
Patricks gaze met Brennas and he smiled. Megan
did it. She brought you back to me.
Not just me, Patrick, my whole family is alive. She
saved us all.
I knew she could do it.
Her face turned a bright red as she processed the
information. This is what he feared. The dread balled up in
his gut now that his mate found out he had deceived her.
What! You knew my family lived? You knew they were
alive and you kept letting me think I had killed them?
Patrick tried to lick his lips, but his tongue stuck to the
roof of his mouth. Finally, he choked out. I am sorry
Brenna. Megan figured out that Mallaidh was able to
eavesdrop on us through you, so I could not tell you.
She rolled right over his words as if he had not spoken.
How longHow long have you known?
Patrick eased his achy body to a sitting position. He
grabbed her shoulders and turned her enough to see the
hurt and anger in her eyes. Brenna, listen to me. I could not
tell you. If Mallaidh had any inclination we knew, she would
have guarded your parents so closely Megan would never
have gotten near them. Or worse she might have actually
killed them.
Brenna glared at him. How long have you known my
family was alive?
Since the day Seamus was attacked. We should have

realized it ourselves much sooner, but it was not until

Megan and Seamus went to Summerland that anyone even
thought about it.
Her shoulders drooped and the anger faded from her
eyes. The hurt remained and that tore at Patricks heart. I
am so sorry, a ghr, I wanted so much to let you know. I felt
like a cad keeping something so important from you, but I
knew Megan and Seamus would be in great danger if
Mallaidh knew what they planned to do. We did not trust
Mallaidh to not kill your family rather than lose their power
any other way.
He could see Brenna still had some doubt by the way
she still stared at him as she chewed on her thumbnail.
When exactly did you figure out she was eavesdropping?
After Colin, Donovan, and I were attacked.
The color drained from her face. She was able to get
to you, through me?
Aye, she heard everything you did.
So how much of what you told me was the truth?
Brenna, it was not so much telling you lies, as just not
telling you. We told you anything that would not put us in
danger. Believe me; I had a very hard time not telling you
Brenna turned to look back at her family. When she
faced him again, her eyes sparkled with unleashed tears. I
guess the ends justified the means.
Aye. Your family is safe and you are free of that bitch.
He touched his hand to her cheek. I promise you this, a
ghr, I will never keep anything from you again.

She blinked, but still the tears fell. When you contacted
me, I thought I killed you as well. I was so devastated I
wanted to die. Then Una told me I had not killed anyone.
How is it I did not pick that up from you?
Megan shielded all my memories before she allowed
me to contact you.
He put his arms around her and pulled her to him. I
would have given my life to save you.
I would have followed you to Summerland you know.
At least we would have been together. That as it is,
we are now together and safe.
That we are. She smiled and then looked back at her
parents once more. How soon will it be before they
wake up?
That, I do not know. Shall we go over and ask Fiona or
Can you walk?
I still feel a bit weak but with a hand I am sure I can get
that far.
He stood and her arm went around his waist. It felt good
to have her at his side. Slowly, they made their way toward
Fiona who was checking vitals on a pregnant woman. A
man stood next to her, worry etching his face.
Patrick leaned over and whispered. Who are all these
Brenna gave him a quizzical look and then her eyes
grew huge. Oh, Goddess, you were unconscious, so you
do not know. Mallaidh has been a busy woman. She was
using two more people to siphon off their familys powers.

The man standing over by Fiona is Kyle. Mallaidh was

drawing from both his mate, who is pregnant, and his
mother and father. She also had a fifteen-year-old girl
named Una, who had not even come into power. The bitch
let her henchman abuse Una constantly, as she siphoned
the girls familys powers.
Patrick tightened his hold on Brenna as the anger
flowed out of Brenna in waves.
Fiona looked up. Well, it seems you have recuperated
quite rapidly.
Almost as good as new.
Conor marched up and gave him the once over. You
still need to rest a bit more. It may have been only a few
hours Mallaidh was draining your powers, but you need at
least a few more hours rest before you start doing a jig.
Do not worry I have no jigs planned in the near future.
Conor pointed toward the bed. Grand, now go back
and lay down or you will be face down on the ground. I can
see you are still as weak as a new-born kitten.
I will take him back, but we came to ask if either of you
knew how long before my parents would come around.
Patrick saw understanding come over Conors face. I
cannot say for sure, but my guess would be a few days at
least. Brenna, Mallaidh was draining their very life force. If
Megan had not rescued them when she did, I do not think
they would have lasted more than another few weeks. Your
brother is the worst of them. I can honestly tell you he had
only a few days left.

Brenna sucked in a breath.

Conor held up his hand. Let me finish. He is going to
be fine now that the process has been stopped. Your
brother is going to take the longest to recuperate though.
So give it time and do not worry. Conor reached over and
touched her shoulder. He will recover, that I can promise
She shook him off her fist clenching. She must have
known he was dying.
She may not have, although personally I think she knew
and did not give a damn. Once she perfected the spell to
steal power she figured she would just replace them. She
may have been working on a way to prolong their lives, but
honestly, there would have been no way to do it. She was
stealing their power, which in essence was depleting their
life force.
Goddess, first she thought she had killed her family, only
to find out she had not. Now to learn she was in reality
killing them, bit by bit. Brenna felt like she was drowning in
a tortuous river, being slammed into boulder after boulder.
Her head began to swim. The next thing she knew she was
laying on a bed staring at Patricks worried gaze.
What happened?
Patrick shook his head. I am not sure. One minute
Conor was talking to you and the next, you went deathly
white and headed for the floor. If Conor and Fiona had not

been there, we would have both ended up doing a nose

I guess it just hit me that I was virtually killing my family
after all.
Patrick reached down toward her, clasping her face
between his hands. Brenna, you were not the one killing
them. Mallaidh was the one sucking out their essence.
But I was the tool she used.
Do you honestly believe you could have somehow
stopped her?
Megan did.
He straightened and sat next to her on the bed. True
enough, but Megan did not have Mallaidh in her head.
Megan was not the one she had worked the dark arts on. If
Mallaidh had not wanted her killed a few months back,
Megan very well could have been in the same position you
had been. Lucky for us she is the Daughter of Prophecy
and has more powers than anyone knows.
She is the what? Pausing for a moment, she then
asked, How much power are we talking about?
I really do not know the extent of it. She is fulfilling some
ancient prophecy. All I can say is I am glad she is on the
side of good.
Her mind reeled. Is she really that powerful?
Patrick laughed. A ghr , before Megan came into her
powers, she was able to transport short distances and call
things to her without even looking at them. The night she
had her Deasghnth, she healed herself, Seamus, Dono,
Sean and Brian of the block in their telepathy. Top that with

allowing all of us to be able to speak and hear each other

between families. The day she came into powerwell
actually, that day she was in a coma, but when she woke,
she had powers beyond imagination. So aye, she is that
Brenna scooted up in the bed so she was sitting. Wow,
that is pretty impressive. Why is it everyone tried to make
me believe she was so worn-out after she did the blocking
We did not want Mallaidh to know she was powerful in
any way. Now though, I guess that is a moot point.
Mallaidh is going to be gunning for her now.
That bitch has been gunning for Megan all her life.
Mallaidh tried to kill Megan when she was only eight years
old. She has been going after Seamus for the last
seventeen years as well. Back then, she did not want to
make it obvious. Now she will not give a damn.
Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. Patrick, are we
going to be in danger as well?
Patrick snorted. In case you have not noticed, Mallaidh
came after you over a year ago. Aye, we are all in danger.
In fact, every Tuatha D Danann is in danger. I do not know
why Mallaidh is so set on destroying her own people, but
she has been planning and working this for over thirty
Brennas head hurt. At least this time she knew it was
from too much information and worry instead of Mallaidh.
One last question and then I think we both need some

What do you want to know?

Now that Mallaidh is out of my head and once my family
is better, would it be possible to have our Deasghnth
ceremony again, so they may be part of it?
I promised you we would. I will talk to the king, but
considering we never really finished our Deasghnth in the
proper way I am sure he will agree to it.
Thank yooo The last words slurred as sleep claimed

Within moments of arriving back in their room, Megan

was naked and walking into the bathroom. At first she
turned toward the shower then glanced at the tub. Seconds
later, she had the tub full of frothy hot water. She climbed in
and sank into the soothing water, letting out a sigh of
contentment. This is what she needed. She closed her eyes
and basked in the pleasure. She almost jumped out of her
skin when Seamus appeared behind her and held her
close. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
We do not get such things.
You know what I mean.
No, a chro, I need to feel you next to me.
Okay, but no funny stuff for a while. I want to just relax
and work the kinks out.
I am quite content to sit back and share the moment.
She closed her eyes once again and leaned back

against his hard frame. She let the worries of the last few
days drain from her.
The water began to cool before Seamus moved. Come
love, we need to get you into the shower and then to bed.
You could use some rest.
Before she could blink, she found herself standing under
the shower as Seamus poured shampoo onto her hair. She
stood and let him do all the work. She loved the way he
pampered her, treating her as if she was the most precious
thing in the world. He massaged the shampoo into her
scalp with his clever fingers.
When he finished, he sat her on the bench seat and
started massaging her feet, ankles and calves with soapy
hands. As his hands climbed higher, she felt the first tingles
awakening her every nerve ending. His hand came around
her hips, up her torso and settled on her breasts. Now she
was on fire. She stood and he allowed it, but he turned her
so she faced the wall. Then his hands were back on her
breasts and those fingers pinched and plucked. He moved
close to her and she could feel the evidence of his arousal
pressing against her buttocks.
She reached her hands out, using the wall to steady
herself. One of his hands left her breast and traveled down
her torso to the junction between her thighs. He used his
knee to separate her legs. She spread them as his hand
found her little nub of pleasure and he began a slow torture.
One finger entered her and her channel tightened around it
as his thumb continued teasing her clitoris.
His mouth moved from her shoulder up her neck with

kisses and nips. When a second finger followed the first

and they started moving in and out, she lost it. The orgasm
hit her hard and fast. She flew in every direction as he
anchored her, still keeping up his relentless teasing. When
the climax subsided, he lifted her so she knelt on the bench
seat and he entered her from behind. Another orgasm
ripped through her. Still, he didnt let up. He moved slowly at
first, gradually increasing the pace.
She couldnt catch her breath as he pounded into her.
When the next orgasm hit she screamed his name, felt him
stiffen behind her and heard him roar as his own release
took him. He leaned against her, his breathing as ragged
as hers. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, he picked
her up and carried her to the king-sized bed. Laying her
down, he tenderly tucked the covers around her before
climbing in beside her.

When Megan woke, she stretched, then settled back

and lay there enjoying the moment. Seamus snuggled into
her, mumbling something about her sleeping longer. A
giggle escaped her lips.
He blinked open one eye. You need more rest.
She stretched her hands over her head. Im awake and
feel great. I feel the need to go to the infirmary and see how
everyone is doing.
What you need is time to yourself. You are always
worrying about everyone else. If anything was wrong

they would let us know.

I dont think anyone will bother us after your
declaration last night.
Grand, then let us take a little more time for us. You
have been running yourself ragged the last few days.
Much of that time we were lying here in this bed while
our consciousness was off in Summerland.
True enough, but yesterday you spent a great deal of
time plowing through the muck of the Between-World. You
need to give your body a bit of time to recuperate.
Seamus, I really do feel energized. I dont like just
lying around. A feeling nagged at her to go to the
His hand snaked around her and he began to explore
some interesting spots on her body.
Then I will give you a grand reason to stay in bed for a
few more hours.
He did just that. She let him distract her from the
anxious feeling niggling at her mind. Then he took her into
the shower and spent more time giving her good reason to
have more alone time with her mate. By the time he
finished, she thought she might actually sleep a few more
hours. All her concerns melted away in the afterglow of their
lovemaking and she drifted to sleep.
She awakened with a start, knowing she really needed
to go to the infirmary. Upon explaining it to Seamus, they
both dressed. They transported to the infirmary to find
Patrick and Brenna sitting with Kyle, whose head was in his
hands as he sobbed. Megan charged over, Whats going

Kyle glanced up, his eyes red and puffy, opened his
mouth and then closed it.
Patrick spoke. It is his mate. It would seem the strain of
carrying the child while Mallaidh drained her energy
became too much for her. She is not recovering; in fact, she
is fading. Not even being here in Br na Binne is helping.
Fiona tried every healing ritual and nothing worked.
Kyle let out another sob. Megan turned to Kyles mate.
She lay unmoving, her breathing irregular even with life
support and her skin looked almost translucent. Megan
extended her hands out over the womans form. All she felt
was a very weak life force. The childs essence was almost
nonexistent. Megan turned to Seamus and he nodded.
Ill need some help. She contacted Conor, Fiona and
few other healers telepathically.
She watched as Kyles gaze flew to her. She saw a
spark of hope come into his eyes.
Will you be able to save her?
Kyle, I cant make any promises, but I am going to try
my best. What is your mates name?
We need to hurry. Ill need more than my own powers
if we are to even attempt to save them.
With a thought, beds moved out of the way, giving her
enough room to cast a circle. The healers arrived as she
began to chant. Brenna handed candles to each of them.
Fiona stood in the north, Brenna to the south, Shannon to

the west and Patrick east. Megan chanted as she walked

the circle. On her fourth round, as she passed each person
the candles sprung to life.
With the circle set, Megan placed one hand above
Noreens abdomen and Seamus held his hand over
Noreens solar plexus. She took her other hand and placed
it onto Seamuss. The rest of the family continued the
healing chant as Megan and Seamus flowed their healing
power into Noreen and her child.
Slowly Noreens skin color changed. A rosy glow
replaced the translucent pasty look. Her breathing became
more even. At the movement in Noreens abdomen, tears
welled up in Megans eyes. She stood there for just a
minute more before Seamus squeezed her hand.
I would say we have done as much as we can. Now
the rest is up to them.
Theyll be okay now.
Megan broke the circle. Kyle rushed to his mates side
then turned to stare at Megan.
They said there was nothing to be done.
Fiona said, There was nothing else we could have
done, but it would seem that my son and his mate have
much greater powers than any of the rest of us.
Still staring at Megan as tears flowed freely down his
cheeks, Kyle said, I said I was indebted to you last night.
Today, I do not think there is anything I will ever be able to
do to repay the debt you are owed.
Seamus said, Kyle, what was done here was not of our
mortal ability. The Goddess Dan has allowed us to be a

conduit of her power. Therefore, you owe no debt to us.

Give your thanks and praise to the only one who has power
over life and death.
Kyle nodded. How soon do you think she will wake
There is no telling, but I would venture to say it will be
before any of the rest of them. We were able to replenish
much of the energy she lost during the siphoning.
A smile split across Kyles face as he asked, And the
Megan grinned. You have a healthy baby boy that will
be making his dbut sometime in the next few weeks.
He hugged Megan and shook hands with Seamus,
thanking them both over and over repeating he did not
know how he would ever repay them.
They joined Fiona and the others who spoke in hushed
Fiona looked up. I should have thought to call you, but I
truly did not think there was any hope for them.
Megan looked at Fionas stricken face. It is okay, we
got here in time.
Fiona shook her head. If you had arrived five minutes
later, that child would have been dead. I do not believe his
mother would have lasted much more than an hour.
Mum, it is just as much my fault. Megan wanted to
come here almost two hours ago and I kept her tied up.
I still should have contacted you. It is just you said last
night Megan needed rest and I had to agree with that.
You might have been right. Either way, Im going to say

this once. Dont ever take Seamuss surly words over the
life of a patient again. If you run out of options, I dont care if
Im dead on my feet, you contact me.
Seamus interrupted her. I am going to the palace, as I
have some business to attend to.
Youre going to avenge the rapes, arent you?
Aye, Ruairi is over there now along with Paddy, Dono,
Noel and Conor. I will ask Kyle if he would like to come, but
a ghr, I truly think it would be best if you did not have a
hand in this.
After much thought, Megan said, Ill agree to stay here
under one condition.
Seamus tilted his head. And that condition would be?
You cut their balls off with a very dull and extremely
rusty knife. I want them to suffer for what they did to all the
people they hurt.
You have yourself a deal. I am sure the rest of us will
come up with some other things as well. He turned and
headed toward Kyle. Kyle, I am going over to help punish
those men who defiled your mate and Una. Would you be
interested in joining me?
Megan watched as Kyle grappled between staying with
his mate and exacting revenge to his tormentors. Kyle, Ill
stay here and watch over your mate. If she even gives us a
hint she is waking, I will contact Seamus, and you can be
back here in seconds.
Thank you again, because, yes, I would like to exact a
bit of punishment on them myself. I watched them abuse too
many of our women during my time there.

Seamus stepped beside Kyle, placed his hand on

Kyles arm and the two of them dematerialized.

Chapter Twenty
Fiona gave Megan a curious look. Why did you not go
with them after saying last night you wanted to be there?
I want you and Conor to take a look at me. Im feeling
this cold sensation in my abdomen where whatever it was
struck before I closed the veil between the worlds. She
placed her hands over her abdomen. I didnt want to
mention it to Seamus if its nothing to worry about.
Fiona looked concerned. At the same time, Conor
rushed over to her. He grabbed her and said, Megan, why
did you not say something about this last evening? We
could have checked it out then.
I thought you had your hands full and I just wanted to get
some sleep. Besides, last night I didnt have this feeling.
She slapped his hand away and laughed. It is probably
nothing. Just the force of whatever it was just bruised
With an annoyed look, Conor pointed to one of the
exam tables. Lie on the table and let me take a look.
Megan did as he asked. When Conor ran hands over
her about an inch from her body relief colored his face. I
see no abnormalities.
Megan was just about to jump off when Fiona held up
her hand. Stay put, I want to take a closer look at

Megan watched as Fiona closed her eyes and followed

the same procedure as Conor only she stopped when she
had her hands over Megans abdomen. She held them
there, taking a few deep breaths. Then Fiona tilted her
head slightly and Megan held her breath. Fionas eyes flew
open and her face showed horror.
There is the tiniest black spot that anyone would have
missed if they had not been looking for it.
What does it mean?
I am thinking somehow Mallaidh has tagged you.
Conors face went white and then bright red. Dammit
to hell and back the bitch hit you with her black magic.
Okay guys, tell me what this means and how do we
get rid of it?
Shaking her head, Fiona said, I do not know on either
count. Perhaps Ruairi will have some idea. In the mean
time, do not leave Br na Binne. And I think it would be a
good idea to have Seamus come back here and tell him.
A chill ran down her spine as she recalled the words
she heard in her head last night.
Im supposed to go see my dad this evening. He is
going to worry if I dont show.
Fiona gave her a serious look. Would you want to bring
her right to your das door step? She has somehow tagged
you or at least that is what I think it is. If you leave Br na
Binne, she will be able to find you immediately. She is
bound to be furious with you now and will not hesitate to kill
you or anyone around you. Megan, you are the Tuatha D

Dananns only hope of defeating her. You cannot take any

Seamus and Kyle materialized next to Patrick. Seamus
patted him on the back. You waited for me.
Patrick laughed. No, actually, we waited for you to bring
Kyle. We all agreed he should have the first go-round for
what they did to his mate.
He turned to Kyle and said, How is she, is there any
At the grin that came over Kyle face, Patrick knew
Noreen had improved. Megan and Seamus here, saved
her and the babe. She is going to be fine and they think she
will recover before anyone else.
That is terrific news. Do you still want to exact
punishment on these bastards?
He watched Kyle glance over at the two men they had
held to the wall. I plan on beating the shite out of them for
not only my mate, but for Una, who they abused on a regular
Patrick could feel the anger rolling from the man as Kyle
stalked into the enclosure. A whip materialized in Kyles
hand. He stepped up to the bigger of the two men. Using
the handle of the whip, Kyle pushed the mans head up so
their eyes met. Hello Troy, do you remember me?
Troy replied, Yeah, you little prick, as soon as I get out
of here I am not going to only rape your wife, but kill her.

Patrick cringed. The idiot thought he was getting out of

Sorry asshole, but you are not going to be leaving here,
at least not alive. You enjoyed what you did to people. You
enjoyed breaking them. What about little Una, did you have
fun when you tortured and raped her? Did you know she
was only fifteen?
Troy yanked at the invisible straps holding him to the
wall. The little whore deserved what she got.
It took every ounce of Patricks will to keep him from
flying into to the cell and killing the man. From the vibration
of the air around him everyone else felt the same way.

Could the idiot be that oblivious that he did not notice?

Kyle spoke through clenched teeth. How about my
mate? She was unconscious, you bastard. Did she
deserve what you did to her?
Kyle did not even wait for an answer. He brought the
whip across the mans chest and began thrashing him.
When he stopped there was not an inch of the mans body
that didnt have welts on it. In a few spots, the slash marks
left tiny rivers of blood that poured from his chest, ran down
his legs and pooled at his feet. He hung limp from the
magic that held him to the wall.
Patrick watched as Kyle then stalked over to the second
This one sniveled and begged Kyle not to hurt him. He
insisted he was only doing what Troy and his boss told him
to do.
Do you think I care? Did you show any consideration

when you went to Una and defiled her? Troy and you are
not such hot shots now that you are tied down.
The man squirmed against his bonds. Please, it wasnt
my fault. They told me I had to.
How about I gut you like you did me? Even better, how
about I fillet you the way you did to Brenna yesterday. Lucky
for us we heal fast. But you will not.
At the mention of his mates name, Patrick took a step
forward. He had seen no evidence of any of Brennas
injuries, but upon hearing Kyle saying she had been filleted
he wanted blood. Seamuss hand on his arm had him
pause. Looking up into Seamuss eyes was like looking
into the fires of hell. Patrick barely heard the man whine.
Please, please dont do this. Its not my fault. It was all
Troys doing.
That was when Seamus stepped in.
You know, Samthat is your name right?
Well, I will tell you what, Sam. I watched you yesterday
when you swaggered into Unas room telling her to undress
because you were horny. He turned his head toward Kyle
and said, Does that sound to you like a man who is only
raping a child because he had to?
Patrick could only describe the look on Kyles face as a
No, I do not believe that sounds like a man who was
only following orders.
Now, here is the thing. My mate was also there when
he said that and she was going to come here herself. As I

did not want her to witness this, I asked her to not to. She
agreed, under one condition.
Kyles face lit up. And that condition would be?
That I cut off their balls with a dull, rusty knife.
Sam blanched.
Patrick could feel his own blood drain. He could not
believe his niece would want to do such a thing. However,
he knew Seamus was not lying when the man pulled out a
nine and a half inch Bowie that looked as if it had been
buried in wet dirt for at least twenty years.
Ruairi spoke up. Make sure you cauterize the wound
afterwards. I want to let Lord OLeary exact his revenge
before they die.
Patrick, and the others stood back and watched as Kyle
and Seamus castrated Sam, then Troy, taking their time to
do so. The two mens screams sounded like a panther in
Seamus turned to Patrick and said, One of you will
have to finish up here. Kyle is needed back at Br na
Binne now.
Is it Noreen?
I do not know. We can clean up while we transport. Let
us move. Megan sounded hurried.
They arrived back to find Noreen in full labor. Kyle
barely spared Megan a glance as he rushed to Noreens
side. You told me you would contact Seamus the minute

she woke.
Megan laid a hand on Kyles shoulder. She woke just a
few seconds ago in full labor. I contacted Seamus
immediately. It looks to me as your son wants to make his
debut a little early.
Noreen gripped Kyles hand as the next contraction
came. She looked a bit bewildered and scared when she
glanced around the room. Kyle comforted her by wrapping
his arm around her shoulder.
Where am Ihow did I get here? Who are these
people? Kyle, what is going on? I had this horrible dream.
Concentrate on our son for now and I will explain
everything to you once he is with us.
I have to transport to Br na Binne or we will both die.
Something is terribly wrong. I do not seem to have my
Noreen, Honey, you are in Br na Binne, everything is
going to be fine. Just relax and focus on having our baby.
Noreen looked around confused just as another
contraction hit her. Fiona laid her hands over her abdomen
and closed her eyes.
Noreen you are about six centimeters dilated, so it will
be a bit longer, but you are doing just fine. Now,
concentrate on your breathing.
When Noreen did as asked, Fiona nodded. That is it.
Now just relax, until the next one. Kyle, keep her focused
and I will be back soon.
Fiona turned to everyone standing around and said, I
think everyone should leave and give Kyle and Noreen a

little time alone.

Once out of the infirmary Megan turned to Fiona. Is
everything okay with her?
The delivery is coming along just fine. I am concerned
that when she gets agitated her aura diminishes, which
should not happen.
Is there anything I can do?
Not at the moment, but I will keep you informed and if
you feel you may be able to help then come in. Give her
about another hour and check back in anyway, so you will
be there for the delivery itself.
Thanks, I have never experienced a birth other than
when my cat had kittens. I would love to help in any
I am sure she will appreciate it. I am going to keep
everyone out so she stays as calm as possible.
Okay, if you need me, just contact me. See you later.
Seamus and Megan walked back toward their room.
Megan looked up at Seamus. Did you do as I asked
with those two bastards?
Aye, and it gave Kyle great satisfaction. I have to say
he exacted his revenge quite well. First, he beat the everloving shite out of the one that raped his mate. Then he
tormented the second one. When I told him what I was
going to do, he produced a pair of vise-grips that had
spikes imbedded in it to hold his penis for me. Ruairi
wanted the wounds cauterized because he wants them to
live, so Unas father will have his turn.
Good. I hope they are in tremendous pain.

Aye, they most definitely were as we used no

anesthesia. Seamus stared down at Megan. Now tell me
why you were so easily swayed in staying here when I had a
feeling it was going to take a tremendous amount of
Megan bent her head to prevent him from seeing her
expression. I wanted Fiona to check something out.
Seamus put his finger under her chin, lifting her face so
he could see her eyes. She could see concern and a touch
of anger reflecting back from his.
And what exactly did you want her to check out you did
not want me to know about?
This morning after our shared shower, I felt this
coldness in the area I was hit before the veil to the
Between-World closed.
Seamuss face turned purple and he sputtered. And
you hid this from me? Is that why you shielded from me after
I left and not because you did not want to know what was
going on at the castle?
Megan knew she had to somehow calm him down.
Seamus there was nothing to hide. I didnt want to make a
big deal out of it until I found out if it was something to worry
about. And yes, it is why I shielded.
Conor found nothing.
His browed lifted. And?
Your mom saw a tiny black spot
Seamus cut her off as he grabbed her shoulders, turned
her, set her away from him and stared, his face blank.

Dammit to hell and back, it is so small I would not have

seen it myself if you had not told me.
He ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm
himself. We need to get rid of it now. What did Mum say
about it?
She thinks Mallaidh may have tagged me somehow
with black magic. She told me I should not leave Br na
Binne until she figures out what we can do. Before we got
any further, Noreen woke up in labor.
Dammit Megan, you should have told me about this as
soon as you noticed it, or at least as soon a Mum found it.
And tell me just what difference it would have made? It
is not spreading and if it is a tag I will stay here until we can
get rid of it.
That is beside the point. You are my mate and we do
not hide things from each other. Especially something that
could be detrimental to your well being.
Okay, I am sorry. I just wanted to make sure it wasnt
just a bruise. You would have reacted just the way you are
now before we even figured out what it was.
He threw up his hands. And it is my right to do so.
Again, Seamus took a couple of deep breaths as he
ran his fingers through his hair. Then, he grabbed her again
and pulled her to him.
I do not know what I would do if anything happened to
you. Please do not keep anything, even if you think it is
insignificant, from me again.
As he held her, Megan could feel the tremors run

through his body and she realized just how scared he

actually was.
I promise.

Fiona contacted her about forty-five minutes later

telling her it was time.
The baby is coming. I want to be there for that, so I will
see you later.
Contact me once the baby is born so I may come and
meet him.
Megan reached up, put her arms around his neck and
kissed him. See you later.
When she arrived in the medical wing, she was amazed
at the efficiency of everyone. This was nothing like hospitals
she had been in where people ran around looking as if they
didnt know what to do next. Fiona was sitting at the end of
the table with Noreens legs spread in front of her. Kyle
though, looked as if he was ready to pass out. It made her
wonder how Seamus would react if it were her on that table.
She heard his chuckle.
I would most likely be as bad off as him.
Conor came strolling up to the bed as if he had done
this a thousand times. Then Megan realized he probably
She walked up to the head of the bed and asked
Noreen how she was doing. Noreen looked up at her and

smiled. I get to push now so it is almost ov She didnt

get the chance to finish when the next contraction hit.
From the other end of the table Fiona said, That is it,
Noreen. Push, I can see his head. Oh, he has enough hair, I
could almost pull him out by it. One more push. That is it.
Now stop pushing and pant, so I can turn him to get his
shoulders out. Very good, the next contraction will do it.
Megan watched in awe as Noreens stomach started
balling up. She saw her strain and the next thing she heard
was a squall from the tiny new life. She looked down to see
Fiona place the cutest little thing on Noreens stomach. She
clamped the cord and motioned Kyle to come over and cut
it. The whole time the baby screeched.
Conor lifted the child into his mothers arms. He has a
grand set of pipes on him.
Tears tracked down Noreen and Kyles cheeks and
when Megan put her hand up to her own face, she was
surprised to find her own tears.
Fiona looked over to her and grinned, tears shimmering
in her eyes. As if she knew what Megan was thinking, she
said, It matters not how many times I attend a birth, it is a
miraculous event.
Megan looked at the baby in Noreens arms. He had
now settled down. She was surprised to see him suckling
Noreens breast. She turned her head back to Fiona,
embarrassed at catching such an intimate moment. He is
so small, yet he looks so perfect.
Aye, but he is a great weight at eight pounds, seven

She could hear the joy in Noreens voice as she kept

saying over and over just how perfect he was. Megan
couldnt help but agree.
Conor came up again and said he needed to check the
little fellow out. Noreen reluctantly handed him over. Megan
turned to them now that she knew the baby was away and
said, He is so adorable. I want to thank you for allowing me
to witness this great event.
Kyle said, If it were not for you, we would not be
celebrating this joyous event at all. May I speak to you for
just a moment?
He leaned down and kissed his mate. I will be right
Will you tell me what happened then?
Aye, as soon as I have a talk with Megan.
Noreen gave Megan a strange look and nodded.
They walked to the far side of the room. What can I do
for you?
I need to tell you something.
He shuffled his feet with his head down.
What is it, Kyle?
I know you are going to hate me and I am sure I am
going to have to be punished in some way. But for the sake
of my mate and child, would you please help me get my
sentence lightened.
Will you stop hemming and hawing and just spit it out.
All rightI heard Fiona and Conor talking about what
happened to Seamus and how he almost died. As much as

I know this is going to upset you, I have to tell you. I am the

one who put the talisman on Seamuss chest.
Megan stopped breathing. She felt light headed, as if
the world had stopped spinning. Oh Goddess, what was
she going to do? How was she going to stop Seamus, but
worse her grandfather, from putting him to death for his
crime? She didnt know what to do or say. She just stood
there with her mouth hanging open.
Seamuss voice echoed in her head. Megan, what is

Give me a second.
Kyle looked a bit ashen. Please say something.
II dont know what to say. Im not sure what I can do.
Im going to have to talk to Seamus and the King. They will
be the ones to make that decision. Let me ask you, why?
First of all, I did not know what it was going to do.
Second, I had no choice or at least I did not believe I had a
choice. I assumed Mallaidh was telling me the truth when
she told me she would allow Noreen to transport here to
deliver our child. Now I know Noreen was never going to
leave. They both would have been dead long before
Noreen ever had a chance to birth our child. I am so sorry
for what I have done. I am willing to take whatever
punishment is fitting. I only ask that it not be death. I would
not want Noreen to have to live on this earth by herself
bringing up our child. I know I have no right to ask, but for
the sake of my mate, I am. So please, if you can find it in
your heart to intercede in some way for me, I would once
again be in your debt.

Kyle, you will have to let me consider this. I dont know

what to say at this point.
Whatever happens, I will understand and I deserve
whatever I get. I just wanted you to know.
He turned and headed back to where Noreen once
again held their child.
Seamus appeared at her side. What is it? I can feel
your distress. Is it the black spot?
Shaking her head Megan said, Kyle told me something
I dont know how to deal with. I need a few minutes to
process it and then we can discuss it. Why dont you go
over and take a look at the baby while I think.
Are you sure? You seem very upset.
Please go and enjoy the little guy for a few minutes
while I mull over the revelation Kyle just threw at me.
Seamus gave her a quick hug and walked away.

Shit, shit, and more shit. How do I deal with this? Why
did it have to be him? There has to be some way to stop
them from giving him the death penalty. I should want him
dead myself. He almost took my mate. Yeah, but he was
under duress. He was doing what he needed to do to save
his own mate. Would I have done the same thing in his
place? Why did he have to tell me? What am I going to
do? Goddess Dan, help me to figure out how to help
Sit with the King and your mate and ask them what
they would have done for their mate.
As her mind and heart settled she whispered, Thank

She walked over to Seamus as he stood holding the
baby. When he looked up, she could see his eyes sparkle.
She felt a pang in her heart, looking at him with that tiny
infant in his arms. She could almost picture him with their
child. She knew with all her being he would be a wonderful
father. But, could they bring a child into this world with a war
raging around them?
We will not have a choice, if the fates deem us to

have one.
Are you listening in on my thoughts?
No, a chro, it is written all over your face.
He asked Noreen if Megan could hold the baby and
when she said yes, he handed her the squirming bundle.
It only took a moment for her to situate the little guy.
Once she did he immediately settled down, closed his eyes
and drifted to sleep.
Kyle looked astonished. You have a way or maybe it is
just a woman thing. He seemed to act that way only with
I dont know. This is the first baby I have ever held.
Well a ghr, you are a natural.
They talked for a while longer, and then Megan handed
Noreen the baby and they left.

Chapter Twenty-One
Now would you like to tell me what had you so upset
Yeah, let me just contact my grandfather as he is
going to need to hear this as well.
Ruairi materialized seconds later.
What is so urgent, my child?
Kyle told me who put the talisman on Seamus. She
held up her hand before either of them could speak. And
before I tell you who it is and you both get all crazy, let me
ask you something.
Granddaughter this is not some game. This person
almost killed Seamus.
Anger flashed through her. I know its not a game and I
know Seamus almost died. So lets say that Mallaidh gave
you that talisman and told you to place it on someone or
your mate would die. What would you do?
They both looked at her with a fish-out-of-water
expression pasted on their faces.
Finally, Seamus spoke. It was Kyle who did it, was it
Yes, he overheard Conor and Fiona talking about what
happened to you and he knew he was the one who caused
it. He didnt know what the talisman was for. He was told
that, if he didnt put it on your chest, his mate and family
would be killed. Mallaidh did not give him a choice, so now I

am asking you to give him leniency.

Megan, he tried to take the life of another person
without cause. He must be punished for that.
I understand that, Grandfather. I didnt say he should not
be punished. Im saying he did it under duress and that
should be taken into consideration. If we had found out it
was Brenna who had done it, what type of punishment
would you have inflicted on her?
She was being controlled by Mallaidh so I would have
been very lenient.
Exactly, Mallaidh had the same control over Kyle.
Aye, that may be true, but he did it of his own free will.
Brenna would not have.
Are you so sure? If Brenna knew her family was alive
and she had a choice to put that talisman on Seamuss
chest or have them die, what do you think she would have
done? Or even better yet. If Grandmother was pregnant and
Mallaidh had her as she had Noreen. What would you have
All right, I see what you mean. I am going to take a bit
of time to consider what I feel needs to be done. Since you
are the mate of the one almost killed your plea will bear
weight. Now, I would like you to excuse Seamus and I for a
few moments because I must hear his thoughts on the
subject without your interference.
Megan wanted to argue she had a right to be there. But
she knew the Kings word was law, so she left and went to
check up on Patrick and Brenna.

Seamus looked at Ruairi. She has a point, you know. If

we think of it in terms of what we would do it is hard to want
to punish him.
Sometimes I think her heart is too big. It is going to
make it difficult for her to exact punishment on those that
deserve it.
I am not sure that is correct. Think back to when she
went in and found those who had betrayed you in the castle.
She may not have wanted to see anyone put to death, but
she also had no qualms about it being done. She felt those
people had done it of their own free will, without any
extenuating circumstances.
Ruairi paced back and forth. Aye, I will have to agree
with you there. The problem we have is, what are we going
to do about Kyle? He did try to murder you.
That he did. Here is the way I look at it. We will need to
sit down and speak with him. First, we need to establish if
he actually came there to kill me. According to Megan, he
did not have a clue to what the talisman was going to do.
Second, we must consider he was trying to protect his
mate and unborn child. What would any of us do in that
situation? Lastly, we need to see if he feels remorse.
Again, if what he told Megan is true, I would say he does.
Seamus rubbed the spot over his heart. Then there is the
consideration that he actually told us. We had no clue as to
who it was in my room. He could very well have kept his

mouth shut. Granted, we may have eventually put the pieces

of the puzzle together. Perhaps he knew we would and was
trying to get the jump on it. He watched as Ruairi paced
the room. All in all, I think the best thing we should do is
bring in Dono and have Kyle repeat the story. At that point
we can make a much better decision.
Ruairi let out a chuckle. It is nice that we have a human
lie detector. Very well, we will set up a trial and then go from
there. I must be getting too old for this. In the past, I would
have put the man to death for trying to kill you. However,
after listening to you and my granddaughter, I almost feel
the man deserves no punishment at all. You both look at
things so differently.
Ruairi, back even thirty years ago I would have agreed
with you without a second thought. Mallaidh has changed
everything. She has the power to manipulate people to the
point of doing things they would never have done of their
own accord.
Seamus watched the grief cross his beloved Kings
face. Aye, even my own son.
Ruairi, there is another thing I need to discuss with
And that would be?
Do you remember last night when Megan was closing
the veil to the realm between the worlds and something
knocked her off her feet?
Aye, she said it just took the wind out of her.
Well, this morning she felt a cold spot where she had
been hit. Fiona found a minute spot of black in her

stomach. Do you have any idea what it might be? Fiona is

worried it might be some type of mark and if Megan leaves
Br na Binne, Mallaidh will be able to pinpoint her
Worry creased the Kings face. That may be all it is, but
I will have to take a look at it myself. Even better, I will have
Aine look at it as she is much better with spells. I may have
her abilities to discern something like this, but she is much
more versed in spells.
Ruairis face went blank. Aine will be here shortly.
Thank you, I do not want this to linger any longer than
Well then, let us bring in the tribunal and Kyle. Get this
over with so we may implement his just punishment.

Megan found Patrick and Brenna in their room. When

she came in, the two of them looked so happy, their joy
washed over her like a balm.
Brenna ran over and hugged her. Thank you for all you
have done. It is wonderful to know my family is safe. I do not
know how I will ever show you the gratitude I have that you
came into my life.
Megan could feel a blush creeping over her face. Too
many people were making too much of a fuss over her. She
stammered and then smiled. I only did what was
necessary. Believe me, I didnt ask to be the one to do all

this stuff. The fates have to be getting a great laugh out of

all this. All I ever wanted in life was to teach. So much for
You may not have thought you were meant for great
things, but believe me you wear it well.
Another rush of heat warmed her face. AhThanks.
Just then Patrick said, I do not want to interrupt your
thank you party, but Fiona just contacted me to tell us
Brennas father is coming around.
Megan watched Brennas face light up. I have to get in
Then lets go.
They materialized in the infirmary and Brenna ran to her
fathers side. They hugged each other as he groggily
looked around the room.
His voice rasped out as he asked, How did I get to Br

na Binne?
Then frantically, he looked around the room until his
eyes landed on Brennas mother.
Brenna handed him a glass of water as tears streamed
from her eyes. She is going to be all right, Da. I thought you
were all dead. Worst, I thought I was the one who killed
What in the blazes happened? The last thing I
remember is this blinding pain in my head after your mum
went down. He stopped and looked down at himself then
to Brenna and finally back to his mate. How did we change
Conor came over as he was speaking. You can

discuss all that a bit later, Sir. At the moment, I need to

check your vitals. You have been subjected to quite a lot
over this last year.
That, young man, is an understatement of massive
That may be, but I still need to see how you are doing.
Once Conor finished, Brenna called Patrick and Megan
to come over so she could introduce them. Brenna
introduced Patrick as her mate to her father.
He asked, How did this come about?
Megan was kidnapped by Mallaidh about two months
ago, just before her twenty-fifth birthday. Her family found
her through her mate, Seamus and then they rescued the
rest of us. You, Mum, Nuala, Niav and Keane had already
been moved. In fact, I thought I had killed you after Mallaidh
did the black magic thing to me.
It took close to an hour to explain everything to him.
Then Brenna told him of Megans recent exploits.
Mr. ODwyer asked more questions and thanked
Megan for saving his family. When Seamus, Ruairi and
Donovan arrived, more questions and answers flew back
and forth. Conor returned saying they had to leave as Mr.
ODwyer needed some rest. Soon everyone was gone
except Brenna and Patrick. Brenna leaned over her father
and kissed him good-bye.
We will be back later. Get some rest.
I have so much to catch up on. It seems a waste to
sleep, but I cannot keep my eyes open. I will see you all
soon. Hopefully by the time I am finished napping, your

mum will be awake as well.

I hope so as well. See you in a bit, Da.

Megan turned to Seamus. What have you both

decided to do about Kyle?
The tribunal is convening as we speak.
So, you are going give him a trial.
Seamus nodded. Megan, there is no choice in the
matter. He must be brought to trial for what he has done.
Just remember, he might very well be acquitted.
But there is no guarantee that will happen.
He put his arms around her. A ghr, if your grandfather
does not do this, it could be detrimental to his position.
Megan looked up into Seamuss eyes. Does he get to
have people to speak in his defense?
Aye, you and I will be there for him.
So what are you going to say about the fact that he
tried to kill you?
I will be speaking in his defense, love. So I am going to
be saying if it had been you in Noreens place, I would have
done the same thing.
Megan smiled. So you dont think he should be
punished either.
No, and I do not think Ruairi wants him punished, but he
must call the tribunal together so it is official.

Megan felt relieved over the fact they both agreed with
her, but she still hated the idea of having Kyles fate in the
hands of people she didnt know.
Your grandmother is waiting for you in our quarters.
She wants to examine you. Perhaps she can tell what type
of spell Mallaidh threw at you through the Between-World.
We need to find out what type of spell Mallaidh sent at
Why the Queen? Why my grandmother?
Ruairi says Aine knows more spells than most and she
studied more counter measures from black magic than
anyone else. If anyone can figure out what that black dot is,
it will be your grandmother.
Well, I guess we better go and see her then.
When Megan walked into her room, her grandmother
gathered Megan into a hug.
Seamus, it seems so strange. Here I am twenty-five,

and I only found out I have grandparents who are royalty.

You will get used to it. Besides Ruairi and Aine do not
act like royalty most of the time.
Megan stepped from Aines embrace. Thank you for
coming, Grandmother. Im sure we would have been able to
figure out what this is without dragging you here.
That may be so; however, I should be able to figure
out what it is and dispose of it before the tribunal has
even assembled.
Okay, what do you need me to do?

First, I would like you to lie on the bed and let me see
what this spot looks like.
Megan walked over to the bed and did as she was told.
Seamus sat beside Megan and held her hand. The Queen
laid her hand over Megans stomach and Megan felt a
slight warming sensation. Megan grew sleepy and closed
her eyes. She felt as if she was floating.
Suddenly the Queen sucked in her breath. Oh
Goddess, she has hit you with a death-spell.
Megans heart raced; she had trouble breathing. How
am I still alive?
Because you are in Br na Binne. If you had left, it
would have killed you. Being here is keeping it at bay. The
question being, how long will it do so? That, I do not know.
Seamus asked, How did it get to her? She was
shielded. More so, how do we break the spell?
It is going to take some research. I have not seen a
spell this intricate. I would suggest you try to do as little as
possible until I have figured this out. The more you exert
yourself, the more of a chance the spell has to take hold.
Thank you for all of your help, Aine. I will make sure
she stays put for the time being.
After Aine left, Megan searched Seamuss face. She
could feel his worry and now she could see lines
etching his face.
She will find the cure. We have to believe that.
I cannot lose you now. You must do everything Aine
tells you to do, so this spell cannot take you from me.
Seamus got up and began to pace. Dammit to hell and

back. How was she able to throw that at you so quickly?

We took her by surprise. She would have had to take a
tremendous amount of time to put such a spell together.
Not if she had the spell at ready for when she might
need it.
He kicked the chair across the room. We
underestimated Mallaidhs ability. She should have been
disabled as soon as you cut those threads.
Megan held out her hand to Seamus. Come to me.
He walked over, sat beside her again and pulled her
into his arms.
Maybe shes not the one that cast the spell. Dan said
she had an army of people with her that were well versed in
black magic. Maybe they had it ready and shot it through
the Between-World.
Seamus leaned back, putting his hands on Megans
shoulders, and looked into her eyes. Or perhaps she had
the spell in the Between-World all along knowing that was
the only way whoever would be able to save those people
would have to come.
Megan shook her head. I never thought of that.
Dammit, we should have prepared for that. We were
just a bit too cocky.
And here I thought it had gone so easily.
I still cannot figure how the spell was able to get
through your shielding.
Thinking for a moment, Megan said, Maybe that is why
it is such a small smudge of magic and why it has not been
able to take hold yet.

That is a possibility. Dammit, I wish you were never

involved in any of this. I want to have a very long and joyous
life with you, but all we seem to be doing is fighting battles
with that bitch.
We were both born for this. As much as I hate it myself,
we were destined for it. Besides, we do get to spend some
wonderful time alone together. She wiggled her eyebrows
at Seamus.
That brought a smile to his lips and helped dissipate
some of the lines of worry from his face. Megan was more
concerned about his state-of-mind then her own.
When is the tribunal going to be ready?
Seamus turned his head and she knew he was talking
to the King. It is sitting down as we speak.
Then we need to get there.
Megan, you cannot go. It is held at the castle.
I have to testify in his defense.
She saw those worry lines deepen in his forehead. As
much as I do not want to leave your side, I will go and you
can tell them everything you want to say through me.
You have to save him, Seamus. He went through so
much already.
He pulled her into a tight hug. I will do my best. I want
you to stay here and rest.
You know I cant do that. Im going to go to the infirmary
and check on everyone. Ill spend some time with Noreen
and try to ease her discomfort. This is going to be very
rough on her as well. The worst is, she thinks she cant
transport there to support Kyle. I will take it easy and not

expel much energy, I promise.

She could see him grappling with what he wanted to do
and what must be done.
Fine. I can transport Noreen if she wants to come since
you will not be able to. I want you to stay calm as well and
you are not to block me out for any reason.
I promise and the same holds for you. I want to know
exactly whats going on at that trial.
One more thing that might be of importance is not
transporting. As we do not know what might set that spell to
taking hold, I want you to walk to the infirmary.
Megan wanted to laugh, and she probably would if this
was not so serious. All she could think of was if she ever
got pregnant he wouldnt let her do anything.
You are damn right. And he was gone.

Megan walked into the infirmary to find Patrick and

Brenna trying to console a very upset Noreen.
There has to be a way I can be there. I need to stand
with him. He did all of this to save our childs life and mine.
Patrick tried to console her. Noreen, Seamus and
Megan are going to do everything they can for him. You
need to be here with your son.
When Noreen looked up and saw Megan, her face
crumpled. Have they made a decision already? Are you
here to tell me?

No, they are just getting started. Im not able to leave

Br na Binne.
What? Does this mean you will not be helping Kyle? O
Goddess, I have to get there.
Patricks look swung toward Megan. What do you
mean you are not able to leave Br na Binne?
That isnt what we have to worry about now. There is a
way for Noreen to be with Kyle even if she doesnt have her
powers. You have forgotten that both Seamus and I can
transport another by ourselves.
Damn, I should have thought of that.
Noreen, Seamus, will be here to get you in a few
minutes. I wanted to talk to you first. Brenna and Uncle
Patrick, could you give us a second?
With a nod, Patrick and Brenna went over to speak to
Noreen this is going to be very stressful no matter
which way the verdict goes. Are you sure you want to be
there? You are still recuperating after your ordeal and then
topped with the delivery.
I need to be with him.
Okay. Let me help you change so you can dazzle
those old codgers.
Noreens eye grew wide. Do you think that would be
Megan nodded. Very much so. Now since you have no
powers to help yourself right now and I want you to look your
best at the trial. They have to see the beautiful woman Kyle
was trying to save.

Noreen cocked her head to one side. Why are you

helping us after what Kyle did to your mate?
Because I know if the shoe were on the other foot,
Seamus or I would have done exactly the same thing. And
Seamus is going to make sure those old fellows gets it
through their heads that they would have as well. Kyle is a
good man and I know he would never have done such a
thing if he could have figured another way of saving his
Noreen smiled. You are right. He is a kind, loving and
generous man. He would give anyone the shirt off his back
if it were needed. He has done things like that many times.
That is what you need to tell the tribunal. If you can give
some instances of things he has done, I think it will help.
You are a very generous person yourself and I hope
over the next while we can become friends. Tears welled in
her eyes and then she continued. That is if they do not
execute Kyle.
I have faith in my grandfather and my mate to dissuade
them from doing so.
Thank you. But if they decide that Kyle is to be put to
death for his crime, I would like to join him in Summerland,
therefore I am going to ask you to take our son and raise
him as your own.
Megan could not believe what she just heard. She
produced a chair and dropped into it. Noreen, you cant
think like that. Dont give up on us winning this.
I have every hope that will not be the case, but I have to
prepare in case it goes against us. I do not want to live

without him. So please tell me you will do as I ask if the

worst happens. It will put my mind at ease knowing if
everything goes wrong, I will still be with him.
Seamus who had been listening to the whole
conversation said, Put her mind at ease and tell her we

will do it. I am not worried about this. I am sure the tribunal

will see Kyle had no choice in the matter.
All right Noreen. If the worst happens, we will do as you
ask. Now get that out of your head and know everything is
going to work out.
Noreen stood and reached over to hug Megan. Thank
you. Now if you will be so kind as to dress me appropriately
for this hearing.
Megan called over to Brenna, who charged over. I need
your help to dress Noreen for the trial. Seamus yelled at me
for producing the chair earlier.
They finished as Seamus materialized. He placed his
arm around Megan, kissed her and whispered, See you
can do what you are told. No magic.
He straightened and turned to Noreen. Everything will
work out just fine. Now let us go and stand with your mate.
With that, he tucked Noreen under his shoulder and they
were gone.
As soon as Seamus and Noreen disappeared, Patrick
marched over to Megan. Now, tell me why you are unable
to leave Br na Binne?
Megan let out a breath. She really didnt want everyone
knowing Mallaidhs spell had gotten through her defenses.

This is going to upset you and I want you to keep it quiet

until after the trial.
His face reddened and she could tell he was trying to
stay in control. Tell me what the feck is going on.
Since you were unconscious when I cut the threads
between Mallaidh and Brenna, you didnt see me go flying
when something flew out of the Between-World at me. I was
shielded so we thought I was safe. Well, somehow a small
portion of a spell burrowed its way past my shields and I
have this black spot in my abdomen.
What kind of spell and what are you doing to get rid of
I dont know enough about black magic so I cant do
much. Fiona found the smudge. She thought it was a tag.
Seamus couldnt tell either, so he talked to Ruairi and he
called in Aine. She says its some kind of death-spell.
He blanched. A what?
Some very complex death-spell.
Patrick stalked across the room, turned and stomped
back to her side. What is Aine doing to dispose of it?
She is down in the archives trying to figure out how to
unravel it. Im sure it will be okay.
It damn well better. You have done enough without
having to go through this. So what are you supposed to be
doing while Aine is researching?
Not much. They dont want me to transport or do
anything strenuous. Im lucky they dont have me laying on
one of those cots with some monitors attached to me. I bet
they would, but theyre afraid that might set it off.

Patrick grabbed her shoulders and shook at her. Megs,

this is nothing to joke about. Do they have any idea if this
thing starts to spread how long they have to stop it?
Right now they have very little information.
All right, do exactly what Aine tells you to do. I am
going to go and see if I can help her in any way.
She hugged him. Thanks, Uncle Patrick. See you

Chapter Twenty-Two
After Patrick left, Megan walked around the infirmary
and checked on the families of Brenna, Kyle and Una. Then
she looked in on the others that had been brought in from
the two compounds the King had raided. Lastly, she went
over to where Noreen and Kyles son slept. He was such a
cute little tyke. All pink and pudgy with a mop of jet black
hair that was long enough for a little braid. He opened his
eyes and stared at her. She could have sworn he smiled.
Dont you worry, little guy. Your mom and dad will be
back soon to take care of you.
She hoped she was right about that. She had been
listening through Seamus and so far there didnt seem too
much other than the facts being laid out.
Fiona came up behind her. He is a gorgeous little
fellow is he not?
Megan kept her gaze on the baby. Yeah, he is. Do you
know Noreen asked me to keep him if everything goes
to shit at the trial?
Are you worried about that?
Big time. First, I dont have a clue to how to deal with a
baby and second, Im praying that I dont have to even think
about it because everything will work out.
I have much faith in the fairness of the tribunal.
I hope you are right.
Megan turned and saw Fiona had the same worry lines

etched in her face as Seamus.

Aine came to see me before she went down to the
archives. She is very concerned about getting this smudge
eradicated before it has a chance to spread. She wants me
to watch you closely and let her know if it changes in any
When Megan started to argue, Fiona put her hand up.
Megan, this is not something to ignore. I know you hate
having people fuss over you, but this could mean your
death. Aine needs to know if it becomes any larger.
Fine, what do you need me to do?
Go lie on a cot and let me take another look at it.
Megan said nothing and did as Fiona asked. She heard
Seamus chuckle. You shut up. I absolutely hate this.
I know, a str. But you promised to do what was


Patrick found Aine deep in the archives surrounded by

books. She glanced up when he approached and
I came to see if you could use an extra set of eyes.
When she answered, Patrick could hear the frustration
in her voice.
I could use an extra twenty sets.
Then let me call in the family.

It is not that easy. I have sent out the call to a few of our
people that are proficient in spells. They will be arriving
momentarily. I cannot trust having people in here that do not
have a clue what they are looking for. Once the others get
here, we will find what we need.
Patrick let out a breath. How bad is this, Aine? He
started pacing the confined room.
It is the most intricate spell I have ever come across.
Mallaidh had to have worked on this for months. And I do
not have months in which to unravel it.
He stopped pacing and turned toward Aine. Have you
talked to Conor? He may not be great with spells per se,
but his mind can work out about any kind of formula.
Aines eyes brightened. Get him down here.
Conor appeared and they filled him in on what was
Fiona thought it was a marker of some sort. Why in the
bloody hell wasnt I told about this? I could have been
working on it for hours now.
Calm down bro, with all that has been happening, there
has not been much time to communicate between us.
Aine looked from one to the other. We need to be
worrying about Megan at the moment. The lack of
communication between everyone can wait. Conor, let me
give you what I know of this spell and see what you can
come up with. In the mean time, I have some people about
to show up to help me find answers down here. If you learn
anything, let me know so we can work from there. Patrick, I
appreciate your wanting to help. You may be great at

tinkering with toys, but I am not sure you can do me any

good. Go keep an eye on Megan and make sure she does
not exert herself.
Conor said, I will get on this right away. He transported
If you need anything Aine, just let me know. I will do any
mundane work, anything at all. Just find a cure before this
thing begins to actually start working.
Aines hands clenched at her sides. I have no intention
of letting that woman steal my grandchild the way she did
my son.

Seamus sat in a courtroom-like space. The dark

colored walls and small windows made it most depressing.
He decided the rooms dcor served only one purpose, to
give people no hope. The tribunal consisted of the high
lords and the King. He knew most of the men sitting on the
bench, his own father along with Liam, Quinlon, Dermot and
Nolen and a few others. Three of the men he did not know.
They must have been appointed during the seventeen
years he was away. He convinced himself he could
persuade those he knew well to let Kyle off with just a slap
on the wrist.
His mind wandered as he remembered all the time he
had spent as a young child, playing throughout the castle.
With the exception of the dungeon, every other room was
light and airy. Now, he sat in a room he had never seen in

all that time, one that could depress the most euphoric of
He was brought out of his daydreaming when one of
the members of the tribunal, a man Seamus did not
recognize, stood and spoke.
I do not see a point to this inquiry. This man should be
put to death without question.
Seamus saw Noreens and Kyles faces blanch.
Ruairi stood as well. Under normal circumstances I
would agree with you, Lord Patterson. However over the
last thirty years we have had a person using dark magic to
manipulate people to do her bidding.
Are you saying that this man was under the influence
of dark magic and did not have any knowledge of what
he was doing?
He had his faculties if that is what you are asking.
Then there is no question the man should be
sentenced to death.
Lord Patterson turned to his fellow judges and said, I
say it is time to vote. All in favor.
Four hands shot into the air as others began
discussing it with each other.
Ruairi pounded a gavel on the table and his voice filled
the chamber. Enough. If I had wanted no discussion of the
extraordinary circumstances of this case, I would not have
bothered to call you here. Now each and every one of you
will sit back and hear what has to be said.
In his head, Seamus heard. Way to go, Grandpa.

Yes, love, he definitely has a way about him.

Ruairi continued, Now let us hear from Kyle himself on
why he did what he did.
Kyle stood, and Seamus could see him tremble. Noreen
took his hand and whispered something. He stood
Thank you, your Grace. Three months back, my wife
and I were out walking in the woods when we were
attacked. It happened so fast we did not even have a
chance. How these people were there without our knowing,
I do not understand. They hit us with some type of dart and
we went down. Kyle took a shaky breath. The next thing I
remember I was strapped to a table being tortured.
Afterwards, I was thrown into a cage. Noreen lay curled up
in another cage. I could tell she, too, had been tortured. I
tried to contact Noreen telepathically to no avail. Fear for
Noreen and our unborn child took over my mind. Sometime
later, Noreen woke and we were able to speak verbally.
The torture occurred on a daily basis for about three
Kyle wiped his brow with his sleeve. Then one night I
woke strapped to a table. This time a group of six people
dressed in long black robes surrounded me. They were
chanting and then one came up to my head and put her
hands on it. The excruciating pain I experienced drove me
into oblivion once more. I woke later back in my cage.
Noreen tried to reach for me through the bars. She could
not figure out why I was taken a second time in the same
day. Then some woman came and took Noreen. Within ten

minutes, she was returned unharmed.

Seamus glanced at the members of the tribunal to see if
he could gage how they reacted to Kyles testimony. He
wanted to laugh at the daunting look on each High Lords
face. Although he was glad he never had to face them from
were Kyle stood.
Kyle reached for a glass of water and drank deeply. A
short time later, some woman walked in, carrying a large
knife. She went to Noreen, grabbed her by the hair, placed
the knife to her throat and told me to contact my parents if I
wanted Noreen and my child to live. Naturally, I did. When I
spoke to my father, upon his first word to me, he screamed.
My mother instantly contacted me and then she screamed.
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Kyle continued. This
woman then told me to contact my sister, only to have the
same thing happen with her. The woman moved the knife to
my Noreens stomach and told her to contact me if she
wanted our child to live. I had the privilege of watching
Noreen grab her head, scream and fall. The woman held
her up by her hair before easing her down to the floor of the
cage. Some men came and took Noreen away on a
stretcher. The woman told me if I wanted Noreen and my
family to live, I would do whatever she told me to do.
He took another drink. Later that evening, they moved
me into the room where Noreen was. She lay as still as
death in a glass container. The men who brought me in told
me she was on life support. He said his boss said if I did
everything I was told she would allow Noreen to transport to
Br na Binne to deliver the child.

A rumble went through the room and the King brought

the gavel down. Quiet.
Kyle continued. Months passed and one night this
woman came into my room and handed me a medallion
and told me to transport to Br na Binne, find a man she
described and place it on his chest under his clothes. I had
no idea what this medallion would do, but I would do
whatever she said, as long as my mate was safe. Then a
few days ago, she told me again to come to Br na Binne
and collect another woman whom she described. She told
me exactly when I was to do it so the other woman, who I
now know as Brenna, would be alone. I was to tell her she
had to transport back with me or I would shoot her mate.
Brenna did as I said. Both times, this woman told me
exactly where I would be able to find the people she wanted
to deal with.
Seamus watched another shudder run through Kyles
body before he looked down at his mate. Then he lifted his
head and looked back at the elders.
In the end, I found out my Noreen had only hours to live
and my child less than an hour. If it were not for Megan and
Seamus, they would have died and I would not give a damn
what you did to me. However, my mate is alive and we now
have the most handsome son. Therefore, I want to live to
watch him grow. I am more than sorry for what I have done,
but in truth I would probably do it again if I thought I was
saving my mate.
Kyle sat down and Noreen put her arms around him.

Lord Patterson said, Well that was interesting, but I

cannot say it changed my mind. We cannot be sure you are
telling us the truth as to how these events played out. You
still committed an act of violence against one of us,
therefore I still vote for the death penalty.
There was much grumbling on the bench and Ruairi
once again took the floor. Seamus would you like to speak
for the defense.
Seamus stood. Yes, sir, I would. Then he looked at
each member of the tribunal in turn. Before I start I would
like to ask Donovan OShea a question.
Donovan stood.
Mr. OShea, as you listened to the defendants
statement, was any part of it a lie?
Donovan shook his head. No. Every word he uttered
was the truth.
Lord Patterson jumped up. How can you know if he is
telling the truth verses a lie?
That is one of my abilities, Sir.
Lord Patterson turned to the King. I want this tested.
Ruairi sighed. Fine, Lord Patterson. Speak five
statements. You may choose truth or lie and Donovan will
tell you which is which.
That will not prove anything.
I have known Donovan OShea for the last three
hundred and fifty years. I know his abilities. You may test
him and prove it to yourself.
Seamus sat and waited. In his mind, questions started
formulating. Megan I am trying to figure out why Lord

Patterson is so argumentative about this.

Yes, he does seem to want Kyle to be put to death
very badly.
It does not make sense.
No, it doesnt.
Seamus listened half-heartedly to the conversation
between the Lord and Donovan.
When Lord Patterson finally conceded that Donovan
was a human lie detector, Seamus stood again. Now, I
have a question for all of you. If you were in Kyles place,
would any of you let Mallaidh kill your mate before you did
what she wanted? If you can honestly tell me you would,
then I will accept the verdict you give. As I am the one he
came against, I am telling each of you I would have done no
different than he did. Now, I would like each of you in turn to
stand and tell me what you would have done.
As each person stood and spoke, Seamus glanced
toward Donovan. The only one who said he would not have
done such a thing was Lord Patterson and Donovan
nodded he was telling the truth.
Then Seamus said, Lord Patterson, are you mated?
No, I am not.
Thank you, sir.
Ruairi stood. We shall adjourn for deliberation. They
Everyone gathered around Kyle and gave him and
Noreen as much encouragement as was possible. Within
twenty minutes, the tribunal returned.

The King called everyone back to order. Kyle, if you will

stand please.
Kyle did and Ruairi continued. The tribunal has come to
a verdict. For your attempt at killing another Tuatha without
due cause, the normal punishment would be death. Under
the circumstances, and with the evidence presented here,
that penalty has been waived. When the room cheered,
Ruairi held up his hand. However, you must be punished in
some way for this crime. I sentence you to ten days in the
dungeon, which will commence at midnight this evening.
Fifty lashes, administered by the person whose life you
threatened. Lastly, you shall be placed on probation for the
next fifty years. If you commit any crime against our people
in that time you will have no trial and you will be executed,
post haste.
Noreen immediately burst into tears.
Kyle bowed in respect. Thank you so much for your
Thank the Goddess.
Aye, I told you we would get them to see it our way.
Yeah, you did. They could have left out the whipping

and dungeon stuff, but I guess Grandfather had to do

something so it didnt compromise his authority.
He did have to exact some type of punishment and I
am sure it will seem like a drop in the bucket to Kyle,
compared to what he has been through.
Are you really the one who has to whip him?
Yes, a ghr, I do have to actually whip him and I

cannot hold back as the tribunal will be watching.

That just seems so unfair, but the alternative really
Very true. Now, I will be back there soon, as I am sure
Noreen will need to feed that little scamp of theirs.
Seamus, did you look into Lord Pattersons heart?
No, do you think it needs to be done?
Yes, I am getting a strange vibe about him.
Seamus looked up to do so, only to see Lord Patterson
Well, love, I waited too long, he is gone.
Has everyone else left?
No, only him. Why?
I think he is going back to Mallaidh to tell her what

Why would you think that?
Call it a gut feeling.
Do you honestly think he is working with her?
Yeah, I think they are in cahoots.
I am going to inform the King of your feeling.
Maybe you should wait.
Megan, I have not once seen your gut feelings as you
call them, not pan out. And, if you are correct, I want Ruairi
to have a heads-up. To have someone who Ruairi trusts,
not be trustworthy, could put the whole royal family in
Then do it now.

Seamus walked up to Ruairi and asked if he could talk

to him for just a moment in private. Ruairi excused himself
and they walked into another room.
What is it? Has something happened? Is Megan all
Everything is fine. Megan has listened to the
proceeding through me. She has become suspicious of
Lord Patterson. When I went to look into his heart, he
glanced at me and disappeared. She has this gut feeling
and wanted me to alert you to the possibility.
If that man has anything to do with Mallaidh, I will kill him
with my bare hands. The problem is how do we verify it one
way or the other?
You need to call the tribunal to Br na Binne, if he is
one of her practitioners he will not be able to enter.
I will think of an excuse and inform them we will need to
assemble tomorrow evening.

Patrick found Brenna talking animatedly to her father

when he returned to the infirmary. Brenna looked up
and waved him over.
Patrick, what have they found out about the spell
placed on Megan?
It seems to be a complex death-spell.
Brennas father spoke then. If only Kira was awake.
She did much studying of the dark arts. She said many
years ago the Goddess came to her in a dream and told

her to prepare for a great battle. The Goddess told her she
would need to be able to counteract many black magic
Patrick gave thought to that. Perhaps that is why
Mallaidh wanted her so badly. She knew that once this war
was underway Kira would be able to help in a tremendous
way. Is it possible that Mallaidh was not only looking to
collect power from the people she siphoned from but also
trying to cut out anyone who has the power to stop her?
Brenna glanced around the room. I thought Megan was
here a few minutes ago. I think she needs to know about
this. We also need Conor or Fiona to see if there is any
way to help Mum wake sooner.
I have contacted Seamus and he is getting ready to
return from the hearing. He said to let everyone know Kyle
has been put on probation for fifty years in lieu of execution,
due to the circumstances.
I am glad the tribunal was so fair. I truly thought I would
be standing in front of them.
Her father sucked in a breath. Why would you be in
front of the tribunal?
Patrick answered before Brenna had the chance. She
had it in her head she had been the one to put the
talisman on Seamus.
Why, in the name of Dan, would you think such a
Fury flashed across Brennas face. Because, Mallaidh
conveniently blocked my memories and had me lose time
during any strange occurrence that happened around here.

She listened to conversations I had with people and the

ones people were having around me. She ambushed
Patrick, Colin and Donovan when they went out for a run
because she knew where they would be because of me.
She manipulated situations and I thought I was doing things
to hurt others.
Patrick put his arm around Brenna and pulled her to his
side. Easy, a str, it is over. She cannot do anything to you
anymore. Megan told me she knew Mallaidh was
eavesdropping through you and she was manipulating
things, but she said she never believed you were the one
who put that talisman on Seamus.
That is all fine and good, but if Kyle had not heard
about Seamus from Conor and Fiona he would never have
thought to say something. They would have had to find out
who was the one who did it and I was the person that
looked the guiltiest even if I had not done it.
The Goddess works in strange ways. You were
exonerated before it ever came down to trying to figure it
out. Therefore, you are getting all worked up over what
could have been. I can also guarantee Seamus and Megan
would have worked very hard to prove you did not do it, if it
came to that. Look what they did for a perfect stranger. You
are family.
Seamus materialized with Noreen and Kyle, diverting
Patricks attention. Noreens face was swollen and blotchy,
but she had joy in her eyes. When Fiona came out carrying
their baby, Noreen ran and took him from her.
Seamus saved your da, little one. He told me not to

worry. He said you would have both of your parents. We are

so lucky, little man, to have encountered such wonderful
More tears ran down her cheeks as she spoke to the
baby. Patrick noticed Seamuss embarrassment over
Noreens obvious adoration of him. Then Megan walked in,
her gaze on Seamus, and she was laughing. Patrick knew
she was feeling her mates discomfort.
He watched as Megan walked up to Kyle and hugged
him. Congratulations. I knew they would not be able to
sentence you to death for trying to save your mate.
Thank you again for all of your help. Kyle cleared his
throat. He looked from Megan to Seamus. Noreen and I
talked about this. We want to name our son after Seamus
for what you both have done for us.
Seamus flushed crimson and Megan grinned. Megan
didnt give Seamus the chance to say anything.
We would be honored to have your son named after
Seamus. Just remember, we dont want you to feel
obligated to do so. Seamus and I did what was necessary.
Noreen shook her head. We are not doing this out of
any obligation. I just feel our son will be proud to carry the
name of a man who helped save his parents lives and the
partner of the woman who saved us all.
Patrick almost laughed when Megan blushed and
Seamus smiled. It will be gratifying to see my name
carried on in such a handsome boy. Now if you will excuse
us, Megan and I need to go and consult with Fiona and
Conor on another matter.

Kyle put out his hand and shook Seamuss. Thank you
again for everything you have done for my family.
It was an honor.
Patrick heart swelled with pride for his niece. She had
been through so much and now faced death again, yet she
still didnt want anyone giving her any glory.
As Seamus and Megan went in search for Conor and
Fiona, Patrick excused himself and Brenna from her
father and went after them.
When they were out of earshot of everyone, Patrick
called Seamus, who turned and waited for them.
Have you heard from Aine on how her search is
No, I wanted to check with Mum and see if they had
come up with anything yet. I also want her to make sure the
smudge has not spread.
Seamus, Fiona just checked not an hour ago. So far it
is fine.
Brenna touched Megans arm. I have a question for
both of you and maybe Fiona or Conor. Is there a way to
help my Mum come out of her unconscious state any
Megan looked at her through squinted eyes. Why?
Da said she had a dream many years back and since
then had been studying dark magic to combat it. I think she
may be of great help in finding a way to help you.
Seamus grabbed Megan by one arm and Brenna by the
other. Let us find Conor and Mum and see if there is a way
to get Kira up and about.

Patrick wanted nothing more that to get the smudge out

of Megan. If he could take it on himself, he would. His
biggest concern was what the trigger was. When he spoke
to Aine earlier she worried that it was not just Megan being
in Br na Binne that was preventing its spread. She also
thought that perhaps when Megan had cut the threads from
Brenna, Kyle and Una to Mallaidh she had weakened
Mallaidh enough that she was not able to initiate the spells
spread. Her fear was that once Mallaidh regained her
strength, she would use her black magic to start it
expanding. He, too, wanted Kira awake and working on a
reversal spell right away.
They found Conor and Fiona in the laboratory with their
heads together over some conglomeration of test tubes,
beakers, Petri-dishes and microscopes.
Seamus glanced around at the table and asked what
they were doing.
Conor never even looked up. Aine gave me a formula
to work with and I am trying to figure a way to combat
You actually think that chemistry can fight the dark
Conor looked up, piercing Seamus with his gaze. It is
worth a bloody try. The more we can do the better. If we can
find something that will encase the smudge that will give us
a bit more time to unravel the spell. Now if you have nothing
of importance to add, I need to have quiet to concentrate.
Seamus looked a bit ruffled around the edges. As a
matter of fact we do have something important to discuss.

We need to get Brennas mum, Kira, to wake up now. She

has great experience with the dark arts and Thomas feels
she would be an asset to unraveling the spell.
Now Conor came off his chair. I do not have some
magical bullet to wake people from unconsciousness. If I
did, everyone in the other room would be up and about.
Fiona slammed her hand down on the table, which
made the glass dishes jump along with everyone in the
room. I know we are all tense over this situation. But you
need to reel in your tempers. Going after each other like
caged lions tearing apart meat is not going to speed up
this process.
Conor and Seamus apologized. They all sat down and
started discussing it more rationally.
I wish there were some way to speed up Kiras
recovery, but until her body has healed of its own accord,
she will not waken. As for what we are doing, since I am
useless at spells, but fantastic as an alchemist, Aine
thought there might be a way to hold the spell in some type
of enclosure until she comes up with the spell to counteract
Megan then asked, Do you think if Seamus and I could
do the same type of healing we did on Noreen, it might
speed her recovery?
Conor was quiet for a few seconds before he answered
her. It might, but there is a possibility that it could also
spread the dark magic in you.
It didnt last time.
Fiona shook her head. We cannot be sure of that. I did

not see the smudge prior to you healing Noreen. Megan,

we cannot take that chance.
I hate this. I feel as if I am in prison. How the hell did her
spell get through my shielding?
Conor said, I wish I knew.
Patrick blew out a breath and raised his eyes toward
heaven. He took Brennas hand. Since there is nothing we
can do at the moment, I think we will go back and pick up
Thomas, we will meet you in the great hall for supper. If you
need help, just contact me.

Chapter Twenty-Three
When Megan and Seamus walked into the great hall,
they found the room bursting with family. Everyone seemed
to have converged there, not just for supper, but to put their
heads together and come up with a counteraction to the
spell, their voices raised in conversation, as each tried to
be heard over the other.
Its amazing how loud our families are when they get
Aye, but they can be very constructive when they have
a project to keep them busy.
I wish I could get out of here for about an hour. I feel
like I am locked up in a huge cell.
Megan, I know you are going stir crazy, but if Mum is
right and you set foot out of Br na Binne, you would be
signing your death warrant.
I know. Its just that I have no idea what to do and now I
cant even use any of my powers because everyone is
afraid if I do I could set this stupid spell into hyper drive.
Hell, I cant even exert myself.
Seamus pulled Megan into his arms and held her.
Believe me, I am as frustrated on that fact as you are. I
wish I had studied more of the black arts myself so I could
help to unravel this damn thing. I am on edge about
everything. Look how I reacted to Conor. He was doing
what he knew best to do and I jumped all over him.
Everyone is reacting the same way. You can feel the

tension in this room. I do not want to see any of us coming

to blows, because we are all worried.
We all just have to bite the bullet, so to speak, and
know everything will be fine soon. There are so many
people trying to find a solution Im sure something will show
up soon. In fact, I have an idea that might take everyones
mind off this completely. Maybe if we can all step away
from it for a while and enjoy something else, the solution will
come to the forefront by itself.
You might be on to something. What is it you have in
Brenna said she wanted to redo the Deasghnth with
her family present. How about if we start planning that?
That might just do it.
Megan stomped her foot. May I have everyones
attention for a moment?
The room went eerily quiet. Thanks, I want to give this
spell thing a rest for just a little while. Everyone is just too
wound up right now and we need to find something fun to
think about. Patrick and Brenna will be here in a few
minutes with Thomas. For the next hour I want us to help
them put together another Deasghnth for when her family
Donovan jumped up. Little Bit, we do not have time to
think of such frivolous shite at the moment. Getting rid of the
death-spell must be our top priority.
Seamus glared toward Donovan. Megan placed her
hand on his arm as she sensed his annoyance. He glanced
down at her and smiled, then swung his gaze back to

Donovan. That is why we need to do something to take our

minds off of Megan for just a bit. We are all ready to take
each other apart at the slightest word. We are thinking too
hard about this. Megan may be right in the fact that if we all
let it go for just a short time the solution may come without
Aine stood and took the floor. Megan is right. We have
all been wracking our brains for hours now. Perhaps an
hour of down time will give our minds a chance to process
what we have learned.
Ruairis fist hit the table. So be it. For the duration of
supper no one will mention the death-spell and we will all
help put together a Deasghnth like no other for Brenna
and Patrick.
Brenna and Patrick walked into the room along with
Thomas just as Ruairi made the declaration. They froze,
looked at each other and then at Ruairi as if he had lost his
Patrick cleared his throat. I would think we should have
our priorities straight. Megan is much more important than
our Deasghnth.
Ruairis gaze bore into him. The decision has been
made. Now sit down. We have plans to make.
Patrick looked over at Megan and mouthed, What is
going on?
We need a break from worrying for a little while.
Everyone is walking on eggshells and jumping down
each others throats.

Aye, that is true. So why our Deasghnth?

Because I wanted us to think of something happy.
They talked and planed as they ate. By the time
everyone was through, the mood in the room had gone from
tense to joyous. Everyone was smiling and joking. Megan
was thrilled at the change. She was so glad she had
decided to ask them to think of something other than
herself. Then the time came to discuss her again, but it
seemed everyone had fresh ideas.
Fiona jumped up from her seat so fast her chair went
flying to the ground. Oh for Goddess sake, why did I not
think of this before? The spell entry has the same earmarks
as the talisman placed on Seamuss chest.
She looked at Megan. You said Onch bit the air in
front of you, just before you went flying.
When Megan and Seamus agreed, she continued. He
must have consumed a portion of the spell. That may be
why it is not able to progress the way it should. I will bet the
only way for Mallaidh to get the spell to work fully, is if you
leave Br na Binne or open the veil again.
Fiona turned to Aine. Does that sound right to you?
Could that be why the death-spell is not spreading?
Megan watched as Aine contemplated the possibilities.
That may be exactly why the spell is so slow to do anything.
I may disagree with you about Megan having to leave. Once
Mallaidh recovers from the blow Megan threw at her and
she figures out the spell is not working, she may very well
open the veil herself and strengthen it.
Aine looked around the room until her gaze found

Conor. Conor, how is it going with the encasement you

have been working on? Will this new information be of any
Conor answered, This could be just what we need. I will
see if that has some bearing on what I have been working
Brennas father told everyone about his mates dream
all those years ago and how she had been studying black
magic in order to find counter spells. Aine became very
excited with the possibility that Kira could be a great help.
Fiona or Conor, what is your estimation of Kiras
Fiona answered. Thomas recovered very rapidly and
they both had their powers and life force siphoned from
them the same length of time, so I can only anticipate Kira
will be coming around within the next day. As you all know,
though, each of us reacts differently to situations and our
healing time varies. So this is really only a hopeful guess.
It is the best we can do. Now, I need to get back to the
archives to continue my investigating. If Kira wakes, will you
contact me?
I will do so, Aine.
Ruairi stood. I think we have accomplished a great
deal this evening. If there is anything new, please, make
sure I am informed. If not, I will see you all in the morning.
Megan nudged Seamus. I think this would be a good
time for us to leave as well.
They said their goodbyes and left.

Brenna and Patrick walked Thomas back to the

infirmary so he could be close to Kira for the evening.
Thomas asked, How is it Fiona can communicate with
the Queen?
I will try to explain it briefly, however it is complicated.
First, Megan is the Kings and Queens granddaughter.
When she and Seamus came together at their Deasghnth,
they released a strange power that washed through both of
the families. At the time we did not know Megan was
related to the royal family, but for some reason we can now
communicate with each other as if we were all one family.
I have never heard of such a thing.
Well, I have no clue as to how it happened or why. I will
be curious to see what happens once Brenna and I are
able to complete the Deasghnth in its totality. It is possible
that your family will be brought into that same realm.
They continued talking as they walked into the infirmary.
Once there, Patrick and Brenna said their goodbyes to

Megan woke to the feeling of cold spreading in her

body. She gasped, waking Seamus.
What is it, a ghr?
I think the spell has started to take hold. My legs are

cold now as well.

Seamus jumped from the bed and stared down at her.
Dammit to hell and back.
Fiona, Conor, the spell is taking hold.
Get her to the infirmary now. I will meet you there.
Seamus picked her up and transported.
The whole family, including Ruairi and Aine, were
Megan was shivering to the point of her teeth
chattering. Im so cold and I cant feel the lower part of
my body.
Seamus placed her on a bed and Fiona and Aine
examined her.
Aine spoke. It is not spreading as a normal spell would,
it is multiplying. Each new spore is traveling to another part
of her body. Conor, do you have the encasement serum?
I have the newest version I have come up with. I cannot
be sure it is going to do what we need as I have not tested
it, but at this point anything will help.
He produced a syringe with a needle so long that
looked like it could go through her body from one side to
the other. He gazed at Seamus. Hold her still because I
have to put this in next to each of those new offshoots as
well as the original.
I am sorry Megan, but this will hurt like hell. Please try to
stay as still as possible.
When he put the needle in her abdomen she screamed
but did not move or fight it. Then, he went in again in her
right hip and right leg. Next, the needle went deep by her

left hip.
Conor stood for a moment as if catching his breath.
Did I get them all? Aine or Fiona do you see any
Megan could feel the cold receding.
I see no others, and the serum has surrounded each
spot nicely, Fiona said, and Aine concurred.
Megan sighed. The colds gone. She glanced toward
Conor. What is that stuff and how did it do that?
We figured the spell was similar to the one attached to
the medallion that was placed on Seamuss chest. It has a
boring property so I have set up a formula that will stop its
progress. I cannot say just how long it will work, but for now
it has given Aine a bit more time to find a way to
permanently stop it.
Seamus came up behind Conor and slapped him on
the back. I want to apologize for coming at you earlier. It
seems the work you were doing was much more important
than I realized.
Do not worry about it. I have to say, if Megan had not
made us all relax through supper and find something good
to think about, Fiona may not have thought of the
uniqueness of the spell and the encasement serum I
originally formulated would have been useless.
Thank you for doing what you have done. Now, if there
were only some way to get Kira awake we would be in
business. My gut is telling me that she is the key to solving
this puzzle.
Unfortunately, I cannot do anything to help her recover

any sooner than her body will allow.

Seamus, we could do a healing on her and possible
speed up her recovery, Megan said.
Conor spoke as Seamus shook his head. No, you do
not want to expend any of your energy at the moment. I do
not want you to put any stress on the containment serum. I
cannot say it will hold against extra activity.
Megan wanted to stomp her feet like a little child. We
have to do something. The longer it takes to get this thing
out of me the more chance of it spreading. It may not be at
full strength thanks to Onch, but it still managed to
Aye, but I think if you expend too much energy it will
spread faster. So please do not do anything until we figure
it out.
She let out a sigh. Got it; no doing anything fun.
Sean laughed and said, Look out, Seamus, she is
going to get cranky if she cannot have fun. I am sure all of
us remember how she was growing up. She would throw
hissy fits when she did not get her way.
Megan turned to glare at him, but everyone else in the
room roared with laughter.
Donovan spoke then. She did have a bit of a temper.
And I still do, so watch your step. Megan said through
clenched teeth.
Donovan wagged his finger. Now, now, no expending
any energy, remember.
Oh, I wont do anything now. But, I have a long memory.
When you least expect it I will get even with you. She

turned toward Sean. And you are going to be soooo sorry

you picked on me.
You are all in so much trouble. Believe me, I have no
intention of getting on my mates bad side ever. He pulled
Megan to him. Come, a mhirnn, I think we could both
use a bit more sleep.
They walked out with everyone laughing behind them.
Im so going to get even with them.
Seamus snickered. Of that, I have no doubt.

Patrick felt as if his world was going to shit. He finally

got his mate safe only to learn his niece was in peril.
Couldnt everything settle down for a little while so he could
enjoy his life? It would be so wonderful if they could destroy
Mallaidh, then no one he loved would have to be in any
more danger.
As if reading his thoughts, Brenna came to his side.
Mum is bound to wake soon. If Seamus is right and she is
the key to solving this puzzle, she will find a way.
Even when we solve the dilemma with Megan, who is
that bitch going to go after next? You know damn well she is
not going to stop. She has most likely figured out Megan is
the Daughter of Prophecy by now. Even though she knows
she will lose to Megan in the end, she is going to do as
much damage as she can in the meantime. She is going to

go after everything that we hold dear. Odds are one of

these times she is going to succeed and it will destroy
Megan in the process. Maybe not physically, but
Brenna hand squeezed his arm. I can tell you, for
someone as young as she and one that did not even know
she was Tuatha until recently, she is the strongest person I
have ever met. I do not think anything will destroy her.
Something may set her back a bit, but she will stand up,
dust herself off and forge ahead.
I hope you are right. Another concern I have is who
Mallaidh will go after next. I am not sure I could stand to lose
any more of my family. The loss of Bernadette still haunts
me even after seventeen years.
I can hardly fathom that Mallaidh has been torturing our
people for such a long time and no one has been able to
find her.
Patrick paced across the room, turned and strode back.
Clenching and unclenching his fists. No one even knew
she was behind this until recently. She covered her tracks
well. She made sure there was no way to link her to the
kidnappings. With the exception of Seamus and Megan,
most of those she kidnapped had little ties with anyone.
She picked families that have been in the States for many
years. Many had left due to disagreements with their own
families. She was very smart in the way she has done
things. Only recently has she become bold enough to come
after those of us that were close to the King. Although she
did go after Conall early on, she only threatened his family,

knowing just how to get him to do as she wanted. She was

very careful not to let anyone know what she was doing in
the States.
Patrick saw Brenna shiver. I think that is why she took
our family. Da and Mum had a falling out with their families
about three hundred years back. They still have no
communication with any of them.
That is exactly the kind of thing she has been doing.
She has done a great amount of damage to many people,
but mostly to those who have little ties to their families back
home. Just before Megans birthday, Mallaidh tried to
kidnap her, some of the lords came to where we were
holed-up. One of them, Lord Quinlon McSweeny, said he
had some family members that left Ireland years back.
Once he heard what was going on, he tried to contact them
to no avail. He has been in search of them for about two
months. I can only hope he somehow finds them safe and
secure. Although, I have a sneaky suspicion he is going to
find out they are either dead or in one of Mallaidhs facilities
we have yet to discover.
I am going to talk to my parents to find out what
happened that made them not maintain contact with their
families. Maybe if we can figure out how to start healing all
the old wounds, we can find out who is missing, start a
more thorough search and discover more of her
Well, we need to first figure out how to help Megan.
Without her, we will not stand a chance against that bitch.

Chapter Twenty-Four
The next morning Megan lay in bed, worrying about the
death-spell Mallaidh had somehow set upon her. The more
she thought the angrier she became. She wasnt going to
let that bitch beat her. She was going to fight Mallaidh every
inch of the way no matter what the woman did. The deathspell was contained for the moment and all she had to do
was figure out how to annihilate it in her body. She thought
back on how they dealt with the talisman in Seamuss
chest. Why couldnt Onch do the same to the spell in her?
Now that Conor had encapsulated it, would Onch be able
to bite it out of her? If it were possible, she had no doubt it
would hurt like hell, but it was a better alternative to dying.
Megan turned her head and looked at Seamus. He lay
sleeping next to her and from the smile on his face she
figured he had to be having one great dream. She didnt
want to disturb a good dream because she knew he
needed a break from all this turmoil. She started sliding
from the bed when his arm snaked out and grabbed her.
And where do you think you are off to?
I thought I would go in and take a shower. You looked
as if you were enjoying your dream so I didnt want to
disturb it. Since I cant have any extracurricular activity, I
thought it might be smart to take a shower alone.
She watched a scowl creep over his face. Damn, I
would have loved to finish that dream with you in the

shower. We need to get this spell eradicated as quickly as

possible. Sean may be right about getting cranky without
fun, but it is not only you who will be getting cranky.
Megan laughed, but she knew he was right. She missed
not being able to have sex much more than not using her
magic. Not using magic might be hard, even though she
learned about it only a few months back, but sex with
Seamus was a different kettle of fish. She had never
experienced such a wonderful coming together with anyone
like she did with him and she damn well missed it. Just
thinking about it made her madder than a hornet someone
had smacked but hadnt managed to kill. Cranky was way
too mild a word.
Seamus broke into her thoughts with a slap on her
bottom. Go on in and take your shower. I am going to go
see Ruairi. He is trying to set up something so we can
check out our suspicions about Lord Patterson. He is going
to call the tribunal to Br na Binne and is working on a
good excuse.
Stop him from doing it.
If Lord Patterson is smart and I think he is, he will see
through it and go into hiding. I think I can come up with a
better plan.
Megan watched as he contacted Ruairi.
We are in luck. He was just about to contact all the
Lords. He said he will be here shortly so we can discuss
what you have in mind.
Let me take my shower and think on this.

Fine, I will go check in with Conor and Mum and see if

there are any new developments.

As Megan showered, Onch lapped at the water. You

know little guy, I would like some privacy once in a while.
Much to her amazement the dog actually shook his
Hey, if you can understand me, let me ask you if you
think it possible to bite this spell out of me?
She watched as he once again shook his head.
Do you answer no to everything?
Once again he shook his head and Megan laughed.
Well, okay if you say so.
Then it hit her. Ive got it. You would be able to tell if
Lord Patterson has been practicing black magic,
wouldnt you?
This time his head went up and down.
Oh Goddess, you do understand me.
She jumped out of the shower, dried off and got
dressed. She grumbled the whole time about how time
consuming it was to do this the old-fashioned way.
Boy, not being able to use magic is a real pain in the
She finished dressing and said to Onch, I have really
gotten lazy over the last few months. Lets go. Make
yourself useful and help me find Seamus.

Much to her surprise Onch led her straight to Seamus.

They found him sitting in the great room talking to Ruairi,
over a cup of tea. Her mouth watered at the thought of a
good cup of tea. When she walked in, his gaze found her
immediately. His eyes lit up and he beckoned her over. As
she approached another cup of tea appeared on the table.
Thank the Goddess I dont have to get that the oldfashioned way. It takes forever to make a decent cup of
Ruairi lifted an eyebrow. Did we get out of the bed on
the wrong side this morning?
No, but I hate not being able to use my magic. It took
me half an hour just to take my shower and get dressed
afterwards. It is funny that I have become so used to just
wanting something and its done. To spend the time having
to do it just irritates me to no end.
Well enjoy your cup of tea. Seamus says you think you
may have figured a way to tell if Lord Patterson is
practicing the black arts?
Megan rubbed her hands together. As a matter of fact I
have. I have also figured out how to contain him if he is.
Ruairi snapped his fingers. Well, let us hear it, girl. Do
not keep us in suspense.
Megan smiled. Onch can tell if someone is a
practitioner of black magic. So, all we have to do is get
Lord Patterson around him.
And how do you plan to do that without him
disappearing as soon as he figures it out?
This is the best part. We are going to have you claim

you have brought charges against Brenna.

Megan watched as the Kings eyes lit up with the same
mischievous glint she had been seeing in Seamuss eyes
lately. Aye, and how do you think Patrick and Brenna will
feel about that?
I am sure they will have no problem if it comes down to
striking Mallaidh another blow. We are going to have to
have the whole family acting as if they are in an uproar.
Seamus can transport me to the castle along with any of
her family. Conor can make up a pressure syringe with the
drug Mallaidh uses and someone just has to touch him with
Seamus spoke softly. The way he did when he was on
the verge of killing. No, you cannot leave Br na Binne. I
am not allowing you to be put in jeopardy just to catch this
Seamus, Im pretty sure that no matter where I am, this
death-spell is going to do its thing in its time. I think the only
reason it hasnt spread quickly is because Onch ate most
of it before it hit me.
I still do not want to take that chance. You will stay here
under guard and I can take Onch.
Ruairi held up his hand. I do not want you in any danger
either, but I think this could be a two-fold endeavor. First, if
Megan shows up and he is able to tell that to Mallaidh, it
might thwart any suspicions Mallaidh may have of Megan
being the Daughter of Prophecy. Second, she must show
her support for Brenna or that would look suspicious.

Seamus shook his head. I still think this could be

dangerous for her.
Megan felt her annoyance grow. HelloI think I have a
say in this.
Ruairi spoke as if she never said a word. We are going
to check with Conor, Fiona and Aine before I allow it. If they
do not agree we will do something else.
Seamus ignored her as well. Exactly. You can schedule
the trial for tomorrow evening and hopefully by then Aine
with have figured out how to eradicate the spell anyway.
Megan slapped her hands on the table, stood and
stared each of them down. I will decide what I do.
Seamus focused on her and smiled. Grand. Now all
you have to do is figure out what we can put Brenna on trial
Just then Brenna, Patrick and Thomas walked in.
Thomas looked much better today. His eyes looked
brighter and his face less ashen.
Megan flopped back in the chair, still fuming, but then
she glanced back at Ruairi and watched a wicked glint
come into Ruairis eyes. He stood just as the threesome
arrived at the table.
He cleared his throat. Brenna ODwyer, I am placing
you under arrest.
Brenna and Thomas lost all color. Patrick started to
sputter, and then Ruairi lowered his voice to a whisper.
I have not figured out why yet, so all of you sit down
and help me out.
Megan sat there with her mouth hanging open and

looked over to see Seamus having a hard time controlling

the laughter trying to bubble out of him. She had heard
stories from Seamus about the King, but a prankster she
never figured.
Patrick was still sputtering as he sat. Finally, he found
his voice. What in the bloody hell are you talking about?
Brenna has done nothing wrong. Why the hell are you
looking for something to arrest her for?
That is when Seamus finally lost it. He body shook
hard as laughter poured out.
Patrick turned his gaze toward him and Megan could
see the fire in his eyes.
Megan put her hand on Patricks arm. Let me explain.
Although at the moment I would like to kill the pair of
them myself.
She once again glanced from Seamus, who tried his
best not to laugh, to Ruairi who was in the same
predicament. Megan rolled her eyes and shook her head.
At Kyles trial, Seamus and I became suspicious of
Lord Patterson. He disappeared before Seamus could do
anything about it. The only way we can figure out how to get
him back to the castle is to have another trial. The only one I
could think of that Mallaidh would be more than happy to
see executed, other than Seamus or me, was Brenna. For
that reason, Im sure Lord Paterson will make an
appearance. I planned to ask for your help and make sure
you would both agree to have Brenna arrested. I never
perceived my grandfather as a joker, a cruel one at that, to
try to give you a heart attack.

Then Patrick started laughing. He has not tried to pull a

joke on any of us in over thirty years. He always did that
kind of stuff years back. I should have known.
After a few more comments, they got down to business
talking strategies. Within an hour they had it planned down
to the millisecond.
Seamus and Megan went to find Conor and Fiona to
discuss the possibility of Megan leaving Br na Binne.
They found Fiona first and once they told her the plan
she said, I do not like the idea of you being anywhere but
here. Why is it you have to be there personally?
I think it would look strange if everyone was there but
me. Plus Ruairi thinks that might make Mallaidh think
maybe I wasnt the Daughter of Prophecy.
Fiona shook her head. I do not think that will make any
difference... She gasped, if Lord Paterson is one of her
practitioners, he could possibly activate the spell.
Shite. If he could do that, Mum, we might not even have
time to get her back here. He turned to Megan. A ghr ,
we have to come up with some other way.
Megan shook her head. There is no other way,
Seamus, and you know it.
Fiona sighed. Let me discuss it with Conor and Aine
and see what we may come up with.

Brenna paced back and forth, wringing her hands. I

cannot wait to bring that bitch to justice.

I still do not like the fact that they are going to make a
big deal out of you being arrested.
They have to make it look real if they are going to fool
Lord Patterson. If he is really one of Mallaidhs people,
stopping him is going to take a big bite out of her activities.
She has to have six practitioners in order to cast those
spells and without him, there would be only five. She will
have to find another person who is proficient in the black
arts and then convince them to do her bidding. That would
give us more time to find her.
Patrick, who had been pacing, stopped and glared at
her. You are really excited about this.
Brenna beamed. Aye, very much so. That bitch and
Lord Paterson, both deserve to be punished as well as
anyone who helped them. My mum, sisters and my brother
are still recovering. I will go through any amount of
humiliation to bring her and her people to justice.
You do realize they have to put you in magical chains
so you cannot use any of your powers. It is going to drain
you and make you feel very much the way you did when
Mallaidh had you prisoner.
Brenna rubbed her hands up and down her arms. Yes, I
know. The redeeming feature is the whole time I will know
that I get to have the last ha-ha. Even Da is looking forward
to seeing Lord Paterson brought to justice. He actually
wishes he could be the one with charges brought against
Patrick grinned. Well this time tomorrow night you will

be getting to spit in the mans face before we cut off

his head.
And you better believe I am going to do so.
Patrick smiled and shook his head. I have no doubt.

At supper that evening, Ruairi explained what they had

planned. Everyone agreed and said they would be at the
trial acting furious over the charges against Brenna.
Ruairis gaze locked with Brennas. One more thing
you must know, Brenna. You are going to be vulnerable to
anything Lord Paterson might throw at you because you will
not be able to shield. I am going to have Aine put a spell
around you so no one will be able to read your mind. You
will have to place some thoughts in front of the spell so if he
tries to read you, he gets something. Megan is going to sit
next to you with Onch so he cannot use even a subtle
amount of the dark arts.
Fiona materialized in the room. Sorry to interrupt, I
thought you might like to know Kira is coming around.
There was a clamor of excitement as everyone
transported to the infirmary. Megan told Brenna and Patrick
to transport in and she and Seamus would walk with
Thomas. The three of them hurried through the corridors.
Thomas spoke as they rushed. I appreciate all you
have done for my family. I hope now that Kira is waking we
will be able to give something back to you.

Thomas, you are now family. You owe nothing to me for

what I did as part of the destiny I was born into.
Nevertheless, I thank the Goddess everyday for
bringing you into our lives. If you had not come to our
rescue when you did, we would not be here today to see
and help cut out this cancer trying to devour our people.
When they arrived at the infirmary, Kira had been
moved into a bed at the side of the room and out of the life
support unit. Megan watched Thomas practically fly to his
mate; tears streamed down his face as he held her in his
Megan blinked back her own tears and looked up at
Seamus. This is the best part of being the Daughter of
Prophecy. Seeing the reunion of people Mallaidh has
ruthlessly torn apart.
Aye, it is a wonderful sight.
They continued making their way over to Brenna and
Patricks side. Brenna had stepped back as her father
came charging up. Her cheeks were damp when she
glanced away from her mother to Megan. Brenna wiped her
cheeks. She is still so weak, but at least she is awake.
Conor, who was on Kers other side said, She will be
up and about in no time now. Look how quickly your da
recuperated once he was awake.
Hopefully, she can remember something that will help
Megan. Brenna turned to face Megan. It would be great to
have you free of the spell before we confront Lord
Megan touched Brennas arm. It doesnt matter. I dont

want her to tax herself too soon.

We will not let her do that. It is nice to see Da so happy.
It has been rough on him since he could not contact her
telepathically. But to also have her in the coma has torn him
Ill bet they will be able to communicate telepathically in
no time.
Do you think that is possible?
Mallaidh gave them back that power so you could
contact them. I would think theyd still have it. In any case if I
can ever get back to using my powers Ill to make damn
sure they can.
Brenna reached over and hugged her. I could not have
asked for a better family to be mated into. I truly do not
know what I would do without you.
Fiona spoke then. Now that you have all seen Kira, I
am going to ask you to leave, with the exception of
Thomas, and let her get some rest. I do not want her
exhausting herself. She will be doing much better in the
morning and you can visit then.
Everyone transported after saying his or her good-byes.
Seamus and Megan turned to walk away. I really wish I
could go out for a walk under the stars. I think Ive forgotten
what the night looks like.
I have a feeling that by tomorrow night you will get to do
just that. I know this is difficult for you, but it will be over
soon, I am sure.
I hope so.
When they walked into their room, Megan stopped and

stared. As they walked through the corridors, Seamus had

transformed their room into an enchanted forest. Trees
stood everywhere, a thick canopy blocking out any light. He
walked her through it to the center where a clearing of lush
grass stood. Above her head, a few wispy clouds danced
across the sky and stars blinked like tiny Christmas lights.
She spun in a circle with her arms raised. On the grass, a
blanket appeared and Seamus sat bringing her down with
I know it is not real, but it is the best I could do on short
She hugged him. It is perfect.
Megan pushed Seamus down on the soft blanket and
flipped over so she was laying next to him the way she had
done months back when he was trying to explain to her all
about the Tuatha D Danann.
She sighed. Its just so perfect.
I thought you might like to sleep under the stars tonight.
She snuggled into him because she couldnt speak for
trying to keep her tears at bay. Never in her wildest dreams
had she ever envisioned having someone love her so much
that he would almost move heaven and earth for her.

Seamus watched Megan as she examined the forest he

had built. She looked so happy. Something he had not
seen in her since this whole thing with Patrick and Brenna

started. It felt wonderful to bring her a little joy, even if it was

for just a short time. He could tell she was ready to cry by
the way she snuggled into him. He wished he could make
love to her under the stars even if they were not real. But he
worried that even a wonderful thing like their joining could
accelerate the spell and he could not let that happen even if
he was horny as hell.
He let his mind wander over just how lucky he was to
have found Megan even in this horrific time. He knew she
would be his little spitfire the first time he saw her. Yet, even
with knowing that, he was still in awe of how alive she made
him feel. He wasnt sure how long his mind had been
wandering but the next thing he knew Megans breathing
had slowed. She had fallen asleep in his arms. He closed
his own eyes and let his body relax and follow her in sleep.

Brenna woke early refreshed and exhilarated after a

wonderful night of making love with Patrick. She had been
too excited to sleep after her mother came out of her coma.
Patrick took care of that very nicely for her. He had taken
her first in the Jacuzzi, then the shower and finally twice
more in bed. She was actually surprised she could move,
but instead of being sore, she felt great.
Patrick stretched his arm out and snagged her waist.
Good morning, beautiful.
Brenna couldnt help but smile. How could one man
bring her so much joy? She had known him for less than

three months and still she was so much in love with him.
The thought made her pause. Love, was that possible in
such a short time? How could she possibly be in love with
this man so soon? Yes, she decided she could and was.
What are you thinking, a str?
I was wondering how it was possible that I could be in
love with you so soon.
She watched as his whole being froze.
Did you just say you love me?
Aye, as a matter of fact I did. But I was trying to figure
out how that was possible.
His whole demeanor lit up. Joy seemed to emanate
from his pores. You love me. You really love me.
Is that so hard to believe?
Well, I knew it was inevitable, but I never thought it
would happen so soon.
So are you saying it has not happened for you yet?
No, that is not what I am saying. I have been in love with
you from the day you returned to your human form. To be
honest, I really think from the day I found you in your cage.
But back then I didnt know it.
She jumped into his arms, kissing him, holding him,
loving him. He was the most magnificent man she could
ever have had the privilege of knowing and he was her
mate. She felt as if she were flying. I love you, I love you,
Goddess, I love you.
They once again made love, slowly enjoying the
pleasure of each other.

Two hours later, they made their way to the infirmary to

see how her mother and father were doing. Her mother was
sitting up eating some breakfast. Her color was even better
than last evening. Upon seeing Brenna, a gigantic smile
creased her face. When she spoke, her voice came out a
bit rusty sounding. Brenna darling, you look so happy. Your
da told me everything that has happened. He said that this
horrible woman did terrible things to you even beyond what
was done to us.
Brenna hugged her mother. Mum, I am fine. It is over
for all of us. We are safe now.
Aye, we are. Now introduce me to your mate.
She pointed toward Patrick. Mum, this is Patrick
Then she turned, putting an arm around Patricks waist
and pulling him next to her. Patrick, I would like you to meet
my mum, Kira ODwyer.
Patrick reached down, picked up Kiras hand and
kissed it. Then he spoke to her in Gaelic. Mrs. ODwyer, it
is so wonderful to meet you. I have been waiting for days so
I could finally get the chance to say hello.
Kira blushed, bending her head like a shy child. She
cleared her throat. It is so nice to meet you. I hope you will
take good care of my baby.
Patrick smiled at her. I promise I will take care of her
and make her as happy as I possibly can for the rest of our
Thank you. Now, I have been thinking on this problem
Thomas told me about with your niece. I will need her to

come in so I may look at her and read the spell. Once I have
done that, I will see if I can find a solution.
Let me get her in right away so you will not be up too
long. I know Fiona will not want you taxing yourself.
I am feeling much better. In fact, I sent Thomas out to
get his own food so he would stop smothering me. He did
not want me to even feed myself.
Mum, he thought he was going to lose you. Give him a
little leeway. He will settle back down in a few days.
As they continued talking, Megan and Seamus walked
in. Kira looked up and her breath caught. She pointed to
Seamus and asked him to move away from Megan. When
he did she told Megan to turn slowly. Brenna watched as
she closed her eye and sent out her senses.
You have a death-spell that has been put together by a
circle of six. It is not strong. It is as if you only received a
small portion of it. Yet, it is now starting to duplicate itself.
Within the next ten hours, it will have enough power to do its
job. There is only one way in which to stop it. You must
destroy one of the six that has cast the spell.
Brenna stared at her mother. How was she able to do
that and figure it out when no one else had? Her mother
opened her eyes. She looked at Megan with such sadness.
I am sorry I cannot give you an easy way to help you
unravel this spell, but there is no way to unravel it. The only
way to stop this particular spell is to kill one of the
practitioners. She then gazed toward Seamus. Is there
any way you will be able to find any of those practitioners? If
you do not, you mate is going to die.

Seamus strolled to Kira, leaned over, and kissed her,

then straightened. My name is Seamus OKelly, and you,
my lady, are an angel in disguise. It just so happens we
believe one of our High Lords is conspiring with Mallaidh.
We have a trap set for this evening and if you are up to it
you may be part of it.
Kira eyes lit up. If there is some way I can be part of
bringing that woman to justice, I most definitely want to be
part of it.
Seamus spent another ten minutes explaining what they
had planned. When he finished he said, I believe it is time
we left you to get some rest so you may play the weepy
mother for our little trap.
They all headed to the great hall so they could let
everyone know what they had found out. On the way, they
ran into Thomas who was hurrying back to Kira. Brenna
stopped him.
Da, Mom just laid down to take a nap. Why not come
back with us so you can hear the news she has told us.
Thomas looked undecided. Finally, he shrugged and
headed back with them.

Seamus had sent word for everyone to meet in the

great hall, so when they arrived, everyone had already
Once all were seated, Seamus spoke. I have some

news. Kira was able to tell us how to deal with the spell
placed on Megan.
The group in the room erupted in questions. Seamus
held up his hands and everyone quieted down.
Then Aine spoke. How did she say we could unravel
this spell? None of us has been able to find a single
thing that would help.
That may be because there is no way to actually
unravel it.
Raised voices filter through the room.
Donovan yelled, There must be something we can
Seamus shook his head. Kira said that in ten hours the
spell will be strong enough that not even Conors
containment serum will be any good.
Everyone shouted to be heard.
He slammed his fist against the table. Dammit, will you
all shut up and let me finish.
With that, Megan and Brenna started laughing. Seamus
turned and glared at them. Now, the only way to stop this
spell is to ritually kill one of the six practitioners that cast it.
Then he grinned. And as of five hours from now we should
be doing just that.

Chapter Twenty-Five
The rest of the day flew by. Everyone was ready and in
the castles chambers. The twelve members of the high
court walked in. Everyone rose. Then Brenna was dragged
in, fighting all the way and saying she did not do it of her
own free will. Kira played her part to the hilt. She cried and
pleaded for them to listen to her daughter. Thomas stood
next to his mate, holding her, looking solemn and
Megan sat at the defense table with Onch hidden in
the folds of her skirt. Ruairi came out and stood behind the
Lords. His voice bellowed out and reverberated throughout
the chamber.
You may all be seated. He turned his stare toward
Brenna. Brenna ODwyer, you have been charged with
attempted murder of Patrick OShea.
Brenna, tears running down her face, struggled against
her bonds and yelled. No, I did not want to do so. She
made me do it.
Ruairi glared at her. Quiet! Then he continued,
Knowing you were a siphon for Mallaidh, a traitor of our
people, you coerced Mr. OShea to mate with you, even
though you knew once he contacted you telepathically
Mallaidh would siphon his powers from him and eventually
kill him.
Brenna again cried out. No, Nothat is not how it
happened. She forced me to do it.

Patrick played his part as well. Your honor, she did not
deceive me. I mated to her of my own free will. You cannot
do thisI beg you to reconsider.
Three things happened at one time. Lord Patterson
stood saying there is no possible way for someone to force
another do something. Onch jumped from Megans lap
and ran to the front of the room where he stood growling at
Lord Patterson and Ruairi slapped his hand down on Lord
Pattersons shoulder, bringing the pressure syringe into
play. Lord Paterson fell to the ground. Immediately, Onch
moved to another of the lords and did the same thing. This
man, Lord Blake, saw what was happening and
The guards came in, unlocked the chains from Brenna
and proceeded to lock them on Lord Patterson. Conor
came up and administered a second shot bringing Lord
Paterson back to consciousness. He struggled to get away.
When he tried to cast a spell, the enchanted chains
stopped it. You will all die for this. Mallaidh will know what
you have done and will destroy you all.
Patrick stood. Thank you, Lord Paterson, for opening
your mouth and telling us your connection with Mallaidh, for
you have now signed your own death warrant.
Lord Patterson pulled against his restraints.
Ruairis voice boomed. Lord Paterson, I condemn you
to death for the crimes you have committed against your
own people.
The guards who had chained him, grabbed Lord
Patersons arms and dragged him from the room. Seamus,

Patrick and others followed to make sure no one

intercepted them. The Lords that remained stood
dumbfounded until Dermot spoke.
How did you know?
Surprisingly, Megan and Seamus became suspicious
at the trial for Kyle. We knew we needed him back here in
order to verify he was indeed one of Mallaidhs six. We now
also know Lord Blake is one as well, but I can guarantee he
will go deep into hiding.
He glanced from one lord to the other. Now, I must go
down and participate in his beheading in order to save my
granddaughter from the death-spell they threw at her when
she rescued the families of Brenna, Kyle and Una four days
ago. If you would like to participate, we must do this now. I
want no time for Mallaidh to try to rescue him or the spell
they placed on Megan to take hold.
Megan, Aine, Brenna and her parents remained in
chambers when everyone else transported to the dungeon
for the beheading.

When Ruairi arrived in the dungeon with the rest of the

lords, they found Lord Patterson chained to the beheading
stone. His shoulders rested on the stone and his arms
spread down backwards. He turned his head from side to
side. Seamus stood on one side and Liam on the other,
each holding a sword.

Lord Patersons gaze met Seamuss. He sneered at

him. She will die. You will all die.
Seamus watched as Ruairi walked up next to Liam, a
sword appearing in his hand as he did.
As he plunged the sword down into Pattersons heart,
he spoke. I, Ruairi ONihill, condemn you to walk for
eternity in torment. This is for my granddaughter and my
Black blood spewed from Lord Patterson.
Then Liam lifted his sword, also piercing it through Lord
Pattersons heart. I, Liam OShea do this for my
granddaughter and my daughter and her unborn child. May
you be tormented for all eternity for the atrocities you have
Seamus lifted his own sword and followed suit. I,
Seamus OKelly, condemn you to an eternity of tormented
isolation for my mate and her parents.

Onch jumped down from Megans lap, turned and

started whining and growling at her. At the same time, she
could feel the cold start spreading. Kira and Aine both
gasped. Kira yelled for Aine to contact Ruairi and tell him to
The cold oozed into her muscles and then into her
bones. Aine, Brenna, and Kira were wrapping her in
blankets even as her body became leaden as if an
avalanche had descended on her. She could feel her heart

slowing as the coldness spread. Her hands and arms were

already blue. She knew she didnt have much time so she
sent her mind to Seamus. I love you.

Seamus could feel the freeze of Megans limbs

permeating into his own. His own teeth began to chatter.
Lord Pattersons gaze was glued to his and a sinister smile
creased his lips, even through the trickle of blood forming at
it edges. He mouthed the words, You are too late.
I, King Ruairi ONihill, condemn you to an eternity of hell
for the crimes you have committed against the Tuatha D
As he finished he brought the sword down and
beheaded Lord Patterson. Everyone moved back as Liam,
Ruairi and Seamus extended their hands calling fire that
shot into Lord Pattersons body and consumed it.
Seamus dropped to his knees. No. He was having
trouble maintaining his connection to Megan. Arms
reached for him as blackness descended upon him.

Patrick yelled for six of them to transport Seamus to Br

na Binne.
The rest of you back to the chamber to help transport
Megan. We will also need to help Brennas da and mum, as

they are both unable to transport themselves.

Fear raced through him at the thought that Lord
Pattersons last word could be true. When he reached
Megan, she was struggling for breath. Her skin was like ice.
Conor and Fiona descended upon them the minute they
arrived. They had Seamus already under thermal heaters
and life support. Within seconds, Megan joined him. When
Kira and Aine arrived, they rushed to Megans side. Patrick
watched as they scanned her body.
Aine looked around the room, her face giving nothing
away. The spell is gone, but the damage is extensive. She
should recover by being here, but this spell was very
aggressive. We can only hope we were in time.
The rest was left unsaid. If Megan did not pull through,
Seamus would not either.
Supper was a mixture of joy and worry. Everyone was
excited over hurling yet another blow at Mallaidh. Brennas
sister, Nuala, had awakened and both Megan and Seamus
had started to show signs of improvement.
As Patrick talked to Donovan and Colin, they discussed
how Mallaidh would be stumbling for some time after the
loss of her siphoned powers. And now with one of the six
gone, Colin interjected she would have little ability to
retaliate for some time.
Donovan sprang out of his chair. Shite. Noel, Colin,
Paddy, Sean and Brian, with me. Why did we not think of
this sooner? She cannot come after any of us at the
moment, but dammit to hell and back, she can go after Jim.
What would be the worst blow to Megan above Seamus?

Mallaidh would know that and that is who she will go after.
Ruairi, Roarke and Liam joined them. We can transport
him back to the castle. Aine will have it set.
They arrived outside Jims house. It sat nestled in the
Irving Park district, a quiet neighborhood north of Chicago.
The two-story house sat on the corner, its landscape picture
perfect. Jim loved puttering around the yard as his
masterpiece bloomed. A shadow caught Patricks eye. He
signaled to the others. There was a small assault force,
dressed in fatigues creeping up through the alley and from
both ends of the streets. Transporting inside, they found
Jim sleeping in a recliner, a book slipping from his fingers.
Donovan tapped Jim on the shoulder. Jim, wake up.
A groggy Jim, looked around the room. What the hell;
what are all of you doing here?
Donovan whispered to him. We need to get you out of
here. There are a good ten men outside converging on
the house.
Why, what is going on?
I will explain later. Get in the middle of the circle and
keep low and quiet.
Just as he was shielded and ready to transport, the
house shook.
Bloody hell, go, go!
Six hands ascended on Jim. Patrick, Noel and
Donovan reappeared in the trees adjacent to the
house, now engulfed in flames.
Son of a bitch. If we had been here seconds later, he

would not have had a prayer.

They took out three of the men and made it look as if

they had been knocked unconscious after being caught in
their own blast. Sirens sounded in the distance and
neighbors converged onto the scene.
Well at least the Garda, will have a bit to work with.
Aye, we will have to make it look like Jim had left for

Ireland because Megan was sick or the Garda will be

asking some uncomfortable questions. Paddy, you go to
the university and set up his vacation time in the
computer. Then catch a few of his coworkers and make
them think he received a phone call this afternoon about
his daughter being very ill and him needing to get to
Ireland right away. Noel, you take care of the
transportation end and then help Paddy. I will stay here
and put a few thoughts in the neighbors heads, making
sure some of them saw the men creeping around and that
the lady next-door was supposed to water his plants and
collect his mail.
They arrived back at the castle a few hours later to find
Sean trying to calm a very agitated Jim. Jim turned on them
the minute they arrived.
Why the hell didnt someone tell me Megan was in
danger? She stopped by five days ago and said she would
be working on helping Patricks mate. She was supposed
to come by the night before last and called to say she was
tied up. She never let me know she was fighting a deathspell. She could have died and not a one of you bothered to
let me know.

Donovan held up his hand. And tell me what good it

would have done for you to know something was amiss.
You were stuck in Chicago and would not have been able
to do anything. You would have gone crazy. Not that you are
not now. I checked with Fiona and Megans color is coming
back. She is breathing on her own and everything else is
coming along fine. Conor thinks she will be up and about by
the morning.
She is my daughter, dammit. I should have been told
about it.
I was planning on coming by this evening, when it
dawned on me Mallaidh would try to retaliate for Megans
interference. Since she lost so much power, she would not
be able to come after any of us.
What happened there anyway? What shook my
It seems Mallaidh was not playing around. The
bastards hit the house with a missile of some sort. I am
sorry Jim, but it is a lost cause.
Jim slumped into the chair. The house is gone? That
bitch had my house blown up? I loved that house. Then he
blanched. You barely got me out of there. If you hadnt
come when you had, Megan would have been waking up to
find out she was fatherless as well.
Aye, we were all very lucky. We had to do a bit of
finagling so the fact that you were not there did not cause
any suspicions. I made your neighbors remember you told
them you were off to Ireland because your daughter was ill.
Paddy did the same at the University and Noel set up to

make it look like you flew out on Aer Lingus nine hours ago.
I will bet you should be receiving a call shortly from the
Garda informing you of a bombing at your home.
Jim winced. Thank you. Now why do you have me at
the Kings place instead of one of your own?
Ruairi thought it would be safest for you to be here as
he has guards and wards no one can penetrate without
his knowing.
Okay, now who is going to tell me about this mission
Megan went on to save Patricks mate and what went
After listening to the conversation and being away for
as long as he had, Patrick was ready to get back to
It will have to be Sean or Dono as I am heading back to
Br na Binne. I have been away long enough and need to
see how Brenna is doing.
He left them to their conversation and transported to his

Patrick arrived at Br na Binne to find Brenna sitting

talking with her sister. They looked very much alike other
than their hair. Brennas was a long black veil of silkiness
that always made him want to burrow his hands through it.
Nualas blond hair was a bouncy spring of curls, as if she
had put hers in small curlers. He would have remained

watching them if Brenna had not sensed him and turned her
head. She jumped up and ran to him, flinging herself into
his arms.
Come meet my sister. Brenna pulled him over to
where Nuala sat, propped up by a pile of pillows. Nuala,
this is my mate Patrick. Patrick, this is Nuala, the bratty one
of my sisters.
Patrick reached down to give Nuala a hug. Nice to
meet you and welcome to the family.
Same here. Take good care of my sis, but dont let
her get away with anything. I may be the brat, but shes
the spoiled one.
With that, both Brenna and Nuala chuckled.
When Patrick pulled from the hug, he turned to Brenna.
Before he could say a word, she asked. How is
Megans da?
We were lucky to get there when we did. His house
was not so lucky. Mallaidh sent some men and they
bombed the house, thinking he was in it. We barely got out
in time. If we had been only seconds later, he would have
gone up with it.
Oh Goddess, Megan would have been devastated.
Come look at her; she is doing much better. They took her
off life support about two hours back. Conor thinks she
should wake up soon. Seamus woke up a few times, but he
is still pretty out of it.
They walked over to Megans and Seamuss bed.
Seamus eyes fluttered open. When he tried to speak, his
voice came out in a croak. Brenna grabbed a water glass

with a straw and helped him drink.

Patrick asked, How are you feeling, old guy?
He smiled at that. You are only a week younger than
That may be true, it still makes you older them me.
Aye, so respect your elders.
Patrick watched as Seamuss hand reached out to
grab Megans. She still feels so cold.
She will be up and around before you know it.
I know she is fine, but that spell did some real damage.
If Ruairi had waited a fraction longer, she may not have
been able to regenerate her lungs and heart.
Patrick nodded. True. However, the ritual had to be
precise or it would not have worked at all. It gave Ruairi the
scare of his life as well.
I do not think Patterson knew we would break the spell
by killing him with the ritual. He really thought Megan was
going to die with him, Seamus said.
That he did. I was afraid he might have been right when
I got to Megan. Her skin was a purplish-blue, and she was
gasping for breath. It scared years off me.
I did not see her, but I could feel the cold and it even
started interfering with our connection.
Patrick placed his hand on Seamuss shoulder.
Seamus, I need to let you know that Mallaidh
Seamuss gaze flew toward him. Who?
She went after Jim, but we got there in time. Man, if we
had been seconds later he would have been toast. Patrick

shook his head. They blew up his damn house.

Seamus sucked in a breath. Goddess, it would have
killed Megan to think her life was saved only to be replaced
by her das. Where is he?
Ruairi has him stashed at the castle. He will be dealing
with the Garda over the next few days though.
How is he going to explain his disappearance?
Dono had me scrambling around changing records at
the University and Noel made it look like he took a flight to
Ireland, a few hours earlier. Dono added a few memories to
the neighbors about Megan being sick.
He was always good wiiith de t Seamus was
asleep before he finish.
Patrick laughed. He still has a bit more recuperating
himself. It amazes me how he reacts to everything that
happens to Megan.
Brenna turned to him. How is that? I know we can feel
our mates pain, but he actually reacted as if it had
happened to him.
Patrick shrugged. I am not sure, but they seem to
actually act as one. When Megan was kidnapped and
tortured, Seamus exhibited every mark as if it was being
done to him not her.
How is that possible?
It has something to do with their bond. It is stronger
than any mated pairs has ever been.
Patrick yawned and threw his arm around Brennas
shoulder. I am a bit tired from all this running around saving
peoples lives. Want to join me?

She stepped away, put her finger to her head and

tapped. Ummmm, Let me think.
When Patrick made a grab for her, Brenna yelped. She
turned and raced down the hall, giggling the whole way with
Patrick in hot pursuit.

When Megan woke, she felt as if someone had run her

over and then backed up to do it again. Seamus reached
over and pulled her to him.
Well, I must have lived because I hurt too much to be
Aye, you are alive and well.
Alive. Maybe. Wellthe verdict is still out on that.
Goddess, that spell packed a punch.
Seamus nodded. Aye, it almost did its job. Once the
spell took hold, it spread rapidly. It was a good thing the
actual decapitation was the only part of the ritual left. I do
not think either of us would have made it if there had been
more parts to the ritual execution.
Megan closed her eyes for a moment. It did work pretty
fast. One minute I was sitting discussing something and the
next the cold enveloped my body.
You had us all a bit worried. I take that back. We did. I
was as bad off as you were.
Is that normal?
Seamus shook his head. No, it is not.
Then why does it seem to happen with us?

I have no clue. It just does.

Megan yawned. Im still a bit sleepy. I think Ill take
another nap.
Before you do, Megan, I need to tell you something.
Megans eyes flew open to stare. Whats wrong?
Your da is in Ireland.
What? Why is he here? Did somebody blab that I had
this death-spell attached to me?
No. Actually Dono and a few others went to his house
last night and saved his life.
Megan went pale. How? What happened?
Seamus told her what he could remember from the
conversation with Patrick.
Goddess, his house. That was his pride and joy.
Megan stirred and tried to get out of bed. I need to see
him. I have to make sure he is okay.
Not for a while you will not. You cannot transport yet and
I cannot help.
Tears filled her eyes. Seamus promise me he is all
Because of the concern coursing through her, Seamus
contacted Donovan. Patrick told me he was fine. Dono is
on his way in here and he can tell you himself.
Donovan materialized next to the bed.
Where is he? Is he really okay? How did you know?
What happened to his house? Is it repairable?
Donovans shoulders shook with laughter. Slow down,
Little Bit. Give a man a chance to answer.
Megan ducked her head, but Seamus knew she was

smiling. Sorry.
Now, your da is fine, not even a scratch. He is staying
with Ruairi and Aine.
Why there and not with one of you?
Ruairi thinks security will be better at the castle.
Megan stared at Donovan. Howd you know he was in
Actually, I did not know. We were sitting having supper
and Colin mentioned Mallaidh would not be able to retaliate
with the loss of all her power and one of the six. Suddenly
your da came to my mind and I knew she would not need
any power to get to him. Donovan scrubbed his hands over
his face, and then looked her in the eyes. Little Bit, we just
made it there in time. We were about to transport when the
missile hit the house. We got him out, but Paddy says the
house was completely demolished.
Seamus put a stop to any more conversation. Megan,
you know everything is fine now, get some rest so you will
be able to get over to see him soon.
It didnt take Megan long to fall asleep.
After she had, Seamus eased out of the bed and
walked with Donovan to finish the conversation.
I am fuzzy on everything Paddy told me early this
morning. How did you work it out so the Garda are not
going to be asking unanswerable questions?
We did a bit of finagling with records at the University
and the airlines. Then we inserted a few thoughts into
neighbors and coworkers minds about Megan getting sick
and Jim needing to get to Ireland right away.

Have the Garda contacted him yet?

Aye, he dealt with them before he went to bed. I am
going to head over there now to see how things are going. I
am sure he will be happy to hear that Megan has been
awake and is doing well.
Tell him we will come by as soon as our powers will
allow. I have no doubt we will both be fine by supper
I will do that. Now, you should also get a bit more rest
yourself. You took as much of the spell as Megan did. I will
see you later.
Thanks for coming and putting her mind at ease.

The family met at Ruairis for dinner. The energy that

flowed around the room sparked with joviality. All
celebrated that even with all the setbacks, everyone was
alive and safe.
The main discussion was about rebuilding Jims home
and for him to sell it and move to Ireland. They wanted him
close now that Mallaidh had declared war on them.
The next topic was Patricks and Brennas Deasghnth,
which they set for a week from that day. The only one in
Brennas family that had not come out of a coma yet was
her little brother and he showed signs of awakening.
Then the subject switched to Mallaidh. They decided
they now had a bit of a reprieve as she would have to take

time to replace Lord Patterson. They determined to do a

some hunting of their own and find more of her compounds.
They would also seek out Lord Blake; he was a top priority
as they knew him to be one of her minions.
Seamus and Megan took Jim to their house. Megan
looked forward to sleeping in her own bed. Once they
arrived home, Seamus set the wards and early warning
system around the property. He took no chance, even if
there was a good possibility Mallaidh was down for some

Patrick, with the help of his family, transported Brennas

family back to Br na Binne. After settling her parents in a
suite for themselves and her sisters in another, Patrick and
Brenna checked on her brother. He was now off life support
and Conor felt he should be coming around in the next day
or two.
Tired from all the trauma and then partying, Patrick and
Brenna made their way to their suite and collapsed into
bed. They held each other as sleep overtook them.

The next week flew by, as preparation for the

Deasghnth got under way. Brenna was ecstatic as her

mother and sisters helped with the details. Megans joy

rivaled that of the Queen. Brenna could not believe that the
King insisted the Deasghnth be held in the castle
gardens. She knew it was a big production, but she began
to feel they were going a bit overboard. As night fell and
everyone began to gather, Brenna began to feel very
Megan must have sensed it because she materialized
at her side. Brenna, youve already gone through this.
Whats making you so anxious?
If I only knew.
Well, get over it. Then she laughed. If you want a
chuckle, I think Uncle Patrick is as nervous as you.
To Brenna astonishment, her nerves instantly
disappeared. Oh, come on. He is never anxious about
Megans eyes widened and she nodded. Honest, he
looked like he was going to have a coronary at any
moment. Seamus is over there giving him a pep-talk.
Megan grabbed her hand. Lets go.
They materialized into the courtyard, which was
decorated with ribbons and bows. Sparkling lights twinkled
in time with the music. The stars seemed to cover the clear
night sky. Everywhere she turned she saw people dressed
in long capes that carried the color and crest of their clan.
Patrick was beside her soon after. They drifted from
one well-wisher to the next, shaking hands or hugging. The
beautiful plants and statues that encompassed the gardens
were lost on Brenna.

When the King and Queen made their appearance, a

hush fell over the crowd. Patrick took Brenna by the arm
and they slowly made their way to the front, where Ruairi
and Aine stood.
Ruairi smiled and said, Place your hands together.
Then he held his hand over theirs. Is mor an onoir dom a
bheith I gceannas AR an ocaid athasach seo. {It is my most
honored duty to preside over this most joyous occasion.} I
therefore give my consent that this couple, Patrick OShea,
son of Liam OShea and Nuala OShea nee Flanagan to
Brenna ODwyer, daughter of Thomas ODwyer and Kira
ODwyer nee Lynch. May the Goddess Dan look down
upon this union with fondness and bless this couple with
abundance in all ways. May you both live a long and happy
Brennas heart swelled as she remembered the last
time these words were spoken. Back then, they didnt even
know her name. Now her parents stood beside her. Brenna
looked at hers and Patricks joined hands, the Claddagh
Ring wrapped her ring finger. Its match encompassed
Then Ruairi bellowed. Let the celebration commence.
Tables materialized and food appeared. The feast was
more than Brenna could ever imagine. Food consumed, the
dancing began. Brenna was swept from one man to
another until she finally ended once again in Patricks arms.
Patrick picked her up and carried her toward the castle.
Over his shoulder, he said, It is time my mate and I
consummated our mating properly.

Brenna buried her face in his shoulder as she heard

replies such as. Like that has not already happened. Or
What have you been doing these last few months,

Within a few weeks, Megan and Seamus had Jim
settled into their house until the insurance company could
finish processing the claim on his home in Chicago. Megan
cooked dinner. She now understood Seans need to
actually cook, as it helped her to relax also. After the last
few weeks, Megan wanted to have something feel normal.
So tonight, she prepared leek soup, salad, melon, leg of
lamb, roasted potatoes and Marafat peas.
Dinners ready.
Seamus and Jim hurried into the kitchen. Seamus
reached over giving her a kiss on the top of her head.
Smells wonderful.
She could feel the blush run up her cheeks. She never
was good at accepting complements. Thanks.
Enjoying the meal, their conversation light, Megan let
her mind wander back to when she used to plant the
vegetable garden in her dads yard. She blinked to fight the
tears threatening her. I hate that that bitch destroyed the
house I grew up in.
She watched her dad as his own eyes filled. Its hard to
believe she blew the damn thing up. Im fortunate to have
magical relatives that could replicate some of what she
Seamus cleared his throat. It is a good thing your
daughter is so observant and has such a good memory.
You know its going to take months before they

complete everything. Are you sure you dont want me to rent

something until then?
Jim, that is ridiculous. We have plenty of room here and
with all that happened we would feel better having you close
for the time being.
I just dont want to be a burden.
Megan laughed. Dad, its great having you here. Half
the time we dont even see you, so how could you possible
think you are a nuisance?
Are you sure?
Aye, Jim. We both love the fact that you are here. Now
stop worrying. Tell me what you would like the kitchen in
your new home to look like?
They continued eating dinner and discussed some of
the things her dad wanted in the home he would have in
Dublin once everything was settled on the one in Chicago.
Megan loved that after dinner she didnt have to clean
the kitchen. All she had to do was think it so.
Her dad went off to his room to do some work. He might
not live in Chicago anymore but the university was allowing
him to continue teaching his classes on line and he loved it.
Megan grabbed her glass of wine and the wine bottle
and made her way into the living room, where Seamus had
built a fire. She sat down on the floor with her back propped
up against the back of the couch and Seamus joined her.
Seamus kissed the top of her head as they snuggled in
front of the fire. Onch lay curled up by Seamuss side. The
smell of peat permeated the air of their Dublin home.
I might get fat and lazy spending my evenings at home,

drinking wine and staring into the fire like this.

He laughed. You have had this opportunity for less than
a fortnight. How can you think that would make you so?
However, if you feel you need a bit more exercise, I am
sure I can accommodate you.
Megan leaned back and gazed into his eyes. Oh, Ive
no doubt you would do just that. Believe me Im not
complaining. Its just feels so ordinary and our lives are far
from it.
Aye, so let us enjoy it while we can.

A Chro (ah hree) My Heart
A Ghr (ah hraw) My Love
A Rn (ah ruin) My Dear
A Str (ah store) My Darling or My Sweetheart
A Mhuirnn (ah wer-neen) My Beloved
A Thiarna Uaisle High Lords
Banron Queen
Br na Binne (broo-na-boyne) The place the Tuatha
D Danann go to heal and learn of their heritage.
Deasghnth Ritual
Dan (DAH-noo) The goddess Dan, Mother of the
Tuatha D Danann
Mathair Mother
Morrgan (MOHR-ee-gan) Great Queen, Irish goddess
of war.

Mallaidh (MAL-ee) Her name means bitter.

Onch (On Choo) A small white mop of a dog, That
turns into a ten foot tall wolf/lion monster given to Megan for
protection by Morrgan.
Prionsa Prince
R King
Sidhe (Shee) Are a supernatural race, quite distinct
from humankind. They dwell underground in the hills or
mounds that dot the Irish landscape.
Summerland This is where the dead reside.
Tuatha D Danann(tOO'uthu d~ d'nn) The children of the

goddess Dan. An ancient Celtic People that at the age of

thirty (males), and twenty-five (females) come into their
magical power. At that point, the aging process slows to
one month for every three years of life. They can travel and
bring something to them at a thought. They can turn into any
animal of their choosing. They are very hard to kill, but it is
not impossible.

Ritual Words

Tugaim duit mo ghr, mar a thugann tu domsa do ghr

I give you my love, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo chorp, mar a thugann tu domsa do
I give you my body, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo chro, mar a thugann tu domsa do
I give you my heart, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo anam, mar a thugann tu domsa do
I give you my soul, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo bheatha, mar a thugann tu domsa do
I give you my life, as you give me yours.
Tugaim duit mo chumhacht, mar a thugann tu domsa
do chumhacht
I give you my power, as you give me yours.
Ceanglam tu liomsa, mar a cheanglam m fhin
I bind you to me, as I bind myself to you.
Gach aon rud ata agamsa, is leatsa , anois agus go
All that is mine is yours for now through eternity.

Coming Soon the next book in

The Daughter of Prophecy Novel
Turn the page for a sneak preview.

Chapter One
Goddess preserve me. Colin OKelly hated the initial
meeting with a customer; that was Patricks job.
Unfortunately, Patrick was off with his new mate, traveling
and relaxing after their ordeal with Mallaidh. So, it was up to
him. He arrived at SSB Technology about an hour ago and
had yet to see what he was actually there to deal with. No,
he sat in this stuffy office listening to this dowdy woman
drone on and on. Stale perfume permeated the air as the
air-conditioner whooshed on once again. How do you deal
with this, Paddy?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Colin jerked. Aye, that would be grand. Anything, just

get this over with, already. PoliteI must be polite. She

wanted a late afternoon appointment to boot. Well, if she
does not hurry up, I am going to just disappear. Now, that
would make things interesting.
The womans secretary sauntered into the room on fourinch spiked heels balancing an overloaded tray. When she
bent over to place the tray on the desk, her skirt rode up
showing a lacy garter.
Turning her head and looking over her shoulder, she
smiled. Sugar and cream, honey?
A bit of cream, please.
She reached further over and Colin almost choked. She
wore only that lacy garter, leaving nothing to his

imagination. Then she straightened, turned, and handed

him his coffee and a small plate of biscuits. Enjoy. She
gave him one of those looks that would make a lesser man
Thanks, Love.
His gaze followed the movement of her hips as she
sashayed out of the room, shutting the door behind her with
a slight click.
When he turned back, the woman seemed oblivious to
what had occurred. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. We will not
allow any of our equipment to leave the premises. We have
too many highly sensitive files
Tuning her out, Colin took a bite of the biscuit and
washed it down a large gulp of the coffee, which smelled
slightly stale and had a bitter taste.
He was only about half-finished with the coffee when
dizziness assaulted him. He looked up to see the womans
mouth quirk as she raised an eyebrow.
He telepathically screamed, Shite. Seamus, they have

drugged me. I am transporting out.

He knew he had not made it home as he unwontedly
materialized. His mind felt like sludge. Where he was, he
did not know. He seemed to be in a small meadow,
surrounded by trees casting eerie shadows from the late
hour. His knees gave out and he hit the ground with a thud.
Once again, he reached out for Seamus. Only this time he
felt emptiness, his vision blurred, and he fell forward as
blackness overtook him.

The wolves howled, alerting Kate to something amiss.

She had felt a vibration, moments earlier, as something
bumped into the magical barrier she had constructed
around her home. She thought it had been an animal
running full bore away from a predator, ignoring all her
warning systems. Well, I guess I was wrong and now the
boys are letting me know.
Transporting to the edge of the property, she peered
through the darkness at a large lump sprawled out on the
ground surrounded by four wolves. The wolves danced in
agitation, growling and snarling at whatever it was.
What is it, boys?
One wolf raised his head and whined. He pawed at the
ground backed up and whined again.
Kate edged out of the shadows toward the object. A
putrid odor assaulted her. What in the world? With a
thought, she flipped the mass over. Her breath caught. My
Goddess, what happened to him?
The man before her looked as if he had been dipped in
wax and then left to dry.
Kneeling next him, Kate extended her hands to hover a
few inches above his body. His breathing was shallow, but
he was alive. She sensed a foreign substance flowing
through his veins. Where in the Goddesss name did you
come from and what am I going to do with you?

Take care of him. Keep him hidden.

Kates gaze flew around the area. Whos there?
Keep him safe from the darkness, my child. Nurse

him back to health.

How am I supposed to do that, when I dont even know
what is wrong with him? But Kate stood, held her hand out,
and the strangers body lifted from the ground, as if a board
lay under him. Kate stalked back toward her home with her
uninvited guest in tow.
She transferred him to the bed and once again placed
her hands a few inches above his body. Closing her eyes,
she concentrated. Yes, someone has definitely drugged
you with a type of petrifying solution, yet it is not potent
enough to kill you. Who would have that kind of alchemical
She hooked him to an IV to keep him hydrated. Then
calling upon every healing skill she possessed, and began
the tedious process of trying to developing a concoction to
counteract the drugs in his body.
It was near dawn when she added the solution to his IV.
I can only hope this works.
Yawning, she materialized a comfortable chair, flopped
into it, and within seconds was asleep.

Evelyn was born in Dublin, Ireland, grew up in Chicago,

Illinois and now resides in East Texas with her husband and
her Old English Sheepdog, Bridie.
Evelyn is a member of East Texas Writers Association,
East Texas Writers Guild, Romance Writers of America,
RWA Fantasy Futuristic & Paranormal, and RWA The
Kiss of Death.

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