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Movies That Inspire Love ..................................................................................4
Movie Night .................................................................................................. 8
The Magic Movie List .................................................................................. 11

Movies That Inspire Love

Most of the time, I find that Hollywood and movies in
general only serve to mislead us in what women want.
With a few exceptions, a movie isnt going to help you
figure out women or help with dating.
But this time, Im going to reveal some movies that
will make a woman feel like shes falling in love with
you (and also ignite an intense feeling of desire).
Later on, I give you a specific list of movies but first, I
want to tell you a story to illustrate a key point.
Im going to tell you about two of my friends. Lets call
them Bill and Jake.
Bill and Jake had both gone after the same woman. Her
name was Robin. Both had gotten a makeout session or
two with her, but neither had really gotten past that.
Robin wasnt sure about either Bill or Jake, but had felt
good enough about them to invite them over to watch a
movie. Obviously, Im talking about two different nights.
Robin told them to pick a movie and surprise her.
This is where the similarities end.

When Robin and Bill had their night together, Bill had
brought a classic called Friday The 13th. You just might
have heard of it (who hasnt?).
You see, Bill had been told countless times that a horror
movie is a great date movie, because she will be scared
and will jump up and scream, eventually falling helplessly
in his lap so he can protect her.
This is a very common mistake. We can actually blame TV
and movies for this myth.
In fact, this is one of those little pieces of wisdom that has
been passed down through the ages from many sources.
Big brothers, uncles and friends always say to take a girl to
a scary movie, because she will need you for protection.
Things did not turn out quite the way Bill had expected.
Even though Robin was definitely scared and jumped a few
times, by the end of the movie her mood had definitely
Bill noticed that she didnt jump into his lap, as he had
been told would happen.
She actually became a little uncomfortable. When the
movie was over, she couldnt stop thinking about a couple
of gruesome scenes and remarked about how she was
worried about having nightmares.
Bill tried to comfort her or tell her everything was going to
be fine because, come on, it was just a movie.

But Robin seemed genuinely spooked and by the end of

the night Bill got nothing more than a peck on the cheek.
He never got another date with Robin.
Now, Im NOT saying that she was turned off by his movie
selection. Many women love horror movies, and Robin
actually enjoyed them.
But while she was on the verge of taking things to the next
level, her mood was jolted completely out of the
happy and comfortable zone.
Now lets talk about Jake. Jake was also planning on
bringing a horror movie.
He had heard the same myth a hundred times. Scary
movie leads to her being scared leads to her ending up in
your lap.
But, he happened to talk to a female friend of histhat
evening before he was getting ready to leave. They talked
a lot about their relationships and she was always
interested in hearing how things were going in his life.
So, he told her about the movie night, and that he was
going to bring Hellraiser.
His friend almost dropped the phone.
Dont bring a horror movie!
Why? Jake asked.

She has only made out with you once or twice. You want
to traumatize the poor girl? Youre trying to get her in the
mood for romance, not get her running for cover.
But when she gets scared, Ill protect her. Thats what
everyone says.
Everyone who? The movies? Or friends of yours who
havent gotten laid in a long time?
Jake didnt have much of an answer for that. In fact, he
couldnt even really remember who had told him that.
It was one of those old wives tales. You know, like if you
masturbate too much, youll get hairy palms.
So anyway, Jakes friend convinced him not to bring a
scary movie.
Jake, youre trying to get further with this girl. You want
her to be comfortable around you. Shes still testing you
out, you know? Save the scary movies for when you know
each other just a little better.
Well, genius, what movie would you suggest? Jake
Its funny you ask, because Ive actually had a
conversation about this with a couple of my girlfriends. We
were talking about all the movies we had f***** to.
Jake was confused. Are you saying I should bring a porn?

Again, she almost dropped the phone. Poor Jake. He wasnt

the brightest guy but he was at least smart enough to
listen and take his friends advice.
No, Jake. What I mean is that we talked about movies
that we had been watching with a guy and the story had
turned us on so much that we couldnt get to the end
credits without ripping the guys clothes off and f******
him on the couch.
Ohhhh, I see. Hey, why didnt we ever do that? Jake
First of all, no. And second of all, you always brought over
movies like Star Tracks and Spongebob: The Movie. Not
really something that gets my motor running.
Its Star Trek, by the way. Jake said. But whatever, just
get to the list! I want to know what movie I should bring

Movie Night
Now, before I give you this incredible list of movies, I want
to briefly mention a couple of things.
This isnt a trick that is going to get her clothes off by
simply pushing play.
Seriously, though, when a woman is willing to come over
for a movie night (or have you over), she is already giving
you a great signal that she feels comfortable and safe
enough with you to be alone with you.

This is an important moment between you because you

want to make sure you dont mess it up. Luckily, that is
easy with these magic movie choices.
You want to trigger her sexual feelings through
Weve talked about how a woman is turned on gradually,
like youre taking her volume knob and turning it up
The reason picking the right movie is so important is
because youre letting her see that you like romantic stuff,
Most guys will always make the mistake of bringing a
movie that they want to see. Something that has action or
gore or a crude comedy.
While this can be fine sometimes, they arent the types of
movies that get a girl all revved up and ready for some hot
A movie that is heavy on kissing and passionate moments
will trigger her fantasies. She is seeing those things on the
screen and automatically starts thinking about them.
Think of it as a billboard for a rest stop. Youre on the road,
youre a little hungry, and you see that Wendys billboard
staring you down.

A big bacon cheeseburger, looking perfect and ready to

eat. Suddenly you find yourself taking that exit even
though you couldve waited another hour.
Let the movie put all these thoughts of kissing and
sex into her mind for you.
Its another one of those wonderful situations where you
just have to sit back and let the movie do the work for you.
So anyway, before I get to the list, lets check back in with
So Jake took his friends advice and brought Titanic. Robin
was pleasantly surprised that he had chosen that movie.
I love this! I cant believe you chose it! Youre not trying
to get me in bed, are you? She joked.
Already, the movie was working its magic.
There isnt much more to say at this point. While they
watched the movie, Robin kept melting more and more
into Jake.
Every emotional or dramatic moment between the main
characters seemed to bring her a little closer to Jake.
Now, the funny thing was that Jake had somehow never
seen Titanic. And if you asked him how it ended, he
wouldnt know (aside from the actual Titanic sinking).


If you asked him if the lead characters lived or died, he

would have no idea because he was too busy getting naked
with Robin.
So, as you can see, Bill and Jake made two very different
choices for movies that night. They both had their reasons
and, simply put, Jake was lucky that he talked to his friend
that night before going to Robins apartment.
Women love the heavy passion and emotion that certain
movies trigger.
So, without further ado, here is that magic movie list

The Magic Movie List

Lets start off with the best ones first:
Love Actually
Annie Hall
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Vicki Cristina Barcelona
The Notebook
Dirty Dancing

When Harry Met Sally

Here are a few others that are great:
Say Anything
Pretty in Pink
Moonrise Kingdom
A Woman is a Woman
Punch Drunk Love
Edward Scissorhands

Thats the list.

If you see a movie you think will work, here is your litmus
test to decide whether or not to use it.
Does this movie touch on something thats deep, has to
do with life and our existence?
Does the movie have an emotional storyline?
Does the movie have a character with a deep, past wound
who struggles with the opposing forces within himself or
Does the movie have love in it?

If the answers to these questions (or some of them)

are a yes, the movie is good to go.
Always remember: women love movies because they are a
vicarious experience that allows you to escape from reality
and immerse yourself in another world.


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