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2007 Peru earthquake

The 2007 Peru earthquake was an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the moment magnitude scale[2] that hit the
central coast of Peru on Wednesday, August 15, 2007; it occurred at 23:40:57 UTC (18:40:57 local time) and
lasted for about three minutes.[2][3] The epicenter was located 150 km (93 mi) south-southeast of Lima at a
depth of 39 km (24 mi).[2] The United States Geological Survey National Earthquake Information
Center reported that it was a very strong earthquake. The Peruvian government stated that 519 people were
killed by the quake.
Main shock and aftershocks map
The Government of Peru led the response to the earthquake through the National Civil Defence System
( Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil INDECI ). It was supported by the military, the private sector (local,
national and international) and by contributions from civil society and the international community, including
governments, international NGOs and UN agencies. The initial response entailed searching for survivors,
evacuating the injured, removing rubble, ensuring security and meeting the needs of affected people. Shelter
was provided for those that had lost their homes, latrines were installed, clean water and medical services
were established, food aid was distributed and education and psychosocial support was offered, especially to
children. A Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) in the wake of the earthquake raised approximately $37
million, $9.5m of which was provided by the Central Emergency Response Fund(CERF).
Despite the considerable relief effort, the initial response was chaotic, marked by a lack of coordination and
inadequate information on the needs of people on the ground. It was hindered by a lack of capacity at the
regional level and consequent political wrangling (particularly between the local, regional and national
governments).[4] Many local authorities were personally attacked for the earthquake, as survivors tried to
find close relatives or overcome the traumatic shock of losing so many family members. As time passed the
response became better organised, particularly once an OCHA coordination office was established in Pisco
and a UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team arrived to support coordination and provide
technical advice.
The cities of Pisco, Ica and Chincha Alta in the Ica Region, and San Vicente de Caete in the Lima
Region were most affected. The earthquake was also felt in the capital Lima, where the quake broke windows
in downtown sectors of the city, as well as various other Peruvian cities,
includingPucallpa, Iquitos, Contamana, Trujillo and Cajamarca. Seventeen people died and 70 were injured
when a church in the city of Ica collapsed.[5] They were attending mass at the time the earthquake started.
The city of Pisco, which is 260 km (160 mi) southeast of Lima, suffered the most damage, with its buildings
about 85% destroyed, and as many as 430 residents died; 148 of those deaths occurred when the cathedral
collapsed in the city's main square.[6]
On August 16, the government reported 510 deaths.[7][8] As of August 28, losses were the following in total:
- 519 people dead; - 1,366 wounded; - 58,581 houses destroyed according to Peruvian Government
preliminary assessments; - 13,585 houses affected; - 103 hospitals affected; and - 14 hospitals destroyed
according to Peruvian Government preliminary assessments.[9]
A magnitude 5.8 aftershock occurred at 19:02 local time, centered 113 km (70 mi) northeast of Chincha Alta.
[10] At 19:19 local time, another 5.9 magnitude aftershock occurred, centered 48 km (30 mi) southsouthwest of Ica.[10] At least a dozen aftershocks of magnitude 5.0 or greater have been recorded.[11][12]
The day after, survivors who could not be accommodated in local hospitals in Pisco were taken to Lima
by airplane, arriving there later that night. On Sunday, August 19, the President of Colombia, lvaro Uribe,
arrived in Ica.
Tectonic summary[edit]
This earthquake occurred at the boundary between the Nazca and South American tectonic plates, which are
converging at a rate of 78 mm (3.1 in) per year.[13] The earthquake occurred as thrust faulting on the
interface between the two plates, with the South American Plate moving up and seaward over the Nazca
Plate. Experts say this kind of earthquake is produced about once every 100 years.[14]
Coastal Peru has a history of very large earthquakes. The August 15th shock originated near the source of
two previous earthquakes, both in the magnitude 8 range, which occurred in 1908 and 1974. This earthquake
is south of the source of a magnitude 8.2 earthquake that occurred in northern Peru on October 17, 1966 and
north of a magnitude 8.4 earthquake that occurred in 2001 near Arequipa in southern Peru. The largest
earthquake along the coast of Peru was a magnitude 9 that occurred in 1868. It produced a tsunami that
killed several thousand people along the South American coast and also caused damage in Hawaii.[2]
Tsunami warnings[edit]
A tsunami warning was issued for Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia and even as far as Hawaii following the
earthquakes, but was later cancelled.[15] Some areas of the port city of Callao were evacuated. Tsunami
warnings were also made for Panama and Costa Rica, and a tsunami watch was posted
for Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico and Honduras. All alerts were cancelled after a 25-centimetre
(10 in) tsunami came ashore.[16] A tsunami did occur on the Peruvian coast. It flooded part of Lima's Costa
Verde highway, and much of Pisco's shore. It has been reported that the tsunami reached as high as 5 m
(16 ft) in the zone of Lagunillas in Pisco neighbourhood's town Paracas.[3]
The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning, projecting that waves higher than 20 cm (7.9 in)
could reach Japan's northern island, Hokkaid, on Thursday, August 16, around 19:00 UTC (Friday, 04:00 JST).
Long-term recovery[edit]
Several years on, Pisco is still feeling the effects of the earthquake and is struggling to recover. Many families
who lost their homes are still living in temporary housing or tents. The social/economic impacts of the quake
may take many years to heal.[18]

Terremoto del Per de 2007

El Terremoto de Pisco de 2007 fue un sismo registrado el 15 de agosto de 2007 a las 18.40.57 UTC (18:40:57
hora local) con una duracin cerca de 175 segundos (2 min 55 s). Su epicentro se localiz en las costas del
centro del Per a 40 kilmetros al oeste de Chincha Alta y a 150km al suroeste de Lima, y su hipocentro se
ubic a 39 kilmetros de profundidad. Fue uno de los terremotos ms violentos ocurridos en el Per en los
ltimos aos; el ms poderoso (en cuanto a intensidad y a duracin), pero no el ms catastrfico, desde ese
punto de vista el terremoto de 1970 produjo miles de muertos.1
El siniestro, que tuvo una magnitud de 8.0 grados en la escala sismolgica de magnitud de momento y IX en
la escala de Mercalli, dej 595 muertos, casi 2,291 heridos, 76.000 viviendas totalmente destruidas e
inhabitables y 431 mil personas resultaron afectadas. Las zonas ms afectadas fueron las provincias
de Pisco, Ica, Chincha, Caete, Yauyos, Huaytar y Castrovirreyna. La magnitud destructiva del terremoto
tambin caus grandes daos a la infraestructura que proporciona los servicios bsicos a la poblacin, tales
como agua y saneamiento, educacin, salud y comunicaciones.
as zonas ms afectadas por el movimiento telrico corresponden a las ciudades del departamento de Ica y
de la provincia de Caete, especialmente Pisco, Chincha Alta, Chincha Baja, Tambo de Mora, Ica y San Luis de
Caete. Durante las primeras horas, las informaciones daban cuenta de 16 muertos y ms de 200
heridos,2 pero con el paso de las horas y das, la cifra lleg a un saldo de 510 muertos, 1.500 heridos, 17.000
viviendas destruidas y 85.000 damnificados.3 Tambin fueron afectados varios pequeos poblados de la
sierra sur del departamento de Lima as como del occidente del Huancavelica.
En el distrito chinchano de Tambo de Mora, el violento sismo destruy las casas de adobe, mientras que las
de material noble fueron destruidas por una aparente licuefaccin del suelo, ya que se hundieron 2,1 metros
sobre el nivel del suelo. La Reserva Nacional de Paracas fue seriamente afectada, pereciendo
numerosos lobos marinos y la formacin rocosa conocida como "la Catedral" qued completamente
En Ica, parte de la iglesia del Seor de Luren colaps tras el movimiento ssmico4 al igual que el coliseo
deportivo de dicha ciudad. Lo mismo ocurri en la iglesia de San Clemente de Pisco, que se derrumb
mientras se realizaba una misa. Siendo el piano principal el que obstruyo la salida principal al colapsar la
base que lo sostenia en la parte superior de la puerta.
En el mismo Pisco, el movimiento ssmico destruy la Iglesia de la Compaa, antigua iglesia jesuita, ubicada
a una cuadra de la Plaza de Armas y la Iglesia de la Agona en la plazuela Beln; los equipos de rescate
lograron encontrar a dos personas con vida, pero se cree que la mayora de los feligreses muri aplastada
por los escombros. Cerca del 80% de esa ciudad fue arrasada por la catstrofe natural e incluso imgenes de
la televisin mostraron decenas de cadveres en las calles y plazas.5
A esto se sumaron los derrumbes de la crcel Tambo de Mora, en Chincha, que permiti la fuga de 600 reos.6
Soldado camina por las ruinas dePisco.
En el distrito de San Luis de Caete, el sismo destruy la mayora de las casas, lo mismo ocurri con su
templo colonial, una de los edificaciones ms antiguas del valle.
El suministro elctrico se cort de inmediato en toda la zona del llamado localmente Sur Chico, al igual que
en zonas de parte de la capital como Los Olivos y Villa Mara del Triunfo.
Las redes de telefona fija y mvil colapsaron, mientras que la Carretera Panamericana sufri el colapso de
los terraplenes entre la zona denominada "Cabeza de toro" y la entrada a Pisco por el distrito de San
Clemente, lo que ocasion la fractura y desmoronamiento de la carpeta asfltica y el agrietamiento de la
zona que no se desliz, con desniveles de hasta medio metro, quedando daada y dificultando la
movilizacin de vehculos hacia la zona. El puente Huaman, sobre el ro Pisco, sufri varios daos de
consideracin, imposibilitando la entrada a la ciudad, obligando a los vehiculos y personas a cruzar el ro
Pisco como medida alternativa.
Al norte de Chincha, la misma carretera en la zona denominada Jahuay, sufri tambin el deslizamiento de
los terraplenes con fractura y desmoronamiento de la carpeta asfltica y agrietamiento en la carpeta
asfltica, que no se desmoron. Caso similar ocurri en la carretera que comunicaSan Vicente de Caete con
el distrito de Lunahuan, en la provincia de Caete.
La cifra oficial de fallecidos asciende a 595 personas y 318 desaparecidos. 319.886 personas fueron
afectadas y 76 mil viviendas habrn de ser reconstruidas. 7
En la ciudad de Lima, algunos edificios de entidades pblicas como el Ministerio de Trabajo,8 el Edificio
Alzamora Valdez (sede de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima)9 10 y el Palacio Legislativo11 sufrieron daos
estructurales que motivaron estudios relativos a su traslado.
La regin afectada por este terremoto contribuye con el 3% del Producto Bruto Interno del pas, dado por el
crecimiento del sector de la agroexportacin y de la confeccin de textiles. En el mbito de la agroindustria,
fueron afectados principalmente la produccin de mangos, pprica, esprragos y el sectorvitivincola de la
zona. Sin embargo, la ms afectada fue la industria textil que qued completamente paralizada dejando a
ms de cinco mil personas sin empleo.12.





Universidad Nacional de Ingeniera

Av. Tpac Amaru N 210 Rmac - Puerta N 3
Seccin de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ingeniera Elctrica y Electrnica
Pabelln A3 - 2do piso
Examen de


Hora: 08:30 a 10:30 hrs.

Examen de


Hora: 11:00 a 13:00 hrs.

Examen de Mritos




31/03/2014 al

29/03/2014 Hora: 14:00 hrs.



Maestras: S/. 656.25

Segunda Especializacin Profesional: S/. 525.00
Maestras : S/. 368.75
Segunda Especializacin Profesional: S/. 262.50


Un alumno regular asiste tres veces por semana, segn el horario de la

Las clases son entre Lunes y Viernes de 18:00 a 21:20 hrs.
y Sbados entre las 08:00 y 18:00 hrs.


Universidad Nacional de Ingeniera

Av. Tpac Amaru N 210 Rimac-Puerta N 3
Seccin de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ingeniera Elctrica y Electrnica
Pabelln A3 - 2do Piso
3822163 - 4811070 anexo 420 Cel. 951035137 Rpm: # 951035137

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