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Individual Independents

Children today believe leaving their aging parents to fend for

themselves when they need help is what they want? “No one believes in
family unity anymore;” is what my daughter explained to me. Is this
right thinking?

No one believes in family unity anymore? Does that mean we parents should just
ignore them when they need help? It’s funny, if an older adult has money the children as
well as others are all over the place; tripping all over each other to help that person with
the money. Of coarse they are helping themselves to some of that money also or they
wouldn’t be doing it; if you follow the majority of the young people’s ways of thinking
today. Of coarse it has been that way for many years with the wealthy families; but it had
never been that way with the middle class or the low income class. They had always been
there for one another until now apparently.

When I asked older adults, fifty and up about their children or young adults in general;
most all of them had the same thing to say; “These young punks today just don’t give a
damn for anyone but themselves. Wait till they get our age and the shoe’s on the other
foot; they won’t like it either.” I didn’t bother to ask if any of them had been the same
way; today that means very little. I didn’t raise my children to be this way, but here they
are; disrespecting the needs of the older adults. I took care of both of my grandparents
because my biological mother stole from them instead of helping them; she was an

I would like to say that internet and the ability to travel further faster are good things
and actually helps us; and if you’re conducting actual business it is; but so far all I truly
see are people addicted to internet games and people traveling to have extra-marital
affairs or one night stands. The internet social sites have become so close to a porn site it
isn’t funny anymore. I’ve been propositioned in so many raunchy ways on social sites
I’ve begun to believe there just are no real men looking for real relationships anymore;
and the women are not any better. But these young adults get on these games and their
whole existence seems to become revolved around the game. Unless you have an
emergency where you have to go to a hospital you most likely won’t get the person or
people off of the game. Ironically these people will put their avatar characters through
their daily routines every day without fail but neglect their own chores; pushing their
chores on others to do.

What makes it even worse is our government’s nonchalance way of handling their own
perverseness and they are setting the standard for all of America to follow. Either legalize
sex and drugs and tax the crap out of them or make it illegal and enforce it. Do I think it
should be legalized? No I don’t but it is better to be for or against something rather than
to be riding the fence like so many are doing today. Just like respect; either you are going
to teach it or you aren’t but enforce one or the other; I warn you that if lack of respect
continues as it moving through the American people today don’t expect these young
people’s offspring to show any respect for any authority in the future.

I must admit it is getting harder for me to believe in a government that states they are
for family when what they are really saying to us is; they are for babies being conceived
for their own pet projects. Years ago a government agent stated publicly that the poor
should not be allowed to have children. Well, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; if
the poor are not permitted to procreate then you who make the laws and enforce the laws
and all making forty thousand dollars a year and more; get off your high horse and get
into the blue collars and take over our jobs because who the hell do you think does the
work while you rake in that money? Continue to rape the poor of our children and dignity
that is exactly what is going to happen.

Yes you saw it correctly “rape” is exactly what the government is doing to the poor in
America. They are instilling disrespect into our children today, making it so as the only
help anyone will be able to receive at all are going to be people with children and even
now the majority of those are single mothers and single mother foster homes. It is not that
I disrespect them unless they respect a government that forced them into that position.

Yes I said the government forced them. What would you call it when the only way they
can get medical or financial help is if they become pregnant? The government is teaching
everyone to place blame; don’t you think it’s about time the government take
responsibility for its gross costly mistakes? Mistakes costing tax payers tons of money
every year for hospital bills, doctor’s bills, food, rent, utilities and phone bills. That is just
for a normal welfare family getting between $700.00 to $800.00 for two adults and three
children; although it has been years so I may be over shooting a hundred or two; but that
is a drop in the bucket compared to the foster homes receiving $800.00 to $1,200.00 per
child per month; not including $100.00 to $200.00 in food stamps per child per month; or
the medical bills; or the clothing vouchers paid for by I can only assume tax payers also
or the $1,000.00 bonuses the foster mothers received for every child removed from their
natural parents in their foster child’s schools. Oh yes that was a practice in California that
was in one of their foster parent magazines, (not public issue.), but we poor people
paying taxes aren’t suppose to know that I suppose since I’ve never heard or seen where
the public has been made aware of the actual practices of these people.

Lack of respect is what we American’s now breed so long as we continue to treat each
other with cold indifference or as though your self worth is worthless or nearly so. It is
what we will continue to breed so long as our government which is our leadership
continues promoting such deceptions which lead to misinformation and
misunderstandings. The government thrives on double talk and words that hold more then
one meaning; they speak of transparency but continually practice the policies of private
conversations without witnesses so they can later say they never said that or it was
misunderstood. It seems we the people have done a lot of misunderstanding lately doesn’t
it? Yet when things begin going down it doesn’t surprise us because we saw it coming so
I guess we weren’t the ones misunderstanding at all huh?

Everyone wants and even needs a certain amount of independence in their lives. The
government should give special consideration and financial aid to those children that do
help and care for their aging adult parent or grandparent and I’m not talking about just the
disabled ones who qualify for aid; I’m referring to parents and grandparents that may
have lost their jobs or lost one or more abilities but it’s not something one can receive
disability for and they’re no old enough to receive Social Security.

Chances are; because of the governments squandering and pilfering of our

government’s funds for their pet projects over the years there will not be any Social
Security benefits for seniors much longer. Then where will you leave them? Are we
going to see the Senior Citizens homes go the same way as the Mental Health Facilities
back in the nineteen eighties and nineties? We will then add Senior Citizens to the streets
too then? That’s what happened to a lot of the mentally ill in California; they live on the
streets until they die just like the homeless because they became homeless after their
facilities closed their doors.

Now with the government adding a new twist to the equation regarding seniors and
work not only has our government made it hard to find any job today but nearly
impossible for an older person with more then five years experience in anything to get a
job without a piece of paper that was once regarded a preference but now mandatory.
Many of us in the older generation pushed for our children to go to school for that piece
of preferred paper and we worked our asses off so they could go and get their diplomas.
So now that many of us has succeeded and our children are adults with diplomas; many
of us that are divorced, separated or widowers that put our children through school now
can’t get jobs any more then anyone else, but there is one major problem; we are now
told regardless of how many years of experience we have we can’t get jobs without a
piece of paper we were too busy working and raising children earlier to get.

Not all people are the same and where some found extra time to go to school others had
many more and sometimes greater obstacles to clear before doing so. Time has a way of
slamming into you and suddenly you realize the time passed you by. You did everything
the best you could to raise your children only to learn when you become older it was not
for you to enjoy life in your old age but to continuously feed a ravenous, insatiable over-
powered, cold hearted governments over inflated ego and warped sense of duty that will
most likely bode ill for us all.

Each generation has grown a little wiser then the last yet this generation, I’m ashamed
to say it, my generation is the worse generation I have ever seen and I know when this
generation goes down in the History books it will read something like; “This was the
generation that did nothing to uphold their faith, beliefs or their way of life. It was a
generation of luke-warm people who didn’t care what happened so long as it didn’t
directly affect them at that point in time; with absolutely no regard for future generations
to come.” So sad that this is what is meant by Individual Independence; I would have
thought it was something totally different and something one could at least be proud of.

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