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eldy: naranja , midly azul, youly : celeste

NARRATOR: Once at the edge of a thick forest , there lived a mother pig with her three piglets in small cozy
The first one was called Eldy, the second Midly and the third Youly.
Eldy was always a lazy guy, he will somehow find a short way to finish his work, Midly was not quite so lazy but
did not like to work hard, on the other hand Yoult was quiet clever and hard working.
One day..
ELDY: oh brother, today is beautiful, can we all play hide and seek?
MIDLY: Thats an excellent idea. Come lets play. Who will be the catcher?
YOULY: as usual we will say inky pinky ponky.
... they play in circle....
ELDY: Inky pinky ponky, Father had a donkey, Donkey died, father cried,Inky pinky ponky.
You go free ... (midly ) ... again
Inky pinky ponky, Father had a donkey, Donkey died, father cried,Inky pinky ponky.
You go free ... (youly )
ELDY: Im the catcher. You will gon and hide , Ill find you
NARRATOR: both Midly and Youdly went in two separate ways to hide
ELDY: 1..2...3...4...5...15..20..30..35 ... Im coming ... where could they have gone? ... would they have gone
behind the rocks ?
NARRATOR: sudenly Eldy heard a voice ...
YOULY: run.. run... a fox... run for your life..
3 PIGS: runn runn
......... the 3 pigs running away from the fox..........
NARRATOR: all three entered their house
MOTHER: what happened, why are you hurry?
YOULY: i saw a Fox
ELDY: Fox? Oh my God !
NARRATOR: mother pig became very angry.
MOTHER: my dear children listen to me . Time and again I am telling not to wander deep into the forest for
there is a fox waiting to gobble you up.
YOULY: Mon, I warned them but they both didnt listen to me.
MOTHER: it worries me a lot children, be careful and always stay together.
ELDY: Sorry Mom , we will listen to you.

MOTHER: Ok, now go and play , I have to prepare lunch

YOULY: Ok, Mom
MOTHER: remember my words . be together and play around our house.
NARRATOR: all the three went out to play. In the meantime the cunning Fox, Mr. Foxy was looking out for an
appropiate opporunity to eat all the three piglets.
FOX: ahh! There is no hurry now. They all play together. Ill wait for the time when they are alone.
NARRATOR: Months rolled by and all the three spend their time playing.
YOULY: We are here Mom!
MOTHER: children its time for your dinner.
ELDY: ummmm , its yummy soup today.
MOTHER: children listen, you are all grown up, now you have to have your own house to live in. Your father has
built this house strong and sturdy. I want you to build another one the same way.
MIDLY: But , how will we build a house?
MOTHER: I will give you enough money. Now you have to decide. Think and in the morning I will give you
money. You have to live on your own.
NARRATOR:.............In the night ...........
ELDY: Im very excited.
MIDLY: Me too
YOULY: but we should visit each other and we should remain together always.
ELDY: you re rigth my dear brother.
NARRATOR: next morning they gathered around the breakfast table..
MOTHER: ahh! Good morning children .
3 PIGS: good morning mother!!
MOTHER: Ok, here as I told you I am going to give all three of you the same amount of money. ... take this,
build a house and live happily.
YOULY: Ok, mom
MOTHER: but i tell you again that the sly fox will no doubt disguise himself, and pretend to be a friend, but you
must promise me not to let him enter your houses on any pretext whatsoever.
ELDY: we promise you mother. We will not allow that fox to even come near us.
NARRATOR: all the three promised and their mother gave them each bag.
3 PIGS: good bye mother .
MOTHER: good bye and take care.
NARRATOR: All the three left their Mother after biding her good bye.

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