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The promotion of cultural education among young people is a cross-cutting issue in

Romania, and accordingly, it is not listed separately. A national umbrella
organization of cultural youth education does not exist.

In recent years, the Ministry of Culture and Religions a National Plan for the
promotion of cultural and linguistic identity and cultural and artistic activities, in
particular, launched by national minorities. For the issues of Roma minority a
National Agency for Roma (Agentia Nationala pentru Romi) [1] was set up.

Under cultural education in Romania is often the cultural and linguistic diversity of
the various ethnic groups understood.

Promovimi i edukimit kulturor n mesin e t rinjve sht nj shtje ndrsektoriale
n Rumani, dhe n prputhje me rrethanat, ajo nuk sht e shnuar vemas. Nj
organizat kombtare ombrell e edukimit t t rinjve kulturor nuk ekziston.

N vitet e fundit, Ministria e Kulturs dhe feve nj Plan Kombtar pr promovimin e

identitetit kulturor dhe gjuhsor dhe aktivitete kulturore dhe artistike, n veanti,
nisur nga pakicat kombtare. Pr shtjet e minoritetit rom nj Agjencia Kombtare
pr romt (Agentia NATIONALA pentru Romi) [1] u ngrit.

Nn edukimin kulturor n Rumani sht shpesh diversiteti kulturor dhe gjuhsor t

grupeve t ndryshme etnike kuptuar.

According to a study from 2005, taking 8.4% of 3- to 17-year-olds in their spare time
on musical activities in part, dancing 7.1%, 2.6% sing in choirs or visit singing
courses, 2.4% deal with the spectacle and 2.2% take part in painting and pottery
lessons. The proportion of girls is significantly higher than that of boys. Despite the
cultural wealth of the country and the resulting Rate Adults Senen traditional

cultural education in the Italian school system is funded not systematically. In

particular, the music lessons, which is given only at the secondary level, is
considered in comparison with neighboring countries inadequate. On the other
hand, there are secondary schools, the special emphasis on classical studies (Liceo
Classico) or artistic subjects (Liceo artistico) have. In 1998 the Ministry of Education
and the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities (Ministero per i Beni e le Attivit
Culturali) jointly signed a protocol with the promotion of knowledge is supported on
the Cultural Heritage by close cooperation between schools and local authorities. To
promote cultural education in the field of theater and film agreements between the
Ministry of Education and AGIS exist beyond (Associazione Generale Italiana
dello Spettacolo), an association that provides professional artists / - interior
represented in the field of performing arts. Following the adoption of the National
Youth Plan, which provides for the promotion of creativity of young people and the
use of cultural activities, the Department for Youth Policy (Ministro della Giovent)
has launched various programs. So together with the National Association of
Municipalities of Italy, supported (Associazioni Nazionale Comuni Italiani - ANCI) on
the program "Rete dei Festival" (network of festivals) initiatives to promote the
talents of young artists. In this context, for example, vocal and instrument classes,
writing workshops, workshops to promote the instrument and meetings with
personalities from the cultural world. All cultural activities of the program are
available through a nationwide online calendar [1]. A total of around four million
euros available for the program in 2009/2010. As a youth organization, which is
involved in the musical field, is here exemplified Jeunesse Musicale Italy [2] called.
Founded in 1952, has the Youth League on 22 local sections, dedicated to the
promotion of musical work with children and young people and the support of young
musicians and musicians. In addition to organizing concerts for children and young
people or with children and young Jeunesse Musicale Italy organizes among other
music camps,
Training, seminars and festivals. [3]

Sipas nj studimi nga viti 2005, duke marr 8.4% t 3- deri ne 17-vjearve n
kohn e tyre t lir n aktivitetet muzikore n pjes, vallzimi 7.1%, 2.6% kndojn
n koret ose vizitoni kurse kng, marrveshje 2.4% me spektaklin dhe 2.2% marrin
pjes n piktur dhe qeramik msimet. Prqindja e vajzave sht dukshm m e
lart se ajo e djemve. Pavarsisht pasuris kulturore t vendit dhe q rezultojn t
rriturit norma Senen edukimit kulturor tradicional n sistemin shkollor italian nuk
sht financuar n mnyr sistematike. N veanti, msimet muzik, e cila sht
dhn vetm n nivelin e mesm, sht konsideruar n krahasim me vendet fqinje
t paprshtatshme. Nga ana tjetr, ekzistojn shkolla t mesme, theksi i veant n

studimet klasike (Liceo Classico) ose subjekte artistike (Liceo ARTISTICO) kan. N
vitin 1998 Ministria e Arsimit dhe Ministria e Trashgimis dhe Aktiviteteve Kulturore
(Ministero per i Beni e le Attivit Culturali) nnshkruan nj protokoll bashku me
promovimin e dijes sht e mbshtetur mbi Trashgimin Kulturore me
bashkpunim t ngusht n mes t shkollave dhe autoriteteve lokale. Pr t
promovuar edukimin kulturor n fushn e teatrit dhe filmit marrveshjet ndrmjet
Ministris s Arsimit dhe Agis ekzistojn prtej (Associazione Generale Italiana
dello Spettacolo), nj shoqat q ofron artistve profesionist / - brendshme
prfaqsuar n fushn e artit dramatik. Pas miratimit t Planit Kombtar t Rinis, e
cila ofron pr promovimin e krijimtaris s t rinjve dhe prdorimin e aktiviteteve
kulturore, Departamenti pr Politika Rinore (Ministro della Giovent) ka nisur
programe t ndryshme. Pra, s bashku me Shoqatn Kombtare t Komunave t
Italis, t mbshtetur (Associazioni Nazionale bashkive Italian - ANCI) n iniciativat
pr t promovuar talentet e artistve t rinj t programit "Rete dei Festival" (rrjeti i
festivaleve). N kt kontekst, pr shembull, klasa vokale dhe instrument, shkrim
puntori, seminare pr t nxitur instrument dhe takime me personalitete nga bota
kulturore. T gjitha aktivitetet kulturore e programit jan n dispozicion prmes nj
kalendari mbarkombtar n internet [1]. Nj total prej rreth 4.000.000 n
dispozicion pr programin n vitin 2009/2010. Si nj organizat rinore, e cila sht e
prfshir n fushn muzikore, sht ktu ilustruar Jeunesse Musicale Itali [2] t
quajtur. E themeluar n vitin 1952, ka Lign e t Rinjve n 22 seksione lokale, i
dedikuar pr promovimin e puns muzikore me fmij dhe t rinj dhe mbshtetjen e
muzikantve t rinj dhe muzikant. Prve organizimit koncerte pr fmijt dhe t
rinjt, ose me fmij dhe t rinj Jeunesse Musicale Italia organizon ndr kampet e
tjera t muziks,
Trajnime, seminare dhe festivale. [3]

The extracurricular cultural youth education is an important area for the
development of young people. For this reason the expert organizations of
extracurricular cultural youth education in Germany have set themselves the goal of
promoting the cultural education of the youth comprehensively. Extracurricular
Cultural education makes her specific contribution to the development of the
personality and develops young people's participation in the cultural life of society.
It enables the differentiated approach to arts and culture, encourages its own
creative and aesthetic activities in the areas of
Music, dance, rhythm, game, theater, literature, visual arts, architecture, film,
photography, video, media and computer. In addition, it promotes imagination and

creativity, develops judgment, critical faculties and tolerance towards its own and
foreign cultural manifestations in their social contexts provides meaningful
opportunities for recreation and
the conscious and active examination of their own situation.
A comprehensive overview of the organizations and institutions in the Federal
Republic of Germany that are active in this field, are the manual child and youth
policy. Child and Youth Services in the Federal Republic of Germany. Structures,
institutions, organizations, the IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal
Republic of Germany has issued eV. The book can be ordered through the website of
IJAB [1]. The roof of a variety (presently 48) of nationwide trade associations,
institutions and regional associations of cultural child and youth education is the
Bundesvereinigung Cultural Youth Education [2].

Arsimi jashtmsimore rinjt kulturore sht nj fush e rndsishme pr zhvillimin
e t rinjve. Pr kt arsye organizatat eksperte e arsimit ekstrakurrikulare rinore
kulturore n Gjermani kan vendosur vetes qllimin e promovimit edukimin kulturor
t t rinjve trsisht. Edukimi kulturor jashtmsimore bn kontributin e saj t
veant n zhvillimin e personalitetit dhe zhvillon pjesmarrjen e t rinjve n jetn
kulturore t shoqris. Ajo mundson qasje e diferencuar t artit dhe kulturs,
inkurajon aktivitetet e veta krijuese dhe estetike n fushat e
Muzik, valle, ritm, loj, teatr, letrsi, arte pamore, arkitektur, film, fotografi,
video, media dhe kompjuter. Prve ksaj, ajo nxit imagjinatn dhe kreativitetin,
zhvillon gjykimin, aftsit kritike dhe tolerancn ndaj manifestimeve t veta dhe t
huaja t tij kulturore n kontekstet e tyre sociale ofron mundsi kuptimplot pr
rekreacion dhe
shqyrtimi i vetdijshm dhe aktiv t situats s tyre.
Nj pasqyr t plot t organizatave dhe institucioneve n Republikn Federale t
Gjermanis q jan aktive n kt fush, jan fmija manuale dhe politika rinore.
Shrbimet rinore fmij dhe n Republikn Federale t Gjermanis. Strukturat,
institucionet, organizatat, IJAB - Shrbimi Rinia Ndrkombtar i Republiks Federale
t Gjermanis ka lshuar eV. Libri mund t porositet nprmjet faqes s internetit t
IJAB [1]. Kulmi i nj sr (aktualisht 48) e shoqatave kombtare tregtare,
institucionet dhe shoqatat rajonale t fmijve kulturor dhe edukimit t t rinjve
sht Bundesvereinigung Kulturore Arsimit Rinia [2].

The National Youth Initiative Centre is responsible for the training of teachers
educational, methodical aids and events at the state level. Most events in the field
of culture are professional institutions - schools and cultural centers - organized and
funded, for example, music festivals, theater competitions, art exhibitions.
In 2000, the great song and dance festival of students was held, which was
attended by more than 30 000 young people. In all schools, children and youth
centers, there are working groups for music and dance, choirs, folk dance groups
and others. The traditional song and dance festivals of youth and adults were in the
list of world cultural heritage of
entered. Another important cultural festival, for example, the Boys' Choir Festival in
Cesis, which has already taken place seven times,
and the Folklore Festival (certified by UNESCO 1994). For summer camp "Rainbow"
come together every year young painters and painters and illustrators and graphic
artist. The vocational school students have their own festivals, where they can
demonstrate their skills and abilities. For
disabled children is an art festival organized every year. Gifted children in
mathematics, physics, biology and other subjects can already participate long time
to special summer camps.
Since the 60s and 70s, scientific conferences of students will take place. At the
annual conferences about 100 research papers will be presented. In recent times
are competitions in schools, has become popular on the radio and on television.

Qendra Kombtare Iniciativa Rinore sht prgjegjs pr trajnimin e
msimdhnsve t arsimit, ndihmat metodike dhe ngjarjet n nivel shtetror.
Shumica e ngjarjeve n fushn e kulturs jan institucione profesionale - shkolla dhe
qendra kulturore - t organizuara dhe financuara, pr shembull, festivale muzikore,
konkurse teatrore, ekspozita arti.
N vitin 2000, kng dhe valle festival i madh i nxnsve u mbajt, e cila u ndoq nga
m shum se 30 000 t rinjve. N t gjitha shkollat, fmijt dhe qendrat rinore, ka
grupe pune pr muzik dhe valle, koret, grupet e valle popullore dhe t tjert.
Kngve dhe Valleve tradicionale festivalet e t rinjve dhe t rriturve kan qen n
listn e trashgimis kulturore botrore t
hyr. Nj festival i rndsishm kulturor, pr shembull, Festivali Kori i djemve n
Cesis, e cila ka ndodhur tashm shtat her,

dhe Festivali Folklor (certifikuar nga UNESCO 1994). Pr kampin veror "Rainbow"
vijn s bashku do vit piktor t rinj dhe t piktorve dhe ilustrues dhe artist grafik.
Nxnsit e shkollave profesionale kan festivalet e tyre, ku ata mund t
demonstrojn aftsit dhe aftsit e tyre. Pr
Fmijt me aftsi t kufizuara sht nj festival arti organizohet do vit. Fmijt e
talentuar n matematik, fizik, biologji dhe subjektet e tjera tashm mund t
marrin pjes koh t gjat n kampet verore t veanta.
Q nga vitet '60 dhe '70, konferenca shkencore t nxnsve do t mbahet. N
konferencat vjetore rreth 100 dokumente hulumtimi do t prezantohen. N koht e
fundit jan konkurse n shkolla, sht br e njohur n radio dhe n televizion.

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