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Mara Teresa Iiguez Gonzlez

July 6th, 2015

Assignment 4

First Version
Wedding Traditions

The wedding is one of the most important celebration in life. When a

woman and a man full in love and desire live together they commit
oneself in a ceremony which feast the love,____ devotion for each other.
In Mexican tradition the symbols are present in the accessories that are
used to. For example the lasso which is a large rosary decorated and
used after the bride and groom have exchanged vows. This lasso
represents the union between__ woman and __man and also the catholic
beliefs (thats why ____ is a rosary).
In general, the Mexican celebration of a
wedding used to be a religious ceremony with
presence of family and friends, also with a
sponsors and bridesmaid. Then people used to
have a reception where take place the dinner,
dance and the usual money dance, where guests dance with the bride
and groom putting on bills in the costume of the couple. This tradition
stand of the abundance for the marriage.
Secondly we have so many traditions around the world, which are
different in many topics. For example I decided to research about the

Japanese wedding traditions, and what I found was as follows: in first

step the Japanese tradition

have the religious modal equal as

____Mexican has, but in ___ Japanese case the celebration goes around
the Shinto style. The ceremony takes place in a hotel where the fest will
be and its conducted by a priest. The couple need to be purified during
the celebration and after ____drink while the groom read the words of
commitment. The couple wears the traditional kimono, but the bride
changes several times her dresses. Then the guests can enjoy the food,
music and speeches from friends and family. At the end of the party, the
bride and groom make a speech to all the guests and thank everybody.
For me, both ceremonies are interesting and contribute to celebrate the
joy of the couple. I think that every culture has his own way to express
their beliefs and traditions for this important ceremony, and what I
consider necessary for the wedding is the real commitment that the
couple have for each other.

Second Version
Wedding Traditions

The wedding is one of the most important in life. When a woman and a
man get in love and desire living together they commit them in a
ceremony which feasts the love and devotion for each other. *** so here
I think that you have to tell the reader what the essay is about dont
start explaining it in the introduction so the next sentence should start
a new paragraph***In Mexican tradition the symbols are present in the
accessories that are used. For example the lasso which is a large rosary
decorated and used after the bride and groom have exchanged vows.

This lasso represents the union between a

woman and a man and also the catholic beliefs
(thats why it is a rosary).
*** this should be part of the Mexican
tradtion paragraph that you started above

. . . in Mexican

tradition . . .In general, the Mexican celebration of a wedding used to be

a religious ceremony in the presence of family and friends, also with
sponsors and bridesmaids. Then people used to have a reception where
the dinner take place, dance and the usual money dance, where
guests dance with the bride and groom putting on in the costume of the
couple bills. This tradition stands the abundance of the marriage.
Secondly we have so many traditions around the world, which are
different in many topics. For example I decided to research about the
Japanese wedding traditions, and what I found was as follows: first the
Japanese tradition has the religious act equal as the Mexican has, but in
the Japanese case the celebration goes around the Shinto style. The
ceremony takes place in a hotel where the fests will be and its
conducted by a priest. The couple needs to be purified during the
celebration and after take a drink while the groom reads the words of
commitment. The couple wears the traditional kimono, but the bride
several times changes her dresses. Then the guests can enjoy the food,
music and speeches from friends and family. At the very end of the
party, the bride and groom make a speech to all the guests and thank
For me, both ceremonies are interesting and contribute to celebrate the
joy of the couple. I think that every culture has their own way to express
their beliefs and traditions for this important ceremony, and what I
consider necessary for the wedding is the real commitment that the
couple have for each other.

Final Version
Wedding Traditions

The wedding is one of the most important events in life. When a woman
and a man fall in love and decide to live together they commit them in a
ceremony which celebrates the love and







purpose of this essay is doing a comparison

between two wedding traditions in very
different cultures: the first is the Mexican
tradition and the second will be the Japanese tradition around this event.
In Mexican tradition the symbols are present in the accessories that are
used. For example: the lasso which is a large rosary decorated and used
after the bride and groom have exchanged vows. This lasso represents
the union between a woman and a man and also the catholic beliefs. In
Mexican tradition in general, the celebration of a wedding usually is a
religious ceremony in the presence of family and friends, also with
sponsors and bridesmaids. Then people make a reception where the
dinner takes place, dance and the usual money dance, where guests
dance with the bride and groom putting on the bills in the dress of the
couple. This tradition stands of for the abundance in the marriage.
Secondly, we have so many traditions around the world, which are
different and varied, thats why I choose the Japanese one around the
marriage. What I found was as follows: first the Japanese tradition has
the religious act similar as the Mexican, but in the Japanese case the
celebration is around the Shinto style. The ceremony takes place in a
hotel where the celebration will be and its conducted by a priest of the

Shinto religion. The couple needs to be purified during the celebration

and take a drink while the groom reads the words of commitment. The
couple wears the traditional kimono, but the bride changes her dresses
several times. Then the guests can enjoy the food, music and speeches
from friends and family. At the very end of the party, the bride and
groom make a speech to all the guests and thank everybody.
For me, both ceremonies are interesting and contribute to celebrate the
joy of the couple. I think that every culture has their own way to express
their beliefs and traditions for this important ceremony, and what I
consider necessary for the wedding is the real commitment that the
couple have for each other.

Glaser, N. (2007). Wedding Day. Recuperado el 01 de july de 2015, de
Japan Guide. (02 de july de 2015). Japan Guide. Obtenido de

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