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The name of the book I read was Silas Marner which author was George Elliot, this was his
third publication and the first edition was print in 1861. My expectations about this book were
that the prologue was very interesting, the way they painted a mysterious man and how people
consider him called all my attention. I first though it was a horror & mystery story because of
the way they talk about Silas.

Silas was a weaver in a very religious community, his supposed best friend accused him of
stole a punch of coins from the church during one of his cataleptic attack so he couldnt fight
against that frame up, after a lot of conversations, Silas was found guilty so he left the
community and moved on to Raveloe where he didnt care to make new friends. Here he
became more hard worker and he saved all his gold, counting it every morning and every
night like it was all that matter to him also people in this new place though he had a deal with
demons because of how he looked like and his knowledge about natural medicine. In this new
city lived the Cass family, Squire, the father, has two sons, Godfrey and Dunstan who was the
more problematic. Dunstan borrowed money to Godfrey so he proposed him to sell his horse
during the hunt to get the money and pay it back, but Dunstan was really dumb, he got drunk
and didnt take care the horse so the horse died, when he noticed what happened he decided to
steal Silas money but after he stole it he disappeared.

Godfrey angry and desperate received the notice of the death of his horse so he blame on his
brother and didnt care about him anymore. But Godfrey has a big secret, he was engaged
with Nancy but he has married with Molly, an Opium addict, in secret and they had a baby;
One day during the dance in which Godfrey will propose to Nancy, Molly went out of her
house with one thing on his mind: Tell the truth about her husband and the child, while she
was walking across the cold forest she felt tired so she sat down under a three, after a few
minutes the child woke up and noticed that her mother didnt move so she walked across the
thick mist and went into Silas house while he was having one of his attacks, when Silas
woke up from his attack he noticed the little girl sleeping in front of the fire so he took her
and went out, in his way he find out the dyed women under the three so run to find some help.

When he arrive he tell what happened, Godfrey was very scared because he thought that his
secret will be discovered but then he listen all the story and felt better because of his secret
and bad because of the death of his love. He tried to keep the little girl Eppie with him but
Silas didnt let him, he said that she was a gift from God for the loss of his gold. They lived
together in Silass cottage and Godfrey married Nancy. They couldnt have children so she
felt really lonely, after those 16 years, Godfrey told the truth about Eppie and they wanted to
took her with them so they visited Silas, told him all the story and asked for Eppie to went
with them but she decided to stay with Silas who protected her all her life, Nancy and
Godfrey really sad accepted Eppies decision.

Gnesis Figueroa Samaniego


Advanced B #970

In my opinion, this books was totally different of what I expected, not in a bad way. The main
message that this book gave me was that we cant judge a book by his cover, literally, because
no one knows how someone is until they met them and the reason of their behaviour; also the
value of the truth and honesty and how the lack of this values can change completely not only
the life of one person but the life of a community in this case. This story is pretty awesome,
its a particular way to show the reality of that time.

Gnesis Figueroa Samaniego


Advanced B #970

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