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La toxocariosis es una zoonosis que se produce entre los canes y el

hombre; debido a que el parsito el parsito Toxocara canisse encuentran

contaminando principalmente parques y reas pblicas, de manera accidental
infesta a los seres humanos ocasionando serios problemas de salud.

Toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease that occurs / PRODUCED?

between dogs and humans; because the DUE TO? parasitic Toxocara
canisse is mainly contaminating parks and public areas, it accidentally
infects humans, causing serious health problems.
*I have read the difference between infect and insfest

Actualmente no se cuenta con datos del nivel de contaminacin de los

parques, con huevos de Toxocara canisen en el distrito La Esperanza, Trujillo,
Per, lo cual hace necesaria una investigacin para el bien de la salud de la

Currently there is no data on the level of contamination of parks

with Toxocara canisen eggs in the district of La Esperanza, Trujillo, Peru,
OR in La Esperanza district? which necessitates OR which requires/ OR
which makes it necessary a research for the good health of the

En el presente trabajo de investigacin se ha estudiado el nivel de

contaminacin de los parques recreacionales del distrito La Esperanza, durante
el periodo de Enero Marzo del 2015,tomndose muestras de distintos parques
por el mtodo del cuadrado usndose el mtodo de diagnstico de laboratorio
la Tcnica de Willis Modificado. Del estudio se obtuvo una prevalencia del 28%
de parques positivos a huevos de Toxocara canis.
The present research work has studied the level of contamination of
recreational parks / OR In the present research the level of contamination of
recreational parks had been studied in the district La Esperanza, during the
period from January to March 2015, taking samples from different parks
through the square method, using the method of laboratory diagnosis and the
Modified Technique Willis. The study found a prevalence of 28% of positive
parks to Toxocara eggs.

Teniendo en cuenta algunos factores que podran influenciar el nivel de

contaminacin de parques como el estado de conservacin y las condiciones
climticas que facilitan el mantenimiento de la viabilidad delos huevos.
Considering some factors that could influence the level of contamination
of parks as the state of conservation and climate OR weather? conditions that
facilitate maintenance of the viability of the eggs.
El resultado de la presente investigacin que determina el nivel de
contaminacin de los parques con huevos de Toxocara canis en el distrito La
Esperanza, Trujillo, Per, es moderado, pero aun as constituye un riesgo para
la salud pblica, por lo que deberan tomarse las medidas pertinentes para su
prevencin y control.
The result of this research that determines the level of contamination of
the parks with Toxocara canis eggs in the district of La Esperanza, Trujillo, Peru,
it is moderate, but still constitutes/ OR represent? a risk to public health, so
that should be taken appropriate measures/ actions OR COULD BE: so
appropriate measures should be taken for its prevention and control.

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