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It's not that the original being wanted to suffer.

Its more that he wanted to create himself as a being who was
suffering but didn't want to suffer.
Almost the same thing but not quite.
He wanted to be someone who was stuck with things that he didn't
want. This wasn't because he wanted what he didn't want, but because
he wanted to experience not wanting things, and then chase make them
He wanted to make a game out of making things better.
There was an aesthetic to it.
The aesthetic is ineffable, so you have to see it to believe it.
Until you have seen it, it is going to be unreal to you, and
that is as intended.
So the idea behind clearing is you take this being and all these
things he doesn't want, and you get him to recontact the original WANT
to be stuck with things that he didn't want. That puts him back in
contact with the original aesthetic of the situation, which allows him
to accept and *APPRECIATE* what he did again.
That's a perfect duplication of the original moment of creation.
It wasn't an accident, it wasn't an error, it was a DIRECT
INTENTION, so when he contacts his original want you put him back into
the saddle again of that direct intention, and of course when he lets
go of it, all the things he didn't want vanish, along with the
situation of being a being who is stuck with things he doesn't want.
Nothing can out persist the withdrawal of the intention to have it
Dig it and don't leave it.
Remember, what he wants as the creature is not what he wanted as
the creator, because what he wanted as the creator was to be stuck
with things as a creature he didn't want.
There is a wall of alienness between the two, that alienness
covers the ineffable aesthetic.
The creature is born withdrawing his intention to have bad things
persist. It doesn't work, because the bad things weren't created with
the intention of the creature, they were created with the intention of
the creator!
The creature can't create the universe he is a creature in, because

the creature WOULDN'T, but the creator would, so only the creator can!
The creator has his home in the ineffable aesthetic that motivates
him to create such things, the creature can barely conceive it, and he
alternates between fear and outrage when he comes near it.
It is very tempting to consider clearing to be an activity that has
to do with changing the world. This implies that the world is not as
you want it and you have to change it to make it more acceptable to
This is the creature's view.
However we are trying to clear the CREATURE out of the creator, not
make the world better for the creature!
The creature is all that is wrong with the Creator and all that
needs clearing, erasure and vanishment.
Clearing has nothing to do with changing the world, but with
changing the person's orientation to the world, and reoptimizing his
ability to contact his own sovereign desires about how things are, and
the aesthetic behind them, so that he can then change himself with
regard to his relationship to the world, including leave it as it is.
Notice that the creator did create the world in the first place, so
even when unmotivated by creature desire, he may yet change it to
something else. But probably not something that would make the creature
any happier!
You get high enough and you hit this great big OKness with
everything, total power to change anything, and no inclination to do so
whatsoever, because its fine as it is which is why you created it as it
is in the first place.
It is tempting to say that we can't get out unless everyone gets
out, but this is flatly untrue. Every being has the sovereign right to
create whatever reality they want for themselves, whether good or bad,
and there is no reason whatsoever for anyone else to get pulled into it.
It would in fact be a violation of the other being's sovereign desire to
mess with his crucifixion.
If being's have made long term agreements to not leave until all
leave, that is one thing, but basically you can't even get involved in
another's salvation unless they have invited you in and scripted the
help you are going to give them from beginning to end.
It is quite conceivable that a compulsive need to DO something
about the world, to change it to make it better, actually draws a being
more into the world and sticks him to it like glue thus making
everything worse for everyone including himself.
The beings postulate that everyone else IS suffering and
NEEDS his help, adds to that reality by however much power

the being puts into his postulate.

If postulates are cause, then postulating that others are suffering
and need help will CAUSE that condition to just that degree.
Thus when a being gets high enough, its better he just leave and
stop postulating things about the universe at all. That makes for one
less being postulating that everything is going to hell, thus making it
This is in part why many people have an inherent suspicion of the
goody two shoes personality.
This is because the need to change things is predicated on the
concept that one is NOT responsible FOR things as they are, but had
better damn well take responsibility OVER things as they are and make
them better.
That certainly seems like the adult thing to do, but have you
looked at the state of adults recently?
The goody two shoes person will help end the plague, but she
certainly wouldn't create a universe wherein plagues could be created.
You get the difference between the creature and the creator here?
Every creature is a goody two shoes, and every Creator is its arch
enemy, it just turns out to be itself! But you can see why getting
someone sessionable and accessible as a *CREATOR* is so damn hard.
They will audit forever as the creature, getting better and better
able to change the world, but you know, way down at the end of the line,
you will have helped them become more stuck to their cross than they
could ever have done themselves.
You can't take responsibility OVER, what you are not taking
responsibility FOR having created or invited in the first place with
knowing willing cause.
Once you have recontacted the fountain head of source and taken
responsibility for things as they are, the impulse to change them
becomes ludicrous, for that is *EXACTLY* what you did the last time you
descended into this mess.
"Whoa! Look at that, gotta change it..."
And yes there was an aesthetic to it, Adore calls it High
Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise, and yes it was crafted with Majesty,
Class and Pride, what Adore calls Grand and Excalibur Design.
But in truth that aesthetic is ineffable, and it is that ineffable
aesthetic that the being must regain vision of again, if he is to regain
sovereignty over himself, and own his own creature again.
That aesthetic is WHY the creator creates.
is no hope of duplicating the creator.

Without the why, there

That sovereignty is never lost, it in fact can not be lost, as that

sovereignty is all that is operating and all that ever has operated.
The being is merely sitting on the creature side of the fence rather
than the creator side of the fence.
Once he flips, you have an OT.
It's mainly a matter of beauty, love, postulate, perception and

You also mentioned having many lives spanning trilions of years, which is
something I've always wanted to believe in, but I've never quite been able
to set aside western philosophy, and the christian religion. What do you
believe is our purpose here, if we're not in a selection lottery to
determine who goes to heaven to spend the rest of eternity with god?

First let me ask you, is that what you want to spend

the rest of Eternity with a God who made you against your will
and put you in a lottery knowing full well you might not make it?
Will there be unix in Heaven?
Let me cop out by saying that probably the answer is beyond
our immediate comprehension, but that the truth will set you free.
Thus if you can find a view of the cosmic all that puts you at
peace with 'what you are doing here' it is undoubtedly right. Gotta
be honest with yourself though, lot of people say they are at peace
with 'God's ways', but ask them if THEY would have created this world
and stuck creatures in it and "NO WAY MAN!" is their immediate answer.
They will in fact tell you that God is a mystery to them, downright
inscrutable in fact.
My view is that man kind is evolving up through 4 Great Lies.
The first lie was that the Earth was flat. Try going outside
some time, and picture *BELIEVING* the Earth is flat. It is quite
enlightening because it immediately defines and limits the larger
context in which the flat Earth exists.
It makes the All That Is *VERY SMALL*.
Then man woke up to the fact that the Earth was not flat, and
suddenly was faced with an enormous philosophic vertigo, like what the
hell is keeping the Earth up then? My God we are all *FALLING*! :)
But then for a long time they thought even though the Earth was
round and out in space, that it was still the center of the universe.
Again go out and imagine believing Earth is the center, and the whole
universe revolves around it. See how the larger context becomes
bigger compared to the Flat Earth but is still very small compared to
your present view.

Then they admited the Earth was not the center of the universe,
but surely was the only one with Life. Christ, when he was hanging
from the Cross was over heard to say "Only once, God damnit, only
Imagine having to die on many crosses on many planets to save
everyone? It's nuts.
So again people were faced with enormous philosphical vertigo
when they realized that there are billions of suns in our galaxy and
*BILLIONS* of galaxies for as far as the eye can see. Recent pictures
from the Hubble show amazing pictures of star fields studded with
galaxies as numerous as stars.
Clearly life has formed many times in this galaxy, and will form
again, the life of the galaxy is many times longer than the mere few
billion years our Earth has been around, and the few thousand years of
civilization has been here is but a flash in the pan. The universe is
teaming with life like pond water, we just haven't run into it yet, Or
more likely we are political exiles from the local cluster and Earth
is a dumping ground for criminals, perverts, artists and geniuses,
anyone who didn't fit the status quo in the vast inter stellar
civiliaztion that is still out there. Of course we don't remember!
Although that all may be colorful science fiction depending on
your drug or religion of the moment, the fact remains that *CLEARLY*
there is life everywhere in space and time and always has been and
always will be.
So those are the first 3 Great Lies, flat earth, center of the
universe, and only one with Life. Breaking out of each one involved a
huge step of philosophical and emotional vertigo, and the *LOSS* of
knowing that one had been *WRONG* for a long time, and the gain of now
having a bigger and grander future in store.
The 4th great lie is about to unfold, we are at the opening edge
of it, particularly those in the field of computers.
The 4th great lie is that the external physical universe exists
at all. The truth is consciousness exists, and the external universe
is a holographic projection in the mind of an infinite number of micro
gods all playing human or something similar. There is no "God", there
is only the High Us, the All That Is, experiencing itself for its own
edification, in a projected consciousness of virtual reality.
The virtual reality is quite complete all the way down to the
last quark. Clearly using dream machines to measure the dream reality
will never prove that the dream reality is a dream. So one can't go
banging on dream pianos with dream bodies to prove that the dream is
not a dream. The piano plays perfectly, then you wake up.
How much mathematics would a God Being have to know to create the
physical universe either as an actual reality or a virtual reality?
"Apparently God was a Mathematician first, and a Purveyor of
Damnation second."

Now talk about vertigo, this is quite a leap. The first three
lies expanded the size of the earth and the universe and maybe even of
God in people's conception, but they remained pretty much themselves
in their own eyes. This fourth one changes everything. It means you
and me were not made by God, but are co eternal with the underlying
All That Is, that we *CHOSE* to enagage in all this virtual co
activity including perhaps amnesia of our past and our *CHOICES* to
The 4th lie changes our *RESPONSIBILITY* for our condition, from
almost none, to total, including being responsibile for presently being
unaware of our responsibility.
Take a 3rd lie man, someone who has gotten over the first 3 great
lies. He believes the physical universe exists, and made him. Did he
have a choice? No. Did he make the stars? No. Did he make the
Earth? No. Did he choose to come to Earth and choose his parents?
No. How much in life did he actually choose compared to how much
there is in life? One out of how much? Is there a fraction small
enough to measure the total amount of responsibility such a being has
for his own existence?
He is a meatball and a microdot in the scheme of things.
He wants to be responsibile, to say he is responsible, but he is
overwhelmed by the infinitesimal amount of responsibility he actually
has for anything to the point where he will start defining down
'responsibility' to mean his own level of irresponsiblity!
Eventually you get people who think 'being responsible' means
obeying orders, that's 'the responsible' thing to do!
Now take a 4th lie man, he suddenly realizes he is in his own
virtual game along with all his zillions of buddies who long ago
designed and put into play everything that led up to now.
*EVERYONE* is his friend from long ago, therefore there can be no
hell forever. No one would choose that for themselves, and no one would
choose it for another. They may all hate each other now, but that hate
must be based on an original friendship and sanity back when everyone
invited everyone else into play!
Life is a Holodeck and we are the participants, and the 4 great
Lies are the trappings we chose to wear.
The ignorance was *DESIGNED*.
*BY US*.
Now this is a hard one, because emotionally for many it
preposterous, and this wall will keep most settled down into
the physical universe as a real actuality, and themselves as
But in a meatball's view, he has no chance of immortal life,
made of parts and once the parts are busted apart, so too is
consciousness that arose from the aggregation.

belief in
as he is

But I would claim that Love and Shame can not of Force and Mass be
made, so the idea that consciousness can arise out of ball bearings
bouncing around with one over R squared laws is nuts.
And so we
that conscious
projections of
convincing but
if you will in

are left with the only other alternative theory which is

units are the primal fundamental actuality, and
three or 4 dimensional space and time are intricate and
nonetheless projected virtual realities, virtual machines
the minds of conscious units.

Just as you don't move anywhere when you walk down a streat in a
dream, just so you don't go anywhere when you walk down the streat when
awake. The picture is recast as a virtual reality around you.
As one guy said to me, consciousness does not exist inside the
universe, the universe exists inside of consciousness.
Once you admit to the possibility that the world is a virtual
projection in consciousness, the possibility arises that there have
been, are and will be, endless numbers of universes to play in, so again
the context in which the All That Is exists becomes another order of
magnitude bigger, almost infinite. The philosophical and emotional
vertigo of an infinite future in an infinite number of games with an
infinite number of eternal friends is almost breathtakingly
The standard books on all this stuff in the 60's were Be Here Now,
The Only Dance There Is, and The Taboo against Knowing Who You Really
Are. Also of course Johnathan Livingston Seagull, a neat story about a
seagull who had to separate from the flock once he realized the truth.
The sequel was a Diary of a Reluctant Messiah.
None of the above denies the existence of Christ Consciousness, as
a higher state of consciousness, but it kind of puts to rest the silly
notion that people go to hell forever for the sins of one life.
That's nuts, don't you see?
"There is peace in the thought that one day, *ALL* men will attain
the awakened state."
"Class is an attitude, that *ALL* should live forever and be my
Cool is the ability to maintain Class.


Desire is Sovereign.
Majesty is the *SOVEREIGN* Desire that Desire NOT be Sovereign *FOR
The universe is as you would make it, once you find out how you
would make it, you will know how it is. This is not a trivial
And why we don't remember our past lives is a major area of study.
Why does anyone get amnesia? Why do we not remember prior dreams when

dreaming in our sleep?

If we call this waking state dream level 0, then our night dreams
are dream level 1. When in dream level 1 we don't remember other dream
level 1 dreams easily, although we can if we are very lucid, know we are
dreaming, and keep our wits about us, and take a pause from feeling up
girls to consider our past dreams where we were feeling up other girls.
But once we wake up to this dream level 0, we can remember lots of
dream level 1's from prior nights. Although we forget many also. Also
sometimes we don't remember level 1 dreams even when we do wake up,
until way later when something reminds us of them. Where did it go in
the meanwhile? Where did our past trillion years go? Same place
Perhaps when we die, we wake up to the next dream level minus 1
out from this one, and then we can remember our prior dreams or
lifetimes at this level 0 we are at now.
I have no clue really.
>Homer Wilson Smith wrote:
>Hi Homer,
>I'm afraid much of the above is over my head.

I couldn't quite relate to

Sure you can, remember a time you 'will *NEVER* forgive' someone.
That's a forever and thus a dramatization, it brings DRAMA to a
situation rather than peace, vanishment and void.
>But one thing for sure, there definitely is something wrong with "forever."
>It seems to be a bit late on the track to be really basic, more like a 3rd
>postulate or something.
It's an effort to make sure something NEVER happens again, or
ALWAYS happens again, its an effort to create a permanent PERSISTENCE.
"What would it be ok to have be for just a while."
"What would it not be ok to have be for just a while."
>Or, to put it another way, "forever" is possibly all the more devious
>because it harmonizes with (or is a mockery of) a theta truth.
Yes, it is an effort to bring the non temporal eternality of
static into being as a termporal eternity of MEST.
Something forever is hell forever.
Nothing forever is death forever.

Cycling between something and nothing, manifest and unmanifest

forever is "fair chosen peace via hell and high water".
In other words you can (willingly) have something as long as you
can have nothing, and you can have nothing as long as you can have
something, but if you HAVE to have something forever, then you begin
to seek nothing forever, and if you HAVE to have nothing forever you
begin to seek something forever, and see saw between the two
endlessly, life after life.
Hell forever - > Death Forever -> Hell forever -> Death forever
Meatball -> Christian -> Meatball -> Christian.

>I can remember a time when I thought I'd NEVER be able to forgive somebody,
>so I can duplicate that part. But it's the other equation I'm not sure of,
>that is, "forever = dramatization." ???
Fundamentally, dramatization means to bring drama too.
Seriousness, importance, permanence and pain are are the 4 main
components of drama.
Drama is the opposite of "Yawn, this too shall pass."
Where ever you find drama you will find aberration, and where
ever you find aberration you will find drama.
Dramatization, as in dramatizing out of valence, only happens
once the being has LOST FOR GOOD as himself, and is taking on the
winning valence out of a need to WIN FOR GOOD.
Without drama, without seriousness, importance, permanence and
pain, there is no strong reason to stick with a winning valence or
not, particularly winning valences that were dramatizing drama when
you got them!
But once you get serious about matters, then valences become
They were trying to win for good, and you lost for good, so you
stick yourself with that winning valence FOR GOOD, you see?
Thus the winning valence always contains drama in its winning
aspect, its SERIOUS man, and it WINS FOREVER.
In order to audit this you have to audit the FOR GOOD, the
permanence, the forever in the consideration.


Something forever is hell forever.

>Something forever is just something forever.


The "hell" part is

Adore claims that being stuck with ANYTHING forever is a hell to

the thetan because it violates his sovereignty on the matter, to be
able to have and not have at will, and be able to return to the static
and leave any game at will.
Thus one finds that eternal heavens are offered to the thetan as
a trap to stick him in a detested hell forever. Self determined
pleasure is a good thing, enforced pleasure FOREVER is not.
Thus Adore says,
"Eternal On is Hell Forever
Eternal Off is Death Forever."
Adore stipulates that perhaps the reason thetans finally choose
the belief in mortality is to escape a detested immortality.
That's a detested forever.
To run out the mortality then, the forever OFF, one would run out
the detested forever ON that came before.

Nothing forever is death forever.

>Nothing forever is a static.


Yes, and HAVING to be static forever without the option to

manifest and have something, is death forever.
Thus thetans who get a glimpse of static, anhiliation etc, try to
hold on hard to being SOMETHING, because they don't want to be nothing
FOREVER. It's a mistaken perception that the anhiliation is forever,
but its an easy mistake to make.
>This is an accurate enough description of aberration and "getting what one
>resists," but always remember we are dealing with thetans, thetans CAN
>CHANGE THEIR MINDS and needn't always be subservient to the mechanics of
Of course, there ARE no actual forevers, but the warp and woof of
aberration and games are put together with the idea that there are.
"Nothing is forever except people and peace." - Adore
By people, Adore means static thetans.
Adore claims that time is made in finite WHILES, complete with
beginning and end, they can be as long as the thetan wants, but they
are always finite. Thus no created things can be forever, because all

created things are created inside a WHILE, and thus must end when the
WHILE does.
Thus by auditing the forever component, be it good or bad, one
will find the core issues that keep the aberration in place.
Jim McCulloch ( wrote:
>Please, what does exothermic mean?
All chemical reactions take energy to start them, and all chemical
reactions release energy in the process of completing.
A chemical reaction consists of two or more elements or molecules
coming together and forming a bond, or splitting apart and breaking a
It takes energy to make two chemicals come together, and it takes
energy to make two chemicals split apart.
When two chemicals come together they also release energy of their
own and when chemicals split apart they release energy of their own.
Strike a match, you put energy into the chemicals with your hand
strike, then the match lights and releases energy of its own.
Exothermic reactions release more energy than it took to start
them. They tend to be self sustaining such as the burning of paper.
Once you get it burning, it generates enough heat to start the next
section of paper burning plus some. Thus more energy is released than
needed to start the reaction.
Endothermic reactions release less energy than is need to start
them. They tend to be STORAGE reactions, the energy is pumped into the
chemical reaction, which releases less than is pumped in, and thus
energy is stored in the chemical bonding or separation as the case may
The classic case of endothermia is the splitting of CO2 into Carbon
and Oxygen. It takes great energy to split them, and only a little is
released in the splitting, so more is stored than released in the end.
The classic case of exothermia is when Carbon and Oxygen get back
together again and form CO2, this is a burning fire as you know it, wood
fire etc. It only takes a little bit of energy to get them together,
and they release all the energy stored in them when they were taken
The basic plant animal food cycle takes place as follows:
1.) Plants take energy from the sun and CO2 from the air, and use
the energy to split the CO2 into Carbon and Oxygen. Oxygen is released

into the atmosphere and Carbon becomes part of the plant, wood,
cellulose etc. This is an endothermic reaction, more energy is absorbed
in the splitting of CO2 into C and O than is released, and thus the
plant is acting as a storage battery during its recharge cycle.
2.) Animals take the carbon from the plant and the oxygen from the
atmosphere, and burn it in their digestive systems, which turns C and O
back into CO2 again, and releases all the energy that was stored by the
plant when it split the CO2 into C and O in the first place. The CO2 is
released by the animal into the atmosphere making it available to be
split again by plants during the next phase of the cycle.
Animals are a slow fire to the plant kingdom.
When a farmer plants a single seed of corn, this process takes
energy from the sun, and CO2 from the air, and turns it into a whole
corn stalk with 500 or more corn seeds in the cob.
This reaction is endothermic because more energy is being absorbed
into the corn than is being released during its growth, the corn stalk
is a charging battery.
However once the farmer harvests the corn and eats it, he gets back
all that stored energy, either as food energy, or as 500 seeds to plant
500 more corn stalks, thus from his point of view the whole sow and reap
cycle is exothermic, it produces a positive return on his investment.
He puts in one seed of corn and gets back 500.
It is actually endothermic in the growth of the corn, and
exothermic in the consumption or use (replanting) of the corn.
>Homer Wilson Smith
Where ever you find drama you will find aberration, and where ever
>> you find aberration you will find drama.
Dramatization, as in dramatizing out of valence, only happens
>> once the being has LOST FOR GOOD as himself, and is taking on the
>> winning valence out of a need to WIN FOR GOOD.
>I sort of suspect that what you are really talking here is the DANGEROUS
>ENVIRONMENT, that this is what you essentially mean by drama. And truly,
>the thetan is already screwed when he feels the environment is dangerous.
Yes, but danger has to be defined as threat of PERMANENT LOSS,
other wise it is just more "Yawn, this too shall pass."
>And a nice winning valence can be a good "solution" (hah!) to a dangerous
>environment, that's for sure.
"There is nothing more dangerous than a safe solution." - Adore
They were trying to win for good, and you lost for good, so you
>> stick yourself with that winning valence FOR GOOD, you see?
>The key phrase here is "you stick yourself...."

And, how?

By a

Yes, but more specifically by DONNING it with justification, the

justification makes is right and NECESSARY to don the valence, the
action of donning is a separate action.
The justification is the Service Fac computation.
>Personally, I'm not that sure this issue is THAT serious. I sort of feel
>much of it would resolve on a simple therapy of helping the thetan feel
>(again) dangerous to the environment - more cause. Even just something
>simple like "What could you do...?" might crack it.
Again, one has to ask how you define dangerous.
Every thetan wants to be *DANGEROUS* to his enemies and
opponents, he wants to destroy them FOREVER, send them to hell
FOREVER, teach them a lesson they will NEVER forget etc.
Then he regrets this stuff FOREVER and becomes undangerous
Thus auditing the forevers in all this is very lucrative because
it leads right into his basic motivator/overt/regret chain which he
has been stick with 'forever' and would continue to be stuck with
forever, except the while is running out of time, and so he's going
clear whether he wants to or not! :)
Eventually people who are in hell forever begin to realize that
the only way to remain in hell forever is to be wishing someone or
something else in hell forever, and once they give that up, they pop
The day you can let anyone and anything else be saved, you are
>Homer Wilson Smith <> wrote in message
The only way a thetan can stick something to himself, is to
>> create it willingly with full Omni Sovereignty, then deny he did, or
>> trick himself into thinking he didn't.
So stuckness always has 'violation of Sovereignty' as part of the
>> glue.
>Oh I getcha now.

In other words, denial of self?

Well yes, if one assumes that Self is natively Omni Sovereign.

>Of course, here on earth, playing the meat-body game, we HAVE to have air,
>water, food, protection from the elements... and little rubber duckies.
Yes, MEST runs on must haves and must not haves, too much of, and
too little of, which forms a myriad of thetan - mest conflicts, it is
useful to list for these.
Duplication, doing it again, making more of it, making it worse

is death to a MEST machine which is built to learn and never go it again.

Running one's home universe as a MEST machine however is death to
a thetan, because the thetan depends on doing it again to vanish it.
Push once it sticks, push again and it pops free.
Adore calls that the 'Caps Lock Key' principle of perfect
replication. Create it once, it sticks, Create it again it vanishes.
That's a lower level effort harmonic of LRH's perfect duplicate.
Also in the too much of and too little of department, it is
useful to list for what.
Too much of ...

Too little of ...

The items found then become a gateway for further auditing, for
these form the incidents that pc is dramatizing.
The generalities of the incident will be seriousness, importance,
permanence and pain, the specifics will be tits or whatever.
Nothing worse than a tit trying to think.
"Go away kid, don't bother me!"
Also terrible trio can be run constructively even on low tone
thetans if you allow them to run the dispense with until they come up
with a having item. And rather than run it on present time MEST
objects, which I find execreable, just run it in general, life,
universes, everything.
"Tell me something you could dispense with?
Tell me something you could let be?
Tell me something you could have?"
Define HAVE as "It's YOURS to own and control".

you allow them to run on the dispense with for a long time
forcing the haves, suddenly real haves will come up and
themselves with major physical and other changes in the

I hated trio until I soloed this as above.

X. wrote:
>I don't believe in channeling; I believe in insanity and gullibility. And if
>I *did* believe in channeling, I certainly wouldn't assume that any being
>wanted to channel here had it any more together than the inmates.

LaMMie once wrote to me that when a song comes to him, it comes

as single point that suddenly expands into a linear whole. He made it
quite clear he was merely picking up on these things and manifesting
them in the physical universe. He would be the last one to say 'he
wrote it', he didn't, he contacted the music of the spheres and put
one of them to form.
I too have similar experiences with my own composing.
So too it is with writing. When a phrase or a set of words come
to me, I can feel the entire posting there under the surface, I *HAVE*
to write to spill it all out before it gets fucked up forever and
never gets written. This is in part why I kill people who interrupt
me when I am typing, because if they interrupt the flow, they can
destroy the whole posting and the poetry of expression.
I am at best a scribe.
When a good posting is done, I feel I have manifested a diamond
that was covered by the ground, I didn't create it, I dug it up and
polished it off and put it on show.
That's channeling. Whether I am channeling BT's, or the
masterpiece plane of consciousness I have no idea, I don't have little
beings talking to me in my head. Only demons flying me around in my
dreams and they don't speak, they just show me things.
When musical ditty's come to me, they come to me as a whole, when
ideational ditty's come to me, they come to me as a whole.
No difference. One ends up as a song on paper, the other ends up
as a posting on clear-l.

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