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Volume 5, Issue 3

Home of the Nyami Nyami

July 2015 Edition

Length: 4 pages

Cerruti Lodges by Par Mhuriro

Its been too long again ..

Welcome to your newsletter, after yet another absence.
We are happy though that even in our absence things were happening and the destination was growing, from going to ZITF, to
Indaba and lately Sanganai. So we would
like to salute our partners in tourism Kariba Publicity Association, sponsored by Kariba Municipality, Kariba Indaba and our
partner Clive Willard and Drake. As you
read on, you will discover that we shall be
holding a Festival plus a conference first
week of October.
A lot of events are lined up for the coming
weeks. First we begin with the second edition of the Kariba Cycle Challenge, from 31
July to 2 August , it is organised by Dave
Martin, whose passion for cycling speaks
volumes. For more information about the
challenge please see poster at the back.
Secondly we will be having another second
edition of the HAZ Winter School from 29 to
31 July. It will be held in Chinhoyi at CUT
Hotel and Kariba at Caribbea Bay and Cutty
Sark Hotel.
Then we are off to Chinhoyi Agricultural
Show that will run from 5 to 9 Aguust
whose theme is Stimulating Economic
Growth. There after we are back to Kariba
to the 11th edition of the Kariba Half Mara-

Inside this issue:

Kariba Tourism Club

Investment Conference

Best Publicity Stand

Upcoming Events

thon , where top athletes from Zimbabwe and the region battle it out on the
gruesome hills of Kariba to earn the
coveted prize.

Deep in Charara wilderness is a family haven. Cerruti Lodges are meant for big crowds be it a family or a group of
friends. The lodges are also ideal for small crowd weddings.
The journey to the lodge is a game drive in its own way. One
In September during the first week, we goes past national parks and right at the end of the park
will host Change A Life Cyclers, who will are these beautiful, immaculately maintained lodges overcycle from Kariba to Chirundu , Makuti
looking the lake. The combination of thatched buildings,
and back to Kariba, and they will be
green lawn and a pull with a fountain overlooking the lake
coming from our neighbour South Afrihas a soothing effect of being in a little heaven.
In October during the first week, we will
hold our Kariba Festival , which will run
at the same time with our first ever
Kariba Beer Festival. So all those fun
lovers and those that enjoy sipping the
golden liquid at waterholes be sober
enough to drive to Kariba for a special
Mid October we will be hosting yet another edition of our famous fresh water
fishing contest at Charara, that is the
Kariba Invitational Tiger Fishing Tournament. It promises to be another exciting edition and we wonder who will
emerge king and win the coveted Big
Fish Award and we cannot even begin
to talk about the Awards Ceremony
We will begin our Mayors Christmas
Cheer Fund in November and we would
like everyone to support a worthy
cause. To cap of our year we have the
Civil Aviation with their International
Day of Civil Aviation and Awards Ceremony. This year will be special because
our very own illustrious Airport Manager
Mr. Maramwidze will be celebrating 25
years at CAAZ, and you must join us to
celebrate with him.
In our hiatus we managed to come up
with a somewhat comprehensive guide
about Kariba, copy the following link to
your browser to get it :
Thank you for the support, a thousand
apologies for the absence.

There are five lodges making up Cerruti lodges four of these

can accommodate a maximum of nine people in each
lodge. The lodges are all double storey with overhead fans
which are well serviced. Each lodge is fully equipped to
cater for up to nine people comprising a modern equipped
kitchen, bathroom with separate shower and three toilets.
For smaller groups lodge 5 has been split into upstairs and
downstairs flats. In the kitchens are fridges, deep freezers
and bar fridges. There is a microwave in each lodge and
each lodge has a standard 4 plate stove with oven. There is
an attendant in each lodge who can also cook on request.
However if one wants to bring along their own staff, they
may and these can either stay with them or use the staff
quarters at a fee.
Each lodge has an outdoor living area with a built-in braai
and wood is supplied. There is also a communal pool and
childrens play area as well as a gazebo. The beautiful gardens go down to the water where one can conveniently
moor their own boat. Most anglers in October pre-book the
place because it is next to National Anglers Union. This
gives their family the chance to be with them while they
compete in the Tiger fishing Tournament. The whole complex is surrounded by an electric fence making it safe from
animals which prowl all over Charara wilderness. All one
has to take with to Cerruti lodge is their food, bath and
swimming towels. The rest is all there to ensure one has a
pleasant holiday experience. For fuel and a drink one can
drive less than 500m to NAUZ might even be lucky and
meet up with anglers from all over the world and learn to
fish. For bookings you can contact visit them at their website

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Nyamhunga High Tourism Club by Daisy

We are proud to introduce you to our Tourism and Wildlife Club from Nyamhunga High School. We have been
meeting with the club every week to educate them more
on the tourism and wildlife in and around Kariba. The
club has 25 students from form 2 to form 6 that are very
eager to learn more about the tourism and wildlife in
Kariba. We have come up with a number of projects that
include removal of snares, to events such as the Half
Marathon where we will have a watering hole for the
athletes, the ZB cleanup where we will pick up litter from
Makuti to Kariba, and the Tigerfish Tournament where
they can learn more about how this contributes to the
tourism industry.

Kariba Festival : Part 1 Investment Conference

Tourism both at a global and domestic level is experiencing extraordinary transformation. Factors such as globalization, mergers , acquisitions, competition from traditionally non tourism entities, and technological innovation are forcing companies and destinations to re-think
and re-align their business strategies.
In this new environment destinations and companies are required to,
amongst other things, create new revenue streams, tap into new markets, increase market share and cut down operational costs. Further,
they are expected to cater to the ever-changing expectations and requirements of consumers who are increasingly better informed about
their choices and are more demanding. This requires constant attention
to marketing strategies by destination business managers who must
seek to build defendable competitive advantages. Kariba is no exception it must reignite the magic of the destination in the eyes of both the
investor and tourists .
Outside the traditional safari ,fishing and boat cruise experts agree
there is need to include more activities on the Kariba menu if it is to
attract both domestic and international tourists in this era of serious
competition for visits. New pull factors such as festival ,film ,sport and
religious tourism are trending in the developed world while Kariba and
indeed most of Zimbabwe is still hanging on to traditional tourism methods.

We have done a lot of activities with the club thus far. We

held a clean up campaign at Nyamhunga Shopping Centre, with EMA also joining us. We would like to thank
Delta Beverages for donating drinks and Kariba Animal
Welfare Fund for donating water, while EMA provided
plastic bags, pokers and gloves, and to our club for
cleaning the town.
The club also had the pleasure to host Mr. Arnold
Chikwanda, the GM at Caribbea Bay Resort Hotel. He
gave a presentation to the students on the hotel industry,
which was much appreciated. With many of the students
wanting to work in hotels. We also got to test the students with a quiz on Operation Noah, Nyami Nyami and
other previous presentations done.
The club has also hosted EMA and some tour guides,
amongst other industry players. We are hoping to also
have them assist at the upcoming Kariba Festival, Half
Marathon and Cycle Challenge as volunteers and also
learn about how to market and revive our town. It is such
a pleasure to have our children growing up with the
interest in tourism and wildlife. This gives a lot of hope
to Kariba and shows that in future this resort town will be
a preferred destination for most tourists locally and

It is with the above background that the Kariba Town council (Kariba
Publicity Association ) and the Kariba Business Indaba are organizing
an investment conference on the 2nd of October 2015 and a festival
the next day . There is urgent need to provide an investment plan for
the resort and to aggressively market kariba both locally and internationally . Something needs to be done to kariba and it needs to be done
The Kariba Investment Conference seeks to provide a platform for active and potential investors, developers and operators in the local ,
regional and international tourism sectors and other related businesses
to discuss investment opportunities that exist in Kariba . It is also an
opportunity for the kariba town council to unveil and market their investment plan .The conference program also includes discussions on
various issues affecting business in Kariba e.g. licenses, taxes immigration . It will also provide an opportunity to learn from similar destinations in neighboring countries which have seen tourism investment
grow in recent years.
The Kariba investment Conference is aimed at business people in the
tourism ,hotel and accommodation sectors, major and emerging; investment groups ,other role players and interested parties in tourism sector
development. The general business community ,Government ,Non
Govermental organisations , parastatals ,sports and events companies ,construction and developers will all be part of the mix. The main
objective is to attract the much needed investment into the town as
well as reenergize existing businesses .
Part of the Conference is dedicated to Government departments and
parastatals mandated to develop tourism or regulating certain areas
linked to tourism. A lot of businesses in Kariba have complained about
certain licensing issues and this section seeks to create a platform for
business and Government to debate these issues. It will also offer these Government departments an
opportunity to explain their mandate
For more info on the conference
and the Kariba Festival please get
in touch with our Kariba Office.

Volume 5, Issue 3

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Nyama Nyama
Paridzirai Mhuriro
When one looks at Lake Kariba, one cannot help
being mesmerised. The waters stretch far and wide
with Matusadonha hills flanking it all the way to
beyond the horizon. It is hard to believe man actually made this amazing large body of water. There is a
lot one can do in the lake, fish, canoe, spend a
night in a houseboat, along the shorelines people
can have picnics, braais or just relax but be careful
of the crocodiles and hippos. Nearly one in every
household in Kariba has a job linked to the lake.
The question is what was there before the lake?
Clues of what existed before the existence of the
lake are everyway, right from the welcome to Kariba
sign to the Municipalitys logo...the great river god
Before the construction of the lake the Tonga clan a
peaceful, quiet and industrious people were settled
along Kasambabezi now Zambezi River. Kasambambezi was meant to warn those who understand
the language that only locals could bath in the river
because they know places that are free from crocodiles. Like the current residents in Kariba, the Tonga life was centered around the river. Their staple
food was fish, they cultivated at the river banks and
their worship was right by the river. Their god Jama
Kutendwa, now known as Nyami-nyami resides in
the river along with his wife. The name Nyami-nyami
is a bastardised version of Nyama-nyama which is a
Shona word for meat.
During drought times the Tonga elders would go to
the river and perform rituals, calling upon Nyami
nyami for help. Nyami nyami and his wife would
hear them and surface above the waters allowing
the hungry tribe to cut off their backs and feed. As
soon as the back hit the water the wounds made by
the tribe would be healed. This was the life of the
Tonga until the wall was built...
The building of the dam wall meant displacement
for the Tonga tribe. Some refused to move and
found themselves submerged by the great lake.
Though the tribe tried to maintain its way of life,
changes were forcing change on them. One fateful
hunger period the elders went to ask for help from
Nyami Nyami, his wife heard their plea and made
her way down the river to feed her people. After she
left the dam wall began to take shape and by the
time she got back it was a barrier across the river.
Great was the desperation of Nyami nyami, he
flooded the dam wall down to let his wife pass in
1957. This became known as the 1000 year flood
with scientists from all over claiming such floods
would only take place every 1000 years due to the
pressure caused by the large body of water. However in 1958 another flood occurred though less severe and again the scientists called it the 100 year
flood caused by seismic movements.
After the floods the Tonga elders performed rituals
to calm their god. After this there are occasional

Zimbabwe Tourism Authority

earth tremors and only few Tongas now

see the great river god because he is
heartbroken and lonely for his wife. The
last to have seen Nyami Nyami is Chief
Siamakwebo of the Mola area. However
deep in the Tonga villages some members
still have his skin which has been passed
from generation to generation. This skin
which is jealously guarded has magical
powers that can make a person successful.

Best Publicity Stand 2015 @

Rejuvenated Kariba Publicity Association
went to Sanganai with a mission to impress and win an award and they did just
The team which worked hand in glove with
our office, went all out to Sanganai. Besides carrying their traditional wares,
thanks to Dave McMaster who provided a
model kapenta rig that helped explain how
kapenta is fished. For the first time the
team also took with them activity based
packages that were meant to stimulate
demand from domestic tourists, as per the
thrust of the Fair. The packages were
meant for weekenders flying , driving or
coming by scheduled coach.

Head Office
Tourism House
55 Samora Machel Avenue Harare
Tel: + 263 4 780651/758714/30
E-mail :
Web: ,
Kariba Office
Observation Point Building
P.O. Box 160 Kariba
Tel / Fax: +263 261 2146276
Mobile : +263 773 384 844 ( Tendai )
: +263 772 357 196 ( Daisy )
Skype : tendai_mushangwe
Facebook : ZTA Kariba

but the committee through the efforts of the

Chair Mr. Nigel Ncube has been worth every
Lots of appreciation go to the operators in
and around Kariba for their unwavering
support , and generous donations which
saw the trip become a success.

A comprehensive guide on
Kariba was also presented
and given to clients on soft
copy and hard copy enabling
the team to give complete
information about the destination. The guide was made
by the ZTA office and is also
available on the internet.
The Publicity Association ahs
been working tirelessly and
had just come from ZITF
where they met a lot of buyers who were keen on selling
the destination.
After Sanganai the association together
with other affiliates will be working on
making the Kariba Festival a success and
from there only the sky is the limit for
them. With a number of events lined up
for them, these present lots of opportunities to sell the destination and create the
required synergies.
The journey to Sanganai was never easy

Extra mention goes to Kariba Town Council

for being the major sponsor, thank you !

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