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-Preface .............................................................................5
- Distinctive Upbringing and Experience ..........................7
- Successful Social and Political Work
in the Gulf Region ...........................................................19
- Stability of Kuwaiti Policy ................................................
-fluctuation according to freaks and inclinations ..........27
- Arab Peace, Stability and Solidarity ..............................35
- Positive attitudes Towards the Iraqi crisis ....................43
- The Future of Kuwait-Iraq Relations ...........................49
- Applying Kuwaiti Diplomacy in developing
National Economy ........................................................55
- Pledge of Allegiance ....................................................61

His Higness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
The Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait (CRSK) has the utmost
pleasure to present this book on HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber
Al-Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait while taking the first step at the dawn of the
new era, proceeding to the current historic phase of dedicated service to
Kuwait throughout more than forty remarkable continuous years.
The Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait would like to dedicate
such brief glimpses of the life history of HH the Emir to the high-minded
and good-hearted Kuwaiti people. Verily, his achievements have been the
ideal model in consistency with Kuwait's prudent political leadership
throughout more than four decades. During such extended years, HH has
undertaken the noble task of manifesting Kuwait's bright image before the
external world. Such exaltedness refers to his political shrewdness and
in-depth perspective that have been bestowed by God the Almighty on him
in assessing Kuwait's interests on all local, regional and international levels.
Thereupon, Divine Providence and Grace have been protecting him.
Kuwait's will and disposition, represented in the old and young, men and
women, have come together upon his love, esteem, fidelity and devotion.
The day of his pledge of allegiance as the Amir of Kuwait illustrates a
unique unprecedented event in its history as all cherishing hearts have
rejoiced, when all minds and views of different trends and ages have
unanimously cohered and rallied. May God make him a dignified symbol
for Kuwait and a dear father for all its citizens.
The Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait, while reiterating
congratulations to HH for this popular and official support, hopes that
this book in addition to the preceding issue published by the Centre in the
year 2004 shall be deemed an inclusive illustration that never deviates
from verity and truthfulness in recognition and appreciation of HH for the
long years he committed with his noble efforts in serving Kuwait and its
interests, locally and worldwide.
Prof Abdullah Y Al-Ghunaim
CRSK Chairman

HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah in his youth
Upbringing and Experience

HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed was born in Kuwait City

in 1928. He is the fourth son of the late HH Sheikh
Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, who took the reins of power of
the country within the period from 1921-1950, during
which Kuwait witnessed the initial features of its modern
renaissance and development.
HH Sheikh Sabah received his primary education at
Al-Mubarakiya School, which was the first early regular
school established in Kuwait in 1911. His classmates were
those upon whom the duties of Kuwaiti political
leadership were soon to be entrusted; together they were
prepared for Kuwait's advancement toward contemporary
cultural development. Later, he joined the royal court of
his father who devoted his attention to his son's education
under specialized tutors. When he grew up, his father
purposely dispatched him to various countries for study,
acquisition of knowledge and mastery of political

experience and skills. Besides studying the public affairs
in some Asian, European and American countries, he got
to recognize their political and social systems, thus he
became directly involved in politics.
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed commenced his career
in public service on the 19th of July 1954, before reaching
his twenty-five years of age. At that time, the late Sheikh
Abdullah Al-Salem issued an Amiri order to appoint him
a member in the Supreme Executive Committee, which
was assigned to manage the interests of Kuwait's official
bodies, and organize the government agencies and formal
departments, drawing up work plans, and monitoring their
Immediately after that Committee had finalized the task
assigned thereto, he was appointed the first Director of
Social Affairs and Labor Department. Then, the
Chairmanship of the Press and Publishing Authority was
added to his responsibilities in 1957. Directly after the
independence of the State of Kuwait on 19th of June 1961,
and following the formation of the new government
departments, he also assumed directorship of both
departments. By virtue of his post capacity, he became a
member of the Supreme Council that was in part of the
Cabinet, and a member in the Constituent Assembly, which

was commissioned with the assignment of establishing the
constitution for the State of Kuwait.
Since government departments were turned into
ministries, HH Sheikh Sabah assumed power of numerous
portfolios including the Ministry of Guidance and News.
He was also appointed as the Chairman of Kuwait's
Delegation to the United Nations and to League of Arab
In the Second Cabinet that was formed in February
1963, he took command of Foreign Affairs Portfolio and
headed the Standing Committee on Arab Gulf Assistance.
In his ministerial capacity, he has become a member in the
National Assembly since 1963 to the present date. He has
been a contemporary dignitary of the parliament in Kuwait
with its emergent constitution developments.
HH Sheikh Sabah undertook many social activities,
which lent him distinctive experience necessary to carry
out governmental functions. Regarding social
development, his most prominent achievements are:
- He was the Head of the Kuwaiti Teachers' Society,
which embraced all Kuwaiti teachers working in the
Educational Department and others in cultural and
educational fields. He assumed a prominent and

significant role in restoring the activities assumed by
that club, such as the issuance of Al-Ra'id Magazine,
whose first edition appeared in March 1952. He
participated in educational seminars and symposia
organized by the club. On Tuesday February 12, 1952,
he headed a seminar entitled “Educational Affairs in
Kuwait”, set up in the club premises, to which Al-Ra'id
magazine appropriated pages for readers' review. He
also sponsored the First Seminar for Combating
Illiteracy in April 1952, seeking the eradication of
illiteracy in Kuwait.
Through directing the Social Affairs Department,
established in 1954, he gave much attention to the
following social projects:
* Drawing up the organizational rules to make work
opportunities available for the Kuwaiti citizens;
* Stabilizing relations between labourers and employers;
* Organizing foreign immigrants to Kuwait immediately
after oil discovery and extraction;
* Introducing centers for technical and vocational
training for girls, and providing their needs so as to
graduate the largest number of professional women to
work in the various State ministries;

* Enacting Care for child and mother and attendance to
the disabled, aged and those of special needs;
* Encouraging the establishment of women's
associations in recognition of their role in the society;
* Enacting Youth care programmes including their
psychological, social and physical preparation in
cooperation with the Education Department;
* Fostering theater activities and facilitating opportunities
for Kuwaiti youth who are interested to practise such
* Establishing sport clubs to encourage sports in Kuwait;
* Creating a centre for folk arts in 1956 to maintain the
Kuwaiti folk heritage.
As for the printing and publishing field with which he was
entrusted in addition to the Social Affairs Department,
his achievements were as follows:
* The issuance of the official gazette for Kuwait,
"Al-Kuwait Al-Youm” to record all official events and
* Establishment of Kuwaiti government press to satisfy
the government needs for publications, in addition to all

HH in one of his meeting with Kuwait's delegation abroad
requirements of the Education Department for books and
* Issuance of Al-Arabi magazine representing Kuwait
dedication to all Arab countries.
* Restoration and reactivation of Arab Heritage and
republication of old Arabic books and manuscripts;
* Formation of a special committee for the project of
writing Kuwait History taking into account the most
appropriate scientific and methodological pattern that
would match with the academic and scientific
renaissance and development in Kuwait;
* Issuance of the Printing and Publication Law, which
encouraged the political press, and secured freedom for
them within the framework of law and the interest of
Kuwait and the Arab nation.
When the Press and Publication Department was
transferred into the Ministry of Guidance and News, HH
Sheikh Sabah pursued the development process for all
information media and means. At that time, the Ministry
covered broadcast radio, television, cinema, theatre and
tourism as well as the Sponsorship Division to monitor
means of publication and printing. All of such media
played their national role in refuting the lies and false

allegations successively launched by the previous Iraqi
rulers. They subsequently rejected Kuwait's evidence,
exposing their expansionist schemes and greedy
As regards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assumed
by HH in 1963, the remarkable long years spent in that
post have qualified him to be indisputably a leader of
Kuwait since he was being at the forefront of foreign
policy. Therefore, it was not strange to be rightly honored
with the title of "Dean of Diplomats" worldwide, due to
the extensive service in foreign affairs on one hand, and
for his distinguished experience known among his
Consequently, HH the late Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed
issued an Amiri Decree in 1978 to appoint him the
Deputy Prime Minister in addition to his post of Foreign
Minister. Directly after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991,
HH issued another Decree to appoint him the First Deputy
Prime Minister for confronting the burdens and
repercussions resulting from the heroic legend of
liberation and reconstruction. In 2003, HH assigned him
the Prime Minister to formulate the Cabinet after the
elections conducted for the Tenth Session of the National
Assembly. Then, he assumed the headship of the

Executive Authority in the country, being Kuwait's de
facto ruler.
Undoubtedly, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed practice
in Kuwait's internal and external affairs in the way cited
hereinabove reflect his numerous significant experiences,
where he was highly appreciated by the citizens of Kuwait
in terms of HH the Amir, the government and the Kuwaiti
When both the executive and legislative authorities
represented in the Cabinet and National Assembly turned
out the necessity of caring for the supreme interest of the
State of Kuwait, and considered the health conditions of
HH Sheikh Sa'ad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah who
was proclaimed Amir of Kuwait after demise of the late
HH Sheikh Jaber Al- Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah who
passed away at dawn of Sunday the 15th Thu Al-Hijja
1426 corresponding to 15th January, 2006, the Cabinet
convened and unanimously proclaimed HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed the Amir of Kuwait in compliance with Article
(3) of the Law issued in 1964 regarding the Emirate
Succession. Having considered Al-Sabah family's pledge
of allegiance and the resolution passed by the Cabinet as
aforementioned, the issue was presented to the National
Assembly. It was unanimously endorsed, taking into

consideration the health condition of HH Sheikh Sa'ad
Al-Abdullah, beside caring to relieve him of the burden of
governing and responsibilities of Kuwait. Then, HH
Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah was
proclaimed the Amir of Kuwait. Under the constitution, all
such resolutions have been finally taken during two
consecutive sessions, which were held by the National
Assembly on Sunday 29th Thu Al-Hijja 1426 equivalent
to January 29, 2006. The First Session was dedicated to
the pledge of allegiance of the National Assembly
members to HH as the Amir of Kuwait following a
unanimous nomination. The second session was dedicated
to HH taking the constitutional oath before the General
Assembly in the presence of all Cabinet Members,
previous ministers, and other prominent political figures
and executive dignitaries in Kuwait.
Hence, on that particular day, a new historic phase of
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, whose
passion is known by the whole of Kuwait represented by
the government and the people. It is a fitting recompense
for the national dedication he presented during the
fulfillment of his previous responsibilities over a period of
more than four decades of Kuwait's contemporary history.
The method of authority transfer to HH Sheikh Sabah

Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, and HH' keenness to adhering to the
Constitution and Law, rarely happens in the third world
countries. It captured the world's admiration and
appreciation for the State of Kuwait represented by the
Amir, the government and the people.

HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah in the early 1960s
A Successful Social and Political
Work in the Gulf Region

Kuwait has early perceived the necessity for

providing material and moral support to the Arab emirates
in the gulf region, which were called the Trucial Coast
Emirates, before they formed the new federation uniting
them all under the banner of the United Arab Emirates.
That commenced directly after a delegation had been sent
to the Emirates during the period from March 15 to 22,
1953 under the instructions of the Education Council in
Kuwait according to the directives of the late Sheikh
Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah. It aimed to identify the
educational and social circumstances in such regions. In
conformity with the findings, the government of Kuwait
initiated- since the end of 1953- to establish schools,
hospitals and other social service institutions at a time
when some of Kuwait districts were still in need of such
These contributions and support began to take more

intensive and organized forms when HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed assumed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
1963 and Chairmanship of the Standing Committee on
Assisting the Arabian Gulf Countries. This committee was
established by an Amiri decree issued by the late Sheikh
Abdulla Al-Salem Al-Sabah in 1962. This Committee
offers unconditional free grants, entailing no political or
economical terms.
At the time when HH Sheikh Sabah was heading the
Committee, he managed to enhance the funds and
appropriations allocated to it and to extend the scope of
such assistance expanded from Arab Gulf Emirates to
South Yemen, North Yemen, the Sultanate of Oman and
South Sudan. In such countries, the circumstances
prevailing in the educational sphere, and in the general
and social services purview showed a need for a technical
delegation as instructed by HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed.
It would perform a comprehensive social survey therein
so as to identify their actual needs, particularly after
UNESCO's report had demonstrated the intense and
drastic needs affecting such emirates in the general
services area.
Thus, HH Sheikh Sabah exerted efforts towards the
intensification of Kuwaiti contributions in the area of

education and health care services, for which the emirates
were in dire need. Consequently, Kuwait established an
office in Dubai Emirate to supervise and monitor the
extension of social services, and other development
projects. In 1971, that office assumed the form of Kuwait's
Consulate immediately after the official declaration of the
United Arab Emirates.
Kuwait's Office of Statistics documented that up to
1969, Kuwait maintained forty three schools in the
emirates, where about 850 teachers were employed, whose
salaries were paid by Kuwait along with the full
expenditure for the schools. Such expenses covered the
management of the schools and the provision of meals to
the students.
That was in addition to the establishment of hospitals
and mosques. It is noteworthy that Kuwaiti curricula and
academic courses had been approved and adopted for
several years in the Emirates schools after the official
declaration of the UAE.
Likewise, HH Sheikh Sabah was keen, when
entrusted with the tasks of Information Ministry besides
those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to set up a radio
broadcast transmission station in the Emirate of Sharjah to

cover all the Emirates. As well, HH showed immense
attention to set up a TV transmission station in the Emirate
of Dubai.
With regard to such efforts, Kuwait's role did not
exceed the role of a brotherly neighbour that was keen to
satisfy the needs of the United Arab Emirates, having no
underlying motives or private interests in return.
The first challenge for Kuwaiti diplomatic meditation
was conducted by HH Sheikh Sabah when he participated
in a meeting organized by the competing factions and
political parties in Northern Yemen, ie, the Republicans
and Royalists. The meeting was attended by
representatives of Egypt and Saudi Arabia to put an end
to the civil war that broke out in Northern Yemen. He
continued his efforts when meetings resumed in Kuwait in
August 1966.
Immediately after the deterioration of relations
between the Arab Republic of Yemen and the Democratic
Republic of Yemen and when fighting started between
them in relation to their joint borders in 1972, HH Sheikh
Sabah Al-Ahmed initiated political efforts to end the
HH continued to negotiate a settlement between the

two divisions of Yemen. Such a visit to both states in
October 1972 resulted in signing a peace agreement,
besides an agreement for mutual trade between them,
within the general framework initiated and organized by
the Arab League.
HH's mediation in the crisis that flared up between
Democratic Republic of Yemen and Sultanate of Oman in
1980 also proved successful. Such mediation led, in
coordination with the UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, to
signing an agreement of principle declaration, which
mitigated the tension between the two countries. To
terminate the dispute, HH called upon the two countries'
ministers of foreign affairs for a meeting in Kuwait in
1984 during which it was agreed to put an end to the
media war, reinforce respect of good neighborhood, and
set up diplomatic relations between them.
As a result of HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed's firm
belief that the unity of the north and south Yemeni peoples
was actually existent, but hindered only by various
ideological trends, he continued his deliberate pursuit until
he called for a meeting in Kuwait on March 30, 1979
between the two Presidents: Ali Abdullah Saleh and
Abdul Fatah Ismail. That meeting could attain the goals
desired for unity between both sides of Yemen.

Accordingly, the visit of HH the Amir Sheikh Jaber
Al-Ahmed in 1981 to both sides of Yemen aimed at
becoming closely acquainted with the status quo and
getting a comprehensive and wider understanding of the
issues of both sides.
Thus, Kuwait's efforts were not in pursuit of a private
interest when it assisted the two parts of Yemen despite
the differences in their ideologies. Kuwait was keen on
extending support to liberation movements and assisting
the armed struggle in the Arabian south to end the
imperialistic British domination. That led to the British
withdrawal and the declaration of the Democratic
Republic of Yemen in 1967. Subsequently, the British
Labuor Government headed by Harold Wilson in the 1968
announced its intent to withdraw from the Gulf and
terminate military presence not later than the end of 1971,
and accordingly regional powers appeared receptive to
such political vacancy.
When the USA expressly announced its policy in the
Gulf immediately after the British government had
cancelled the protection agreements and ended its military
presence, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed announced that the
Arabian Gulf states shared common interests more than
any other countries. He worked, in cooperation with the

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on successful negotiations of
unity in 1968-1971 with the Arab Emirates. HH exerted
substantial effort to consolidate the viewpoints among the
rules of the Gulf States. Although the Gulf Cooperation
Council was first established without Qatar and Bahrain,
it was considered a significant achievement that had its
effects on saving the region from the state of division and
separation that it had suffered from for long years.
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed played an important role
in meditations in connection with the Iranian claims in
Bahrain, which had previously been the problem of Britain
since Bahrain was subject to British protection. However,
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed, through the intensive
negotiations between Iran and Bahrain where Kuwait
contributed an effective role, reached the appropriate
formula that secured Bahrain's right in deciding its
self-determination and independence and convinced Iran
to waive its claims in this regard.
In spite of the tendency of Kuwaiti policy towards the
normalization of relations with Iran prior to and after the
Iraqi aggression against Kuwait, HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed remained strongly against Iran's occupation of
three islands that were part of the UAE. His stance
supported the UAE in the negotiations held between it

and Iran in 1992, and when Iran suggested referring the
dispute to an international arbitration committee. HH
called upon the Islamic Republic of Iran in the
international communities and at the UN level to end the
use of force in occupying the islands and imposing its
illegal sovereignty so that the right should return to its
right owners.

The Stability of Kuwaiti Policy

Kuwait's policy has been distinguished by being based

on its inherited traditions in its regional and international
relationships. Thus, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed was
keen to steer Kuwait's foreign policy in compliance with
the collective resolutions of the Arab and the Gulf
countries within the framework of the Arab League and
the GCC. Their most prominent distinctive feature is
non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries,
and subsequently the rejection of any attempt from others
to interfere in Kuwait's internal affairs.
The Kuwaiti policy has always been characterized by
insight, prudence and the ability to avoid others avidity
through wisdom and shrewdness. The Kuwaiti policy
counted on the fact that Kuwait's security and the
maintenance of its political system had relied on keeping
distance from regional Arab axes. Further, it had
strengthened friendly relations with several countries
worldwide regardless of their political or ideological

attitudes and trends, under the conviction that having more
friendly states would ultimately contribute to Kuwait's
self-preservation and independent -entity.
In its foreign relations with left-wing countries,
Kuwait did not restrict itself to the Soviet Union who it
had set up diplomatic relations with immediately after its
recognition of Kuwait's independence in 1963. Further, it
also set up diplomatic relations at the level of ambassadors
with Peoples' Republic of China after its recognition of
Kuwait in 1974, as well as with Poland and other Eastern
Block countries. That was attributed to Kuwait's balanced
policy with the two great blocks at that time.
Correspondingly, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed reached
fair solutions for numerous Arab, regional and international
crises through his moderate stances and prudent attitudes at
all levels, along with his positive contributions in
mediation, and his numerous good offices. Undoubtedly,
the intention to realize peace in Lebanon among the
clashing parties, when the civil war flared up in 1975, was
the basic motive that led Kuwait towards mediation among
the conflicting powers, who nearly split Lebanon into small
territories according to the various residing sects and
factions. To encounter such a situation, Kuwait assumed the
responsibility for six-member committee chaired by HH

Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed. That committee presented its
findings and recommendations to the Arab Summit
Conference held in Casablanca in 1979, which conceived
that termination of the civil war in Lebanon was one of the
Arab priorities. Accordingly, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed
assured in his speech before the UN on October 12, 1979
that one of the problems that would hinder reaching a
solution in Lebanon was the continued Israeli occupation of
southern Lebanon. Therefore, HH called upon the
international community to oblige Israel to carry out all the
relevant resolutions issued by the International Security
Council regarding its full withdrawal from all Lebanese
Thereby, Kuwait set an ideal example of the
measures, which small states could take in their foreign
policies to independently influence the international arena.
HH could also effectively and efficiently deploy Kuwait's
financial wealth and foreign investments in numerous
countries worldwide to expand its political and
economical impact in such countries.
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed had no objection to arm
Kuwait with up-to date arms whether from the east or west
to face the perils, which threatened the State of Kuwait
within the 1980s due to eruption of the Iranian revolution.

Such measures could also be attributed to the situation
when the United States rejected Kuwait's request to
purchase antiaircraft Stinger missiles then estimated at
more than US$ 82 million, as a result of Congress
opposition to conclude the transaction lest it should be
exploited in fighting Israel.
Considering that Kuwait was the first Gulf states to
set up diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, it
became qualified to represent a bridge between it and the
GCC countries. HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed, was
concerned that those countries should not be accused of
being tools or agents to the western interests, encouraged
them to follow the steps of Kuwait for establishing
diplomatic relationships with the Eastern Block countries
to assure no anxiety towards the Islamic values prevailing
in GCC societies.
Although Kuwait broke off its relations with Egypt
for ten years (1979-1988), HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed
always asserted Kuwait's keenness to Egyptian subjects.
He frequently revealed that Egypt had a significant role in
the Arab world, so neither could dispense with the other.
The Israeli assaults, which reached a peak at the
encroachment of Al-Aqsa Mosque, have had a strong

impact on the Islamic trends of Kuwait's foreign policy.
Furthermore, the eruption of the Islamic Iranian revolution
in 1979, followed by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
and the assistance provided by Kuwait in terms of
government and people to Afghani militants were among
the highlights of the Islamic dimensions in Kuwait's
foreign policy. Such elements were represented in
Kuwait's extension of loans and financial aid, which were
extended to the Islamic countries after being offered only
to the Arab countries. To protect Kuwait from being
accused of Islamic fanaticism, HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed was always keen to have such aid extended
also to humanitarian causes in non-Arab or non-Islamic
Immediately after the events witnessed by the USA on
September 11, 2001 on the WTC in New York, and the
Pentagon in Washington DC and the preceding terrorist
attacks on American interests in other countries, HH
Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed confirmed Kuwait's denunciation
of terrorism, emphasizing that Islam is the religion of
forbearance, tolerance and mercy.
The Success of Kuwait's diplomacy and the policies
founded by Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed were not manifested
by coincidence, nor resultant from veneration or dread

inspired by military bases, but it was ascribed to various
factors, the most important of which are:
- Credibility of Kuwait in its conduct and attitude to
comply with covenants, rules and provisions of the
international and regional organizations to which it
belongs. Thus, Kuwait acquired international
dignity and respect exceedingly greater than its
geographical and demographical census;
- Kuwait's political freedom and non-subordination
to any other party or trend made its political
initiatives and responses free from any limitations,
and not subjected to any non-nationalist trends.
Thus, such traits convinced all regional and
international parties that Kuwait has a secure
stance and intact attitude.
- The stability of Kuwait's policy against political
turbulence showed its prudence, impartiality and
objectivity, supported by Arab or international
stands .
By virtue of such objective factors that characterize
the Kuwaiti policy, Kuwait could surmount and cope with
the events of the past decades without forfeiting its
national dignity, honor or rights. Furthermore, Kuwait has

acquired respect and appreciation in its regional vicinity
and at the international level as well, thanks to the
auspicious leadership of the captain steering Kuwaiti
diplomacy in the modern era: HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah
with the former Indian Prime Minister the late Indira Gandhi
Arab Peace,
Stability and Solidarity

The policy of HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed regarding

the Arab arena focused on assisting Arab countries with its
political and material capabilities, including extending
grants and loans to the needy countries and mediating in
many Arab and regional disputes. HH is fully convinced
of the necessity of cooperation among all world countries
and peoples. Additionally, major powers should have an
effective policy for solving worldwide problems with a
vested interest in international peace and security.
Therefore, he was keen to create political and cultural
links between Kuwait and other countries, maintaining
Kuwait's foreign policy as a window through which
Kuwait would evaluate surrounding global trends and
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed also achieved for
Kuwait a leading position by assuming the role of

negotiator or mediator in Arab and regional crises to the
extent that the mediation role has been marked as one of
the most essential features characterizing Kuwait's
foreign policy. On many occasions, HH took the
initiative for such mediations by himself, or as a
response to invitations addressed to him. His success in
each situation arose from Kuwait's credibility of conduct
towards others.
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed's mediations have
extended to many other regional and international crises.
- In 1969, his efforts were unmistakable in solving
the chronic dispute between Iraq and Iran in
connection with problem of sovereignty over Shatt
- In the early 1990s, he chaired delegations formed
by the Islamic Conference Organization to solve
the blazing dispute between Pakistan and Bengal
province, and to normalize the relations between
them immediately after the cessation of war
between India and Pakistan in 1972. Such
endeavors ended by separating Bengal province
from Pakistan and establishing the current State of

- Mediation between Turkey and Bulgaria when he
called upon their ministers of foreign affairs to
meet in Kuwait in 1989 to seek a solution for the
Turkish Muslim minorities in Bulgaria to ensure
their interests and their rights;
- His condemnation of the aggression against
Muslims at the hands of Serbians in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, and his request to the non-alignment
countries during a conference held in Bali Island in
Indonesia in 1992 that the United Nations should
deploy international forces to the fighting areas.
- Intensifying his efforts during the Islamic
Countries Foreign Ministers' Conference to put an
end to the tragedy suffered by Bosnia and
Herzegovina within the framework of international
Kuwait played a positive role in the Islamic
Organization Conference, particularly when the late HH
Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed, Amir of Kuwait, assumed the
chairmanship of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference.
Moreover, Kuwait was the forerunner in establishing an

Islamic Court of Justice to settle the problems existing
between the Islamic countries, the first of which was the
Iran-Iraq war.
In the Gulf, the regional security problem occupied
a great deal of effort and concern of the HH Sheikh
Sabah Al-Ahmed, who was keen- since Britain's
resolution to withdraw from Arab Gulf- on the region's
security and stability independent from foreign
interference. Since 1971, until the Iraqi aggression
against Kuwait in August 1990, HH Sheikh Sabah's
policy was based on many principles, the most
significant of which are:
- Commitment to the policy of positive neutrality and
non-alignment that depended on rejection of
international polarities and axes.
- That the principle of maintaining security and stability in
the Gulf was the responsibility of the region's peoples
and countries, and that it was not the responsibility of
any foreign party.
When Carter's principle was issued supporting the
Rapid Action Forces following the events of the Iranian
revolution, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed announced his

explicit opposition to a such principle, assuring that the
Gulf would not be an area of eastern or western interests,
especially after the Soviet Union had initiated rapid
intervention in Afghanistan.
Therefore, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed announced at
the UN General Assembly that the world's interest
required keeping oil wells and other resources far from
global conflicts so that it could be possible to benefit from
such vital material necessary for the international welfare
and prosperity.
It should be credited to HH that he opposed Carter's
principle, that included a direct threat of interference in
the Gulf to the extent that Kuwait was considered the only
country that opposed such principle. He also opposed the
Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, and requested that the
Afghani people should willingly choose their lifestyle.
When the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation
Council was announced in May 1981, HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed considered it as a formidable and important
step undertaken by the GCC countries, the political
vacancy in the region. Additionally, HH opposed the
accusations directed against the Council at that time by

certain Arab and foreign bodies. HH is still keen to
implement the Council resolutions on the political,
economical, and social levels.
HH efforts were not limited to solve the borders
problem between the Council countries- prior to and after
its establishment - but they exceeded such limits to solve
the land and marine borders problem between Kuwait and
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with brotherly spirit reflecting
the depth of firm relations between the two countries to
the effect that such cooperation is an example for the
neighboring countries.
All of the efforts mentioned above reflected the policy
adopted by Kuwait. However, the issue charged on 2
August 1990 when Saddam invaded with devastation,
trespassing, plundering, robbery, killing, torturing and
suppressing the innocent citizens of Kuwait. Hence, it
was of necessary to reconsider some policies for Kuwait's
protection purposes. Consequently, Kuwait sought the
help of brotherly and friendly countries to liberate its
occupied land. Saddam Hussein, through his hostile acts
in Kuwait, was the reason behind allowing foreign forces

to occupy the region after years of Kuwait opposing, in
pride and self-esteem based on logic and objectivity, any
real or intended intervention of the east or the west in its

HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah in the United Nations Assembly
Positive Attitudes towards
the Iraqi Crisis

Among the most important issues and stances that

Kuwait confronted were the developments of the Iraqi
regime's stand towards it. Kuwait passed through
numerous crises and tense situations which reached their
tragic peak in the brutal Iraqi aggression against it on the
2nd of August, 1990. Such hostilities were followed by
Arab and international intensive diplomatic activity to
liberate Kuwait, and attend to the consequently suspended
outcomes such as POW's issue, the recovery of what the
Iraqis plundered from Kuwait, and compensation of the
losses resulting from destruction and devastation meted
out by that regime in Kuwait during the occupation.
Despite the international support enjoyed by Kuwait
in connection with its dispute with Iraq, HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed never felt frustrated in the face of the negative
attitudes adopted by certain Arab regimes towards Kuwait.
The firm belief that Kuwait was one of the most

supporting sources for those countries mitigated their
intended effect on his spirit, and increased his confidence
in his prudent political conduct.
Along with HH appreciation for the role undertaken
by Egypt, Syria, GCC countries and Morocco in
supporting Kuwait and participating in the international
alliance led by the USA, UK and some European
countries, he realized at the same time that assurance of
Kuwait's security requires a multi-sided security
Therefore, it was necessary to admit the role
undertaken by such countries when defense and security
agreements had to be signed with them. A bilateral
agreement made between Kuwait and the USA, signed in
Washington in 1991, was the first to be concluded in that
regard. The direct motive underlying the conclusion of
that agreement was the detection of an Iraqi attempt to
take over and occupy Bubiyan island.
Being convinced that its security required such action,
Kuwait concluded agreements with other western
countries, and the Federal Republic of Russia too. Hence,
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed was keen to enhance
Kuwait's security engagement through three dimensions,
as follows:

Arab GCC countries matrix the Damascus
Declaration Agreement with Cairo and Syria, and
bilateral defense agreements with large countries of
permanent membership in the Security Council.
Despite the huge financial obligations that the state
incurred in addition to the costs paid for weapon
transactions, that was a battle of necessity to
maintain Kuwait's entity and existence in view of the
regional threats it was subject to.
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed was open-minded and
insightful, as he did not show prejudice against either Iraqi
or Palestinian people or other such countries that had
supported the aggression against Kuwait. In spite of the
attitude adopted by the Palestinian Liberation
Organization (PLO), represented by their support of the
aggression and hostilities committed by the Iraqi regime
against Kuwait, he did not, however, intend to relate
between the attitudes of the PLO or the Iraqi regime and
his sympathetic attitudes to both Palestinian and Iraqi
peoples as well as the peoples of other regimes that had
adopted negative attitude towards the Iraqi invasion of
Kuwait that sometimes reached the limit of support for
such aggression.

Immediately after the outbreak of the Aqsa upraising
(Intifadha), HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed affirmed his
support and asserted assistance for the Palestinian people
to help them obtain all their legitimate rights. He also did
his best to support its cause in face of Israeli obstinacy and
procrastination, as well as to stand against the attempts for
withdrawal or diversion from the agreements previously
signed in order to reach a just peace. Furthermore, Kuwait
did not delay any financial commitments required in
compliance with the resolutions passed during the Arab
Summits later held in various Arab capitals.
HH also remained sympathetic with the Iraqi people
assuring that both Kuwaiti and Iraqi peoples have no
disputes of any historical roots. However, the previous
Iraqi regime was the one who committed the invasion
crime, which resulted in the enforcement of sanctions by
the international community.
Kuwait continued to provide foodstuffs and humanitarian
aid for Iraqi refugees through the Kuwaiti Red Crescent
Society and other international organizations. Kuwait further
declared its support of Iraq's safety and regional unity.
Concerning the accusation that Kuwait was the cause
behind continued sanctions imposed on Iraq, and that

Kuwait was responsible for the Iraqi people's suffering,
Kuwait's Ministry of Foreign Affairs replied through its
Minister -at that time HH Sabah Al-Ahmed- that such
allegations had been the responsibility of the Iraqi regime
itself due to non-compliance to the relevant Security
Council Resolutions. Moreover, the elimination of
suffering could be attained through the Iraqi regime full
compliance to the resolutions related to Kuwait.
HH continued his efforts in international and regional
communities to urge the Iraqi regime to implement the
resolutions endorsed by the Security Council to avoid the
serious consequences of failure to do so.
Then, Iraqi liberation war and the collapse of Saddam
Hussein's regime occurred creating extremely delicate
political situations in relation to the Kuwaiti government.
Such results included the responsibilities and obligations
with which Kuwaiti diplomacy had to deal, adopting deep
awareness, planned actions and refined objectivity.
Finally, hope was invested in the new regime ruling
Iraq after the tyrant and his criminal group had vanished.
Hopefully, the new regime would take all measures
available to avoid repeating the past events, and peacefully
end such a dark era through which both the Kuwaiti and

Iraqi peoples had been suffering. Such an end would only
be achieved through strict compliance with international
legitimacy, and the elimination of wretched and
despicable concepts that have long been implanted in the
minds of a number of Iraqi people due to the efforts of the
previous regimes to do so .

The Future of Kuwaiti-Iraqi
When Iraq announced its readiness to implement the
UN Resolutions twelve years after Kuwait's liberation, HH
Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed expressed his satisfaction for
such an attitude and deemed that it could possibly save
Iraq from potential military strikes. He also affirmed that
Kuwait would not allow its forces to participate in any
attack on Iraq, even if adopted by the UN.
Although Kuwait did not participate in the military
operations against Iraq that began on 20th March, 2003, it
encountered nineteen guided missiles, directed to it by
When one of such rockets reached Sharq Mall at the
heart of the Kuwaiti Capital, HH the late Sheikh Jaber
Al-Ahmed, Amir of Kuwait, issued his immediate
directives to take quick actions to preparing an appropriate
security and defense system to protect Kuwait.
Following this war which ended in the collapse of

Saddam Hussein regime, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed
called upon GCC countries to multiply the aid extended
to Iraq, to provide every possible material and moral
assistance for supporting the brotherly Iraqi people and
assisting them in its crisis. He frequently assured that he
was still looking forward to having a free Iraq, which
would observe neighborhood sanctity, comply with
international, Islamic and Arab covenants and traditions,
effectively contribute in serving its Arab national issues,
and work on maintaining peace, security and stability in
the region.
It is noteworthy that, during the military battles waged
against Iraq and the Iraqi regime's destruction of some
Iraqi oil wells in response to the Anglo-American strikes
launched against it, Kuwait was eager to have Iraq's oil
wealth well preserved. Endeavours included Kuwait's
contribution in extinguishing the fire at Al-Rumaillah
oilfield, utilizing its previous experiences with its own oil
wells in Kuwait, which had been destroyed and ignited by
Iraqi troops during withdrawal from Kuwait in 1991.
On the humanitarian level, during the launch of the
military strikes against Iraq, Kuwait sent supplies of fresh
water to southern Iraqi cities of Umm Qasr, Safwan and
az-Zubair in addition to dispatching cargoes of potable

water to Basra city, which suffered severe shortage in
water supplies during the first days of the war.
In execution of the political leadership instructions
announced by HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed, thousands of
meals were sent for distribution to the Iraqi people,
especially those who were isolated from the remaining
Iraqi cities, and faced hard living circumstances due to
military operations. Kuwait also provided aid to Iraqi
captives at the camps established by allied forces pending
the end of military operations.
Besides the aid and contributions provided by civil
societies in Kuwait, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health
established a field hospital in addition to dispatching
medication and medical cargoes. Furthermore, the
Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society and other Kuwaiti civil
societies secured the necessary medical treatment for
everyone residing at the Disarmed Zone at the
Iraqi-Kuwaiti borders.
Additionally, Kuwait laid potable water pipelines to
southern Iraq due to failure of public utilities in Basra city
and others as well.
All such tasks were driven by Kuwait's firm principles
regarding its concern about the Iraqi people, and the

interest to distinguish between Kuwait's attitude
sympathizing with it and disagreement with the political
regime in Iraq.
Directly after the liberation of Umm Qasr port from
the Iraqi Ba'ath control, food and humanitarian supplies
and aid flowed from Kuwait and covered almost all
southern Iraqi cities starting from Umm Qasr, Al-Faw
Peninsula, passing by az-Zubair, Basra, Nasriya to Najaf,
Karbala reaching Baghdad and Mosul. The first
consignment arrived from Kuwait to Umm Qasr as the
commencement of battles was six days old. The
consignment consisted of 192 tons of foodstuff and 92
tons of potable water in addition to quantities of blankets
and residential tents.
Kuwait's declaration of its solidarity with the Iraqi
people, and its steadfast interest to liberate it from its
dictatorial regime, which suppressed it for more than
thirty-five years, was a target for criticism by certain Arab
regimes despite their firm knowledge of the despotic Iraqi
regime and the consequences of the affliction and
destruction they inflicted on the Iraqi people.
The intensive efforts exerted by Kuwait to find its
Prisoners of War (POWs) and hostages with the Iraqi

regime were fruitless. Four months after overthrowing the
Iraqi regime, the UN coordinator for Missing People
Affairs declared non-availability of any information
regarding the existence of Kuwaiti POWs. In the
meantime, the mass graves exposed mass executions
proving that they might include some Kuwaiti POWs.
The changes that occurred in Iraq immediately after
the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime prompted
Kuwait to initiate a new era of relations with its neighbor
Iraq. The request made by HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed,
during the exceptional session held by GCC countries
dated 15th April, 2003, was to expedite the authority
takeover to the Iraqi people. Moreover, to look forward to
having a free Iraq which would allow for new horizons of
cooperation and good neighborhood with Kuwait, turning
the page of the agonies suffered by both the Kuwaiti and
Iraqi people. HH declared that Kuwait would be the first
country to welcome new relations with Iraq in line with
such trends.
In addition, HH constantly confirmed that the concept
of dividing Iraq into three minor states; Shiite, Sunni and
Kurd, is internationally and regionally rejected. He also
affirmed that the creation of a unified Iraq by adopting a
democratic regime would have positive effects not only on

Kuwait but also on all Arab regimes in general.
Importantly, Israel would miss the chance to pursue its
regional segregation plan based on racial, sectarian,
doctrinal or religious criteria.
Finally, there are gradual efforts to bring the
Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations back to their former state
supported by mutual respect, maintenance of common
interests, recognition of the borders existing between the
two countries, and compliance with the principles of
friendship, brotherhood and neighbourliness, which
Kuwait would hope to be the components of the new
regime in Iraq.

Applying Kuwaiti Diplomacy
in developing the National Economy
Since HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber
Al-Sabah assumed the Cabinet Premiership, he placed the
economic and development dimensions in Kuwait's
regional and global relations as a matter of paramount
priority to enter a new era. Economic diplomacy would
take a pioneering position, besides the political diplomacy,
which polarized Kuwait's interests during the preceding
three decades due to the status prevailing the region. Such
years witnessed consecutive tensions reaching a peak in
1990 due to the aggression on Kuwait, the repercussions
and implications of which continued until 2003 when
Saddam Hussein's was ousted from power.
For such purposes, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed
proceeded, following his assumption of Cabinet
Premiership, towards Southeast Asian countries where the
adoption of open economic policies and an enhanced
private sector's role together with the public sector
prevailed. These are issues that Kuwait aspires to adopt in

HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah during his meeting with
HE the President of the Peoples' Republic of China in July 2004
building a contemporary state. Such visits included
Peoples' Republic of China, Japan, South Korea and
Singapore. The formation of the delegation that
accompanied HH explicitly implied the objectives of such
visits, as it comprised the ministers of foreign affairs,
energy, commerce & industry, finance, head of citizens
service agency, the Director General of Kuwait Fund for
Arab Economic Development, the Director General of
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, and the Director
General of the Environmental Public Authority.

Additionally, the private sector in that delegation

accompanying HH was selectively represented. It included
the Chairman of Kuwait's Chamber of Commerce &
Industry, a large group of business dignatories,
representatives of Kuwaiti banks and economic
institutions, the Kuwaiti media, Kuwaiti newspapers
editors-in-chief, and an expert group of specialists in
diplomatic, economical and oil affairs.

Those visits resulted in the conclusion of ten

agreements, protocols and declarations of intent, in
addition to offering mega investment projects and
opportunities between Kuwait and those countries within
the new methodology of Kuwait's policy. A tripartite
committee was formed from His Excellency the Minister
of Energy, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahd, the Minister of
Commerce Abdullah Al-Tawil and the Advisor to the

Prime Minister Dr. Yousuf Al-Ibrahim, to follow up the
issues negotiated and agreed upon during the tour. Efforts
should focus on the executive steps that would achieve the
aspired objectives for procuring benefits to the national
economy, contribute in diversification of income sources,
and enhance Kuwait's role within the World Trade matrix.
On the internal level, HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed
pursued to formulate a National Project that would boost
the Kuwaiti economy and enhance comprehensive
sustainable development for the country whose economic
progress was about to cease due to the ordeal of the Iraqi
invasion and its repercussions that entailed obligations
towards the homeland and the citizens alike.
In compliance with such a concept, HH set up a program
that would aim at liberating the national economy to serve the
comprehensive development programs. It will also
implement mega projects, which had been delayed by reason
of the delicate circumstances Kuwait passed by through in the
1990s, along with sustaining the infrastructure utilities, and
maintaining and expanding the same to accommodate the
population growth and construction projects to be estimated
through the economic and social studies during the upcoming
Furthermore, HH also keeps in mind the issues related
to the citizens' life and their living and daily needs,
especially those related to acceleration of the national

economy at the appropriate pace to suit social development
and its needs.

The issues of education, heath, housing, environment

and oil have always been the top priority of HH.
Accordingly, he put such issues on the list of urgent
studies and quick achievements, and allocated weekly
meetings with the ministers, concerned specialists and
mass media officials for opinion exploration, problem
identification and the proposal of necessary remedial
recommendations. HH started with the Ministers of
Public Works, Health, Education and the Kuwaiti
organizations, along with the authorities responsible for
environment in an open dialogue where many parties
concerned with such issues had participated. That was
deemed an objective and scientific assessment of the
social requirements and the citizens' needs.

Following these open dialogues, HH declared the

government keenness to move ahead towards converting
the facts and findings of such dialogues into tangible
achievements. They should be practically executed in the
form of new hospitals, schools and universities as well as
public utilities to be used by the citizens who would feel
their effects in their lives sooner in accordance with the
applicable regulations and laws. Such facilities would be
developed and amended whenever needed by living
circumstances and other relevant variables.

The above-cited demonstrations represent some
general guidelines of the policy of HH Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmed's new government, which practiced its duties
throughout a period not exceeding more than one year
prior to his legal pledge of allegiance as the Amir of
Kuwait in early 2006. Such policy will be promising for
national achievements in the various vital fields by
following the directives of the late HH Amir of the State
Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, HH Sheikh Sa'ad
Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah, May Allah bless him, and
strengthen him with the grace of good health.

Pledge of Allegiance
to HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-
Jaber Al-Sabah as Amir of Kuwait

It was a historical memorable day when HH Sheikh

Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah met the state
ministers and the people representatives at the National
Assembly to unanimously conclude the pledge of
allegiance to HH by both the executive and legislative
powers, and thereafter HH took his constitutional oath
before the National Assembly in application of the
Kuwaiti Constitution and provisions of Law regarding
Amiri Succession in the State of Kuwait.
The Fourth Article of Kuwait Constitution passed on
November 11, 1962 stipulates that a special law to be
publicized within one year from the date of the
Constitution, shall lay down the other rules of Succession
in the Emirate. The said law shall be of a constitutional
nature and therefore shall be applicable for amendment
only by the procedure prescribed for amendment of the

HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah while taking the constitutional oath
on 29 January 2006 after he was recognized the Emir of Kuwait
In addition, article 3 of Law No. 4 of 1964 regarding
Amiri succession, stipulates the following:
"It is a condition for the Amir for exercising his
constitutional powers that he shall not lose any of the
qualifications that must be present in the Crown Prince.
Should the Amir lose any of such qualifications or lose the
health ability to exercise his powers, the Cabinet shall-
following verification of the same- immediately refer the
issue to the National Assembly for consideration vide a
special secret session. In the event that the National
Assembly is conclusively assured of the said loss of
qualifications or ability, it shall decide, by the two-thirds
majority vote of the members constituting the Assembly,
that the exercise of the Amir's powers shall temporarily
pass to the Crown Prince, or the State Headship
permanently shall pass to him."
The will of the ruling family members met on the
same and they pledged allegiance to HH to maintain the
unity and unanimity for the interest of the Homeland. The
constitutional procedures were executed and concluded
through the National Assembly's consideration of the
health condition of HH Sheikh Sa'ad Al-Abdullah
Al-Salem Al-Sabah, the fourteenth ruler of Kuwait, such
conditions that prevented him from undertaking the

responsibilities of his post. That followed selecting him as
the Amir of Kuwait by the Cabinet presided by HH Sheikh
Sabah Al-Ahmed immediately after the demise of the late
HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah.
It is worthy of mention here that keenness for
unanimity and unity took another path beside the
constitutional procedures previously referred to. Some
members of the ruling family worked actively during the
few days preceding the nomination of HH Sheikh Sa'ad
Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah as Amir of Kuwait. They
endeavored for activating the provisions of the Emirate
Succession Law in the manner at which the issue finally
reached. They exerted best efforts through which they
managed to secure abdication from HH Sheikh Sa'ad
Al-Abdullah in consideration of his health condition.
However, the results of such good efforts had not been
attained until the National Assembly made its historical
resolution of invoking the Third Article of Law No. 4 of
1964 regarding the Emirate Succession in Kuwait as
previously mentioned.
All of these constitutional procedures found great
satisfaction from the Kuwaiti people on both
governmental and common levels. The underlying reasons
have been to maintain the principles of traditional unity

characterizing the State of Kuwait, preservation of the
legality of rule succession as well as compliance with the
Articles of the Kuwaiti Constitution and Law, which have
been regulating such procedures for more than four
decades ago.
HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the
fifteenth ruler of Kuwait, after taking the constitutional
oath, delivered a historical statement that included:
"Kuwaitis, through their responsible attitudes, gave
the outstanding example of exalting interest of Kuwait
over every consideration."
HH added, "We thank God Almighty for unity and
alertness of the Kuwaiti people as well as eagerness for
their heritage; rich in wisdom, magnanimity and pioneering
experience in constitutional action and democratic
awareness practice."
HH also pointed out, "On this occasion, in my name
and on behalf of you and all Kuwaiti people, I extend a
message of love, appreciation and faithfulness to my
brother HH Sheikh Sa'ad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem
Al-Sabah, such generous man who devoted his time,
effort and health for his country; the hero whom the hurts
of aggressive invasion enhanced his strength,

A view of the session of people's pledge of allegiance of HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah as the Emir of Kuwait
invulnerability and persistence to continue the path of
struggle till liberation, rebuilding and reconstruction. He
is the path comrade of HH the late Amir, May Allah rest
his soul, and his partner in sorrow and in joy; the owner
of high standing in our spirits and the possessor of great
heart and stable character settled in the Kuwaitis' hearts
that would not calm and rest except for their holder's
need for heartsease. It is God's Will that precedes all and
Allah does what He predestined. The history of Kuwait
will remain beating for its good memory and remarkable
HH continued, "During the last days, Kuwait
witnessed a critical experience through which it decided
for a matter of great significance. Although such
experience was accompanied with a shade of pain and
anxiety, it finally had a positive clear aspect, which
represents a proper milestone, standing up for democratic
approach agreed upon by the Kuwaitis and live dedication
of the constitutional legacy. This placed such experience
in the position of praise and appreciation extended by the
whole world."
HH said, "Feelings of loyalty, sincerity and honesty
expressed by the dignified Kuwaiti people for their
homeland and national symbols as well as its spontaneous

love for known national unity should be recognized and
appreciated. Wise steps characterized by awareness,
insight, superior practice and preference of supreme
national interest taken by the National Assembly within
the frame of our deep-rooted constitutional regime must
be also appreciated. Likewise, appreciation is to be
extended to the ruling family for assuring keenness on the
unity of attitudes, opinions and compliance with the
Kuwaiti national principles".
HH, addressing the MPs, added, "By and with you
and with the support of all Kuwaiti citizens, we begin a
new era in our contemporary history while looking
forward to a promising future. The expectations and
ambitions are numerous and the challenges are massive
too. We have to realize that positive fruitful cooperation
between both legislative and executive powers is
inevitable to attain the qualitative move towards change
and reform as well as pushing forward the process of
construction and development. The national attentive
willpower is our way to hold all vital elements of success,
creation and distinction, enjoying a great deal of tolerance,
acceptance of the other opinion, adherence to objectivity
under all conditions and circumstances, preference of
public interest and discard partiality and sectarian, tribal,

racial narrow bias and prejudice in order that Kuwait
always remains the first and greater winner."
HH concluded his historical speech by supplicating
Allah Almighty to grant our homeland the grace of
security and safety forever, and to be the Best Helper and
Supporter in undertaking the responsibility, seeking good
omen in God's words: (And fulfill (Every) engagement
For (every) engagement will be inquired into (On the Day
of Reckoning)).
(The Holy Qur'an)
On the next day of taking the Constitutional Oath, HH
delivered a speech to the people of Kuwait, the text of
which is as follows:
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
"O my Lord expand my Breast and ease my Task for
me" (The Holy Qura'n)
Dear brothers and sisters,
Peace be upon you,
Thanks to God, the Almighty for the Graces He has
granted to this good country, as He gives success to its
people to be one lieu as coherent construction. I pay and
recite peace on the Prophet of Guidance (SAW), who

HH the Emir greets the people's representatives after the pledge of allegiance
and taking the oath on 29th January 2006
taught us that the safety of community lies in its unity, and
its strength lies in its solidarity.
Dear brothers and sisters,
I greet you with brotherhood greeting and talk to you
from heart to heart. Our hearts gathered us together before
the course of affairs do, so we have become one coherent
solid block. There is no stronger evidence for this, than
such munificent emotions that we expressed on the day we
extended farewell to our Amir and leader and the father
who placed us on the sound path; our Amir the late Sheikh
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, Allah may dwell him paradise,
who was known by every Kuwaiti as a man of a great
heart and insightful vision and generous hands. "His
demise was a heavy loss for us that caused deep grief and
somber sentiments as he was the wise and merciful father
who shouldered his responsibilities honestly and
committed his life to continuous work, and dedicated his
thoughts and concerns for the sake of Kuwait. "He had
drawn the right path for us and constituted a higher
example to be followed in terms of devotion, faithful work
for the homeland, tackling matters with wisdom, enduring
hardships and showing perseverance in the work to realize
aspirations and attain objectives May God (Almighty)
bestow mercy upon his soul.

Dear brothers and sisters,
As God's will destined that Kuwait loses its leader
during a stage full of developments, loyal Kuwaiti people
do not forget a great man who supported his brother Jaber
Al-Ahmed and was his right-hand man in making Kuwait
renaissance; he is HH Sheikh Sa'ad Al-Salem Al-Sabah.
We had experienced him in this critical situation, as a wise
leader with a steel will, who managed to take decisions
without being disturbed by events. "Though he could no
longer serve in the national leading posts as a result of his
health conditions, his great deeds will guarantee a high
status for him in the record of this dear homeland, in the
hearts of all who knew him, one of the most honest and
generous men and one of the makers of the modern history
of Kuwait."
Dear brothers and sisters,
Today, I promise you to undertake the duties, assume
the responsibilities and follow the footsteps of our great
ancestors taking guidance from their wisdom and
prudence. The confidence you bestowed on me, and I am
one from you, I cannot exchange it with thanks only, but
also with working for Kuwait and for you. All of you, old
and young, men and women, are the bricks of this great

nation comprising such high stable construction that faces
the course of events with all variables. The countries and
states are represented in their peoples and citizens, if they
are powerful, such countries and states will be powerful,
solid and firm. The people of Kuwait, who gave an
honorable example of enlightened awareness, shall remain
the most powerful people throughout their history. Such
people withstood and remained firm against the challenges
and variable conditions. It worked on giving Kuwait,
despite its smallness, an outstanding position and vital
stable existence, when the people passionately attached to
their land and loved their homeland. Kuwait is the crown
ornamenting our heads and the great love entrenched deep
into our hearts. There is nothing in the heart but Kuwait
and there is no greater love other than love of Kuwait,
such dear homeland, on its soil we lived and scored our
history, glories and achievements.
This is Kuwait for which today I request all of us to
be soldiers and impregnable shield to protect and preserve
it as our fathers and grandfathers did. Today, we are to
begin a new era in which we eagerly and keenly look
forward to achieving all of our aspirations and hopes of
creating a modern state equipped with science and
knowledge; a state distinguished with a spirit of

cooperation, brotherhood and compassion among its
citizens; a state whose population enjoys equality in rights
and obligations, believe in maintaining democracy, the
freedom of opinion and expression with no discrimination
between men and women as they are all equal by the law
and upon their shoulders lies the responsibility of serving
the country.
Dear brothers and sisters,
A leader cannot succeed in his mission without real
cooperation from his people and I look forward to seeing
that we all put our hands together to begin a new era of
serious work. We have been aspiring for years to establish
an ideal homeland where order prevails, and its natives
work faithfully for its promotion as we have seen in other
developed countries.
Today I express my sentiments to you reflecting the
hope that we may work together for realizing this great
We aspire to an advanced country in all fields where
its people work sincerely and faithfully, put the interests
of the country prior to their own interests, and ignore
personal benefits for the sake of the common interests.
People who care for the country's interests, properties, and

achievements, people who enrich their country with work
and production as well as saving time, maintaining wealth,
respecting law and the order. I am completely sure that if
we are all, officials and non-officials, show determination,
we will ensure prosperity for our homeland, our life will
be happier, and we will give an example to others in terms
of work and production.

Now I find it a suitable occasion to praise the role of

our constructive, distinguished local journalism in its
handling and coverage of the delicate experience through
which our country passed. I do appreciate that Journalism
was marked with wisdom, equilibrium, and the spirit of
responsibility based on its care for the supreme interest of
the country. Journalism was as good as we usually thought
of, and actually it deserves our great estimation.

Kuwait, dear brothers, is awaiting much of us. Many

countries and people who have not our capabilities
surpassed us and we should not remain as we are. Our
duty is to change Kuwait into a focus of hard work and
much more is to evaluate time and recognize that time is a
great wealth, so it should not be passed nor wasted in vain.

Brothers, let us initiate work to make new Kuwait

stepping forward in trust, determination and efficiency in
an era, which does not recognize stoppage, or waiting. Let
us go and work with Allah's blessings and with guidance
from the Holy Book and the Tradition of our honorable
"And say: Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah
observe your work, and His Messenger and the Believers".
(The Holy Qura'n)
Thus, this was the honest promise and the promising
hope inspired in our dignified Amir's thought while he is
taking the first steps on the path of the new stage of his
historical course with Kuwait and his renewed
contribution; estimating that time is a great fortune that
must not be wasted in vain, and that the time never
recognizes suspension and waiting.
Allah may get the expectations realized under his
sponsorship, and make him the patron for Kuwait and its
people due to deep affection and honest determination as
well as national and human noble attitudes he bears in his
heart, mind and conscience.


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