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Inteligncia Jurdica: pesquisa brasileira

apresentada em Londres
20 de abril de 2003, 10h44
O dia 14 de maro de 2003 um dia marcante para a nova cincia jurdica
brasileira. Marca o incio da conferncia anual da Associao Britnica de
Educao e Tecnologia Jurdica, na University of Greenwich, em Londres, e,
pela primeira vez na histria do evento, dois trabalhos brasileiros foram
selecionados para apresentao. Ambos versam sobre inovaes
metodolgicas e tecnolgicas no mundo jurdico, na rea do ensino jurdico e
da digitalizao completa dos procedimentos forenses.
Est nascendo uma nova forma de organizao social, orientada pelos
paradigmas libertrios da cultura digital, e este referencial est gerando
inovadoras maneiras de organizar a "normatividade" e de ensinar o "direito".
Os sonhos de uma justia realmente gil, e de um ensino realmente eficiente
esto prximos de virar realidade. Estas so as concluses dos trabalhos
brasileiros escolhidos pelo comit cientfico do Bileta.
As duas pesquisas brasileiras foram realizadas pela equipe do Ijuris - Instituto
Jurdico de Inteligncia a Sistemas:
- Tania C.D. Bueno, Erica B.Q. Ribeiro, Hugo C. Hoeschl: "E-Courts in Brazil:
Conceptual modelling for entirely electronic court processes"
- Erica B.Q. Ribeiro, Hugo C. Hoeschl, Tania C.D. Bueno: "A Brazillian
experience on technological distance learning for law students and
O primeiro trabalho trata do Forum Eletrnico, um ousado projeto tecnolgico
que prev uma nova forma de Justia, baseada na autonomia multilateral e no
desapego s formalidades inteis.
O segundo texto descreve modelos inovadores de ensino a distncia na rea
jurdica, e relata o curso "Pesquisa Jurdica na Internet", uma experincia
vencedora realizada pelo Ijuris e pela Unisul. Este curso marca um novo modo




de aprender o Direito, e j o curso com maior nmero de matrculas na

recente e eficiente histria do ensino a distncia da Unisul.
Os trabalhos brasileiros foram apresentados por Samantha Hoffmann,
pesquisadora do Ijuris e representante oficial do instituto no evento.
Confira o programa completo do Bileta:
Monday 14 April 2003
09:00 - 10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00 - 10:20 Welcome to the conference (Chris Reed, Director of the Centre for
Commercial Law Studies, on behalf of the Institute for Computer &
Communications Law as host, Paul Maharg, Bileta Chair, on behalf of Bileta)
10:20 - 11:20 Keynote Address 1
Professor Chris Reed, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary,
University of London
11:30 - 13:00 Session 1 - Streamed Papers
A - ICT & Legal Practice
John Angel: "Can lawyers make money out of ecommerce?"
Stephen A. Firth & Dr. Andrea Monti: "Establishing Confidence in Digital
Ruth Atkins: "Capturing the IT customer's requirements: a shared
B - Ecommerce I
Bostjan Makarovic: "Drafting E-Legislation: Amendments to Existing
Legislative Instruments or a New 'Information Society Act'"
Julia Hornle: "The Country of Origin Rule in the E-Commerce Directive"
Carolina Gonzalez-Honorato: "The Information Society Services and Electronic
Commerce Spanish Act"
C - IT & Legal Practice I
Radboud Winkels, Abdullatif Elhag, Joost Breuker, Emil Petkov: "ICT support




for the judiciary in Europe: the e-court project"

* Tania C.D. Bueno, Erica B.Q. Ribeiro, Hugo C. Hoeschl: "E-Courts in Brazil:
Conceptual modelling for entirely electronic court processes"
Gustaf Johnssen & Nicklas Lundblad: "IT in Government: Challenges to
Positivist Legal Theory"
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Session 2 - Streamed Papers
A - Access to Legal Information Online
Robin Widdison: "Electronic Paths to Justice"
Camilla Baasch Andersen: "The Internet: Tool of Law, Source of Law or Tool
for Sources - Use of the Internet in Legal Practice using Examples from
International Sales"
Nick Jackson: "E-learning material and open access"
B - Ecommerce II
Christophe Collard & Christophe Roquilly: "E-Commerce Contracts and Closed
Distribution Networks: How Contracts Have Been Adapted?"
Andres Guadamuz-Gonzalez: "Bringing the PayPal to the eBay: The legal
implications of the C2C electronic commerce model"
C - Internet Governance I
Wolfram Proksch & Erich Schweighofer: "The "New Icann": A Step Back in the
Self-Regulation of the Internet?"
Susan Schiavetta & Konstantinos Komaitis: "Icann's role in controlling
information on the Internet"
Fredrik Roos: "Controlling National Top-level Domains - The Question of
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 17:30 Session 3 - Streamed Papers
A - ICT & Education




Michael Bromby, Moira MacMillan, Patricia McKellar: "Edu-KATE - A Resource

for Learning the Law of Evidence"
* Erica B.Q. Ribeiro, Hugo C. Hoeschl, Tania C.D. Bueno: "A Brazillian
experience on technological distance learning for law students and
Paul Maharg: "The Lost Vocabulary: ICT, Professional Knowledge and
Pedagogic Identities"
B - Ecommerce III
Subhajit Basu: "Implementing E-commerce Tax Policy"
Apostolos Gkoutzinis: "Online Financial Services in the European Internal
Market and the Implementation of the E-Commerce Directive in the UK"
Scott A. Taylor: "American Tax Systems as Examples of Successful eGovernment"
C - Internet Governance II
Safinaz Mohd. Hussein: "Service Provider Licensing System in the Malaysian
Communications and Multimedia Industry"
Richard Leary, Wim VanDenBerghe, John Zeleznikow: "User Requirements for
Finanicial Fraud Modelling"
Maria Veronica Perez Asinari: "The WTO and the Protection of Personal Data.
Do EU Measures Fall Within GATS Exception? Which Future for Data
Protection within the WTO Ecommerce Context?"
D - Intellectual Property I
Ian Eagles & Louise Longdin: "Moral Rights in the Information and
Communications Industry"
Mira Sundara Rajan: "Moral Rights in Information Technology: A New Kind of
'Personal Right'?"
Ronan Deazley: "Articles, the Academy and Authorising Reproductions"
17:40 - 18:30 BILETA AGM
19:30 - 20:00 Pre-dinner drinks




20:00 - 22:30 Conference dinner

Revista Consultor Jurdico, 20 de abril de 2003, 10h44


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