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Rimrock/Sphere Wudeng

Mistfollow/Phoenix Familiar
Attack runes
Health Steal
Archfury/Storm Caller
Novastar/Rodar Scepter

after trying different dragons .. this is what i found out in my perspective onl
Bladeforge 1st skill may need a buff its range and fire speed
Bladeforge need more defense to justify for it slow speed
Bladeforge 2nd Skill the forge ripper may need to enlarge the same way as
frostbane ice shards.also rippers travel speed must be increased like blade bitt
er to make it effective
Novastar firestar travelling speed maybe increased and its defense(unable to wit
hstand dreadnaught attack it can be easilly be killed in 2 shells)
Frostbane may need more defense to justify for it slow speed
Dreadnaught first skill may use alot of mana 3x than usual so that it wont be sp
Dreadnaughtlife and defense is too high dragon is capable of killing it eve
n if all dragons attack it all at once
Dreadnaught Fist skill cooldown must be tripled to increase the chance of player
s getting close to it
Imperial Dash skill extra defense seems OP makes its invulnerable no average dra
gon can stop it
tanglewing nari tree maybe given a health regen skill for any ally that shelter
inside so it wont fall down easily
Stonepeak 2nd skill cooldown might also be increased or tripled to decrease its


rejuvinate may need to decrease its cooldown by 10s to be more effective

minion hunter spell may easilly kill Minoin that was affected by minion snap
Immobilize beam may needs to be enlarge to hits it target effectively
THe Blink may Decrease cooldown by 10 points
The Mana Strike May decrease cooldown by 10s to be more effective
The totem may need 5% increase on damage and regen ability
the Elemental lightning maybe enlarged to make it visible in the field
the snare slow ability maybe increased to 4 second
Scintallion first skill may need more travelling speed to be more effective
Rainmaker wave may be given a secondary wave behind it but much weaker and trave
ls much slower.. to be more effective it battle
Slingsharp may need to increase mana cunsumption or cooldown to prevent being sp
ammed or decrease abilites by 15%..for it is OP and becaming too vital for PVP t
hat makes the rest weapon discarded..
Chill blade second skill icewall maybe be changed to a wide wall of ice to effe
ctively block attacks and dashing dragons twice its width or damages enemies if
they touch the wall..
Cruel Barb may need a defense bonus to make it effective in the game
or maybe health or mana steal one is using this on PvP for it lacks in punc
Ill be suggesting more.. for the game
God Bless and more power
Please review my Application as Moderator if you still need oneThe Developers @
reddit..during the Live chat told me that they will look at my Application...Tha
nk you again
The Black Devil

In a certain ruins deep in the jungle where Quetzalcoalts roams .a Group of Arch
eologist are trying to find a certain ruins right beneath the earth where a Powe
rful "Divine Dragon" is being kept by the heavens...As written in an Ancient Scr
iptures found by the Archeologist tells that this Dragon was gods elite beast ha
ving shiny reflective armor and dove like wings whose power surpasses all in par
aiso..but pride and darkness lurked it in its heart of the Dragon and it rebelle
d against the gods ,battle emerges in paraiso and The Divine Dragon was defeated

and blinded cursed by the gods so he will never see light again..gods then take
n away his title and casted him out in paraiso to this world.. he was imprisone
d in the deepest place on earth for thousand of years cursed to have many eyes a
ll over its body.. signifying envy jeousy ,pride and all foul words man could ev
er think of...
meanwhile after a long journey they finally found the ruins where it was being k
ept but they still a long way ahead after surpassing various trials defeating be
ast and monsters that lurked the ruins puzzles to be solved and traps to be dod
ged.. they finally made it through...Only to meet thier doom
As they entered the stone door unknown Seals in ancient language are written all
overthe place, A huge beast with blindfold in his eyes with wings like dove in
painted black but has many Eyes in different sizesis standing in front of them..
he was tied in 2 large pillars on its arms and legs that are also has the same
seal as the door..inside the same room where pictoglyps where the divine beings
drawn the story of the Dragon... what filthy smell it was.. the Dragon wasliving
under this darkness for a very long time based on the webbings and moss that lu
rks in its body.. but as they walk in the Dragon began to talk in their language
...they tell him his false story and that his name was Blindcurse the use
of hes charm ,Blindcurse then offer them great power ,riches and more if they wi
ll set him free ...but the Archeologist knew what the dragon has in mind and th
ey will be killed if they do they refuse and continue there research but
one of the crew were weak hearted so he set him free by putting his arm on its
shackels in exchange of richness and wealth..
suddenly earth began to trembles and above the ground birds and animals flee in
all directions An enormous energy awakens the titans on their respective cages r
ealizing another powerful dragon showed up again... Blindcurse has been set free
.."how weak man could be" Blindcurse said. the researchers try to escape with t
heir lives by hidding on the puzzle area of the ruins but for the one who freed
him .he was caught with an unknown force ,the culprit cannot run away when they
are all running in fear,they never looked back after a blink of light filled th
e room as they go ,it seems he was taking off his blindfold when it happened , i
t seems that hes power was able to stop everything that surround him using hes
cursed of the archeologist saw his stunned crew being wrapped by its t
ail bringing in front of him ,after a few moments he was burned by Blindcurse us
ing a very unusual breath.. Symbolic words in various laguages of pain hatered a
gony and torment ,in a form of black ink that passes through anything while prod
ucing a whisling sound of a thousand souls moaning... we recall naming that abil
ity as Torment blaze...because the pain being brought by its breath is 100x more
painful than being burned by Hellfire itself...the very soul itself is being bu
rned leaving an empty body frozen for eternity..
mean while as Blindcurse find his way out of the ruins in the deepest earth...Ar
cheologist try to find away to seal him back using the Glyps and writings in the the same time as the Calling of titans happening on the other part o
f the world emmisarry minions were brought upon him for negotiation to help the
titans free from their own cages.blindcurse was asked join the fray to redeem hi
s glory..Astaroth promised him revenge and make him even more powerful while hyp
herion offer him reconciliation and returning him back to his original self.....
Blindcurse is needing to find a Dragonrider as he joins the battle but only thos
e with enormous spirit can be able to handle its ferocity as the battle goes in
the earth...

*has stat as Bog in defense and life

*the weakest attack gauge
*difficulty gauge high
*Support gauge high
Torment blaze- torment enemies by cursing words in black paint color coming out
from its mouth,has a chance to disable skill for a 5 seconds..
*weakest attack power amongst all dragon
*narrow and short range
*passes through ally
*average Mana use
*cooldown less than a second
*Disable enemy skill % chance is high for its very weak attack
*Good Damage to buildings
Cursed Sight
Blind curse blindfold pulls up a bit to reveal his eyes .and in a blink of light
enemies surrounds him is stunned for a few seconds.A pentagram like seal can be
seen under the dragon once this ability has given a point to be able to determ
ine the range of effect
*stun Lv1 /3s Lv2/ 4s LV/5s
*cooldown estimate 20s
*damage none
*automatic count as assist for every kill of ally for you
*Mana Burning
*circumference size is twice of the dragon size in all 3 lvs
*powerful supporter
*high defense and health makes it hard to kill
*very effective if paired with supportive weapons especially chronosphere or ver
*both skills can make you leave the war zone without damage except against dashi
ng enemies
*Can also be paired with dual support and attack weapon like rainmaker, scintall
*torment blaze high chance to cast can ruins even the most powerful dragons day
for it disables attack if and it cant fight back even though its moving
*its blaze maybe weak on the enemies but for the towers its really effective tow
er killer
*Torment Blaze do little damage (even with lots of attack runes) against defend
ers like stonepeak or tanglewing on One on One but could still kill them if they
cannot fight back by its disable effect but it would take blind curse alot of t
ime to be able to kill it thus must equipt powerful attack weapon which is a bad
adea ..hes really just a supporting guy... only to ensure an ally fighter or a
ssasins effectiveness to kill..
*Average speed makes it vulnerable in battle so hes not a head on guy..
*badly paired with attack type weaponry for it uses lots of mana....
*cannot spam both skill
*Cursed sight long cooldown makes you use it in important situations only
,especially enemies trying to run away,or group of enemies in the field.
*must always be with an ally to be effective.

*cursed sight only affect enemies including minions and chaos titan but not turr
ets... consider yourself dead if you think turrets will not fire at you.

Open Wounds-adds 40% damage to attack and high chance to Open the wound of enemi
es making them bleed and ruptures intensively.. until it dies..blood can be seen
spilling from dragon and leaving bloodstains as the victim moves
Bloodbath-Dragon rider cut himself with the knife draining his life little by li
ttle but inexchange for high defense and speed

deba knife
deba knife
1 / 1

Pin It
deba is an excellent knife for filleting, gutting and portioning raw fish. The d
eba is a traditional Japanese knife that has been used for centuries for this pu
rpose. Because it is single sided, it is able to slice through the fish very acc
urately and cleanly.
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Price: ? 1,000.00
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Date Posted:
March 2, 2014
2nd Hand (Used)
Binangonan, Rizal


garage sales
Price: ? 300.00
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For faster transaction, inform the seller that you found this at
For Sale Slight Damage items which is cookware, houseware, bathroom, hardware, m
edical and outdoor.
Other inquiry's
Please let me know.
thank you,

Camille C. Sarto

Dragons and Titans Community.

Common combos and those top players who use them the best (At most 2 players):
Rimrock + wudeng: Gol D. ACE, Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: Gol is more offensive and putting much pressure on the enemy team. Terr
ence is more defensive and die little in games, it is very hard to attack succes
sfully when Terrence is alive.
Rimrock + stormcaller: Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: Crazy killer in solo games but Terrence doesn't use it after bog is lau
Arcfury + skyburst: Luffy {Vietnam}
Remarks: Crazy killer and structure destoryers, can attack and defensive , but m
uch die on games.
Arcfury + phoenix: Luffy {Vietnam}
Remarks: Crazy structure destoryers. but much die on games
Arcfury + stormcaller: Gorion [NBK]
Remarks: very good structure destoryers and little die on games
Arcfury + Eir's glory (Nerfed): ZeuS [NBK]
Remarks: Annoying combo, even several players cannot stop him though low attack,
but nerfed now.
Hellfire + skyburst: Tailon [NBK], Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: Tailon is more offensive, putting more pressive on enemy team and Terre
nce is more defensive and less die.
Hellfire + phoenix: Tailon [NBK], Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: Tailon is more offensive, putting more pressive on enemy team and Terre
nce is more defensive and less die.
Mistfallow + phoenix: Natalie [NBK]
Remarks: Crazy invisible structure destoryers, difficult to find her, if there i
s no rimdeng in enemy team, it will be fucked.
Mistflallow + havestor: Natalie [NBK]
Remarks: Crazy invisible structure destoryers, difficult to find her, if there i
s no rimdeng in enemy team, it will be fucked.
Mistfallow + ulfburst: Redhot (PITA), Terrence [NBK]

Remarks: Redhot is a very good misulf user in both attack and defend. Terrence u
ses it to defensive, crazy invisible killer.
Mistfallow + Titan's call: Moonlord, Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: crazy double dissipate + titan's call
Mistfallow + wudeng: amini, aiyon
Remarks: nil
Stonepeak + voidstar: Gorion [NBK]
Remarks: crazy non-stopptable structure destoryer, just give him time, he can de
story all the structures.
Stonepeak + skyburst: Akiko
Remarks: good structure destoryer, can kill players also
Stonepeak + Eir's glory (Nerfed): Sky(infinity), Aegis[Arbitrator]
Non-stopptable structure destoryer, waste the time of enemy team as it cannot be
Tanglewing + skyburst: I.R., Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: very good mid pushers
Tanglewing + sparrowthorn: Super Mario [NBK], Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: very good mid pushers, Super mario is crazy in a shot killing.
Tanglewing + frusturebarrel: Zarky, ErMaN
Remarks: very good mid pusher
Tanglewing + titan's call: Havi [NBK], I.R.
Remarks: very good supporters with titan's call
Gravelurker + titan's call: Havi [NBK]
Remarks: very good supporters with titan's call and putrid burst
Autodrake + Eir's glory (Nerfed): ZOE, Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: crazy non-stoppable structure destoryers
Bogwraith + Chronosphere: Wraith, NgonBoRe?
Remarks: Don't be caught by him or you will die
Noxwing + phoenix: O_o (Goku)
Remarks: Crazy DOT ccombo with very good flying skills
Bladeforge + skyburst: Akiko, Terrence [NBK]
Remarks: Slow but strong pusher

Ryujin + Chronosphere: Super Mario [NBK], Wraith

Remarks: Crazy paper shooter
Lunaviel + skyburst: Terrence [NBK]
Lunaviel + chillblade: Plankton
Lunaviel + phoenix: (BO$$]R3POD2
Deepfield + Chronosphere (Nerfed): Super Mario [NBK]
Nova + wudeng: Anya
Nova + frusturebarrel : MS
Quertz+sparrow: Natalie[NBK], Super Mario [NBK]
Quertz+Scintalltion: Natalie[NBK]
Rimrock + wudeng: Gol D. ACE
Arcfury + phoenix: Luffy {Vietnam}
Hellfire + skyburst: Tailon [NBK]
Stonepeak + voidstar: Gorion [NBK]
Tanglewing + sparrowthorn: Super Mario [NBK]
Luna+nix = (BO$$]R3POD2
Heartstone+nix=Troll , C`24
tanglewing with sparrowthorn: Mr Toot
Novastar with Skybursy: Ms Toot
Quetzalcoatl+Sparrowthorn: Super Mario
Stonepeak+Voidstar: Mr Toot

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