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Pq Brat tinha uma perna menor q a outra?

A horse rolled on top of him and his leg was broken. When he came out
of hospital, one leg was shorter than the other and he was lame.

O q Lana achava de Brat?

You look a lot older than your brother, dont you? I suppose because
youve had a harder time than he has, out in the world, I mean. Having
to look after yourself. Not spoilt like your brother. Hes always had
it too easy. Thats why hes been so difficult about you coming back.
Silly, I call it. Youve only got to look at you to know youre an
Ashby. Not much point in saying youre not, I should think. But you
take my advice and stand up to him. He doesnt like that. Always gets
everything too easily.
Como os pais de Simon morreram?

In a plane crash as they were returning from Paris.

Qual a justificativa que Miss Bee deu p adiar a festa?

Her Uncle Charles, who had lived abroad for many years. He wrote
from Hong Kong to say that he was finally coming home, and he hoped
that Simons party would not take place until he arrived.

Pq Brat se sentiu mal pelo Patrick?

Brat looked across at the path along which a boy had gone, so loaded
with misery that the beautiful green English surroundings had meant
nothing to him. He had had horses like Timber, a loving family,
friends, a home, and it had all meant nothing to him.

Como foi a infncia de Brat?

He had a life in which he had never been close to anyone and had never
known any family. Life in the orphanage had not been bad. He had been
left on the door step when he was a baby. No one knew who his parents
were and his name had been chosen out of the telephone book. He had
stayed there for fifteen years, until he was old enough to go out and

Como Simon reagiu qndo soube que Patrick estava vivo?

He was angry, confused and completely lost. For Simon this person was
coming is not Patrick.

O Brat achou dos cavalos do estbulo?

Brat tell himself that the horses must have a very soft and easy lifeunlike the hard-working horses he had been used to in the States. His
opinion changed after he had seen a few horses in their boxes. These
were not just pretty pets. Their shining coats were the result of hard
work and careful attention, not of soft and easy living.

Pq Bee no deu um quarto de visita p Brat?

Shes put Brat in the old nursery. Simon has the room that he used to share
with-that Patrick used to share with him. And it didnt seem right to think of
Brat as a visitor and give him one of the guest rooms.

Orchestra /.k.str/

Eyebrow /a.bra/


Completar frase: Lanado released
O q vc acha de pessoas q fazem download de filmes e msicas pela
We know, by law the practice of downloading is not correct and leads to
criminal problems. But I think there are more important things to be taken
into account.
People should not be penalized for using a free service access. What should
be done, is a search of the real sharers in mass, they charge for a service
without authorization to do so.
Many people still think that piracy is justifiable and / or do not really believe
that a related practice piracy is a crime.
There's a difference between you download a song to listen to on your
computer and you download entire discographies to record and sell in the
street vendor.
No one is holy, we will hardly find someone - who has access to the Internet
- which has never downloaded or are using pirated software on your
I agree that the entertainment industry spends a lot of money on advertising
against piracy, after all, they want to protect their "intellectual property".
Music, movies, books and all general entertainment is culture and many
argue that culture should be accessible to all. We really need to review how
this culture is distributed and how it is marketed, but we have to take care
not to forget that people have individual rights over what they have created.
The general population in Brazil does not have enough income to buy works
according to the law. For example, both the albums as the shows are
accessible to a narrower portion of the population.

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